diff options
authorHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2011-10-02 01:28:08 +0000
committerHans-Christoph Steiner <eighthave@users.sourceforge.net>2011-10-02 01:28:08 +0000
commit0820e0eaaebc3a39c682fa7305032115bf266b5a (patch)
parent5346abad30950d60eb55e4cc94b285cb3949705e (diff)
removed 7 year old copies of the tilde objects in pd/extra/
svn path=/trunk/; revision=15437
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 9238 deletions
diff --git a/externals/signal/bonk~/bonk~.c b/externals/signal/bonk~/bonk~.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 138d5fae..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/bonk~/bonk~.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1083 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 1997-1999 Miller Puckette (msp@ucsd.edu) and Ted Apel
-(tapel@ucsd.edu). Permission is granted to use this software for any
-noncommercial purpose. For commercial licensing please contact the UCSD
-Technology Transfer Office.
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef NT
-#pragma warning (disable: 4305 4244)
-#ifdef MSP
-#include "ext.h"
-#include "z_dsp.h"
-#include "math.h"
-//#include "stdio.h"
-#include "ext_support.h"
-//#include "ext_strings.h"
-#include "ext_proto.h"
-typedef double t_floatarg; // from m_pd.h
-#define flog log
-#define fexp exp
-#define fsqrt sqrt
-#define t_resizebytes(a, b, c) t_resizebytes((char *)(a), (b), (c))
-#define flog log
-#define fexp exp
-#define fsqrt sqrt
-#define FILE_DIALOG 1 /* use dialogs to get file name */
-#define FILE_NAMED 2 /* symbol specifies file name */
-#define DUMTAB1SIZE 256
-#define DUMTAB2SIZE 1024
-static float rsqrt_exptab[DUMTAB1SIZE], rsqrt_mantissatab[DUMTAB2SIZE];
-void *bonk_class;
-#define getbytes t_getbytes
-#define freebytes t_freebytes
-#endif /* MSP */
-#ifdef PD
-#include "m_pd.h"
-static t_class *bonk_class;
-/* ------------------------ bonk~ ----------------------------- */
-#define NPOINTS 256
-#define MAXCHANNELS 8
-#define DEFPERIOD 128
-#define DEFHITHRESH 60
-#define DEFLOTHRESH 50
-#define DEFMASKTIME 4
-#define DEFMASKDECAY 0.7
-#define DEFMINVEL 7
-typedef struct _filterkernel
- int k_npoints;
- float k_freq;
- float k_normalize;
- float *k_stuff;
-} t_filterkernel;
-#if 0 /* this is the design for 1.0: */
-static t_filterkernel bonk_filterkernels[] =
- {{256, 2, .01562}, {256, 4, .01562}, {256, 6, .01562}, {180, 6, .02222},
- {128, 6, .01803}, {90, 6, .02222}, {64, 6, .02362}, {46, 6, .02773},
- {32, 6, .03227}, {22, 6, .03932}, {16, 6, .04489}};
- /* here's the 1.1 rev: */
-static t_filterkernel bonk_filterkernels[] =
- {{256, 1, .01562, 0}, {256, 3, .01562, 0}, {256, 5, .01562, 0},
- {212, 6, .01886, 0}, {150, 6, .01885, 0}, {106, 6, .02179, 0},
- {76, 6, .0236, 0}, {54, 6, .02634, 0}, {38, 6, .03047, 0},
- {26, 6, .03667, 0}, {18, 6, .04458, 0}};
-#define NFILTERS ((int)(sizeof(bonk_filterkernels)/ \
- sizeof(bonk_filterkernels[0])))
-static float bonk_hanningwindow[NPOINTS];
-typedef struct _hist
- float h_power;
- float h_mask;
- float h_before;
- int h_countup;
-} t_hist;
-typedef struct template
- float t_amp[NFILTERS];
-} t_template;
-typedef struct _insig
- t_hist g_hist[NFILTERS]; /* history for each filter */
-#ifdef PD
- t_outlet *g_outlet; /* outlet for raw data */
-#ifdef MSP
- void *g_outlet; /* outlet for raw data */
- float *g_inbuf; /* buffered input samples */
- t_float *g_invec; /* new input samples */
-} t_insig;
-typedef struct _bonk
-#ifdef PD
- t_object x_obj;
- t_outlet *x_cookedout;
- t_clock *x_clock;
-#endif /* PD */
-#ifdef MSP
- t_pxobject x_obj;
- void *x_cookedout; // t_outlet *x_cookedout;
- void *x_clock; // t_clock *x_clock;
- short x_vol; // to store the volume reference number.
-#endif /* MSP */
- t_hist x_hist[NFILTERS];
- t_template *x_template;
- t_insig *x_insig;
- int x_ninsig;
- int x_ntemplate;
- int x_infill;
- int x_countdown;
- int x_period;
- int x_willattack;
- int x_debug;
- float x_hithresh;
- float x_lothresh;
- int x_masktime;
- float x_maskdecay;
- int x_learn;
- double x_learndebounce; /* debounce time for "learn" mode */
- int x_learncount; /* countup for "learn" mode */
- float x_debouncedecay;
- float x_minvel; /* minimum velocity we output */
- float x_debouncevel;
-} t_bonk;
-#ifdef MSP
-static void *bonk_new(int period, int bonk2);
-void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x);
-void bonk_doit(t_bonk *x);
-static t_int *bonk_perform(t_int *w);
-void bonk_dsp(t_bonk *x, t_signal **sp);
-void bonk_assist(t_bonk *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s);
-void bonk_thresh(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2);
-void bonk_mask(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2);
-void bonk_debounce(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1);
-static void bonk_print(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f);
-static void bonk_learn(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f);
-void bonk_bang(t_bonk *x);
-void bonk_setupkernels(void);
-void bonk_free(t_bonk *x);
-void bonk_setup(void);
-void main();
-float qrsqrt(float f);
-static void bonk_write(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s);
-static void bonk_read(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s);
-double clock_getsystime();
-double clock_gettimesince(double prevsystime);
-static char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2);
-static int ilog2(int n);
-static void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x);
-static void bonk_donew(t_bonk *x, int period, int nsig)
- int i, j;
- t_hist *h;
- float *fp;
- t_insig *g;
- for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig; j < nsig; j++, g++)
- {
- for (i = 0, h = g->g_hist; i--; h++)
- h->h_power = h->h_mask = h->h_before = 0, h->h_countup = 0;
- /* we ought to check for failure to allocate memory here */
- g->g_inbuf = (float *)getbytes(NPOINTS * sizeof(float));
- for (i = NPOINTS, fp = g->g_inbuf; i--; fp++) *fp = 0;
- }
- x->x_ninsig = nsig;
- x->x_template = (t_template *)getbytes(0);
- x->x_ntemplate = 0;
- x->x_infill = 0;
- x->x_countdown = 0;
- if (!period) period = NPOINTS/2;
- x->x_period = 1 << ilog2(period);
- x->x_willattack = 0;
- x->x_debug = 0;
- x->x_hithresh = DEFHITHRESH;
- x->x_lothresh = DEFLOTHRESH;
- x->x_masktime = DEFMASKTIME;
- x->x_maskdecay = DEFMASKDECAY;
- x->x_learn = 0;
- x->x_learndebounce = clock_getsystime();
- x->x_learncount = 0;
- x->x_debouncedecay = DEFDEBOUNCEDECAY;
- x->x_minvel = DEFMINVEL;
- x->x_debouncevel = 0;
-static void bonk_print(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f);
-static void bonk_dotick(t_bonk *x, int hit)
- t_atom at[NFILTERS], *ap, at2[3];
- int i, j, k, n;
- t_hist *h;
- float powerout[NFILTERS*MAXCHANNELS], *pp, vel = 0, temperature = 0;
- float *fp;
- t_template *tp;
- int nfit, ninsig = x->x_ninsig, ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate;
- t_insig *gp;
- int totalbins = NFILTERS * ninsig;
- x->x_willattack = 0;
- for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout, gp = x->x_insig; i--; gp++)
- {
- for (j = 0, h = gp->g_hist; j < NFILTERS; j++, h++, pp++)
- {
- float power = (hit ? h->h_mask - h->h_before : h->h_power);
- float intensity = *pp =
- (power > 0 ? 100. * qrsqrt(qrsqrt(power)) : 0);
- vel += intensity;
- temperature += intensity * (float)j;
- }
- }
- if (vel > 0) temperature /= vel;
- else temperature = 0;
- vel *= 0.5 / ninsig; /* fudge factor */
- if (hit)
- {
- /* if hit nonzero it's a clock callback. if in "learn" mode update the
- template list; in any event match the hit to known templates. */
- if (vel < x->x_debouncevel)
- {
- if (x->x_debug)
- post("bounce cancelled: vel %f debounce %f",
- vel, x->x_debouncevel);
- return;
- }
- if (vel < x->x_minvel)
- {
- if (x->x_debug)
- post("low velocity cancelled: vel %f, minvel %f",
- vel, x->x_minvel);
- return;
- }
- x->x_debouncevel = vel;
- if (x->x_learn)
- {
- double lasttime = x->x_learndebounce;
- double msec = clock_gettimesince(lasttime);
- if ((!ntemplate) || (msec > 200))
- {
- int countup = x->x_learncount;
- /* normalize to 100 */
- float norm;
- for (i = NFILTERS * ninsig, norm = 0, pp = powerout; i--; pp++)
- norm += *pp * *pp;
- if (norm < 1.0e-15) norm = 1.0e-15;
- norm = 100.f * qrsqrt(norm);
- /* check if this is the first strike for a new template */
- if (!countup)
- {
- int oldn = ntemplate;
- x->x_ntemplate = ntemplate = oldn + ninsig;
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- oldn * sizeof(x->x_template[0]),
- ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]));
- for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout; i--; oldn++)
- for (j = NFILTERS, fp = x->x_template[oldn].t_amp; j--;
- pp++, fp++)
- *fp = *pp * norm;
- }
- else
- {
- int oldn = ntemplate - ninsig;
- if (oldn < 0) post("bonk_tick bug");
- for (i = ninsig, pp = powerout; i--; oldn++)
- {
- for (j = NFILTERS, fp = x->x_template[oldn].t_amp; j--;
- pp++, fp++)
- *fp = (countup * *fp + *pp * norm)
- /(countup + 1.0f);
- }
- }
- countup++;
- if (countup == x->x_learn) countup = 0;
- x->x_learncount = countup;
- }
- else return;
- }
- x->x_learndebounce = clock_getsystime();
- if (ntemplate)
- {
- float bestfit = -1e30;
- int templatecount;
- nfit = -1;
- for (i = 0, templatecount = 0, tp = x->x_template;
- templatecount < ntemplate; i++)
- {
- float dotprod = 0;
- for (k = 0, pp = powerout;
- k < ninsig && templatecount < ntemplate;
- k++, tp++, templatecount++)
- {
- for (j = NFILTERS, fp = tp->t_amp;
- j--; fp++, pp++)
- {
- if (*fp < 0 || *pp < 0) post("bonk_tick bug 2");
- dotprod += *fp * *pp;
- }
- }
- if (dotprod > bestfit)
- {
- bestfit = dotprod;
- nfit = i;
- }
- }
- if (nfit < 0) post("bonk_tick bug");
- }
- else nfit = 0;
- }
- else nfit = -1; /* hit is zero; this is the "bang" method. */
- if (x->x_debug)
- post("bonk out: number %d, vel %f, temperature %f",
- nfit, vel, temperature);
- SETFLOAT(at2, nfit);
- SETFLOAT(at2+1, vel);
- SETFLOAT(at2+2, temperature);
- outlet_list(x->x_cookedout, 0, 3, at2);
- for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig + (ninsig-1),
- pp = powerout + NFILTERS * (ninsig-1);
- n < ninsig; n++, gp--, pp -= NFILTERS)
- {
- float *pp2;
- for (i = 0, ap = at, pp2 = pp; i < NFILTERS;
- i++, ap++, pp2++)
- {
- ap->a_type = A_FLOAT;
- ap->a_w.w_float = *pp2;
- }
- outlet_list(gp->g_outlet, 0, NFILTERS, at);
- }
-static void bonk_tick(t_bonk *x)
- bonk_dotick(x, 1);
-static void bonk_doit(t_bonk *x)
- int i, j, n;
- t_filterkernel *k;
- t_hist *h;
- float growth = 0, *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4;
- float windowbuf[NPOINTS];
- static int poodle;
- int ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
- t_insig *gp;
- for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig; n < ninsig; n++, gp++)
- {
- for (i = NPOINTS, fp1 = gp->g_inbuf, fp2 = bonk_hanningwindow,
- fp3 = windowbuf; i--; fp1++, fp2++, fp3++)
- *fp3 = *fp1 * *fp2;
- for (i = 0, k = bonk_filterkernels, h = gp->g_hist;
- i < NFILTERS; i++, k++, h++)
- {
- float power = 0, maskpow = h->h_mask;
- int countup = h->h_countup;
- int npoints = k->k_npoints;
- /* special case: the fourth filter is centered */
- float *inbuf = gp->g_inbuf +
- (i == 3 ? ((NPOINTS - npoints) / 2) : 0);
- /* run the filter repeatedly, sliding it forward by half its
- length, stopping when it runs past the end of the buffer */
- for (fp1 = inbuf, fp2 = fp1 + NPOINTS - k->k_npoints;
- fp1 <= fp2; fp1 += npoints/2)
- {
- float rsum = 0, isum = 0;
- for (fp3 = fp1, fp4 = k->k_stuff, j = npoints; j--;)
- {
- float g = *fp3++;
- rsum += g * *fp4++;
- isum += g * *fp4++;
- }
- power += rsum * rsum + isum * isum;
- }
- if (!x->x_willattack) h->h_before = maskpow;
- if (power > maskpow)
- growth += power/(maskpow + 1.0e-15) - 1.f;
- if (!x->x_willattack && countup >= x->x_masktime)
- maskpow *= x->x_maskdecay;
- if (power > maskpow)
- {
- maskpow = power;
- countup = 0;
- }
- countup++;
- h->h_countup = countup;
- h->h_mask = maskpow;
- h->h_power = power;
- }
- }
- if (x->x_willattack > 4)
- {
- /* if it takes more than 4 analyses for the energy to stop growing,
- forget it; we would rather miss the note than report it late. */
- if (x->x_debug) post("soft attack cancelled");
- x->x_willattack = 0;
- }
- else if (x->x_willattack)
- {
- if (growth < x->x_lothresh)
- clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0);
- else x->x_willattack++;
- }
- else if (growth > x->x_hithresh)
- {
- if (x->x_debug) post("attack; growth = %f", growth);
- x->x_willattack = 1;
- for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig; n < ninsig; n++, gp++)
- for (i = NFILTERS, h = gp->g_hist; i--; h++)
- h->h_mask = h->h_power, h->h_countup = 0;
- }
- x->x_debouncevel *= x->x_debouncedecay;
- /* shift the input buffer and update counters */
- if (x->x_period > NPOINTS) x->x_countdown = x->x_period - NPOINTS;
- else x->x_countdown = 0;
- if (x->x_period < NPOINTS)
- {
- int overlap = NPOINTS - x->x_period;
- for (n = 0, gp = x->x_insig; n < ninsig; n++, gp++)
- for (i = overlap, fp1 = gp->g_inbuf, fp2 = fp1 + x->x_period; i--;)
- *fp1++ = *fp2++;
- x->x_infill = overlap;
- }
- else x->x_infill = 0;
- poodle = 1;
-static t_int *bonk_perform(t_int *w)
- t_bonk *x = (t_bonk *)(w[1]);
- int n = (int)(w[2]);
- int onset = (int)(w[3]);
- if (x->x_countdown > 0) x->x_countdown -= n;
- else
- {
- int i, j, infill = x->x_infill, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
- t_insig *gp;
- for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++)
- {
- float *fp = gp->g_inbuf + infill;
- t_float *in1 = gp->g_invec + onset;
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- *fp++ = *in1++;
- }
- infill += n;
- x->x_infill = infill;
- if (infill == NPOINTS) bonk_doit(x);
- }
- return (w+4);
-static void bonk_dsp(t_bonk *x, t_signal **sp)
- int i, n = sp[0]->s_n, vsize = x->x_period, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
- t_insig *gp;
- if (vsize > n) vsize = n;
- for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++)
- gp->g_invec = (*(sp++))->s_vec;
- for (i = 0; i < n; i += vsize)
- dsp_add(bonk_perform, 3, x, vsize, i);
-static void bonk_thresh(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2)
- if (f1 > f2)
- post("bonk: warning: low threshold greater than hi threshold");
- x->x_lothresh = f1;
- x->x_hithresh = f2;
-static void bonk_mask(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1, t_floatarg f2)
- int ticks = f1;
- if (ticks < 0) ticks = 0;
- if (f2 < 0) f2 = 0;
- else if (f2 > 1) f2 = 1;
- x->x_masktime = ticks;
- x->x_maskdecay = f2;
-static void bonk_debounce(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f1)
- if (f1 < 0) f1 = 0;
- else if (f1 > 1) f1 = 1;
- x->x_debouncedecay = f1;
-static void bonk_minvel(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f)
- if (f < 0) f = 0;
- x->x_minvel = f;
-static void bonk_print(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f)
- int i;
- post("thresh %f %f", x->x_lothresh, x->x_hithresh);
- post("mask %d %f", x->x_masktime, x->x_maskdecay);
- post("debounce %f", x->x_debouncedecay);
- post("minvel %f", x->x_minvel);
- if (x->x_ntemplate)
- {
- post("templates:");
- for (i = 0; i < x->x_ntemplate; i++)
- post("%2d \
-%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f %5.2f", i,
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[0],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[1],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[2],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[3],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[4],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[5],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[6],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[7],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[8],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[9],
- x->x_template[i].t_amp[10]);
- }
- else post("no templates");
- if (x->x_learn) post("learn mode");
- if (f != 0)
- {
- int j, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
- t_insig *gp;
- for (j = 0, gp = x->x_insig; j < ninsig; j++, gp++)
- {
- t_hist *h;
- if (ninsig > 1) post("input %d:", j+1);
- for (i = NFILTERS, h = gp->g_hist; i--; h++)
- post("pow %f mask %f before %f count %d",
- h->h_power, h->h_mask, h->h_before, h->h_countup);
- }
- }
- if (x->x_debug) post("debug mode");
-static void bonk_debug(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f)
- x->x_debug = (f != 0);
-static void bonk_learn(t_bonk *x, t_floatarg f)
- int n = f;
- if (n < 0) n = 0;
- if (n)
- {
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]), 0);
- x->x_ntemplate = 0;
- }
- x->x_learn = n;
- x->x_learncount = 0;
-static void bonk_forget(t_bonk *x)
- int ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate, newn = ntemplate - x->x_ninsig;
- if (newn < 0) newn = 0;
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(x->x_template[0]),
- newn * sizeof(x->x_template[0]));
- x->x_ntemplate = newn;
- x->x_learncount = 0;
-#if 0
-static void bonk_bang(t_bonk *x)
- t_atom at[NFILTERS];
- int i, j, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
- t_insig *gp;
- SETFLOAT(at2, nfit);
- SETFLOAT(at2+1, vel);
- SETFLOAT(at2+2, temperature);
- outlet_list(x->x_cookedout, 0L, 3, at2);
- for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig + (ninsig-1); i < ninsig; i++, gp--)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < NFILTERS; j++)
- {
- at[j].a_type = A_FLOAT;
- at[j].a_w.w_float = 100 * qrsqrt(qrsqrt(gp->g_hist[j].h_power));
- }
- outlet_list(gp->g_outlet, 0L, NFILTERS, at);
- }
-static void bonk_bang(t_bonk *x)
- bonk_dotick(x, 0);
-static void bonk_setupkernels(void)
- int i, j;
- float *fp;
- for (i = 0; i < NFILTERS; i++)
- {
- int npoints = bonk_filterkernels[i].k_npoints;
- float freq = bonk_filterkernels[i].k_freq;
- float normalize = bonk_filterkernels[i].k_normalize;
- float phaseinc = (2.f * 3.14159f) / npoints;
- bonk_filterkernels[i].k_stuff =
- (float *)getbytes(2 * sizeof(float) * npoints);
- for (fp = bonk_filterkernels[i].k_stuff, j = npoints; j--;)
- {
- float phase = j * phaseinc;
- float window = normalize * (0.5f - 0.5f * cos(phase));
- *fp++ = window * cos(freq * phase);
- *fp++ = window * sin(freq * phase);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NPOINTS; i++)
- bonk_hanningwindow[i] = (0.5f - 0.5f * cos(i * (2*3.14159)/NPOINTS));
-#ifdef PD
-static void bonk_read(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s)
- FILE *fd = fopen(s->s_name, "r");
- float vec[NFILTERS];
- int i, ntemplate = 0, remaining;
- float *fp, *fp2;
- if (!fd)
- {
- post("%s: open failed", s->s_name);
- return;
- }
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(t_template), 0);
- while (1)
- {
- for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec; i--; fp++)
- if (fscanf(fd, "%f", fp) < 1) goto nomore;
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- ntemplate * sizeof(t_template),
- (ntemplate + 1) * sizeof(t_template));
- for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec,
- fp2 = x->x_template[ntemplate].t_amp; i--;)
- *fp2++ = *fp++;
- ntemplate++;
- }
- if (remaining = (ntemplate % x->x_ninsig))
- {
- post("bonk_read: %d templates not a multiple of %d; dropping extras");
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- ntemplate * sizeof(t_template),
- (ntemplate - remaining) * sizeof(t_template));
- ntemplate = ntemplate - remaining;
- }
- post("bonk: read %d templates\n", ntemplate);
- x->x_ntemplate = ntemplate;
- fclose(fd);
-#endif /* PD */
-#ifdef MSP
-static void bonk_read(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s) // MSP
- SFTypeList types;
- short vol = 0;
- OSType type;
- char name[256];
- char **buf;
- int eaten;
- long size = 100;
- int i, ntemplate = 0;
- float vec[NFILTERS];
- float *fp, *fp2;
- if (s->s_name[0]) // if it is named
- {
- vol = defvolume();
- strcpy (name, s->s_name);
- if (readtohandle (name, vol, &buf, &size) != 0)
- {
- post("bonk~: problem with reading file.");
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- post("bonk~: template read successfully.");
- //post("bonk~: size of file is %d", size);
- }
- for (eaten = 0; ;)
- {
- for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec; i--; fp++)
- {
- while (eaten < size && (
- (*buf)[eaten] == ' ' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\t' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\n' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == ';' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\r'))
- eaten++;
- if (eaten >= size) goto nomore;
- if (sscanf(&(*buf)[eaten], "%f", fp) < 1) goto nomore;
- while (eaten < size && !(
- (*buf)[eaten] == ' ' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\t' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\n' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == ';' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\r'))
- eaten++;
- }
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- ntemplate * sizeof(t_template),
- (ntemplate + 1) * sizeof(t_template));
- for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec,
- fp2 = x->x_template[ntemplate].t_amp; i--;)
- *fp2++ = *fp++;
- ntemplate++;
- post("bonk~: fp = %f", fp);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- name[0] = 0;
- types[0]='TEXT';
- types[1]='maxb';
- open_promptset("Select template for reading.");
- if (open_dialog(name, &vol, &type, types, 2))
- {
- post("bonk~: open canceled");
- return;
- }
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- x->x_ntemplate * sizeof(t_template), 0);
- // post("bonk~: the file name is %s", name);
- if (readtohandle (name, vol, &buf, &size) != 0)
- {
- post("bonk~: problem with reading file.");
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- post("bonk~: template read successfully.");
- // post("bonk~: size of file is %d", size);
- }
- for (eaten = 0; ;)
- {
- for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec; i--; fp++)
- {
- while (eaten < size && (
- (*buf)[eaten] == ' ' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\t' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\n' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == ';' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\r'))
- eaten++;
- if (eaten >= size) goto nomore;
- if (sscanf(&(*buf)[eaten], "%f", fp) < 1) goto nomore;
- while (eaten < size && !(
- (*buf)[eaten] == ' ' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\t' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\n' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == ';' ||
- (*buf)[eaten] == '\r'))
- eaten++;
- }
- x->x_template = (t_template *)t_resizebytes(x->x_template,
- ntemplate * sizeof(t_template),
- (ntemplate + 1) * sizeof(t_template));
- for (i = NFILTERS, fp = vec,
- fp2 = x->x_template[ntemplate].t_amp; i--;)
- *fp2++ = *fp++;
- ntemplate++;
- }
- nomore:
- post("bonk~: read %d templates", ntemplate);
- x->x_ntemplate = ntemplate;
- } // end of else
-#endif /* MSP */
-#ifdef PD
-static void bonk_write(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s)
- FILE *fd = fopen(s->s_name, "w");
- int i, ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate;
- t_template *tp = x->x_template;
- float *fp;
- if (!fd)
- {
- post("%s: couldn't create", s->s_name);
- return;
- }
- for (; ntemplate--; tp++)
- {
- for (i = NFILTERS, fp = tp->t_amp; i--; fp++)
- fprintf(fd, "%6.2f ", *fp);
- fprintf(fd, "\n");
- }
- post("bonk: wrote %d templates\n", x->x_ntemplate);
- fclose(fd);
-#endif /* PD */
-#ifdef MSP
-static void bonk_write(t_bonk *x, t_symbol *s) // MSP
- char fn[236];
- short vol;
- short bin = 0; // 0 = text
- void* b;
- int i, ntemplate = x->x_ntemplate;
- t_template *tp = x->x_template;
- if (s->s_name[0]) // if it is named
- {
- strcpy (fn, s->s_name);
- vol = defvolume();
- b = binbuf_new();
- for (; ntemplate--; tp++)
- {
- int i;
- Atom at[11];
- for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
- at[i].a_type = A_FLOAT, at[i].a_w.w_float = tp->t_amp[i];
- binbuf_insert(b, 0L, 11, at);
- }
- binbuf_write(b, fn, vol, bin);
- freeobject(b);
- post("bonk~: wrote file %s", fn);
- }
- else
- {
- saveas_promptset("Save Template file as");
- strcpy(fn, "");
- if (!saveas_dialog(fn, &vol, 0L))
- {
- b = binbuf_new();
- for (; ntemplate--; tp++)
- {
- int i;
- Atom at[11];
- for (i = 0; i < 11; i++)
- at[i].a_type = A_FLOAT, at[i].a_w.w_float =
- tp->t_amp[i];
- binbuf_insert(b, 0L, 11, at);
- }
- binbuf_write(b, fn, vol, bin);
- freeobject(b);
- post("bonk~: wrote file %s", fn);
- }
- } // end of else
-#endif /* MSP */
-static void bonk_free(t_bonk *x)
- int i, ninsig = x->x_ninsig;
- t_insig *gp = x->x_insig;
- for (i = 0, gp = x->x_insig; i < ninsig; i++, gp++)
- freebytes(gp->g_inbuf, NPOINTS * sizeof(float));
- clock_free(x->x_clock);
-/* -------------------------- Pd glue ------------------------- */
-#ifdef PD
-static void *bonk_new(t_floatarg fperiod, t_floatarg fnsig)
- t_bonk *x = (t_bonk *)pd_new(bonk_class);
- int nsig = fnsig, j;
- t_insig *g;
- if (nsig < 1) nsig = 1;
- if (nsig > MAXCHANNELS) nsig = MAXCHANNELS;
- x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (t_method)bonk_tick);
- x->x_insig = (t_insig *)getbytes(nsig * sizeof(*x->x_insig));
- for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig; j < nsig; j++, g++)
- {
- g->g_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("list"));
- if (j)
- inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
- }
- x->x_cookedout = outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("list"));
- bonk_donew(x, fperiod, nsig);
- return (x);
-void bonk_tilde_setup(void)
- bonk_class = class_new(gensym("bonk~"), (t_newmethod)bonk_new, 0,
- sizeof(t_bonk), 0, A_DEFFLOAT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0);
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
- class_addbang(bonk_class, bonk_bang);
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_learn, gensym("learn"),
- A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_forget, gensym("forget"), 0);
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_thresh, gensym("thresh"),
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_mask, gensym("mask"),
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_debounce, gensym("debounce"),
- A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_minvel, gensym("minvel"),
- A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_print, gensym("print"),
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_debug, gensym("debug"),
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_read, gensym("read"),
- A_SYMBOL, 0);
- class_addmethod(bonk_class, (t_method)bonk_write, gensym("write"),
- A_SYMBOL, 0);
- bonk_setupkernels();
- post("bonk version 1.1 TEST 3");
-/* -------------------------- MSP glue ------------------------- */
-#ifdef MSP
-static int ilog2(int n)
- int ret = -1;
- while (n)
- {
- n >>= 1;
- ret++;
- }
- return (ret);
-static char *strcpy(char *s1, const char *s2)
- char *ret = s1;
- while ((*s1++ = *s2++) != 0)
- ;
- return ret;
-static void *bonk_new(int period, int nsig)
- int i, j;
- t_hist *h;
- t_bonk *x = (t_bonk *)newobject(bonk_class);
- float *fp;
- t_insig *g;
- if (nsig < 1) nsig = 1;
- if (nsig > MAXCHANNELS) nsig = MAXCHANNELS;
- x->x_insig = (t_insig *)getbytes(nsig * sizeof(*x->x_insig));
- dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, nsig); // nsig inputs
- x->x_cookedout = listout((t_object *)x);
- for (j = 0, g = x->x_insig + nsig-1; j < nsig; j++, g--)
- {
- g->g_outlet = listout((t_object *)x);
- }
- x->x_cookedout = listout((t_object *)x);
- x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (method)bonk_tick);
- bonk_donew(x, period, nsig);
- return (x);
-void main()
- setup(&bonk_class, bonk_new, (method)bonk_free,
- (short)sizeof(t_bonk), 0L, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_dsp, "dsp", 0);
- addbang((method)bonk_bang);
- addmess((method)bonk_forget, "forget", 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_learn, "learn", A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_thresh, "thresh", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_mask, "mask", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_minvel, "minvel", A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_debounce, "debounce", A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_print, "print", A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_read, "read", A_DEFSYM, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_write, "write", A_DEFSYM, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0);
- addmess((method)bonk_debug, "debug", A_FLOAT, 0);
- bonk_setupkernels();
-// post("bonk~ v1.00 Miller Puckette, Ted Apel");
- post("bonk~ v1.00");
- dsp_initclass();
- rescopy('STR#',3747);
-void bonk_assist(t_bonk *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s)
- assist_string(3747,m,a,1,2,s);
- /* get current system time */
-double clock_getsystime()
- return gettime();
- /* elapsed time in milliseconds since the given system time */
-double clock_gettimesince(double prevsystime)
- return ((gettime() - prevsystime));
-float qrsqrt(float f)
- return 1/sqrt(f);
-#endif /* MSP */
diff --git a/externals/signal/expr~/LICENSE.txt b/externals/signal/expr~/LICENSE.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 7023fe1d..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
- Version 2, June 1991
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
- of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
- Preamble
- The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-your programs, too.
- When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
- To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
- For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
- We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-distribute and/or modify the software.
- Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-authors' reputations.
- Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
- The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-modification follow.
- 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
- 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-along with the Program.
-You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
- 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
- a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
- stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
- b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
- whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
- part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
- parties under the terms of this License.
- c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
- when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
- interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
- announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
- notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
- a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
- these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
- License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
- does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
- the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-collective works based on the Program.
-In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-the scope of this License.
- 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
- a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
- source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
- 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
- b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
- years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
- cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
- machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
- distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
- customarily used for software interchange; or,
- c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
- to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
- allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
- received the program in object code or executable form with such
- an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-itself accompanies the executable.
-If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
- 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-parties remain in full compliance.
- 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-the Program or works based on it.
- 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-this License.
- 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-impose that choice.
-This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-be a consequence of the rest of this License.
- 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
- 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-address new problems or concerns.
-Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
- 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
- How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
- If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
- To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
- <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
- Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-when it starts in an interactive mode:
- Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
- Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
- under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
- Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
- `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
- <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
- Ty Coon, President of Vice
-This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/externals/signal/expr~/README.txt b/externals/signal/expr~/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c335bdd3..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/expr~/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-You can get more information on the expr object at
-New if Version 0.4
--access to variables (made by value object)
--multiple expression separated by ;
--added the following shorthands:
- $y or $y1 = $y1[-1] and $y2 = $y2[-1]
--new functions:
- if - conditional evaluation
- cbrt - cube root
- erf - error function
- erfc - complementary error function
- expm1 - exponential minus 1,
- log1p - logarithm of 1 plus
- isinf - is the value infinite,
- finite - is the value finite
- isnan -- is the resut a nan (Not a number)
- copysign - copy sign of a number
- ldexp - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
- imodf - get signed integral value from floating-point number
- modf - get signed fractional value from floating-point number
- drem - floating-point remainder function
- Thanks to Orm Finnendahl for adding the following functions:
- fmod - floating-point remainder function
- ceil - ceiling function: smallest integral value not less than argument
- floor - largest integral value not greater than argument
-New in Version 0.3
--Full function functionality
-The object "expr" is used for expression evaluaion of control data.
-Expr~ and fexpr~ are extentions to the expr object to work with vectors.
-The expr~ object is designed to efficiently combine signal and control
-stream processing by vector operations on the basis of the block size of
-the environment.
-fexpr~ object provides a flexible mechanism for building FIR and
-IIR filters by evaluating expressions on a sample by sample basis
-and providing access to prior samples of the input and output audio
-streams. When fractional offset is used, fexpr~ uses linear interpolation
-to determine the value of the indexed sample. fexpr~ evaluates the
-expression for every single sample and at every evaluation previous
-samples (limited by the audio vector size) can be accessed. $x is used to
-denote a singnal input whose samples we would like to access. The syntax
-is $x followed by the inlet number and indexed by brackets, for example
-$x1[-1] specifies the previous sample of the first inlet. Therefore,
-if we are to build a simple filter which replaces every sample by
-the average of that sample and its previous one, we would use "fexpr~
-($x1[0]+$x1[-1])/2 ". For ease of when the brackets are omitted, the
-current sample is implied, so we can right the previous filter expression
-as follows: " fexpr~ ($x1+$x1[-1])/2". To build IIR filters $y is used
-to access the previous samples of the output stream.
-The three objects expr, expr~, and fexpr~ are implemented in the same object
-so the files expr~.pd_linux and fexpr~.pd_linux are links to expr.pd_linux
-This release has been compiled and tested on Linux 6.0.
-Here are some syntax information: (refer to help-expr.pd for examples)
-The syntax is very close to how expression are written in
-C. Variables are specified as follows where the '#' stands
-for the inlet number:
-$i#: integer input variable
-$f#: float input variable
-$s#: symbol input variable
-Used for expr~ only:
-$v#: signal (vector) input (vector by vector evaluation)
-Used for fexpr~ only:
-$x#[n]: the sample from inlet # indexed by n, where n has to
- satisfy 0 => n >= -vector size,
- ($x# is a shorthand for $x#[0], specifying the current sample)
-$y#[n]: the output value indexed by n, where n has to
- satisfy 0 > n >= -vector size,
- $y[n] is a shorthand for $y1[n]
-I'll appreciate hearing about bugs, comments, suggestions, ...
-Shahrokh Yadegari (sdy@ucsd.edu)
diff --git a/externals/signal/expr~/SConscript b/externals/signal/expr~/SConscript
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d5ab2bb..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/expr~/SConscript
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-import glob
-import os
-Import('env prefix')
-for expr in Split('expr expr~ fexpr~'):
- e = env.SharedLibrary(target=expr, source = glob.glob('*.c'))
- env.Alias('install', env.Install(os.path.join(prefix, 'extra'), e))
- Default(e)
diff --git a/externals/signal/expr~/fts_to_pd.h b/externals/signal/expr~/fts_to_pd.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e1f4a5bf..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/expr~/fts_to_pd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-/* fts_to_pd.h -- alias some fts names to compile in Pd.
-copyright 1999 Miller Puckette;
-permission is granted to use this file for any purpose.
-#define fts_malloc malloc
-#define fts_calloc calloc
-#define fts_free free
-#define fts_realloc realloc
-#define fts_atom_t t_atom
-#define fts_object_t t_object
-typedef t_symbol *fts_symbol_t;
-#ifdef MSP
-#define t_atom Atom
-#define t_symbol Symbol
-#define pd_new(x) newobject(x);
-#define pd_free(x) freeobject(x);
-#define t_outlet void
-#define t_binbuf void
-typedef t_class *t_pd;
-typedef float t_floatarg;
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-void pd_error(void *object, char *fmt, ...);
-#endif /* MSP */
-#define post_error pd_error
-#define fts_is_floatg(x) ((x)->a_type == A_FLOAT)
-#define fts_new_symbol_copy gensym
-#define fts_symbol_name(x) ((x)->s_name)
diff --git a/externals/signal/expr~/vexp.c b/externals/signal/expr~/vexp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ea18f55..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/expr~/vexp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2142 +0,0 @@
- * jMax
- * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999 by IRCAM-Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Based on Max/ISPW by Miller Puckette.
- *
- * Authors: Maurizio De Cecco, Francois Dechelle, Enzo Maggi, Norbert Schnell.
- *
- */
-/* "expr" was written by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1989. -msp */
-/* "expr~" and "fexpr~" conversion by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1999,2000 */
- * Feb 2002 - added access to variables
- * multiple expression support
- * new short hand forms for fexpr~
- * now $y or $y1 = $y1[-1] and $y2 = $y2[-1]
- * --sdy
- *
- * July 2002
- * fixed bugs introduced in last changes in store and ET_EQ
- * --sdy
- *
- */
- * vexp.c -- a variable expression evaluator
- *
- * This modules implements an expression evaluator using the
- * operator-precedence parsing. It transforms an infix expression
- * to a prefix stack ready to be evaluated. The expression sysntax
- * is close to that of C. There are a few operators that are not
- * supported and functions are also recognized. Strings can be
- * passed to functions when they are quoted in '"'s. "[]" are implememted
- * as an easy way of accessing the content of tables, and the syntax
- * table_name[index].
- * Variables (inlets) are specified with the following syntax: $x#,
- * where x is either i(integers), f(floats), and s(strings); and #
- * is a digit that coresponds to the inlet number. The string variables
- * can be used as strings when they are quoted and can also be used as
- * table names when they are followed by "[]".
- *
- * signal vectors have been added to this implementation:
- * $v# denotes a signal vector
- * $x#[index] is the value of a sample at the index of a the signal vector
- * $x# is the shorthand for $x#[0]
- * $y[index] is the value of the sample output at the index of a the
- * signal output
- * "index" for $x#[index] has to have this range (0 <= index < vectorsize)
- * "index" for $y[index] has to have this range (0 < index < vectorsize)
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "vexp.h"
-#ifdef MSP
-#undef isdigit
-#define isdigit(x) (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
-char *atoif(char *s, long int *value, long int *type);
-static struct ex_ex *ex_lex(struct expr *expr, long int *n);
-struct ex_ex *ex_match(struct ex_ex *eptr, long int op);
-struct ex_ex *ex_parse(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *iptr,
- struct ex_ex *optr, long int *argc);
-struct ex_ex *ex_eval(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr,
- struct ex_ex *optr, int i);
-int expr_donew(struct expr *exprr, int ac, t_atom *av);
-struct ex_ex *eval_func(struct expr *expr,struct ex_ex *eptr,
- struct ex_ex *optr, int i);
-struct ex_ex *eval_tab(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr,
- struct ex_ex *optr, int i);
-struct ex_ex *eval_var(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr,
- struct ex_ex *optr, int i);
-struct ex_ex *eval_store(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr,
- struct ex_ex *optr, int i);
-struct ex_ex *eval_sigidx(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr,
- struct ex_ex *optr, int i);
-static int cal_sigidx(struct ex_ex *optr, /* The output value */
- int i, float rem_i, /* integer and fractinal part of index */
- int idx, /* index of current fexpr~ processing */
- int vsize, /* vector size */
- float *curvec, float *prevec); /* current and previous table */
-t_ex_func *find_func(char *s);
-void ex_dzdetect(struct expr *expr);
-#define MAX_ARGS 10
-extern t_ex_func ex_funcs[];
-struct ex_ex nullex;
-void set_tokens (char *s);
-int getoken (struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr);
-void ex_print (struct ex_ex *eptr);
-#ifdef MSP
-void atom_string(t_atom *a, char *buf, unsigned int bufsize);
-void atom_string(t_atom *a, char *buf, unsigned int bufsize)
- char tbuf[30];
- switch(a->a_type)
- {
- case A_SEMI: strcpy(buf, ";"); break;
- case A_COMMA: strcpy(buf, ","); break;
-#ifdef PD
- case A_POINTER:
- strcpy(buf, "(pointer)");
- break;
- case A_FLOAT:
- sprintf(tbuf, "%g", a->a_w.w_float);
- if (strlen(tbuf) < bufsize-1) strcpy(buf, tbuf);
- else if (a->a_w.w_float < 0) strcpy(buf, "-");
- else strcat(buf, "+");
- break;
- case A_LONG:
- sprintf(tbuf, "%d", a->a_w.w_long);
- if (strlen(tbuf) < bufsize-1) strcpy(buf, tbuf);
- else if (a->a_w.w_float < 0) strcpy(buf, "-");
- else strcat(buf, "+");
- break;
- case A_SYMBOL:
- {
- char *sp;
- unsigned int len;
- int quote;
- for (sp = a->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, len = 0, quote = 0; *sp; sp++, len++)
- if (*sp == ';' || *sp == ',' || *sp == '\\' ||
- (*sp == '$' && sp == a->a_w.w_symbol->s_name && sp[1] >= '0'
- && sp[1] <= '9'))
- quote = 1;
- if (quote)
- {
- char *bp = buf, *ep = buf + (bufsize-2);
- sp = a->a_w.w_symbol->s_name;
- while (bp < ep && *sp)
- {
- if (*sp == ';' || *sp == ',' || *sp == '\\' ||
- (*sp == '$' && bp == buf && sp[1] >= '0' && sp[1] <= '9'))
- *bp++ = '\\';
- *bp++ = *sp++;
- }
- if (*sp) *bp++ = '*';
- *bp = 0;
- /* post("quote %s -> %s", a->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, buf); */
- }
- else
- {
- if (len < bufsize-1) strcpy(buf, a->a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
- else
- {
- strncpy(buf, a->a_w.w_symbol->s_name, bufsize - 2);
- strcpy(buf + (bufsize - 2), "*");
- }
- }
- }
- break;
-#ifdef PD
- case A_DOLLAR:
- sprintf(buf, "$%d", a->a_w.w_index);
- break;
- case A_DOLLSYM:
- sprintf(buf, "$%s", a->a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
- break;
-#else /* MAX */
- case A_DOLLAR:
- sprintf(buf, "$%s", a->a_w.w_symbol->s_name);
- break;
- default:
- post("atom_string bug");
- }
-#endif /* MSP */
- * expr_donew -- create a new "expr" object.
- * returns 1 on failure, 0 on success.
- */
-expr_donew(struct expr *expr, int ac, t_atom *av)
- struct ex_ex *list;
- struct ex_ex *ret;
- long max_node = 0; /* maximum number of nodes needed */
- char *exp_string;
- int exp_strlen;
- t_binbuf *b;
- int i;
- memset(expr->exp_var, 0, MAX_VARS * sizeof (*expr->exp_var));
-#ifdef PD
- b = binbuf_new();
- binbuf_add(b, ac, av);
- binbuf_gettext(b, &exp_string, &exp_strlen);
-#else /* MSP */
- {
- char *buf = getbytes(0), *newbuf;
- int length = 0;
- char string[250];
- t_atom *ap;
- int indx;
- for (ap = av, indx = 0; indx < ac; indx++, ap = ++av) {
- int newlength;
- if ((ap->a_type == A_SEMI || ap->a_type == A_COMMA) &&
- length && buf[length-1] == ' ') length--;
- atom_string(ap, string, 250);
- newlength = length + strlen(string) + 1;
- if (!(newbuf = t_resizebytes(buf, length, newlength))) break;
- buf = newbuf;
- strcpy(buf + length, string);
- length = newlength;
- if (ap->a_type == A_SEMI) buf[length-1] = '\n';
- else buf[length-1] = ' ';
- }
- if (length && buf[length-1] == ' ') {
- if (newbuf = t_resizebytes(buf, length, length-1))
- {
- buf = newbuf;
- length--;
- }
- }
- exp_string = buf;
- exp_strlen = length;
- }
- exp_string = (char *)t_resizebytes(exp_string, exp_strlen,exp_strlen+1);
- exp_string[exp_strlen] = 0;
- expr->exp_string = exp_string;
- expr->exp_str = exp_string;
- expr->exp_nexpr = 0;
- ret = (struct ex_ex *) 0;
- /*
- * if ret == 0 it means that we have no expression
- * so we let the pass go through to build a single null stack
- */
- while (*expr->exp_str || !ret) {
- list = ex_lex(expr, &max_node);
- if (!list) { /* syntax error */
- goto error;
- }
- expr->exp_stack[expr->exp_nexpr] =
- (struct ex_ex *)fts_malloc(max_node * sizeof (struct ex_ex));
- expr->exp_nexpr++;
- ret = ex_match(list, (long)0);
- if (!ret) /* syntax error */
- goto error;
- ret = ex_parse(expr,
- list, expr->exp_stack[expr->exp_nexpr - 1], (long *)0);
- if (!ret)
- goto error;
- }
- *ret = nullex;
- t_freebytes(exp_string, exp_strlen+1);
- return (0);
- for (i = 0; i < expr->exp_nexpr; i++) {
- fts_free(expr->exp_stack[i]);
- expr->exp_stack[i] = 0;
- }
- expr->exp_nexpr = 0;
- if (list)
- fts_free(list);
- t_freebytes(exp_string, exp_strlen+1);
- return (1);
- * ex_lex -- This routine is a bit more than a lexical parser since it will
- * also do some syntax checking. It reads the string s and will
- * return a linked list of struct ex_ex.
- * It will also put the number of the nodes in *n.
- */
-struct ex_ex *
-ex_lex(struct expr *expr, long int *n)
- struct ex_ex *list_arr;
- struct ex_ex *exptr;
- long non = 0; /* number of nodes */
- long maxnode = 0;
- list_arr = (struct ex_ex *)fts_malloc(sizeof (struct ex_ex) * MINODES);
- if (! list_arr) {
- post("ex_lex: no mem\n");
- return ((struct ex_ex *)0);
- }
- exptr = list_arr;
- maxnode = MINODES;
- while (8)
- {
- if (non >= maxnode) {
- maxnode += MINODES;
- list_arr = fts_realloc((void *)list_arr,
- sizeof (struct ex_ex) * maxnode);
- if (!list_arr) {
- post("ex_lex: no mem\n");
- return ((struct ex_ex *)0);
- }
- exptr = &(list_arr)[non];
- }
- if (getoken(expr, exptr)) {
- fts_free(list_arr);
- return ((struct ex_ex *)0);
- }
- non++;
- if (!exptr->ex_type)
- break;
- exptr++;
- }
- *n = non;
- return list_arr;
- * ex_match -- this routine walks through the eptr and matches the
- * perentheses and brackets, it also converts the function
- * names to a pointer to the describing structure of the
- * specified function
- */
-/* operator to match */
-struct ex_ex *
-ex_match(struct ex_ex *eptr, long int op)
- int firstone = 1;
- struct ex_ex *ret;
- t_ex_func *fun;
- for (; 8; eptr++, firstone = 0) {
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case 0:
- if (!op)
- return (eptr);
- post("expr syntax error: an open %s not matched\n",
- op == OP_RP ? "parenthesis" : "bracket");
- return (exNULL);
- case ET_INT:
- case ET_FLT:
- case ET_II:
- case ET_FI:
- case ET_SI:
- case ET_VI:
- case ET_SYM:
- case ET_VSYM:
- continue;
- case ET_YO:
- if (eptr[1].ex_type != ET_OP || eptr[1].ex_op != OP_LB)
- eptr->ex_type = ET_YOM1;
- continue;
- case ET_XI:
- if (eptr[1].ex_type != ET_OP || eptr[1].ex_op != OP_LB)
- eptr->ex_type = ET_XI0;
- continue;
- case ET_TBL:
- case ET_FUNC:
- case ET_LP:
- case ET_RP:
- */
- case ET_LB:
- case ET_RB:
- */
- post("ex_match: unexpected type, %ld\n", eptr->ex_type);
- return (exNULL);
- case ET_OP:
- if (op == eptr->ex_op)
- return (eptr);
- /*
- * if we are looking for a right peranthesis
- * or a right bracket and find the other kind,
- * it has to be a syntax error
- */
- if ((eptr->ex_op == OP_RP && op == OP_RB) ||
- (eptr->ex_op == OP_RB && op == OP_RP)) {
- post("expr syntax error: prenthesis or brackets not matched\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- /*
- * Up to now we have marked the unary minuses as
- * subrtacts. Any minus that is the first one in
- * chain or is preceeded by anything except ')' and
- * ']' is a unary minus.
- */
- if (eptr->ex_op == OP_SUB) {
- ret = eptr - 1;
- if (firstone || (ret->ex_type == ET_OP &&
- ret->ex_op != OP_RB && ret->ex_op != OP_RP))
- eptr->ex_op = OP_UMINUS;
- } else if (eptr->ex_op == OP_LP) {
- ret = ex_match(eptr + 1, OP_RP);
- if (!ret)
- return (ret);
- eptr->ex_type = ET_LP;
- eptr->ex_ptr = (char *) ret;
- eptr = ret;
- } else if (eptr->ex_op == OP_LB) {
- ret = ex_match(eptr + 1, OP_RB);
- if (!ret)
- return (ret);
- eptr->ex_type = ET_LB;
- eptr->ex_ptr = (char *) ret;
- eptr = ret;
- }
- continue;
- case ET_STR:
- if (eptr[1].ex_op == OP_LB) {
- char *tmp;
- eptr->ex_type = ET_TBL;
- tmp = eptr->ex_ptr;
- if (ex_getsym(tmp, (t_symbol **)&(eptr->ex_ptr))) {
- post("expr: syntax error: problms with ex_getsym\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- fts_free((void *)tmp);
- } else if (eptr[1].ex_op == OP_LP) {
- fun = find_func(eptr->ex_ptr);
- if (!fun) {
- post(
- "expr: error: function %s not found\n",
- eptr->ex_ptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- eptr->ex_type = ET_FUNC;
- eptr->ex_ptr = (char *) fun;
- } else {
- char *tmp;
- if (eptr[1].ex_type && eptr[1].ex_type!=ET_OP){
- post("expr: syntax error: bad string '%s'\n", eptr->ex_ptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- /* it is a variable */
- eptr->ex_type = ET_VAR;
- tmp = eptr->ex_ptr;
- if (ex_getsym(tmp,
- (t_symbol **)&(eptr->ex_ptr))) {
- post("expr: variable '%s' not found",tmp);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- }
- continue;
- default:
- post("ex_match: bad type\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- }
- * ex_parse -- This function if called when we have already done some
- * parsing on the expression, and we have already matched
- * our brackets and parenthesis. The main job of this
- * function is to convert the infix expression to the
- * prefix form.
- * First we find the operator with the lowest precedence and
- * put it on the stack ('optr', it is really just an array), then
- * we call ourself (ex_parse()), on its arguments (unary operators
- * only have one operator.)
- * When "argc" is set it means that we are parsing the arguments
- * of a function and we will increment *argc anytime we find
- * a a segment that can qualify as an argument (counting commas).
- *
- * returns 0 on syntax error
- */
-/* number of argument separated by comma */
-struct ex_ex *
-ex_parse(struct expr *x, struct ex_ex *iptr, struct ex_ex *optr, long int *argc)
- struct ex_ex *eptr;
- struct ex_ex *lowpre = 0; /* pointer to the lowest precedence */
- struct ex_ex savex;
- long pre = HI_PRE;
- long count;
- if (!iptr) {
- post("ex_parse: input is null, iptr = 0x%lx\n", iptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (!iptr->ex_type)
- return (exNULL);
- /*
- * the following loop finds the lowest precedence operator in the
- * the input token list, comma is explicitly checked here since
- * that is a special operator and is only legal in functions
- */
- for (eptr = iptr, count = 0; eptr->ex_type; eptr++, count++)
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case ET_SYM:
- case ET_VSYM:
- if (!argc) {
- post("expr: syntax error: symbols allowed for functions only\n");
- ex_print(eptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- case ET_INT:
- case ET_FLT:
- case ET_II:
- case ET_FI:
- case ET_XI0:
- case ET_YOM1:
- case ET_VI:
- case ET_VAR:
- if (!count && !eptr[1].ex_type) {
- *optr++ = *eptr;
- return (optr);
- }
- break;
- case ET_XI:
- case ET_YO:
- case ET_SI:
- case ET_TBL:
- if (eptr[1].ex_type != ET_LB) {
- post("expr: syntax error: brackets missing\n");
- ex_print(eptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- /* if this table is the only token, parse the table */
- if (!count &&
- !((struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr)[1].ex_type) {
- savex = *((struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr);
- *((struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr) = nullex;
- *optr++ = *eptr;
- lowpre = ex_parse(x, &eptr[2], optr, (long *)0);
- *((struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr) = savex;
- return(lowpre);
- }
- eptr = (struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr;
- break;
- case ET_OP:
- if (eptr->ex_op == OP_COMMA) {
- if (!argc || !count || !eptr[1].ex_type) {
- post("expr: syntax error: illegal comma\n");
- ex_print(eptr[1].ex_type ? eptr : iptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- }
- if (!eptr[1].ex_type) {
- post("expr: syntax error: missing operand\n");
- ex_print(iptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if ((eptr->ex_op & PRE_MASK) <= pre) {
- pre = eptr->ex_op & PRE_MASK;
- lowpre = eptr;
- }
- break;
- case ET_FUNC:
- if (eptr[1].ex_type != ET_LP) {
- post("expr: ex_parse: no parenthesis\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- /* if this function is the only token, parse it */
- if (!count &&
- !((struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr)[1].ex_type) {
- long ac;
- if (eptr[1].ex_ptr == (char *) &eptr[2]) {
- post("expr: syntax error: missing argument\n");
- ex_print(eptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- ac = 0;
- savex = *((struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr);
- *((struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr) = nullex;
- *optr++ = *eptr;
- lowpre = ex_parse(x, &eptr[2], optr, &ac);
- if (!lowpre)
- return (exNULL);
- ac++;
- if (ac !=
- ((t_ex_func *)eptr->ex_ptr)->f_argc){
- post("expr: syntax error: function '%s' needs %ld arguments\n",
- ((t_ex_func *)eptr->ex_ptr)->f_name,
- ((t_ex_func *)eptr->ex_ptr)->f_argc);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- *((struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr) = savex;
- return (lowpre);
- }
- eptr = (struct ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr;
- break;
- case ET_LP:
- case ET_LB:
- if (!count &&
- !((struct ex_ex *) eptr->ex_ptr)[1].ex_type) {
- if (eptr->ex_ptr == (char *)(&eptr[1])) {
- post("expr: syntax error: empty '%s'\n",
- eptr->ex_type==ET_LP?"()":"[]");
- ex_print(eptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- savex = *((struct ex_ex *) eptr->ex_ptr);
- *((struct ex_ex *) eptr->ex_ptr) = nullex;
- lowpre = ex_parse(x, &eptr[1], optr, (long *)0);
- *((struct ex_ex *) eptr->ex_ptr) = savex;
- return (lowpre);
- }
- eptr = (struct ex_ex *)eptr->ex_ptr;
- break;
- case ET_STR:
- default:
- ex_print(eptr);
- post("expr: ex_parse: type = 0x%lx\n", eptr->ex_type);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (pre == HI_PRE) {
- post("expr: syntax error: missing operation\n");
- ex_print(iptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (count < 2) {
- post("expr: syntax error: mission operand\n");
- ex_print(iptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (count == 2) {
- if (lowpre != iptr) {
- post("expr: ex_parse: unary operator should be first\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (!unary_op(lowpre->ex_op)) {
- post("expr: syntax error: not a uniary operator\n");
- ex_print(iptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- *optr++ = *lowpre;
- eptr = ex_parse(x, &lowpre[1], optr, argc);
- return (eptr);
- }
- if (lowpre == iptr) {
- post("expr: syntax error: mission operand\n");
- ex_print(iptr);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- savex = *lowpre;
- *lowpre = nullex;
- if (savex.ex_op != OP_COMMA)
- *optr++ = savex;
- else
- (*argc)++;
- eptr = ex_parse(x, iptr, optr, argc);
- if (eptr) {
- eptr = ex_parse(x, &lowpre[1], eptr, argc);
- *lowpre = savex;
- }
- return (eptr);
- * this is the devide zero check for a a non devide operator
- */
-#define DZC(ARG1,OPR,ARG2) (ARG1 OPR ARG2)
-#define EVAL(OPR); \
-eptr = ex_eval(expr, ex_eval(expr, eptr, &left, idx), &right, idx); \
-switch (left.ex_type) { \
-case ET_INT: \
- switch(right.ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = (float)DZC(left.ex_int, OPR, right.ex_int); \
- for (j = 0; j < expr->exp_vsize; j++) \
- *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT; \
- optr->ex_int = DZC(left.ex_int, OPR, right.ex_int); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = DZC(((float)left.ex_int), OPR, right.ex_flt);\
- for (j = 0; j < expr->exp_vsize; j++) \
- *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = DZC(((float)left.ex_int), OPR, \
- right.ex_flt); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: \
- case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) { \
- post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) \
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*expr->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- scalar = left.ex_int; \
- rp = right.ex_vec; \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- for (i = 0; i < expr->exp_vsize; i++) { \
- *op++ = DZC (scalar, OPR, *rp); \
- rp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, \
- "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad right type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, right.ex_type); \
- nullret = 1; \
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_FLT: \
- switch(right.ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = DZC((float) left.ex_flt, OPR, right.ex_int); \
- for (j = 0; j < expr->exp_vsize; j++) \
- *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = DZC(left.ex_flt, OPR, right.ex_int); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = DZC(left.ex_flt, OPR, right.ex_flt); \
- for (j = 0; j < expr->exp_vsize; j++) \
- *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt= DZC(left.ex_flt, OPR, right.ex_flt); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: \
- case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) { \
- post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) \
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*expr->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- scalar = left.ex_flt; \
- rp = right.ex_vec; \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- for (i = 0; i < expr->exp_vsize; i++) { \
- *op++ = DZC(scalar, OPR, *rp); \
- rp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, \
- "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad right type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, right.ex_type); \
- nullret = 1; \
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_VEC: \
-case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) { \
- post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) \
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*expr->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- lp = left.ex_vec; \
- switch(right.ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- scalar = right.ex_int; \
- for (i = 0; i < expr->exp_vsize; i++) { \
- *op++ = DZC(*lp, OPR, scalar); \
- lp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- scalar = right.ex_flt; \
- for (i = 0; i < expr->exp_vsize; i++) { \
- *op++ = DZC(*lp, OPR, scalar); \
- lp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: \
- case ET_VI: \
- rp = right.ex_vec; \
- for (i = 0; i < expr->exp_vsize; i++) { \
- /* \
- * on a RISC processor one could copy \
- * 8 times in each round to get a considerable \
- * improvement \
- */ \
- *op++ = DZC(*lp, OPR, *rp); \
- rp++; lp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, \
- "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad right type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, right.ex_type); \
- nullret = 1; \
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_SYM: \
-default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, \
- "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad left type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, left.ex_type); \
-} \
- * evaluate a unary operator, TYPE is applied to float operands
- */
-#define EVAL_UNARY(OPR, TYPE) \
- eptr = ex_eval(expr, eptr, &left, idx); \
- switch(left.ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec,(float)(OPR left.ex_int),\
- expr->exp_vsize);\
- break; \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT; \
- optr->ex_int = OPR left.ex_int; \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, OPR (TYPE left.ex_flt),\
- expr->exp_vsize);\
- break; \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = OPR (TYPE left.ex_flt); \
- break; \
- case ET_VI: \
- case ET_VEC: \
- j = expr->exp_vsize; \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) \
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*expr->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- lp = left.ex_vec; \
- j = expr->exp_vsize; \
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++) \
- *op++ = OPR (TYPE *lp++); \
- break; \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, \
- "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad left type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, left.ex_type); \
- nullret++; \
- } \
- break;
-ex_mkvector(t_float *fp, t_float x, int size)
- while (size--)
- *fp++ = x;
- * ex_dzdetect -- divide by zero detected
- */
-ex_dzdetect(struct expr *expr)
- char *etype;
- if (!expr->exp_error & EE_DZ) {
- if (IS_EXPR(expr))
- etype = "expr";
- else if (IS_EXPR_TILDE(expr))
- etype = "expr~";
- else if (IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr))
- etype = "fexpr~";
- else {
- post ("expr -- ex_dzdetect internal error");
- etype = "";
- }
- post ("%s divide by zero detected", etype);
- expr->exp_error |= EE_DZ;
- }
- * ex_eval -- evaluate the array of prefix expression
- * ex_eval returns the pointer to the first unevaluated node
- * in the array. This is a recursive routine.
- */
-/* SDY
-all the returns in this function need to be changed so that the code
-ends up at the end to check for newly allocated right and left vectors which
-need to be freed
-look into the variable nullret
-struct ex_ex *
-ex_eval(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr, struct ex_ex *optr, int idx)
-/* the expr object data pointer */
-/* the operation stack */
-/* the result pointer */
-/* the sample numnber processed for fexpr~ */
- int i, j;
- t_float *lp, *rp, *op; /* left, right, and out pointer to vectors */
- t_float scalar;
- int nullret = 0; /* did we have an error */
- struct ex_ex left, right; /* left and right operands */
- left.ex_type = 0;
- left.ex_int = 0;
- right.ex_type = 0;
- right.ex_int = 0;
- if (!eptr)
- return (exNULL);
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC)
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, (float) eptr->ex_int,
- expr->exp_vsize);
- else
- *optr = *eptr;
- return (++eptr);
- case ET_FLT:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC)
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, eptr->ex_flt, expr->exp_vsize);
- else
- *optr = *eptr;
- return (++eptr);
- case ET_SYM:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: ex_eval: cannot turn string to vector\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- *optr = *eptr;
- return (++eptr);
- case ET_II:
- if (eptr->ex_int == -1) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: ex_eval: inlet number not set\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec,
- (t_float)expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_int,
- expr->exp_vsize);
- } else {
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_int;
- }
- return (++eptr);
- case ET_FI:
- if (eptr->ex_int == -1) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: ex_eval: inlet number not set\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec,
- expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_flt, expr->exp_vsize);
- } else {
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_flt;
- }
- return (++eptr);
- case ET_VSYM:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: IntErr. vsym in for vec out\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (eptr->ex_int == -1) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: ex_eval: inlet number not set\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_SYM;
- optr->ex_ptr = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr;
- return(++eptr);
- case ET_VI:
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC)
- *optr = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int];
- else if (optr->ex_vec != expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_vec)
- memcpy(optr->ex_vec, expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_vec,
- expr->exp_vsize * sizeof (t_float));
- return(++eptr);
- case ET_VEC:
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) {
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC;
- optr->ex_vec = eptr->ex_vec;
- eptr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- } else if (optr->ex_vec != eptr->ex_vec) {
- memcpy(optr->ex_vec, eptr->ex_vec,
- expr->exp_vsize * sizeof (t_float));
-/* do we need to free here? or can we free higher up */
-/* SDY the next lines do not make sense */
-post("calling fts_free\n");
- fts_free(optr->ex_vec);
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- } else { /* this should not happen */
- post("expr int. error, optr->ex_vec = %d",optr->ex_vec);
- abort();
- }
- return(++eptr);
- case ET_XI0:
- /* short hand for $x?[0] */
- /* SDY delete the following check */
- if (!IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr) || optr->ex_type==ET_VEC) {
- post("%d:exp->exp_flags = %d", __LINE__,expr->exp_flags);
- abort();
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_vec[idx];
- return(++eptr);
- case ET_YOM1:
- /*
- * short hand for $y?[-1]
- * if we are calculating the first sample of the vector
- * we need to look at the previous results buffer
- */
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- if (idx == 0)
- optr->ex_flt =
- expr->exp_p_res[eptr->ex_int][expr->exp_vsize - 1];
- else
- optr->ex_flt=expr->exp_tmpres[eptr->ex_int][idx-1];
- return(++eptr);
- case ET_YO:
- case ET_XI:
- /* SDY delete the following */
- if (!IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr) || optr->ex_type==ET_VEC) {
- post("%d:expr->exp_flags = %d", __LINE__,expr->exp_flags);
- abort();
- }
- return (eval_sigidx(expr, eptr, optr, idx));
- case ET_TBL:
- case ET_SI:
- return (eval_tab(expr, eptr, optr, idx));
- case ET_FUNC:
- return (eval_func(expr, eptr, optr, idx));
- case ET_VAR:
- return (eval_var(expr, eptr, optr, idx));
- case ET_OP:
- break;
- case ET_STR:
- case ET_LP:
- case ET_LB:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: ex_eval: unexpected type %d\n", eptr->ex_type);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (!eptr[1].ex_type) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: ex_eval: not enough nodes 1\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (!unary_op(eptr->ex_op) && !eptr[2].ex_type) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: ex_eval: not enough nodes 2\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- switch((eptr++)->ex_op) {
- case OP_STORE:
- return (eval_store(expr, eptr, optr, idx));
- case OP_NOT:
- EVAL_UNARY(!, +);
- case OP_NEG:
- EVAL_UNARY(~, (long));
- case OP_UMINUS:
- EVAL_UNARY(-, +);
- case OP_MUL:
- EVAL(*);
- case OP_ADD:
- EVAL(+);
- case OP_SUB:
- EVAL(-);
- case OP_LT:
- EVAL(<);
- case OP_LE:
- EVAL(<=);
- case OP_GT:
- EVAL(>);
- case OP_GE:
- EVAL(>=);
- case OP_EQ:
- EVAL(==);
- case OP_NE:
- EVAL(!=);
- * following operators convert their argument to integer
- */
-#undef DZC
-#define DZC(ARG1,OPR,ARG2) (((int)ARG1) OPR ((int)ARG2))
- case OP_SL:
- EVAL(<<);
- case OP_SR:
- EVAL(>>);
- case OP_AND:
- EVAL(&);
- case OP_XOR:
- EVAL(^);
- case OP_OR:
- EVAL(|);
- case OP_LAND:
- EVAL(&&);
- case OP_LOR:
- EVAL(||);
- * for modulo we need to convert to integer and check for divide by zero
- */
-#undef DZC
-#define DZC(ARG1,OPR,ARG2) (((ARG2)?(((int)ARG1) OPR ((int)ARG2)) \
- : (ex_dzdetect(expr),0)))
- case OP_MOD:
- EVAL(%);
- * define the divide by zero check for divide
- */
-#undef DZC
-#define DZC(ARG1,OPR,ARG2) (((ARG2)?(ARG1 OPR ARG2):(ex_dzdetect(expr),0)))
- case OP_DIV:
- EVAL(/);
- case OP_LP:
- case OP_RP:
- case OP_LB:
- case OP_RB:
- case OP_COMMA:
- case OP_SEMI:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_print: bad op 0x%x\n", eptr->ex_op);
- return (exNULL);
- }
- /*
- * the left and right nodes could have been transformed to vectors
- * down the chain
- */
- if (left.ex_type == ET_VEC)
- fts_free(left.ex_vec);
- if (right.ex_type == ET_VEC)
- fts_free(right.ex_vec);
- if (nullret)
- return (exNULL);
- else
- return (eptr);
- * eval_func -- evaluate a function, call ex_eval() on all the arguments
- * so that all of them are terminal nodes. The call the
- * appropriate function
- */
-struct ex_ex *
-eval_func(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr, struct ex_ex *optr, int idx)
-/* the expr object data pointer */
-/* the operation stack */
-/* the result pointer */
- int i;
- struct ex_ex args[MAX_ARGS];
- t_ex_func *f;
- f = (t_ex_func *)(eptr++)->ex_ptr;
- if (!f || !f->f_name) {
- return (exNULL);
- }
- if (f->f_argc > MAX_ARGS) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: eval_func: asking too many arguments\n");
- return (exNULL);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < f->f_argc; i++) {
- args[i].ex_type = 0;
- args[i].ex_int = 0;
- eptr = ex_eval(expr, eptr, &args[i], idx);
- }
- (*f->f_func)(expr, f->f_argc, args, optr);
- for (i = 0; i < f->f_argc; i++) {
- if (args[i].ex_type == ET_VEC)
- fts_free(args[i].ex_vec);
- }
- return (eptr);
- * eval_store -- evaluate the '=' operator,
- * make sure the first operator is a legal left operator
- * and call ex_eval on the right operator
- */
-struct ex_ex *
-eval_store(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr, struct ex_ex *optr, int idx)
-/* the expr object data pointer */
-/* the operation stack */
-/* the result pointer */
- struct ex_ex arg;
- int isvalue;
- char *tbl = (char *) 0;
- char *var = (char *) 0;
- int badleft = 0;
-post("store called\n");
-eptr = ex_eval(expr, ++eptr, optr, idx);
-return (eptr);
-#ifdef notdef /* SDY */
- arg.ex_type = ET_INT;
- arg.ex_int = 0;
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_VAR) {
- var = (char *) eptr->ex_ptr;
- eptr = ex_eval(expr, ++eptr, &arg, idx);
- (void)max_ex_var_store(expr, (t_symbol *)var, &arg, optr);
- if (arg.ex_type == ET_VEC)
- fts_free(arg.ex_vec);
- }
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_SI) {
- eptr++;
- if (eptr->ex_type =
- }
- /* the left operator should either be a value or a array member */
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case ET_SI:
- if ((eptr + 1)->ex_type == OP_LB) {
- }
- if (!expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_NOTABLE)) {
- post("expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %d", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- post("expr: No more table errors will be reported");
- post("expr: till the next reset");
- expr->exp_error |= EE_NOTABLE;
- }
- badleft++;
- } else
- tbl = (char *) expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr;
- break;
- case ET_TBL:
- }
-#endif /* SDY */
- * eval_tab -- evaluate a table operation
- */
-struct ex_ex *
-eval_tab(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr, struct ex_ex *optr, int idx)
-/* the expr object data pointer */
-/* the operation stack */
-/* the result pointer */
- struct ex_ex arg;
- char *tbl = (char *) 0;
- int notable = 0;
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_SI) {
- if (!expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr) {
-/* SDY post_error() does not work in MAX/MSP yet
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
- "expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %d\n", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_NOTABLE)) {
- post("expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %d", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- post("expr: No more table errors will be reported");
- post("expr: till the next reset");
- expr->exp_error |= EE_NOTABLE;
- }
- notable++;
- } else
- tbl = (char *) expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr;
- } else if (eptr->ex_type == ET_TBL)
- tbl = (char *) eptr->ex_ptr;
- else {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: eval_tbl: bad type %ld\n", eptr->ex_type);
- notable++;
- }
- arg.ex_type = 0;
- arg.ex_int = 0;
- eptr = ex_eval(expr, ++eptr, &arg, idx);
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- if (!notable)
- (void)max_ex_tab(expr, (t_symbol *)tbl, &arg, optr);
- if (arg.ex_type == ET_VEC)
- fts_free(arg.ex_vec);
- return (eptr);
- * eval_var -- evaluate a variable
- */
-struct ex_ex *
-eval_var(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr, struct ex_ex *optr, int idx)
-/* the expr object data pointer */
-/* the operation stack */
-/* the result pointer */
- struct ex_ex arg;
- char *var = (char *) 0;
- int novar = 0;
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_SI) {
- if (!expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr) {
-/* SDY post_error() does not work in MAX/MSP yet
-post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
-"expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %d\n", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_NOVAR)) {
- post("expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %d", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- post("expr: No more table errors will be reported");
- post("expr: till the next reset");
- expr->exp_error |= EE_NOVAR;
- }
- novar++;
- } else
- var = (char *) expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr;
- } else if (eptr->ex_type == ET_VAR)
- var = (char *) eptr->ex_ptr;
- else {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: eval_tbl: bad type %ld\n", eptr->ex_type);
- novar++;
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- if (!novar)
- (void)max_ex_var(expr, (t_symbol *)var, optr);
- return (++eptr);
- * eval_sigidx -- evaluate the value of an indexed signal for fexpr~
- */
-struct ex_ex *
-eval_sigidx(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr, struct ex_ex *optr, int idx)
-/* the expr object data pointer */
-/* the operation stack */
-/* the result pointer */
-/* the index */
- struct ex_ex arg;
- struct ex_ex *reteptr;
- int i = 0, j = 0;
- float fi = 0, /* index in float */
- rem_i = 0; /* remains of the float */
- char *tbl;
- arg.ex_type = 0;
- arg.ex_int = 0;
- reteptr = ex_eval(expr, eptr + 1, &arg, idx);
- if (arg.ex_type == ET_FLT) {
- fi = arg.ex_flt; /* float index */
- i = (int) arg.ex_flt; /* integer index */
- rem_i = arg.ex_flt - i; /* remains of integer */
- } else if (arg.ex_type == ET_INT) {
- fi = arg.ex_int; /* float index */
- i = arg.ex_int;
- rem_i = 0;
- } else {
- post("eval_sigidx: bad res type (%d)", arg.ex_type);
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- /*
- * indexing an input vector
- */
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_XI) {
- if (fi > 0) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_BI_INPUT)) {
- expr->exp_error |= EE_BI_INPUT;
- post("expr: input vector index > 0, (vector x%d[%f])",
- eptr->ex_int + 1, i + rem_i);
- post("fexpr~: index assumed to be = 0");
- post("fexpr~: no error report till next reset");
- ex_print(eptr);
- }
- /* just replace it with zero */
- i = 0;
- rem_i = 0;
- }
- if (cal_sigidx(optr, i, rem_i, idx, expr->exp_vsize,
- expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_vec,
- expr->exp_p_var[eptr->ex_int])) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_BI_INPUT)) {
- expr->exp_error |= EE_BI_INPUT;
- post("expr: input vector index < -VectorSize, (vector x%d[%f])", eptr->ex_int + 1, fi);
- ex_print(eptr);
- post("fexpr~: index assumed to be = -%d",
- expr->exp_vsize);
- post("fexpr~: no error report till next reset");
- }
- }
- /*
- * indexing an output vector
- */
- } else if (eptr->ex_type == ET_YO) {
- /* for output vectors index of zero is not legal */
- if (fi >= 0) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_BI_OUTPUT)) {
- expr->exp_error |= EE_BI_OUTPUT;
- post("fexpr~: bad output index, (%f)", fi);
- ex_print(eptr);
- post("fexpr~: no error report till next reset");
- post("fexpr~: index assumed to be = -1");
- }
- i = -1;
- }
- if (eptr->ex_int >= expr->exp_nexpr) {
- post("fexpr~: $y%d illegal: not that many exprs",
- eptr->ex_int);
- optr->ex_flt = 0;
- return (reteptr);
- }
- if (cal_sigidx(optr, i, rem_i, idx, expr->exp_vsize,
- expr->exp_tmpres[eptr->ex_int],
- expr->exp_p_res[eptr->ex_int])) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_BI_OUTPUT)) {
- expr->exp_error |= EE_BI_OUTPUT;
- post("fexpr~: bad output index, (%f)", fi);
- ex_print(eptr);
- post("fexpr~: index assumed to be = -%d",
- expr->exp_vsize);
- }
- }
- } else {
- optr->ex_flt = 0;
- post("fexpr~:eval_sigidx: internal error - unknown vector (%d)",
- eptr->ex_type);
- }
- return (reteptr);
- * cal_sigidx -- given two tables (one current one previous) calculate an
- * evaluation of a float index into the vectors by linear
- * interpolation
- * return 0 on success, 1 on failure (index out of bound)
- */
-static int
-cal_sigidx(struct ex_ex *optr, /* The output value */
- int i, float rem_i, /* integer and fractinal part of index */
- int idx, /* index of current fexpr~ processing */
- int vsize, /* vector size */
- float *curvec, float *prevec) /* current and previous table */
- int n;
- n = i + idx;
- if (n > 0) {
- /* from the curvec */
- if (rem_i)
- optr->ex_flt = curvec[n] +
- rem_i * (curvec[n] - curvec[n - 1]);
- else
- optr->ex_flt = curvec[n];
- return (0);
- }
- if (n == 0) {
- /*
- * this is the case that the remaining float
- * is between two tables
- */
- if (rem_i)
- optr->ex_flt = *curvec +
- rem_i * (*curvec - prevec[vsize - 1]);
- else
- optr->ex_flt = *curvec;
- return (0);
- }
- /* find the index in the saved buffer */
- n = vsize + n;
- if (n > 0) {
- if (rem_i)
- optr->ex_flt = prevec[n] +
- rem_i * (prevec[n] - prevec[n - 1]);
- else
- optr->ex_flt = prevec[n];
- return (0);
- }
- /* out of bound */
- optr->ex_flt = *prevec;
- return (1);
- * getoken -- return 1 on syntax error otherwise 0
- */
-getoken(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr)
- char *p;
- long i;
- if (!expr->exp_str) {
- post("expr: getoken: expression string not set\n");
- return (0);
- }
- if (!*expr->exp_str) {
- eptr->ex_type = 0;
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- if (*expr->exp_str == ';') {
- expr->exp_str++;
- eptr->ex_type = 0;
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- return (0);
- }
- eptr->ex_type = ET_OP;
- switch (*expr->exp_str++) {
- case '\\':
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- goto retry;
- case ';':
- post("expr: syntax error: ';' not implemented\n");
- return (1);
- case ',':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_COMMA;
- break;
- case '(':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_LP;
- break;
- case ')':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_RP;
- break;
- case ']':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_RB;
- break;
- case '~':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_NEG;
- break;
- /* we will take care of unary minus later */
- case '*':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_MUL;
- break;
- case '/':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_DIV;
- break;
- case '%':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_MOD;
- break;
- case '+':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_ADD;
- break;
- case '-':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_SUB;
- break;
- case '^':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_XOR;
- break;
- case '[':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_LB;
- break;
- case '!':
- if (*expr->exp_str == '=') {
- eptr->ex_op = OP_NE;
- expr->exp_str++;
- } else
- eptr->ex_op = OP_NOT;
- break;
- case '<':
- switch (*expr->exp_str) {
- case '<':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_SL;
- expr->exp_str++;
- break;
- case '=':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_LE;
- expr->exp_str++;
- break;
- default:
- eptr->ex_op = OP_LT;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case '>':
- switch (*expr->exp_str) {
- case '>':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_SR;
- expr->exp_str++;
- break;
- case '=':
- eptr->ex_op = OP_GE;
- expr->exp_str++;
- break;
- default:
- eptr->ex_op = OP_GT;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case '=':
- if (*expr->exp_str++ != '=') {
- post("expr: syntax error: =\n");
- return (1);
- }
- eptr->ex_op = OP_EQ;
- break;
-/* do not allow the store till the function is fixed
- if (*expr->exp_str != '=')
- eptr->ex_op = OP_STORE;
- else {
- expr->exp_str++;
- eptr->ex_op = OP_EQ;
- }
- break;
- case '&':
- if (*expr->exp_str == '&') {
- expr->exp_str++;
- eptr->ex_op = OP_LAND;
- } else
- eptr->ex_op = OP_AND;
- break;
- case '|':
- if ((*expr->exp_str == '|')) {
- expr->exp_str++;
- eptr->ex_op = OP_LOR;
- } else
- eptr->ex_op = OP_OR;
- break;
- case '$':
- switch (*expr->exp_str++) {
- case 'I':
- case 'i':
- eptr->ex_type = ET_II;
- break;
- case 'F':
- case 'f':
- eptr->ex_type = ET_FI;
- break;
- case 'S':
- case 's':
- eptr->ex_type = ET_SI;
- break;
- case 'V':
- case 'v':
- if (IS_EXPR_TILDE(expr)) {
- eptr->ex_type = ET_VI;
- break;
- }
- post("$v? works only for expr~");
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", &expr->exp_str[-2]);
- return (1);
- case 'X':
- case 'x':
- if (IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr)) {
- eptr->ex_type = ET_XI;
- if (isdigit(*expr->exp_str))
- break;
- /* for $x[] is a shorhand for $x1[] */
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- goto noinletnum;
- }
- post("$x? works only for fexpr~");
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", &expr->exp_str[-2]);
- return (1);
- case 'y':
- case 'Y':
- if (IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr)) {
- eptr->ex_type = ET_YO;
- /*$y takes no number */
- if (isdigit(*expr->exp_str))
- break;
- /* for $y[] is a shorhand for $y1[] */
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- goto noinletnum;
- }
- post("$y works only for fexpr~");
- default:
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", &expr->exp_str[-2]);
- return (1);
- }
- p = atoif(expr->exp_str, &eptr->ex_op, &i);
- if (!p) {
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", &expr->exp_str[-2]);
- return (1);
- }
- if (i != ET_INT) {
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", expr->exp_str);
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * make the user inlets one based rather than zero based
- * therefore we decrement the number that user has supplied
- */
- if (!eptr->ex_op || (eptr->ex_op)-- > MAX_VARS) {
- post("expr: syntax error: inlet or outlet out of range: %s\n",
- expr->exp_str);
- return (1);
- }
- /*
- * until we can change the input type of inlets on
- * the fly (at pd_new()
- * time) the first input to expr~ is always a vectore
- * and $f1 or $i1 is
- * illegal for fexr~
- */
- if (eptr->ex_op == 0 &&
- (IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr) || IS_EXPR_TILDE(expr)) &&
- (eptr->ex_type==ET_II || eptr->ex_type==ET_FI ||
- eptr->ex_type==ET_SI)) {
- post("first inlet of expr~/fexpr~ can only be a vector");
- return (1);
- }
- /* record the inlet or outlet type and check for consistency */
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_YO ) {
- /* it is an outlet for fexpr~*/
- /* no need to do anything */
- ;
- } else if (!expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_op].ex_type)
- expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_op].ex_type = eptr->ex_type;
- else if (expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_op].ex_type != eptr->ex_type) {
- post("expr: syntax error: inlets can only have one type: %s\n", expr->exp_str);
- return (1);
- }
- expr->exp_str = p;
- break;
- case '"':
- {
- struct ex_ex ex;
- p = expr->exp_str;
- if (!*expr->exp_str || *expr->exp_str == '"') {
- post("expr: syntax error: empty symbol: %s\n", --expr->exp_str);
- return (1);
- }
- if (getoken(expr, &ex))
- return (1);
- switch (ex.ex_type) {
- case ET_STR:
- if (ex_getsym(ex.ex_ptr, (t_symbol **)&(eptr->ex_ptr))) {
- post("expr: syntax error: getoken: problms with ex_getsym\n");
- return (1);
- }
- eptr->ex_type = ET_SYM;
- break;
- case ET_SI:
- *eptr = ex;
- eptr->ex_type = ET_VSYM;
- break;
- default:
- post("expr: syntax error: bad symbol name: %s\n", p);
- return (1);
- }
- if (*expr->exp_str++ != '"') {
- post("expr: syntax error: missing '\"'\n");
- return (1);
- }
- break;
- }
- case '.':
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- p = atoif(--expr->exp_str, &eptr->ex_int, &eptr->ex_type);
- if (!p)
- return (1);
- expr->exp_str = p;
- break;
- default:
- /*
- * has to be a string, it should either be a
- * function or a table
- */
- p = --expr->exp_str;
- for (i = 0; name_ok(*p); i++)
- p++;
- if (!i) {
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", expr->exp_str);
- return (1);
- }
- eptr->ex_ptr = (char *)fts_malloc(i + 1);
- strncpy(eptr->ex_ptr, expr->exp_str, (int) i);
- (eptr->ex_ptr)[i] = 0;
- expr->exp_str = p;
- /*
- * we mark this as a string and later we will change this
- * to either a function or a table
- */
- eptr->ex_type = ET_STR;
- break;
- }
- return (0);
- * atoif -- ascii to float or integer (understands hex numbers also)
- */
-char *
-atoif(char *s, long int *value, long int *type)
- char *p;
- long int_val = 0;
- int flt = 0;
- float pos = 0;
- float flt_val = 0;
- int base = 10;
- p = s;
- if (*p == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X')) {
- base = 16;
- p += 2;
- }
- while (8) {
- switch (*p) {
- case '.':
- if (flt || base != 10) {
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", s);
- return ((char *) 0);
- }
- flt++;
- pos = 10;
- flt_val = int_val;
- break;
- case '0':
- case '1':
- case '2':
- case '3':
- case '4':
- case '5':
- case '6':
- case '7':
- case '8':
- case '9':
- if (flt) {
- flt_val += (*p - '0') / pos;
- pos *= 10;
- } else {
- int_val *= base;
- int_val += (*p - '0');
- }
- break;
- case 'a':
- case 'b':
- case 'c':
- case 'd':
- case 'e':
- case 'f':
- if (base != 16 || flt) {
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", s);
- return ((char *) 0);
- }
- int_val *= base;
- int_val += (*p - 'a' + 10);
- break;
- case 'A':
- case 'B':
- case 'C':
- case 'D':
- case 'E':
- case 'F':
- if (base != 16 || flt) {
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", s);
- return ((char *) 0);
- }
- int_val *= base;
- int_val += (*p - 'A' + 10);
- break;
- default:
- if (flt) {
- *type = ET_FLT;
- *((float *) value) = flt_val;
- } else {
- *type = ET_INT;
- *value = int_val;
- }
- return (p);
- }
- p++;
- }
- * find_func -- returns a pointer to the found function structure
- * otherwise it returns 0
- */
-t_ex_func *
-find_func(char *s)
- t_ex_func *f;
- for (f = ex_funcs; f->f_name; f++)
- if (!strcmp(f->f_name, s))
- return (f);
- return ((t_ex_func *) 0);
- * ex_print -- print an expression array
- */
-ex_print(struct ex_ex *eptr)
- while (eptr->ex_type) {
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- post("%ld ", eptr->ex_int);
- break;
- case ET_FLT:
- post("%f ", eptr->ex_flt);
- break;
- case ET_STR:
- post("%s ", eptr->ex_ptr);
- break;
- case ET_TBL:
- case ET_VAR:
- post("%s ", ex_symname((fts_symbol_t )eptr->ex_ptr));
- break;
- case ET_SYM:
- post("\"%s\" ", ex_symname((fts_symbol_t )eptr->ex_ptr));
- break;
- case ET_VSYM:
- post("\"$s%ld\" ", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- break;
- case ET_FUNC:
- post("%s ",
- ((t_ex_func *)eptr->ex_ptr)->f_name);
- break;
- case ET_LP:
- post("%c", '(');
- break;
- case ET_RP:
- post("%c ", ')');
- break;
- */
- case ET_LB:
- post("%c", '[');
- break;
- case ET_RB:
- post("%c ", ']');
- break;
- */
- case ET_II:
- post("$i%ld ", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- break;
- case ET_FI:
- post("$f%ld ", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- break;
- case ET_SI:
- post("$s%lx ", eptr->ex_ptr);
- break;
- case ET_VI:
- post("$v%lx ", eptr->ex_vec);
- break;
- case ET_VEC:
- post("vec = %ld ", eptr->ex_vec);
- break;
- case ET_YOM1:
- case ET_YO:
- post("$y%d", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- break;
- case ET_XI:
- case ET_XI0:
- post("$x%d", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- break;
- case ET_OP:
- switch (eptr->ex_op) {
- case OP_LP:
- post("%c", '(');
- break;
- case OP_RP:
- post("%c ", ')');
- break;
- case OP_LB:
- post("%c", '[');
- break;
- case OP_RB:
- post("%c ", ']');
- break;
- case OP_NOT:
- post("%c", '!');
- break;
- case OP_NEG:
- post("%c", '~');
- break;
- case OP_UMINUS:
- post("%c", '-');
- break;
- case OP_MUL:
- post("%c", '*');
- break;
- case OP_DIV:
- post("%c", '/');
- break;
- case OP_MOD:
- post("%c", '%');
- break;
- case OP_ADD:
- post("%c", '+');
- break;
- case OP_SUB:
- post("%c", '-');
- break;
- case OP_SL:
- post("%s", "<<");
- break;
- case OP_SR:
- post("%s", ">>");
- break;
- case OP_LT:
- post("%c", '<');
- break;
- case OP_LE:
- post("%s", "<=");
- break;
- case OP_GT:
- post("%c", '>');
- break;
- case OP_GE:
- post("%s", ">=");
- break;
- case OP_EQ:
- post("%s", "==");
- break;
- case OP_STORE:
- post("%s", "=");
- break;
- case OP_NE:
- post("%s", "!=");
- break;
- case OP_AND:
- post("%c", '&');
- break;
- case OP_XOR:
- post("%c", '^');
- break;
- case OP_OR:
- post("%c", '|');
- break;
- case OP_LAND:
- post("%s", "&&");
- break;
- case OP_LOR:
- post("%s", "||");
- break;
- case OP_COMMA:
- post("%c", ',');
- break;
- case OP_SEMI:
- post("%c", ';');
- break;
- default:
- post("expr: ex_print: bad op 0x%lx\n", eptr->ex_op);
- }
- break;
- default:
- post("expr: ex_print: bad type 0x%lx\n", eptr->ex_type);
- }
- eptr++;
- }
- post("\n");
-#ifdef NT
-void ABORT( void) {bug("expr");}
diff --git a/externals/signal/expr~/vexp.h b/externals/signal/expr~/vexp.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f98f665c..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/expr~/vexp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- * jMax
- * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999 by IRCAM-Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Based on Max/ISPW by Miller Puckette.
- *
- * Authors: Maurizio De Cecco, Francois Dechelle, Enzo Maggi, Norbert Schnell.
- *
- */
-/* "expr" was written by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1989. -msp */
-/* "expr~" and "fexpr~" conversion by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1999,2000 */
-#define MSP
-#ifdef PD
-#undef MSP
-#ifdef PD
-#include "m_pd.h"
-#else /* MSP */
-#include "ext.h"
-#include "z_dsp.h"
-#include "fts_to_pd.h"
-/* This is put in fts_to_pd.h
-#ifdef MSP
-#define t_atom Atom
-#define t_symbol Symbol
-#define pd_new(x) newobject(x);
-#define t_outlet void
- * Currently the maximum number of variables (inlets) that are supported
- * is 10.
- */
-#define MAX_VARS 9
-#define MINODES 10 /* was 200 */
-/* terminal defines */
- * operations
- * (x<<16|y) x defines the level of precedence,
- * the lower the number the lower the precedence
- * separators are defines as operators just for convenience
- */
-#define OP_SEMI ((long)(1<<16|1)) /* ; */
-#define OP_COMMA ((long)(2<<16|2)) /* , */
-#define OP_LOR ((long)(3<<16|3)) /* || */
-#define OP_LAND ((long)(4<<16|4)) /* && */
-#define OP_OR ((long)(5<<16|5)) /* | */
-#define OP_XOR ((long)(6<<16|6)) /* ^ */
-#define OP_AND ((long)(7<<16|7)) /* & */
-#define OP_NE ((long)(8<<16|8)) /* != */
-#define OP_EQ ((long)(8<<16|9)) /* == */
-#define OP_GE ((long)(9<<16|10)) /* >= */
-#define OP_GT ((long)(9<<16|11)) /* > */
-#define OP_LE ((long)(9<<16|12)) /* <= */
-#define OP_LT ((long)(9<<16|13)) /* < */
-#define OP_SR ((long)(10<<16|14)) /* >> */
-#define OP_SL ((long)(10<<16|15)) /* << */
-#define OP_SUB ((long)(11<<16|16)) /* - */
-#define OP_ADD ((long)(11<<16|17)) /* + */
-#define OP_MOD ((long)(12<<16|18)) /* % */
-#define OP_DIV ((long)(12<<16|19)) /* / */
-#define OP_MUL ((long)(12<<16|20)) /* * */
-#define OP_UMINUS ((long)(13<<16|21)) /* - unary minus */
-#define OP_NEG ((long)(13<<16|22)) /* ~ one complement */
-#define OP_NOT ((long)(13<<16|23)) /* ! */
-#define OP_RB ((long)(14<<16|24)) /* ] */
-#define OP_LB ((long)(14<<16|25)) /* [ */
-#define OP_RP ((long)(14<<16|26)) /* ) */
-#define OP_LP ((long)(14<<16|27)) /* ( */
-#define OP_STORE ((long)(15<<16|28)) /* = */
-#define HI_PRE ((long)(100<<16)) /* infinite precedence */
-#define PRE_MASK ((long)0xffff0000) /* precedence level mask */
-struct ex_ex;
-#define name_ok(c) (((c)=='_') || ((c)>='a' && (c)<='z') || \
- ((c)>='A' && (c)<='Z') || ((c) >= '0' && (c) <= '9'))
-#define unary_op(x) ((x) == OP_NOT || (x) == OP_NEG || (x) == OP_UMINUS)
-struct ex_ex {
- union {
- long v_int;
- float v_flt;
- t_float *v_vec; /* this is an for allocated vector */
- long op;
- char *ptr;
- } ex_cont; /* content */
-#define ex_int ex_cont.v_int
-#define ex_flt ex_cont.v_flt
-#define ex_vec ex_cont.v_vec
-#define ex_op ex_cont.op
-#define ex_ptr ex_cont.ptr
- long ex_type; /* type of the node */
-#define exNULL ((struct ex_ex *)0)
-/* defines for ex_type */
-#define ET_INT 1 /* an int */
-#define ET_FLT 2 /* a float */
-#define ET_OP 3 /* operator */
-#define ET_STR 4 /* string */
-#define ET_TBL 5 /* a table, the content is a pointer */
-#define ET_FUNC 6 /* a function */
-#define ET_SYM 7 /* symbol ("string") */
-#define ET_VSYM 8 /* variable symbol ("$s?") */
- /* we treat parenthesis and brackets */
- /* special to keep a pointer to their */
- /* match in the content */
-#define ET_LP 9 /* left parenthesis */
-#define ET_LB 10 /* left bracket */
-#define ET_II 11 /* and integer inlet */
-#define ET_FI 12 /* float inlet */
-#define ET_SI 13 /* string inlet */
-#define ET_VI 14 /* signal inlet */
-#define ET_VEC 15 /* allocated signal vector */
- /* special types for fexpr~ */
-#define ET_YO 16 /* vector output for fexpr~ */
-#define ET_YOM1 17 /* shorthand for $y?[-1] */
-#define ET_XI 18 /* vector input for fexpr~ */
-#define ET_XI0 20 /* shorthand for $x?[0] */
-#define ET_VAR 21 /* variable */
-/* defines for ex_flags */
-#define EF_TYPE_MASK 0x07 /* first three bits define the type of expr */
-#define EF_EXPR 0x01 /* expr - control in and out */
-#define EF_EXPR_TILDE 0x02 /* expr~ signal and control in, signal out */
-#define EF_FEXPR_TILDE 0x04 /* fexpr~ filter expression */
-#define EF_STOP 0x08 /* is it stopped used for expr~ and fexpr~ */
-#define EF_VERBOSE 0x10 /* verbose mode */
-#define IS_EXPR(x) ((((x)->exp_flags&EF_TYPE_MASK)|EF_EXPR) == EF_EXPR)
-#define IS_EXPR_TILDE(x) \
- ((((x)->exp_flags&EF_TYPE_MASK)|EF_EXPR_TILDE)==EF_EXPR_TILDE)
-#define IS_FEXPR_TILDE(x) \
-#define SET_EXPR(x) (x)->exp_flags |= EF_EXPR; \
- (x)->exp_flags &= ~EF_EXPR_TILDE; \
- (x)->exp_flags &= ~EF_FEXPR_TILDE;
-#define SET_EXPR_TILDE(x) (x)->exp_flags &= ~EF_EXPR; \
- (x)->exp_flags |= EF_EXPR_TILDE; \
- (x)->exp_flags &= ~EF_FEXPR_TILDE;
-#define SET_FEXPR_TILDE(x) (x)->exp_flags &= ~EF_EXPR; \
- (x)->exp_flags &= ~EF_EXPR_TILDE; \
- (x)->exp_flags |= EF_FEXPR_TILDE;
- * defines for expr_error
- */
-#define EE_DZ 0x01 /* divide by zero error */
-#define EE_BI_OUTPUT 0x02 /* Bad output index */
-#define EE_BI_INPUT 0x04 /* Bad input index */
-#define EE_NOTABLE 0x08 /* NO TABLE */
-#define EE_NOVAR 0x10 /* NO VARIABLE */
-typedef struct expr {
-#ifdef PD
- t_object exp_ob;
-#else /* MSP */
- t_pxobject exp_ob;
- int exp_flags; /* are we expr~, fexpr~, or expr */
- int exp_error; /* reported errors */
- int exp_nexpr; /* number of expressions */
- char *exp_string; /* the full expression string */
- char *exp_str; /* current parsing position */
- t_outlet *exp_outlet[MAX_VARS];
-#ifdef PD
- struct _exprproxy *exp_proxy;
-#else /* MAX */
- void *exp_proxy[MAX_VARS];
- long exp_proxy_id;
- struct ex_ex *exp_stack[MAX_VARS];
- struct ex_ex exp_var[MAX_VARS];
- struct ex_ex exp_res[MAX_VARS]; /* the evluation result */
- t_float *exp_p_var[MAX_VARS];
- t_float *exp_p_res[MAX_VARS]; /* the previous evaluation result */
- t_float *exp_tmpres[MAX_VARS]; /* temporty result for fexpr~ */
- int exp_vsize; /* the size of the signal vector */
- int exp_nivec; /* # of vector inlets */
- float exp_f; /* control value to be transformed to signal */
-} t_expr;
-typedef struct ex_funcs {
- char *f_name; /* function name */
- void (*f_func)(t_expr *, long, struct ex_ex *, struct ex_ex *);
- /* the real function performing the function (void, no return!!!) */
- long f_argc; /* number of arguments */
-} t_ex_func;
-/* function prototypes for pd-related functions called withing vexp.h */
-extern int max_ex_tab(struct expr *expr, t_symbol *s, struct ex_ex *arg, struct ex_ex *optr);
-extern int max_ex_var(struct expr *expr, t_symbol *s, struct ex_ex *optr);
-extern int ex_getsym(char *p, t_symbol **s);
-extern const char *ex_symname(t_symbol *s);
-void ex_mkvector(t_float *fp, t_float x, int size);
-extern void ex_size(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv,
- struct ex_ex *optr);
-extern void ex_sum(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-extern void ex_Sum(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-extern void ex_avg(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-extern void ex_Avg(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-extern void ex_store(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-int value_getonly(t_symbol *s, t_float *f);
-#ifdef NT
-#pragma warning (disable: 4305 4244)
-#define abort ABORT
-void ABORT(void);
diff --git a/externals/signal/expr~/vexp_fun.c b/externals/signal/expr~/vexp_fun.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d2c38fb..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/expr~/vexp_fun.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1315 +0,0 @@
- * jMax
- * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999 by IRCAM-Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Based on Max/ISPW by Miller Puckette.
- *
- * Authors: Maurizio De Cecco, Francois Dechelle, Enzo Maggi, Norbert Schnell.
- *
- */
-/* "expr" was written by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1989. -msp
- *
- * Nov. 2001 --sdy
- * conversion for expr~
- *
- * Jan, 2002 --sdy
- * added fmod()
- *
- * May 2002
- * added floor and ceil for expr -- Orm Finnendahl
- *
- * July 2002 --sdy
- * added the following math funtions:
- * cbrt - cube root
- * erf - error function
- * erfc - complementary error function
- * expm1 - exponential minus 1,
- * log1p - logarithm of 1 plus
- * isinf - is the value infinite,
- * finite - is the value finite
- * isnan -- is the resut a nan (Not a number)
- * copysign - copy sign of a number
- * ldexp - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
- * imodf - get signed integral value from floating-point number
- * modf - get signed fractional value from floating-point number
- * drem - floating-point remainder function
- *
- * The following are done but not popular enough in math libss
- * to be included yet
- * hypoth - Euclidean distance function
- * trunc
- * round
- * nearbyint -
- */
- * vexp_func.c -- this file include all the functions for vexp.
- * the first two arguments to the function are the number
- * of argument and an array of arguments (argc, argv)
- * the last argument is a pointer to a struct ex_ex for
- * the result. Up do this point, the content of the
- * struct ex_ex that these functions receive are either
- * ET_INT (long), ET_FLT (float), or ET_SYM (char **, it is
- * char ** and not char * since NewHandle of Mac returns
- * a char ** for relocatability.) The common practice in
- * these functions is that they figure out the type of their
- * result according to the type of the arguments. In general
- * the ET_SYM is used an ET_INT when we expect a value.
- * It is the users responsibility not to pass strings to the
- * function.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define __STRICT_BSD__
-#include <math.h>
-#undef __STRICT_BSD__
-#include "vexp.h"
-/* forward declarations */
-static void ex_min(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_max(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_toint(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_rint(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_tofloat(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_pow(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_exp(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_log(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_ln(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_sin(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_cos(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_asin(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_acos(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_tan(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_atan(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_sinh(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_cosh(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_asinh(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_acosh(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_tanh(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_atanh(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_atan2(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_sqrt(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_fact(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_random(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_abs(t_expr *expr, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_fmod(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_ceil(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_floor(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_if(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_ldexp(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_imodf(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_modf(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-#ifndef NT
-static void ex_cbrt(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_erf(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_erfc(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_expm1(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_log1p(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_isinf(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_finite(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_isnan(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_copysign(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_drem(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-#ifdef notdef
-/* the following will be added once they are more popular in math libraries */
-static void ex_round(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_trunc(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_nearbyint(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-static void ex_hypoth(t_expr *expr, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr);
-t_ex_func ex_funcs[] = {
- {"min", ex_min, 2},
- {"max", ex_max, 2},
- {"int", ex_toint, 1},
- {"rint", ex_rint, 1},
- {"float", ex_tofloat, 1},
- {"fmod", ex_fmod, 2},
- {"floor", ex_floor, 2},
- {"ceil", ex_ceil, 2},
- {"pow", ex_pow, 2},
- {"sqrt", ex_sqrt, 1},
- {"exp", ex_exp, 1},
- {"log10", ex_log, 1},
- {"ln", ex_ln, 1},
- {"log", ex_ln, 1},
- {"sin", ex_sin, 1},
- {"cos", ex_cos, 1},
- {"tan", ex_tan, 1},
- {"asin", ex_asin, 1},
- {"acos", ex_acos, 1},
- {"atan", ex_atan, 1},
- {"atan2", ex_atan2, 2},
- {"sinh", ex_sinh, 1},
- {"cosh", ex_cosh, 1},
- {"tanh", ex_tanh, 1},
- {"fact", ex_fact, 1},
- {"random", ex_random, 2}, /* random number */
- {"abs", ex_abs, 1},
- {"if", ex_if, 3},
- {"ldexp ", ex_ldexp, 1},
- {"imodf ", ex_imodf, 1},
- {"modf", ex_modf, 1},
-#ifndef NT
- {"cbrt", ex_cbrt, 1},
- {"erf", ex_erf, 1},
- {"erfc", ex_erfc, 1},
- {"expm1", ex_expm1, 1},
- {"log1p", ex_log1p, 1},
- {"isinf", ex_isinf, 1},
- {"finite", ex_finite, 1},
- {"isnan", ex_isnan, 1},
- {"copysig", ex_copysign, 1},
- {"drem", ex_drem, 1},
- {"asinh", ex_asinh, 1},
- {"acosh", ex_acosh, 1},
- {"atanh", ex_atanh, 1}, /* hyperbolic atan */
-#ifdef PD
- {"size", ex_size, 1},
- {"sum", ex_sum, 1},
- {"Sum", ex_Sum, 3},
- {"avg", ex_avg, 1},
- {"Avg", ex_Avg, 3},
- {"store", ex_store, 3},
-#ifdef notdef
-/* the following will be added once they are more popular in math libraries */
- {"round", ex_round, 1},
- {"trunc", ex_trunc, 1},
- {"nearbyint", ex_nearbyint, 1},
- {"hypoth", ex_hypoth, 1},
- {0, 0, 0}
- * FUN_EVAL -- do type checking, evaluate a function,
- * if fltret is set return float
- * otherwise return value based on regular typechecking,
- */
-#define FUNC_EVAL(left, right, func, leftfuncast, rightfuncast, optr, fltret) \
-switch (left->ex_type) { \
-case ET_INT: \
- switch(right->ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = (float)func(leftfuncast left->ex_int, \
- rightfuncast right->ex_int); \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) \
- *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- if (fltret) { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = (float)func(leftfuncast \
- left->ex_int, rightfuncast right->ex_int); \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT; \
- optr->ex_int = (int)func(leftfuncast \
- left->ex_int, rightfuncast right->ex_int); \
- } \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = (float)func(leftfuncast left->ex_int, \
- rightfuncast right->ex_flt); \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) \
- *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = (float)func(leftfuncast left->ex_int, \
- rightfuncast right->ex_flt); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: \
- case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) { \
- post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) \
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*e->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- scalar = left->ex_int; \
- rp = right->ex_vec; \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) { \
- *op++ = (float)func(leftfuncast scalar, \
- rightfuncast *rp); \
- rp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e, \
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad right type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, right->ex_type);\
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_FLT: \
- switch(right->ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = (float)func(leftfuncast left->ex_flt, \
- rightfuncast right->ex_int); \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) \
- *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = (float)func(leftfuncast left->ex_flt, \
- rightfuncast right->ex_int); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = (float)func(leftfuncast left->ex_flt, \
- rightfuncast right->ex_flt); \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) \
- *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = (float)func(leftfuncast left->ex_flt, \
- rightfuncast right->ex_flt); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: \
- case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) { \
- post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) \
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float) * e->exp_vsize);\
- } \
- scalar = left->ex_flt; \
- rp = right->ex_vec; \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) { \
- *op++ = (float)func(leftfuncast scalar, \
- rightfuncast *rp); \
- rp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e, \
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad right type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, right->ex_type);\
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_VEC: \
-case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) { \
- post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); \
- abort(); \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) \
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float) * e->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- lp = left->ex_vec; \
- switch(right->ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- scalar = right->ex_int; \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) { \
- *op++ = (float)func(leftfuncast *lp, \
- rightfuncast scalar); \
- lp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- scalar = right->ex_flt; \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) { \
- *op++ = (float)func(leftfuncast *lp, \
- rightfuncast scalar); \
- lp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: \
- case ET_VI: \
- rp = right->ex_vec; \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) { \
- /* \
- * on a RISC processor one could copy \
- * 8 times in each round to get a considerable \
- * improvement \
- */ \
- *op++ = (float)func(leftfuncast *lp, \
- rightfuncast *rp); \
- rp++; lp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e, \
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad right type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, right->ex_type);\
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_SYM: \
-default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e, \
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad left type %ld\n", \
- __LINE__, left->ex_type); \
- * FUNC_EVAL_UNARY - evaluate a unary function,
- * if fltret is set return float
- * otherwise return value based on regular typechecking,
- */
-#define FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, func, leftcast, optr, fltret) \
-switch(left->ex_type) { \
-case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, \
- (float)(func (leftcast left->ex_int)), e->exp_vsize);\
- break; \
- } \
- if (fltret) { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = (float) func(leftcast left->ex_int); \
- break; \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT; \
- optr->ex_int = (int) func(leftcast left->ex_int); \
- break; \
-case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, \
- (float)(func (leftcast left->ex_flt)), e->exp_vsize);\
- break; \
- } \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = (float) func(leftcast left->ex_flt); \
- break; \
-case ET_VI: \
-case ET_VEC: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) \
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*e->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- lp = left->ex_vec; \
- j = e->exp_vsize; \
- while (j--) \
- *op++ = (float)(func (leftcast *lp++)); \
- break; \
-default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e, \
- "expr: FUNV_EVAL_UNARY(%d): bad left type %ld\n",\
- __LINE__, left->ex_type); \
-#undef min
-#undef max
-#define min(x,y) (x > y ? y : x)
-#define max(x,y) (x > y ? x : y)
-#define FUNC_DEF(ex_func, func, castleft, castright, fltret); \
-static void \
-ex_func(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)\
-{ \
- struct ex_ex *left, *right; \
- float *op; /* output pointer */ \
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */ \
- float scalar; \
- int j; \
- \
- left = argv++; \
- right = argv; \
- FUNC_EVAL(left, right, func, castleft, castright, optr, fltret); \
-#define FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_func, func, cast, fltret); \
-static void \
-ex_func(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)\
-{ \
- struct ex_ex *left; \
- float *op; /* output pointer */ \
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */ \
- float scalar; \
- int j; \
- \
- left = argv++; \
- \
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, func, cast, optr, fltret); \
- * ex_min -- if any of the arguments are or the output are vectors, a vector
- * of floats is generated otherwise the type of the result is the
- * type of the smaller value
- */
-static void
-ex_min(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left, *right;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- right = argv;
- FUNC_EVAL(left, right, min, (double), (double), optr, 0);
- * ex_max -- if any of the arguments are or the output are vectors, a vector
- * of floats is generated otherwise the type of the result is the
- * type of the larger value
- */
-static void
-ex_max(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left, *right;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- right = argv;
- FUNC_EVAL(left, right, max, (double), (double), optr, 0);
- * ex_toint -- convert to integer
- */
-static void
-ex_toint(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
-#define toint(x) ((int)(x))
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, toint, (int), optr, 0);
- }
-#ifdef NT
-/* No rint in NT land ??? */
-double rint(double x);
-rint(double x)
- return (floor(x + 0.5));
- * ex_rint -- rint() round to the nearest int according to the common
- * rounding mechanism
- */
-static void
-ex_rint(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, rint, (double), optr, 1);
- * ex_tofloat -- convert to float
- */
-static void
-ex_tofloat(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
-#define tofloat(x) ((float)(x))
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, tofloat, (int), optr, 1);
- * ex_pow -- the power of
- */
-static void
-ex_pow(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left, *right;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- right = argv;
- FUNC_EVAL(left, right, pow, (double), (double), optr, 1);
- * ex_sqrt -- square root
- */
-static void
-ex_sqrt(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, sqrt, (double), optr, 1);
- * ex_exp -- e to the power of
- */
-static void
-ex_exp(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, exp, (double), optr, 1);
- * ex_log -- 10 based logarithm
- */
-static void
-ex_log(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, log10, (double), optr, 1);
- * ex_ln -- natural log
- */
-static void
-ex_ln(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, log, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_sin(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, sin, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_cos(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, cos, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_tan(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, tan, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_asin(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, asin, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_acos(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, acos, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_atan(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, atan, (double), optr, 1);
- *ex_atan2 --
- */
-static void
-ex_atan2(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left, *right;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- right = argv;
- FUNC_EVAL(left, right, atan2, (double), (double), optr, 1);
- * ex_fmod -- floating point modulo
- */
-static void
-ex_fmod(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left, *right;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- right = argv;
- FUNC_EVAL(left, right, fmod, (double), (double), optr, 1);
- * ex_floor -- floor
- */
-static void
-ex_floor(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, floor, (double), optr, 1);
- * ex_ceil -- ceil
- */
-static void
-ex_ceil(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, ceil, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_sinh(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, sinh, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_cosh(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, cosh, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_tanh(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, tanh, (double), optr, 1);
-#ifndef NT
-static void
-ex_asinh(t_expr *e, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, asinh, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_acosh(t_expr *e, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, acosh, (double), optr, 1);
-static void
-ex_atanh(t_expr *e, long argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, atanh, (double), optr, 1);
-static int
-ex_dofact(int i)
- int ret = 0;
- if (i)
- ret = 1;
- else
- return (0);
- do {
- ret *= i;
- } while (--i);
- return(ret);
-static void
-ex_fact(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, ex_dofact, (int), optr, 0);
-static int
-ex_dorandom(int i1, int i2)
- return(i1 + (((i2 - i1) * (rand() & 0x7fffL)) >> 15));
- * ex_random -- return a random number
- */
-static void
-ex_random(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left, *right;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- right = argv;
- FUNC_EVAL(left, right, ex_dorandom, (int), (int), optr, 0);
-static void
-ex_abs(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float scalar;
- int j;
- left = argv++;
- FUNC_EVAL_UNARY(left, fabs, (double), optr, 0);
- *ex_if -- floating point modulo
- */
-static void
-ex_if(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- struct ex_ex *left, *right, *cond, *res;
- float *op; /* output pointer */
- float *lp, *rp; /* left and right vector pointers */
- float *cp; /* condition pointer */
- float leftvalue, rightvalue;
- int j;
- cond = argv++;
- left = argv++;
- right = argv;
- switch (cond->ex_type) {
- case ET_VEC:
- case ET_VI:
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) {
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) {
- /* SDY remove this test */
- post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__);
- return;
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC;
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *)
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float) * e->exp_vsize);
- }
- op = optr->ex_vec;
- j = e->exp_vsize;
- cp = cond->ex_vec;
- switch (left->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- leftvalue = left->ex_int;
- switch (right->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- rightvalue = right->ex_int;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = leftvalue;
- else
- *op++ = rightvalue;
- }
- return;
- case ET_FLT:
- rightvalue = right->ex_flt;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = leftvalue;
- else
- *op++ = rightvalue;
- }
- return;
- case ET_VEC:
- case ET_VI:
- rp = right->ex_vec;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = leftvalue;
- else
- *op++ = *rp;
- rp++;
- }
- return;
- case ET_SYM:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e,
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad right type %ld\n",
- __LINE__, right->ex_type);
- return;
- }
- case ET_FLT:
- leftvalue = left->ex_flt;
- switch (right->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- rightvalue = right->ex_int;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = leftvalue;
- else
- *op++ = rightvalue;
- }
- return;
- case ET_FLT:
- rightvalue = right->ex_flt;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = leftvalue;
- else
- *op++ = rightvalue;
- }
- return;
- case ET_VEC:
- case ET_VI:
- rp = right->ex_vec;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = leftvalue;
- else
- *op++ = *rp;
- rp++;
- }
- return;
- case ET_SYM:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e,
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad right type %ld\n",
- __LINE__, right->ex_type);
- return;
- }
- case ET_VEC:
- case ET_VI:
- lp = left->ex_vec;
- switch (right->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- rightvalue = right->ex_int;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = *lp;
- else
- *op++ = rightvalue;
- lp++;
- }
- return;
- case ET_FLT:
- rightvalue = right->ex_flt;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = *lp;
- else
- *op++ = rightvalue;
- lp++;
- }
- return;
- case ET_VEC:
- case ET_VI:
- rp = right->ex_vec;
- while (j--) {
- if (*cp++)
- *op++ = *lp;
- else
- *op++ = *rp;
- lp++; rp++;
- }
- return;
- case ET_SYM:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e,
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad right type %ld\n",
- __LINE__, right->ex_type);
- return;
- }
- case ET_SYM:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e,
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad left type %ld\n",
- __LINE__, left->ex_type);
- return;
- }
- case ET_INT:
- if (cond->ex_int)
- res = left;
- else
- res = right;
- break;
- case ET_FLT:
- if (cond->ex_flt)
- res = left;
- else
- res = right;
- break;
- case ET_SYM:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e,
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad condition type %ld\n",
- __LINE__, cond->ex_type);
- return;
- }
- switch(res->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, (float)res->ex_int,
- e->exp_vsize);
- return;
- }
- *optr = *res;
- return;
- case ET_FLT:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, (float)res->ex_flt,
- e->exp_vsize);
- return;
- }
- *optr = *res;
- return;
- case ET_VEC:
- case ET_VI:
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) {
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) {
- /* SDY remove this test */
- post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__);
- return;
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC;
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *)
- fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float) * e->exp_vsize);
- }
- memcpy(optr->ex_vec, res->ex_vec, e->exp_vsize*sizeof(t_float));
- return;
- case ET_SYM:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) e,
- "expr: FUNC_EVAL(%d): bad res type %ld\n",
- __LINE__, res->ex_type);
- return;
- }
- * ex_imodf - extract signed integral value from floating-point number
- */
-static double
-imodf(double x)
- double xx;
- modf(x, &xx);
- return (xx);
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_imodf, imodf, (double), 1);
- * ex_modf - extract signed fractional value from floating-point number
- *
- * using fracmodf because fmodf() is alrady defined in a .h file
- */
-static double
-fracmodf(double x)
- double xx;
- return(modf(x, &xx));
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_modf, fracmodf, (double), 1);
- * ex_ldexp - multiply floating-point number by integral power of 2
- */
-FUNC_DEF(ex_ldexp, ldexp, (double), (int), 1);
-#ifndef NT
- * ex_cbrt - cube root
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_cbrt, cbrt, (double), 1);
- * ex_erf - error function
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_erf, erf, (double), 1);
- * ex_erfc - complementary error function
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_erfc, erfc, (double), 1);
- * ex_expm1 - exponential minus 1,
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_expm1, expm1, (double), 1);
- * ex_log1p - logarithm of 1 plus
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_log1p, log1p, (double), 1);
- * ex_isinf - is the value infinite,
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_isinf, isinf, (double), 0);
- * ex_finite - is the value finite
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_finite, finite, (double), 0);
- * ex_isnan -- is the resut a nan (Not a number)
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_isnan, isnan, (double), 0);
- * ex_copysign - copy sign of a number
- */
-FUNC_DEF(ex_copysign, copysign, (double), (double), 1);
- * ex_drem - floating-point remainder function
- */
-FUNC_DEF(ex_drem, drem, (double), (double), 1);
-#ifdef notdef
-/* the following will be added once they are more popular in math libraries */
- * ex_hypoth - Euclidean distance function
- */
-FUNC_DEF(ex_hypoth, hypoth, (double), (double), 1);
- * ex_round - round to nearest integer, away from zero
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_round, round, (double), 1);
- * ex_trunc - round to interger, towards zero
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_trunc, trunc, (double), 1);
- * ex_nearbyint - round to nearest integer
- */
-FUNC_DEF_UNARY(ex_nearbyint, nearbyint, (double), 1);
diff --git a/externals/signal/expr~/vexp_if.c b/externals/signal/expr~/vexp_if.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 526bd667..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/expr~/vexp_if.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1223 +0,0 @@
- * jMax
- * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999 by IRCAM-Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Based on Max/ISPW by Miller Puckette.
- *
- * Authors: Maurizio De Cecco, Francois Dechelle, Enzo Maggi, Norbert Schnell.
- *
- */
-/* "expr" was written by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1989. -msp */
-/* "expr~" and "fexpr~" conversion by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1999,2000 */
- * Feb 2002 - added access to variables
- * multiple expression support
- * new short hand forms for fexpr~
- * now $y or $y1 = $y1[-1] and $y2 = $y2[-1]
- * --sdy
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "vexp.h"
-static char *exp_version = "0.4";
-extern struct ex_ex *ex_eval(struct expr *expr, struct ex_ex *eptr,
- struct ex_ex *optr, int n);
-#ifdef PD
-static t_class *expr_class;
-static t_class *expr_tilde_class;
-static t_class *fexpr_tilde_class;
-#else /* MSP */
-void *expr_tilde_class;
-/*------------------------- expr class -------------------------------------*/
-extern int expr_donew(struct expr *expr, int ac, t_atom *av);
-/*#define EXPR_DEBUG*/
-static void expr_bang(t_expr *x);
-t_int *expr_perform(t_int *w);
-static void
-expr_list(t_expr *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, const fts_atom_t *argv)
- int i;
- if (argc > MAX_VARS) argc = MAX_VARS;
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
- {
- if (argv[i].a_type == A_FLOAT)
- {
- if (x->exp_var[i].ex_type == ET_FI)
- x->exp_var[i].ex_flt = argv[i].a_w.w_float;
- else if (x->exp_var[i].ex_type == ET_II)
- x->exp_var[i].ex_int = argv[i].a_w.w_float;
- else if (x->exp_var[i].ex_type)
- pd_error(x, "expr: type mismatch");
- }
- else if (argv[i].a_type == A_SYMBOL)
- {
- if (x->exp_var[i].ex_type == ET_SI)
- x->exp_var[i].ex_ptr = (char *)argv[i].a_w.w_symbol;
- else if (x->exp_var[i].ex_type)
- pd_error(x, "expr: type mismatch");
- }
- }
- expr_bang(x);
-static void
-expr_flt(t_expr *x, t_float f, int in)
- if (in > MAX_VARS)
- return;
- if (x->exp_var[in].ex_type == ET_FI)
- x->exp_var[in].ex_flt = f;
- else if (x->exp_var[in].ex_type == ET_II)
- x->exp_var[in].ex_int = f;
-static t_class *exprproxy_class;
-typedef struct _exprproxy {
- t_pd p_pd;
- int p_index;
- t_expr *p_owner;
- struct _exprproxy *p_next;
-} t_exprproxy;
-t_exprproxy *exprproxy_new(t_expr *owner, int indx);
-void exprproxy_float(t_exprproxy *p, t_floatarg f);
-t_exprproxy *
-exprproxy_new(t_expr *owner, int indx)
- t_exprproxy *x = (t_exprproxy *)pd_new(exprproxy_class);
- x->p_owner = owner;
- x->p_index = indx;
- x->p_next = owner->exp_proxy;
- owner->exp_proxy = x;
- return (x);
-exprproxy_float(t_exprproxy *p, t_floatarg f)
- t_expr *x = p->p_owner;
- int in = p->p_index;
- if (in > MAX_VARS)
- return;
- if (x->exp_var[in].ex_type == ET_FI)
- x->exp_var[in].ex_flt = f;
- else if (x->exp_var[in].ex_type == ET_II)
- x->exp_var[in].ex_int = f;
-/* method definitions */
-static void
-expr_ff(t_expr *x)
- t_exprproxy *y;
- int i;
- y = x->exp_proxy;
- while (y)
- {
- x->exp_proxy = y->p_next;
-#ifdef PD
- pd_free(&y->p_pd);
-#else /*MSP */
- /* SDY find out what needs to be called for MSP */
- y = x->exp_proxy;
- }
- for (i = 0 ; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++);
- if (x->exp_stack[i])
- fts_free(x->exp_stack[i]);
- * SDY free all the allocated buffers here for expr~ and fexpr~
- * check to see if there are others
- */
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_VARS; i++) {
- if (x->exp_p_var[i])
- fts_free(x->exp_p_var[i]);
- if (x->exp_p_res[i])
- fts_free(x->exp_p_res[i]);
- if (x->exp_tmpres[i])
- fts_free(x->exp_tmpres[i]);
- }
-static void
-expr_bang(t_expr *x)
- int i;
-#ifdef EXPR_DEBUG
- {
- struct ex_ex *eptr;
- for (i = 0, eptr = x->exp_var; ; eptr++, i++)
- {
- if (!eptr->ex_type)
- break;
- switch (eptr->ex_type)
- {
- case ET_II:
- fprintf(stderr,"ET_II: %d \n", eptr->ex_int);
- break;
- case ET_FI:
- fprintf(stderr,"ET_FT: %f \n", eptr->ex_flt);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf(stderr,"oups\n");
- }
- }
- }
- /* banging a signal or filter object means nothing */
- if (!IS_EXPR(x))
- return;
- for (i = x->exp_nexpr - 1; i > -1 ; i--) {
- if (!ex_eval(x, x->exp_stack[i], &x->exp_res[i], 0)) {
- /*fprintf(stderr,"expr_bang(error evaluation)\n"); */
- /* SDY now that we have mutiple ones, on error we should
- * continue
- return;
- */
- }
- switch(x->exp_res[i].ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- outlet_float(x->exp_outlet[i],
- (t_float) x->exp_res[i].ex_int);
- break;
- case ET_FLT:
- outlet_float(x->exp_outlet[i], x->exp_res[i].ex_flt);
- break;
- case ET_SYM:
- /* CHANGE this will have to be taken care of */
- default:
- post("expr: bang: unrecognized result %ld\n", x->exp_res[i].ex_type);
- }
- }
-static t_expr *
-#ifdef PD
-expr_new(t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
-#else /* MSP */
-Nexpr_new(t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av)
- struct expr *x;
- int i, ninlet;
- struct ex_ex *eptr;
- t_atom fakearg;
- int dsp_index; /* keeping track of the dsp inlets */
- * SDY - we may need to call dsp_setup() in this function
- */
- if (!ac)
- {
- ac = 1;
- av = &fakearg;
- SETFLOAT(&fakearg, 0);
- }
-#ifdef PD
- /*
- * figure out if we are expr, expr~, or fexpr~
- */
- if (!strcmp("expr", s->s_name)) {
- x = (t_expr *)pd_new(expr_class);
- SET_EXPR(x);
- } else if (!strcmp("expr~", s->s_name)) {
- x = (t_expr *)pd_new(expr_tilde_class);
- } else if (!strcmp("fexpr~", s->s_name)) {
- x = (t_expr *)pd_new(fexpr_tilde_class);
- } else {
- post("expr_new: bad object name '%s'");
- /* assume expr */
- x = (t_expr *)pd_new(expr_class);
- SET_EXPR(x);
- }
-#else /* MSP */
- /* for now assume an expr~ */
- x = (t_expr *)pd_new(expr_tilde_class);
- /*
- * initialize the newly allocated object
- */
- x->exp_proxy = 0;
- x->exp_nivec = 0;
- x->exp_nexpr = 0;
- x->exp_error = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_VARS; i++) {
- x->exp_stack[i] = (struct ex_ex *)0;
- x->exp_outlet[i] = (t_outlet *)0;
- x->exp_res[i].ex_type = 0;
- x->exp_res[i].ex_int = 0;
- x->exp_p_res[i] = (t_float *)0;
- x->exp_var[i].ex_type = 0;
- x->exp_var[i].ex_int = 0;
- x->exp_p_var[i] = (t_float *)0;
- x->exp_tmpres[i] = (t_float *)0;
- x->exp_vsize = 0;
- }
- x->exp_f = 0; /* save the control value to be transformed to signal */
- if (expr_donew(x, ac, av))
- {
- pd_error(x, "expr: syntax error");
-SDY the following coredumps why?
- pd_free(&x->exp_ob.ob_pd);
- return (0);
- }
- ninlet = 1;
- for (i = 0, eptr = x->exp_var; i < MAX_VARS ; i++, eptr++)
- if (eptr->ex_type) {
- ninlet = i + 1;
- }
- /*
- * create the new inlets
- */
- for (i = 1, eptr = x->exp_var + 1, dsp_index=1; i<ninlet ; i++, eptr++)
- {
- t_exprproxy *p;
- switch (eptr->ex_type)
- {
- case 0:
- /* nothing is using this inlet */
- if (i < ninlet)
-#ifdef PD
- floatinlet_new(&x->exp_ob, &eptr->ex_flt);
-#else /* MSP */
- inlet_new(&x->exp_ob, "float");
- break;
- case ET_II:
- case ET_FI:
- p = exprproxy_new(x, i);
-#ifdef PD
- inlet_new(&x->exp_ob, &p->p_pd, &s_float, &s_float);
-#else /* MSP */
- inlet_new(&x->exp_ob, "float");
- break;
- case ET_SI:
-#ifdef PD
- symbolinlet_new(&x->exp_ob, (t_symbol **)&eptr->ex_ptr);
-#else /* MSP */
- inlet_new(&x->exp_ob, "symbol");
- break;
- case ET_XI:
- case ET_VI:
- if (!IS_EXPR(x)) {
- dsp_index++;
-#ifdef PD
- inlet_new(&x->exp_ob, &x->exp_ob.ob_pd,
- &s_signal, &s_signal);
-#else /* MSP */
- inlet_new(&x->exp_ob, "signal");
- break;
- } else
- post("expr: internal error expr_new");
- default:
- pd_error(x, "expr: bad type (%lx) inlet = %d\n",
- eptr->ex_type, i + 1, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (IS_EXPR(x)) {
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++)
- x->exp_outlet[i] = outlet_new(&x->exp_ob, 0);
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++)
- x->exp_outlet[i] = outlet_new(&x->exp_ob,
- gensym("signal"));
- x->exp_nivec = dsp_index;
- }
- /*
- * for now assume a 64 sample size block but this may change once
- * expr_dsp is called
- */
- x->exp_vsize = 64;
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++) {
- x->exp_p_res[i] = fts_calloc(x->exp_vsize, sizeof (t_float));
- x->exp_tmpres[i] = fts_calloc(x->exp_vsize, sizeof (t_float));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_VARS; i++)
- x->exp_p_var[i] = fts_calloc(x->exp_vsize, sizeof (t_float));
- return (x);
-t_int *
-expr_perform(t_int *w)
- int i, j;
- t_expr *x = (t_expr *)w[1];
- struct ex_ex res;
- int n;
- /* sanity check */
- if (IS_EXPR(x)) {
- post("expr_perform: bad x->exp_flags = %d", x->exp_flags);
- abort();
- }
- if (x->exp_flags & EF_STOP) {
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++)
- memset(x->exp_res[i].ex_vec, 0,
- x->exp_vsize * sizeof (float));
- return (w + 2);
- }
- if (IS_EXPR_TILDE(x)) {
- /*
- * if we have only one expression, we can right on
- * on the output directly, otherwise we have to copy
- * the data because, outputs could be the same buffer as
- * inputs
- */
- if ( x->exp_nexpr == 1)
- ex_eval(x, x->exp_stack[0], &x->exp_res[0], 0);
- else {
- res.ex_type = ET_VEC;
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++) {
- res.ex_vec = x->exp_tmpres[i];
- ex_eval(x, x->exp_stack[i], &res, 0);
- }
- n = x->exp_vsize * sizeof(t_float);
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++)
- memcpy(x->exp_res[i].ex_vec, x->exp_tmpres[i],
- n);
- }
- return (w + 2);
- }
- if (!IS_FEXPR_TILDE(x)) {
- post("expr_perform: bad x->exp_flags = %d - expecting fexpr",
- x->exp_flags);
- return (w + 2);
- }
- /*
- * since the output buffer could be the same as one of the inputs
- * we need to keep the output in a different buffer
- */
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_vsize; i++) for (j = 0; j < x->exp_nexpr; j++) {
- res.ex_type = 0;
- res.ex_int = 0;
- ex_eval(x, x->exp_stack[j], &res, i);
- switch (res.ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- x->exp_tmpres[j][i] = (t_float) res.ex_int;
- break;
- case ET_FLT:
- x->exp_tmpres[j][i] = res.ex_flt;
- break;
- default:
- post("expr_perform: bad result type %d", res.ex_type);
- }
- }
- /*
- * copy inputs and results to the save buffers
- * inputs need to be copied first as the output buffer can be
- * same as an input buffer
- */
- n = x->exp_vsize * sizeof(t_float);
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_VARS; i++)
- if (x->exp_var[i].ex_type == ET_XI)
- memcpy(x->exp_p_var[i], x->exp_var[i].ex_vec, n);
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++) {
- memcpy(x->exp_p_res[i], x->exp_tmpres[i], n);
- memcpy(x->exp_res[i].ex_vec, x->exp_tmpres[i], n);
- }
- return (w + 2);
-static void
-expr_dsp(t_expr *x, t_signal **sp)
- int i, nv;
- int newsize;
- x->exp_error = 0; /* reset all errors */
- newsize = (x->exp_vsize != sp[0]->s_n);
- x->exp_vsize = sp[0]->s_n; /* record the vector size */
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++) {
- x->exp_res[i].ex_type = ET_VEC;
- x->exp_res[i].ex_vec = sp[x->exp_nivec + i]->s_vec;
- }
- for (i = 0, nv = 0; i < MAX_VARS; i++)
- /*
- * the first inlet is always a signal
- *
- * SDY We are warning the user till this limitation
- * is taken away from pd
- */
- if (!i || x->exp_var[i].ex_type == ET_VI ||
- x->exp_var[i].ex_type == ET_XI) {
- if (nv >= x->exp_nivec) {
- post("expr_dsp int. err nv = %d, x->exp_nive = %d",
- nv, x->exp_nivec);
- abort();
- }
- x->exp_var[i].ex_vec = sp[nv]->s_vec;
- nv++;
- }
- /* we always have one inlet but we may not use it */
- if (nv != x->exp_nivec && (nv != 0 || x->exp_nivec != 1)) {
- post("expr_dsp internal error 2 nv = %d, x->exp_nive = %d",
- nv, x->exp_nivec);
- abort();
- }
- dsp_add(expr_perform, 1, (t_int *) x);
- /*
- * The buffer are now being allocated for expr~ and fexpr~
- * because if we have more than one expression we need the
- * temporary buffers, The save buffers are not really needed
- if (!IS_FEXPR_TILDE(x))
- return;
- */
- /*
- * if we have already allocated the buffers and we have a
- * new size free all the buffers
- */
- if (x->exp_p_res[0]) {
- if (!newsize)
- return;
- /*
- * if new size, reallocate all the previous buffers for fexpr~
- */
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++) {
- fts_free(x->exp_p_res[i]);
- fts_free(x->exp_tmpres[i]);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_VARS; i++)
- fts_free(x->exp_p_var[i]);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++) {
- x->exp_p_res[i] = fts_calloc(x->exp_vsize, sizeof (t_float));
- x->exp_tmpres[i] = fts_calloc(x->exp_vsize, sizeof (t_float));
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_VARS; i++)
- x->exp_p_var[i] = fts_calloc(x->exp_vsize, sizeof (t_float));
- * expr_verbose -- toggle the verbose switch
- */
-static void
-expr_verbose(t_expr *x)
- if (x->exp_flags & EF_VERBOSE) {
- x->exp_flags &= ~EF_VERBOSE;
- post ("verbose off");
- } else {
- x->exp_flags |= EF_VERBOSE;
- post ("verbose on");
- }
- * expr_start -- turn on expr processing for now only used for fexpr~
- */
-static void
-expr_start(t_expr *x)
- x->exp_flags &= ~EF_STOP;
- * expr_stop -- turn on expr processing for now only used for fexpr~
- */
-static void
-expr_stop(t_expr *x)
- x->exp_flags |= EF_STOP;
-static void
- post("fexpr~: set val ...");
- post("fexpr~: set {xy}[#] val ...");
- * fexpr_tilde_set -- set previous values of the buffers
- * set val val ... - sets the first elements of output buffers
- * set x val ... - sets the elements of the first input buffer
- * set x# val ... - sets the elements of the #th input buffers
- * set y val ... - sets the elements of the first output buffer
- * set y# val ... - sets the elements of the #th output buffers
- */
-static void
-fexpr_tilde_set(t_expr *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
- t_symbol *sx;
- int vecno;
- int i, nargs;
- if (!argc)
- return;
- sx = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
- switch(sx->s_name[0]) {
- case 'x':
- if (!sx->s_name[1])
- vecno = 0;
- else {
- vecno = atoi(sx->s_name + 1);
- if (!vecno) {
- post("fexpr~.set: bad set x vector number");
- fexpr_set_usage();
- return;
- }
- if (vecno >= MAX_VARS) {
- post("fexpr~.set: no more than %d inlets",
- return;
- }
- vecno--;
- }
- if (x->exp_var[vecno].ex_type != ET_XI) {
- post("fexpr~-set: no signal at inlet %d", vecno + 1);
- return;
- }
- nargs = argc - 1;
- if (!nargs) {
- post("fexpr~-set: no argument to set");
- return;
- }
- if (nargs > x->exp_vsize) {
- post("fexpr~.set: %d set values larger than vector size(%d)",
- nargs, x->exp_vsize);
- post("fexpr~.set: only the first %d values will be set",
- x->exp_vsize);
- nargs = x->exp_vsize;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
- x->exp_p_var[vecno][x->exp_vsize - i - 1] =
- atom_getfloatarg(i + 1, argc, argv);
- }
- return;
- case 'y':
- if (!sx->s_name[1])
- vecno = 0;
- else {
- vecno = atoi(sx->s_name + 1);
- if (!vecno) {
- post("fexpr~.set: bad set y vector number");
- fexpr_set_usage();
- return;
- }
- vecno--;
- }
- if (vecno >= x->exp_nexpr) {
- post("fexpr~.set: only %d outlets", x->exp_nexpr);
- return;
- }
- nargs = argc - 1;
- if (!nargs) {
- post("fexpr~-set: no argument to set");
- return;
- }
- if (nargs > x->exp_vsize) {
- post("fexpr~-set: %d set values larger than vector size(%d)",
- nargs, x->exp_vsize);
- post("fexpr~.set: only the first %d values will be set",
- x->exp_vsize);
- nargs = x->exp_vsize;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
- x->exp_p_res[vecno][x->exp_vsize - i - 1] =
- atom_getfloatarg(i + 1, argc, argv);
- }
- return;
- case 0:
- if (argc > x->exp_nexpr) {
- post("fexpr~.set: only %d outlets available",
- x->exp_nexpr);
- post("fexpr~.set: the extra set values are ignored");
- }
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr && i < argc; i++)
- x->exp_p_res[i][x->exp_vsize - 1] =
- atom_getfloatarg(i, argc, argv);
- return;
- default:
- fexpr_set_usage();
- return;
- }
- return;
- * fexpr_tilde_clear - clear the past buffers
- */
-static void
-fexpr_tilde_clear(t_expr *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
- t_symbol *sx;
- int vecno;
- int i, nargs;
- /*
- * if no arguement clear all input and output buffers
- */
- if (!argc) {
- for (i = 0; i < x->exp_nexpr; i++)
- memset(x->exp_p_res[i], 0, x->exp_vsize*sizeof(float));
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_VARS; i++)
- if (x->exp_var[i].ex_type == ET_XI)
- memset(x->exp_p_var[i], 0,
- x->exp_vsize*sizeof(float));
- return;
- }
- if (argc > 1) {
- post("fexpr~ usage: 'clear' or 'clear {xy}[#]'");
- return;
- }
- sx = atom_getsymbolarg(0, argc, argv);
- switch(sx->s_name[0]) {
- case 'x':
- if (!sx->s_name[1])
- vecno = 0;
- else {
- vecno = atoi(sx->s_name + 1);
- if (!vecno) {
- post("fexpr~.clear: bad clear x vector number");
- return;
- }
- if (vecno >= MAX_VARS) {
- post("fexpr~.clear: no more than %d inlets",
- return;
- }
- vecno--;
- }
- if (x->exp_var[vecno].ex_type != ET_XI) {
- post("fexpr~-clear: no signal at inlet %d", vecno + 1);
- return;
- }
- memset(x->exp_p_var[vecno], 0, x->exp_vsize*sizeof(float));
- return;
- case 'y':
- if (!sx->s_name[1])
- vecno = 0;
- else {
- vecno = atoi(sx->s_name + 1);
- if (!vecno) {
- post("fexpr~.clear: bad clear y vector number");
- return;
- }
- vecno--;
- }
- if (vecno >= x->exp_nexpr) {
- post("fexpr~.clear: only %d outlets", x->exp_nexpr);
- return;
- }
- memset(x->exp_p_res[vecno], 0, x->exp_vsize*sizeof(float));
- return;
- return;
- default:
- post("fexpr~ usage: 'clear' or 'clear {xy}[#]'");
- return;
- }
- return;
-#ifdef PD
- /*
- * expr initialization
- */
- expr_class = class_new(gensym("expr"), (t_newmethod)expr_new,
- (t_method)expr_ff, sizeof(t_expr), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
- class_addlist(expr_class, expr_list);
- exprproxy_class = class_new(gensym("exprproxy"), 0,
- 0, sizeof(t_exprproxy), CLASS_PD, 0);
- class_addfloat(exprproxy_class, exprproxy_float);
- /*
- * expr~ initialization
- */
- expr_tilde_class = class_new(gensym("expr~"), (t_newmethod)expr_new,
- (t_method)expr_ff, sizeof(t_expr), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
- class_addmethod(expr_tilde_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0);
- CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(expr_tilde_class, t_expr, exp_f);
- class_addmethod(expr_tilde_class,(t_method)expr_dsp, gensym("dsp"), 0);
- class_sethelpsymbol(expr_tilde_class, gensym("expr"));
- /*
- * fexpr~ initialization
- */
- fexpr_tilde_class = class_new(gensym("fexpr~"), (t_newmethod)expr_new,
- (t_method)expr_ff, sizeof(t_expr), 0, A_GIMME, 0);
- class_addmethod(fexpr_tilde_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0);
- class_addmethod(fexpr_tilde_class,(t_method)expr_start,
- gensym("start"), 0);
- class_addmethod(fexpr_tilde_class,(t_method)expr_stop,
- gensym("stop"), 0);
- class_addmethod(fexpr_tilde_class,(t_method)expr_dsp,gensym("dsp"), 0);
- class_addmethod(fexpr_tilde_class, (t_method)fexpr_tilde_set,
- gensym("set"), A_GIMME, 0);
- class_addmethod(fexpr_tilde_class, (t_method)fexpr_tilde_clear,
- gensym("clear"), A_GIMME, 0);
- class_addmethod(fexpr_tilde_class,(t_method)expr_verbose,
- gensym("verbose"), 0);
- class_sethelpsymbol(fexpr_tilde_class, gensym("expr"));
- post("expr, expr~, fexpr~ version %s under GNU General Public License ", exp_version);
- expr_setup();
- expr_setup();
-#else /* MSP */
- setup((t_messlist **)&expr_tilde_class, (method)Nexpr_new,
- (method)expr_ff, (short)sizeof(t_expr), 0L, A_GIMME, 0);
- addmess((method)expr_dsp, "dsp", A_CANT, 0); // dsp method
- dsp_initclass();
-/* -- the following functions use Pd internals and so are in the "if" file. */
-ex_getsym(char *p, fts_symbol_t *s)
- *s = gensym(p);
- return (0);
-const char *
-ex_symname(fts_symbol_t s)
- return (fts_symbol_name(s));
- * max_ex_tab -- evaluate this table access
- * eptr is the name of the table and arg is the index we
- * have to put the result in optr
- * return 1 on error and 0 otherwise
- *
- * Arguments:
- * the expr object
- * table
- * the argument
- * the result pointer
- */
-max_ex_tab(struct expr *expr, fts_symbol_t s, struct ex_ex *arg,
- struct ex_ex *optr)
-#ifdef PD
- t_garray *garray;
- int size, indx;
- t_float *vec;
- if (!s || !(garray = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(s, garray_class)) ||
- !garray_getfloatarray(garray, &size, &vec))
- {
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = 0;
- pd_error(expr, "no such table '%s'", s->s_name);
- return (1);
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- switch (arg->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- indx = arg->ex_int;
- break;
- case ET_FLT:
- /* strange interpolation code deleted here -msp */
- indx = arg->ex_flt;
- break;
- default: /* do something with strings */
- pd_error(expr, "expr: bad argument for table '%s'\n", fts_symbol_name(s));
- indx = 0;
- }
- if (indx < 0) indx = 0;
- else if (indx >= size) indx = size - 1;
- optr->ex_flt = vec[indx];
-#else /* MSP */
- /*
- * table lookup not done for MSP yet
- */
- post("max_ex_tab: not complete for MSP yet!");
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = 0;
- return (0);
-max_ex_var(struct expr *expr, fts_symbol_t var, struct ex_ex *optr)
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- if (value_getfloat(var, &(optr->ex_flt))) {
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = 0;
- pd_error(expr, "no such var '%s'", var->s_name);
- return (1);
- }
- return (0);
-#ifdef PD /* this goes to the end of this file as the following functions
- * should be defined in the expr object in MSP
- */
-#define ISTABLE(sym, garray, size, vec) \
-if (!sym || !(garray = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(sym, garray_class)) || \
- !garray_getfloatarray(garray, &size, &vec)) { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_int = 0; \
- error("no such table '%s'", sym->s_name); \
- return; \
- * ex_size -- find the size of a table
- */
-ex_size(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- t_symbol *s;
- t_garray *garray;
- int size;
- t_float *vec;
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_SYM)
- {
- post("expr: size: need a table name\n");
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- return;
- }
- s = (fts_symbol_t ) argv->ex_ptr;
- ISTABLE(s, garray, size, vec);
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = size;
- * ex_sum -- calculate the sum of all elements of a table
- */
-ex_sum(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- t_symbol *s;
- t_garray *garray;
- int size;
- t_float *vec, sum;
- int indx;
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_SYM)
- {
- post("expr: sum: need a table name\n");
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- return;
- }
- s = (fts_symbol_t ) argv->ex_ptr;
- ISTABLE(s, garray, size, vec);
- for (indx = 0, sum = 0; indx < size; indx++)
- sum += vec[indx];
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = sum;
- * ex_Sum -- calculate the sum of table with the given boundries
- */
-ex_Sum(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
- t_symbol *s;
- t_garray *garray;
- int size;
- t_float *vec, sum;
- int indx, n1, n2;
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_SYM)
- {
- post("expr: sum: need a table name\n");
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- return;
- }
- s = (fts_symbol_t ) argv->ex_ptr;
- ISTABLE(s, garray, size, vec);
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_INT || argv[1].ex_type != ET_INT)
- {
- post("expr: Sum: boundries have to be fix values\n");
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- return;
- }
- n1 = argv->ex_int;
- n2 = argv[1].ex_int;
- for (indx = n1, sum = 0; indx < n2; indx++)
- if (indx >= 0 && indx < size)
- sum += vec[indx];
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = sum;
- * ex_avg -- calculate the avarage of a table
- */
-ex_avg(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
-/* SDY - look into this function */
-#if 0
- fts_symbol_t s;
- fts_integer_vector_t *tw = 0;
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_SYM)
- {
- post("expr: avg: need a table name\n");
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- }
- s = (fts_symbol_t ) argv->ex_ptr;
- tw = table_integer_vector_get_by_name(s);
- if (tw)
- {
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- if (! fts_integer_vector_get_size(tw))
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- else
- optr->ex_int = fts_integer_vector_get_sum(tw) / fts_integer_vector_get_size(tw);
- }
- else
- {
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- post("expr: avg: no such table %s\n", fts_symbol_name(s));
- }
- * ex_Avg -- calculate the avarage of table with the given boundries
- */
-ex_Avg(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
-/* SDY - look into this function */
-#if 0
- fts_symbol_t s;
- fts_integer_vector_t *tw = 0;
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_SYM)
- {
- post("expr: Avg: need a table name\n");
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- }
- s = (fts_symbol_t ) (argv++)->ex_ptr;
- tw = table_integer_vector_get_by_name(s);
- if (! tw)
- {
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- post("expr: Avg: no such table %s\n", fts_symbol_name(s));
- return;
- }
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_INT || argv[1].ex_type != ET_INT)
- {
- post("expr: Avg: boundries have to be fix values\n");
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- return;
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- if (argv[1].ex_int - argv->ex_int <= 0)
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- else
- optr->ex_int = (fts_integer_vector_get_sub_sum(tw, argv->ex_int, argv[1].ex_int) /
- (argv[1].ex_int - argv->ex_int));
- * ex_store -- store a value in a table
- * if the index is greater the size of the table,
- * we will make a modulo the size of the table
- */
-ex_store(t_expr *e, long int argc, struct ex_ex *argv, struct ex_ex *optr)
-/* SDY - look into this function */
-#if 0
- fts_symbol_t s;
- fts_integer_vector_t *tw = 0;
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_SYM)
- {
- post("expr: store: need a table name\n");
- }
- s = (fts_symbol_t ) (argv++)->ex_ptr;
- tw = table_integer_vector_get_by_name(s);
- if (! tw)
- {
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- post("expr: store: no such table %s\n", fts_symbol_name(s));
- return;
- }
- if (argv->ex_type != ET_INT || argv[1].ex_type != ET_INT)
- {
- post("expr: store: arguments have to be integer\n");
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- }
- fts_integer_vector_set_element(tw, argv->ex_int < 0 ? 0 : argv->ex_int % fts_integer_vector_get_size(tw), argv[1].ex_int);
- *optr = argv[1];
-#else /* MSP */
-pd_error(void *object, char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- t_int arg[8];
- int i;
- static int saidit = 0;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
-/* SDY
- vsprintf(error_string, fmt, ap);
- */ post(fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
-/* SDY
- fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", error_string);
- error_object = object;
- if (!saidit)
- {
- post("... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu.");
- saidit = 1;
- }
diff --git a/externals/signal/fiddle~/fiddle~-help.pd b/externals/signal/fiddle~/fiddle~-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index f2330bfa..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/fiddle~/fiddle~-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 93 26 980 745 10;
-#X obj 262 522 phasor~;
-#X obj 531 616 unpack;
-#X floatatom 531 666 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 437 449 print;
-#X obj 262 500 sig~;
-#X floatatom 262 478 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 262 456 mtof;
-#X floatatom 262 434 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X floatatom 545 643 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 531 576 route 1 2 3 4;
-#X obj 614 616 unpack;
-#X floatatom 614 666 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X floatatom 628 643 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 698 616 unpack;
-#X floatatom 698 666 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X floatatom 712 643 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 389 616 unpack;
-#X floatatom 389 666 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X floatatom 403 643 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 334 545 *~;
-#X obj 322 394 loadbang;
-#X obj 353 522 sig~;
-#X floatatom 353 500 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 322 478 1;
-#X msg 353 478 0;
-#X floatatom 466 666 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 281 666 print attack;
-#X obj 190 666 print pitch;
-#X msg 555 45 \; pd dsp 1;
-#X text 460 39 click here;
-#X text 460 61 to start DSP;
-#X text 226 4 FIDDLE - pitch estimator and sinusoidal peak finder;
-#X text 8 70 The Fiddle object estimates the pitch and amplitude of
-an incoming sound \, both continuously and as a stream of discrete
-"note" events. Fiddle optionally outputs a list of detected sinusoidal
-peaks used to make the pitch determination. Fiddle is described theoretically
-in the 1998 ICMC proceedings \, reprinted on http://man104nfs.ucsd.edu/~mpuckett.
-#X text 8 170 Fiddle's creation arguments specify an analysis window
-size \, the maximum polyphony (i.e. \, the number of simultaneous "pitches"
-to try to find) \, the number of peaks in the spectrum to consider
-\, and the number of peaks \, if any \, to output "raw." The outlets
-give discrete pitch (a number) \, detected attacks in the amplitude
-envelope (a bang) \, one or more voices of continuous pitch and amplitude
-\, overall amplitude \, and optionally a sequence of messages with
-the peaks.;
-#X text 8 296 The analysis hop size is half the window size so in the
-example shown here \, one analysis is done every 512 samples (11.6
-msec at 44K1) \, and the analysis uses the most recent 1024 samples
-(23.2 msec at 44K1). The minimum frequency that Fiddle will report
-is 2-1/2 cycles per analysis windows \, or about 108 Hz. (just below
-MIDI 45.);
-#X text 669 535 number of pitch outlets (1-3 \, default 1);
-#X text 669 557 number of peaks to find (1-100 \, default 20);
-#X text 669 579 number of peaks to output (default 0.);
-#X msg 441 107 amp-range 40 50;
-#X msg 439 227 reattack 100 10;
-#X msg 438 282 npartial 7;
-#X msg 438 170 vibrato 50 0.5;
-#X text 560 91 a low and high amplitude threshold: if signal amplitude
-is below the low threshold \, no pitches or peaks are output. The high
-threshold is a minimum at which "cooked" outputs may appear.;
-#X text 560 152 A period in milliseconds (50) over which the raw pitch
-may not deviate more than an interval in half-tones (0.5) from the
-average pitch to report it as a note to the "cooked" pitch outlet.
-#X text 560 213 A period in milliseconds (100) over which a re-attack
-is reported if the amplitude rises more than (1) dB. The re-attack
-will result in a "bang" in the attack outlet and may give rise to repeated
-notes in the cooked pitch output.;
-#X text 142 432 test input pitch;
-#X text 330 444 test input;
-#X text 330 457 amplitude;
-#X obj 410 545 fiddle~ 1024 1 20 3;
-#X text 538 690 individual sinusoidal components;
-#X text 466 688 amplitude;
-#X text 476 703 (dB);
-#X text 389 688 raw pitch;
-#X text 376 712 and amplitude;
-#X text 364 729 (up to 3 outputs);
-#X text 287 686 bang on;
-#X text 287 708 attack;
-#X text 185 686 cooked pitch;
-#X text 202 703 output;
-#X text 545 545 ------ arguments:;
-#X msg 262 412 57;
-#X msg 440 331 auto 1;
-#X msg 440 353 auto 0;
-#X msg 439 418 bang;
-#X text 561 416 poll current values --- useful if not in auto mode
-#X text 560 274 Higher partials are weighed less strongly than lower
-ones in determining the pitch. This specifies the number of the partial
-(7) which will be weighted half as strongly as the fundamental.;
-#X text 560 335 start and stop "auto" mode (on by default.) If off
-\, output only appears on "bang" (poll mode).;
-#X text 561 448 print out all settings;
-#X text 669 513 window size (128-2048 \, default 1024);
-#X msg 440 375 npoints 2048;
-#X text 562 384 number of points in analysis window (power of 2 \,
-#X msg 439 396 npoints 1024;
-#X connect 0 0 19 0;
-#X connect 1 0 2 0;
-#X connect 1 1 8 0;
-#X connect 3 0 48 0;
-#X connect 4 0 0 0;
-#X connect 5 0 4 0;
-#X connect 6 0 5 0;
-#X connect 7 0 6 0;
-#X connect 9 0 1 0;
-#X connect 9 1 10 0;
-#X connect 9 2 13 0;
-#X connect 10 0 11 0;
-#X connect 10 1 12 0;
-#X connect 13 0 14 0;
-#X connect 13 1 15 0;
-#X connect 16 0 17 0;
-#X connect 16 1 18 0;
-#X connect 19 0 48 0;
-#X connect 20 0 60 0;
-#X connect 20 0 23 0;
-#X connect 21 0 19 1;
-#X connect 22 0 21 0;
-#X connect 23 0 22 0;
-#X connect 24 0 22 0;
-#X connect 38 0 48 0;
-#X connect 39 0 48 0;
-#X connect 40 0 48 0;
-#X connect 41 0 48 0;
-#X connect 48 0 27 0;
-#X connect 48 1 26 0;
-#X connect 48 2 16 0;
-#X connect 48 3 25 0;
-#X connect 48 4 9 0;
-#X connect 60 0 7 0;
-#X connect 61 0 48 0;
-#X connect 62 0 48 0;
-#X connect 63 0 48 0;
-#X connect 69 0 48 0;
-#X connect 71 0 48 0;
diff --git a/externals/signal/fiddle~/fiddle~.c b/externals/signal/fiddle~/fiddle~.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ead7671..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/fiddle~/fiddle~.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1854 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette and Ted Apel.
-* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
- * Fiddle is a pitch tracker hardwired to have hop size ("H") equal to
- * half its window size ("N").
- *
- * This version should compile for Max "0.26," JMAX, Pd, or Max/MSP.
- *
- * The "lastanalysis" field holds the shifted FT of the previous H
- * samples. The buffer contains in effect points 1/2, 3/2, ..., (N-1)/2
- * of the DTFT of a real vector of length N, half of whose points are zero,
- * i.e., only the first H points are used. Put another way, we get the
- * the odd-numbered points of the FFT of the H points, zero padded to 4*H in
- * length. The integer points 0, 1, ..., H-1
- * are found by interpolating these others, using the fact that the
- * half-integer points are band-limited (they only have positive frequencies.)
- * To facilitate the interpolation the "lastanalysis" buffer contains
- * FILTSIZE extra points (1/2-FILTSIZE, ..., -1/2) at the beginning and
- * FILTSIZE again at the end ((N+1)/2, ..., FILTSIZE+(N-1)/2). The buffer
- * therefore has N+4*FILTSIZE floating-point numbers in it.
- *
- * after doing this I found out that you can just do a real FFT
- * of the H new points, zero-padded to contain N points, and using a similar
- * but simpler interpolation scheme you can still get 2N points of the DTFT
- * of the N points. Jean Laroche is a big fat hen.
- *
- */
-#ifdef NT
-#define flog log
-#define fexp exp
-#define fsqrt sqrt
-#pragma warning (disable: 4305 4244)
-#define flog log
-#define fexp exp
-#define fsqrt sqrt
-char fiddle_version[] = "fiddle version 1.1 TEST4";
-#ifdef JMAX
-#include "fts.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-typedef float t_float;
-typedef float t_floatarg;
-typedef fts_symbol_t t_symbol;
-static void *getbytes(size_t nbytes)
- void *ret;
- if (nbytes < 1) nbytes = 1;
- ret = (void *)malloc(nbytes);
- return (ret);
-static void *resizebytes(void *old, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize)
- void *ret;
- if (newsize < 1) newsize = 1;
- ret = (void *)realloc((char *)old, newsize);
- return (ret);
-static void freebytes(void *fatso, size_t nbytes)
- free(fatso);
-#define CLASSNAME "fiddle"
-#define OUTLETpower 5
-#define OUTLETmicropitch1 4
-#define OUTLETmicropitch2 3
-#define OUTLETmicropitch3 2
-#define OUTLETattack 1
-#define OUTLETpitch 0
-static fts_symbol_t *dsp_symbol = 0;
-#define error post
-#endif /* FTS */
-#ifdef MAX26
-#define t_floatarg double
-#include "m_extern.h"
-#include "d_graph.h"
-#include "d_ugen.h"
-#endif /* MAX26 */
-#ifdef PD
-#include "m_pd.h"
-#endif /* PD */
-#ifdef MSP
-#define flog log
-#define fexp exp
-#define fsqrt sqrt
-#endif /* MSP */
-#ifdef MSP
-#define t_floatarg double // this is a guess based on MAX26
-#include "ext.h"
-#include "z_dsp.h"
-#include "fft_mayer.proto.h"
-//#include "fiddle_header.h"
-// #include "MacHeaders.h"
-//#include <MacHeadersPPC>
-//#include "fiddledoit.h"
-#endif /* MSP */
-#include <math.h>
-#define MINBIN 3
-#define DEFAMPLO 40
-#define DEFAMPHI 50
-#define DEFATTACKTIME 100
-#define DEFVIBTIME 50
-#define DEFVIBDEPTH 0.5
-#define GLISS 0.7f
-#define DBFUDGE 30.8f
-#define MINFREQINBINS 5 /* minimum frequency in bins for reliable output */
-#define MAXNPITCH 3
-#define MAXHIST 3 /* find N hottest peaks in histogram */
-#define MAXPOINTS 8192
-#define MINPOINTS 128
-#define DEFAULTPOINTS 1024
-#define HISTORY 20
-#define MAXPEAK 100 /* maximum number of peaks */
-#define DEFNPEAK 20 /* default number of peaks */
-#define MINBW (0.03f) /* consider BW >= 0.03 FFT bins */
-#define BINPEROCT 48 /* bins per octave */
-#define BPERO_OVER_LOG2 69.24936196f /* BINSPEROCT/log(2) */
-#define FACTORTOBINS (float)(4/0.0145453) /* 4 / (pow(2.,1/48.) - 1) */
-#define BINGUARD 10 /* extra bins to throw in front */
-#define PARTIALDEVIANCE 0.023f /* acceptable partial detuning in % */
-#define LOGTODB 4.34294481903f /* 20/log(10) */
-#define KNOCKTHRESH 10.f /* don't know how to describe this */
-static float sigfiddle_partialonset[] =
-#define NPARTIALONSET ((int)(sizeof(sigfiddle_partialonset)/sizeof(float)))
-static int sigfiddle_intpartialonset[] =
-/* these coefficients, which come from the "upsamp" subdirectory,
-are a filter kernel for upsampling by a factor of two, assuming
-the sound to be upsampled has no energy above half the Nyquist, i.e.,
-that it's already 2x oversampled compared to the theoretically possible
-sample rate. I got these by trial and error. */
-#define FILT1 ((float)(.5 * 1.227054))
-#define FILT2 ((float)(.5 * -0.302385))
-#define FILT3 ((float)(.5 * 0.095326))
-#define FILT4 ((float)(.5 * -0.022748))
-#define FILT5 ((float)(.5 * 0.002533))
-#define FILTSIZE 5
-typedef struct peakout /* a peak for output */
- float po_freq; /* frequency in hz */
- float po_amp; /* amplitude */
-} t_peakout;
-typedef struct peak /* a peak for analysis */
- float p_freq; /* frequency in bins */
- float p_width; /* peak width in bins */
- float p_pow; /* peak power */
- float p_loudness; /* 4th root of power */
- float *p_fp; /* pointer back to spectrum */
-} t_peak;
-typedef struct histopeak
- float h_pitch; /* estimated pitch */
- float h_value; /* value of peak */
- float h_loud; /* combined strength of found partials */
- int h_index; /* index of bin holding peak */
- int h_used; /* true if an x_hist entry points here */
-} t_histopeak;
-typedef struct pitchhist /* struct for keeping history by pitch */
- float h_pitch; /* pitch to output */
- float h_amps[HISTORY]; /* past amplitudes */
- float h_pitches[HISTORY]; /* past pitches */
- float h_noted; /* last pitch output */
- int h_age; /* number of frames pitch has been there */
- t_histopeak *h_wherefrom; /* new histogram peak to incorporate */
- void *h_outlet;
-} t_pitchhist;
-typedef struct sigfiddle /* instance struct */
-#ifdef JMAX
- fts_object_t x_h; /* object header */
- fts_alarm_t x_clock; /* callback for timeouts */
-#ifdef MAX26
- t_head x_h; /* header for tilde objects */
- t_sig *x_io[IN1+OUT0]; /* number of signal inputs and outputs */
- void *x_clock; /* a "clock" object */
-#ifdef PD
- t_object x_ob; /* object header */
- t_clock *x_clock; /* callback for timeouts */
-#ifdef MSP
- t_pxobject x_obj;
- void *x_clock;
- long x_downsample; // downsample feature because of
- // MSP's large sig vector sizes
- float *x_inbuf; /* buffer to analyze, npoints/2 elems */
- float *x_lastanalysis; /* FT of last buffer (see main comment) */
- float *x_spiral; /* 1/4-wave complex exponential */
- t_peakout *x_peakbuf; /* spectral peaks for output */
- int x_npeakout; /* number of spectral peaks to output */
- int x_npeakanal; /* number of spectral peaks to analyze */
- int x_phase; /* number of points since last output */
- int x_histphase; /* phase into amplitude history vector */
- int x_hop; /* period of output, npoints/2 */
- float x_sr; /* sample rate */
- t_pitchhist x_hist[MAXNPITCH]; /* history of current pitches */
- int x_nprint; /* how many periods to print */
- int x_npitch; /* number of simultaneous pitches */
- float x_dbs[HISTORY]; /* DB history, indexed by "histphase" */
- float x_peaked; /* peak since last attack */
- int x_dbage; /* number of bins DB has met threshold */
- int x_auto; /* true if generating continuous output */
-/* parameters */
- float x_amplo;
- float x_amphi;
- int x_attacktime;
- int x_attackbins;
- float x_attackthresh;
- int x_vibtime;
- int x_vibbins;
- float x_vibdepth;
- float x_npartial;
-/* outlets & clock */
- void *x_envout;
- int x_attackvalue;
- void *x_attackout;
- void *x_noteout;
- void *x_peakout;
-} t_sigfiddle;
-float fiddle_checker[1024];
-#ifdef MSP
-// Mac compiler requires prototypes for everything
-int sigfiddle_ilog2(int n);
-float fiddle_mtof(float f);
-float fiddle_ftom(float f);
-void sigfiddle_doit(t_sigfiddle *x);
-void sigfiddle_debug(t_sigfiddle *x);
-void sigfiddle_print(t_sigfiddle *x);
-void sigfiddle_assist(t_sigfiddle *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s);
-void sigfiddle_amprange(t_sigfiddle *x, double amplo, double amphi);
-void sigfiddle_reattack(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg attacktime, t_floatarg
-void sigfiddle_vibrato(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg vibtime, t_floatarg
-void sigfiddle_npartial(t_sigfiddle *x, double npartial);
-void sigfiddle_auto(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg f);
-void sigfiddle_setnpoints(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg f);
-int sigfiddle_doinit(t_sigfiddle *x, long npoints, long npitch, long
-npeakanal, long npeakout);
-static t_int *fiddle_perform(t_int *w);
-void sigfiddle_dsp(t_sigfiddle *x, t_signal **sp);
-void sigfiddle_tick(t_sigfiddle *x);
-void sigfiddle_bang(t_sigfiddle *x);
-void sigfiddle_ff(t_sigfiddle *x);
-//void *sigfiddle_new(long npoints, long npitch);
-void *sigfiddle_new(long npoints, long npitch,
- long npeakanal, long npeakout);
-void msp_fft(float *buf, long np, long inv);
-float msp_ffttemp[MAXPOINTS*2];
-int errno;
-int sigfiddle_ilog2(int n)
- int ret = -1;
- while (n)
- {
- n >>= 1;
- ret++;
- }
- return (ret);
-float fiddle_mtof(float f)
- return (8.17579891564 * exp(.0577622650 * f));
-float fiddle_ftom(float f)
- return (17.3123405046 * log(.12231220585 * f));
-#define ftom fiddle_ftom
-#define mtof fiddle_mtof
-void sigfiddle_doit(t_sigfiddle *x)
-#ifdef MSP
- // prevents interrupt-level stack overflow crash with Netscape.
- static float spect1[4*MAXPOINTS];
- static float spect2[MAXPOINTS + 4*FILTSIZE];
- float spect1[4*MAXPOINTS];
- float spect2[MAXPOINTS + 4*FILTSIZE];
- float checker3[4*MAXPOINTS];
- t_peak peaklist[MAXPEAK + 1], *pk1;
- t_peakout *pk2;
- t_histopeak histvec[MAXHIST], *hp1;
- int i, j, k, hop = x->x_hop, n = 2*hop, npeak, npitch,
- logn = sigfiddle_ilog2(n), newphase, oldphase;
- float *fp, *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, total_power, total_loudness, total_db;
- float maxbin = BINPEROCT * (logn-2), *histogram = spect2 + BINGUARD;
- t_pitchhist *phist;
- float hzperbin = x->x_sr / (2.0f * n);
- int npeakout = x->x_npeakout, npeakanal = x->x_npeakanal;
- int npeaktot = (npeakout > npeakanal ? npeakout : npeakanal);
- oldphase = x->x_histphase;
- newphase = x->x_histphase + 1;
- if (newphase == HISTORY) newphase = 0;
- x->x_histphase = newphase;
- /*
- * multiply the H points by a 1/4-wave complex exponential,
- * and take FFT of the result.
- */
- for (i = 0, fp1 = x->x_inbuf, fp2 = x->x_spiral, fp3 = spect1;
- i < hop; i++, fp1++, fp2 += 2, fp3 += 2)
- fp3[0] = fp1[0] * fp2[0], fp3[1] = fp1[0] * fp2[1];
-#ifdef MAX26
- fft(spect1, hop, 0);
-#ifdef PD
- pd_fft(spect1, hop, 0);
-#ifdef JMAX
- fts_cfft_inplc((complex *)spect1, hop);
-#ifdef MSP
- msp_fft(spect1,hop,0);
- /*
- * now redistribute the points to get in effect the odd-numbered
- * points of the FFT of the H points, zero padded to 4*H in length.
- */
- for (i = 0, fp1 = spect1, fp2 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE);
- i < (hop>>1); i++, fp1 += 2, fp2 += 4)
- fp2[0] = fp1[0], fp2[1] = fp1[1];
- for (i = 0, fp1 = spect1 + n - 2, fp2 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE+2);
- i < (hop>>1); i++, fp1 -= 2, fp2 += 4)
- fp2[0] = fp1[0], fp2[1] = -fp1[1];
- for (i = 0, fp1 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE), fp2 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE-2);
- i<FILTSIZE; i++, fp1+=2, fp2-=2)
- fp2[0] = fp1[0], fp2[1] = -fp1[1];
- for (i = 0, fp1 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE+n-2), fp2 = spect2 + (2*FILTSIZE+n);
- i<FILTSIZE; i++, fp1-=2, fp2+=2)
- fp2[0] = fp1[0], fp2[1] = -fp1[1];
-#if 0
- {
- fp = spect2 + 2*FILTSIZE;
- post("x1 re %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f",
- fp[0], fp[2], fp[4], fp[6], fp[8]);
- post("x1 im %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f %12.4f",
- fp[1], fp[3], fp[5], fp[7], fp[9]);
- }
- /* spect2 is now prepared; now combine spect2 and lastanalysis into
- * spect1. Odd-numbered points of spect1 are the points of "last"
- * plus (-i, i, -i, ...) times spect1. Even-numbered points are
- * the interpolated points of "last" plus (1, -1, 1, ...) times the
- * interpolated points of spect1.
- *
- * To interpolate, take FILT1 exp(-pi/4) times
- * the previous point, FILT2*exp(-3*pi/4) times 3 bins before,
- * etc, and FILT1 exp(pi/4), FILT2 exp(3pi/4), etc., to weight
- * the +1, +3, etc., points.
- *
- * In this calculation, we take (1, i, -1, -i, 1) times the
- * -9, -7, ..., -1 points, and (i, -1, -i, 1, i) times the 1, 3,..., 9
- * points of the OLD spectrum, alternately adding and subtracting
- * the new spectrum to the old; then we multiply the whole thing
- * by exp(-i pi/4).
- */
- for (i = 0, fp1 = spect1, fp2 = x->x_lastanalysis + 2*FILTSIZE,
- fp3 = spect2 + 2*FILTSIZE;
- i < (hop>>1); i++)
- {
- float re, im;
- re= FILT1 * ( fp2[ -2] -fp2[ 1] +fp3[ -2] -fp3[ 1]) +
- FILT2 * ( fp2[ -3] -fp2[ 2] +fp3[ -3] -fp3[ 2]) +
- FILT3 * (-fp2[ -6] +fp2[ 5] -fp3[ -6] +fp3[ 5]) +
- FILT4 * (-fp2[ -7] +fp2[ 6] -fp3[ -7] +fp3[ 6]) +
- FILT5 * ( fp2[-10] -fp2[ 9] +fp3[-10] -fp3[ 9]);
- im= FILT1 * ( fp2[ -1] +fp2[ 0] +fp3[ -1] +fp3[ 0]) +
- FILT2 * (-fp2[ -4] -fp2[ 3] -fp3[ -4] -fp3[ 3]) +
- FILT3 * (-fp2[ -5] -fp2[ 4] -fp3[ -5] -fp3[ 4]) +
- FILT4 * ( fp2[ -8] +fp2[ 7] +fp3[ -8] +fp3[ 7]) +
- FILT5 * ( fp2[ -9] +fp2[ 8] +fp3[ -9] +fp3[ 8]);
- fp1[0] = 0.7071f * (re + im);
- fp1[1] = 0.7071f * (im - re);
- fp1[4] = fp2[0] + fp3[1];
- fp1[5] = fp2[1] - fp3[0];
- fp1 += 8, fp2 += 2, fp3 += 2;
- re= FILT1 * ( fp2[ -2] -fp2[ 1] -fp3[ -2] +fp3[ 1]) +
- FILT2 * ( fp2[ -3] -fp2[ 2] -fp3[ -3] +fp3[ 2]) +
- FILT3 * (-fp2[ -6] +fp2[ 5] +fp3[ -6] -fp3[ 5]) +
- FILT4 * (-fp2[ -7] +fp2[ 6] +fp3[ -7] -fp3[ 6]) +
- FILT5 * ( fp2[-10] -fp2[ 9] -fp3[-10] +fp3[ 9]);
- im= FILT1 * ( fp2[ -1] +fp2[ 0] -fp3[ -1] -fp3[ 0]) +
- FILT2 * (-fp2[ -4] -fp2[ 3] +fp3[ -4] +fp3[ 3]) +
- FILT3 * (-fp2[ -5] -fp2[ 4] +fp3[ -5] +fp3[ 4]) +
- FILT4 * ( fp2[ -8] +fp2[ 7] -fp3[ -8] -fp3[ 7]) +
- FILT5 * ( fp2[ -9] +fp2[ 8] -fp3[ -9] -fp3[ 8]);
- fp1[0] = 0.7071f * (re + im);
- fp1[1] = 0.7071f * (im - re);
- fp1[4] = fp2[0] - fp3[1];
- fp1[5] = fp2[1] + fp3[0];
- fp1 += 8, fp2 += 2, fp3 += 2;
- }
-#if 0
- if (x->x_nprint)
- {
- for (i = 0, fp = spect1; i < 16; i++, fp+= 4)
- post("spect %d %f %f --> %f", i, fp[0], fp[1],
- sqrt(fp[0] * fp[0] + fp[1] * fp[1]));
- }
- /* copy new spectrum out */
- for (i = 0, fp1 = spect2, fp2 = x->x_lastanalysis;
- i < n + 4*FILTSIZE; i++) *fp2++ = *fp1++;
- for (i = 0; i < MINBIN; i++) spect1[4*i + 2] = spect1[4*i + 3] = 0;
- /* starting at bin MINBIN, compute hanning windowed power spectrum */
- for (i = MINBIN, fp1 = spect1+4*MINBIN, total_power = 0;
- i < n-2; i++, fp1 += 4)
- {
- float re = fp1[0] - 0.5f * (fp1[-8] + fp1[8]);
- float im = fp1[1] - 0.5f * (fp1[-7] + fp1[9]);
- fp1[3] = (total_power += (fp1[2] = re * re + im * im));
- }
- if (total_power > 1e-9f)
- {
- total_db = (100.f - DBFUDGE) + LOGTODB * log(total_power/n);
- total_loudness = fsqrt(fsqrt(total_power));
- if (total_db < 0) total_db = 0;
- }
- else total_db = total_loudness = 0;
- /* store new db in history vector */
- x->x_dbs[newphase] = total_db;
- if (total_db < x->x_amplo) goto nopow;
-#if 1
- if (x->x_nprint) post("power %f", total_power);
- /* verify that our FFT resampling thing is putting out good results */
- for (i = 0; i < hop; i++)
- {
- checker3[2*i] = fiddle_checker[i];
- checker3[2*i + 1] = 0;
- checker3[n + 2*i] = fiddle_checker[i] = x->x_inbuf[i];
- checker3[n + 2*i + 1] = 0;
- }
- for (i = 2*n; i < 4*n; i++) checker3[i] = 0;
- fft(checker3, 2*n, 0);
- if (x->x_nprint)
- {
- for (i = 0, fp = checker3; i < 16; i++, fp += 2)
- post("spect %d %f %f --> %f", i, fp[0], fp[1],
- sqrt(fp[0] * fp[0] + fp[1] * fp[1]));
- }
- npeak = 0;
- /* search for peaks */
- for (i = MINBIN, fp = spect1+4*MINBIN, pk1 = peaklist;
- i < n-2 && npeak < npeaktot; i++, fp += 4)
- {
- float height = fp[2], h1 = fp[-2], h2 = fp[6];
- float totalfreq, pfreq, f1, f2, m, var, stdev;
- if (height < h1 || height < h2 ||
- h1 < 0.00001f*total_power || h2 < 0.00001f*total_power)
- continue;
- /* use an informal phase vocoder to estimate the frequency.
- Do this for the two adjacent bins too. */
- pfreq= ((fp[-8] - fp[8]) * (2.0f * fp[0] - fp[8] - fp[-8]) +
- (fp[-7] - fp[9]) * (2.0f * fp[1] - fp[9] - fp[-7])) /
- (2.0f * height);
- f1= ((fp[-12] - fp[4]) * (2.0f * fp[-4] - fp[4] - fp[-12]) +
- (fp[-11] - fp[5]) * (2.0f * fp[-3] - fp[5] - fp[-11])) /
- (2.0f * h1) - 1;
- f2= ((fp[-4] - fp[12]) * (2.0f * fp[4] - fp[12] - fp[-4]) +
- (fp[-3] - fp[13]) * (2.0f * fp[5] - fp[13] - fp[-3])) /
- (2.0f * h2) + 1;
- /* get sample mean and variance of the three */
- m = 0.333333f * (pfreq + f1 + f2);
- var = 0.5f * ((pfreq-m)*(pfreq-m) + (f1-m)*(f1-m) + (f2-m)*(f2-m));
- totalfreq = i + m;
- if (var * total_power > KNOCKTHRESH * height || var < 1e-30)
- {
-#if 0
- if (x->x_nprint)
- post("cancel: %.2f hz, index %.1f, power %.5f, stdev=%.2f",
- totalfreq * hzperbin, BPERO_OVER_LOG2 * log(totalfreq) - 96,
- height, sqrt(var));
- continue;
- }
- stdev = fsqrt(var);
- if (totalfreq < 4)
- {
- if (x->x_nprint) post("oops: was %d, freq %f, m %f, stdev %f h %f",
- i, totalfreq, m, stdev, height);
- totalfreq = 4;
- }
- pk1->p_width = stdev;
- pk1->p_pow = height;
- pk1->p_loudness = fsqrt(fsqrt(height));
- pk1->p_fp = fp;
- pk1->p_freq = totalfreq;
- npeak++;
-#if 1
- if (x->x_nprint)
- {
- post("peak: %.2f hz. index %.1f, power %.5f, stdev=%.2f",
- pk1->p_freq * hzperbin,
- BPERO_OVER_LOG2 * log(pk1->p_freq) - 96,
- height, stdev);
- }
- pk1++;
- }
- /* prepare the raw peaks for output */
- for (i = 0, pk1 = peaklist, pk2 = x->x_peakbuf; i < npeak;
- i++, pk1++, pk2++)
- {
- float loudness = pk1->p_loudness;
- if (i >= npeakout) break;
- pk2->po_freq = hzperbin * pk1->p_freq;
- pk2->po_amp = (2.f / (float)n) * (loudness * loudness);
- }
- for (; i < npeakout; i++, pk2++) pk2->po_amp = pk2->po_freq = 0;
- /* now, working back into spect2, make a sort of "liklihood"
- * spectrum. Proceeding in 48ths of an octave, from 2 to
- * n/2 (in bins), the likelihood of each pitch range is contributed
- * to by every peak in peaklist that's an integer multiple of it
- * in frequency.
- */
- if (npeak > npeakanal) npeak = npeakanal; /* max # peaks to analyze */
- for (i = 0, fp1 = histogram; i < maxbin; i++) *fp1++ = 0;
- for (i = 0, pk1 = peaklist; i < npeak; i++, pk1++)
- {
- float pit = BPERO_OVER_LOG2 * flog(pk1->p_freq) - 96.0f;
- float binbandwidth = FACTORTOBINS * pk1->p_width/pk1->p_freq;
- float putbandwidth = (binbandwidth < 2 ? 2 : binbandwidth);
- float weightbandwidth = (binbandwidth < 1.0f ? 1.0f : binbandwidth);
- /* float weightamp = 1.0f + 3.0f * pk1->p_pow / pow; */
- float weightamp = 4. * pk1->p_loudness / total_loudness;
- for (j = 0, fp2 = sigfiddle_partialonset; j < NPARTIALONSET; j++, fp2++)
- {
- float bin = pit - *fp2;
- if (bin < maxbin)
- {
- float para, pphase, score = 30.0f * weightamp /
- ((j+x->x_npartial) * weightbandwidth);
- int firstbin = bin + 0.5f - 0.5f * putbandwidth;
- int lastbin = bin + 0.5f + 0.5f * putbandwidth;
- int ibw = lastbin - firstbin;
- if (firstbin < -BINGUARD) break;
- para = 1.0f / (putbandwidth * putbandwidth);
- for (k = 0, fp3 = histogram + firstbin,
- pphase = firstbin-bin; k <= ibw;
- k++, fp3++, pphase += 1.0f)
- {
- *fp3 += score * (1.0f - para * pphase * pphase);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#if 1
- if (x->x_nprint)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < 6*5; i++)
- {
- float fhz = hzperbin * exp ((8*i + 96) * (1./BPERO_OVER_LOG2));
- if (!(i % 6)) post("-- bin %d pitch %f freq %f----", 8*i,
- ftom(fhz), fhz);;
- post("%3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d",
- (int)(histogram[8*i]),
- (int)(histogram[8*i+1]),
- (int)(histogram[8*i+2]),
- (int)(histogram[8*i+3]),
- (int)(histogram[8*i+4]),
- (int)(histogram[8*i+5]),
- (int)(histogram[8*i+6]),
- (int)(histogram[8*i+7]));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Next we find up to NPITCH strongest peaks in the histogram.
- * if a peak is related to a stronger one via an interval in
- * the sigfiddle_partialonset array, we suppress it.
- */
- for (npitch = 0; npitch < x->x_npitch; npitch++)
- {
- int indx;
- float best;
- if (npitch)
- {
- for (best = 0, indx = -1, j=1; j < maxbin-1; j++)
- {
- if (histogram[j] > best && histogram[j] > histogram[j-1] &&
- histogram[j] > histogram[j+1])
- {
- for (k = 0; k < npitch; k++)
- if (histvec[k].h_index == j)
- goto peaknogood;
- for (k = 0; k < NPARTIALONSET; k++)
- {
- if (j - sigfiddle_intpartialonset[k] < 0) break;
- if (histogram[j - sigfiddle_intpartialonset[k]]
- > histogram[j]) goto peaknogood;
- }
- for (k = 0; k < NPARTIALONSET; k++)
- {
- if (j + sigfiddle_intpartialonset[k] >= maxbin) break;
- if (histogram[j + sigfiddle_intpartialonset[k]]
- > histogram[j]) goto peaknogood;
- }
- indx = j;
- best = histogram[j];
- }
- peaknogood: ;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (best = 0, indx = -1, j=0; j < maxbin; j++)
- if (histogram[j] > best)
- indx = j, best = histogram[j];
- }
- if (indx < 0) break;
- histvec[npitch].h_value = best;
- histvec[npitch].h_index = indx;
- }
-#if 1
- if (x->x_nprint)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < npitch; i++)
- {
- post("index %d freq %f --> value %f", histvec[i].h_index,
- exp((1./BPERO_OVER_LOG2) * (histvec[i].h_index + 96)),
- histvec[i].h_value);
- post("next %f , prev %f",
- exp((1./BPERO_OVER_LOG2) * (histvec[i].h_index + 97)),
- exp((1./BPERO_OVER_LOG2) * (histvec[i].h_index + 95)) );
- }
- }
- /* for each histogram peak, we now search back through the
- * FFT peaks. A peak is a pitch if either there are several
- * harmonics that match it, or else if (a) the fundamental is
- * present, and (b) the sum of the powers of the contributing peaks
- * is at least 1/100 of the total power.
- *
- * A peak is a contributor if its frequency is within 25 cents of
- * a partial from 1 to 16.
- *
- * Finally, we have to be at least 5 bins in frequency, which
- * corresponds to 2-1/5 periods fitting in the analysis window.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < npitch; i++)
- {
- float cumpow = 0, cumstrength = 0, freqnum = 0, freqden = 0;
- int npartials = 0, nbelow8 = 0;
- /* guessed-at frequency in bins */
- float putfreq = fexp((1.0f / BPERO_OVER_LOG2) *
- (histvec[i].h_index + 96.0f));
- for (j = 0; j < npeak; j++)
- {
- float fpnum = peaklist[j].p_freq/putfreq;
- int pnum = fpnum + 0.5f;
- float fipnum = pnum;
- float deviation;
- if (pnum > 16 || pnum < 1) continue;
- deviation = 1.0f - fpnum/fipnum;
- if (deviation > -PARTIALDEVIANCE && deviation < PARTIALDEVIANCE)
- {
- /*
- * we figure this is a partial since it's within 1/4 of
- * a halftone of a multiple of the putative frequency.
- */
- float stdev, weight;
- npartials++;
- if (pnum < 8) nbelow8++;
- cumpow += peaklist[j].p_pow;
- cumstrength += fsqrt(fsqrt(peaklist[j].p_pow));
- stdev = (peaklist[j].p_width > MINBW ?
- peaklist[j].p_width : MINBW);
- weight = 1.0f / ((stdev*fipnum) * (stdev*fipnum));
- freqden += weight;
- freqnum += weight * peaklist[j].p_freq/fipnum;
-#if 1
- if (x->x_nprint)
- {
- post("peak %d partial %d f=%f w=%f",
- j, pnum, peaklist[j].p_freq/fipnum, weight);
- }
- }
-#if 1
- else if (x->x_nprint) post("peak %d partial %d dev %f",
- j, pnum, deviation);
- }
- if ((nbelow8 < 4 || npartials < 7) && cumpow < 0.01f * total_power)
- histvec[i].h_value = 0;
- else
- {
- float pitchpow = (cumstrength * cumstrength) *
- (cumstrength * cumstrength);
- float freqinbins = freqnum/freqden;
- /* check for minimum output frequency */
- if (freqinbins < MINFREQINBINS)
- histvec[i].h_value = 0;
- else
- {
- /* we passed all tests... save the values we got */
- histvec[i].h_pitch = ftom(hzperbin * freqnum/freqden);
- histvec[i].h_loud = (100.0f -DBFUDGE) +
- (LOGTODB) * log(pitchpow/n);
- }
- }
- }
-#if 1
- if (x->x_nprint)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < npitch; i++)
- {
- if (histvec[i].h_value > 0)
- post("index %d pit %f loud %f", histvec[i].h_index,
- histvec[i].h_pitch, histvec[i].h_loud);
- else post("-- cancelled --");
- }
- }
- /* now try to find continuous pitch tracks that match the new
- * pitches. First mark each peak unmatched.
- */
- for (i = 0, hp1 = histvec; i < npitch; i++, hp1++)
- hp1->h_used = 0;
- /* for each old pitch, try to match a new one to it. */
- for (i = 0, phist = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, phist++)
- {
- float thispitch = phist->h_pitches[oldphase];
- phist->h_pitch = 0; /* no output, thanks */
- phist->h_wherefrom = 0;
- if (thispitch == 0.0f) continue;
- for (j = 0, hp1 = histvec; j < npitch; j++, hp1++)
- if ((hp1->h_value > 0) && hp1->h_pitch > thispitch - GLISS
- && hp1->h_pitch < thispitch + GLISS)
- {
- phist->h_wherefrom = hp1;
- hp1->h_used = 1;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0, hp1 = histvec; i < npitch; i++, hp1++)
- if ((hp1->h_value > 0) && !hp1->h_used)
- {
- for (j = 0, phist = x->x_hist; j < x->x_npitch; j++, phist++)
- if (!phist->h_wherefrom)
- {
- phist->h_wherefrom = hp1;
- phist->h_age = 0;
- phist->h_noted = 0;
- hp1->h_used = 1;
- goto happy;
- }
- break;
- happy: ;
- }
- /* copy the pitch info into the history vector */
- for (i = 0, phist = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, phist++)
- {
- if (phist->h_wherefrom)
- {
- phist->h_amps[newphase] = phist->h_wherefrom->h_loud;
- phist->h_pitches[newphase] =
- phist->h_wherefrom->h_pitch;
- (phist->h_age)++;
- }
- else
- {
- phist->h_age = 0;
- phist->h_amps[newphase] = phist->h_pitches[newphase] = 0;
- }
- }
-#if 1
- if (x->x_nprint)
- {
- post("vibrato %d %f", x->x_vibbins, x->x_vibdepth);
- for (i = 0, phist = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, phist++)
- {
- post("noted %f, age %d", phist->h_noted, phist->h_age);
-#ifndef I860
- post("values %f %f %f %f %f",
- phist->h_pitches[newphase],
- phist->h_pitches[(newphase + HISTORY-1)%HISTORY],
- phist->h_pitches[(newphase + HISTORY-2)%HISTORY],
- phist->h_pitches[(newphase + HISTORY-3)%HISTORY],
- phist->h_pitches[(newphase + HISTORY-4)%HISTORY]);
- }
- }
- /* look for envelope attacks */
- x->x_attackvalue = 0;
- if (x->x_peaked)
- {
- if (total_db > x->x_amphi)
- {
- int binlook = newphase - x->x_attackbins;
- if (binlook < 0) binlook += HISTORY;
- if (total_db > x->x_dbs[binlook] + x->x_attackthresh)
- {
- x->x_attackvalue = 1;
- x->x_peaked = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int binlook = newphase - x->x_attackbins;
- if (binlook < 0) binlook += HISTORY;
- if (x->x_dbs[binlook] > x->x_amphi && x->x_dbs[binlook] > total_db)
- x->x_peaked = 1;
- }
- /* for each current frequency track, test for a new note using a
- * stability criterion. Later perhaps we should also do as in
- * pitch~ and check for unstable notes a posteriori when
- * there's a new attack with no note found since the last onset;
- * but what's an attack &/or onset when we're polyphonic?
- */
- for (i = 0, phist = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, phist++)
- {
- /*
- * if we've found a pitch but we've now strayed from it turn
- * it off.
- */
- if (phist->h_noted)
- {
- if (phist->h_pitches[newphase] > phist->h_noted + x->x_vibdepth
- || phist->h_pitches[newphase] < phist->h_noted - x->x_vibdepth)
- phist->h_noted = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- if (phist->h_wherefrom && phist->h_age >= x->x_vibbins)
- {
- float centroid = 0;
- int not = 0;
- for (j = 0, k = newphase; j < x->x_vibbins; j++)
- {
- centroid += phist->h_pitches[k];
- k--;
- if (k < 0) k = HISTORY-1;
- }
- centroid /= x->x_vibbins;
- for (j = 0, k = newphase; j < x->x_vibbins; j++)
- {
- /* calculate deviation from norm */
- float dev = centroid - phist->h_pitches[k];
- k--;
- if (k < 0) k = HISTORY-1;
- if (dev > x->x_vibdepth ||
- -dev > x->x_vibdepth) not = 1;
- }
- if (!not)
- {
- phist->h_pitch = phist->h_noted = centroid;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < x->x_npitch; i++)
- {
- x->x_hist[i].h_pitch = x->x_hist[i].h_noted =
- x->x_hist[i].h_pitches[newphase] =
- x->x_hist[i].h_amps[newphase] = 0;
- x->x_hist[i].h_age = 0;
- }
- x->x_peaked = 1;
- x->x_dbage = 0;
-void sigfiddle_debug(t_sigfiddle *x)
- x->x_nprint = 1;
-void sigfiddle_print(t_sigfiddle *x)
- post("npoints %d,", 2 * x->x_hop);
- post("amp-range %f %f,", x->x_amplo, x->x_amphi);
- post("reattack %d %f,", x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh);
- post("vibrato %d %f", x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth);
- post("npartial %f", x->x_npartial);
- post("auto %d", x->x_auto);
-void sigfiddle_amprange(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg amplo, t_floatarg amphi)
- if (amplo < 0) amplo = 0;
- if (amphi < amplo) amphi = amplo + 1;
- x->x_amplo = amplo;
- x->x_amphi = amphi;
-void sigfiddle_reattack(t_sigfiddle *x,
- t_floatarg attacktime, t_floatarg attackthresh)
- if (attacktime < 0) attacktime = 0;
- if (attackthresh <= 0) attackthresh = 1000;
- x->x_attacktime = attacktime;
- x->x_attackthresh = attackthresh;
- x->x_attackbins = (x->x_sr * 0.001 * attacktime) / x->x_hop;
- if (x->x_attackbins >= HISTORY) x->x_attackbins = HISTORY - 1;
-void sigfiddle_vibrato(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg vibtime, t_floatarg vibdepth)
- if (vibtime < 0) vibtime = 0;
- if (vibdepth <= 0) vibdepth = 1000;
- x->x_vibtime = vibtime;
- x->x_vibdepth = vibdepth;
- x->x_vibbins = (x->x_sr * 0.001 * vibtime) / x->x_hop;
- if (x->x_vibbins >= HISTORY) x->x_vibbins = HISTORY - 1;
- if (x->x_vibbins < 1) x->x_vibbins = 1;
-void sigfiddle_npartial(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg npartial)
- if (npartial < 0.1) npartial = 0.1;
- x->x_npartial = npartial;
-void sigfiddle_auto(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg f)
- x->x_auto = (f != 0);
-static void sigfiddle_freebird(t_sigfiddle *x)
- if (x->x_inbuf)
- {
- freebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(float) * x->x_hop);
- x->x_inbuf = 0;
- }
- if (x->x_lastanalysis)
- {
- freebytes(x->x_lastanalysis,
- sizeof(float) * (2 * x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE));
- x->x_lastanalysis = 0;
- }
- if (x->x_spiral)
- {
- freebytes(x->x_spiral, sizeof(float) * 2 * x->x_hop);
- x->x_spiral = 0;
- }
- x->x_hop = 0;
-int sigfiddle_setnpoints(t_sigfiddle *x, t_floatarg fnpoints)
- int i, npoints = fnpoints;
- sigfiddle_freebird(x);
- if (npoints < MINPOINTS || npoints > MAXPOINTS)
- {
- error("fiddle~: npoints out of range; using %d",
- npoints = DEFAULTPOINTS);
- }
- if (npoints != (1 << sigfiddle_ilog2(npoints)))
- {
- error("fiddle~: npoints not a power of 2; using %d",
- npoints = (1 << sigfiddle_ilog2(npoints)));
- }
- x->x_hop = npoints >> 1;
- if (!(x->x_inbuf = (float *)getbytes(sizeof(float) * x->x_hop)))
- goto fail;
- if (!(x->x_lastanalysis = (float *)getbytes(
- sizeof(float) * (2 * x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE))))
- goto fail;
- if (!(x->x_spiral = (float *)getbytes(sizeof(float) * 2 * x->x_hop)))
- goto fail;
- for (i = 0; i < x->x_hop; i++)
- x->x_inbuf[i] = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < npoints + 4 * FILTSIZE; i++)
- x->x_lastanalysis[i] = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < x->x_hop; i++)
- x->x_spiral[2*i] = cos((3.14159*i)/(npoints)),
- x->x_spiral[2*i+1] = -sin((3.14159*i)/(npoints));
- x->x_phase = 0;
- return (1);
- sigfiddle_freebird(x);
- return (0);
-int sigfiddle_doinit(t_sigfiddle *x, long npoints, long npitch,
- long npeakanal, long npeakout)
- float *buf1, *buf2, *buf3;
- t_peakout *buf4;
- int i;
- if (!npeakanal && !npeakout) npeakanal = DEFNPEAK, npeakout = 0;
- if (!npeakanal < 0) npeakanal = 0;
- else if (npeakanal > MAXPEAK) npeakanal = MAXPEAK;
- if (!npeakout < 0) npeakout = 0;
- else if (npeakout > MAXPEAK) npeakout = MAXPEAK;
- if (npitch <= 0) npitch = 0;
- else if (npitch > MAXNPITCH) npitch = MAXNPITCH;
- if (npeakanal && !npitch) npitch = 1;
- if (!npoints)
- npoints = DEFAULTPOINTS;
- if (!sigfiddle_setnpoints(x, npoints))
- {
- error("fiddle~: out of memory");
- return (0);
- }
- if (!(buf4 = (t_peakout *)getbytes(sizeof(*buf4) * npeakout)))
- {
- sigfiddle_freebird(x);
- error("fiddle~: out of memory");
- return (0);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < npeakout; i++)
- buf4[i].po_freq = buf4[i].po_amp = 0;
- x->x_peakbuf = buf4;
- x->x_npeakout = npeakout;
- x->x_npeakanal = npeakanal;
- x->x_phase = 0;
- x->x_histphase = 0;
- x->x_sr = 44100; /* this and the next are filled in later */
- for (i = 0; i < MAXNPITCH; i++)
- {
- int j;
- x->x_hist[i].h_pitch = x->x_hist[i].h_noted = 0;
- x->x_hist[i].h_age = 0;
- x->x_hist[i].h_wherefrom = 0;
- x->x_hist[i].h_outlet = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < HISTORY; j++)
- x->x_hist[i].h_amps[j] = x->x_hist[i].h_pitches[j] = 0;
- }
- x->x_nprint = 0;
- x->x_npitch = npitch;
- for (i = 0; i < HISTORY; i++) x->x_dbs[i] = 0;
- x->x_dbage = 0;
- x->x_peaked = 0;
- x->x_auto = 1;
- x->x_amplo = DEFAMPLO;
- x->x_amphi = DEFAMPHI;
- x->x_attacktime = DEFATTACKTIME;
- x->x_attackbins = 1; /* real value calculated afterward */
- x->x_attackthresh = DEFATTACKTHRESH;
- x->x_vibtime = DEFVIBTIME;
- x->x_vibbins = 1; /* real value calculated afterward */
- x->x_vibdepth = DEFVIBDEPTH;
- x->x_npartial = 7;
- x->x_attackvalue = 0;
- return (1);
- /* formalities for JMAX */
-#ifdef JMAX
-void sigfiddle_debug13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- sigfiddle_debug(x);
-void sigfiddle_print13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s,
- int ac, const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- sigfiddle_print(x);
-void sigfiddle_amprange13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s,
- int ac, const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- float lo = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 0, 0);
- float hi = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 1, 0);
- sigfiddle_amprange(x, lo, hi);
-void sigfiddle_reattack13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s,
- int ac, const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- long msec = fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 0, 0);
- float db = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 1, 0);
- sigfiddle_reattack(x, msec, db);
-void sigfiddle_vibrato13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s,
- int ac, const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- long msec = fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 0, 0);
- float halftones = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 1, 0);
- sigfiddle_vibrato(x, msec, halftones);
-void sigfiddle_npartial13(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t s,
- int ac, const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- float npartial = (float) fts_get_float_arg(ac, at, 0, 0);
- sigfiddle_npartial(x, npartial);
-void ftl_sigfiddle(fts_word_t *a)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)fts_word_get_long(a);
- float *in = (float *)fts_word_get_long(a + 1);
- long n_tick = fts_word_get_long(a + 2);
- int count;
- float *fp, *fp2;
- for (count = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_phase;
- count < n_tick; count++) *fp++ = *in++;
- if (fp == x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop)
- {
- sigfiddle_doit(x);
- x->x_phase = 0;
- fts_alarm_set_delay(&x->x_clock, 0L); /* output bang */
- fts_alarm_arm(&x->x_clock);
- if (x->x_nprint) x->x_nprint--;
- }
- else x->x_phase += n_tick;
-void sigfiddle_put(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t *s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- fts_dsp_descr_t *dsp = (fts_dsp_descr_t *)fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 0, 0);
- fts_atom_t a[3];
- x->x_sr = fts_dsp_get_input_srate(dsp, 0);
- sigfiddle_reattack(x, x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh);
- sigfiddle_vibrato(x, x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth);
- fts_set_long(a, (long)x);
- fts_set_symbol(a+1, fts_dsp_get_input_name(dsp, 0));
- fts_set_long(a+2, fts_dsp_get_input_size(dsp, 0));
- dsp_add_funcall(dsp_symbol, 3, a);
-void sigfiddle_tick(fts_alarm_t *alarm, void *p)
- fts_object_t *o = (fts_object_t *)p;
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)p;
- int i;
- t_pitchhist *ph;
- fts_outlet_float(o, OUTLETpower, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- {
- fts_atom_t at[2];
- fts_set_float(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
- fts_set_float(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
- fts_outlet_list(o, OUTLETmicropitch3 - i, 2, at);
- }
- if (x->x_attackvalue) fts_outlet_bang(o, OUTLETattack);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- if (ph->h_pitch) fts_outlet_float(o, OUTLETpitch, ph->h_pitch);
-static void sigfiddle_delete(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t *s, int ac,
- const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- fts_free(x->x_inbuf);
- fts_free(x->x_lastanalysis);
- fts_free(x->x_spiral);
- dsp_list_remove(o);
-static void sigfiddle_init(fts_object_t *o, int winlet, fts_symbol_t *s, int ac, const fts_atom_t *at)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)o;
- float *buf1, *buf2, *buf3;
- int i, hop;
- long npoints = fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 1, 0);
- long npitch = fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 2, 0);
- long npeakanal = fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 3, 0);
- long npeakout = fts_get_long_arg(ac, at, 4, 0);
- if (!sigfiddle_doinit(x, npoints, npitch, npeakanal, npeakout))
- {
- post("fiddle~: initialization failed");
- return;
- }
- hop = npoints>>1;
- if (fts_fft_declaresize(hop) != fts_Success)
- post("fiddle~: bad FFT size");
- fts_alarm_init(&(x->x_clock), 0, sigfiddle_tick, x);
- dsp_list_insert(o);
-static fts_status_t sigfiddle_instantiate(fts_class_t *cl, int ac,
- const fts_atom_t *at)
- int i;
- fts_type_t a[5];
- fts_class_init(cl, sizeof(t_sigfiddle), 1, 6, 0); /* 1 inlet + 6 outlets */
- /* the system methods */
- a[0] = fts_Symbol;
- a[1] = fts_Long | fts_OptArg;
- a[2] = fts_Long | fts_OptArg;
- fts_method_define(cl, fts_SystemInlet, fts_s_init, sigfiddle_init, 3, a);
- fts_method_define(cl, fts_SystemInlet, fts_s_delete, sigfiddle_delete, 0, a);
- a[0] = fts_Object;
- fts_method_define(cl, fts_SystemInlet, fts_s_put, sigfiddle_put, 1, a);
- /* class' own methods */
- fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("print"), sigfiddle_print13, 0, a);
- fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("debug"), sigfiddle_debug13, 0, a);
- fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("amp-range"), sigfiddle_amprange13,
- 0, a);
- fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("reattack"), sigfiddle_reattack13,
- 0, a);
- fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("vibrato"), sigfiddle_vibrato13,
- 0, a);
- fts_method_define(cl, 0, fts_new_symbol("npartial"), sigfiddle_npartial13,
- 0, a);
- /* classes signal inlets */
- dsp_sig_inlet(cl, 0); /* declare signal input #0 */
- /* classes outlets */
- a[0] = fts_Float;
- fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETpitch, fts_s_float, 1, a); /* declare outlet #0 */
- fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETattack, fts_s_bang, 0, a); /* declare outlet #1 */
- a[0] = fts_VarArgs;
- fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETmicropitch1, fts_s_list, 1, a); /* declare outlet #2 */
- fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETmicropitch2, fts_s_list, 1, a); /* declare outlet #3 */
- fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETmicropitch3, fts_s_list, 1, a); /* declare outlet #4 */
- a[0] = fts_Float;
- fts_outlet_type_define(cl, OUTLETpower, fts_s_float, 1, a); /* declare outlet #5 */
- dsp_symbol = fts_new_symbol("fiddle");
- dsp_declare_function(dsp_symbol, ftl_sigfiddle);
- /* DSP properties */
- fts_class_put_prop(cl, fts_s_dsp_is_sink, fts_true);
- return(fts_Success);
-void fiddle_config(void)
- sys_log(fiddle_version);
- fts_metaclass_create(fts_new_symbol(CLASSNAME), sigfiddle_instantiate, fts_always_equiv);
-fts_module_t fiddle_module =
- {"fiddle", "sonic meat fiddle", fiddle_config, 0};
-#endif /* JMAX */
-#ifdef PD
-static t_int *fiddle_perform(t_int *w)
- t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[1]);
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)(w[2]);
- int n = (int)(w[3]);
- int count;
- float *fp;
- if (!x->x_hop)
- goto nono;
- for (count = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_phase; count < n; count++)
- *fp++ = *in++;
- if (fp == x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop)
- {
- sigfiddle_doit(x);
- x->x_phase = 0;
- if (x->x_auto) clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0L);
- if (x->x_nprint) x->x_nprint--;
- }
- else x->x_phase += n;
- return (w+4);
-void sigfiddle_dsp(t_sigfiddle *x, t_signal **sp)
- x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr;
- sigfiddle_reattack(x, x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh);
- sigfiddle_vibrato(x, x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth);
- dsp_add(fiddle_perform, 3, sp[0]->s_vec, x, sp[0]->s_n);
- /* This is the callback function for the clock, but also acts as
- the "bang" method; you can leave "auto" on to get this called
- automatically (the default) or turn auto off and bang it yourself. */
-void sigfiddle_bang(t_sigfiddle *x)
- int i;
- t_pitchhist *ph;
- if (x->x_npeakout)
- {
- int npeakout = x->x_npeakout;
- t_peakout *po;
- for (i = 0, po = x->x_peakbuf; i < npeakout; i++, po++)
- {
- t_atom at[3];
- SETFLOAT(at, i+1);
- SETFLOAT(at+1, po->po_freq);
- SETFLOAT(at+2, po->po_amp);
- outlet_list(x->x_peakout, 0, 3, at);
- }
- }
- outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- {
- t_atom at[2];
- SETFLOAT(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
- SETFLOAT(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
- outlet_list(ph->h_outlet, 0, 2, at);
- }
- if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- if (ph->h_pitch) outlet_float(x->x_noteout, ph->h_pitch);
-void sigfiddle_ff(t_sigfiddle *x) /* cleanup on free */
- if (x->x_inbuf)
- {
- freebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(float) * x->x_hop);
- freebytes(x->x_lastanalysis, sizeof(float) * (2*x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE));
- freebytes(x->x_spiral, sizeof(float) * 2*x->x_hop);
- freebytes(x->x_peakbuf, sizeof(*x->x_peakbuf) * x->x_npeakout);
- clock_free(x->x_clock);
- }
-static t_class *sigfiddle_class;
-void *sigfiddle_new(t_floatarg npoints, t_floatarg npitch,
- t_floatarg fnpeakanal, t_floatarg fnpeakout)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)pd_new(sigfiddle_class);
- int i;
- int npeakanal = fnpeakanal, npeakout = fnpeakout;
- if (!sigfiddle_doinit(x, npoints, npitch,
- npeakanal, npeakout))
- {
- x->x_inbuf = 0; /* prevent the free routine from cleaning up */
- pd_free(&x->x_ob.ob_pd);
- return (0);
- }
- x->x_noteout = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float"));
- x->x_attackout = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("bang"));
- for (i = 0; i < x->x_npitch; i++)
- x->x_hist[i].h_outlet = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("list"));
- x->x_envout = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("float"));
- if (x->x_npeakout)
- x->x_peakout = outlet_new(&x->x_ob, gensym("list"));
- else x->x_peakout = 0;
- x->x_clock = clock_new(&x->x_ob.ob_pd, (t_method)sigfiddle_bang);
- return (x);
-void fiddle_tilde_setup(void)
- sigfiddle_class = class_new(gensym("fiddle~"), (t_newmethod)sigfiddle_new,
- (t_method)sigfiddle_ff, sizeof(t_sigfiddle), 0,
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_dsp,
- gensym("dsp"), 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_debug,
- gensym("debug"), 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_setnpoints,
- gensym("npoints"), A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_amprange,
- gensym("amp-range"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_reattack,
- gensym("reattack"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_vibrato,
- gensym("vibrato"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_npartial,
- gensym("npartial"), A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_auto,
- gensym("auto"), A_FLOAT, 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, (t_method)sigfiddle_print,
- gensym("print"), 0);
- class_addmethod(sigfiddle_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0);
- class_addbang(sigfiddle_class, sigfiddle_bang);
- class_addcreator((t_newmethod)sigfiddle_new, gensym("fiddle"),
- post(fiddle_version);
-void fiddle_setup(void)
- fiddle_tilde_setup();
-#endif /* PD */
-#ifdef MAX26
-void cu_fiddle(float *in1, t_sigfiddle *x, int n)
- int count;
- float *fp, *fp2;
- for (count = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_phase;
- count < n; count++) *fp++ = *in1++;
- if (fp == x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop)
- {
- sigfiddle_doit(x);
- x->x_phase = 0;
- if (x->x_auto) clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0L);
- if (x->x_nprint) x->x_nprint--;
- }
- else x->x_phase += n;
-void sigfiddle_put(t_sigfiddle *x, long whether)
- if (whether)
- {
- u_stdout(x);
- x->x_sr = x->x_io[0]->s_sr;
- sigfiddle_reattack(x, x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh);
- sigfiddle_vibrato(x, x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth);
- dspchain_addc(cu_fiddle, 3,
- x->x_io[0]->s_shit, x, x->x_io[0]->s_n);
- }
-void sigfiddle_tick(t_sigfiddle *x) /* callback function for the clock */
- int i;
- t_pitchhist *ph;
- outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- {
- t_atom at[2];
- SETFLOAT(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
- SETFLOAT(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
- outlet_list(ph->h_outlet, NIL, 2, at);
- }
- if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- if (ph->h_pitch) outlet_float(x->x_noteout, ph->h_pitch);
-void sigfiddle_ff(t_sigfiddle *x) /* cleanup on free */
- if (x->x_inbuf)
- {
- freebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(float) * x->x_hop);
- freebytes(x->x_lastanalysis, sizeof(float) * (2*x->x_hop + 4 * FILTSIZE));
- freebytes(x->x_spiral, sizeof(float) * 2*x->x_hop);
- clock_free(x->x_clock);
- u_clean(x);
- }
-t_externclass *sigfiddle_class;
-void *sigfiddle_new(long npoints, long npitch,
- long npeakanal, long npeakout)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)obj_new(&sigfiddle_class, 0);
- int i;
- if (!sigfiddle_doinit(x, npoints, npitch, npeakanal, npeakout))
- {
- x->x_inbuf = 0; /* prevent the free routine from cleaning up */
- obj_free(x);
- return (0);
- }
- u_setup(x, IN1, OUT0);
- x->x_envout = outlet_new(x, gensym("float"));
- for (i = 0; i < x->x_npitch; i++)
- x->x_hist[i].h_outlet = outlet_new(x, gensym("list"));
- x->x_attackout = outlet_new(x, gensym("bang"));
- x->x_noteout = outlet_new(x, gensym("float"));
- x->x_clock = clock_new(x, sigfiddle_tick);
- return (x);
-void fiddle_setup()
- c_extern(&sigfiddle_class, sigfiddle_new, sigfiddle_ff,
- gensym("fiddle"), sizeof(t_sigfiddle), 0, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG,
- c_addmess(sigfiddle_put, gensym("put"), A_CANT, 0);
- c_addmess(sigfiddle_debug, gensym("debug"), 0);
- c_addmess(sigfiddle_amprange, gensym("amp-range"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- c_addmess(sigfiddle_reattack, gensym("reattack"), A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- c_addmess(sigfiddle_vibrato, gensym("vibrato"), A_LONG, A_FLOAT, 0);
- c_addmess(sigfiddle_npartial, gensym("npartial"), A_FLOAT, 0);
- c_addmess(sigfiddle_print, gensym("print"), 0);
- u_inletmethod(0); /* one signal input */
-#ifdef MAX
- post(fiddle_version);
-#endif /* MAX26 */
-/************* Beginning of MSP Code ******************************/
-#ifdef MSP
-static t_int *fiddle_perform(t_int *w)
- t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[1]);
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)(w[2]);
- int n = (int)(w[3]);
- int count,inc = x->x_downsample;
- float *fp;
- if (x->x_obj.z_disabled)
- goto skip;
- for (count = 0, fp = x->x_inbuf + x->x_phase; count < n; count+=inc) {
- *fp++ = *in;
- in += inc;
- }
- if (fp == x->x_inbuf + x->x_hop)
- {
- sigfiddle_doit(x);
- x->x_phase = 0;
- if (x->x_auto) clock_delay(x->x_clock, 0L);
- if (x->x_nprint) x->x_nprint--;
- }
- else x->x_phase += n;
- return (w+4);
-void sigfiddle_dsp(t_sigfiddle *x, t_signal **sp)
- if (sp[0]->s_n > x->x_hop) {
- x->x_downsample = sp[0]->s_n / x->x_hop;
- post("* warning: fiddle~: will downsample input by %ld",x->x_downsample);
- x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr / x->x_downsample;
- } else {
- x->x_downsample = 1;
- x->x_sr = sp[0]->s_sr;
- }
- sigfiddle_reattack(x, x->x_attacktime, x->x_attackthresh);
- sigfiddle_vibrato(x, x->x_vibtime, x->x_vibdepth);
- dsp_add(fiddle_perform, 3, sp[0]->s_vec, x, sp[0]->s_n);
-void sigfiddle_tick(t_sigfiddle *x) /* callback function for the clock MSP*/
- int i;
- t_pitchhist *ph;
- if (x->x_npeakout)
- {
- int npeakout = x->x_npeakout;
- t_peakout *po;
- for (i = 0, po = x->x_peakbuf; i < npeakout; i++, po++)
- {
- t_atom at[3];
- SETINT(at, i+1);
- SETFLOAT(at+1, po->po_freq);
- SETFLOAT(at+2, po->po_amp);
- outlet_list(x->x_peakout, 0, 3, at);
- }
- }
- outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- {
- t_atom at[2];
- SETFLOAT(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
- SETFLOAT(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
- outlet_list(ph->h_outlet, 0, 2, at);
- }
- if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- if (ph->h_pitch) outlet_float(x->x_noteout, ph->h_pitch);
-void sigfiddle_bang(t_sigfiddle *x) // MSP
- int i;
- t_pitchhist *ph;
- if (x->x_npeakout)
- {
- int npeakout = x->x_npeakout;
- t_peakout *po;
- for (i = 0, po = x->x_peakbuf; i < npeakout; i++, po++)
- {
- t_atom at[3];
- SETLONG(at, i+1);
- SETFLOAT(at+1, po->po_freq);
- SETFLOAT(at+2, po->po_amp);
- outlet_list(x->x_peakout, 0, 3, at);
- }
- }
- outlet_float(x->x_envout, x->x_dbs[x->x_histphase]);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- {
- t_atom at[2];
- SETFLOAT(at, ph->h_pitches[x->x_histphase]);
- SETFLOAT(at+1, ph->h_amps[x->x_histphase]);
- outlet_list(ph->h_outlet, 0, 2, at);
- }
- if (x->x_attackvalue) outlet_bang(x->x_attackout);
- for (i = 0, ph = x->x_hist; i < x->x_npitch; i++, ph++)
- if (ph->h_pitch) outlet_float(x->x_noteout, ph->h_pitch);
-void sigfiddle_ff(t_sigfiddle *x) /* cleanup on free MSP */
- if (x->x_inbuf)
- {
- t_freebytes(x->x_inbuf, sizeof(float) * x->x_hop);
- t_freebytes(x->x_lastanalysis, sizeof(float) * (2*x->x_hop + 4 *
- t_freebytes(x->x_spiral, sizeof(float) * 2*x->x_hop);
- t_freebytes(x->x_peakbuf, sizeof(*x->x_peakbuf) * x->x_npeakout);
- //clock_free(x->x_clock);
- }
- dsp_free((t_pxobject *)x); // Free the object
-void *sigfiddle_class;
-void *sigfiddle_new(long npoints, long npitch, // MSP
- long npeakanal, long npeakout)
- t_sigfiddle *x = (t_sigfiddle *)newobject(sigfiddle_class);
- int i;
- if (!sigfiddle_doinit(x, npoints, npitch, npeakanal, npeakout))
- // MSP
- {
- x->x_inbuf = 0; /* prevent the free routine from cleaning up */
- return (0);
- }
- // post("npeak %d, npitch %d", npeakout, npitch);
- // set up the inlets and outlets.
- dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x,1); // 1 input
- x->x_clock = clock_new(x, (method)sigfiddle_tick);
- if (x->x_npeakout)
- x->x_peakout = listout((t_object *)x); // listout?
- else x->x_peakout = 0;
- x->x_envout = floatout((t_object *)x);
- for (i = 0; i < x->x_npitch; i++)
- x->x_hist[i].h_outlet = listout((t_object *)x);
- x->x_attackout = bangout((t_object *)x);
- x->x_noteout = floatout((t_object *)x);
- return (x);
-void main() // this can be called fiddle_setup if that name is the "Main"
-in PPC Linker prefs
- setup(&sigfiddle_class, sigfiddle_new, (method)sigfiddle_ff,
- (short)sizeof(t_sigfiddle), 0L, A_DEFLONG, A_DEFLONG,
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_dsp, "dsp",
- A_CANT, 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_debug, "debug", 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_setnpoints, "npoints", A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_amprange, "amp-range", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_reattack, "reattack", A_FLOAT, A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_vibrato, "vibrato", A_FLOAT,
-A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_npartial, "npartial", A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_auto, "auto",
- A_FLOAT, 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_print, "print", 0);
- addmess((method)sigfiddle_assist, "assist",
- A_CANT, 0);
- addbang((method)sigfiddle_bang);
- dsp_initclass();
- rescopy('STR#',3748);
- post(fiddle_version);
-void sigfiddle_assist(t_sigfiddle *x, void *b, long m, long a, char *s)
- assist_string(3748,m,a,1,2,s);
-void msp_fft(float *buf, long np, long inv)
- float *src,*real,*rp,*imag,*ip;
- long i;
- // because this fft algorithm uses separate real and imaginary
- // buffers
- // we must split the real and imaginary parts into two buffers,
- // then do the opposite on output
- // a more ambitious person would either do an in-place conversion
- // or rewrite the fft algorithm
- real = rp = msp_ffttemp;
- imag = ip = real + MAXPOINTS;
- src = buf;
- for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
- *rp++ = *src++;
- *ip++ = *src++;
- }
- if (inv)
- ifft(np,real,imag);
- else
- fft(np,real,imag);
- rp = real;
- ip = imag;
- src = buf;
- for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
- *src++ = *rp++;
- *src++ = *ip++;
- }
-#endif /* MSP */
diff --git a/externals/signal/loop~/loop~-help.pd b/externals/signal/loop~/loop~-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index e03f1bc3..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/loop~/loop~-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 33 0 647 662 12;
-#X floatatom 41 204 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 254 382 print~;
-#X msg 254 347 bang;
-#X obj 41 338 loop~;
-#X floatatom 66 279 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 55 252 bang;
-#X obj 183 382 print~;
-#X msg 183 347 bang;
-#N canvas 0 0 450 300 graph1 0;
-#X array array2 150000 float 0;
-#X coords 0 1 150000 -1 200 150 1;
-#X restore 393 464 graph;
-#X msg 393 622 \; array2 resize 150000;
-#X obj 25 613 soundfiler;
-#X obj 16 453 tabread4~ array2;
-#X obj 16 407 *~;
-#X obj 16 522 dac~;
-#X obj 16 499 hip~ 5;
-#X obj 62 411 samphold~;
-#X obj 16 430 +~;
-#X floatatom 96 303 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 96 326 *~ 1000;
-#X msg 43 568 read ../doc/sound/bell.aiff array2;
-#X msg 43 591 read ../doc/sound/vocal.aiff array2;
-#X msg 47 229 set 0.5;
-#X text 95 196 left signal input is transposition (1 is normal \, 2
-is up an octave \, etc);
-#X text 82 4 loop~ - phase generator for looping samplers;
-#X text 116 228 set phase (0 to 1);
-#X text 104 253 reset phase to 0;
-#X text 104 278 right signal input is window size in samples;
-#X text 134 302 here's how to handle onsets;
-#X obj 16 476 *~;
-#X floatatom 167 432 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 167 501 line~;
-#X obj 167 455 dbtorms;
-#X obj 167 478 pack 0 50;
-#X text 201 431 output level 0-100;
-#X text 187 326 print outputs;
-#X text 33 32 loop~ takes input signals to set a window size and transposition
-\, and outputs a phase and a sampled window size. The window size only
-changes at phase zero crossings and the phase output is adjusted so
-that changing window size doesn't change the transposition.;
-#X text 33 112 You can send "bang" or "set" message to force the phase
-to zero--you should mute the output before doing so. This may be desirable
-if you've set a large window size but then want to decrease it without
-waiting for the next phase crossing.;
-#X connect 0 0 3 0;
-#X connect 2 0 1 0;
-#X connect 3 0 6 0;
-#X connect 3 0 12 0;
-#X connect 3 0 15 1;
-#X connect 3 1 1 0;
-#X connect 3 1 12 1;
-#X connect 4 0 3 1;
-#X connect 5 0 3 0;
-#X connect 7 0 6 0;
-#X connect 11 0 28 0;
-#X connect 12 0 16 0;
-#X connect 14 0 13 0;
-#X connect 14 0 13 1;
-#X connect 15 0 16 1;
-#X connect 16 0 11 0;
-#X connect 17 0 18 0;
-#X connect 18 0 15 0;
-#X connect 19 0 10 0;
-#X connect 20 0 10 0;
-#X connect 21 0 3 0;
-#X connect 28 0 14 0;
-#X connect 29 0 31 0;
-#X connect 30 0 28 1;
-#X connect 31 0 32 0;
-#X connect 32 0 30 0;
diff --git a/externals/signal/loop~/loop~.c b/externals/signal/loop~/loop~.c
deleted file mode 100644
index b92c93bd..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/loop~/loop~.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-/* loop~ -- loop generator for sampling */
-/* Copyright 1997-1999 Miller Puckette.
-Permission is granted to use this software for any purpose provided you
-keep this copyright notice intact.
-This file is downloadable from http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp .
-#ifdef PD
-#include "m_pd.h"
-typedef struct _loopctl
- double l_phase;
- float l_invwindow;
- float l_window;
- int l_resync;
-} t_loopctl;
-static void loopctl_run(t_loopctl *x, float *transposein,
- float *windowin, float *rawout, float *windowout, int n)
- float window, invwindow;
- double phase = x->l_phase;
- if (x->l_resync)
- {
- window = *windowin;
- if (window < 0)
- {
- if (window > -1)
- window = -1;
- invwindow = -1/window;
- }
- else
- {
- if (window < 1)
- window = 1;
- invwindow = 1/window;
- }
- x->l_resync = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- window = x->l_window;
- phase = x->l_phase;
- invwindow = x->l_invwindow;
- }
- while (n--)
- {
- double phaseinc = invwindow * *transposein++;
- double newphase;
- float nwind = *windowin++;
- if (phaseinc >= 1 || phaseinc < 0)
- phaseinc = 0;
- newphase = phase + phaseinc;
- if (newphase >= 1)
- {
- window = nwind;
- if (window < 0)
- {
- if (window > -1)
- window = -1;
- invwindow = -1/window;
- }
- else
- {
- if (window < 1)
- window = 1;
- invwindow = 1/window;
- }
- newphase -= 1.;
- }
- phase = newphase;
- *rawout++ = (float)phase;
- *windowout++ = window;
- }
- x->l_invwindow = invwindow;
- x->l_window = window;
- x->l_phase = phase;
-static void loopctl_init(t_loopctl *x)
- x->l_window = 1;
- x->l_invwindow = 1;
- x->l_phase = 0;
-static void loopctl_set(t_loopctl *x, float val)
- if (val < 0 || val > 1)
- val = 0;
- x->l_phase = val;
- x->l_resync = 1;
-#ifdef PD
-typedef struct _loop
- t_object x_obj;
- t_float x_f;
- t_loopctl x_loopctl;
-} t_loop;
-static t_class *loop_class;
-static void *loop_new(void)
- t_loop *x = (t_loop *)pd_new(loop_class);
- loopctl_init(&x->x_loopctl);
- inlet_new(&x->x_obj, &x->x_obj.ob_pd, &s_signal, &s_signal);
- outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));
- outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));
- return (x);
-static t_int *loop_perform(t_int *w)
- t_loopctl *ctl = (t_loopctl *)(w[1]);
- t_float *in1 = (t_float *)(w[2]);
- t_float *in2 = (t_float *)(w[3]);
- t_float *out1 = (t_float *)(w[4]);
- t_float *out2 = (t_float *)(w[5]);
- int n = (int)(w[6]);
- loopctl_run(ctl, in1, in2, out1, out2, n);
- return (w+7);
-static void loop_dsp(t_loop *x, t_signal **sp)
- dsp_add(loop_perform, 6,
- &x->x_loopctl, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, sp[2]->s_vec, sp[3]->s_vec,
- sp[0]->s_n);
-static void loop_set(t_loop *x, t_floatarg val)
- loopctl_set(&x->x_loopctl, val);
-static void loop_bang(t_loop *x)
- loopctl_set(&x->x_loopctl, 0);
-void loop_tilde_setup(void)
- loop_class = class_new(gensym("loop~"), (t_newmethod)loop_new, 0,
- sizeof(t_loop), 0, 0);
- class_addmethod(loop_class, (t_method)loop_dsp, gensym("dsp"), A_CANT, 0);
- CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(loop_class, t_loop, x_f);
- class_addmethod(loop_class, (t_method)loop_set, gensym("set"),
- class_addbang(loop_class, loop_bang);
-#endif /* PD */
diff --git a/externals/signal/loop~/test-loop~.pd b/externals/signal/loop~/test-loop~.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index 10bd1d9b..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/loop~/test-loop~.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 33 0 680 609 12;
-#X floatatom 52 262 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 261 346 print~;
-#X msg 47 373 bang;
-#X msg 274 313 bang;
-#X obj 52 306 loop~;
-#X floatatom 102 245 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#N canvas 0 0 450 300 graph1 0;
-#X array array1 44100 float 0;
-#X coords 0 10 44100 0 200 150 1;
-#X restore 65 17 graph;
-#X msg 43 204 \; array1 resize 44100;
-#X obj 25 401 tabwrite~ array1;
-#X msg 208 371 bang;
-#X obj 176 402 tabwrite~ array1;
-#X msg 194 261 bang;
-#X obj 204 347 print~;
-#X msg 217 314 bang;
-#N canvas 0 0 450 300 graph1 0;
-#X array array2 150000 float 0;
-#X coords 0 1 150000 -1 200 150 1;
-#X restore 332 398 graph;
-#X msg 326 274 \; array2 resize 150000;
-#X obj 103 529 tabread4~ array2;
-#X obj 64 481 *~;
-#X obj 107 581 dac~;
-#X obj 105 552 hip~ 5;
-#X obj 123 482 samphold~;
-#X obj 102 506 +~;
-#X floatatom 106 430 0 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X obj 108 453 *~ 1000;
-#X obj 312 215 soundfiler;
-#X msg 330 170 read ../doc/sound/bell.aiff array2;
-#X msg 330 193 read ../doc/sound/vocal.aiff array2;
-#X connect 0 0 4 0;
-#X connect 2 0 8 0;
-#X connect 3 0 1 0;
-#X connect 4 0 12 0;
-#X connect 4 0 17 0;
-#X connect 4 0 8 0;
-#X connect 4 0 20 1;
-#X connect 4 1 10 0;
-#X connect 4 1 1 0;
-#X connect 4 1 17 1;
-#X connect 5 0 4 1;
-#X connect 9 0 10 0;
-#X connect 11 0 4 0;
-#X connect 13 0 12 0;
-#X connect 16 0 19 0;
-#X connect 17 0 21 0;
-#X connect 19 0 18 0;
-#X connect 19 0 18 1;
-#X connect 20 0 21 1;
-#X connect 21 0 16 0;
-#X connect 22 0 23 0;
-#X connect 23 0 20 0;
-#X connect 25 0 24 0;
-#X connect 26 0 24 0;
diff --git a/externals/signal/lrshift~/help-rlshift~.pd b/externals/signal/lrshift~/help-rlshift~.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index c8b6c200..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/lrshift~/help-rlshift~.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 143 0 673 325 12;
-#X msg 268 277 bang;
-#X obj 244 303 print~;
-#X msg 185 278 bang;
-#X obj 161 304 print~;
-#X text 53 117 click here first;
-#X msg 72 270 bang;
-#X obj 48 296 print~;
-#X text 162 222 shift left;
-#X text 243 224 shift right;
-#X obj 161 252 lrshift~ 1;
-#X obj 244 251 lrshift~ -1;
-#X text 39 37 Acting at whatever vector size the window is running at \, lrshift~ shifts samples to the left (toward the beginning sample) or to the right. The argument gives the direction and the amount of the shift. The rightmost (or leftmost) samples are set to zero.;
-#X graph graph2 0 0 63 1 448 258 648 118;
-#X array shiftin 64 float;
-#X pop;
-#X obj 47 11 rlshift~;
-#X text 115 11 -- shift signal vector elements left or right;
-#X msg 54 138 \; pd dsp 1 \; shiftin 1 1;
-#X obj 48 204 tabreceive~ shiftin;
-#X text 525 308 Updated for Pd 0.31.;
-#X connect 0 0 1 0;
-#X connect 2 0 3 0;
-#X connect 5 0 6 0;
-#X connect 9 0 3 0;
-#X connect 10 0 1 0;
-#X connect 16 0 6 0;
-#X connect 16 0 9 0;
-#X connect 16 0 10 0;
diff --git a/externals/signal/lrshift~/lrshift~-help.pd b/externals/signal/lrshift~/lrshift~-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index 14801ecb..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/lrshift~/lrshift~-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 552 267 685 337 12;
-#X msg 268 277 bang;
-#X obj 244 303 print~;
-#X msg 185 278 bang;
-#X obj 161 304 print~;
-#X text 53 117 click here first;
-#X msg 72 270 bang;
-#X obj 48 296 print~;
-#X text 162 222 shift left;
-#X text 243 224 shift right;
-#X obj 161 252 lrshift~ 1;
-#X obj 244 251 lrshift~ -1;
-#X text 39 37 Acting at whatever vector size the window is running
-at \, lrshift~ shifts samples to the left (toward the beginning sample)
-or to the right. The argument gives the direction and the amount of
-the shift. The rightmost (or leftmost) samples are set to zero.;
-#N canvas 0 0 450 300 (subpatch) 0;
-#X array shiftin 64 float 0;
-#X coords 0 1 63 0 200 140 1;
-#X restore 448 118 graph;
-#X text 115 11 -- shift signal vector elements left or right;
-#X msg 54 138 \; pd dsp 1 \; shiftin 1 1;
-#X obj 48 204 tabreceive~ shiftin;
-#X text 525 308 Updated for Pd 0.31.;
-#X obj 47 11 lrshift~;
-#X floatatom 339 209 5 0 0 0 - - -;
-#X msg 363 277 bang;
-#X obj 339 303 print~;
-#X text 277 186 change shift amount;
-#X obj 339 251 lrshift~;
-#X connect 0 0 1 0;
-#X connect 2 0 3 0;
-#X connect 5 0 6 0;
-#X connect 9 0 3 0;
-#X connect 10 0 1 0;
-#X connect 15 0 6 0;
-#X connect 15 0 9 0;
-#X connect 15 0 10 0;
-#X connect 15 0 22 0;
-#X connect 18 0 22 0;
-#X connect 19 0 20 0;
-#X connect 22 0 20 0;
diff --git a/externals/signal/lrshift~/lrshift~.c b/externals/signal/lrshift~/lrshift~.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ac1029..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/lrshift~/lrshift~.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#include "m_pd.h"
-/* ------------------------ lrshift~ ----------------------------- */
-static t_class *lrshift_tilde_class;
-typedef struct _lrshift_tilde
- t_object x_obj;
- int x_n;
-} t_lrshift_tilde;
-#ifdef OBSOLETE
-static t_int *leftshift_perform(t_int *w)
- t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[1]);
- t_float *out= (t_float *)(w[2]);
- int n = (int)(w[3]);
- int shift = (int)(w[4]);
- in += shift;
- n -= shift;
- while (n--)
- *out++ = *in++;
- while (shift--)
- *out++ = 0;
- return (w+5);
-static t_int *rightshift_perform(t_int *w)
- t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[1]);
- t_float *out= (t_float *)(w[2]);
- int n = (int)(w[3]);
- int shift = (int)(w[4]);
- n -= shift;
- in -= shift;
- while (n--)
- *--out = *--in;
- while (shift--)
- *--out = 0;
- return (w+5);
-static t_int *lrshift_perform(t_int *w)
- t_float *in = (t_float *)(w[1]);
- t_float *out= (t_float *)(w[2]);
- int n = (int)(w[3]);
- t_lrshift_tilde *x = (t_lrshift_tilde *)w[4];
- int shift = x->x_n;
- if (shift > n)
- shift = n;
- if (shift < -n)
- shift = -n;
- if (shift < 0)
- {
- shift = -shift;
- out += n;
- in += n;
- n -= shift;
- in -= shift;
- while (n--)
- *--out = *--in;
- while (shift--)
- *--out = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- in += shift;
- n -= shift;
- while (n--)
- *out++ = *in++;
- while (shift--)
- *out++ = 0;
- }
- return (w+5);
-static void lrshift_tilde_dsp(t_lrshift_tilde *x, t_signal **sp)
- int n = sp[0]->s_n;
- dsp_add(lrshift_perform, 4, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[1]->s_vec, n, x);
-static void *lrshift_tilde_new(t_floatarg f)
- t_lrshift_tilde *x = (t_lrshift_tilde *)pd_new(lrshift_tilde_class);
- x->x_n = f;
- outlet_new(&x->x_obj, gensym("signal"));
- return (x);
-static void lrshift_tilde_float(t_lrshift_tilde *x, t_floatarg f)
- x->x_n = f;
-void lrshift_tilde_setup(void)
- lrshift_tilde_class = class_new(gensym("lrshift~"),
- (t_newmethod)lrshift_tilde_new, 0, sizeof(t_lrshift_tilde), 0,
- class_addmethod(lrshift_tilde_class, nullfn, gensym("signal"), 0);
- class_addmethod(lrshift_tilde_class, (t_method)lrshift_tilde_dsp,
- gensym("dsp"), 0);
- class_addfloat(lrshift_tilde_class, (t_method)lrshift_tilde_float);
diff --git a/externals/signal/pique/pique-help.pd b/externals/signal/pique/pique-help.pd
deleted file mode 100644
index d3f7d0bd..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/pique/pique-help.pd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#N canvas 143 0 729 407 12;
-#X obj 47 11 pique;
-#X text 105 12 -- find peaks in an FFT spectrum;
-#X obj 214 174 rfft~;
-#X obj 131 129 osc~ 2000;
-#X graph graph2 0 -64 63 64 519 179 719 39;
-#X array fft-real 64 float;
-#X pop;
-#X graph graph3 0 -64 63 64 519 327 719 187;
-#X array fft-imag 64 float;
-#X pop;
-#X obj 214 215 tabwrite~ fft-real;
-#X obj 245 240 tabwrite~ fft-imag;
-#X obj 315 158 metro 1000;
-#X obj 315 116 loadbang;
-#X msg 315 138 1;
-#X obj 91 349 pique;
-#X msg 91 322 64 fft-real fft-imag 10;
-#X obj 91 376 print;
-#X obj 205 132 osc~ 5000;
-#X text 25 37 pique takes unwindowed FFT analyses as input (they should be stored in arrays) and outputs a list of peaks \, giving their peak number \, frequency \, amplitude \, and phase (as a cosine/sine pair.);
-#X text 13 289 message argumnets: number of FFT points \, fft real part \, fft imaginary part \, maximum number of peaks to report.;
-#X text 578 387 updated for Pd 0.31.;
-#X connect 2 0 6 0;
-#X connect 2 1 7 0;
-#X connect 3 0 2 0;
-#X connect 8 0 6 0;
-#X connect 8 0 7 0;
-#X connect 9 0 10 0;
-#X connect 10 0 8 0;
-#X connect 11 0 13 0;
-#X connect 12 0 11 0;
-#X connect 14 0 2 0;
diff --git a/externals/signal/pique/pique.c b/externals/signal/pique/pique.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7770ddd6..00000000
--- a/externals/signal/pique/pique.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 1999 Miller Puckette. The
-contents of this file are free for any use, but BOTH THE AUTHOR AND UCSD
-DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES related to it. Although not written in Java, this
-still should not be used to control any machinery containing a sharp blade or
-combustible materiel, or as part of any life support system or weapon. */
-#include "m_pd.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef NT
-#pragma warning( disable : 4244 )
-#pragma warning( disable : 4305 )
-static t_class *pique_class;
-typedef struct _pique
- t_object x_obj;
- int x_n;
- float x_errthresh;
- float *x_freq;
- float *x_amp;
- float *x_ampre;
- float *x_ampim;
-} t_pique;
-static void *pique_new(t_floatarg f)
- int n = f;
- t_pique *x = (t_pique *)pd_new(pique_class);
- if (n < 1) n = 100;
- x->x_n = n;
- x->x_errthresh = 0;
- x->x_freq = t_getbytes(n * sizeof(*x->x_freq));
- x->x_amp = t_getbytes(n * sizeof(*x->x_amp));
- x->x_ampre = t_getbytes(n * sizeof(*x->x_ampre));
- x->x_ampim = t_getbytes(n * sizeof(*x->x_ampim));
- outlet_new(&x->x_obj, &s_list);
- return (x);
-static float hanning(float pidetune, float sinpidetune)
- float pi = 3.14159;
- if (pidetune < 0.01 && pidetune > -0.01) return (1);
- else if (pidetune > 3.14 && pidetune < 3.143) return (0.5);
- else if (pidetune < -3.14 && pidetune > -3.143) return (0.5);
- else return (sinpidetune/pidetune - 0.5 *
- (sinpidetune/(pidetune+pi) + sinpidetune/(pidetune-pi)));
-static float peakerror(float *fpreal, float *fpimag, float pidetune,
- float norm, float peakreal, float peakimag)
- float sinpidetune = sin(pidetune);
- float cospidetune = cos(pidetune);
- float windowshould = hanning(pidetune, sinpidetune);
- float realshould = windowshould * (
- peakreal * cospidetune + peakimag * sinpidetune);
- float imagshould = windowshould * (
- peakimag * cospidetune - peakreal * sinpidetune);
- float realgot = norm * (fpreal[0] - 0.5 * (fpreal[1] + fpreal[-1]));
- float imaggot = norm * (fpimag[0] - 0.5 * (fpimag[1] + fpimag[-1]));
- float realdev = realshould - realgot, imagdev = imagshould - imaggot;
- /* post("real %f->%f; imag %f->%f", realshould, realgot,
- imagshould, imaggot); */
- return (realdev * realdev + imagdev * imagdev);
-static void pique_doit(int npts, t_float *fpreal, t_float *fpimag,
- int npeak, int *nfound, t_float *fpfreq, t_float *fpamp,
- t_float *fpampre, t_float *fpampim, float errthresh)
- float srate = sys_getsr(); /* not sure how to get this correctly */
- float oneovern = 1.0/ (float)npts;
- float fperbin = srate * oneovern;
- float pow1, pow2 = 0, pow3 = 0, pow4 = 0, pow5 = 0;
- float re1, re2 = 0, re3 = *fpreal;
- float im1, im2 = 0, im3 = 0, powthresh, relativeerror;
- int count, peakcount = 0, n2 = (npts >> 1);
- float *fp1, *fp2;
- for (count = n2, fp1 = fpreal, fp2 = fpimag, powthresh = 0;
- count--; fp1++, fp2++)
- powthresh += (*fp1) * (*fp1) + (*fp2) * (*fp2) ;
- powthresh *= 0.00001;
- for (count = 1; count < n2; count++)
- {
- float windreal, windimag, pi = 3.14159;
- float detune, pidetune, sinpidetune, cospidetune,
- ampcorrect, freqout, ampout, ampoutreal, ampoutimag;
- float rpeak, rpeaknext, rpeakprev;
- float ipeak, ipeaknext, ipeakprev;
- float errleft, errright;
- fpreal++;
- fpimag++;
- re1 = re2;
- re2 = re3;
- re3 = *fpreal;
- im1 = im2;
- im2 = im3;
- im3 = *fpimag;
- if (count < 2) continue;
- pow1 = pow2;
- pow2 = pow3;
- pow3 = pow4;
- pow4 = pow5;
- /* get Hanning-windowed spectrum by convolution */
- windreal = re2 - 0.5 * (re1 + re3);
- windimag = im2 - 0.5 * (im1 + im3);
- pow5 = windreal * windreal + windimag * windimag;
- /* if (count < 30) post("power %f", pow5); */
- if (count < 5) continue;
- /* check for a peak. The actual bin is count-3. */
- if (pow3 <= pow2 || pow3 <= pow4 || pow3 <= pow1 || pow3 <= pow5
- || pow3 < powthresh)
- continue;
- /* go back for the raw FFT values around the peak. */
- rpeak = fpreal[-3];
- rpeaknext = fpreal[-2];
- rpeakprev = fpreal[-4];
- ipeak = fpimag[-3];
- ipeaknext = fpimag[-2];
- ipeakprev = fpimag[-4];
- /* recalculate Hanning-windowed spectrum by convolution */
- windreal = rpeak - 0.5 * (rpeaknext + rpeakprev);
- windimag = ipeak - 0.5 * (ipeaknext + ipeakprev);
- detune = ((rpeakprev - rpeaknext) *
- (2.0 * rpeak - rpeakprev - rpeaknext) +
- (ipeakprev - ipeaknext) *
- (2.0 * ipeak - ipeakprev - ipeaknext)) /
- (4.0 * pow3);
- /* if (count < 30) post("detune %f", detune); */
- if (detune > 0.7 || detune < -0.7) continue;
- /* the frequency is the sum of the bin frequency and detuning */
- freqout = fperbin * ((float)(count-3) + detune);
- pidetune = pi * detune;
- sinpidetune = sin(pidetune);
- cospidetune = cos(pidetune);
- ampcorrect = 1.0 / hanning(pidetune, sinpidetune);
- /* Multiply by 2 to get real-sinusoid peak amplitude
- and divide by N to normalize FFT */
- ampcorrect *= 2. * oneovern;
- /* amplitude is peak height, corrected for Hanning window shape */
- ampout = ampcorrect * sqrt(pow3);
- ampoutreal = ampcorrect *
- (windreal * cospidetune - windimag * sinpidetune);
- ampoutimag = ampcorrect *
- (windreal * sinpidetune + windimag * cospidetune);
- if (errthresh > 0)
- {
- /* post("peak %f %f", freqout, ampout); */
- errleft = peakerror(fpreal-4, fpimag-4, pidetune+pi,
- 2. * oneovern, ampoutreal, ampoutimag);
- errright = peakerror(fpreal-2, fpimag-2, pidetune-pi,
- 2. * oneovern, ampoutreal, ampoutimag);
- relativeerror = (errleft + errright)/(ampout * ampout);
- if (relativeerror > errthresh) continue;
- }
- /* post("power %f, error %f, relative %f",
- pow3, errleft + errright, relativeerror); */
- *fpfreq++ = freqout;
- *fpamp++ = ampout;
- *fpampre++ = ampoutreal;
- *fpampim++ = ampoutimag;
- if (++peakcount == npeak) break;
- }
- *nfound = peakcount;
-static void pique_list(t_pique *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv)
- int npts = atom_getintarg(0, argc, argv);
- t_symbol *symreal = atom_getsymbolarg(1, argc, argv);
- t_symbol *symimag = atom_getsymbolarg(2, argc, argv);
- int npeak = atom_getintarg(3, argc, argv);
- int n;
- t_garray *a;
- t_float *fpreal, *fpimag;
- if (npts < 8 || npeak < 1) error("pique: bad npoints or npeak");
- if (npeak > x->x_n) npeak = x->x_n;
- if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(symreal, garray_class)) ||
- !garray_getfloatarray(a, &n, &fpreal) ||
- n < npts)
- error("%s: missing or bad array", symreal->s_name);
- else if (!(a = (t_garray *)pd_findbyclass(symimag, garray_class)) ||
- !garray_getfloatarray(a, &n, &fpimag) ||
- n < npts)
- error("%s: missing or bad array", symimag->s_name);
- else
- {
- int nfound, i;
- float *fpfreq = x->x_freq;
- float *fpamp = x->x_amp;
- float *fpampre = x->x_ampre;
- float *fpampim = x->x_ampim;
- pique_doit(npts, fpreal, fpimag, npeak,
- &nfound, fpfreq, fpamp, fpampre, fpampim, x->x_errthresh);
- for (i = 0; i < nfound; i++, fpamp++, fpfreq++, fpampre++, fpampim++)
- {
- t_atom at[5];
- SETFLOAT(at, (float)i);
- SETFLOAT(at+1, *fpfreq);
- SETFLOAT(at+2, *fpamp);
- SETFLOAT(at+3, *fpampre);
- SETFLOAT(at+4, *fpampim);
- outlet_list(x->x_obj.ob_outlet, &s_list, 5, at);
- }
- }
-static void pique_errthresh(t_pique *x, t_floatarg f)
- x->x_errthresh = f;
-static void pique_free(t_pique *x)
- int n = x->x_n;
- t_freebytes(x->x_freq, n * sizeof(*x->x_freq));
- t_freebytes(x->x_amp, n * sizeof(*x->x_amp));
- t_freebytes(x->x_ampre, n * sizeof(*x->x_ampre));
- t_freebytes(x->x_ampim, n * sizeof(*x->x_ampim));
-void pique_setup(void)
- pique_class = class_new(gensym("pique"), (t_newmethod)pique_new,
- (t_method)pique_free, sizeof(t_pique),0, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
- class_addlist(pique_class, pique_list);
- class_addmethod(pique_class, (t_method)pique_errthresh,
- gensym("errthresh"), A_FLOAT, 0);
- post("pique 0.1 for PD version 23");