# TCL objectized library for PD api # by Federico Ferri - (C) 2007-2009 package provide TclpdLib 0.18 package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tclpd 0.2.2 set verbose 0 namespace eval ::pd { proc error_msg {m} { return "pdlib: [uplevel {lindex [info level 0] 0}]: error: $m" } proc add_inlet {self sel} { if $::verbose {post [info level 0]} variable _ tclpd_add_proxyinlet [tclpd_get_instance $self] } proc add_outlet {self {sel {}}} { if $::verbose {post [info level 0]} variable _ if {$sel == {}} { set o [outlet_new [tclpd_get_object $self] [null_symbol]] } else { if {[lsearch -exact {bang float list symbol} $sel] == -1} { return -code error [error_msg "unsupported selector: $sel"] } set o [outlet_new [tclpd_get_object $self] [gensym $sel]] } lappend _($self:x_outlet) $o return $o } # used inside class for outputting some value proc outlet {self n sel args} { if $::verbose {post [info level 0]} variable _ set outlet [lindex $_($self:x_outlet) $n] switch -- $sel { float { set v [lindex $args 0] outlet_float $outlet $v } symbol { set v [lindex $args 0] outlet_symbol $outlet $v } list { set v [lindex $args 0] set sz [llength $v] set aa [new_atom_array $sz] for {set i 0} {$i < $sz} {incr i} { set_atom_array $aa $i [lindex $v $i] } outlet_list $outlet [gensym "list"] $sz $aa delete_atom_array $aa $sz } bang { outlet_bang $outlet } default { set v [lindex $args 0] set sz [llength $v] set aa [new_atom_array $sz] for {set i 0} {$i < $sz} {incr i} { set_atom_array $aa $i [lindex $v $i] } outlet_anything $outlet [gensym $sel] $sz $aa delete_atom_array $aa $sz } } } # used internally (from dispatcher) to call a class method proc call_classmethod {classname self inlet sel args} { if $::verbose {post [info level 0]} set m_sel "::${classname}_${inlet}_${sel}" if {[llength [info commands $m_sel]] > 0} { return [$m_sel $self {*}$args] } set m_any "::${classname}_${inlet}_anything" if {[llength [info commands $m_any]] > 0} { return [$m_any $self [list symbol $sel] {*}$args] } # don't notify if a loadbang method does not exists if {$sel != "loadbang"} { post "Tcl class $classname: inlet $inlet: no such method: $sel" } } proc read_class_definition {classname def} { set patchable_flag 1 set noinlet_flag 0 proc ::${classname}_object_save {self args} {return ""} foreach {id arg} $def { switch -- $id { patchable { if {$arg != 0 && $arg != 1} { return -code error [error_msg "patchable must be 0/1"] } set patchable_flag $arg } noinlet { if {$arg != 0 && $arg != 1} { return -code error [error_msg "noinlet must be 0/1"] } set noinlet_flag $arg } default { proc ::${classname}_${id} {self args} [concat "global _;" [regsub -all @(\\\$?\[\\w\\?\]+) $arg _(\$self:\\1)]] } } } # class level dispatcher (sort of class constructor) proc ::$classname {self args} " if \$::verbose {::pd::post \[info level 0\]} # define object dispatcher: proc ::\$self {inlet selector args} \" if \\\$::verbose {::pd::post \\\[info level 0\\\]} ::pd::call_classmethod $classname \$self \\\$inlet \\\$selector {*}\\\$args \" # call constructor: ::${classname}_constructor \$self {*}\$args return \$self " # TODO: c->c_gobj = (typeflag >= CLASS_GOBJ) set flag [expr { 8 * ($noinlet_flag != 0) + 3 * ($patchable_flag != 0) }] return $flag } # this handles the pd::class definition proc class {classname def} { if $::verbose {post [lrange [info level 0] 0 end-1]} set flag [read_class_definition $classname $def] # this wraps the call to class_new() tclpd_class_new $classname $flag } proc guiclass {classname def} { if $::verbose {post [lrange [info level 0] 0 end-1]} set flag [read_class_definition $classname $def] # this wraps the call to class_new() tclpd_guiclass_new $classname $flag } # wrapper to post() withouth vargs proc post {args} { poststring2 [concat {*}$args] } proc args {} { return [uplevel 1 "llength \$args"] } proc arg {n {assertion any}} { upvar 1 args up_args set up_args_len [llength $up_args] if {$n < 0 || $n >= $up_args_len} { return -code error "fatal: argument $n out of range" } set v [lindex $up_args $n] set i 0 if {[llength $v] != 2} { return -code error "fatal: malformed atom: $v (full args: $up_args)" } foreach {selector value} $v {break} if {$assertion == {int}} { set assertion {float} set i 1 } if {$assertion != {any}} { if {$selector != $assertion} { return -code error "arg #$n is $selector, must be $assertion" } } if {$assertion == {float} && $i && $value != int($value)} { return -code error "arg #$n is float, must be int" } if {$assertion == {float} && $i} { return [expr {int($value)}] } else { return $value } } proc default_arg {n assertion defval} { if {$n < [uplevel "pd::args"]} { return [uplevel "pd::arg $n $assertion"] } else { return $defval } } proc strip_selectors {pdlist} { set r {} foreach atom $pdlist { if {[llength $atom] != 2} { return -code error "Malformed pd list!" } lappend r [lindex $atom 1] } return $r } proc add_selectors {tcllist} { set r {} foreach i $tcllist { lappend r [list [lindex {float symbol} [catch {expr $i}]] $i] } return $r } proc strip_empty {tcllist} { set r {} foreach i $tcllist { if {$i == "empty"} {lappend r {}} {lappend r $i} } return $r } proc add_empty {tcllist} { set r {} foreach i $tcllist { if {$i == {}} {lappend r "empty"} {lappend r $i} } return $r } # mechanism for uploading procs to gui interp, without the hassle of escaping [encoder] proc guiproc {name argz body} { # upload the decoder sys_gui "proc guiproc {name argz body} {set map {}; for {set i 0} {\$i < 256} {incr i} {lappend map %\[format %02x \$i\] \[format %c \$i\]}; foreach x {name argz body} {set \$x \[string map \$map \[set \$x\]\]}; uplevel \[list proc \$name \$argz \$body\]}\n" # build the mapping set map {} for {set i 0} {$i < 256} {incr i} { set chr [format %c $i] set hex [format %02x $i] if {[regexp {[^A-Za-z0-9]} $chr]} {lappend map $chr %$hex} } # encode data foreach x {name argz body} {set $x [string map $map [set $x]]} # upload proc sys_gui "guiproc $name $argz $body\n" } proc get_binbuf {self} { set binbuf [tclpd_get_object_binbuf $self] set len [binbuf_getnatom $binbuf] set result {} for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { set atom [tclpd_binbuf_get_atom $binbuf $i] set selector [atom_type_string $atom] set value {?} if {$selector == "float"} { set value [atom_float_value $atom] } elseif {$selector == "symbol"} { set value [atom_symbol_value $atom] } lappend result [list $selector $value] } return $result } }