path: root/externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.tcl
diff options
authorN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2010-01-05 17:50:51 +0000
committerN.N. <matju@users.sourceforge.net>2010-01-05 17:50:51 +0000
commit39ba8a640bd178fd732d945760df7eef3e2c1e1a (patch)
treeb59fa5bc00fcbb6389ea3ebf2c7ee8b9ced1daa8 /externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.tcl
parent8cabe6dabadf2422240ff4e9d5f5f8c95622b682 (diff)
no gridflow snapshots in pure-data svn
svn path=/trunk/; revision=12888
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.tcl b/externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 952459b3..00000000
--- a/externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-proc mset {vars list} {uplevel 1 "foreach {$vars} {$list} {break}"}
-proc p {text} {write [list #X text 10 $::y $text]; incr ::y 60}
-proc write {list} {
- set v [join $list " "]
- regsub -all "," $v " \\, " v
- regsub -all ";" $v " \\; " v
- regsub -all "\\$" $v "\\$" v
- puts $::fh "$v;"
-set oid 0
-proc obj {args} {write [concat [list #X obj ] $args]; incr ::oid}
-proc msg {args} {write [concat [list #X msg ] $args]; incr ::oid}
-proc text {args} {write [concat [list #X text] $args]; incr ::oid}
-set fh [open numop.pd w]
-write [list #N canvas 0 0 1024 768 10]
-set y 0
-set row 0
-set msgboxes {}
-set col1 96
-set col2 512
-set col3 768
-set col4 1024
-set rowsize 32
-obj 0 $y cnv 15 $col4 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 20 -66577 0
-text 10 $y op name
-text $col1 $y description
-text $col2 $y "effect on pixels"
-text $col3 $y "effect on coords"
-incr y 32
-# onpixels = meaning in pixel context (pictures, palettes)
-# oncoords = meaning in spatial context (indexmaps, polygons)
-# for vecops, the two analogy-columns were labelled:
-# meaning in geometric context (indexmaps, polygons, in which each complex number is a point)
-# meaning in spectrum context (FFT) in which each number is a (cosine,sine) pair
-proc op {op desc {extra1 ""} {extra2 ""}} {
- global y
- if {$::row&1} {set bg -233280} {set bg -249792}
- obj 0 $y cnv 15 $::col4 [expr $::rowsize-2] empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 $bg -66577 0
- lappend ::msgboxes $::oid
- msg 10 $y op $op
- text $::col1 $y $desc
- if {$extra1 != ""} {text $::col2 $y $extra1}
- if {$extra2 != ""} {text $::col3 $y $extra2}
- incr ::row
- incr ::y $::rowsize
-proc draw_columns {} {
- obj [expr $::col1-1] 0 cnv 0 0 $::y empty empty empty -1 12 0 14 0 -66577 0
- obj [expr $::col2-1] 0 cnv 0 0 $::y empty empty empty -1 12 0 14 0 -66577 0
- obj [expr $::col3-1] 0 cnv 0 0 $::y empty empty empty -1 12 0 14 0 -66577 0
-proc numbertype {op desc {extra1 ""} {extra2 ""}} {op $op $desc $extra1 $extra2}
-set sections {}
-proc section {desc} {
- lappend ::sections [list $::y $desc]
- incr ::y 20
-section {numops}
-op {ignore} { A } {no effect} {no effect}
-op {put} { B } {replace by} {replace by}
-op {+} { A + B } {brightness, crossfade} {move, morph}
-op {-} { A - B } {brightness, motion detection} {move, motion detection}
-op {inv+} { B - A } {negate then contrast} {180 degree rotate then move}
-op {*} { A * B } {contrast} {zoom out}
-op {/} { A / B, rounded towards zero } {contrast} {zoom in}
-op {div} { A / B, rounded downwards } {contrast} {zoom in}
-op {inv*} { B / A, rounded towards zero }
-op {swapdiv} { B / A, rounded downwards }
-op {%} { A % B, modulo (goes with div) } {--} {tile}
-op {swap%} { B % A, modulo (goes with div) }
-op {rem} { A % B, remainder (goes with /) }
-op {swaprem} { B % A, remainder (goes with /) }
-op {gcd} {greatest common divisor}
-op {lcm} {least common multiple}
-op {|} { A or B, bitwise } {bright munchies} {bottomright munchies}
-op {^} { A xor B, bitwise } {symmetric munchies (fractal checkers)} {symmetric munchies (fractal checkers)}
-op {&} { A and B, bitwise } {dark munchies} {topleft munchies}
-op {<<} { A * (2**(B % 32)), which is left-shifting } {like *} {like *}
-op {>>} { A / (2**(B % 32)), which is right-shifting } {like /,div} {like /,div}
-op {||} { if A is zero then B else A }
-op {&&} { if A is zero then zero else B}
-op {min} { the lowest value in A,B } {clipping} {clipping (of individual points)}
-op {max} { the highest value in A,B } {clipping} {clipping (of individual points)}
-op {cmp} { -1 when A&lt;B; 0 when A=B; 1 when A&gt;B. }
-op {==} { is A equal to B ? 1=true, 0=false }
-op {!=} { is A not equal to B ? }
-op {>} { is A greater than B ? }
-op {<=} { is A not greater than B ? }
-op {<} { is A less than B ? }
-op {>=} {is A not less than B ? }
-op {sin*} { B * sin(A) in centidegrees } {--} {waves, rotations}
-op {cos*} { B * cos(A) in centidegrees } {--} {waves, rotations}
-op {atan} { arctan(A/B) in centidegrees } {--} {find angle to origin (part of polar transform)}
-op {tanh*} { B * tanh(A) in centidegrees } {smooth clipping} {smooth clipping (of individual points), neural sigmoid, fuzzy logic}
-op {log*} { B * log(A) (in base e) }
-op {gamma} { floor(pow(a/256.0,256.0/b)*256.0) } {gamma correction}
-op {**} { A**B, that is, A raised to power B } {gamma correction}
-op {abs-} { absolute value of (A-B) }
-op {rand} { randomly produces a non-negative number below A }
-op {sqrt} { square root of A, rounded downwards }
-op {sq-} { (A-B) times (A-B) }
-op {avg} { (A+B)/2 }
-op {hypot} { distance function: square root of (A*A+B*B) }
-op {clip+} { like A+B but overflow causes clipping instead of wrapping around (coming soon) }
-op {clip-} { like A-B but overflow causes clipping instead of wrapping around (coming soon) }
-op {erf*} { integral of e^(-x*x) dx ... (coming soon; what ought to be the scaling factor?) }
-op {weight} { number of "1" bits in an integer}
-op {sin} {sin(A-B) in radians, float only}
-op {cos} {cos(A-B) in radians, float only}
-op {atan2} {atan2(A,B) in radians, float only}
-op {tanh} {tanh(A-B) in radians, float only}
-op {exp} {exp(A-B) in radians, float only}
-op {log} {log(A-B) in radians, float only}
-section {vecops for complex numbers}
-op {C.* } {A*B}
-op {C.*conj} {A*conj(B)}
-op {C./ } {A/B}
-op {C./conj} {A/conj(B)}
-op {C.sq- } {(A-B)*(A-B)}
-op {C.abs- } {abs(A-B)}
-op {C.sin } {sin(A-B)}
-op {C.cos } {cos(A-B)}
-op {C.tanh } {tanh(A-B)}
-op {C.exp } {exp(A-B)}
-op {C.log } {log(A-B)}
-#section {vecops for other things}
-#op {cart2pol}
-#op {pol2cart}
-incr y 10
-set outletid $oid
-obj 10 $y outlet
-incr y 20
-foreach msgbox $msgboxes {write [list #X connect $msgbox 0 $outletid 0]}
-foreach section $sections {
- mset {y1 desc} $section
- obj 0 $y1 cnv 15 $::col4 18 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -248881 -66577 0
- text 10 $y1 $desc
-p {
- note: a centidegree is 0.01 degree. There are 36000 centidegrees in a circle.
- Some angle operators use centidegrees, while some others use radians. To
- convert degrees into centidegrees, multiply by 100.
- To convert degrees into radians, divide by 57.2957 .
- Thus, to convert centidegrees into radians, divide by 5729.57 .
-close $fh
-set fh [open numtype.pd w]
-write [list #N canvas 0 0 1024 768 10]
-set y 0
-set row 0
-set oid 0
-set col1 192
-set col2 384
-set col3 608
-set col4 1024
-set rowsize 64
-obj 0 $y cnv 15 $col4 30 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 20 -66577 0
-text 10 $y op names
-text $col1 $y range
-text $col2 $y precision
-text $col3 $y description
-incr y 32
-numbertype {b u8 uint8} {0 to 255} {1} {
- unsigned 8-bit integer. this is the usual size of numbers taken from files and cameras, and
- written to files and to windows. (however #in converts to int32 unless otherwise specified.)}
-numbertype {s i16 int16} {-32768 to 32767} {1}
-numbertype {i i32 int32} {-(1<<31) to (1<<31)-1} {1} {
- signed 32-bit integer. this is used by default throughout GridFlow.
-numbertype {l i64 int64} {-(1<<63) to (1<<63)-1} {1}
-numbertype {f f32 float32} {-(1<<128) to (1<<128)} {23 bits or 0.000012%}
-numbertype {d f64 float64} {-(1<<2048) to (1<<2048)} {52 bits or 0.000000000000022%}
-p {High-performance computation requires precise and quite peculiar
- definitions of numbers and their representation.}
-p {Inside most programs, numbers are written down as strings of
- bits. A bit is either zero or one. Just like the decimal system
- uses units, tens, hundreds, the binary system uses units, twos,
- fours, eights, sixteens, and so on, doubling every time.}
-p {One notation, called integer allows for only integer values to be
- written (no fractions). when it is unsigned, no negative values may
- be written. when it is signed, one bit indicates whether the number
- is positive or negative. Integer storage is usually fixed-size, so you have
- bounds on the size of numbers, and if a result is too big it "wraps around", truncating the biggest
- bits.}
-p {Another notation, called floating point (or float) stores numbers using
- a fixed number of significant digits, and a scale factor that allows for huge numbers
- and tiny fractions at once. Note that 1/3 has periodic digits, but even 0.1 has periodic digits,
- in binary coding; so expect some slight roundings; the precision offered should be
- sufficient for most purposes. Make sure the errors of rounding don't accumulate, though.}
-close $fh