package require Tclpd 0.2.3 package require TclpdLib 0.19 package require base64 pd::guiproc ::tclpd_console_exec {cmd} { if {$cmd eq {}} {return} global tclpd_console_hist global tclpd_console_histp if {$cmd ne [lindex $tclpd_console_hist end]} { lappend tclpd_console_hist $cmd set tclpd_console_histp [expr {[llength $tclpd_console_hist]-1}] } .pdwindow.tcl.tclpd.entry delete 0 end # encode message in base64 to prevent escaping and other FUDI annoyances set cmd [::base64::encode $cmd] set max_line_length 1024 while {$cmd ne {}} { set line [string range $cmd 0 [expr $max_line_length - 1]] set cmd [string range $cmd $max_line_length end] ::pdsend "$::tclpd_console base64data $line" } ::pdsend "$::tclpd_console base64data -" } pd::guiproc ::tclpd_console_history {dir} { global tclpd_console_hist global tclpd_console_histp incr tclpd_console_histp $dir set l [llength $tclpd_console_hist] if {$tclpd_console_histp < 0} {set tclpd_console_histp 0} if {$tclpd_console_histp >= $l} {set tclpd_console_histp [expr {$l-1}]} .pdwindow.tcl.tclpd.entry delete 0 end .pdwindow.tcl.tclpd.entry insert 0 \ [lindex $tclpd_console_hist $tclpd_console_histp] } proc tclpd-console::constructor {self} { if {[info exist ::tclpd-console::loaded]} { return -code error "only one instance of tclpd-console allowed" } set ::tclpd-console::loaded 1 set ::${self}_loaded 1 pd_bind [tclpd_get_instance_pd $self] [gensym $self] sys_gui "set ::tclpd_console $self" sys_gui { set ::tclpd_console_hist {} set ::tclpd_console_histp {} package require base64 set w .pdwindow.tcl.tclpd frame $w -borderwidth 0 pack $w -side bottom -fill x label $w.label -text [_ "tclpd: "] -anchor e pack $w.label -side left entry $w.entry -width 200 \ -exportselection 1 -insertwidth 2 -insertbackground blue \ -textvariable ::tclpd_cmd -font {$::font_family 12} pack $w.entry -side left -fill x bind $w.entry <$::modifier-Key-a> "%W selection range 0 end; break" bind $w.entry {::tclpd_console_exec $::tclpd_cmd} set bgrule {[lindex {#FFF0F0 #FFFFFF} [info complete $::tclpd_cmd]]} bind $w.entry "$w.entry configure -background $bgrule" bind $w.entry "::tclpd_console_history -1" bind $w.entry "::tclpd_console_history 1" bind .pdwindow.text "focus $w.entry; break" after idle .pdwindow.text.internal yview end } # make puts print into pdwindow if {[info procs puts_tclpd_console] eq {}} { rename puts puts_tclpd_console proc ::puts {args} { if {[llength $args] == 1} { uplevel "pd::post $args" } else { uplevel "puts_tclpd_console $args" } } } } proc tclpd-console::destructor {self} { if {[set ::${self}_loaded]} { sys_gui { destroy .pdwindow.tcl.tclpd ; unset ::tclpd_console } pd_unbind [tclpd_get_instance_pd $self] [gensym $self] # restore original puts if {[info procs puts_tclpd_console] ne {}} { rename puts_tclpd_console puts } } unset ::tclpd-console::loaded unset ::${self}_loaded } proc tclpd-console::0_base64data {self data} { if {[llength $data] != 2 || [lindex $data 0] ne {symbol}} { return -code error "malformed arguments: $data" } global tclpd_console_buf set data [lindex $data 1] set op [string index $data 0] if {$op eq "-"} { set cmd [::base64::decode $tclpd_console_buf] set tclpd_console_buf {} pd::post [concat % $cmd] set result [uplevel #0 $cmd] if {$result ne {}} {pd::post $result} #sys_gui "tk_messageBox -message {Result:\n$result}" } else { append tclpd_console_buf $data } } pd::class tclpd-console -noinlet 1