path: root/externals/grill/guitest/flguiobj.h
diff options
authorThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2009-04-01 21:13:09 +0000
committerThomas Grill <xovo@users.sourceforge.net>2009-04-01 21:13:09 +0000
commit0ed7a8b68dd73e2b0473b8127aeca99f3bac9061 (patch)
tree5c67818b38a5cc2f9caa5ca7f8640ca356adf02b /externals/grill/guitest/flguiobj.h
parentbb4c7f6a245394d09dac9adfb2efb093d3d98452 (diff)
cleaned up grill externals - replaced with svn:externals to svn.grrrr.org/ext/trunk/
svn path=/trunk/; revision=10951
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/grill/guitest/flguiobj.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 362 deletions
diff --git a/externals/grill/guitest/flguiobj.h b/externals/grill/guitest/flguiobj.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 86c7366a..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/guitest/flguiobj.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __FLGUIOBJ_H
-#define __FLGUIOBJ_H
-#define FLEXT_VIRT
-#include <flext.h>
-#include "flgui.h"
-class FCanvas
- FCanvas(t_canvas *c);
- ~FCanvas();
- FCanvas &Tk(char *fmt,...);
- FCanvas &TkC();
- FCanvas &TkE();
- void ToBuf(const char *t);
- bool Pre(int x,int y);
- void Post();
- int X() const { return xpos; }
- int Y() const { return ypos; }
- t_canvas *canvas;
- int xpos,ypos;
- void Send(const char *t);
- void SendBuf();
- static bool debug,store;
- char *buffer;
- int bufix;
- int waiting;
- PenState svpen;
- RGBColor svcol;
- GrafPtr svgp;
-class FPnt
- FPnt() {}
- FPnt(const FPnt &p): x(p.x),y(p.y) {}
- FPnt(int px,int py): x(px),y(py) {}
- FPnt &operator =(const FPnt &p) { x = p.x,y = p.y; return *this; }
- FPnt &operator ()(int px,int py) { x = px,y = py; return *this; }
- FPnt &Move(int dx,int dy) { x += dx,y += dy; return *this; }
- int X() const { return x; }
- int Y() const { return y; }
- int x,y;
-class FRect
- FRect() {}
- FRect(const FRect &r): lo(r.lo),hi(r.hi) {}
- FRect(int xlo,int ylo,int xhi,int yhi): lo(xlo,ylo),hi(xhi,yhi) {}
- FRect &operator =(const FRect &r) { lo = r.lo; hi = r.hi; return *this; }
- FRect &operator ()(const FPnt &l,const FPnt &h) { lo = l; hi = h; return *this; }
- FRect &operator ()(int xlo,int ylo,int xhi,int yhi) { lo(xlo,ylo); hi(xhi,yhi); return *this; }
- FRect &Move(int dx,int dy) { lo.Move(dx,dy); hi.Move(dx,dy); return *this; }
- FRect &MoveTo(int x,int y) { hi(x+hi.X()-lo.X(),y+hi.Y()-lo.Y()); lo(x,y); return *this; }
- FPnt &Lo() { return lo; }
- FPnt &Hi() { return hi; }
- int SizeX() const { return hi.X()-lo.X()+1; }
- int SizeY() const { return hi.Y()-lo.Y()+1; }
- FRect &Add(const FPnt &p);
- FRect &Add(const FRect &r);
- bool In(const FPnt &p) const;
- bool Inter(const FRect &r) const;
- FPnt lo,hi;
-class GuiObj:
- public flext
- friend class GuiGroup;
- GuiObj(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL);
- virtual ~GuiObj();
- const t_symbol *Id() const { return idsym; }
- virtual const t_symbol *Symbol() const { return NULL; }
- virtual void Active() {}
- virtual void Inactive() {}
- void Origin(int x,int y) { ori(x,y); }
- void Origin(const FPnt &p) { ori = p; }
- const FPnt &Origin() const { return ori; }
- void OriMove(int dx,int dy) { ori.Move(dx,dy); }
- int OriX() const { return ori.X(); }
- int OriY() const { return ori.Y(); }
- virtual GuiSingle *Find(const t_symbol *s) { return NULL; }
- inline GuiSingle *Find(const char *s) { return Find(MakeSymbol(s)); }
- virtual GuiObj &MoveRel(int dx,int dy) = 0;
- virtual GuiObj &Focus() { return *this; }
- virtual GuiObj &Draw() = 0;
- FCanvas &Canv() { return *canvas; }
- virtual GuiObj &Delete() = 0;
- GuiGroup *parent;
- FCanvas *canvas;
- const t_symbol *idsym;
- virtual bool Method(flext_gui &g,const flext_gui::CBParams &p) = 0;
- FRect rect;
-class GuiSingle:
- public GuiObj
- friend class flext_gui;
- GuiSingle(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL,const t_symbol *s = NULL);
- ~GuiSingle();
- virtual const t_symbol *Symbol() const { return sym; }
- virtual void Symbol(const t_symbol *s);
- void Symbol(const char *s) { Symbol(MakeSymbol(s)); }
- virtual void Active() { active = true; }
- virtual void Inactive() { active = false; }
- virtual bool In(const FPnt &p) const { return false; }
- virtual GuiSingle *Find(const t_symbol *s);
- virtual GuiObj &MoveTo(int x,int y);
- virtual GuiObj &MoveRel(int dx,int dy);
- virtual GuiObj &FillColor(unsigned long col);
- virtual GuiObj &Outline(unsigned long col);
- virtual GuiObj &Focus();
- GuiGroup &Parent() { return *parent; }
- virtual GuiObj &Delete();
- const t_symbol *sym;
- bool active;
- class Event {
- public:
- Event(int evmask,bool (*m)(flext_gui &g,GuiSingle &obj,const flext_gui::CBParams &p));
- ~Event();
- int methfl;
- bool (*method)(flext_gui &g,GuiSingle &obj,const flext_gui::CBParams &p);
- bool ext;
- Event *nxt;
- } *event;
- void AddEvent(int evmask,bool (*m)(flext_gui &g,GuiSingle &obj,const flext_gui::CBParams &p));
- void RmvEvent(int evmask,bool (*m)(flext_gui &g,GuiSingle &obj,const flext_gui::CBParams &p));
- virtual bool Method(flext_gui &g,const flext_gui::CBParams &p);
-class GuiPoint:
- public GuiSingle
- friend class GuiGroup;
- GuiPoint(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL,const t_symbol *s = NULL): GuiSingle(c,p,s) {}
- GuiObj &Set(int x,int y,long fill = -1);
- virtual GuiObj &Draw();
- long fill;
-class GuiCloud:
- public GuiSingle
- friend class GuiGroup;
- GuiCloud(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL,const t_symbol *s = NULL): GuiSingle(c,p,s),pnt(NULL) {}
- GuiObj &Set(int n,const FPnt *p,long fill = -1);
- virtual GuiObj &Draw();
- virtual GuiObj &Delete();
- long fill;
- int pnts;
- FPnt *pnt;
-class GuiBox:
- public GuiSingle
- friend class GuiGroup;
- GuiBox(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL,const t_symbol *s = NULL): GuiSingle(c,p,s) {}
- GuiObj &Set(int x,int y,int xsz,int ysz,int width = -1,long fill = -1,long outl = -1);
- virtual GuiObj &Draw();
- virtual bool In(const FPnt &p) const { return rect.In(p); }
- int width;
- long fill,outln;
-class GuiRect:
- public GuiSingle
- friend class GuiGroup;
- GuiRect(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL,const t_symbol *s = NULL): GuiSingle(c,p,s) {}
- GuiObj &Set(int x,int y,int xsz,int ysz,int width = -1,long outl = -1);
- virtual GuiObj &Draw();
- virtual bool In(const FPnt &p) const { return rect.In(p); }
- int width;
- long outln;
-class GuiLine:
- public GuiSingle
- friend class GuiGroup;
- GuiLine(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL,const t_symbol *s = NULL): GuiSingle(c,p,s) {}
- GuiObj &Set(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int width = -1,long fill = -1);
- virtual GuiObj &Draw();
- int width;
- long fill;
- FPnt p1,p2;
-class GuiPoly:
- public GuiSingle
- friend class GuiGroup;
- GuiPoly(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL,const t_symbol *s = NULL): GuiSingle(c,p,s),pnt(NULL) {}
- GuiObj &Set(int n,const FPnt *p,int width = -1,long fill = -1);
- virtual GuiObj &Draw();
- virtual GuiObj &Delete();
- int width;
- long fill;
- int pnts;
- FPnt *pnt;
-class GuiText:
- public GuiSingle
- friend class GuiGroup;
- enum just_t { none = -1,left = 0,right,center };
- GuiText(FCanvas *c = NULL,GuiGroup *p = NULL,const t_symbol *s = NULL): GuiSingle(c,p,s) {}
- GuiObj &Set(int x,int y,const char *txt = NULL,long fill = -1,just_t just = none);
- virtual GuiObj &Draw();
- just_t just;
- long fill;
-class GuiGroup:
- public GuiObj
- friend class flext_gui;
- GuiGroup(FCanvas *c,GuiGroup *p = NULL);
- ~GuiGroup();
- virtual GuiSingle *Find(const t_symbol *s);
- virtual GuiObj &MoveRel(int dx,int dy);
- void Clear();
- void Add(GuiObj *o,bool own = true);
- GuiSingle *Detach(const t_symbol *s);
- virtual GuiObj &Draw();
- GuiGroup *Add_Group();
- GuiSingle *Add_Point(int x,int y,long fill = -1);
- inline GuiSingle *Add_Point(const FPnt &p,long fill = -1) { return Add_Point(p.X(),p.Y(),fill); }
- GuiSingle *Add_Cloud(int n,const FPnt *p,long fill = -1);
- GuiSingle *Add_Box(int x,int y,int xsz,int ysz,int width = -1,long fill = -1,long outl = -1);
- GuiSingle *Add_Rect(int x,int y,int xsz,int ysz,int width = -1,long outl = -1);
- GuiSingle *Add_Line(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int width = -1,long fill = -1);
- inline GuiSingle *Add_Line(const FPnt &p1,const FPnt &p2,int width = -1,long fill = -1) { return Add_Line(p1.X(),p1.Y(),p2.X(),p2.Y(),width,fill); }
- GuiSingle *Add_Poly(int n,const FPnt *p,int width = -1,long fill = -1);
- GuiSingle *Add_Text(int x,int y,const char *txt,long fill = -1,GuiText::just_t just = GuiText::none);
- inline GuiSingle *Add_Text(const FPnt &p,const char *txt,long fill = -1,GuiText::just_t just = GuiText::none) { return Add_Text(p.X(),p.Y(),txt,fill,just); }
- GuiSingle *Remove(GuiSingle *obj);
- void AddTag(GuiObj *o);
- void RemoveTag(GuiObj *o);
- virtual GuiObj &Delete();
- class Part
- {
- public:
- Part(GuiObj *o,bool own = true): obj(o),owner(own),nxt(NULL) {}
- GuiObj *obj;
- bool owner;
- Part *nxt;
- } *head,*tail;
- virtual bool Method(flext_gui &g,const flext_gui::CBParams &p);