path: root/externals/gridflow/bridge/puredata.rb
diff options
authorN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2005-10-04 02:02:15 +0000
committerN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2005-10-04 02:02:15 +0000
commit5e2a1bc9e56003349e533f7e5841041ba5c04e28 (patch)
treead040f6894d9383b732423a74420e732f62a66a5 /externals/gridflow/bridge/puredata.rb
parent520a243c297175386ab31c78c84693a664934a69 (diff)
starting to commit gridflow 0.8.0 ...
if you know how to use "cvs import" please mail me and i'll use it for 0.8.1 svn path=/trunk/; revision=3646
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/gridflow/bridge/puredata.rb')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/externals/gridflow/bridge/puredata.rb b/externals/gridflow/bridge/puredata.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fffda1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/gridflow/bridge/puredata.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+ $Id: puredata.rb,v 1.1 2005-10-04 02:02:13 matju Exp $
+ GridFlow
+ Copyright (c) 2001,2002 by Mathieu Bouchard
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file ../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# <matju> alx1: in puredata.rb, just after the header, you have a %w() block,
+# and in it you write the name of your object, and if your helpfile is not
+# named like your object, then you add an equal sign and the filename
+# @mouse=help_mouse @motion_detection=help_motion_detect @fade=help_fade
+# @apply_colormap_channelwise @checkers @complex_sq @contrast
+# @posterize @ravel @greyscale_to_rgb @rgb_to_greyscale @solarize @spread
+#clip #contrast #fade #numop #remap_image
+# NEW help files
+#!@#$ (what's #+-help.pd ? #print-help2.pd ?)
+ # #cast #dim #reverse
+ #pack=#unpack-#pack
+ #unpack=#unpack-#pack
+ renamefile
+ #in plotter_control
+ listelement exec ls #print unix_time
+).each {|name|
+ if name =~ /=/ then name,file = name.split(/=/) else file = name end
+ begin
+ x = GridFlow.fclasses[name]
+ x.set_help "gridflow/flow_classes/#{file}-help.pd"
+ rescue Exception => e
+ GridFlow.post "for [#{name}], #{e.class}: #{e}" # + ":\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ end
+# OLD help files
+ @cast
+ @convolve @downscale_by @draw_polygon @export=@importexport
+ @finished @fold @for @global @grade
+ @import=@importexport @inner=@foldinnerouter
+ @in=@inout @join @layer @outer=@foldinnerouter @out=@inout
+ @! @perspective printargs @print @redim
+ rubyprint @scale_by @scale_to @scan
+ @store
+).each {|name|
+ if name =~ /=/ then name,file = name.split(/=/) else file = name end
+ begin
+ GridFlow.fclasses[name].set_help "gridflow/#{file}.pd"
+ rescue Exception => e
+ GridFlow.post "ruby #{e.class}: #{e}:\n" + e.backtrace.join("\n")
+ end
+#GridFlow.gui "frame .controls.gridflow -relief ridge -borderwidth 2\n"
+#GridFlow.gui "button .controls.gridflow.button -text FOO\n"
+#GridFlow.gui "pack .controls.gridflow.button -side left\n"
+#GridFlow.gui "pack .controls.gridflow -side right\n"
+GridFlow.gui %q{
+if {[catch {
+ # pd 0.37
+ menu .mbar.gridflow -tearoff $pd_tearoff
+ .mbar add cascade -label "GridFlow" -menu .mbar.gridflow
+ set gfmenu .mbar.gridflow
+}]} {
+ # pd 0.36
+ ###the problem is that GridFlow.bind requires 0.37
+catch {
+$gfmenu add command -label "profiler_dump" -command {pd "gridflow profiler_dump;"}
+$gfmenu add command -label "profiler_reset" -command {pd "gridflow profiler_reset;"}
+$gfmenu add command -label "formats" -command {pd "gridflow formats;"}
+if {[string length [info command post]] == 0} {
+ proc post {x} {puts $x}
+# if not running Impd:
+if {[string length [info command listener_new]] == 0} {
+# start of part duplicated from Impd
+proc listener_new {self name} {
+ global _
+ set _($self:hist) {}
+ set _($self:histi) 0
+ frame $self
+ label $self.label -text "$name: "
+ entry $self.entry -width 40
+# entry $self.count -width 5
+ pack $self.label -side left
+ pack $self.entry -side left -fill x -expand yes
+# pack $self.count -side left
+ pack $self -fill x -expand no
+ bind $self.entry <Up> "listener_up $self"
+ bind $self.entry <Down> "listener_down $self"
+proc listener_up {self} {
+ global _
+ if {$_($self:histi) > 0} {set _($self:histi) [expr -1+$_($self:histi)]}
+ $self.entry delete 0 end
+ $self.entry insert 0 [lindex $_($self:hist) $_($self:histi)]
+ $self.entry icursor end
+# $self.count delete 0 end
+# $self.count insert 0 "$_($self:histi)/[llength $_($self:hist)]"
+proc listener_down {self} {
+ global _
+ if {$_($self:histi) < [llength $_($self:hist)]} {incr _($self:histi)}
+ $self.entry delete 0 end
+ $self.entry insert 0 [lindex $_($self:hist) $_($self:histi)]
+ $self.entry icursor end
+# $self.count delete 0 end
+# $self.count insert 0 "$_($self:histi)/[llength $_($self:hist)]"
+proc listener_append {self v} {
+ global _
+ lappend _($self:hist) $v
+ set _($self:histi) [llength $_($self:hist)]
+proc tcl_eval {} {
+ set l [.tcl.entry get]
+ post "tcl: $l"
+ post "returns: [eval $l]"
+ listener_append .tcl [.tcl.entry get]
+ .tcl.entry delete 0 end
+if {[catch {
+ listener_new .tcl "Tcl"
+ bind .tcl.entry <Return> {tcl_eval}
+}]} {
+ listener_new .tcl "Tcl" {tcl_eval}
+# end of part duplicated from Impd
+proc ruby_eval {} {
+ set l {}
+ foreach c [split [.ruby.entry get] ""] {lappend l [scan $c %c]}
+ pd "gridflow eval $l;"
+ listener_append .ruby [.ruby.entry get]
+ .ruby.entry delete 0 end
+if {[catch {
+ listener_new .ruby "Ruby"
+ bind .ruby.entry <Return> {ruby_eval}
+}]} {
+ listener_new .ruby "Ruby" {ruby_eval}
+} # GridFlow.gui
+if false
+GridFlow.gui %q{
+catch {
+ if {[file exists ${pd_guidir}/lib/gridflow/icons/peephole.gif]} {
+ global pd_guidir
+ image create photo icon_peephole -file ${pd_guidir}/lib/gridflow/icons/peephole.gif
+ global butt
+ button_bar_add peephole {guiext peephole}
+ } {
+ puts $stderr GAAAH
+ }
+} # GridFlow.gui