path: root/desiredata/extra/pureunity/README
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authorIOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@users.sourceforge.net>2008-02-08 13:00:32 +0000
committerIOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@users.sourceforge.net>2008-02-08 13:00:32 +0000
commit4d84d14ac1aa13958eaa2971b03f7f929a519105 (patch)
tree6579d3f2cea5410a10c4baac8d0f372fb0dff372 /desiredata/extra/pureunity/README
parentb334d38aefbd8e0e159d7af6c20d63c5d2b64859 (diff)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=9400
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1 files changed, 624 insertions, 0 deletions
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+$Id: README,v 2007-06-01 16:31:54 matju Exp $
+Copyright 2006 by Mathieu Bouchard <matju à artengine point ca>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+See file ./COPYING for further informations on licensing terms.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ 1. To provide a unit-test framework, which also provide benchmarking
+ features, all made in Pd for use in Pd.
+ 2. To provide tests for functionality in internals, externals, abstractions,
+ etc., in a modularized way, in a DRY/OAOO fashion, thus abstracting out
+ common features so that many objects share the same test patch for the
+ features that they have in common.
+ 1. Pd 0.39 (PureMSP or Devel)
+ new:
+ create common (reusable) fixtures.
+ inlet 0:
+ bang:
+ run all available tests in that class. individual tests don't have
+ to be available through individual methods but may. If they do, the
+ names of the methods must match those given in the test results.
+ each test should build its own non-reusable fixtures and reinitialize
+ common fixtures, not assuming that the previous tests have left the
+ common fixtures in a normal state.
+ outlet 0:
+ test results. a sequence of lists like:
+ list $passed? $accuracy $elapsed $name1 ...
+ where:
+ $passed? is either 0 for failure or 1 for success
+ $accuracy is a float proportional to relative error on math
+ (if not applicable, use 0)
+ $elapsed is a nonnegative float, the time elapsed in milliseconds
+ or it is any negative float meaning the time hasn't been measured.
+ $name1 and the rest are symbols and/or floats identifying the test
+ for example:
+ list 1 0 -1 commutative f + *
+ Which means that the 1st test about commutativity passed ($2=1) because it
+ was perfectly accurate ($3==0) and that we didn't measure the time ($4=-).
+SEVERITIES (in decreasing order)
+ * crash: Segmentation Fault, Bus Error, Illegal Instruction, Infinite Loop,
+ etc. You can't deal with those errors at the level of the tests. Maybe there
+ should be a way to tell a test object to skip certain tests, by name, in
+ order to be able to perform as many tests as possible while waiting for a
+ fix. It could become possible to rescue from some of those crashes if Pd
+ supported exceptions (stack-unwinding).
+ * corruption: this may cause future crashes and failures on innocent
+ objects/features. I have no solution for this except to be careful.
+ * post(),error(),pd_error(): Gets printed in the console. The problem is that
+ those can't be handled by the test objects, so someone has to read them and
+ interpret them. Also they prevent test objects to ensure that error
+ conditions produce error messages. This includes stack overflow.
+ * pd_error2(): I wish this would exist. It would be sort of like pd_error()
+ but it would produce a pd message instead, whose selector would be an
+ error code, designed to be both localizable and [route]able. By default, that
+ message would be sent to the console, but there would be an internal class
+ designed to catch those messages. (If stack-unwinding were possible, it would
+ be disabled by default on pd_error2 and could be enabled explicitly
+ by-selector).
+ * failure: a test object reports a problem through outlet 0.
+ * dropout: a failure in realtimeness... difficult for an object to detect.
+ * inaccuracy: a test more or less succeeds but the test detected that the
+ epsilon sucks.
+ optional argument which would either be a float
+ (e.g. the $0 of the enclosing abstraction) or a pointer.
+inlet 0:
+ set $scapegoat:
+ replaces the originator of the message by $scapegoat, which can be a
+ float or a pointer
+ error $1 ...:
+ causes its arguments to be concatenated, space-separated (may include
+ floats), and then sent through pd_error using the appropriate
+ originator (scapegoat).
+ list $1 ...:
+ for future use. would use pd_error2() (see README or previous mail).
+ $1 has to be a symbol.
+ACCURACY AND ERROR (in math-related unit tests)
+The "absolute error" between a practical result and the expected value
+is considered to be the distance between the two value. That is the
+absolute value of the difference.
+In the case of positions in 2D, 3D, etc., use the L2-Norm which is
+a generalized Pythagoras' Theorem: dist^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + ...
+A norm is a distance between something and zero.
+Sometimes you have several practical results for one expected value
+and must extract a single absolute error out of that. Then you should pick
+the largest of the individual absolute errors.
+Sometimes you don't have an expected value, you just have several
+practical results that you expect to be quite the same. In that case,
+the absolute error is the "diameter" of those results. The meaning
+of diameter here is: the largest distance between any two results.
+If in a single test you must compare 2D errors with 3D errors and 1D
+errors, etc., you may have to adjust them by dividing the error by
+the square root of N (N is the number of dimensions). In that case,
+the resulting value is called a RMS (Root-Mean-Square).
+The maximum error introduced by just representing a number as a float
+(instead of an exact value) is at most proportional to the magnitude
+of the number (e.g. usually 16 million times smaller: about 6 decimals).
+Also, often we are only interested in relative error, which is absolute
+error divided by the norm of the expected result, because small absolute
+errors don't matter much with large results. This is the reason floats
+exist in the first place. By default, use relative error as the $accuracy
+in Pd tests.
+If you don't have an expected result, then compute the relative error as
+being the absolute error divided by the norm of the average of practical
+In the RMS case of relative error, the norms of expected results should also
+be adjusted, but both adjustments cancel because they get divided by each
+other. That means: don't divide by the sqrt(N) at all and you'll get an
+appropriate result.
+Those have to be prefixes in order to be honored by DOLLSYM:
+[$1norm] should expand to [fnorm], [lfnorm], [#norm], etc.
+Those prefixes are necessary in order to achieve polymorphism through
+abstraction arguments.
+ f float
+ ~ signal
+FUTURE (from PureData):
+ s symbol
+ p gpointer
+ a anything
+ l list (of whatever)
+ lf list of floats
+ ls list of symbols
+ lp list of pointers
+FUTURE (from DesireData):
+ L listpointer (still trying to figure out whether this will really happen)
+ v varpointer (instance symbol)
+FUTURE (from GridFlow):
+ # grid (of whatever)
+ #b grid of bytes (uint8)
+ #s grid of shorts (int16)
+ #i grid of ints (int32)
+ #l grid of longs (int64)
+ #f grid of floats (float32)
+ #d grid of doubles (float64)
+ #t grid of Tcl_Object or t_atom or I don't know what.
+for a type prefix to be considered implemented, it has to
+have the following class set:
+ metaabstraction for floats for signals for grids
+ [inlet.$1] [inlet] [inlet~] [inlet]
+ [outlet.$1] [outlet] [outlet~] [outlet]
+ [op2.$1 $2 $3] [$2 $3] [$2~ $3] [# $2 $3]
+ [taa.$1] [t a a] noop [t a a]
+ [swap.$1] [swap] noop TODO
+ [norm.$1] [abs] [env~] [# sq]->[#ravel]->[#fold +]->[#export]->[sqrt]
+ [packunpack3.$1] pack,unpack noop TODO
+ [rand.$1] ..................................
+The first two cannot be implemented as abstractions and instead must be
+defined as aliases in pureunity.c.
+extra metaabstractions:
+ [$1.rand] [f.rand] [~.rand]TODO [#.rand]TODO
+Those four classes are operators that give verify algebraic properties
+of other operators. The more their outputs are close to zero, the more
+those other operators are faithful to an algebraic property.
+(here, supported $types are f and ~)
+[commutator $type $class] (2 inlets) ab-ba
+[associator $type $class] (2 inlets) (ab)c-a(bc)
+[distributor $type $class1 $class2] (3 inlets) a&(b^c)-(a&b^a&c)
+[invertor $type $class1 $class2] (2 inlets) ab/b-a
+For each class, a test file's name is the class name followed by "-test.pd",
+and a rule file's name is the class name followed by "-rule.pd",
+in the same way as it is for help files.
+for a class called $foo, the protocol (aka interface aka rule) $foo is the
+set of behaviours expected from the $foo class; the class called $foo-rule
+must repect the $foo protocol as well, plus it should test that the inputs
+are valid, and if they are, it should test for one or several results and
+report any errors.
+To report errors and inaccuracies, output them through the properties outlet
+at the right. If there is no properties outlet in $foo (curently almost
+nothing in Pd has one), then $foo-rule must have one more outlet than $foo.
+Float messages coming out of the properties outlet of $foo-rule report
+accuracy. Named error messages come out with selector "error" followed by
+an error-symbol and then its arguments.
+In the case of true/false logic, a value of 0 means that a test has passed
+and a 1 means that a test has failed. Those values represent failure and not
+success. The reason is so that it matches with accuracy levels, where 0 is
+perfectly accurate, but any inaccuracy shows up as a relative error fraction.
+Any finite nonnegative value is allowed for accuracy, because it is expected
+to be the result of a norm.
+In standard math, "Discrete Metric" is when there are only two possible
+distances between objects: together=0 and apart=1
+(write me!)
+If +-test.pd tests [+], it can test for hotness, coldness, it can test
+that only one result is produced per hot message, that all results are
+float, that a few example additions work, and that with random inputs it
+respects commutativity, associativity, invertibility, within appropriate
+relative-error bounds, etc.
+However +-test.pd can't test that errormessages aren't printed during the
+testing. This may be something that we want to check for, and currently
+the best way to handle it is to search the console for error messages, and
+if there are any, restart the tests in verbose mode and see where the
+error happens exactly.
+Floating-point is the scientific notation for numbers that we all
+learned on paper in school. Rounding and inaccuracy are two sides
+of the same coin. They are required when it is stupid to have perfect
+results, that is, when it would mean too many computations for little
+However sometimes we want to make sure that our math is accurate enough.
+Many algorithms are data-recursive: each computation uses previous
+results. Many of those algorithms have chaotic and/or unstable
+behaviours, which means that the inaccuracies may skyrocket instead of
+fading out.
+Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 04:07:59 +0900
+From: Mathieu Bouchard <matju@artengine.ca>
+Reply-To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
+To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
+Subject: Re: Design contracts and refactoring (was Re: mathn: ugly warnings)
+On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, mathew wrote:
+> *Dean Wampler *<deanwampler gmail.com> writes:
+> > Let me suggest an XP-style alternative; make thorough unit tests
+> > required and make sure they "document" - and test! - the design
+> > "contract".
+> Unit tests are not an alternative. They are an additional requirement.
+I find unit-tests to be often decomposable like this. Start with something
+like this:
+ raise if Blah.new(666) != Blah.new(666)
+ raise if Blah.new(747) != Blah.new(747)
+ raise if Blah.new(242) != Blah.new(242)
+ raise if Blah.new(69) != Blah.new(69)
+ raise if Blah.new(37) != Blah.new(37)
+then generalize it ("equality is defined based on the arg of .new"):
+ for x in [666,747,242,69,37] do
+ raise if Blah.new(x) != Blah.new(x)
+ end
+then extract a contract from it:
+ class CheckedBlah < Blah
+ def self.new(x)
+ r = super(x)
+ raise if r != super(x)
+ r
+ end
+ end
+so now all Blah object creation may be checked throughout actual uses of a
+program and not just unit tests. The unit test now reduces to:
+ for x in [666,747,242,69,37] do Blah.new(x) end
+so for many unit tests, all you have to do is just do things and discard
+the results, and the contract will do the job of checking.
+ _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
+| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju
+| Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
+Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 05:05:19 +0900
+From: Mathieu Bouchard <matju@artengine.ca>
+Reply-To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
+To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
+Subject: Re: Design contracts and refactoring (was Re: mathn: ugly warnings)
+On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, mathew wrote:
+> For example, consider a simple vector addition routine in a 3D library.
+> The unit tests might test its behavior with Float and Integer vectors,
+> since that's why it was written.
+Here's another way to factor unit-tests that I haven't mentioned in the
+last mail.
+suppose you test for + using:
+ class IntegerTest
+ def test; 2+2==4 or raise; end
+ end
+ class FloatTest
+ def test; 2.0+2.0==4.0 or raise; end
+ end
+ class RationalTest
+ def test; Rational(2,1)+Rational(2,1)==Rational(4,1) or raise; end
+ end
+you can refactor those tests like this:
+ class NumericTest
+ def initialize nt; @nt; end
+ def make x; raise "abstract class" end
+ def test; make(2)+make(2)==make(4) or raise; end
+ end
+ class IntegerTest; def make x; Integer(x) end end
+ class FloatTest; def make x; Float(x) end end
+ class RationalTest; def make x; Rational(x,1) end end
+> However, to do that you need to know whether the feature of supporting
+> (say) Complex vectors or BigDecimal vectors is intended or not. The unit
+> tests won't tell you this.
+> > One limitation of documentation is that it has no enforcement power,
+> > so you have to write tests anyway to test conformance.
+> Unit tests have no enforcement power either, because you can just change the
+> test. Indeed, I've already had to do this once when it turned out that the
+> unit test was wrong. (In net/ftp.)
+That was a pretty bad case of strawman argument. Dean was assuming that
+your documentation was not executable when you had quite clearly stated
+that it was the contracts that acted as documentation!
+Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 07:36:36 +0900
+From: Mathieu Bouchard <matju@artengine.ca>
+Reply-To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
+To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
+Subject: Re: Design contracts and refactoring (was Re: mathn: ugly warnings)
+On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, mathew wrote:
+> > The XP view is
+> > that you should eliminate the redundancy.
+> Except it's not redundancy.
+> Unit tests define a set of functionality that is required. Documentation tells
+> you the functionality that is supported, which is generally a superset of the
+> functionality required by the unit tests.
+Let's follow the argument of both of you to the end.
+1. Unit-tests often match inputs with outputs on a case-by-case basis.
+2. Redundancy should be eliminated.
+(1) suggests that there is a shorter way to express the unit-tests.
+Suppose you are able to find a formula for generating output-validators
+from inputs. Then that formula is a postcondition of a contract, and the
+explicit output-validators of the unit-tests are redundant.
+(2) because part of the unit-tests are redundant, part of the unit-tests
+should be eliminated. This causes the postconditions to become an
+essential part of unit-testing.
+Unit-tests vs contracts is a false debate.
+ _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
+| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju
+| Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
+Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 17:19:41 +0900
+From: Mathieu Bouchard <matju@artengine.ca>
+Reply-To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
+To: ruby-core@ruby-lang.org
+Subject: Re: Design contracts and refactoring (was Re: mathn: ugly warnings)
+In order to entrench the tests-as-documentation habit firmly in the Ruby
+community, we need a catchy acronym. Like RTFUT = Read the Fabulous Unit
+Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2006 23:52:22 -0500 (EST)
+From: Mathieu Bouchard <matju@artengine.ca>
+To: pd-dev <pd-dev@iem.at>
+Subject: macros and such (was: pd-lib, SIMD)
+I think that the Pd source doesn't use nearly enough macros or other
+code-reducing tricks.
+The reduction of code isn't so much about making things use less RAM: the
+RAM excuse is quickly evaporating as even the tiniest computers come with
+plenty of RAM and even the faster kinds of RAM come in ever more copious
+amounts (big caches).
+The reduction of code is programmer-oriented. I'm not talking about length
+of identifiers here (this is a separate issue). Every line of code should
+do something interesting by itself. Code should read like a good story and
+not like a car. Ever tried to read a car? It's boring. The same damn
+piston copy-pasted 12 times.
+The reduction of code is also documentation-oriented. Once the programmer
+has been contaminated with the wisdom required to make small code or
+understand small code, then why wouldn't the programmer explain it to his
+students in higher-level terms instead of chanting 12 times the same
+piston as if it were a marathon of Hail-Marys ?
+This is why Pd needs a taxonomy of object classes. If I don't get that
+taxonomy in Pd itself nor in its help files, at least I'll have it in its
+unit tests.
+Once and only once.
+Once and only once.
+Once and only once.
+Three strikes and you refactor.
+for x in [1,2,3] say: Once and only once
+BTW I'm not talking about only inheritance of implementations. The most
+important thing to me is inheritance of expectations, so that if I name
+100 classes that obey the rule "Operator2", then you have just learned
+something common about 100 classes.
+Operator2 means right-inlet is cold, left-inlet is hot, there is a "set"
+method for using left-inlet as cold, there is a "bang" for explicitly
+activating the main computation. The main computation only produces one
+message. That's what "Operator2" means in my taxonomy, and it's that much
+that hasn't to be stated explicitly in each help patch.
+Help patches can be abstractions to be used to by other help patches. Just
+put a [operator2-help] object in your help patch to indicate that the
+currently documented class obeys the standard operator2 rules.
+Who's against it?
+Date: Sat Feb 4 21:22:29 CET 2006
+From: Mathieu Bouchard <matju@artengine.ca>
+To: pd-list
+ * Previous message: [PD] dealing with arguments and inlets
+ * Next message: [PD] Re: [PD-announce] A new version of FFTease is now available for Pd
+ * Messages sorted by: [ date ] [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
+On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
+> The way I have been thinking is that the first inlet is the general
+> inlet, and it can accept many types of messages. Then the second inlet
+> lines up with the first argument, the third inlet to the second
+> argument, etc.
+I agree. Many objects obey the rule that the k'th inlet matches argument
+$k for several arguments in a row, usually all of them.
+> I think this is pretty clean and flexible, and I think
+> it would be nice to have some kind of standard for this.
+And the best way to make sure people are following a standard is to make
+it so easy to follow that it's harder to not follow it than to follow it.
+Of course I don't mean adding hurdles to doing it otherwise, but rather
+make a shortcut for those who follow the standard. Short of this, people
+who make abstractions/externals can get a friendly reminder, from someone
+who cares, that it would be better if they followed the standard.
+> Obviously, it doesn't work for all objects, but I think it would be good to
+> standardize on objects it does work for.
+PureUnity's goal (when I work on it) is to design a taxonomy that
+separates objects that obey certain properties, from those that don't,
+because that's a way to reuse tests, but also because certainly it doesn't
+hurt documentation either, and it's even better if it can influence how
+abstractions are made.
+ _ _ __ ___ _____ ________ _____________ _____________________ ...
+| Mathieu Bouchard - tél:+1.514.383.3801 - http://artengine.ca/matju
+| Freelance Digital Arts Engineer, Montréal QC Canada
+From matju@artengine.ca to pd-list on Dec 18, 2006
+I thought up some kind of classification of type systems, avoiding to call
+them strong/weak or static/dynamic because those words are confusing.
+1. Typed expressions: each piece of code that can give a value, has a
+type that can be figured out at compile-time.
+2. Typed variables/parameters: declarations allow runtime checks but not
+compile-time checks.
+3. Typed values: variables don't have types, they can contain any value,
+but every value has a type.
+4. Typed uses: values don't have types, a type is a way of using a value.
+Strictness, in the sense of forbidding things to the user, is not on that
+scale, it's another aspect. A well-balanced strictness allows one to
+bypass the system whenever needed, but without being too error-prone.
+However it's difficult to say what it means to "bypass the system" for all
+four typing categories at once, or even within one category.
+From matju@artengine.ca to pd-dev on Jan 2, 2007
+PureUnity will now require pd 0.40. This will make things easier, as for
+example the aliases [f.inlet], [~.inlet] can be renamed to [inlet.f] and
+[inlet.~], which makes those class-templates sortable alphabetically, and
+readable as "inlet of float" and "inlet of signal" or maybe "inlet for
+floats" and "inlet for signals"... likewise for all other existing
+templates of PureUnity (do,norm,outlet,packunpack3,rand,swap,taa).
+(here, "template" means "parametrized classname" as in C++, and not t_template)
+Old pre-DesireData ChangeLog for PureUnity:
+version 0.0 (2006.01.06):
+ * doc is in README
+ * new object classes:
+ * [commutator], [commutative-test]
+ * [associator], [associative-test]
+ * [invertor], [invertible-test]
+ * [distributor], [distributive-test]
+ * [trichotomy-test], ...
+ * [twice], [3times], [4times], [^]
+ * [tree], [protocols-tree]
+ * [rtimer]
+ * for $1 in f,~ and some of #:
+ [$1.norm], [$1.taa], [$1.do], [$1.packunpack3], [$1.swap]
+ [$1.inlet], [$1.outlet]