%module tclpd %include exception.i %include cpointer.i #define __attribute__(x) /* functions that are in m_pd.h but don't exist in modern versions of pd */ %ignore pd_getfilename; %ignore pd_getdirname; %ignore pd_anything; %ignore class_parentwidget; %ignore sys_isreadablefile; %ignore garray_get; %ignore c_extern; %ignore c_addmess; /* functions that we can't auto-wrap, because they have varargs */ %ignore post; %ignore class_new; /* functions that we can't auto-wrap, because */ %ignore glist_new; %ignore canvas_zapallfortemplate; %ignore canvas_fattenforscalars; %ignore canvas_visforscalars; %ignore canvas_clicksub; %ignore text_xcoord; %ignore text_ycoord; %ignore canvas_getglistonsuper; %ignore canvas_getfont; %ignore canvas_setusedastemplate; %ignore canvas_vistext; %ignore rtext_remove; %ignore canvas_recurapply; %ignore gobj_properties; /* end of ignore-list */ %include "m_pd.h" %include "g_canvas.h" %include "tcl_extras.h" %{ #include "m_pd.h" #include "tcl_extras.h" typedef t_atom t_atom_array; %} /* this does the trick of solving TypeError in method 'xyz', argument 4 of type 't_atom *' */ %name(outlet_list) EXTERN void outlet_list(t_outlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom_array *argv); %name(outlet_anything) EXTERN void outlet_anything(t_outlet *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom_array *argv); %typemap(in) (int argc, t_atom *argv) { if(Tcl_ListObjLength(tcl_for_pd, $input, &$1) == TCL_ERROR) return TCL_ERROR; $2 = (t_atom *)getbytes(sizeof(t_atom) * $1); int i; Tcl_Obj *oi; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { oi = Tcl_ListObjIndex(tcl_for_pd, $input, i, &oi); if(tcl_to_pdatom(oi, $2[i]) == TCL_ERROR) { SWIG_Fail; } } } %typemap(in) t_atom * { t_atom *a = (t_atom*)getbytes(sizeof(t_atom)); if(tcl_to_pdatom($input, a) == TCL_ERROR) { SWIG_Fail; } $1 = a; } %typemap(freearg) t_atom * { freebytes($input, sizeof(t_atom)); } %typemap(out) t_atom * { Tcl_Obj* res_obj; if(pdatom_to_tcl($input, &res_obj) == TCL_ERROR) { SWIG_Fail; } Tcl_SetObjResult(tcl_for_pd, res_obj); } %typemap(in) t_symbol * { t_symbol *s; if(tcl_to_pdsymbol($input, &s) == TCL_ERROR) { SWIG_Fail; } $1 = s; } %typemap(out) t_symbol * { Tcl_Obj* res_obj; if(pdsymbol_to_tcl($input, &res_obj) == TCL_ERROR) { SWIG_Fail; } Tcl_SetObjResult(tcl_for_pd, res_obj); } /* helper functions for t_atom arrays */ %inline %{ t_atom_array *new_atom_array(int size) { return (t_atom_array*)getbytes(size*sizeof(t_atom)); } void delete_atom_array(t_atom_array *a, int size) { freebytes(a, size*sizeof(t_atom)); } t_atom* get_atom_array(t_atom_array *a, int index) { return &a[index]; } void set_atom_array(t_atom_array *a, int index, t_atom *n) { memcpy(&a[index], n, sizeof(t_atom)); } %}