path: root/desiredata/extra/expr~/vexp.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'desiredata/extra/expr~/vexp.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1175 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/extra/expr~/vexp.c b/desiredata/extra/expr~/vexp.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d13682a0..00000000
--- a/desiredata/extra/expr~/vexp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1175 +0,0 @@
- * jMax
- * Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1998, 1999 by IRCAM-Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- *
- * Based on Max/ISPW by Miller Puckette.
- *
- * Authors: Maurizio De Cecco, Francois Dechelle, Enzo Maggi, Norbert Schnell.
- */
-/* "expr" was written by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1989. -msp */
-/* "expr~" and "fexpr~" conversion by Shahrokh Yadegari c. 1999,2000 */
- * Feb 2002 - added access to variables
- * multiple expression support
- * new short hand forms for fexpr~
- * now $y or $y1 = $y1[-1] and $y2 = $y2[-1]
- * --sdy
- * July 2002
- * fixed bugs introduced in last changes in store and ET_EQ
- * --sdy
- */
- * vexp.c -- a variable expression evaluator
- *
- * This modules implements an expression evaluator using the
- * operator-precedence parsing. It transforms an infix expression
- * to a prefix stack ready to be evaluated. The expression sysntax
- * is close to that of C. There are a few operators that are not
- * supported and functions are also recognized. Strings can be
- * passed to functions when they are quoted in '"'s. "[]" are implememted
- * as an easy way of accessing the content of tables, and the syntax
- * table_name[index].
- * Variables (inlets) are specified with the following syntax: $x#,
- * where x is either i(integers), f(floats), and s(strings); and #
- * is a digit that coresponds to the inlet number. The string variables
- * can be used as strings when they are quoted and can also be used as
- * table names when they are followed by "[]".
- *
- * signal vectors have been added to this implementation:
- * $v# denotes a signal vector
- * $x#[index] is the value of a sample at the index of a the signal vector
- * $x# is the shorthand for $x#[0]
- * $y[index] is the value of the sample output at the index of a the
- * signal output
- * "index" for $x#[index] has to have this range (0 <= index < vectorsize)
- * "index" for $y[index] has to have this range (0 < index < vectorsize)
- */
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "vexp.h"
-#ifdef MSP
-#undef isdigit
-#define isdigit(x) (x >= '0' && x <= '9')
-char *atoif(char *s, long int *value, long int *type);
-typedef struct ex_ex ex_ex;
-static ex_ex *ex_lex(struct expr *expr, long int *n);
-ex_ex *ex_match(ex_ex *eptr, long int op);
-ex_ex *ex_parse(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *iptr, ex_ex *optr, long int *argc);
-ex_ex *ex_eval(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int i);
-int expr_donew(struct expr *exprr, int ac, t_atom *av);
-ex_ex *eval_func(struct expr *expr,ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int i);
-ex_ex *eval_tab(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int i);
-ex_ex *eval_var(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int i);
-ex_ex *eval_store(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int i);
-ex_ex *eval_sigidx(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int i);
-static int cal_sigidx(ex_ex *optr, /* The output value */
- int i, float rem_i, /* integer and fractinal part of index */
- int idx, /* index of current fexpr~ processing */
- int vsize, /* vector size */
- float *curvec, float *prevec); /* current and previous table */
-t_ex_func *find_func(char *s);
-void ex_dzdetect(struct expr *expr);
-#define MAX_ARGS 10
-extern t_ex_func ex_funcs[];
-ex_ex nullex;
-void set_tokens (char *s);
-int getoken (struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr);
-void ex_print (ex_ex *eptr);
-/* create a new "expr" object. returns 1 on failure, 0 on success. */
-int expr_donew(struct expr *expr, int ac, t_atom *av) {
- ex_ex *list;
- ex_ex *ret;
- long max_node = 0; /* maximum number of nodes needed */
- char *exp_string;
- int exp_strlen;
- t_binbuf *b;
- int i;
- memset(expr->exp_var, 0, MAX_VARS * sizeof (*expr->exp_var));
- b = binbuf_new();
- binbuf_add(b, ac, av);
- binbuf_gettext(b, &exp_string, &exp_strlen);
- exp_string = (char *)t_resizebytes(exp_string, exp_strlen,exp_strlen+1);
- exp_string[exp_strlen] = 0;
- expr->exp_string = exp_string;
- expr->exp_str = exp_string;
- expr->exp_nexpr = 0;
- ret = (ex_ex *) 0;
- /* if ret == 0 it means that we have no expression so we let the pass go through to build a single null stack */
- while (*expr->exp_str || !ret) {
- list = ex_lex(expr, &max_node);
- if (!list) goto error;
- expr->exp_stack[expr->exp_nexpr] = (ex_ex *)fts_malloc(max_node * sizeof(ex_ex));
- expr->exp_nexpr++;
- ret = ex_match(list,0L);
- if (!ret) goto error;
- ret = ex_parse(expr, list, expr->exp_stack[expr->exp_nexpr-1], (long *)0);
- if (!ret) goto error;
- }
- *ret = nullex;
- t_freebytes(exp_string, exp_strlen+1);
- return 0;
-error: for (i = 0; i < expr->exp_nexpr; i++) {fts_free(expr->exp_stack[i]); expr->exp_stack[i] = 0;}
- expr->exp_nexpr = 0;
- if (list) fts_free(list);
- t_freebytes(exp_string, exp_strlen+1);
- return 1;
-/* This routine is a bit more than a lexical parser since it will also do some syntax checking.
- It reads the string s and will return a linked list of ex_ex. It will also put the number of the nodes in *n. */
-ex_ex *ex_lex(struct expr *expr, long int *n) {
- ex_ex *list_arr;
- ex_ex *exptr;
- long non = 0; /* number of nodes */
- long maxnode = 0;
- list_arr = (ex_ex *)fts_malloc(sizeof (ex_ex) * MINODES);
- if (!list_arr) {post("ex_lex: no mem\n"); return 0;}
- exptr = list_arr;
- maxnode = MINODES;
- for (;;) {
- if (non >= maxnode) {
- maxnode += MINODES;
- list_arr = fts_realloc((void *)list_arr, sizeof (ex_ex) * maxnode);
- if (!list_arr) {post("ex_lex: no mem\n"); return 0;}
- exptr = &(list_arr)[non];
- }
- if (getoken(expr, exptr)) {fts_free(list_arr); return 0;}
- non++;
- if (!exptr->ex_type) break;
- exptr++;
- }
- *n = non;
- return list_arr;
-/* this routine walks through the eptr and matches the parentheses and brackets, it also converts the function
- * names to a pointer to the describing structure of the specified function operator to match */
-ex_ex *ex_match(ex_ex *eptr, long int op) {
- int firstone = 1;
- ex_ex *ret;
- t_ex_func *fun;
- for (; ; eptr++, firstone = 0) {
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case 0:
- if (!op) return eptr;
- post("expr syntax error: an open %s not matched\n", op == OP_RP ? "parenthesis" : "bracket");
- return 0;
- case ET_INT: case ET_FLT: case ET_II: case ET_FI: case ET_SI: case ET_VI: case ET_SYM: case ET_VSYM: continue;
- case ET_YO: if (eptr[1].ex_type != ET_OP || eptr[1].ex_op != OP_LB) eptr->ex_type = ET_YOM1; continue;
- case ET_XI: if (eptr[1].ex_type != ET_OP || eptr[1].ex_op != OP_LB) eptr->ex_type = ET_XI0; continue;
- case ET_TBL: case ET_FUNC: case ET_LP: case ET_LB:
- post("ex_match: unexpected type, %ld\n", eptr->ex_type);
- return 0;
- case ET_OP: if (op == eptr->ex_op) return eptr;
- /* if we are looking for a right peranthesis or a right bracket and find the other kind, it has to be a syntax error */
- if ((eptr->ex_op == OP_RP && op == OP_RB) ||
- (eptr->ex_op == OP_RB && op == OP_RP)) {
- post("expr syntax error: prenthesis or brackets not matched\n");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Up to now we have marked the unary minuses as subrtacts. Any minus that is the first one in
- * chain or is preceeded by anything except ')' and ']' is a unary minus. */
- if (eptr->ex_op == OP_SUB) {
- ret = eptr - 1;
- if (firstone || (ret->ex_type == ET_OP && ret->ex_op != OP_RB && ret->ex_op != OP_RP))
- eptr->ex_op = OP_UMINUS;
- } else if (eptr->ex_op == OP_LP) {
- ret = ex_match(eptr + 1, OP_RP); if (!ret) return ret;
- eptr->ex_type = ET_LP; eptr->ex_ptr = (char *) ret; eptr = ret;
- } else if (eptr->ex_op == OP_LB) {
- ret = ex_match(eptr + 1, OP_RB); if (!ret) return ret;
- eptr->ex_type = ET_LB; eptr->ex_ptr = (char *) ret; eptr = ret;
- }
- continue;
- case ET_STR:
- if (eptr[1].ex_op == OP_LB) {
- char *tmp = eptr->ex_ptr;
- eptr->ex_type = ET_TBL;
- if (ex_getsym(tmp, (t_symbol **)&(eptr->ex_ptr))) {
- post("expr: syntax error: problms with ex_getsym\n");
- return 0;
- }
- fts_free((void *)tmp);
- } else if (eptr[1].ex_op == OP_LP) {
- fun = find_func(eptr->ex_ptr);
- if (!fun) {post("expr: error: function %s not found\n", eptr->ex_ptr); return 0;}
- eptr->ex_type = ET_FUNC;
- eptr->ex_ptr = (char *) fun;
- } else {
- char *tmp;
- if (eptr[1].ex_type && eptr[1].ex_type!=ET_OP) {
- post("expr: syntax error: bad string '%s'\n", eptr->ex_ptr);
- return 0;
- }
- /* it is a variable */
- eptr->ex_type = ET_VAR;
- tmp = eptr->ex_ptr;
- if (ex_getsym(tmp, (t_symbol **)&(eptr->ex_ptr))) {post("expr: variable '%s' not found",tmp); return 0;}
- }
- continue;
- default:
- post("ex_match: bad type\n");
- return 0;
- }
- }
-/* This function if called when we have already done some parsing on the expression, and we have already matched
- * our brackets and parenthesis. The main job of this function is to convert the infix expression to the prefix form.
- * First we find the operator with the lowest precedence and put it on the stack ('optr', it is really just an array), then
- * we call ourself (ex_parse()), on its arguments (unary operators only have one operator.)
- * When "argc" is set it means that we are parsing the arguments of a function and we will increment *argc anytime we find
- * a segment that can qualify as an argument (counting commas). returns 0 on syntax error. */
-/* number of argument separated by comma */
-ex_ex *ex_parse(struct expr *x, ex_ex *iptr, ex_ex *optr, long int *argc) {
- ex_ex *eptr;
- ex_ex *lowpre = 0; /* pointer to the lowest precedence */
- ex_ex savex;
- long pre = HI_PRE;
- long count;
- if (!iptr) {post("ex_parse: input is null, iptr = 0x%lx\n", (long)iptr); return 0;}
- if (!iptr->ex_type) return 0;
- /* the following loop finds the lowest precedence operator in the the input token list, comma is explicitly
- checked here since that is a special operator and is only legal in functions */
- for (eptr = iptr, count = 0; eptr->ex_type; eptr++, count++)
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case ET_SYM: case ET_VSYM:
- if (!argc) {post("expr: syntax error: symbols allowed for functions only\n"); ex_print(eptr); return 0;}
- case ET_INT: case ET_FLT: case ET_II: case ET_FI: case ET_XI0: case ET_YOM1: case ET_VI: case ET_VAR:
- if (!count && !eptr[1].ex_type) {*optr++ = *eptr; return optr;}
- break;
- case ET_XI: case ET_YO: case ET_SI: case ET_TBL:
- if (eptr[1].ex_type != ET_LB) {post("expr: syntax error: brackets missing\n"); ex_print(eptr); return 0;}
- /* if this table is the only token, parse the table */
- if (!count && !((ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr)[1].ex_type) {
- savex = *((ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr);
- *((ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr) = nullex;
- *optr++ = *eptr;
- lowpre = ex_parse(x, &eptr[2], optr, (long *)0);
- *((ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr) = savex;
- return(lowpre);
- }
- eptr = (ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr;
- break;
- case ET_OP:
- if (eptr->ex_op == OP_COMMA) {
- if (!argc || !count || !eptr[1].ex_type) {
- post("expr: syntax error: illegal comma\n");
- ex_print(eptr[1].ex_type ? eptr : iptr);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (!eptr[1].ex_type) {post("expr: syntax error: missing operand\n"); ex_print(iptr); return 0;}
- if ((eptr->ex_op & PRE_MASK) <= pre) {pre = eptr->ex_op & PRE_MASK; lowpre = eptr;}
- break;
- case ET_FUNC:
- if (eptr[1].ex_type != ET_LP) {post("expr: ex_parse: no parenthesis\n"); return 0;}
- /* if this function is the only token, parse it */
- if (!count &&
- !((ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr)[1].ex_type) {
- long ac=0;
- if (eptr[1].ex_ptr==(char *)&eptr[2]) {post("expr: syntax error: missing argument\n");ex_print(eptr);return 0;}
- savex = *((ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr);
- *((ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr) = nullex;
- *optr++ = *eptr;
- lowpre = ex_parse(x, &eptr[2], optr, &ac);
- if (!lowpre) return 0;
- ac++;
- if (ac != ((t_ex_func *)eptr->ex_ptr)->f_argc) {
- post("expr: syntax error: function '%s' needs %ld arguments\n",
- ((t_ex_func *)eptr->ex_ptr)->f_name,
- ((t_ex_func *)eptr->ex_ptr)->f_argc);
- return 0;
- }
- *((ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr) = savex;
- return lowpre;
- }
- eptr = (ex_ex *) eptr[1].ex_ptr;
- break;
- case ET_LP: case ET_LB:
- if (!count && !((ex_ex *) eptr->ex_ptr)[1].ex_type) {
- if (eptr->ex_ptr == (char *)(&eptr[1])) {
- post("expr: syntax error: empty '%s'\n", eptr->ex_type==ET_LP?"()":"[]");
- ex_print(eptr);
- return 0;
- }
- savex = *((ex_ex *) eptr->ex_ptr);
- *((ex_ex *) eptr->ex_ptr) = nullex;
- lowpre = ex_parse(x, &eptr[1], optr, (long *)0);
- *((ex_ex *) eptr->ex_ptr) = savex;
- return lowpre;
- }
- eptr = (ex_ex *)eptr->ex_ptr;
- break;
- case ET_STR:
- default:
- ex_print(eptr);
- post("expr: ex_parse: type = 0x%lx\n", eptr->ex_type);
- return 0;
- }
- if (pre == HI_PRE) {post("expr: syntax error: missing operation\n"); ex_print(iptr); return 0;}
- if (count < 2) {post("expr: syntax error: mission operand\n"); ex_print(iptr); return 0;}
- if (count == 2) {
- if (lowpre != iptr) {post("expr: ex_parse: unary operator should be first\n"); return 0;}
- if (!unary_op(lowpre->ex_op)) {post("expr: syntax error: not a uniary operator\n"); ex_print(iptr); return 0;}
- *optr++ = *lowpre;
- eptr = ex_parse(x, &lowpre[1], optr, argc);
- return eptr;
- }
- if (lowpre == iptr) {post("expr: syntax error: mission operand\n"); ex_print(iptr); return 0;}
- savex = *lowpre;
- *lowpre = nullex;
- if (savex.ex_op != OP_COMMA) *optr++ = savex; else (*argc)++;
- eptr = ex_parse(x, iptr, optr, argc);
- if (eptr) {eptr = ex_parse(x, &lowpre[1], eptr, argc); *lowpre = savex;}
- return eptr;
-/* this is the divide zero check for a a non divide operator */
-#define DZC(ARG1,OPR,ARG2) (ARG1 OPR ARG2)
-#define EVAL(OPR); \
-eptr = ex_eval(expr, ex_eval(expr, eptr, &left, idx), &right, idx); \
-switch (left.ex_type) { \
-case ET_INT: switch(right.ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = (float)DZC(left.ex_int, OPR, right.ex_int); \
- for (j=0; j<expr->exp_vsize; j++) *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT; \
- optr->ex_int = DZC(left.ex_int, OPR, right.ex_int); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = DZC(((float)left.ex_int), OPR, right.ex_flt);\
- for (j=0; j<expr->exp_vsize; j++) *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = DZC(((float)left.ex_int), OPR, right.ex_flt); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) {post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); abort();} \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *)fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*expr->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- scalar = left.ex_int; \
- rp = right.ex_vec; \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- for (i=0; i<expr->exp_vsize; i++) {*op++ = DZC (scalar, OPR, *rp); rp++;} \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad right type %ld\n", __LINE__, right.ex_type); \
- nullret = 1; \
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_FLT: \
- switch(right.ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = DZC((float) left.ex_flt, OPR, right.ex_int); \
- for (j=0; j<expr->exp_vsize; j++) *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = DZC(left.ex_flt, OPR, right.ex_int); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) { \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- scalar = DZC(left.ex_flt, OPR, right.ex_flt); \
- for (j=0; j<expr->exp_vsize; j++) *op++ = scalar; \
- } else { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt= DZC(left.ex_flt, OPR, right.ex_flt); \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) {post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); abort();} \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *)fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*expr->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- scalar = left.ex_flt; \
- rp = right.ex_vec; \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- for (i=0; i<expr->exp_vsize; i++) {*op++ = DZC(scalar, OPR, *rp); rp++;} \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad right type %ld\n", __LINE__, right.ex_type); \
- nullret = 1; \
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_VEC: case ET_VI: \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VI) {post("expr~: Int. error %d", __LINE__); abort();} \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *)fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*expr->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- lp = left.ex_vec; \
- switch(right.ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- scalar = right.ex_int; \
- for (i=0; i<expr->exp_vsize; i++) {*op++ = DZC(*lp, OPR, scalar); lp++;} \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- scalar = right.ex_flt; \
- for (i=0; i<expr->exp_vsize; i++) {*op++ = DZC(*lp, OPR, scalar); lp++;} \
- break; \
- case ET_VEC: case ET_VI: \
- rp = right.ex_vec; \
- for (i = 0; i < expr->exp_vsize; i++) { \
- /* on a RISC processor one could copy 8 times in each round to get a considerable improvement */ \
- *op++ = DZC(*lp, OPR, *rp); \
- rp++; lp++; \
- } \
- break; \
- case ET_SYM: \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad right type %ld\n", __LINE__, right.ex_type); \
- nullret = 1; \
- } \
- break; \
-case ET_SYM: \
-default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad left type %ld\n", __LINE__, left.ex_type); \
-} \
-/* evaluate a unary operator, TYPE is applied to float operands */
-#define EVAL_UNARY(OPR, TYPE) \
- eptr = ex_eval(expr, eptr, &left, idx); \
- switch(left.ex_type) { \
- case ET_INT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec,(float)(OPR left.ex_int), expr->exp_vsize); break;} \
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT; \
- optr->ex_int = OPR left.ex_int; \
- break; \
- case ET_FLT: \
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, OPR (TYPE left.ex_flt), expr->exp_vsize); break;} \
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT; \
- optr->ex_flt = OPR (TYPE left.ex_flt); \
- break; \
- case ET_VI: case ET_VEC: \
- j = expr->exp_vsize; \
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) { \
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC; \
- optr->ex_vec = (t_float *) fts_malloc(sizeof (t_float)*expr->exp_vsize); \
- } \
- op = optr->ex_vec; \
- lp = left.ex_vec; \
- j = expr->exp_vsize; \
- for (i=0; i<j; i++) *op++ = OPR (TYPE *lp++); \
- break; \
- default: \
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval(%d): bad left type %ld\n", __LINE__, left.ex_type); \
- nullret++; \
- } \
- break;
-void ex_mkvector(t_float *fp, t_float x, int size) {while (size--) *fp++ = x;}
-/* divide by zero detected */
-void ex_dzdetect(struct expr *expr) {
- char *etype;
- if (!expr->exp_error & EE_DZ) {
- if (IS_EXPR(expr)) etype = "expr";
- else if (IS_EXPR_TILDE(expr)) etype = "expr~";
- else if (IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr)) etype = "fexpr~";
- else {post ("expr -- ex_dzdetect internal error"); etype = "";}
- post ("%s divide by zero detected", etype);
- expr->exp_error |= EE_DZ;
- }
-/* evaluate the array of prefix expression ex_eval returns the pointer to the first unevaluated node in the array.
- This is a recursive routine. */
-/* SDY
-all the returns in this function need to be changed so that the code
-ends up at the end to check for newly allocated right and left vectors which
-need to be freed. look into the variable nullret */
-/* the expr object data pointer */
-/* the operation stack */
-/* the result pointer */
-/* the sample number processed for fexpr~ */
-ex_ex * ex_eval(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int idx) {
- int i, j;
- t_float *lp, *rp, *op; /* left, right, and out pointer to vectors */
- t_float scalar;
- int nullret = 0; /* did we have an error */
- ex_ex left, right; /* left and right operands */
- left.ex_type = 0;
- left.ex_int = 0;
- right.ex_type = 0;
- right.ex_int = 0;
- if (!eptr) return 0;
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, (float) eptr->ex_int, expr->exp_vsize);
- else *optr = *eptr;
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_FLT:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, eptr->ex_flt, expr->exp_vsize);
- else *optr = *eptr;
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_SYM:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval: cannot turn string to vector\n");
- return 0;
- }
- *optr = *eptr;
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_II:
- if (eptr->ex_int == -1) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval: inlet number not set\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, (t_float)expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_int, expr->exp_vsize);
- } else {
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_int;
- }
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_FI:
- if (eptr->ex_int == -1) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval: inlet number not set\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- ex_mkvector(optr->ex_vec, expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_flt, expr->exp_vsize);
- } else {
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_flt;
- }
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_VSYM:
- if (optr->ex_type == ET_VEC) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: IntErr. vsym in for vec out\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (eptr->ex_int == -1) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval: inlet number not set\n");
- return 0;
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_SYM;
- optr->ex_ptr = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr;
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_VI:
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) *optr = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int];
- else if (optr->ex_vec != expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_vec)
- memcpy(optr->ex_vec, expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_vec, expr->exp_vsize * sizeof(t_float));
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_VEC:
- if (optr->ex_type != ET_VEC) {
- optr->ex_type = ET_VEC;
- optr->ex_vec = eptr->ex_vec;
- eptr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- } else if (optr->ex_vec != eptr->ex_vec) {
- memcpy(optr->ex_vec, eptr->ex_vec, expr->exp_vsize * sizeof (t_float));
- /* do we need to free here? or can we free higher up */
- /* SDY the next lines do not make sense */
- post("calling fts_free\n");
- abort();
- fts_free(optr->ex_vec);
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- } else {post("expr int. error, optr->ex_vec = %ld",(long)optr->ex_vec); abort();}
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_XI0:
- /* short hand for $x?[0] */
- /* SDY delete the following check */
- if (!IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr) || optr->ex_type==ET_VEC) {
- post("%d:exp->exp_flags = %d", __LINE__,expr->exp_flags);
- abort();
- }
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- optr->ex_flt = expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_vec[idx];
- return ++eptr;
- case ET_YOM1:
- /* short hand for $y?[-1].
- if we are calculating the first sample of the vector we need to look at the previous results buffer */
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- if (idx==0) optr->ex_flt = expr->exp_p_res[ eptr->ex_int][expr->exp_vsize-1];
- else optr->ex_flt = expr->exp_tmpres[eptr->ex_int][idx-1];
- return(++eptr);
- case ET_YO: case ET_XI:
- /* SDY delete the following */
- if (!IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr) || optr->ex_type==ET_VEC) {
- post("%d:expr->exp_flags = %d", __LINE__,expr->exp_flags);
- abort();
- }
- return eval_sigidx(expr, eptr, optr, idx);
- case ET_TBL:
- case ET_SI: return eval_tab( expr, eptr, optr, idx);
- case ET_FUNC:return eval_func(expr, eptr, optr, idx);
- case ET_VAR: return eval_var( expr, eptr, optr, idx);
- case ET_OP: break;
- case ET_STR: case ET_LP: case ET_LB:
- default:
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval: unexpected type %ld\n", eptr->ex_type);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!eptr[1].ex_type) {post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval: not enough nodes 1\n"); return 0;}
- if (!unary_op(eptr->ex_op) && !eptr[2].ex_type) {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_eval: not enough nodes 2\n");
- return 0;
- }
- switch((eptr++)->ex_op) {
- case OP_STORE: return (eval_store(expr, eptr, optr, idx));
- case OP_NOT: EVAL_UNARY(!, +);
- case OP_NEG: EVAL_UNARY(~, (long));
- case OP_UMINUS:EVAL_UNARY(-, +);
- case OP_MUL: EVAL(*);
- case OP_ADD: EVAL(+);
- case OP_SUB: EVAL(-);
- case OP_LT: EVAL(<);
- case OP_LE: EVAL(<=);
- case OP_GT: EVAL(>);
- case OP_GE: EVAL(>=);
- case OP_EQ: EVAL(==);
- case OP_NE: EVAL(!=);
-/* following operators convert their argument to integer */
-#undef DZC
-#define DZC(ARG1,OPR,ARG2) (((int)ARG1) OPR ((int)ARG2))
- case OP_SL: EVAL(<<);
- case OP_SR: EVAL(>>);
- case OP_AND: EVAL(&);
- case OP_XOR: EVAL(^);
- case OP_OR: EVAL(|);
- case OP_LAND: EVAL(&&);
- case OP_LOR: EVAL(||);
-/* for modulo we need to convert to integer and check for divide by zero */
-#undef DZC
-#define DZC(ARG1,OPR,ARG2) (((ARG2)?(((int)ARG1) OPR ((int)ARG2)) : (ex_dzdetect(expr),0)))
- case OP_MOD: EVAL(%);
-/* define the divide by zero check for divide */
-#undef DZC
-#define DZC(ARG1,OPR,ARG2) (((ARG2)?(ARG1 OPR ARG2):(ex_dzdetect(expr),0)))
- case OP_DIV: EVAL(/);
- case OP_LP: case OP_RP: case OP_LB: case OP_RB: case OP_COMMA: case OP_SEMI:
- default: post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: ex_print: bad op 0x%lx\n", eptr->ex_op); return 0;
- }
- /* the left and right nodes could have been transformed to vectors down the chain */
- if (left.ex_type == ET_VEC) fts_free(left.ex_vec);
- if (right.ex_type == ET_VEC) fts_free(right.ex_vec);
- if (nullret) return 0; else return eptr;
-/* evaluate a function: call ex_eval() on all the arguments so that all of them are terminal nodes. Then call the appropriate function */
-ex_ex *eval_func(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int idx) {
- int i;
- ex_ex args[MAX_ARGS];
- t_ex_func *f = (t_ex_func *)(eptr++)->ex_ptr;
- if (!f || !f->f_name) return 0;
- if (f->f_argc > MAX_ARGS) {post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: eval_func: asking too many arguments\n"); return 0;}
- for (i = 0; i < f->f_argc; i++) {
- args[i].ex_type = 0;
- args[i].ex_int = 0;
- eptr = ex_eval(expr, eptr, &args[i], idx);
- }
- (*f->f_func)(expr, f->f_argc, args, optr);
- for (i = 0; i < f->f_argc; i++) if (args[i].ex_type == ET_VEC) fts_free(args[i].ex_vec);
- return eptr;
-/* evaluate the '=' operator, make sure the first operator is a legal left operator and call ex_eval on the right operator */
-/* the expr object data pointer */
-/* the operation stack */
-/* the result pointer */
-ex_ex *eval_store(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int idx) {
- ex_ex arg;
- int isvalue;
- char *tbl = (char *) 0;
- char *var = (char *) 0;
- int badleft = 0;
- post("store called\n");
- ex_print(eptr);
- eptr = ex_eval(expr, ++eptr, optr, idx);
- return eptr;
-/* evaluate a table operation */
-ex_ex *eval_tab(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int idx) {
- ex_ex arg;
- char *tbl = (char *) 0;
- int notable = 0;
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_SI) {
- if (!expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr) {
-/* SDY post_error() does not work in MAX/MSP yet
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %d\n", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_NOTABLE)) {
- post("expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %ld", eptr->ex_int+1);
- post("expr: No more table errors will be reported");
- post("expr: till the next reset");
- expr->exp_error |= EE_NOTABLE;
- }
- notable++;
- } else tbl = (char *) expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr;
- } else if (eptr->ex_type == ET_TBL) {
- tbl = (char *) eptr->ex_ptr;
- } else {
- post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: eval_tbl: bad type %ld\n", eptr->ex_type);
- notable++;
- }
- arg.ex_type = 0;
- arg.ex_int = 0;
- eptr = ex_eval(expr, ++eptr, &arg, idx);
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- if (!notable) max_ex_tab(expr, (t_symbol *)tbl, &arg, optr);
- if (arg.ex_type == ET_VEC) fts_free(arg.ex_vec);
- return eptr;
-/* evaluate a variable */
-ex_ex *eval_var(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int idx) {
- ex_ex arg;
- char *var = (char *) 0;
- int novar = 0;
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_SI) {
- if (!expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr) {
-/* SDY post_error() does not work in MAX/MSP yet
-post_error((fts_object_t *) expr,
-"expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %d\n", eptr->ex_int + 1);
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_NOVAR)) {
- post("expr: syntax error: no string for inlet %ld", eptr->ex_int+1);
- post("expr: No more table errors will be reported");
- post("expr: till the next reset");
- expr->exp_error |= EE_NOVAR;
- }
- novar++;
- } else var = (char *) expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_ptr;
- } else if (eptr->ex_type == ET_VAR)
- var = (char *) eptr->ex_ptr;
- else {post_error((fts_object_t *) expr, "expr: eval_tbl: bad type %ld\n", eptr->ex_type); novar++;}
- optr->ex_type = ET_INT;
- optr->ex_int = 0;
- if (!novar) max_ex_var(expr, (t_symbol *)var, optr);
- return ++eptr;
-/* evaluate the value of an indexed signal for fexpr~ */
-ex_ex * eval_sigidx(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr, ex_ex *optr, int idx) {
- ex_ex arg;
- ex_ex *reteptr;
- int i = 0, j = 0;
- float fi = 0; /* index in float */
- float rem_i = 0; /* remains of the float */
- char *tbl;
- arg.ex_type = 0;
- arg.ex_int = 0;
- reteptr = ex_eval(expr, eptr + 1, &arg, idx);
- if (arg.ex_type == ET_FLT) {
- fi = arg.ex_flt; /* float index */
- i = (int)arg.ex_flt; /* integer index */
- rem_i = arg.ex_flt - i; /* remains of integer */
- } else if (arg.ex_type == ET_INT) {
- fi = arg.ex_int; /* float index */
- i = arg.ex_int;
- rem_i = 0;
- } else post("eval_sigidx: bad res type (%ld)", arg.ex_type);
- optr->ex_type = ET_FLT;
- /* indexing an input vector */
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_XI) {
- if (fi > 0) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_BI_INPUT)) {
- expr->exp_error |= EE_BI_INPUT;
- post("expr: input vector index > 0, (vector x%ld[%f])", eptr->ex_int+1, i+rem_i);
- post("fexpr~: index assumed to be = 0");
- post("fexpr~: no error report till next reset");
- ex_print(eptr);
- }
- /* just replace it with zero */
- i = 0;
- rem_i = 0;
- }
- if (cal_sigidx(optr, i, rem_i, idx, expr->exp_vsize, expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_int].ex_vec, expr->exp_p_var[eptr->ex_int])) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_BI_INPUT)) {
- expr->exp_error |= EE_BI_INPUT;
- post("expr: input vector index < -VectorSize, (vector x%ld[%f])", eptr->ex_int+1, fi);
- ex_print(eptr);
- post("fexpr~: index assumed to be = -%d", expr->exp_vsize);
- post("fexpr~: no error report till next reset");
- }
- }
- /* indexing an output vector */
- } else if (eptr->ex_type == ET_YO) {
- /* for output vectors index of zero is not legal */
- if (fi >= 0) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_BI_OUTPUT)) {
- expr->exp_error |= EE_BI_OUTPUT;
- post("fexpr~: bad output index, (%f)", fi);
- ex_print(eptr);
- post("fexpr~: no error report till next reset");
- post("fexpr~: index assumed to be = -1");
- }
- i = -1;
- }
- if (eptr->ex_int >= expr->exp_nexpr) {
- post("fexpr~: $y%ld illegal: not that many exprs", eptr->ex_int);
- optr->ex_flt = 0;
- return reteptr;
- }
- if (cal_sigidx(optr, i, rem_i, idx, expr->exp_vsize, expr->exp_tmpres[eptr->ex_int], expr->exp_p_res[eptr->ex_int])) {
- if (!(expr->exp_error & EE_BI_OUTPUT)) {
- expr->exp_error |= EE_BI_OUTPUT;
- post("fexpr~: bad output index, (%f)", fi);
- ex_print(eptr);
- post("fexpr~: index assumed to be = -%d", expr->exp_vsize);
- }
- }
- } else {
- optr->ex_flt = 0;
- post("fexpr~:eval_sigidx: internal error - unknown vector (%ld)", eptr->ex_type);
- }
- return reteptr;
-/* given two tables (one current one previous) calculate an evaluation of a float index into the vectors by linear interpolation
- * return 0 on success, 1 on failure (index out of bound) */
-static int cal_sigidx(ex_ex *optr, /* The output value */
- int i, float rem_i, /* integer and fractinal part of index */
- int idx, /* index of current fexpr~ processing */
- int vsize, /* vector size */
- float *curvec, float *prevec) /* current and previous table */
- int n;
- n = i + idx;
- if (n > 0) {
- /* from the curvec */
- if (rem_i) optr->ex_flt = curvec[n] + rem_i*(curvec[n]-curvec[n-1]);
- else optr->ex_flt = curvec[n];
- return 0;
- }
- if (n == 0) {
- /* this is the case that the remaining float is between two tables */
- if (rem_i) optr->ex_flt = *curvec + rem_i*(*curvec-prevec[vsize-1]);
- else optr->ex_flt = *curvec;
- return 0;
- }
- /* find the index in the saved buffer */
- n = vsize + n;
- if (n > 0) {
- if (rem_i) optr->ex_flt = prevec[n] + rem_i*(prevec[n]-prevec[n-1]);
- else optr->ex_flt = prevec[n];
- return 0;
- }
- /* out of bound */
- optr->ex_flt = *prevec;
- return 1;
-/* return 1 on syntax error otherwise 0 */
-int getoken(struct expr *expr, ex_ex *eptr) {
- char *p;
- long i;
- if (!expr->exp_str) {post("expr: getoken: expression string not set\n"); return 0;}
- if (!*expr->exp_str) { eptr->ex_type = 0; eptr->ex_int = 0; return 0;}
- if (*expr->exp_str == ';') {expr->exp_str++; eptr->ex_type = 0; eptr->ex_int = 0; return 0;}
- eptr->ex_type = ET_OP;
- switch (*expr->exp_str++) {
- case '\\': case ' ': case '\t': goto retry;
- case ';': post("expr: syntax error: ';' not implemented\n"); return 1;
- case ',': eptr->ex_op = OP_COMMA; break;
- case '(': eptr->ex_op = OP_LP; break;
- case ')': eptr->ex_op = OP_RP; break;
- case ']': eptr->ex_op = OP_RB; break;
- case '~': eptr->ex_op = OP_NEG; break; /* we will take care of unary minus later */
- case '*': eptr->ex_op = OP_MUL; break;
- case '/': eptr->ex_op = OP_DIV; break;
- case '%': eptr->ex_op = OP_MOD; break;
- case '+': eptr->ex_op = OP_ADD; break;
- case '-': eptr->ex_op = OP_SUB; break;
- case '^': eptr->ex_op = OP_XOR; break;
- case '[': eptr->ex_op = OP_LB; break;
- case '!': if (*expr->exp_str == '=') {eptr->ex_op = OP_NE; expr->exp_str++;} else eptr->ex_op = OP_NOT; break;
- case '<': switch (*expr->exp_str) {
- case '<': eptr->ex_op = OP_SL; expr->exp_str++; break;
- case '=': eptr->ex_op = OP_LE; expr->exp_str++; break;
- default: eptr->ex_op = OP_LT; break;
- } break;
- case '>': switch (*expr->exp_str) {
- case '>': eptr->ex_op = OP_SR; expr->exp_str++; break;
- case '=': eptr->ex_op = OP_GE; expr->exp_str++; break;
- default: eptr->ex_op = OP_GT; break;
- } break;
- case '=': if (*expr->exp_str++ != '=') {post("expr: syntax error: =\n"); return 1;}
- eptr->ex_op = OP_EQ;
- break;
- case '&': if (*expr->exp_str == '&') {expr->exp_str++; eptr->ex_op = OP_LAND;} else eptr->ex_op = OP_AND; break;
- case '|': if (*expr->exp_str == '|') {expr->exp_str++; eptr->ex_op = OP_LOR; } else eptr->ex_op = OP_OR; break;
- case '$': switch (*expr->exp_str++) {
- case 'I': case 'i': eptr->ex_type = ET_II; break;
- case 'F': case 'f': eptr->ex_type = ET_FI; break;
- case 'S': case 's': eptr->ex_type = ET_SI; break;
- case 'V': case 'v':
- if (IS_EXPR_TILDE(expr)) {eptr->ex_type = ET_VI; break;}
- post("$v? works only for expr~");
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", &expr->exp_str[-2]);
- return 1;
- case 'X': case 'x':
- if (IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr)) {
- eptr->ex_type = ET_XI;
- if (isdigit(*expr->exp_str)) break;
- /* for $x[] is a shorhand for $x1[] */
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- goto noinletnum;
- }
- post("$x? works only for fexpr~");
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", &expr->exp_str[-2]);
- return 1;
- case 'y': case 'Y':
- if (IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr)) {
- eptr->ex_type = ET_YO;
- /*$y takes no number */
- if (isdigit(*expr->exp_str)) break;
- /* for $y[] is a shorhand for $y1[] */
- eptr->ex_int = 0;
- goto noinletnum;
- }
- post("$y works only for fexpr~");
- default:
- post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", &expr->exp_str[-2]);
- return 1;
- }
- p = atoif(expr->exp_str, &eptr->ex_op, &i);
- if (!p) {post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", &expr->exp_str[-2]); return 1;}
- if (i != ET_INT) {post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", expr->exp_str); return 1;}
- /* make the user inlets one based rather than zero based
- * therefore we decrement the number that user has supplied */
- if (!eptr->ex_op || (eptr->ex_op)-- > MAX_VARS) {
- post("expr: syntax error: inlet or outlet out of range: %s\n", expr->exp_str);
- return 1;
- }
- /* until we can change the input type of inlets on the fly (at pd_new() time)
- * the first input to expr~ is always a vector and $f1 or $i1 is illegal for fexpr~ */
- if (eptr->ex_op == 0 && (IS_FEXPR_TILDE(expr) || IS_EXPR_TILDE(expr)) &&
- (eptr->ex_type==ET_II || eptr->ex_type==ET_FI || eptr->ex_type==ET_SI)) {
- post("first inlet of expr~/fexpr~ can only be a vector");
- return 1;
- }
- /* record the inlet or outlet type and check for consistency */
- if (eptr->ex_type == ET_YO ) {
- /* it is an outlet for fexpr~*/
- /* no need to do anything */
- } else if (!expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_op].ex_type)
- expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_op].ex_type = eptr->ex_type;
- else if (expr->exp_var[eptr->ex_op].ex_type != eptr->ex_type) {
- post("expr: syntax error: inlets can only have one type: %s\n", expr->exp_str);
- return 1;
- }
- expr->exp_str = p;
- break;
- case '"': {
- ex_ex ex;
- p = expr->exp_str;
- if (!*expr->exp_str || *expr->exp_str == '"') {
- post("expr: syntax error: empty symbol: %s\n", --expr->exp_str);
- return 1;
- }
- if (getoken(expr, &ex)) return 1;
- switch (ex.ex_type) {
- case ET_STR:
- if (ex_getsym(ex.ex_ptr, (t_symbol **)&(eptr->ex_ptr))) {
- post("expr: syntax error: getoken: problms with ex_getsym\n");
- return 1;
- }
- eptr->ex_type = ET_SYM;
- break;
- case ET_SI:
- *eptr = ex;
- eptr->ex_type = ET_VSYM;
- break;
- default:
- post("expr: syntax error: bad symbol name: %s\n", p);
- return 1;
- }
- if (*expr->exp_str++ != '"') {post("expr: syntax error: missing '\"'\n"); return 1;}
- break;
- }
- case '.':
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- p = atoif(--expr->exp_str, &eptr->ex_int, &eptr->ex_type);
- if (!p) return 1;
- expr->exp_str = p;
- break;
- default: /* has to be a string, it should either be a function or a table */
- p = --expr->exp_str;
- for (i = 0; name_ok(*p); i++) p++;
- if (!i) {post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", expr->exp_str); return 1;}
- eptr->ex_ptr = (char *)fts_malloc(i + 1);
- strncpy(eptr->ex_ptr, expr->exp_str, (int) i);
- (eptr->ex_ptr)[i] = 0;
- expr->exp_str = p;
- /* we mark this as a string and later we will change this to either a function or a table */
- eptr->ex_type = ET_STR;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-/* ascii to float or integer (understands hex numbers also) */
-char *atoif(char *s, long int *value, long int *type) {
- char *p;
- long int_val = 0;
- int flt = 0;
- float pos = 0;
- float flt_val = 0;
- int base = 10;
- p = s;
- if (*p == '0' && (p[1] == 'x' || p[1] == 'X')) {base = 16; p += 2;}
- for (;;) {
- switch (*p) {
- case '.':
- if (flt || base != 10) {post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", s); return 0;}
- flt++;
- pos = 10;
- flt_val = int_val;
- break;
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
- case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- if (flt) {
- flt_val += (*p - '0') / pos;
- pos *= 10;
- } else {
- int_val *= base;
- int_val += (*p - '0');
- }
- break;
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
- if (base != 16 || flt) {post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", s); return 0;}
- int_val *= base;
- int_val += (*p - 'a' + 10);
- break;
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
- if (base != 16 || flt) {post("expr: syntax error: %s\n", s); return 0;}
- int_val *= base;
- int_val += (*p - 'A' + 10);
- break;
- default:
- if (flt) {*type = ET_FLT; *((float *)value) = flt_val;}
- else {*type = ET_INT; * value = int_val;}
- return p;
- }
- p++;
- }
-/* returns a pointer to the found function structure otherwise it returns 0 */
-t_ex_func *find_func(char *s) {
- t_ex_func *f;
- for (f = ex_funcs; f->f_name; f++) if (!strcmp(f->f_name, s)) return f;
- return 0;
-/* print an expression array */
-void ex_print(ex_ex *eptr) {
- while (eptr->ex_type) {
- switch (eptr->ex_type) {
- case ET_INT: post("%ld ", eptr->ex_int); break;
- case ET_FLT: post("%f ", eptr->ex_flt); break;
- case ET_STR: post("%s ", eptr->ex_ptr); break;
- case ET_TBL: case ET_VAR: post("%s ", ex_symname((fts_symbol_t )eptr->ex_ptr)); break;
- case ET_SYM: post("\"%s\" ", ex_symname((fts_symbol_t )eptr->ex_ptr)); break;
- case ET_VSYM: post("\"$s%ld\" ", eptr->ex_int+1); break;
- case ET_FUNC: post("%s ", ((t_ex_func *)eptr->ex_ptr)->f_name); break;
- case ET_LP: post("%c", '('); break;
- case ET_LB: post("%c", '['); break;
- case ET_II: post("$i%ld ", eptr->ex_int + 1); break;
- case ET_FI: post("$f%ld ", eptr->ex_int + 1); break;
- case ET_SI: post("$s%lx ", (long)eptr->ex_ptr); break;
- case ET_VI: post("$v%lx ", (long)eptr->ex_vec); break;
- case ET_VEC: post("vec = %ld ", (long)eptr->ex_vec); break;
- case ET_YOM1: case ET_YO: post("$y%ld", eptr->ex_int + 1); break;
- case ET_XI: case ET_XI0: post("$x%ld", eptr->ex_int + 1); break;
- case ET_OP: switch (eptr->ex_op) {
- case OP_LP: post("%c", '('); break;
- case OP_RP: post("%c ", ')'); break;
- case OP_LB: post("%c", '['); break;
- case OP_RB: post("%c ", ']'); break;
- case OP_NOT:post("%c", '!'); break;
- case OP_NEG:post("%c", '~'); break;
- case OP_UMINUS: post("%c", '-'); break;
- case OP_MUL: post("%c", '*'); break;
- case OP_DIV: post("%c", '/'); break;
- case OP_MOD: post("%c", '%'); break;
- case OP_ADD: post("%c", '+'); break;
- case OP_SUB: post("%c", '-'); break;
- case OP_SL: post("%s", "<<"); break;
- case OP_SR: post("%s", ">>"); break;
- case OP_LT: post("%c", '<'); break;
- case OP_LE: post("%s", "<="); break;
- case OP_GT: post("%c", '>'); break;
- case OP_GE: post("%s", ">="); break;
- case OP_EQ: post("%s", "=="); break;
- case OP_STORE: post("%s", "="); break;
- case OP_NE: post("%s", "!="); break;
- case OP_AND: post("%c", '&'); break;
- case OP_XOR: post("%c", '^'); break;
- case OP_OR: post("%c", '|'); break;
- case OP_LAND:post("%s", "&&"); break;
- case OP_LOR: post("%s", "||"); break;
- case OP_COMMA:post("%c", ','); break;
- case OP_SEMI: post("%c", ';'); break;
- default: post("expr: ex_print: bad op 0x%lx\n", eptr->ex_op);
- }
- break;
- default: post("expr: ex_print: bad type 0x%lx\n", eptr->ex_type);
- }
- eptr++;
- }
- post("\n");
-#ifdef NT
-void ABORT( void) {bug("expr");}