#include "tcl_extras.h" t_class* proxyinlet_class; void proxyinlet_init(t_proxyinlet* x) { //x->pd = proxyinlet_class; x->target = NULL; x->sel = gensym("none"); x->argc = 0; x->argv = NULL; } void proxyinlet_clear(t_proxyinlet* x) { if(x->argv) { freebytes(x->argv, x->argc * sizeof(*x->argv)); } } void proxyinlet_anything(t_proxyinlet* x, t_symbol* s, int argc, t_atom* argv) { proxyinlet_clear(x); if(!(x->argv = (t_atom*)getbytes((argc+1) * sizeof(*x->argv)))) { x->argc = 0; error("proxyinlet: getbytes: out of memory"); return; } x->argc = argc + 1; SETSYMBOL(&x->argv[0], s); int i; for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) { x->argv[i+1] = argv[i]; } proxyinlet_trigger(x); } void proxyinlet_trigger(t_proxyinlet* x) { if(x->target != NULL && x->sel != gensym("none")) { tclpd_anything(x->target, x->sel, x->argc, x->argv); } } t_atom* proxyinlet_get_atoms(t_proxyinlet* x) { return x->argv; } void proxyinlet_clone(t_proxyinlet* x, t_proxyinlet* y) { y->target = x->target; y->sel = x->sel; y->argc = x->argc; if(!(y->argv = (t_atom*)getbytes(y->argc * sizeof(*y->argv)))) { y->argc = 0; error("proxyinlet: getbytes: out of memory"); return; } int i; for(i = 0; i < x->argc; i++) { y->argv[i] = x->argv[i]; } } void proxyinlet_setup(void) { proxyinlet_class = class_new(gensym("tclpd proxyinlet"), 0, 0, sizeof(t_proxyinlet), 0, A_NULL); class_addanything(proxyinlet_class, proxyinlet_anything); }