path: root/pd/portaudio/pa_dll_switch/portaudio.h
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authorGuenter Geiger <ggeiger@users.sourceforge.net>2003-05-09 16:04:00 +0000
committerGuenter Geiger <ggeiger@users.sourceforge.net>2003-05-09 16:04:00 +0000
commit9c0e19a3be2288db79e2502e5fa450c3e20a668d (patch)
treeca97ce615e037a533304fc4660dcf372ca3b9cd6 /pd/portaudio/pa_dll_switch/portaudio.h
parentef50dd62804d54af7da18d8bd8413c0dccd729b8 (diff)
This commit was generated by cvs2svn to compensate for changes in r610,
which included commits to RCS files with non-trunk default branches. svn path=/trunk/; revision=611
Diffstat (limited to 'pd/portaudio/pa_dll_switch/portaudio.h')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pd/portaudio/pa_dll_switch/portaudio.h b/pd/portaudio/pa_dll_switch/portaudio.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9632521e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pd/portaudio/pa_dll_switch/portaudio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+#ifndef PORT_AUDIO_H
+#define PORT_AUDIO_H
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+ * PortAudio Portable Real-Time Audio Library
+ * PortAudio API Header File
+ * Latest version available at: http://www.audiomulch.com/portaudio/
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Ross Bencina and Phil Burk
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+ * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+ * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+ * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+ * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ * subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is
+ * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that
+ * they can be incorporated into the canonical version.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+// added by zplane.developement in order to generate a DLL
+#if defined(PA_MME_EXPORTS) || defined(PA_DX_EXPORTS)
+#define DLL_API __declspec( dllexport )
+#elif defined(_LIB) || defined(_STATIC_LINK) || defined(_STATIC_APP)
+#define DLL_API
+#define DLL_API __declspec(dllexport)
+typedef int PaError;
+typedef enum {
+ paNoError = 0,
+ paHostError = -10000,
+ paInvalidChannelCount,
+ paInvalidSampleRate,
+ paInvalidDeviceId,
+ paInvalidFlag,
+ paSampleFormatNotSupported,
+ paBadIODeviceCombination,
+ paInsufficientMemory,
+ paBufferTooBig,
+ paBufferTooSmall,
+ paNullCallback,
+ paBadStreamPtr,
+ paTimedOut,
+ paInternalError
+} PaErrorNum;
+ Pa_Initialize() is the library initialisation function - call this before
+ using the library.
+DLL_API PaError Pa_Initialize( void );
+ Pa_Terminate() is the library termination function - call this after
+ using the library.
+DLL_API PaError Pa_Terminate( void );
+ Return host specific error.
+ This can be called after receiving a paHostError.
+DLL_API long Pa_GetHostError( void );
+ Translate the error number into a human readable message.
+DLL_API const char *Pa_GetErrorText( PaError errnum );
+ Sample formats
+ These are formats used to pass sound data between the callback and the
+ stream. Each device has a "native" format which may be used when optimum
+ efficiency or control over conversion is required.
+ Formats marked "always available" are supported (emulated) by all devices.
+ The floating point representation uses +1.0 and -1.0 as the respective
+ maximum and minimum.
+typedef unsigned long PaSampleFormat;
+#define paFloat32 ((PaSampleFormat) (1<<0)) /*always available*/
+#define paInt16 ((PaSampleFormat) (1<<1)) /*always available*/
+#define paInt32 ((PaSampleFormat) (1<<2)) /*always available*/
+#define paInt24 ((PaSampleFormat) (1<<3))
+#define paPackedInt24 ((PaSampleFormat) (1<<4))
+#define paInt8 ((PaSampleFormat) (1<<5))
+#define paUInt8 ((PaSampleFormat) (1<<6)) /* unsigned 8 bit, 128 is "ground" */
+#define paCustomFormat ((PaSampleFormat) (1<<16))
+ Device enumeration mechanism.
+ Device ids range from 0 to Pa_CountDevices()-1.
+ Devices may support input, output or both. Device 0 is always the "default"
+ device and should support at least stereo in and out if that is available
+ on the taget platform _even_ if this involves kludging an input/output
+ device on platforms that usually separate input from output. Other platform
+ specific devices are specified by positive device ids.
+typedef int PaDeviceID;
+#define paNoDevice -1
+typedef struct
+ int structVersion;
+ const char *name;
+ int maxInputChannels;
+ int maxOutputChannels;
+ /* Number of discrete rates, or -1 if range supported. */
+ int numSampleRates;
+ /* Array of supported sample rates, or {min,max} if range supported. */
+ const double *sampleRates;
+ PaSampleFormat nativeSampleFormats;
+DLL_API int Pa_CountDevices();
+ Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID(), Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID()
+ Return the default device ID or paNoDevice if there is no devices.
+ The result can be passed to Pa_OpenStream().
+ On the PC, the user can specify a default device by
+ setting an environment variable. For example, to use device #1.
+ The user should first determine the available device ID by using
+ the supplied application "pa_devs".
+DLL_API PaDeviceID Pa_GetDefaultInputDeviceID( void );
+DLL_API PaDeviceID Pa_GetDefaultOutputDeviceID( void );
+ PaTimestamp is used to represent a continuous sample clock with arbitrary
+ start time useful for syncronisation. The type is used in the outTime
+ argument to the callback function and the result of Pa_StreamTime()
+typedef double PaTimestamp;
+ Pa_GetDeviceInfo() returns a pointer to an immutable PaDeviceInfo structure
+ referring to the device specified by id.
+ If id is out of range the function returns NULL.
+ The returned structure is owned by the PortAudio implementation and must
+ not be manipulated or freed. The pointer is guaranteed to be valid until
+ between calls to Pa_Initialize() and Pa_Terminate().
+DLL_API const PaDeviceInfo* Pa_GetDeviceInfo( PaDeviceID id );
+ PortAudioCallback is implemented by clients of the portable audio api.
+ inputBuffer and outputBuffer are arrays of interleaved samples,
+ the format, packing and number of channels used by the buffers are
+ determined by parameters to Pa_OpenStream() (see below).
+ framesPerBuffer is the number of sample frames to be processed by the callback.
+ outTime is the time in samples when the buffer(s) processed by
+ this callback will begin being played at the audio output.
+ See also Pa_StreamTime()
+ userData is the value of a user supplied pointer passed to Pa_OpenStream()
+ intended for storing synthesis data etc.
+ return value:
+ The callback can return a nonzero value to stop the stream. This may be
+ useful in applications such as soundfile players where a specific duration
+ of output is required. However, it is not necessary to utilise this mechanism
+ as StopStream() will also terminate the stream. A callback returning a
+ nonzero value must fill the entire outputBuffer.
+ NOTE: None of the other stream functions may be called from within the
+ callback function except for Pa_GetCPULoad().
+typedef int (PortAudioCallback)(
+ void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer,
+ unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
+ PaTimestamp outTime, void *userData );
+ Stream flags
+ These flags may be supplied (ored together) in the streamFlags argument to
+ the Pa_OpenStream() function.
+ [ suggestions? ]
+#define paNoFlag (0)
+#define paClipOff (1<<0) /* disable defult clipping of out of range samples */
+#define paDitherOff (1<<1) /* disable default dithering */
+#define paPlatformSpecificFlags (0x00010000)
+typedef unsigned long PaStreamFlags;
+ A single PortAudioStream provides multiple channels of real-time
+ input and output audio streaming to a client application.
+ Pointers to PortAudioStream objects are passed between PortAudio functions.
+typedef void PortAudioStream;
+#define PaStream PortAudioStream
+ Pa_OpenStream() opens a stream for either input, output or both.
+ stream is the address of a PortAudioStream pointer which will receive
+ a pointer to the newly opened stream.
+ inputDevice is the id of the device used for input (see PaDeviceID above.)
+ inputDevice may be paNoDevice to indicate that an input device is not required.
+ numInputChannels is the number of channels of sound to be delivered to the
+ callback. It can range from 1 to the value of maxInputChannels in the
+ device input record for the device specified in the inputDevice parameter.
+ If inputDevice is paNoDevice numInputChannels is ignored.
+ inputSampleFormat is the format of inputBuffer provided to the callback
+ function. inputSampleFormat may be any of the formats described by the
+ PaSampleFormat enumeration (see above). PortAudio guarantees support for
+ the sound devices native formats (nativeSampleFormats in the device info
+ record) and additionally 16 and 32 bit integer and 32 bit floating point
+ formats. Support for other formats is implementation defined.
+ inputDriverInfo is a pointer to an optional driver specific data structure
+ containing additional information for device setup or stream processing.
+ inputDriverInfo is never required for correct operation. If not used
+ inputDriverInfo should be NULL.
+ outputDevice is the id of the device used for output (see PaDeviceID above.)
+ outputDevice may be paNoDevice to indicate that an output device is not required.
+ numOutputChannels is the number of channels of sound to be supplied by the
+ callback. See the definition of numInputChannels above for more details.
+ outputSampleFormat is the sample format of the outputBuffer filled by the
+ callback function. See the definition of inputSampleFormat above for more
+ details.
+ outputDriverInfo is a pointer to an optional driver specific data structure
+ containing additional information for device setup or stream processing.
+ outputDriverInfo is never required for correct operation. If not used
+ outputDriverInfo should be NULL.
+ sampleRate is the desired sampleRate for input and output
+ framesPerBuffer is the length in sample frames of all internal sample buffers
+ used for communication with platform specific audio routines. Wherever
+ possible this corresponds to the framesPerBuffer parameter passed to the
+ callback function.
+ numberOfBuffers is the number of buffers used for multibuffered
+ communication with the platform specific audio routines. This parameter is
+ provided only as a guide - and does not imply that an implementation must
+ use multibuffered i/o when reliable double buffering is available (such as
+ SndPlayDoubleBuffer() on the Macintosh.)
+ streamFlags may contain a combination of flags ORed together.
+ These flags modify the behavior of the
+ streaming process. Some flags may only be relevant to certain buffer formats.
+ callback is a pointer to a client supplied function that is responsible
+ for processing and filling input and output buffers (see above for details.)
+ userData is a client supplied pointer which is passed to the callback
+ function. It could for example, contain a pointer to instance data necessary
+ for processing the audio buffers.
+ return value:
+ Apon success Pa_OpenStream() returns PaNoError and places a pointer to a
+ valid PortAudioStream in the stream argument. The stream is inactive (stopped).
+ If a call to Pa_OpenStream() fails a nonzero error code is returned (see
+ PAError above) and the value of stream is invalid.
+DLL_API PaError Pa_OpenStream( PortAudioStream** stream,
+ PaDeviceID inputDevice,
+ int numInputChannels,
+ PaSampleFormat inputSampleFormat,
+ void *inputDriverInfo,
+ PaDeviceID outputDevice,
+ int numOutputChannels,
+ PaSampleFormat outputSampleFormat,
+ void *outputDriverInfo,
+ double sampleRate,
+ unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
+ unsigned long numberOfBuffers,
+ PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
+ PortAudioCallback *callback,
+ void *userData );
+ Pa_OpenDefaultStream() is a simplified version of Pa_OpenStream() that
+ opens the default input and/or ouput devices. Most parameters have
+ identical meaning to their Pa_OpenStream() counterparts, with the following
+ exceptions:
+ If either numInputChannels or numOutputChannels is 0 the respective device
+ is not opened (same as passing paNoDevice in the device arguments to Pa_OpenStream() )
+ sampleFormat applies to both the input and output buffers.
+DLL_API PaError Pa_OpenDefaultStream( PortAudioStream** stream,
+ int numInputChannels,
+ int numOutputChannels,
+ PaSampleFormat sampleFormat,
+ double sampleRate,
+ unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
+ unsigned long numberOfBuffers,
+ PortAudioCallback *callback,
+ void *userData );
+ Pa_CloseStream() closes an audio stream, flushing any pending buffers.
+DLL_API PaError Pa_CloseStream( PortAudioStream* );
+ Pa_StartStream() and Pa_StopStream() begin and terminate audio processing.
+ When Pa_StopStream() returns, all pending audio buffers have been played.
+ Pa_AbortStream() stops playing immediately without waiting for pending
+ buffers to complete.
+DLL_API PaError Pa_StartStream( PortAudioStream *stream );
+DLL_API PaError Pa_StopStream( PortAudioStream *stream );
+DLL_API PaError Pa_AbortStream( PortAudioStream *stream );
+ Pa_StreamActive() returns one when the stream is playing audio,
+ zero when not playing, or a negative error number if the
+ stream is invalid.
+ The stream is active between calls to Pa_StartStream() and Pa_StopStream(),
+ but may also become inactive if the callback returns a non-zero value.
+ In the latter case, the stream is considered inactive after the last
+ buffer has finished playing.
+DLL_API PaError Pa_StreamActive( PortAudioStream *stream );
+ Pa_StreamTime() returns the current output time for the stream in samples.
+ This time may be used as a time reference (for example syncronising audio to
+ MIDI).
+DLL_API PaTimestamp Pa_StreamTime( PortAudioStream *stream );
+ The "CPU Load" is a fraction of total CPU time consumed by the
+ stream's audio processing.
+ A value of 0.5 would imply that PortAudio and the sound generating
+ callback was consuming roughly 50% of the available CPU time.
+ This function may be called from the callback function or the application.
+DLL_API double Pa_GetCPULoad( PortAudioStream* stream );
+ Use Pa_GetMinNumBuffers() to determine minimum number of buffers required for
+ the current host based on minimum latency.
+ On the PC, for the DirectSound implementation, latency can be optionally set
+ by user by setting an environment variable.
+ For example, to set latency to 200 msec, put:
+ in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and reboot.
+ If the environment variable is not set, then the latency will be determined
+ based on the OS. Windows NT has higher latency than Win95.
+DLL_API int Pa_GetMinNumBuffers( int framesPerBuffer, double sampleRate );
+ Sleep for at least 'msec' milliseconds.
+ You may sleep longer than the requested time so don't rely
+ on this for accurate musical timing.
+DLL_API void Pa_Sleep( long msec );
+ Return size in bytes of a single sample in a given PaSampleFormat
+ or paSampleFormatNotSupported.
+DLL_API PaError Pa_GetSampleSize( PaSampleFormat format );
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#endif /* PORT_AUDIO_H */