path: root/desiredata/src/d_ugen.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'desiredata/src/d_ugen.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 972 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/src/d_ugen.c b/desiredata/src/d_ugen.c
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index cccedbe7..00000000
--- a/desiredata/src/d_ugen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette.
-* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
-/* These routines build a copy of the DSP portion of a graph, which is
- then sorted into a linear list of DSP operations which are added to
- the DSP duty cycle called by the scheduler. Once that's been done,
- we delete the copy. The DSP objects are represented by "ugenbox"
- structures which are parallel to the DSP objects in the graph and
- have vectors of siginlets and sigoutlets which record their
- interconnections.
-/* hacked to run subpatches with different power-of-2 samplerates - mfg.gfd.uil IOhannes */
-#include "desire.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* T.Grill - include SIMD functionality */
-#include "m_simd.h"
-extern t_class *vinlet_class, *voutlet_class, *canvas_class;
-t_sample *obj_findsignalscalar(t_object *x, int m);
-static int ugen_loud;
-static t_int *dsp_chain;
-static int dsp_chainsize;
-struct t_vinlet;
-struct t_voutlet;
-void vinlet_dspprolog(t_vinlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs, int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
- int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
-void voutlet_dspprolog(t_voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs, int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
- int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
-void voutlet_dspepilog(t_voutlet *x, t_signal **parentsigs, int myvecsize, int calcsize, int phase, int period, int frequency,
- int downsample, int upsample, int reblock, int switched);
-/* zero out a vector */
-t_int *zero_perform(t_int *w) {
- t_float *out = (t_float *)w[1];
- int n = int(w[2]);
- while (n--) *out++ = 0;
- return w+3;
-t_int *zero_perf8(t_int *w) {
- t_float *out = (t_float *)w[1];
- int n = int(w[2]);
- for (; n; n -= 8, out += 8) {
- out[0] = 0; out[1] = 0;
- out[2] = 0; out[3] = 0;
- out[4] = 0; out[5] = 0;
- out[6] = 0; out[7] = 0;
- }
- return w+3;
-void dsp_add_zero(t_sample *out, int n) {
- if (n&7) dsp_add(zero_perform, 2, out, n);
- else if(SIMD_CHECK1(n,out)) dsp_add(zero_perf_simd, 2, out, n);
- else dsp_add(zero_perf8, 2, out, n);
-/* ---------------------------- block~ ----------------------------- */
-/* The "block~ object maintains the containing canvas's DSP computation,
-calling it at a super- or sub-multiple of the containing canvas's
-calling frequency. The block~'s creation arguments specify block size
-and overlap. Block~ does no "dsp" computation in its own right, but it
-adds prolog and epilog code before and after the canvas's unit generators.
-A subcanvas need not have a block~ at all; if there's none, its
-ugens are simply put on the list without any prolog or epilog code.
-Block~ may be invoked as switch~, in which case it also acts to switch the
-subcanvas on and off. The overall order of scheduling for a subcanvas
-is thus,
- inlet and outlet prologue code (1)
- block prologue (2)
- the objects in the subcanvas, including inlets and outlets
- block epilogue (2)
- outlet epilogue code (2)
-where (1) means, "if reblocked" and (2) means, "if reblocked or switched".
-If we're reblocked, the inlet prolog and outlet epilog code takes care of
-overlapping and buffering to deal with vector size changes. If we're switched
-but not reblocked, the inlet prolog is not needed, and the output epilog is
-ONLY run when the block is switched off; in this case the epilog code simply
-copies zeros to all signal outlets.
-static int dsp_phase;
-static t_class *block_class;
-struct t_block : t_object {
- int vecsize; /* size of audio signals in this block */
- int calcsize; /* number of samples actually to compute */
- int overlap;
- int phase; /* from 0 to period-1; when zero we run the block */
- int period; /* submultiple of containing canvas */
- int frequency; /* supermultiple of comtaining canvas */
- int count; /* number of times parent block has called us */
- int chainonset; /* beginning of code in DSP chain */
- int blocklength; /* length of dspchain for this block */
- int epiloglength; /* length of epilog */
- char switched; /* true if we're acting as a a switch */
- char switchon; /* true if we're switched on */
- char reblock; /* true if inlets and outlets are reblocking */
- int upsample; /* IOhannes: upsampling-factor */
- int downsample; /* IOhannes: downsampling-factor */
- int x_return; /* stop right after this block (for one-shots) */
-static void block_set(t_block *x, t_floatarg fvecsize, t_floatarg foverlap, t_floatarg fupsample);
-static void *block_new(t_floatarg fcalcsize, t_floatarg foverlap, t_floatarg fupsample) /* IOhannes */ {
- t_block *x = (t_block *)pd_new(block_class);
- x->phase = 0;
- x->period = 1;
- x->frequency = 1;
- x->switched = 0;
- x->switchon = 1;
- block_set(x, fcalcsize, foverlap, fupsample);
- return x;
-static void block_set(t_block *x, t_floatarg fcalcsize, t_floatarg foverlap, t_floatarg fupsample) {
- int upsample, downsample; /* IOhannes */
- int calcsize = (int)fcalcsize;
- int overlap = (int)foverlap;
- int dspstate = canvas_suspend_dsp();
- if (overlap < 1) overlap = 1;
- if (calcsize < 0) calcsize = 0; /* this means we'll get it from parent later. */
- /* IOhannes { */
- if (fupsample <= 0) upsample = downsample = 1;
- else if (fupsample >= 1) {
- upsample = (int)fupsample;
- downsample = 1;
- } else {
- downsample = int(1.0 / fupsample);
- upsample = 1;
- }
- /* } IOhannes */
- /* vecsize is smallest power of 2 large enough to hold calcsize */
- int vecsize = 0;
- if (calcsize) {
- vecsize = (1 << ilog2(calcsize));
- if (vecsize != calcsize) vecsize *= 2;
- }
- if (vecsize && vecsize != (1 << ilog2(vecsize))) {error("block~: vector size not a power of 2"); vecsize = 64;}
- if ( overlap != (1 << ilog2(overlap))) {error("block~: overlap not a power of 2"); overlap = 1;}
- /* IOhannes { */
- if (downsample != (1 << ilog2(downsample))) {error("block~: downsampling not a power of 2"); downsample = 1;}
- if ( upsample != (1 << ilog2( upsample))) {error("block~: upsampling not a power of 2"); upsample = 1;}
- /* } IOhannes */
- x->calcsize = calcsize;
- x->vecsize = vecsize;
- x->overlap = overlap;
- /* IOhannes { */
- x->upsample = upsample;
- x->downsample = downsample;
- /* } IOhannes */
- canvas_resume_dsp(dspstate);
-static void *switch_new(t_floatarg fvecsize, t_floatarg foverlap, t_floatarg fupsample) /* IOhannes */ {
- t_block *x = (t_block *)(block_new(fvecsize, foverlap, fupsample)); /* IOhannes */
- x->switched = 1;
- x->switchon = 0;
- return x;
-static void block_float(t_block *x, t_floatarg f) {
- if (x->switched) x->switchon = f!=0;
-static void block_bang(t_block *x) {
- if (x->switched && !x->switchon) {
- x->x_return = 1;
- for (t_int *ip = dsp_chain + x->chainonset; ip; ) ip = t_perfroutine(*ip)(ip);
- x->x_return = 0;
- } else error("bang to block~ or on-state switch~ has no effect");
-#define PROLOGCALL 2
-#define EPILOGCALL 2
-static t_int *block_prolog(t_int *w) {
- t_block *x = (t_block *)w[1];
- int phase = x->phase;
- /* if we're switched off, jump past the epilog code */
- if (!x->switchon) return w+x->blocklength;
- if (phase) {
- phase++;
- if (phase == x->period) phase = 0;
- x->phase = phase;
- return w+x->blocklength; /* skip block; jump past epilog */
- } else {
- x->count = x->frequency;
- x->phase = (x->period > 1 ? 1 : 0);
- return w+PROLOGCALL; /* beginning of block is next ugen */
- }
-static t_int *block_epilog(t_int *w) {
- t_block *x = (t_block *)w[1];
- int count = x->count - 1;
- if (x->x_return) return 0;
- if (!x->reblock) return w+x->epiloglength+EPILOGCALL;
- if (count) {
- x->count = count;
- return w - (x->blocklength - (PROLOGCALL + EPILOGCALL)); /* go to ugen after prolog */
- } else return w+EPILOGCALL;
-static void block_dsp(t_block *x, t_signal **sp) {/* do nothing here */}
-void block_tilde_setup() {
- block_class = class_new2("block~", (t_newmethod)block_new, 0, sizeof(t_block), 0,"FFF");
- class_addcreator2("switch~",(t_newmethod)switch_new,"FFF");
- class_addmethod2(block_class, (t_method)block_set,"set","FFF");
- class_addmethod2(block_class, (t_method)block_dsp,"dsp","");
- class_addfloat(block_class, block_float);
- class_addbang(block_class, block_bang);
-/* ------------------ DSP call list ----------------------- */
-static t_int dsp_done(t_int *w) {return 0;}
-void dsp_add(t_perfroutine f, int n, ...) {
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, n);
- int newsize = dsp_chainsize + n+1;
- dsp_chain = (t_int *)resizebytes(dsp_chain, dsp_chainsize * sizeof (t_int), newsize * sizeof (t_int));
- dsp_chain[dsp_chainsize-1] = (t_int)f;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) dsp_chain[dsp_chainsize + i] = va_arg(ap, t_int);
- dsp_chain[newsize-1] = (t_int)dsp_done;
- dsp_chainsize = newsize;
- va_end(ap);
-/* at Guenter's suggestion, here's a vectorized version */
-void dsp_addv(t_perfroutine f, int n, t_int *vec) {
- int newsize = dsp_chainsize + n+1;
- dsp_chain = (t_int *)resizebytes(dsp_chain, dsp_chainsize * sizeof (t_int), newsize * sizeof (t_int));
- dsp_chain[dsp_chainsize-1] = (t_int)f;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++) dsp_chain[dsp_chainsize + i] = vec[i];
- dsp_chain[newsize-1] = (t_int)dsp_done;
- dsp_chainsize = newsize;
-void dsp_tick() {
- if (dsp_chain) {
- for (t_int *ip = dsp_chain; ip; ) ip = ((t_perfroutine)*ip)(ip);
- dsp_phase++;
- }
-/* ---------------- signals ---------------------------- */
-int ilog2(int n) {
- int r = -1;
- if (n <= 0) return 0;
- while (n) {
- r++;
- n >>= 1;
- }
- return r;
-/* list of signals which can be reused, sorted by buffer size */
-static t_signal *signal_freelist[MAXLOGSIG+1];
-/* list of reusable "borrowed" signals (which don't own sample buffers) */
-static t_signal *signal_freeborrowed;
-/* list of all signals allocated (not including "borrowed" ones) */
-static t_signal *signal_usedlist;
-/* call this when DSP is stopped to free all the signals */
-void signal_cleanup() {
- t_signal *sig;
- while ((sig = signal_usedlist)) {
- signal_usedlist = sig->nextused;
- if (!sig->isborrowed) {
- free(sig->v);
- freealignedbytes(sig->v, sig->vecsize * sizeof (*sig->v));
- }
- free(sig);
- }
- for (int i=0; i<=MAXLOGSIG; i++) signal_freelist[i] = 0;
- signal_freeborrowed = 0;
-/* mark the signal "reusable." */
-extern "C" void signal_makereusable(t_signal *sig) {
- int logn = ilog2(sig->vecsize);
-#if 1
- for (t_signal *s5 = signal_freeborrowed; s5; s5 = s5->nextfree) {if (s5 == sig) {bug("signal_free 3"); return;}}
- for (t_signal *s5 = signal_freelist[logn]; s5; s5 = s5->nextfree) {if (s5 == sig) {bug("signal_free 4"); return;}}
- if (ugen_loud) post("free %lx: %d", long(sig), sig->isborrowed);
- if (sig->isborrowed) {
- /* if the signal is borrowed, decrement the borrowed-from signal's reference count, possibly marking it reusable too */
- t_signal *s2 = sig->borrowedfrom;
- if ((s2 == sig) || !s2) bug("signal_free");
- s2->refcount--;
- if (!s2->refcount) signal_makereusable(s2);
- sig->nextfree = signal_freeborrowed;
- signal_freeborrowed = sig;
- } else {
- /* if it's a real signal (not borrowed), put it on the free list so we can reuse it. */
- if (signal_freelist[logn] == sig) bug("signal_free 2");
- sig->nextfree = signal_freelist[logn];
- signal_freelist[logn] = sig;
- }
-/* reclaim or make an audio signal. If n is zero, return a "borrowed"
- signal whose buffer and size will be obtained later via signal_setborrowed(). */
-t_signal *signal_new(int n, float sr) {
- int vecsize = 0;
- t_signal *ret, **whichlist;
- int logn = ilog2(n);
- if (n) {
- if ((vecsize = (1<<logn)) != n) vecsize *= 2;
- if (logn > MAXLOGSIG) bug("signal buffer too large");
- whichlist = signal_freelist + logn;
- } else whichlist = &signal_freeborrowed;
- /* first try to reclaim one from the free list */
- ret = *whichlist;
- if (ret) *whichlist = ret->nextfree;
- else {
- /* LATER figure out what to do for out-of-space here! */
- ret = (t_signal *)t_getbytes(sizeof *ret);
- if (n) {
- ret->v = (t_sample *)getbytes(vecsize * sizeof (*ret->v));
- /* T.Grill - make signal vectors aligned! */
- ret->v = (t_sample *)getalignedbytes(vecsize * sizeof (*ret->v));
- ret->isborrowed = 0;
- } else {
- ret->v = 0;
- ret->isborrowed = 1;
- }
- ret->nextused = signal_usedlist;
- signal_usedlist = ret;
- }
- ret->n = n;
- ret->vecsize = vecsize;
- ret->sr = sr;
- ret->refcount = 0;
- ret->borrowedfrom = 0;
- if (ugen_loud) post("new %lx: %d", long(ret), ret->isborrowed);
- return ret;
-static t_signal *signal_newlike(const t_signal *sig) {return signal_new(sig->n, sig->sr);}
-extern "C" void signal_setborrowed(t_signal *sig, t_signal *sig2) {
- if (!sig->isborrowed || sig->borrowedfrom) bug("signal_setborrowed");
- if (sig == sig2) bug("signal_setborrowed 2");
- sig->borrowedfrom = sig2;
- sig->v = sig2->v;
- sig->n = sig2->n;
- sig->vecsize = sig2->vecsize;
-int signal_compatible(t_signal *s1, t_signal *s2) {return s1->n == s2->n && s1->sr == s2->sr;}
-/* ------------------ ugen ("unit generator") sorting ----------------- */
-struct t_ugenbox {
- struct t_siginlet *in; int nin;
- struct t_sigoutlet *out; int nout;
- int u_phase;
- t_ugenbox *next;
- t_object *obj;
- int done;
-struct t_siginlet {
- int nconnect;
- int ngot;
- t_signal *signal;
-struct t_sigoutconnect {
- t_ugenbox *who;
- int inno;
- t_sigoutconnect *next;
-struct t_sigoutlet {
- int nconnect;
- int nsent;
- t_signal *signal;
- t_sigoutconnect *connections;
-struct t_dspcontext {
- t_ugenbox *ugenlist;
- t_dspcontext *parentcontext;
- int ninlets;
- int noutlets;
- t_signal **iosigs;
- float srate;
- int vecsize; /* vector size, power of two */
- int calcsize; /* number of elements to calculate */
- char toplevel; /* true if "iosigs" is invalid. */
- char reblock; /* true if we have to reblock inlets/outlets */
- char switched; /* true if we're switched */
-static int ugen_sortno = 0;
-static t_dspcontext *ugen_currentcontext;
-void ugen_stop() {
- if (dsp_chain) {
- free(dsp_chain);
- dsp_chain = 0;
- }
- signal_cleanup();
-void ugen_start() {
- ugen_stop();
- ugen_sortno++;
- dsp_chain = (t_int *)getbytes(sizeof(*dsp_chain));
- dsp_chain[0] = (t_int)dsp_done;
- dsp_chainsize = 1;
- if (ugen_currentcontext) bug("ugen_start");
-int ugen_getsortno() {return ugen_sortno;}
-#if 0
-void glob_foo(void *dummy, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) {
- int i, count;
- t_signal *sig;
- for (count = 0, sig = signal_usedlist; sig; count++, sig = sig->nextused) {}
- post("used signals %d", count);
- for (i = 0; i < MAXLOGSIG; i++) {
- for (count = 0, sig = signal_freelist[i]; sig; count++, sig = sig->nextfree) {}
- if (count) post("size %d: free %d", (1 << i), count);
- }
- for (count = 0, sig = signal_freeborrowed; sig; count++, sig = sig->nextfree) {}
- post("free borrowed %d", count);
- ugen_loud = argc;
-/* start building the graph for a canvas */
-extern "C" t_dspcontext *ugen_start_graph(int toplevel, t_signal **sp, int ninlets, int noutlets) {
- t_dspcontext *dc = (t_dspcontext *)getbytes(sizeof(*dc));
- if (ugen_loud) post("ugen_start_graph...");
- dc->ugenlist = 0;
- dc->toplevel = toplevel;
- dc->iosigs = sp;
- dc->ninlets = ninlets;
- dc->noutlets = noutlets;
- dc->parentcontext = ugen_currentcontext;
- ugen_currentcontext = dc;
- return dc;
-/* first the canvas calls this to create all the boxes... */
-extern "C" void ugen_add(t_dspcontext *dc, t_object *obj) {
- t_ugenbox *x = (t_ugenbox *)getbytes(sizeof *x);
- int i;
- t_sigoutlet *uout;
- t_siginlet *uin;
- x->next = dc->ugenlist;
- dc->ugenlist = x;
- x->obj = obj;
- x->nin = obj_nsiginlets(obj);
- x->in = (t_siginlet *)getbytes(x->nin * sizeof (*x->in));
- for (uin = x->in, i = x->nin; i--; uin++) uin->nconnect = 0;
- x->nout = obj_nsigoutlets(obj);
- x->out = (t_sigoutlet *)getbytes(x->nout * sizeof (*x->out));
- for (uout = x->out, i = x->nout; i--; uout++) uout->connections = 0, uout->nconnect = 0;
-/* and then this to make all the connections. */
-extern "C" void ugen_connect(t_dspcontext *dc, t_object *x1, int outno, t_object *x2, int inno) {
- t_ugenbox *u1, *u2;
- int sigoutno = obj_sigoutletindex(x1, outno);
- int siginno = obj_siginletindex(x2, inno);
- if (ugen_loud) post("%s -> %s: %d->%d", class_getname(x1->ob_pd), class_getname(x2->ob_pd), outno, inno);
- for (u1 = dc->ugenlist; u1 && u1->obj != x1; u1 = u1->next) {}
- for (u2 = dc->ugenlist; u2 && u2->obj != x2; u2 = u2->next) {}
- if (!u1 || !u2 || siginno < 0) {
- pd_error(u1->obj, "signal outlet connect to nonsignal inlet (ignored)");
- return;
- }
- if (sigoutno < 0 || sigoutno >= u1->nout || siginno >= u2->nin) {
- bug("ugen_connect %s %s %d %d (%d %d)",
- class_getname(x1->ob_pd), class_getname(x2->ob_pd), sigoutno, siginno, u1->nout, u2->nin);
- }
- t_sigoutlet *uout = u1->out + sigoutno;
- t_siginlet * uin = u2->in + siginno;
- /* add a new connection to the outlet's list */
- t_sigoutconnect *oc = (t_sigoutconnect *)getbytes(sizeof *oc);
- oc->next = uout->connections;
- uout->connections = oc;
- oc->who = u2;
- oc->inno = siginno;
- /* update inlet and outlet counts */
- uout->nconnect++;
- uin->nconnect++;
-/* get the index of a ugenbox or -1 if it's not on the list */
-static int ugen_index(t_dspcontext *dc, t_ugenbox *x) {
- int ret=0;
- for (t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist; u; u = u->next, ret++) if (u == x) return ret;
- return -1;
-/* put a ugenbox on the chain, recursively putting any others on that this one might uncover. */
-static void ugen_doit(t_dspcontext *dc, t_ugenbox *u) {
- t_sigoutlet *uout;
- t_siginlet *uin;
- t_sigoutconnect *oc;
- t_class *klass = pd_class(u->obj);
- int i, n;
- /* suppress creating new signals for the outputs of signal-inlets and subpatches, except in the case we're an inlet
- and "blocking" is set. We don't yet know if a subcanvas will be "blocking" so there we delay new signal creation,
- which will be handled by calling signal_setborrowed in the ugen_done_graph routine below. When we encounter a
- subcanvas or a signal outlet, suppress freeing the input signals as they may be "borrowed" for the parent or subpatch;
- same exception as above, but also if we're "switched" we have to do a copy rather than a borrow. */
- int nonewsigs = klass==canvas_class || (klass==vinlet_class && ! dc->reblock );
- int nofreesigs = klass==canvas_class || (klass==voutlet_class && !(dc->reblock || dc->switched));
- t_signal **insig, **outsig, **sig, *s1, *s2, *s3;
- t_ugenbox *u2;
- if (ugen_loud) post("doit %s %d %d", class_getname(klass), nofreesigs, nonewsigs);
- for (i = 0, uin = u->in; i < u->nin; i++, uin++) {
- if (!uin->nconnect) {
- t_sample *scalar;
- s3 = signal_new(dc->vecsize, dc->srate);
- /* post("%s: unconnected signal inlet set to zero", class_getname(u->obj->ob_pd)); */
- if ((scalar = obj_findsignalscalar(u->obj, i))) dsp_add_scalarcopy(scalar, s3->v, s3->n);
- else dsp_add_zero(s3->v, s3->n);
- uin->signal = s3;
- s3->refcount = 1;
- }
- }
- insig = (t_signal **)getbytes((u->nin + u->nout) * sizeof(t_signal *));
- outsig = insig + u->nin;
- for (sig = insig, uin = u->in, i = u->nin; i--; sig++, uin++) {
- int newrefcount;
- *sig = uin->signal;
- newrefcount = --(*sig)->refcount;
- /* if the reference count went to zero, we free the signal now,
- unless it's a subcanvas or outlet; these might keep the
- signal around to send to objects connected to them. In this
- case we increment the reference count; the corresponding decrement
- is in sig_makereusable(). */
- if (nofreesigs) (*sig)->refcount++;
- else if (!newrefcount) signal_makereusable(*sig);
- }
- for (sig = outsig, uout = u->out, i = u->nout; i--; sig++, uout++) {
- /* similarly, for outlets of subcanvases we delay creating
- them; instead we create "borrowed" ones so that the refcount
- is known. The subcanvas replaces the fake signal with one showing
- where the output data actually is, to avoid having to copy it.
- For any other object, we just allocate a new output vector;
- since we've already freed the inputs the objects might get called "in place." */
- *sig = uout->signal = nonewsigs ?
- signal_new(0, dc->srate) :
- signal_new(dc->vecsize, dc->srate);
- (*sig)->refcount = uout->nconnect;
- }
- /* now call the DSP scheduling routine for the ugen. This routine must fill in "borrowed"
- signal outputs in case it's either a subcanvas or a signal inlet. */
- mess1(u->obj, gensym("dsp"), insig);
- /* if any output signals aren't connected to anyone, free them now; otherwise they'll either
- get freed when the reference count goes back to zero, or even later as explained above. */
- for (sig = outsig, uout = u->out, i = u->nout; i--; sig++, uout++) {
- if (!(*sig)->refcount) signal_makereusable(*sig);
- }
- if (ugen_loud) {
- if (u->nin+u->nout==0) post("put %s %d", class_getname(u->obj->ob_pd),ugen_index(dc,u));
- else if (u->nin+u->nout==1) post("put %s %d (%lx)", class_getname(u->obj->ob_pd),ugen_index(dc,u),long(sig[0]));
- else if (u->nin+u->nout==2) post("put %s %d (%lx %lx)",class_getname(u->obj->ob_pd),ugen_index(dc,u),long(sig[0]),long(sig[1]));
- else post("put %s %d (%lx %lx %lx ...)",class_getname(u->obj->ob_pd),ugen_index(dc,u),long(sig[0]),long(sig[1]),long(sig[2]));
- }
- /* pass it on and trip anyone whose last inlet was filled */
- for (uout = u->out, i = u->nout; i--; uout++) {
- s1 = uout->signal;
- for (oc = uout->connections; oc; oc = oc->next) {
- u2 = oc->who;
- uin = &u2->in[oc->inno];
- /* if there's already someone here, sum the two */
- s2 = uin->signal;
- if (s2) {
- s1->refcount--;
- s2->refcount--;
- if (!signal_compatible(s1, s2)) {pd_error(u->obj, "%s: incompatible signal inputs", class_getname(u->obj->ob_pd)); return;}
- s3 = signal_newlike(s1);
- dsp_add_plus(s1->v, s2->v, s3->v, s1->n);
- uin->signal = s3;
- s3->refcount = 1;
- if (!s1->refcount) signal_makereusable(s1);
- if (!s2->refcount) signal_makereusable(s2);
- } else uin->signal = s1;
- uin->ngot++;
- if (uin->ngot < uin->nconnect) goto notyet;
- if (u2->nin > 1) for (uin = u2->in, n = u2->nin; n--; uin++) if (uin->ngot < uin->nconnect) goto notyet;
- ugen_doit(dc, u2);
- notyet: ;
- }
- }
- free(insig);
- u->done = 1;
-/* once the DSP graph is built, we call this routine to sort it. This routine also deletes the graph; later we might
- want to leave the graph around, in case the user is editing the DSP network, to save having to recreate it all the
- time. But not today. */
-extern "C" void ugen_done_graph(t_dspcontext *dc) {
- t_sigoutlet *uout;
- t_siginlet *uin;
- int i, n;
- t_block *blk;
- int period, frequency, phase, vecsize, calcsize;
- float srate;
- int reblock = 0, switched;
- int downsample = 1, upsample = 1; /* IOhannes */
- /* debugging printout */
- if (ugen_loud) {
- post("ugen_done_graph...");
- for (t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist; u; u = u->next) {
- post("ugen: %s", class_getname(u->obj->ob_pd));
- for (uout = u->out, i = 0; i < u->nout; uout++, i++)
- for (t_sigoutconnect *oc = uout->connections; oc; oc = oc->next) {
- post("... out %d to %s, index %d, inlet %d", i, class_getname(oc->who->obj->ob_pd), ugen_index(dc, oc->who), oc->inno);
- }
- }
- }
- /* search for an object of class "block~" */
- blk = 0;
- for (t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist; u; u = u->next) {
- t_pd *zz = u->obj;
- if (pd_class(zz) == block_class) {
- if (blk) pd_error(blk, "conflicting block~ objects in same page");
- else blk = (t_block *)zz;
- }
- }
- t_dspcontext *parent_context = dc->parentcontext;
- float parent_srate = parent_context ? parent_context->srate : sys_getsr();
- int parent_vecsize = parent_context ? parent_context->vecsize : sys_getblksize();
- if (blk) {
- int realoverlap;
- vecsize = blk->vecsize; if (!vecsize) vecsize = parent_vecsize;
- calcsize = blk->calcsize;if (!calcsize) calcsize = vecsize;
- realoverlap = blk->overlap; if (realoverlap > vecsize) realoverlap = vecsize;
- /* IOhannes { */
- downsample = blk->downsample;
- upsample = blk->upsample;
- if (downsample > parent_vecsize) downsample=parent_vecsize;
- period = (vecsize * downsample) / (parent_vecsize * realoverlap * upsample);
- frequency = (parent_vecsize * realoverlap * upsample) / (vecsize * downsample);
- /* } IOhannes*/
- phase = blk->phase;
- srate = parent_srate * realoverlap * upsample / downsample;
- /* IOhannes */
- if (period < 1) period = 1;
- if (frequency < 1) frequency = 1;
- blk->frequency = frequency;
- blk->period = period;
- blk->phase = dsp_phase & (period - 1);
- if (!parent_context || realoverlap!=1 || vecsize!=parent_vecsize || downsample!=1 || upsample!=1) /* IOhannes */
- reblock = 1;
- switched = blk->switched;
- } else {
- srate = parent_srate;
- vecsize = parent_vecsize;
- calcsize = parent_context ? parent_context->calcsize : vecsize;
- downsample = upsample = 1;/* IOhannes */
- period = frequency = 1;
- phase = 0;
- if (!parent_context) reblock = 1;
- switched = 0;
- }
- dc->reblock = reblock;
- dc->switched = switched;
- dc->srate = srate;
- dc->vecsize = vecsize;
- dc->calcsize = calcsize;
- /* if we're reblocking or switched, we now have to create output signals to fill in for the "borrowed" ones we
- have now. This is also possibly true even if we're not blocked/switched, in the case that there was a
- signal loop. But we don't know this yet. */
- if (dc->iosigs && (switched || reblock)) {
- t_signal **sigp;
- for (i = 0, sigp = dc->iosigs + dc->ninlets; i < dc->noutlets; i++, sigp++) {
- if ((*sigp)->isborrowed && !(*sigp)->borrowedfrom) {
- signal_setborrowed(*sigp, signal_new(parent_vecsize, parent_srate));
- (*sigp)->refcount++;
- if (ugen_loud) post("set %lx->%lx", long(*sigp), long((*sigp)->borrowedfrom));
- }
- }
- }
- if (ugen_loud) post("reblock %d, switched %d", reblock, switched);
- /* schedule prologs for inlets and outlets. If the "reblock" flag is set, an inlet will put code on the DSP chain
- to copy its input into an internal buffer here, before any unit generators' DSP code gets scheduled. If we don't
- "reblock", inlets will need to get pointers to their corresponding inlets/outlets on the box we're inside,
- if any. Outlets will also need pointers, unless we're switched, in which case outlet epilog code will kick in. */
- for (t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist; u; u = u->next) {
- t_pd *zz = u->obj;
- t_signal **outsigs = dc->iosigs;
- if (outsigs) outsigs += dc->ninlets;
- if (pd_class(zz) == vinlet_class)
- vinlet_dspprolog((t_vinlet *)zz, dc->iosigs, vecsize, calcsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
- downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);
- else if (pd_class(zz) == voutlet_class)
- voutlet_dspprolog((t_voutlet *)zz, outsigs, vecsize, calcsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
- downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);
- }
- int chainblockbegin = dsp_chainsize; /* DSP chain onset before block prolog code */
- if (blk && (reblock || switched)) { /* add the block DSP prolog */
- dsp_add(block_prolog, 1, blk);
- blk->chainonset = dsp_chainsize - 1;
- }
- /* Initialize for sorting */
- for (t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist; u; u = u->next) {
- u->done = 0;
- for (uout = u->out, i = u->nout; i--; uout++) uout->nsent = 0;
- for (uin = u->in, i = u->nin; i--; uin++) uin->ngot = 0, uin->signal = 0;
- }
- /* Do the sort */
- for (t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist; u; u = u->next) {
- /* check that we have no connected signal inlets */
- if (u->done) continue;
- for (uin = u->in, i = u->nin; i--; uin++)
- if (uin->nconnect) goto next;
- ugen_doit(dc, u);
- next: ;
- }
- /* check for a DSP loop, which is evidenced here by the presence of ugens not yet scheduled. */
- for (t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist; u; u = u->next) if (!u->done) {
- t_signal **sigp;
- pd_error(u->obj, "DSP loop detected (some tilde objects not scheduled)");
- /* this might imply that we have unfilled "borrowed" outputs which we'd better fill in now. */
- for (i = 0, sigp = dc->iosigs + dc->ninlets; i < dc->noutlets; i++, sigp++) {
- if ((*sigp)->isborrowed && !(*sigp)->borrowedfrom) {
- t_signal *s3 = signal_new(parent_vecsize, parent_srate);
- signal_setborrowed(*sigp, s3);
- (*sigp)->refcount++;
- dsp_add_zero(s3->v, s3->n);
- if (ugen_loud) post("oops, belatedly set %lx->%lx", long(*sigp), long((*sigp)->borrowedfrom));
- }
- }
- break; /* don't need to keep looking. */
- }
- /* add block DSP epilog */
- if (blk && (reblock || switched)) dsp_add(block_epilog, 1, blk);
- int chainblockend = dsp_chainsize; /* and after block epilog code */
- /* add epilogs for outlets. */
- for (t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist; u; u = u->next) {
- t_pd *zz = u->obj;
- if (pd_class(zz) == voutlet_class) {
- t_signal **iosigs = dc->iosigs;
- if (iosigs) iosigs += dc->ninlets;
- voutlet_dspepilog((t_voutlet *)zz, iosigs, vecsize, calcsize, dsp_phase, period, frequency,
- downsample, upsample, reblock, switched);
- }
- }
- int chainafterall = dsp_chainsize; /* and after signal outlet epilog */
- if (blk) {
- blk->blocklength = chainblockend - chainblockbegin;
- blk->epiloglength = chainafterall - chainblockend;
- blk->reblock = reblock;
- }
- if (ugen_loud) {
- t_int *ip;
- if (!dc->parentcontext) for (i=dsp_chainsize, ip=dsp_chain; i--; ip++) post("chain %lx", *ip);
- post("... ugen_done_graph done.");
- }
- /* now delete everything. */
- while (dc->ugenlist) {
- for (uout = dc->ugenlist->out, n = dc->ugenlist->nout; n--; uout++) {
- t_sigoutconnect *oc = uout->connections, *oc2;
- while (oc) {
- oc2 = oc->next;
- free(oc);
- oc = oc2;
- }
- }
- free(dc->ugenlist->out);
- free(dc->ugenlist->in);
- t_ugenbox *u = dc->ugenlist;
- dc->ugenlist = u->next;
- free(u);
- }
- if (ugen_currentcontext == dc) ugen_currentcontext = dc->parentcontext; else bug("ugen_currentcontext");
- free(dc);
-t_signal *ugen_getiosig(int index, int inout) {
- if (!ugen_currentcontext) bug("ugen_getiosig");
- if (ugen_currentcontext->toplevel) return 0;
- if (inout) index += ugen_currentcontext->ninlets;
- return ugen_currentcontext->iosigs[index];
-/* resampling code originally by Johannes Zmölnig in 2001 */
-/* also "block-resampling" added by Johannes in 2004.09 */
-/* --------------------- up/down-sampling --------------------- */
-/* LATER: add some downsampling-filters for HOLD and LINEAR */
-/* up: upsampling factor */
-/* down: downsampling factor */
-/* parent: original vectorsize */
-t_int *downsampling_perform_0(t_int *w) {
- PERFORM4ARGS(t_float *,in, t_float *,out, int,down, int,parent);
- int n=parent/down;
- while(n--) {*out++=*in; in+=down;}
- return w+5;
-/* the downsampled vector is exactly the first part of the parent vector; the rest of the parent is just skipped
- * cool for FFT-data, where you only want to process the significant (1st) part of the vector */
-t_int *downsampling_perform_block(t_int *w) {
- PERFORM4ARGS(t_float *,in, t_float *,out, int,down, int,parent);
- int n=parent/down;
- while(n--) *out++=*in++;
- return w+5;
-t_int *upsampling_perform_0(t_int *w) {
- PERFORM4ARGS(t_float *,in, t_float *,out, int,up, int,parent);
- int n=parent*up;
- t_float *dummy = out;
- while(n--) *out++=0;
- n = parent;
- out = dummy;
- while(n--) {*out=*in++; out+=up;}
- return w+5;
-t_int *upsampling_perform_hold(t_int *w) {
- PERFORM4ARGS(t_float *,in, t_float *,out, int,up, int,parent);
- int i=up;
- t_float *dum_out = out;
- t_float *dum_in = in;
- while (i--) {
- int n = parent;
- out = dum_out+i;
- in = dum_in;
- while(n--) {*out=*in++; out+=up;}
- }
- return w+5;
-t_int *upsampling_perform_linear(t_int *w) {
- PERFORM5ARGS(t_resample *,x, t_float *,in, t_float *,out, int,up, int,parent);
- const int length = parent*up;
- t_float a=*x->buffer, b=*in;
- const t_float up_inv = (t_float)1.0/up;
- t_float findex = 0.f;
- for (int n=0; n<length; n++) {
- const int index = int(findex+=up_inv);
- t_float frac=findex-index;
- if(frac==0.)frac=1.;
- *out++ = frac * b + (1.-frac) * a;
- t_float *fp=in+index;
- b=*fp;
- // do we still need the last sample of the previous pointer for interpolation ?
- a=(index)?*(fp-1):a;
- }
- *x->buffer = a;
- return w+6;
-/* 1st part of the upsampled signal-vector will be the original one; 2nd part of the upsampled signal-vector is just 0
- * cool for FFT-data, where you only want to process the significant (1st) part of the vector */
-t_int *upsampling_perform_block(t_int *w) {
- PERFORM4ARGS(t_float *,in, t_float *,out, int,up, int,parent);
- int i=parent;
- int n=parent*(up-1);
- while (i--) *out++=*in++;
- while (n--) *out++=0.f;
- return w+5;
-/* ----------------------- public -------------------------------- */
-/* utils */
-void resample_init(t_resample *x) {
- x->method=0;
- x->downsample=x->upsample=1;
- x->n = x->coefsize = x->bufsize = 0;
- x->v = x->coeffs = x->buffer = 0;
-void resample_free(t_resample *x) {
- if (x->n) free(x->v);
- if (x->coefsize) free(x->coeffs);
- if (x->bufsize) free(x->buffer);
- x->n = x->coefsize = x->bufsize = 0;
- x->v = x->coeffs = x->buffer = 0;
-void resample_dsp(t_resample *x, t_sample* in, int insize, t_sample* out, int outsize, int method) {
- if (insize == outsize) {bug("nothing to be done"); return;}
- if (insize > outsize) { /* downsampling */
- if (insize % outsize) {error("bad downsampling factor"); return;}
- switch (method) {
- case RESAMPLE_BLOCK: dsp_add(downsampling_perform_block, 4, in, out, insize/outsize, insize); break;
- default: dsp_add(downsampling_perform_0, 4, in, out, insize/outsize, insize);
- }
- } else { /* upsampling */
- if (outsize % insize) {error("bad upsampling factor"); return;}
- switch (method) {
- case RESAMPLE_HOLD: dsp_add(upsampling_perform_hold, 4, in, out, outsize/insize, insize); break;
- if (x->bufsize != 1) {
- free(x->buffer);
- x->bufsize = 1;
- x->buffer = (t_float *)t_getbytes(x->bufsize*sizeof(*x->buffer));
- }
- dsp_add(upsampling_perform_linear, 5, x, in, out, outsize/insize, insize);
- break;
- case RESAMPLE_BLOCK: dsp_add(upsampling_perform_block, 4, in, out, outsize/insize, insize); break;
- default: dsp_add(upsampling_perform_0, 4, in, out, outsize/insize, insize);
- }
- }
-void resamplefrom_dsp(t_resample *x, t_sample *in, int insize, int outsize, int method) {
- if (insize==outsize) { free(x->v); x->n = 0; x->v = in; return;}
- if (x->n != outsize) { free(x->v); x->v = (t_float *)t_getbytes(outsize * sizeof(*x->v)); x->n = outsize;}
- resample_dsp(x, in, insize, x->v, x->n, method);
-void resampleto_dsp(t_resample *x, t_sample *out, int insize, int outsize, int method) {
- if (insize==outsize) {if (x->n) free(x->v); x->n = 0; x->v = out; return;}
- if (x->n != insize) { free(x->v); x->v = (t_float *)t_getbytes(insize * sizeof(*x->v)); x->n = insize;}
- resample_dsp(x, x->v, x->n, out, outsize, method);
-/* ------------------------ samplerate~ -------------------------- */
-static t_class *samplerate_tilde_class;
-struct t_samplerate : t_object {
- t_canvas *canvas;
-extern "C" void *canvas_getblock(t_class *blockclass, t_canvas **canvasp);
-static void samplerate_tilde_bang(t_samplerate *x) {
- float srate = sys_getsr();
- t_canvas *canvas = x->canvas;
- while (canvas) {
- t_block *b = (t_block *)canvas_getblock(block_class, &canvas);
- if (b) srate *= float(b->upsample) / float(b->downsample);
- }
- x->ob_outlet->send(srate);
-static void *samplerate_tilde_new(t_symbol *s) {
- t_samplerate *x = (t_samplerate *)pd_new(samplerate_tilde_class);
- outlet_new(x,&s_float);
- x->canvas = canvas_getcurrent();
- return x;
-static void samplerate_tilde_setup() {
- samplerate_tilde_class = class_new2("samplerate~",samplerate_tilde_new,0,sizeof(t_samplerate),0,"");
- class_addbang(samplerate_tilde_class, samplerate_tilde_bang);
-/* -------------------- setup routine -------------------------- */
-void d_ugen_setup () {
- block_tilde_setup();
- samplerate_tilde_setup();