path: root/desiredata/src/desire.tk
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'desiredata/src/desire.tk')
1 files changed, 9019 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/src/desire.tk b/desiredata/src/desire.tk
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70f3d052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/desiredata/src/desire.tk
@@ -0,0 +1,9019 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env wish
+set cvsid {$Id: desire.tk,v 2007-10-27 00:22:27 matju Exp $}
+# DesireData
+# Copyright (c) 2004 by Mathieu Bouchard
+# Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007 by Mathieu Bouchard and Chun Lee
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# See file ../COPYING.desire-client.txt for further informations on licensing terms.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Note that this is not under the same license as the rest of PureData.
+# Even the DesireData server-side modifications stay on the same license
+# as the rest of PureData.
+# this command rebuilds the package index: echo pkg_mkIndex . | tclsh
+set debug 0 ;# DON'T TOUCH THIS, make yourself a debug.tcl instead!
+if {[catch {winfo children .}]} {set tk 0} {set tk 1}
+set argh0 [file normalize [file join [pwd] $argv0]]
+set auto_path [concat . \
+ [list [file join [file dirname [file dirname $argh0]] lib/pd/bin]] \
+ /usr/lib/tcllib1.7 \
+ /usr/lib/tclx8.4 \
+ $auto_path]
+package require poe
+if {$tk} {package require bgerror}
+catch {package require Tclx}
+#if {[catch {source /home/matju/src/pd-desiredata/pd/src/profile_dd.tcl}]} {error_dump}
+if {[file exists debug.tcl]} {source debug.tcl}
+proc which {file} {
+ global env
+ foreach dir [split $::env(PATH) ":"] {
+ if {[file exists $dir/$file]} {return $dir/$file}
+ }
+ return ""
+# some list processing functions and some math too
+# these could become another library like objective.tcl
+# if they become substantial enough
+# min finds the smallest of two values
+# max finds the biggest of two values
+# [clip $v $min $max] does [max $min [min $max $v]]
+proc min {x y} {expr {$x<$y?$x:$y}}
+proc max {x y} {expr {$x>$y?$x:$y}}
+proc clip {x min max} {
+ if {$x<$min} {return $min}
+ if {$x>$max} {return $max}
+ return $x
+# set several variables from elements of a list
+# WARNING: for @-variables, use [list @a @b @c] instead of {@a @b @c}
+proc mset {vars list} {
+ uplevel 1 "foreach {$vars} {$list} {break}"
+# add or subtract two lists
+proc l+ { al bl} {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr {$a+$b}]}; return $r}
+proc l- { al bl} {set r {}; foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr {$a-$b}]}; return $r}
+# halve a list
+proc l/2 { al } {set r {}; foreach a $al {lappend r [expr {$a/2 }]}; return $r}
+# like l+ or l- but for any infix supported by expr
+proc lzip {op al bl} {
+ set r {}
+ set e "\$a $op \$b"
+ foreach a $al b $bl {lappend r [expr $e]}
+ return $r
+# do an operation between all elements of a list and a second argument
+proc lmap {op al b } {
+ set r {}
+ set e "\$a $op \$b"
+ foreach a $al {lappend r [expr $e]}
+ return $r
+# sum and product of a list, like math's capital Sigma and capital Pi.
+proc lsum {al} {set r 0; foreach a $al {set r [expr {$r+$a}]}; return $r}
+proc lprod {al} {set r 1; foreach a $al {set r [expr {$r*$a}]}; return $r}
+# all elements from end to beginning
+proc lreverse {list} {
+ set r {}
+ for {set i [expr {[llength $list]-1}]} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} {lappend r [lindex $list $i]}
+ return $r
+# list substraction is like set substraction but order-preserving
+# this is the same algorithm as Ruby's - operation on Arrays
+proc lwithout {a b} {
+ set r {}
+ foreach x $b {set c($x) {}}
+ foreach x $a {if {![info exists c($x)]} {lappend r $x}}
+ return $r
+proc lintersection {a b} {
+ set r {}
+ foreach x $b {set c($x) {}}
+ foreach x $a {if {[info exists c($x)]} {lappend r $x}}
+ return $r
+# removes duplicates from a list, but it must be already sorted.
+proc luniq {a} {
+ set last [lindex $a 0]
+ set r [list $last]
+ set i 0
+ foreach x $a {
+ if {$i && [string compare $last $x]} {lappend r $x}
+ incr i; set last $x
+ }
+ return $r
+# one-dimensional intervals (left-closed, right-open); not much in use at the moment, not that they wouldn't deserve to!
+proc inside {x x0 x1} {return [expr $x>=$x0 && $x<$x1]}
+proc overlap {y0 y1 x0 x1} {return [expr [inside $y0 $x0 $x1] || [inside $y1 $x0 $x1]]}
+proc distance {point1 point2} {
+ set off [l- $point1 $point2]
+ return [expr {sqrt([lsum [lzip * $off $off]])}]
+proc rect_centre {rect} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} $rect
+ return [list [expr {($x1+$x2)/2}] [expr {($y1+$y2)/2}]]
+proc lmake {start end} {for {set i $start} {$i<=$end} {incr i} {lappend l $i}; return $l}
+set callback_list {}
+proc append_callback {mode when def} {
+ global callback_list
+ dict set callback_list $mode $when $def
+proc remove_callback {mode} {
+ global callback_list
+ set callback_list [dict remove $callback_list $mode]
+proc modes_callback {self def {args}} {
+ global callback_list
+ set i 0
+ dict for {mode callbacks} $callback_list {
+ foreach {when call} $callbacks {
+ if {$def == $when} {eval $self $call $args; incr i}
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$i} {return 0} else {return 1}
+# Observer pattern
+# there's no class for "observer".
+# it's anything that has def $myclass notice {args} {...} in which args indicate
+# attributes that have changed, or is an empty list if an unspecified number of
+# attributes (maybe all) have changed.
+class_new Observable {}
+def Observable init {args} {
+ eval [concat [list super] $args]
+ set @subscribers {}
+def Observable subscribe {observer} {
+ set i [lsearch $@subscribers $observer]
+ if {$i<0} {lappend @subscribers $observer}
+def Observable unsubscribe {observer} {
+ set i [lsearch $@subscribers $observer]
+ if {$i>=0} {set @subscribers [lreplace $@subscribers $i $i]}
+if {$have_expand} {
+ #def Observable changed {args} {
+ # puts "Observable changed $self called from [info level [expr [info level]-2]]"
+ # foreach x $@subscribers {$x notice $self {expand}$args]}
+ #}
+ def Observable changed {args} {foreach x $@subscribers {$x notice $self {expand}$args}}
+ def Observable child_changed {origin args} {foreach x $@subscribers {$x notice $origin {expand}$args}}
+} else {
+ def Observable changed {args} {foreach x $@subscribers {eval [concat [list $x notice $self] $args]}}
+ def Observable child_changed {origin args} {foreach x $@subscribers {eval [concat [list $x notice $origin] $args]}}
+def Observable subscribers {} {return $@subscribers}
+set poolset(foo) bar
+array unset poolset foo
+class_new Manager {Thing}
+def Manager init {} {
+ set @q {}
+ $self call
+def Manager call {} {
+ global poolset
+ #if {[llength $@q]} {post "client queue %d" [llength $@q]}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $@q]} {incr i} {
+ set o [lindex $@q $i]
+ unset poolset($o)
+ if {[info exists _($o:_class)]} {
+ if {[catch {$o draw_maybe}]} {puts [error_dump]}
+ } else {
+ puts " tries to draw ZOMBIE $o"
+ }
+ if {$i == [expr [llength $@q] - 1]} {set @q {}}
+ }
+ after 50 "$self call"
+def Manager notice {origin args} {
+ global poolset
+ if {[info exists poolset($origin)]} {
+ # post %s "def Manager notice: double dirty"
+ # nothing for now
+ } {
+ set poolset($origin) {-1}
+ lappend @q $origin
+ }
+ #post "Manager notice: queue length is now %d" [llength $@q]
+set serial 0
+proc serial {n obj} {
+ if {$n >= $::serial} {error "object creation serial number is in the future"}
+ eval [concat $::replyset($n) [list $obj]]
+ array unset ::replyset $n
+proc philtre {atoms} {
+ set r {}
+ foreach atom $atoms {lappend r [regsub -all {([;,\\ ])} $atom {\\\1}]}
+ return [join $r]
+# you pass the 2nd argument if and only if the message creates an object (or pretends to).
+# this happens with #N canvas, and those methods of #X:
+# obj, msg, floatatom, symbolatom, text, connect, text_setto, array.
+# this does NOT happen with #X coords/restore/pop.
+proc netsend {message {callback ""}} {
+ #if {$message == ""} {error "empty message... surely a mistake"}
+ if {$::sock == ""} {error "connection to server needed for doing this"}
+ if {$callback != ""} {
+ set ::replyset($::serial) $callback
+ set message [concat [lrange $message 0 0] [list with_reply $::serial] [lrange $message 1 end]]
+ incr ::serial
+ }
+ set text "[philtre $message];"
+ if {$::debug} {puts "[VTcyan]<- $text[VTgrey]"}
+ puts $::sock $text
+# This is not a real Hash, just the same interface as a Ruby/Python/Perl Hash... or quite like Tcl arrays themselves
+class_new Hash {Thing}
+def Hash init {args} { super; foreach {k v} $args {$self set $k $v}}
+def Hash reinit {args} {$self clear; foreach {k v} $args {$self set $k $v}}
+def Hash set {k v} {set ::hash($self:$k) $v}
+def Hash exists {k} {info exists ::hash($self:$k)}
+def Hash get {k} {set ::hash($self:$k)}
+def Hash size {} {llength [$self keys]}
+def Hash unset {k} {unset ::hash($self:$k)}
+def Hash list {} {set r {}; foreach k [$self keys] {lappend r $k [$self get $k]}; return $r}
+def Hash keys {} {
+ set r {}
+ set n [string length $self:]
+ foreach k [array names ::hash $self:*] {lappend r [string range $k $n end]}
+ return $r
+def Hash values {} {
+ set r {}
+ foreach k [array names ::hash $self:*] {lappend r $::hash($k)}
+ return $r
+def Hash clear {} {foreach k [$self keys] {$self unset $k}}
+def Hash delete {} {$self clear; super}
+def Hash search {v} {
+ foreach k [$self keys] {if {[$self get $k] == $v} {return $k}}
+ return -1 ;# this is not correct as -1 could be a Hash key, though not in its current context of use...
+if 0 {
+ set h [Hash new foo bar 1 2 3 4]
+ $h set hello world
+ puts keys=[$h keys]
+ puts values=[$h values]
+ puts list=[$h list]
+ $h unset foo
+ puts list=[$h list]
+ $h clear
+ puts list=[$h list]
+ foreach i {1 2 3 4} {puts "exists $i : [$h exists $i]"}
+class_new Selection {Hash}
+def Selection set {k v} {super $k $v; $v selected?= 1}
+def Selection unset {k} {
+ #set v [$self get $k]; puts "$v ::: [$v class]"
+ if {[$self exists $k]} {[$self get $k] selected?= 0}
+ super $k
+# abstract class: subclass must def {value value= <<}
+class_new Clipboard {Observable Thing}
+def Clipboard init {{value ""}} {super; $self value= $value; set @copy_count 0}
+# uses system clipboard
+class_new Clipboard1 {Clipboard}
+def Clipboard1 value= {value} {clipboard clear; clipboard append $value; $self changed}
+def Clipboard1 << {value} { clipboard append $value; $self changed}
+def Clipboard1 value {} {clipboard get}
+# uses string buffer (not system clipboard)
+class_new Clipboard2 {Clipboard}
+def Clipboard2 value= {value} {set @value $value; $self changed}
+def Clipboard2 << {value} {append @value $value; $self changed}
+def Clipboard2 value {} {return $@value}
+if {$tk} {
+ set clipboard [Clipboard1 new]
+} else {
+ set clipboard [Clipboard2 new]
+class_new EventHistory {Observable Thing}
+def EventHistory init {} {super; set @list {}}
+def EventHistory add {e} {lappend @list $e; $self changed add $e}
+def EventHistory list {{formatted 1}} {
+ if {!$formatted} {return $@list}
+ set r {}
+ foreach event $@list {
+ mset {type W x y mod K k} $event
+ lappend r [format "%-13s %9s %4d %4d %4d %4d %s" $type $K $k $x $y $mod $W]
+ }
+ return $r
+set ::event_history [EventHistory new]
+class_new CommandHistory {Observable Thing}
+def CommandHistory init {} {
+ super
+ set @undo_stack {}
+ set @redo_stack {}
+def CommandHistory can_undo? {} {return [expr [llength @undo_stack] > 0]}
+def CommandHistory can_redo? {} {return [expr [llength @redo_stack] > 0]}
+def CommandHistory next_undo_name {} {return stuff}
+def CommandHistory next_redo_name {} {return stuff}
+def CommandHistory undo_stack {} {return $@undo_stack}
+def CommandHistory redo_stack {} {return $@redo_stack}
+# overload this if you want to control how many levels
+# of undo may be kept.
+# keep in mind that undo information is kept hierarchically.
+def CommandHistory add {message} {
+ lappend @undo_stack [list do $message [lrange [info level -3] 1 end]]
+ set @redo_stack {}
+ $self changed
+def CommandHistory can't {} {
+ lappend @undo_stack [list can't {} [lrange [info level -3] 1 end]]
+ set @redo_stack {}
+ $self changed
+# runs the restore procedure for the last item in the root undo queue.
+def CommandHistory undo {} {
+ global errorInfo
+ if {![$self can_perform? [lindex $@undo_stack end]]} {error "Can't undo this!"}
+ set backup $@undo_stack
+ set @undo_stack $@redo_stack
+ set @redo_stack {}
+ #set err [catch {$self perform [lindex $backup end]}]; if {$err} {set err $errorInfo}
+ $self perform [lindex $backup end]
+ set @redo_stack $@undo_stack
+ set @undo_stack [lrange $backup 0 end-1]
+ $self changed
+ #if {$err} {post %s $err; error "undo: $err"}
+def CommandHistory redo {} {
+ global errorInfo
+ if {![$self can_perform? [lindex $@undo_stack end]]} {error "Can't redo this!"}
+ set backup $@redo_stack
+ set @redo_stack {}
+ set err [catch {$self perform [lindex $backup end]}]; if {$err} {set err $errorInfo}
+ $self perform [lindex $backup end]
+ set @redo_stack [lrange $backup 0 end-1]
+ $self changed
+ #if {$err} {post %s $err; error "redo: $err"}
+def CommandHistory can_perform? {action} {
+ switch -- [lindex $action 0] {
+ do {return 1}
+ can't {return 0}
+ default {
+ foreach x [lrange $action 1 end] {
+ if {![$self can_perform? $x]} {return 0}
+ }
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+def CommandHistory perform {action} {
+ switch -- [lindex $action 0] {
+ do {eval [lindex $action 1]}
+ can't {error "can't undo this!"}
+ default {foreach x [lindex $action 1] {$self perform $x}}
+ }
+def CommandHistory atomically {what code} {
+ global errorInfo
+ set ubackup @undo_stack; set @undo_stack {}
+ set rbackup @redo_stack; set @redo_stack {}
+ uplevel 2 $code
+ set atom $@undo_stack
+ set @undo_stack $ubackup
+ set @redo_stack $rbackup
+ lappend @undo_stack [list $what $atom [lrange [info level -3] 1 end]]
+ $self changed
+def CommandHistory list {} {
+ set r {}
+ set hist [concat [$self undo_stack] [list "You Are Here"] [lreverse [$self redo_stack]]]
+ set i 0
+ foreach e $hist {lappend r "$i: $e"; incr i}
+ return $r
+set command_history [CommandHistory new]
+class_new History {Thing}
+def History init {size} {
+ set @size $size
+ set @hist {{}}
+ set @histi -1
+def History histi= {val} {set @histi $val}
+def History histi {} {return $@histi}
+def History set_hist {idx stuff} {set @hist [lreplace $@hist $idx $idx $stuff]}
+def History prepend {stuff} {
+ set @hist [linsert $@hist 1 $stuff]
+ if {[llength $@hist] >= $@size} {set @hist [lrange $@hist 0 [expr $@size-1]]}
+def History traverse {incr} {
+ set @histi [expr $@histi + $incr]
+ set mod [expr ([llength $@hist]<[expr $@size+1]) ?[llength $@hist]:[expr $@size+1]]
+ if {$@histi >=$mod} {set @histi [expr $@histi%$mod]}
+ if {$@histi < 0} {set @histi [expr ($@histi+$mod)%$mod]}
+ return [lindex $@hist $@histi]
+History new_as obj_hist 5
+# this is the beginning of the more application-dependent part.
+switch $tcl_platform(os) {
+ Darwin {set OS osx}
+ default {set OS $tcl_platform(platform)}
+if {$tk} {
+ option add *foreground #000000
+ option add *font {Helvetica -12}
+ foreach tkclass {Menu Button Checkbutton Radiobutton Entry Text Spinbox Scrollbar Canvas} {
+ option add *$tkclass*borderWidth 1
+ option add *$tkclass*activeBorderWidth 1
+ }
+ foreach tkclass {CheckButton RadioButton} {
+ option add *$tkclass*selectColor #dd3000
+ }
+ foreach tkclass {Entry Text} {
+ option add *$tkclass*background #b0c4d8
+ option add *$tkclass*selectBackground #6088b0
+ }
+ option add *__tk__messagebox*Canvas*borderWidth 0
+ foreach tkclass {Listbox} {
+ option add *$tkclass*background #c4d8b0
+ option add *$tkclass*selectBackground #88b060
+ }
+ foreach tkclass {Label} {
+ #option add *$tkclass*background #909090
+ }
+ # very small icons:
+ foreach {name w h values} {
+ icon_empty 7 7 "0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
+ icon_plus 7 7 "8,8,8,127,8,8,8"
+ icon_minus 7 7 "0,0,0,127,0,0,0"
+ icon_close 7 7 "99,119,62,28,62,119,99"
+ icon_wedge_up 7 5 "8,28,62,127,0"
+ icon_wedge_down 7 5 "0,127,62,28,8"
+ icon_up 7 7 "8,28,62,127,28,28,28"
+ icon_down 7 7 "28,28,28,127,62,28,8"
+ icon_right 7 7 "8,24,63,127,63,24,8"
+ icon_left 7 7 "8,12,126,127,126,12,8"
+ } {
+ image create bitmap $name -data "#define z_width $w\n#define z_height $h
+ static unsigned char z_bits[] = { $values };"
+ }
+ # it's unfortunate but we seem to have to turn off global bindings
+ # for Text objects to get control-s and control-t to do what we want for
+ # "text" dialogs below. Also we have to get rid of tab's changing the focus.
+ bind all <Key-Tab> ""
+ #bind all <Key-Shift-Tab> ""
+ bind all <<PrevWindow>> ""
+ bind Text <Control-t> {}
+ bind Text <Control-s> {}
+ set mods {{} 0 Shift- 1 Control- 4 Shift-Control- 5 Alt- 8 Shift-Alt- 9 Control-Alt- 12 Shift-Control-Alt- 13}
+ foreach type {KeyPress KeyRelease} {
+ foreach {subtype mod} $mods {
+ bind all <$subtype$type> "$::event_history add \[list $type %W %x %y $mod %K %k\]"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach type {ButtonPress ButtonRelease} {
+ foreach {subtype mod} $mods {
+ bind all <$subtype$type> "$::event_history add \[list $type %W %x %y $mod %b %b\]"
+ }
+ }
+proc modekey {k mode} {
+ set s ""
+ if {$mode&1} {append s Shift-}
+ if {$mode&4} {append s Control-}
+ if {$mode&8} {append s Alt-}
+ if {[regexp {[0-9]} $k]} {set k Key-$k}
+ return $s$k
+proc modeclick {k mode event} {
+ set s ""
+ if {$mode&1} {append s Shift-}
+ if {$mode&4} {append s Control-}
+ if {$mode&8} {append s Alt-}
+ if {[regexp {[0-9]} $k]} {set k $event-$k}
+ return $s$k
+# there are two palettes of 30 colours used in Pd
+# when placed in a 3*10 grid, the difference is that
+# the left corner of 3*3 (the greys) are transposed (matrixwise)
+# here is the one used in the swatch color selector:
+set preset_colors {
+ fcfcfc e0e0e0 bcbcbc fce0e0 fce0c0 fcfcc8 d8fcd8 d8fcfc dce4fc f8d8fc
+ a0a0a0 7c7c7c 606060 fc2828 fcac44 e8e828 14e814 28f4f4 3c50fc f430f0
+ 404040 202020 000000 8c0808 583000 782814 285014 004450 001488 580050
+set preset_colors2 {
+ fcfcfc a0a0a0 404040 fce0e0 fce0c0 fcfcc8 d8fcd8 d8fcfc dce4fc f8d8fc
+ e0e0e0 7c7c7c 202020 fc2828 fcac44 e8e828 14e814 28f4f4 3c50fc f430f0
+ bcbcbc 606060 000000 8c0808 583000 782814 285014 004450 001488 580050
+switch $::OS {
+ osx {set pd_tearoff 0}
+ default {set pd_tearoff 1}
+proc guess_lang {} {
+ set lang C
+ if {[info exist ::env(LC_ALL)]} {set lang $::env(LC_ALL)}
+ if {[info exist ::env(LANG)]} {set lang $::env(LANG)}
+ set lang [lindex [split $lang {[_.]}] 0]
+ return $lang
+set leet 0
+proc say {k args} {
+ global text
+ if {[llength $args]} {
+ set text($k) [lindex $args 0]
+ } else {
+ if {[info exist text($k)]} {
+ if {$::leet} {
+ return [string map -nocase {a 4 e 3 t 7 s 5 i 1 o 0 g 9} $text($k)]
+ } else {
+ return $text($k)
+ }
+ } else {return "{{$k}}"}
+ }
+proc can_say {k args} {
+ return [info exist ::text($k)]
+proc say_namespace {k code} {uplevel 1 $code}
+proc say_category {text} {}
+switch -- [lindex [file split $argh0] end] {
+ desire.tk {set cmdline(server) [file join [file dirname $argh0] pd]}
+ default {set cmdline(server) [file join [file dirname [file dirname $argh0]] bin/pd]}
+set cmdline(rcfilename) ~/.pdrc
+set cmdline(ddrcfilename) ~/.ddrc
+set cmdline(console) 1000
+if {[file exists ../icons/mode_edit.gif]} {
+ set cmdline(icons) ../icons
+} else {
+ set cmdline(icons) [file join [file dirname [file dirname $argh0]] lib/pd/icons]
+set accels {}
+proc read_client_prefs_from {filename} {
+ global cmdline look key accels
+ set ::accels {}
+ puts "reading from $filename"
+ set fd [open $filename]
+ set contents [read $fd]
+ close $fd
+ foreach {category category_data} $contents {
+ foreach {class class_data} $category_data {
+ foreach {var val} $class_data {set ${category}($class:$var) $val}
+ }
+ }
+ foreach k [array names key] {
+ if {[llength $key($k)]} {
+ if {![dict exists $accels $key($k)]} {
+ dict set accels $key($k) $k
+ } else {
+ dict lappend accels $key($k) $k
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc read_ddrc {} { ;# load defaults then load .ddrc
+ if {[file exists "defaults.ddrc"]} {
+ read_client_prefs_from "defaults.ddrc"
+ } else {
+ read_client_prefs_from [file join [file dirname [file dirname $::argh0]] "lib/pd/bin/defaults.ddrc"]
+ }
+ if {[file exists $::cmdline(ddrcfilename)]} {
+ read_client_prefs_from $::cmdline(ddrcfilename)
+ }
+set cmdline(port) 0
+set cmdline(gdb) 0
+set cmdline(gdbconsole) 1
+set cmdline(valgrind) 0
+if {$look(View:language) eq "auto"} {
+ set language [guess_lang]
+} else {
+ set language $look(View:language)
+set files_to_open {}
+proc cmdline_help {} {
+ puts "DesireData commandline options:
+ -serverargs (for future use)
+ -server select the executable for the pd server
+ -gdb run pd server through gdb
+ -manualgdb run gdb in the terminal
+ -valgrind run pd server through valgrind
+ -novalgrind ... or don't
+ -safemode run desiredata with all default settings
+ -dzinc use zinc emulation"
+for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
+ global cmdline files_to_open
+ set o [lindex $argv $i]
+ switch -regexp -- $o {
+ ^-port\$ {incr i; set cmdline(port) [lindex $argv $i]}
+ ^-serverargs\$ {error "not supported yet"}
+ ^-server\$ {incr i; set cmdline(server) [lindex $argv $i]}
+ ^-gdb\$ {set cmdline(gdb) 1}
+ ^-manualgdb\$ {set cmdline(gdbconsole) 0}
+ ^-valgrind\$ {set cmdline(valgrind) 1}
+ ^-novalgrind\$ {set cmdline(valgrind) 0}
+ ^-safemode\$ {set cmdline(safemode) 1}
+ ^-dzinc\$ {set cmdline(dzinc) 1}
+ ^(-h|-help|--help)\$ {cmdline_help; exit 1}
+ ^- {puts "ERROR: command line argument: unknown $o"}
+ default {lappend files_to_open [lindex $argv $i]}
+ }
+#set cmdline(server) \"$cmdline(server)\"
+set encoding ""
+set langoptions {
+ english francais deutsch catala espanol portugues italiano bokmal
+ euskara polski dansk chinese nihongo brasiliano turkce nederlands
+ russkij
+#lappend langoptions {chinese}
+#lappend langoptions {esperanto}
+set langfile locale/[switch -regexp -- $language {
+ ^(en|english|C)$ {list english}
+ ^(fr|francais)$ {list francais}
+ ^(de|deutsch)$ {list deutsch}
+ ^(ca|catala)$ {list catala}
+ ^(es|espanol)$ {list espanol}
+ ^(pt|portugues)$ {list portugues}
+ ^(it|italiano)$ {list italiano}
+ ^(nb|norsk|bokmal)$ {list bokmal}
+ ^(ch|chinese)$ {set encoding utf-8; list chinese}
+ ^(eu|euskara)$ {list euskara}
+ ^(eo|esperanto)$ {set encoding utf-8; list esperanto}
+ ^(pl|polski)$ {set encoding utf-8; list polski}
+ ^(dk|dansk)$ {list dansk}
+ ^(ja|japanese|nihongo)$ {list nihongo}
+ ^(br|brasiliano)$ {list brasiliano}
+ ^(tr|turkce)$ {set encoding utf-8; list turkce}
+ ^(nl|nederlands)$ {list nederlands}
+ ^(ru|russkij)$ {set encoding utf-8; list russkij}
+ default {error "huh??? unknown language (locale)"}
+proc localedir {x} {file join [file dirname [file dirname $::argh0]] lib/pd/bin/$x}
+if {[regexp {desire\.tk$} $argh0]} {
+ source locale/index.tcl
+ if {$encoding != ""} {source -encoding $encoding $langfile} else {source $langfile}
+} else {
+ source [localedir locale/index.tcl]
+ if {$encoding != ""} {source -encoding $encoding [localedir $langfile]} else {source [localedir $langfile]}
+if {[info exists ::cmdline(safemode)]} {read_client_prefs_from "defaults.ddrc"}
+if {[info exists ::cmdline(dzinc)]} {package require dzinc}
+#!@#$ is this still valid?
+set look(Box:extrapix) [switch $::OS {
+ osx {concat 2}
+ default {concat 1}}]
+#font is defined as Thing for now, as the completion needs to get to these ones.
+#!@#$ View->???
+#set look(View:tooltip) 1
+#!@#$ View->TextBox ?
+#set look(View:minobjwidth) 21
+#!@#$ View->ObjectBox
+#set look(View:fg) #000000
+#set look(View:bg) #ffffff
+#set look(View:frame1) #99cccc
+#set look(View:frame2) #668888
+#set look(View:frame3) #000000
+#!@#$ this is supposed to be BlueBox!
+#set look(Slider:bg) #ccebff
+set zoom(canned) [list 25 33 50 75 100 125 150 200 250 300 400]
+set scale_amount 1.1
+################## set up main window #########################
+class_new Console {View}
+def Console init {c} {
+ set @c $c
+ frame $c
+ text $c.1 -width 72 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$c.2 set" -font [$self look font]
+ scrollbar $c.2 -command "$c.1 yview"
+ pack $c.1 -side left -fill both -expand yes
+ pack $c.2 -side left -fill y -expand no
+ pack $c -fill both -expand yes
+ $c.2 set 0.0 1.0
+ switch $::OS { osx {
+ bind $c.1 <MouseWheel> {$c.1 yview scroll [expr -2-abs(%D)/%D] units}
+ }}
+ set @lines 0
+def Console widget {} {return $@c}
+def Console post_string {x} {
+ set oldpos [lindex [$@c.2 get] 1]
+ $@c.1 insert end $x
+ regsub -all "\n" $x "" y
+ set n [expr [string length $x]-[string length $y]]
+ incr @lines $n
+ while {$@lines >= $::cmdline(console)} {
+ $@c.1 delete 1.0 2.0
+ incr @lines -1
+ }
+ if {$oldpos > 0.9999} {$@c.1 see end}
+#class_new Client {Menuable View}
+class_new Client {Menuable Thing}
+set ctrls_audio_on 0
+set ctrls_meter_on 0
+def Client window {} {return .}
+def Client init_binds {} {
+ bind . <Control-Key> {$main ctrlkey %x %y %K %A 0}
+ bind . <Control-Shift-Key> {$main ctrlkey %x %y %K %A 1}
+ switch $::OS {
+ osx {
+ bind . <Mod1-Key> {$main ctrlkey %x %y %K %A 0}
+ bind . <Mod1-Shift-Key> {$main ctrlkey %x %y %K %A 1}
+ }
+ }
+# bind . <Motion> {.debug.1 configure -text "widget = %W"}
+# miller uses this nowadays (matju fished it in pd-cvs for 0.40). we don't use it for now.
+# remember to fix all quoting problems, which in the end may or may not involve the following proc.
+proc pdtk_unspace {x} {
+ set y [string map {" " "_" ";" "" "," "" "{" "" "}" "" "\\" ""} $x]
+ if {$y == ""} {set y "empty"}
+ concat $y
+proc pdtk_pd_meters {indb outdb inclip outclip} {
+ foreach {z clip db} [list in $inclip $indb out $outclip $outdb] {
+ .controls.$z.1.mtr coords m 0 0 $db 0
+ .controls.$z.1.clip configure -background [if {$clip==1} {concat red} {concat black}]
+ }
+proc pd_startup {version apilist midiapilist args} {
+ set ::pd_version $version
+ set ::pd_apilist $apilist
+ set ::pd_midiapilist $midiapilist
+ foreach api $apilist {
+ lappend ::pd_apilist2 "-[string tolower [lindex $api 0]]"
+ }
+ set version [regsub "^DesireData " $::pd_version ""]
+ post "DesireData server version $version"
+def Client init_controls {} {
+ menu .mbar
+ pack [frame .controls] -side top -fill x
+ foreach t {file window help} {
+ .mbar add cascade -label [say $t] -menu [menu .mbar.$t -tearoff $::pd_tearoff]
+ }
+ .mbar.window configure -postcommand "$self fix_window_menu"
+ foreach {z fill} {in #0060ff out #00ff60} {
+ set f .controls.$z
+ frame $f
+ frame $f.1 -borderwidth 2 -relief groove
+ canvas $f.1.mtr -width 100 -height 10 -bg #222222
+ $f.1.mtr create line [list 0 0 0 0] -width 24 -fill $fill -tags m
+ canvas $f.1.clip -width 5 -height 10 -bg #222222
+ pack $f.1.mtr $f.1.clip -side left
+ pack [label $f.2 -text [say $z]:] $f.1 -side left
+ pack $f -side left -pady 0 -padx 0
+ }
+ foreach {w x y z} {
+ audiobutton audio ctrls_audio_on {netsend [list pd dsp $ctrls_audio_on]}
+ meterbutton meters ctrls_meter_on {netsend [list pd meters $ctrls_meter_on]}
+ } {
+ pack [checkbutton .controls.$w -text [say $x] -variable $y -anchor w -command $z] -side left
+ }
+ button .controls.clear -text [say console_clear] -command {.log.1 delete 0.0 end} -padx 2 -pady 0
+ button .controls.dio -text [say io_errors] -command {netsend [list pd audiostatus]} -padx 2 -pady 0
+ pack .controls.clear .controls.dio -side right
+ if {$::debug} {
+ frame .debug
+ pack [label .debug.1 -anchor w -text ""] -side left
+ pack [entry .debug.3 -textvariable ::serial -width 5] -side right
+ pack [label .debug.2 -text "obj.serial: " -justify right] -side right
+ pack .debug -side bottom -fill x
+ }
+ if {$::cmdline(console)} {set ::console [Console new .log]}
+ . configure -menu .mbar
+ wm title . "DesireData"
+ catch {wm iconphoto . icon_pd}
+ regexp {\d\d\d\d/\d\d/\d\d} $::cvsid version
+ regsub -all "/" $version "." version
+ set ::pd_version_client $version
+ post "DesireData client version $version with Tcl %s and Tk %s" $::tcl_patchLevel $::tk_patchLevel
+proc pdtk_pd_dsp {value} {
+ global ctrls_audio_on
+ set ctrls_audio_on $value
+proc pdtk_pd_dio {red} {
+ .controls.dio configure -background red -activebackground [if {$red==1} {list red} {list lightgrey}]
+############### set up global variables ################################
+set pd_opendir [pwd]
+############### set up socket ##########################################
+set sock {}
+set sock_lobby {}
+proc poll_sock {} {
+ global sock sock_lobby cmdline
+ if {[llength $sock]==0} {return}
+ while {1} {
+ set cmd [gets $sock]
+ if {[eof $sock]} {
+ if {!$cmdline(gdb)} {
+ tk_messageBox -message "connection ended by server.\n(crash? try: desire -gdb)" -type ok
+ }
+ set sock {}
+ return
+ }
+ if {[fblocked $sock]} {break}
+ if {$::debug} {if {[string first pdtk_post $cmd]!=0} {puts "[VTmagenta]-> $cmd[VTgrey]"}}
+ append sock_lobby "\n$cmd"
+ if {[catch {eval $sock_lobby}]} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ switch -regexp -- $errorInfo { "^missing close-brace" {
+ #puts "waiting for the end of: [string range $sock_lobby 0 40]"
+ continue
+ }}
+ error_dump
+ }
+ set sock_lobby {}
+ }
+ flush $sock
+ after 50 poll_sock
+set server_pid 0
+proc poll_gdb {} {
+ global gdb
+ while {1} {
+ set line [gets $gdb]
+ if {$line=="" || [fblocked $gdb]} {break} ;# which way should i check for no input?
+ if {[eof $gdb]} {return}
+ regsub {^\(gdb\) ?} $line {} line
+ if {[regexp {^\[Thread debug} $line]} {continue}
+ if {[regexp {^\[New Thread.*LWP (\d+)} $line dummy pid]} {
+ if {!$::server_pid} {
+ set ::server_pid $pid
+ post "server pid=$pid"
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^Reading symbols from} $line]} {continue}
+ if {[regexp {^Using host libthread_db} $line]} {continue}
+ if {[regexp {^Starting program:} $line]} {continue}
+ if {[regexp {^Program received signal (\w+), (.*)\.} $line bogus sig1 sig2]} {
+ set where ""
+ # can anyone figure out why a long backtrace won't be slurped in this case?
+ set timeout [expr [clock seconds]+2]
+ #fconfigure $gdb -blocking 1 -buffering none
+ while {![eof $gdb] && [clock seconds] < $timeout} {
+ set line [gets $gdb]
+ if {$line eq ""} {continue} ;# busy-wait
+ regsub {^\(gdb\) ?} $line {} line
+ append where "$line\n"
+ #puts "where size = [string length $where]"
+ }
+ OopsDialog new $sig1 $sig2 $where
+ }
+ post "\[gdb\] %s" $line
+ }
+ after 100 poll_gdb
+proc pd_connect {} {
+ global sock
+ if {[catch {set sock [socket 13666]}]} {
+ post "can't connect... wait a second"
+ after 1000 pd_connect
+ return
+ }
+ post "Connected to server"
+ fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 -buffering line
+ netsend [list pd init]
+ poll_sock
+ foreach f $::files_to_open {
+ set ff [file split [file normalize $f]]
+ set ffl [llength $ff]
+ set file [lindex $ff [expr $ffl-1]]
+ set dir [join [lrange $ff 0 [expr $ffl-2]] [file separator]]
+ netsend [join [list pd open $file $dir]]
+ }
+set server_port 13666
+after 1000 pd_connect
+after 0 {
+ if {$cmdline(port)} {
+ set server_port $cmdline(port)
+ # and then do nothing...
+ } elseif {$cmdline(valgrind)} {
+ #exec valgrind --tool=memcheck $cmdline(server) -guiport $server_port &
+ exec valgrind --tool=memcheck --gen-suppressions=all --suppressions=valgrind3.supp $cmdline(server) -guiport $server_port &
+ } else {
+ if {$cmdline(gdb)} {
+ if {$cmdline(console) && $cmdline(gdbconsole)} {
+ set gdb [open "| gdb --quiet 2&>1" w+]
+ fconfigure $gdb -blocking 0 -buffering none
+ puts $gdb "file \"$cmdline(server)\"" ;# bad quoting, sorry
+ puts $gdb "run -guiport $server_port"
+ puts $gdb "where"
+ puts $gdb "quit"
+ flush $gdb
+ after 0 poll_gdb
+ } else {
+ exec gdb --args $cmdline(server) -guiport $server_port &
+ #exec gdb --tui --args $cmdline(server) -guiport $server_port &
+ }
+ } else {
+ exec $cmdline(server) -guiport $server_port &
+ }
+ }
+################ utility functions #########################
+proc enquote {x} {
+ set foo [string map {"," "" ";" "" "\"" ""} $x]
+ return [string map {" " "\\ " "{" "" "}" ""} $foo]
+proc pdtk_watchdog {} {netsend [list pd ping]; after 2000 {pdtk_watchdog}}
+proc accel_munge {acc} {
+ switch $::OS {
+ osx {
+ set tmp [string toupper [string map {Ctrl Meta} $acc] end]
+ if [string is upper [string index $acc end]] {
+ return Shift+$tmp
+ } else {
+ return $tmp
+ }
+ }
+ default {return $acc}
+ }
+# a menuable must be a View
+# and it must have a window so that the Menuable methods work
+# it could be renamed to Windowed
+class_new Menuable {}
+def Menuable init {args} {
+ eval [concat [list super] $args]
+ set @accel {}
+ set @menubar .$self.m
+# this doesn't have to do with menus, only with toplevel windows.
+def Menuable raise {} {
+ set w [$self window]
+ set w $w.c
+ raise $w
+ focus -force $w
+set untitled_number 1
+set untitled_folder [pwd]
+# just a dummy proc
+proc none {args} {}
+def Client new_file {} {
+ global untitled_number untitled_folder
+ netsend [list pd filename Untitled-$untitled_number $untitled_folder]
+ netsend [list #N canvas]
+ netsend [list #X pop 1]
+ incr untitled_number
+set patch_filetypes {
+ {"pd files" ".pd"}
+ {"max files" ".pat"}
+ {"all files" "*"}
+set image_filetypes {
+ {"image files" ".gif .png"}
+ {"gif files" ".gif"}
+ {"png files" ".png"}
+ {"all files" "*"}
+#only works with tcltk 8.5
+catch {tk_getOpenFile -load-once}
+if {$tcl_version>=8.5} {
+ set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenBtn 1
+ set ::tk::dialog::file::showHiddenVar 0
+def Client open_file {} {
+ global pd_opendir patch_filetypes
+ set filename [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd -filetypes $patch_filetypes -initialdir $pd_opendir]
+ if {$filename != ""} {$self open_file_really $filename}
+def Client open_file_really {filename} {
+ set i [string last / $filename]
+ set folder [string range $filename 0 [expr $i-1]]
+ set ::pd_opendir $folder
+ set basename [string range $filename [expr $i+1] end]
+ if {[string last .pd $filename] >= 0} {
+ netsend [list pd open [enquote $basename] [enquote $folder]]
+ }
+def Client send_message {} {
+ toplevel .sendpanel
+ set e .sendpanel.entry
+ pack [entry $e -textvariable send_textvar] -side bottom -fill both -ipadx 100
+ $e select from 0
+ $e select adjust end
+ bind $e <KeyPress-Return> {netsend $send_textvar; after 50 {destroy .sendpanel}}
+ focus $e
+def Client quit {} {
+ set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Do you really wish to quit?" -type yesno -icon question]
+ switch -- $answer {yes {netsend [list pd quit]; exit}}
+def Client abort_server {} {
+ set answer [tk_messageBox -message "Do you really wish to abort?" -type yesno -icon question]
+ switch -- $answer {yes {exec kill -ABRT $::server_pid}}
+def Client server_prefs {} {ServerPrefsDialog new_as pdrc}
+def Client client_prefs {} {ClientPrefsDialog new_as ddrc}
+proc menu_pop_pd {} {raise .}
+def Menuable populate_menu {menu list} {
+ global key
+ if {[string index $menu 0] != "."} {set menu $@menubar.$menu}
+ foreach name $list {
+ if {$name == ""} {$menu add separator; continue}
+ set k ""
+ if {[info exists key($@_class:$name)]} {
+ if {[string length $key($@_class:$name)]} {set k $key($@_class:$name)}
+ }
+ $menu add command -label [say $name] -command "$self $name" -accelerator [accel_munge $k]
+ }
+def Client init_menus {} {
+ #removed paths after send_message
+ $self populate_menu file {
+ new_file open_file {}
+ server_prefs client_prefs send_message {}
+ audio_on audio_off {}
+ abort_server quit}
+ $self populate_menu help {
+ about documentation class_browser do_what_i_mean {}
+ test_audio_and_midi load_meter latency_meter {}
+ clipboard_view command_history_view event_history_view keyboard_view client_class_tree}
+def Client init {} {
+ super
+ set @menubar .mbar
+ $self init_controls
+ $self init_binds
+ $self init_menus
+ # it's necessary to raise the window on OSX
+ switch $::OS { osx {raise .; wm iconify .; after 100 {wm deiconify .}}}
+ after 0 {
+ Listener new .tcl [say "tcl_console"] tcl_eval
+ Listener new .pd [say "pd_console"] pd_eval
+ }
+ #wm geometry .[$self keyboard_view] -0+0
+ #wm geometry .[$self event_history_view] -0-0
+proc post {args} {
+ set s "[eval [linsert $args 0 format]]\n"
+ # set s "[info level -1]: $s"
+ if {$::cmdline(console)} {$::console post_string $s} else {puts stderr $s}
+proc pdtk_post {s} {
+ if {$::cmdline(console)} {$::console post_string $s} else {puts stderr $s}
+def Menuable eval% {code} {
+ regsub -all %W $code $self code
+ uplevel [info level] $code
+def Menuable getkey {k} {
+ global accels
+ if {[dict exists $accels $k]} {
+ set vars [dict get $accels $k]
+ foreach var $vars {
+ #mset {class key} [split [dict get $accels $k] ":"]
+ mset {class key} [split $var ":"]
+ #if {$class != $@_class} {return ""} else {return $key}
+ if {$class == $@_class} {return $key}
+ }
+ }
+def Menuable ctrlkey {x y key iso shift} {
+ set key [if {$shift} {string toupper $key} {string tolower $key}]
+ set key "Ctrl+$key"
+ set cmd [$self getkey $key]
+ if {![string length $cmd]} {
+ switch [$self class]:$key {
+ #explicitly listed here to do nothing
+ Client:Ctrl+c {}
+ Client:Ctrl+v {}
+ default {post "unknown key $key"}
+ }
+ } else {$self eval% "%W $cmd"}
+def Menuable altkey {x y key iso shift} {
+ set key [if {$shift} {string toupper $key} {string tolower $key}]
+ set key "Alt+$key"
+ set cmd [$self getkey $key]
+ if {[string length $cmd]} {$self eval% "%W $cmd"} else {post "unknown key $key"}
+set pd_apilist "{ALSA 1}"
+set pd_apilist2 "default"
+#fixme: actually, is it ok that View<Menuable ? --matju
+class_new View {Menuable Observable Thing}
+# normally ninlets/noutlets should be in class "Box", but server-side isn't smart enough
+def View pdclass= {v} {set @pdclass $v}
+def View pdclass {} {return $@pdclass}
+def View ninlets= {v} {set @ninlets $v}
+def View ninlets {} {return $@ninlets}
+def View noutlets= {v} {set @noutlets $v}
+def View noutlets {} {return $@noutlets}
+def View click {x y f target} {}
+def View unclick {x y f target} {}
+def View motion {x y f target} {}
+def View subpatch {} {if {[info exists @subpatch]} {return 1} else {return 0}}
+def View look_cache {k} {
+ global look look_cache
+ foreach super [$@_class ancestors] {
+ if {[info exists look($super:$k)]} {
+ set look_cache($@_class:$k) $super
+ return $super
+ }
+ }
+def View look {k} {
+ if {![info exists ::look_cache($@_class:$k)]} {$self look_cache $k}
+ return $::look($::look_cache($@_class:$k):$k)
+def View init {} {
+ super
+ set @selected? 0
+ set @index 0xDEADBEEF
+ set @ninlets 1 ;# should be in Box init
+ set @noutlets 0 ;# should be in Box init
+ set @canvas ""
+# set @inside_box 42 ;# temporary fix
+ set @ioselect {}
+def View classtags {} {return {foo}}
+set item {
+ set canvas [$self get_canvas]
+ if {$canvas == ""} {return}
+ set c [$self cwidget]
+ set zoom [$canvas zoom]
+ set coords [lmap * $coords $zoom]
+ set find [lsearch $args "-width"]
+ if {$find >= 0} {
+ incr find
+ set w [lindex $args $find]
+ lset args $find [format %.0f [expr {$w*$zoom}]]
+ }
+ set find [lsearch $args "-font"]
+ if {$find >= 0} {
+ incr find
+ set fs [lindex [lindex $args $find] 1]
+ lset args $find 1 [format %.0f [expr {$fs*$zoom}]]
+ }
+ set tags {}
+ foreach s $suffixes {lappend tags "$self$s"}
+ set ss [lindex $tags 0]
+ lappend tags $self
+ set tags [concat $tags [$self classtags]]
+if {$have_expand} {
+ append item {
+ if {![llength [$c gettags $ss]]} {
+ $c create $type $coords -tags $tags {expand}$args
+ } {
+ $c itemconfigure $ss {expand}$args
+ $c coords $ss {expand}$coords
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ append item {
+ if {![llength [$c gettags $ss]]} {
+ eval [concat [list $c create $type $coords -tags $tags] $args]
+ } {
+ eval [concat [list $c itemconfigure $ss] $args]
+ eval [concat [list $c coords $ss] $coords]
+ }
+ }
+def View item {suffixes type coords args} $item
+def View item_delete {{suffix all}} {
+ if {$@canvas == ""} {return}
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ if {![winfo exists $c]} {
+ set canvas [$@canvas get_canvas]
+ if {$canvas == ""} {return}
+ set c [[$@canvas get_canvas] widget]
+ if {![winfo exists $c]} {return}
+ }
+ switch -- $suffix {
+ all {$c delete $self}
+ default {$c delete $self$suffix}}
+def View draw {} {}
+def View delete {} {$self erase; super}
+def View erase {} {$self item_delete}
+def View selected? {} {return $@selected?}
+def View selected?= {x} {set @selected? $x; $self changed} ;# this is for use by the Selection class only
+def View edit? {} {if {[info exists @edit]} {return $@edit} else {return 0}}
+def View select {state} {
+ set ostate [$self selected?]
+ set @selected? $state
+ if {$state!=$ostate} {$self changed}
+# give topleft point of an object in the canvas it's rendered in.
+# this includes GOP and excludes zoom.
+# inheritance problem: this doesn't work for Wire, which doesn't store its positions
+def View xy {} {
+ if {$@canvas == ""} {return [list $@x1 $@y1]}
+ set type [$@canvas type]
+ if {$type == "gopabs" || $type == "gopsub"} {
+ mset {xmargin ymargin} [$@canvas margin]
+ mset {x y} [$@canvas xy]
+ set x1 [expr {($@x1-$xmargin)+$x}]
+ set y1 [expr {($@y1-$ymargin)+$y}]
+ #if $self's gop is opened
+ if {[regexp {^.x[0-9a-f]{6,8}.c} [focus] f]} {
+ if {$f == ".$@canvas.c"} {set x1 $@x1; set y1 $@y1}
+ }
+ #if {[focus] != "." && [focus] == ".$@canvas.c"} {set x1 $@x1; set y1 $@y1}
+ return [list $x1 $y1]
+ }
+ return [list $@x1 $@y1]
+def View canvas {} {return $@canvas}
+def View canvas= {c} {
+ set @canvas $c
+ # should "subscribe" call "changed"? (or pretend to?)
+ $self subscribe $c
+ $self changed
+ $self outside_of_the_box
+def View visible {} {if {[info exists @inside_box]} {return $@inside_box} {return -1}}
+# this returns the canvas actually exists/drawn
+# see also def Canvas get_canvas
+def View get_canvas {} {
+ set canvas $@canvas
+ if {$canvas == ""} {return ""}
+ #while {![$canvas havewindow]} {set canvas [$canvas canvas]}
+ while {![winfo exists [$canvas widget]]} {set canvas [$canvas canvas]}
+ return $canvas
+# this will return the top level gop if gop is nested
+def View get_parent_gop {canvas} {
+ set obj $self
+ while {$canvas != [$obj canvas]} {set obj [$obj canvas]}
+ return $obj
+def View outside_of_the_box {} {
+ if {$@canvas eq ""} {return}
+ # always hide these things
+ if {[$self class] == "Wire"} {set @inside_box 0; return}
+ if {[$self class] == "ObjectBox"} {set @inside_box 0; return}
+ if {[$self class] == "MessageBox"} {set @inside_box 0; return}
+ if {[$self class] == "Comment"} {set @inside_box 0; return}
+ if {[$self class] == "Array"} {$@canvas visibles+= $self; set @inside_box 1; return}
+ set x1 $@x1; set y1 $@y1
+ if {[$@canvas gop]} {
+ set mess [$@canvas get_mess]
+ set pixwidth [lindex $mess 4]
+ set pixheight [lindex $mess 5]
+ if {[llength $mess] == 6} {
+ set xmargin 0; set ymargin 0
+ } else {
+ set xmargin [lindex $mess 6]; set ymargin [lindex $mess 7]
+ }
+ if {$x1 < $pixwidth +$xmargin && $x1 > $xmargin && \
+ $y1 < $pixheight+$ymargin && $y1 > $ymargin} {
+ set @inside_box 1
+ $@canvas visibles+= $self
+ } else {
+ set @inside_box 0
+ $@canvas visibles-= $self
+ }
+ } else {set @inside_box 1}
+def View draw_maybe {} {
+ if {$@canvas == "" && [winfo exists .$self.c]} {$self draw; return}
+ if {[$self class] == "Canvas" && $@canvas == ""} {return}
+ if {$@inside_box} {
+ #if {[$@canvas mapped] && ![$@canvas abs] && [$self gop_check]} {$self draw}
+ if {[$@canvas mapped] && [$self gop_check]} {$self draw}
+ } else {
+ # for drawing opened gop
+ if {[winfo exists .$@canvas.c]} {$self draw}
+ }
+#this checks if $self can be seen, ie nested gop.
+def View gop_check {} {
+ set canvases $@canvas
+ while {[lindex $canvases end] != ""} {lappend canvases [[lindex $canvases end] canvas]}
+ set canvases [lreplace $canvases end-1 end]; # all canvases
+ foreach canvas $canvases {
+ # if a canvas is not a gop and its window does not exists
+ if {![$canvas gop] && ![winfo exists [$canvas widget]]} {return 0; break}
+ }
+ return 1
+class_new Canvas {Menuable ObjectBox}
+def Canvas close {} {
+ after cancel $@motion_after_id
+ if {$@subpatch} {
+ #can't wait till @mapped get updated thru proc change
+ if {$@gop} {foreach x [$@objects values] {$x outside_of_the_box}}
+ $self save_geometry
+ $self copy_times= 0
+ netsend [list .$self vis 0]
+ #netsend [list .$self close]
+ return
+ }
+ if {$@gop} {
+ foreach x [$@objects values] {$x outside_of_the_box}
+ netsend [list .$self close]
+ return
+ }
+ switch [tk_messageBox -message [say save_changes?] -icon question -type yesnocancel -default cancel] {
+ yes {$self save; netsend [list .$self close]}
+ no { netsend [list .$self close]}
+ cancel {}
+ }
+def Canvas save_geometry {} {
+ set geometry [wm geometry .$self]
+ set cw [winfo width [$self widget]]; set ch [winfo height [$self widget]]
+ foreach {size x y} [split $geometry "+"] {mset {w h} [split $size "x"]; set x1 $x; set y1 $y}
+ set x2 [expr $x1+$cw]; set y2 [expr $y1+$ch]
+ netsend [list .$self bounds $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]
+def Canvas save {} {
+ if {$@subpatch} {return [$@canvas save]}
+ $self checkgeometry
+ set c [$self widget]
+ if {![regexp {^Untitled-[0-9]} $@name]} {
+ $self save_geometry
+ netsend [list .$self savetofile $@name $@folder]
+ } else {
+ $self save_as
+ }
+def Canvas save_as {} {
+ $self checkgeometry
+ set filename [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $::patch_filetypes]
+ if {$filename != ""} {
+ set @file [string range $filename [expr [string last / $filename]+1] end]
+ set @folder [string range $filename 0 [expr [string last / $filename]-1]]
+ $self save_geometry
+ puts "save $@file dir to $@folder"
+ netsend [list .$self savetofile $@file $@folder]
+ }
+def Canvas print {} {
+ set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialfile pd.ps -defaultextension .ps -filetypes { {{postscript} {.ps}} }]
+ if {$filename != ""} {[$self widget] postscript -file $filename}
+def Canvas quit {} {$::main quit}
+def Canvas abort_server {} {$::main abort_server}
+proc wonder {} {tk_messageBox -message [say ask_cool] -type yesno -icon question}
+def Canvas eval% {code} {
+ mset {x y} $@curpos
+ regsub -all %X $code $x code
+ regsub -all %Y $code $y code
+ super $code
+def Client documentation {} {
+ set filename [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd -filetypes { {{documentation} {.pd .txt .htm}} } -initialdir $::docdir]
+ if {$filename != ""} {
+ if {[string first .txt $filename] >= 0} {
+ menu_opentext $filename
+ } elseif {[string first .htm $filename] >= 0} {
+ menu_openhtml $filename
+ } else {
+ set i [string last / $filename]
+ set help_directory [string range $filename 0 [expr $i-1]]
+ set basename [string range $filename [expr $i+1] end]
+ netsend [list pd open [enquote $basename] [enquote $help_directory]]
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas new_file {} {$::main new_file}
+def Canvas open_file {} {$::main open_file}
+def Canvas send_message {} {$::main send_message}
+def Client test_audio_and_midi {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools testtone.pd }
+def Client load_meter {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools load-meter.pd}
+def Client latency_meter {} {menu_doc_open doc/7.stuff/tools latency.pd }
+def Client about {} {AboutDialog new}
+def Client class_browser {} {Browser new_as browser browser 0 0 ""}
+def Client audio_on {} {netsend [list pd dsp 1]}
+def Client audio_off {} {netsend [list pd dsp 0]}
+def Client keyboard_view {} { KeyboardDialog new $::event_history}
+def Client clipboard_view {} { ClipboardDialog new $::clipboard}
+def Client command_history_view {} { ListDialog new $::command_history [say command_history_view]}
+def Client event_history_view {} {EventHistoryDialog new $::event_history}
+def Client do_what_i_mean {} {wonder}
+set pd_prefix [file dirname [file dirname [which pd]]]
+set pd_guidir ${pd_prefix}/lib/pd
+set doc_number 1
+set updir [file dirname [file dirname $argh0]]
+if {[file exists $updir/lib/pd/doc]} {
+ set docdir $updir/lib/pd/doc
+} else {
+ set docdir $updir/doc
+proc menu_opentext {filename} {
+ set w [format ".help%d" $::doc_number]
+ toplevel $w
+ wm title $w $filename
+ frame $w.1
+ frame $w.2
+ pack [text $w.1.text -relief raised -bd 2 -yscrollcommand "$w.1.scroll set"] -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack [scrollbar $w.1.scroll -command "$w.1.text yview"] -side right -fill y
+ pack [button $w.2.close -text [say close] -command "destroy $w"] -side right
+ pack $w.2 -side bottom -fill x -expand 0
+ pack $w.1 -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
+ set f [open $filename]
+ while {![eof $f]} {
+ set bigstring [read $f 1000]
+ regsub -all PD_BASEDIR $bigstring $::pd_guidir bigstring
+ regsub -all PD_VERSION $bigstring $::pd_version bigstring
+ $w.1.text insert end $bigstring
+ }
+ $w.1.text configure -state disabled
+ close $f
+ incr ::doc_number
+ return $w
+proc menu_doc_open {subdir basename} {
+ set dirname $::pd_guidir/$subdir
+ if {[string first .txt $basename] >= 0} {
+ return [menu_opentext $dirname/$basename]
+ } else {
+ netsend [list pd open $basename $dirname]
+ }
+def Canvas editmode {} {return $@editmode}
+def Canvas editmode= {mode} {
+ if {$mode == $@editmode} {return}
+ if {!$mode} {$self deselect_all}
+ $self redraw ;# why this???
+ set @editmode $mode; $self changed editmode
+# catch {.$self.bbar.edit configure -image icon_mode_$mode}
+ if {$@mapped} {
+ if {$mode} {set im icon_mode_edit} else {set im icon_mode_run}
+ [$self window].bbar.edit configure -image $im
+ if {[$self look hairstate] && !$@editmode} {$@crosshair erase}
+ if {[$self look gridstate]} {
+ if {$@editmode} {$@grid draw} else {$@grid erase}
+ }
+ }
+ # comment's look depends on the value of @editmode
+ foreach child [$@objects values] {if {[[$child class] <= Comment]} {$child changed}}
+ #!@#$ should update the checkbox in the editmenu
+def Canvas editmodeswitch {} {$self editmode= [expr !$@editmode]}
+def Canvas window {} {
+ #if {$@gop && $@canvas != ""} {return [$@canvas window]}
+ return .$self
+def Canvas widget {} {return .$self.c}
+def View cwidget {} {return .[$self get_canvas].c}
+def Canvas atomically {proc} {$@history atomically $proc}
+def Canvas undo {} {$@history undo}
+def Canvas redo {} {$@history redo}
+def Canvas init {mess} {
+ set @mapped 0
+ set @gop 0
+ set @goprect ""
+ set @abs 0
+ set @name ""
+ set @folder "???"
+ set @file ""
+ super {#X obj 666 666 pd} ;# bogus
+ $self reinit $mess
+ set @zoom 1.0 ;# must be a float, not int
+ set @action none
+ set @objects [Hash new]; set @objectsel [Selection new]; set @visibles {}
+ set @wires [Hash new]; set @wiresel [Selection new]
+ set @focus ""
+ set @curpos {30 30}
+ set @bbox {0 0 100 100}
+ set @dehighlight {}
+# if {$@mapped} {$self init_window} ;#!@#$ @mapped can't possibly be 1 at this point
+ set @history $::command_history
+ $self subscribe $::manager
+ $self changed
+ #$self canvas= $self ;#!@#$ EEVIL
+ set @coords 0
+ set @jump 0
+ set @keynav_iocount 0 ;# the io select count
+ set @keynav_port 0 ;# which in/outlet is selected
+ set @keynav 0 ;# the list of objects that has io selected
+ set @keynav_iosel 0 ;# last object that is io selected
+ set @keynav_iosel_o {} ;# list of objects that has outlet selected
+ set @keynav_iosel_i {} ;# list of objects that has inlet selected
+ set @iosel_deselect 0 ;# if selected should be deselected by clicking at empty space
+ set @keynav_current 0
+ set @keynav_last_obj 0
+ set @keynav_last_wire 0
+ set @keynav_tab_sel "wire"
+ set @keynav_shift 0
+ set @copy_count 0
+ set @findbar ""
+ set @find_string ""
+ set @iohilite {-1 0 0 0 0}
+ set @keyprefix 0
+ set @coords {0 0 1 1} ;# default #X coords line
+ set @pixsize {0 0}
+ set @margin {0 0}
+ set @macro_q {}
+ set @macro_delay 200
+ set @blinky ""
+ set @editmode 0
+ set @show_id 0
+ set @motion_queue {}
+def Canvas reinit {mess} {
+ switch -- [lindex $mess 0] {
+ "#N" {
+ # those four are not to be confused with other @variables of similar names.
+ set @canvas_pos [lrange $mess 2 3]
+ set @canvas_size [lrange $mess 4 5]
+ set args [lrange $mess 6 end]
+ switch [llength $args] {
+ 1 {
+ set @subpatch 0
+ mset [list @fontsize] $args
+ set @name ""
+ set @mapped 1
+ }
+ 2 {
+ set @subpatch 1
+ mset [list @name @mapped] $args
+ set @fontsize "what?"
+ }
+ default {error "wrong number of arguments (expecting 5 or 6, got [expr 4+[llength $args]])"}
+ }
+ }
+ "#X" {
+ switch -- [lindex $mess 1] {
+ obj {}
+ restore {
+ set @x1 [lindex $mess 2]
+ set @y1 [lindex $mess 3]
+ set args [lrange $mess 4 end]
+ $self text= [lrange $mess 4 end]
+ if {!$@subpatch && [llength $args] != 0} {set @abs 1}
+ if {$@mapped && !$@gop} {
+ #if {!$@subpatch && $@text != ""} {set @abs 1; return}
+ #if {![winfo exists .$self.c]} {$self init_window}
+ }
+ }
+ coords {
+ set @coords [lrange $mess 2 5]
+ set @pixsize [lrange $mess 6 7]
+ switch [llength $mess] {
+ 8 {set @gop 0}
+ 9 {set @gop [lindex $mess 8]}
+ 11 {
+ set @gop [lindex $mess 8]
+ set @margin [lrange $mess 9 10]
+ }
+ default {error "what???"}
+ }
+ if {$@gop} {set @mapped 1}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "" {return}
+ default {error "huh? mess=$mess"}
+ }
+# doesn't this look like Canvas deconstruct ?
+def Canvas get_mess {} {
+ return [concat $@coords $@pixsize $@margin]
+def Canvas margin {} {return $@margin}
+def Canvas gop {} {return $@gop}
+def Canvas hidtext {} {return $@hidetext}
+def Canvas abs {} {return $@abs}
+#def Canvas abs {} {if {!$@subpatch} {return 1} else {return 0}}
+def Canvas subpatch {} {return $@subpatch}
+def Canvas get_dimen {} {return $@canvas_size}
+def Canvas gop_rect {} {
+ mset {pxs pys} $@pixsize
+ mset {mx my} $@margin
+ set rect [list $mx $my [expr $mx+$pxs] [expr $my+$pys]]
+ if {$@goprect == ""} {
+ set @goprect [GopRect new $self $rect]
+ } elseif {!$@editmode} {$@goprect delete; set @goprect ""; return}
+ $@goprect draw
+# should be called once and only from init
+def Canvas init_window {} {
+ lappend ::window_list $self
+ set win .$self
+ set c [$self widget]
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} {
+ toplevel $win -menu $win.m
+ } else {
+ if {[$self look menubar]} {toplevel $win -menu $win.m} else {toplevel $win -menu ""}
+ }
+ catch {wm iconphoto $win icon_pd}
+ set @menubar $win.m
+ $self init_menus
+ # turn buttonbar on/off
+ set @buttonbar [ButtonBar new $self]
+ if {[$self look buttonbar]} {pack [$@buttonbar widget] -side top -fill x -expand no}
+ set @statusbar [StatusBar new $self]
+ # turn statusbar on/off
+ if {[$self look statusbar]} {pack [$@statusbar widget] -side bottom -fill x}
+ set w [expr [lindex $@canvas_size 0]-4];# dd canvas is 4 pixel out with pd canvas?
+ set h [expr [lindex $@canvas_size 1]-4]
+ pack [canvas $c -width $w -height $h -background white] -side left -expand 1 -fill both
+ set @yscroll $win.yscroll; set @xscroll $win.xscroll
+ $self init_scrollbars
+ wm minsize $win 1 1
+ wm geometry $win +[lindex $@canvas_pos 0]+[lindex $@canvas_pos 1]
+ wm protocol $win WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self close"
+ focus $c
+ $self new_binds
+ $self update_title
+ $self motion_update
+ set @runcommand [Runcommand new .$self "command" canvas_eval]
+ set @crosshair [Crosshair new $self]
+ set @active [Active new $self]
+ set @sense [Sense new $self]
+ set @grid [Grid new $self]
+def Canvas activate_menubar= {val} {if {$val} {.$self configure -menu $@menubar} {.$self configure -menu ""}}
+def Canvas activate_buttonbar= {val} {
+ if {$val} {
+ pack [$@buttonbar widget] -side top -fill x -expand no -before [$self widget]
+ } else {pack forget [$@buttonbar widget]}
+def Canvas activate_statusbar= {val} {
+ if {$val} {
+ if {[winfo exists $@yscroll]} {set w .$self.yscroll} else {set w .$self.c}
+ pack [$@statusbar widget] -side bottom -fill x -before $w
+ } else {pack forget [$@statusbar widget]}
+def Canvas activate_scrollbars= {val} {if {!$val} {$self init_scrollbars} {$self remove_scrollbars}}
+def Canvas activate_grid= {val} {if {$val} {$@grid draw} {$@grid erase}}
+def Canvas init_scrollbars {} {
+ set win .$self
+ set c [$self widget]
+ if {[winfo exists $win.yscroll]} {return}
+ set size [$c bbox foo]
+ mset {xs ys} $@canvas_size
+ pack [scrollbar $win.yscroll -command "$c yview" ] -side right -fill y -before $c
+ pack [scrollbar $win.xscroll -command "$c xview" -orient horizontal] -side bottom -fill x -before $c
+ set xw $win.xscroll; set yw $win.yscroll
+ $c configure -yscrollcommand "$self scroll_set $yw" -xscrollcommand "$self scroll_set $xw"
+ after 0 [list $self adjust_scrollbars]
+def Canvas remove_scrollbars {} {
+ set win .$self
+ set c [$self widget]
+ if {![winfo exists $win.yscroll]} {return}
+ #use destroy instead of pack forget so that it can be tested with winfo exists
+ destroy $win.yscroll
+ destroy $win.xscroll
+ $c configure -yscrollcommand "" -xscrollcommand "" -scrollregion ""
+def Canvas adjust_scrollbars {} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set size [$c bbox foo]
+ if {[$self look scrollbar]} {$self auto_scrollbars}
+ if {$size != ""} {
+ mset {xmin ymin xmax ymax} {0 0 100 100}
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} $size
+ if {$x2 > 100} {set xmax $x2}
+ if {$y2 > 100} {set ymax $y2}
+ set bbox [list $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax]
+ set oldbbox [$c cget -scrollregion]
+ # it is very inefficient to call "configure" here
+ if {"$oldbbox" != "$bbox"} {$c configure -scrollregion $bbox}
+ set @bbox $bbox
+ }
+def Canvas auto_scrollbars {} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ if {[$c bbox foo] != ""} {
+ mset {cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2} [$c bbox foo]
+ } else {
+ set cx2 [lindex $@canvas_size 0]; set cy2 [lindex $@canvas_size 1]
+ }
+ set x2 [$c canvasx [winfo width $c]]
+ set y2 [$c canvasy [winfo height $c]]
+ if {$x2 == 1} {set x2 $cx2; set y2 $cy2}
+ if {$cx2 <= $x2 && $cy2 <= $y2} {$self remove_scrollbars} {$self init_scrollbars}
+def Canvas delete_window {} {
+ set wl {}
+ foreach w $::window_list {if {$w != $self} {lappend wl $w}}
+ set ::window_list $wl
+ destroy .$self
+def Canvas delete {} {
+ $self delete_window
+ super
+def Canvas focus {} {return $@focus}
+def Canvas focus= {o} {set @focus $o}
+def Canvas history {} {return $@history}
+def Canvas find {} {
+ if {[info exists ::_(findmodel:_class)]} {
+ focus .$self.find.find
+ findmodel reinit
+ } else {
+ FindModel new_as findmodel $self
+ FindView new $self
+ focus .$self.find.find
+ }
+def Canvas find_again {} {
+ if {[info exists ::_(findmodel:_class)]} {findmodel remove_info;findmodel search_recursive}
+def Canvas find_last_error {} {netsend [list pd finderror]}
+def Canvas bind {eventtype selector args} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ #bind $c $eventtype [concat [list $self $selector] $args \; $self statusbar_draw %x %y]
+ #bind $c $eventtype "puts \[time {[concat [list $self $selector] $args \; $self statusbar_draw %x %y]}\]"
+ #bind $c $eventtype "puts \[time {[concat [list $self $selector] $args]}\]"
+ if {[$self look statusbar]} {
+ bind $c $eventtype [concat [list $self $selector] $args \; $self statusbar_draw %x %y]
+ } else {
+ bind $c $eventtype [concat [list $self $selector] $args]
+ }
+def Canvas new_binds {} {
+ # mouse buttons
+ $self bind <Button> click_wrap %x %y %b 0
+ $self bind <Shift-Button> click_wrap %x %y %b 1
+ $self bind <Control-Button> click_wrap %x %y %b 2
+ $self bind <Control-Shift-Button> click_wrap %x %y %b 3
+ $self bind <Alt-Button> click_wrap %x %y %b 4
+ $self bind <Alt-Shift-Button> click_wrap %x %y %b 5
+ $self bind <Alt-Control-Button> click_wrap %x %y %b 6
+ $self bind <Alt-Control-Shift-Button> click_wrap %x %y %b 7
+ switch $::OS {
+ osx {
+ $self bind <Button-2> click_wrap %x %y %b 8
+ $self bind <Control-Button> click_wrap %x %y 3 8
+ }
+ default {
+ $self bind <Button-3> click_wrap %x %y %b 8
+ }
+ }
+ switch $::OS { unix {
+ $self bind <Button-4> scroll y -1
+ $self bind <Button-5> scroll y +1
+ $self bind <Shift-Button-4> scroll x -1
+ $self bind <Shift-Button-5> scroll x +1
+ } default {
+ $self bind <MouseWheel> scroll y \[expr -abs(%D)/%D\]
+ $self bind <Shift-MouseWheel> scroll x \[expr -abs(%D)/%D\]
+ }}
+ $self bind <ButtonRelease> unclick_wrap %x %y %b 0
+ $self bind <Shift-ButtonRelease> unclick_wrap %x %y %b 1
+ # keyboard
+ $self bind <Control-Key> ctrlkey %x %y %K %A 0
+ $self bind <Control-Shift-Key> ctrlkey %x %y %K %A 1
+ $self bind <Alt-Key> altkey %x %y %K %A 0
+ $self bind <Alt-Shift-Key> altkey %x %y %K %A 1
+ switch $::OS {
+ unix {
+ $self bind <Mod1-Key> altkey %x %y %K %A 0
+ $self bind <Mod1-Shift-Key> altkey %x %y %K %A 1
+ $self bind <Mod4-Key> altkey %x %y %K %A 0
+ $self bind <Mod4-Shift-Key> altkey %x %y %K %A 1
+ }
+ osx {
+ $self bind <Mod1-Key> ctrlkey %x %y %K %A 0
+ $self bind <Mod1-Shift-Key> ctrlkey %x %y %K %A 1
+ }
+ }
+ $self bind <Key> key_wrap %x %y %K %A 0
+ $self bind <Shift-Key> key_wrap %x %y %K %A 1
+ $self bind <KeyRelease> keyup_wrap %x %y %K %A 0
+ $self bind <Shift-KeyRelease> keyup_wrap %x %y %K %A 1
+ $self bind <Control-KeyRelease> keyup_wrap %x %y %K %A 0
+ $self bind <Motion> motion_wrap %x %y 0
+ $self bind <Alt-Motion> motion_wrap %x %y 4
+ $self bind <Control-Motion> motion_wrap %x %y 9
+ #$self bind <Map> map
+ #$self bind <Unmap> unmap
+ $self bind <Leave> leave
+ $self bind <Configure> configure %h %w
+def Canvas configure {h w} {
+ if {[$self look gridstate]} {
+ $@grid update $h $w
+ if {[winfo exists .$self.yscroll]} {return}; # scrollbar will update grid already
+ $@grid draw
+ }
+#def Canvas map {} {}
+#def Canvas unmap {} {}
+def Canvas leave {} {$@crosshair erase}
+def Canvas scroll {axis diff} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ $c [list $axis]view scroll $diff units
+ if {[$self look hairstate] && $@editmode} {
+ # this should be changed so that we don't need to recompute x,y here.
+ set x [expr [$c canvasx [expr [winfo pointerx $c] - [winfo rootx $c]]]/$@zoom]
+ set y [expr [$c canvasy [expr [winfo pointery $c] - [winfo rooty $c]]]/$@zoom]
+ set target [$self identify_target $x $y 0]
+ $@crosshair data= $x $y $target
+ $@crosshair draw
+ } else {
+ $@crosshair erase
+ }
+# this allows the grid to update when scroll
+def Canvas scroll_set {w v1 v2} {if {[$self look gridstate] && $@editmode} {$@grid draw}; $w set $v1 $v2}
+def Canvas reload {} {netsend [list .$self reupload]}
+def Canvas redraw {} {
+ $self changed
+ foreach x [$@objects values] {$x changed}
+ foreach x [ $@wires values] {$x changed}
+#patch editing commandline shortcuts
+def Canvas o {x y {name ""}} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ if {[$self snap_grid]} {set off [expr [$self look grid_size]/2]} {set off 0}
+ set @curpos [list [expr [$c canvasx $x]+$off] [expr [$c canvasy $y]+$off]]
+ $self new_object obj $name
+def Canvas c {from outlet to inlet} {
+ set out_objs [$self parse_idx $from]
+ set in_objs [$self parse_idx $to]
+ foreach out $out_objs {
+ foreach in $in_objs {
+ $self connect [list $out $outlet $in $inlet]
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas pc {from outlet to inlet} {
+ set out_objs [$self parse_idx $from]
+ set in_objs [$self parse_idx $to]
+ if {[llength $out_objs] != [llength $in_objs]} {return "No can do :("}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $out_objs]} {incr i} {
+ $self connect [list [lindex $out_objs $i] $outlet [lindex $in_objs $i] $inlet]
+ }
+def Canvas s {selection} {
+ set objs [$self parse_idx $selection]
+ foreach obj $objs {$self selection+= [$@objects get $obj]}
+def Canvas s+ {selection} {
+ set objs [$self parse_idx $selection]; set ids {}
+ foreach obj $objs {
+ set v [$@objects get $obj]; lappend ids $v
+ $self selection+= $v
+ }
+ $self selection_wire= [$self implicit_wires $ids]
+def Canvas sw {from outlet to inlet} {
+ set out_objs [$self parse_idx $from]
+ set in_objs [$self parse_idx $to]
+ foreach out $out_objs {
+ foreach in $in_objs {
+ set id [$self wire_idx [list $out $outlet $in $inlet]]
+ if {$id>=0} {$self selection_wire+= [$@wires get $id]}
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas parse_idx {val} {
+ set objs {}
+ foreach obj [split $val ","] {
+ if {[regexp {\d+-\d+} $obj range]} {
+ set l [split $range "-"]
+ set objs [concat $objs [lmake [lindex $l 0] [lindex $l 1]]]
+ continue
+ }
+ lappend objs $obj
+ }
+ return $objs
+def Canvas xy_snap {x y} {
+ if {[$self look snap_grid]} {
+ set grid [$self look grid_size]
+ set x [expr floor($x/$grid)*$grid]
+ set y [expr floor($y/$grid)*$grid]
+ }
+ return [list $x $y]
+def Canvas new_object {sel args} {
+ $self editmode= 1
+ $self deselect_all
+ mset {x y} $@curpos
+ if {[$self look snap_grid]} {
+ set grid [$self look grid_size]
+ set x [expr floor($x/$grid)*$grid]
+ set y [expr floor($y/$grid)*$grid]
+ }
+ switch -- $sel {
+ obj { set goto [list $self new_object_edit]}
+ msg { set goto [list $self new_object_edit]}
+ text { set goto [list $self new_object_edit]}
+ default {set goto [list $self new_object_callback]}
+ }
+ netsend [concat [list .$self $sel $x $y] $args] $goto
+def Canvas new_wire_callback {wire} {}
+def Canvas new_object_callback {obj} {
+ $self add_to_obj_history $obj
+ set @keynav_last_obj $obj
+ $self selection+= $obj
+ if {$@keynav} {$self update_Active $obj}
+def Canvas new_object_copyselect {obj} {
+ $self selection+= $obj
+ #set @action "move"
+ #$self click_on_object $obj 0
+def Canvas new_wire_select {wire} {$self selection_wire+= $wire}
+def Canvas new_object_edit {obj} {
+ if {[$obj class] == "NumBox"} {return}
+ $obj edit
+def Canvas add_to_obj_history {obj} {
+ if {![[$obj class] <= ObjectBox]} {return}
+ obj_hist prepend [$obj text]
+def Canvas insertxy {} {return [list $@insert_x $@insert_y]}
+def Canvas insert_object {} {$self do_insert_obj "none" "none"}
+def Canvas get_canvas {} {
+ if {![info exists @gop]} {
+ if {[info exists @subpatch]} {if {$@subpatch} {return [$self canvas]}}
+ if {[info exists @abs]} {if {$@abs} {return [$self canvas]}}
+ if {[winfo exists .$self.c]} {return $self}
+ }
+ #if {[info exists @subpatch]} {if {$@subpatch} {return [$self canvas]}}
+ return [super]
+def Canvas get_topcanvas {} {
+ set canvas $@canvas
+ if {$@canvas == ""} {return $self}
+ while {[$canvas canvas] != ""} {set canvas [$canvas canvas]}
+ return $canvas
+def Canvas do_insert_obj {x y} {
+ if {$x == "none" && $y == "none"} {
+ if {[$@wiresel size] != 1} {return}
+ set wire [$@wiresel values]
+ puts "insert object for wire $wire"
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} [$wire report]
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set iowidth [$self look iowidth]
+ mset {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${from}o${outlet}] [$self zoom]]
+ mset {ix1 iy1 ix2 iy2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${to}i${inlet} ] [$self zoom]]
+ set x1 [expr $ox1 + $iowidth/2]; set y1 [expr ($oy1+$oy2)/2]
+ set x2 [expr $ix1 + $iowidth/2]; set y2 [expr ($iy1+$iy2)/2]
+ set x [expr $x1 + ($x2-$x1)/2]
+ set y [expr $y1 + ($y2-$y1)/2]
+ }
+ netsend [list .$self obj $x $y] [list $self new_object_edit]
+ set @action insert
+def Canvas new_object_insert_wire {obj} {
+ set wire [$self selection_wire]
+ $self selection_wire-= $wire
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} [$wire report]
+ $self disconnect [$wire connects]
+ set @keynav 0; $@active hide; set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
+ set from_idx [$@objects search $from]
+ set to_idx [$@objects search $to]
+ set obj3_idx [$@objects search $obj]
+ $self connect [list $from_idx $outlet $obj3_idx 0] [list $self keynav_current=]
+ $self connect [list $obj3_idx 0 $to_idx $inlet]
+ $self action= none
+def Canvas chain_object {} {
+ if {[$@objectsel size] != 1} {return}
+ set o [$@objectsel values]
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$o bbox]
+ set grid [$self look grid_size]
+ if {[$self look snap_grid]} {set y [expr floor(($y2+$grid)/$grid)*$grid]} {set y [expr $y2+10]}
+ netsend [list .$self obj $x1 $y] [list $self new_object_edit]
+ set @action chain_obj
+def Canvas new_object_chain_wire {obj} {
+ obj_hist prepend [$obj text]
+ set from_idx [$@objects search [lindex [$self selection] 0]]
+ $self deselect_all
+ set to_idx [$@objects search $obj]
+ $self connect [list $from_idx 0 $to_idx 0]
+ $self action= none
+ $self selection= $obj
+def Canvas objects {} {return $@objects}
+#def Canvas wires {} {return $@wires}
+def Canvas selection {} {$@objectsel values}
+def Canvas selection= {objs} {$@objectsel clear; $self selection+= $objs}
+def Canvas selection+= {objs} {foreach obj $objs {$@objectsel set [$obj index] $obj}}
+def Canvas selection-= {objs} {foreach obj $objs {set k [$obj index]; if {[$@objectsel exists $k]} {$@objectsel unset $k}}}
+def Canvas selection_wire {} {$@wiresel values}
+def Canvas selection_wire= {objs} {$@wiresel clear; $self selection_wire+= $objs}
+def Canvas selection_wire+= {objs} {foreach obj $objs {$@wiresel set [$obj index] $obj}}
+def Canvas selection_wire-= {objs} {foreach obj $objs {set k [$obj index]; if {[ $@wiresel exists $k]} { $@wiresel unset $k}}}
+def Canvas Object {} {$self new_object obj}
+def Canvas Message {} {$self new_object msg}
+def Canvas Number {} {$self new_object floatatom}
+def Canvas Symbol {} {$self new_object symbolatom}
+def Canvas Comment {} {$self new_object text}
+#!@#$ these 9 should be harmonised with the class list instead of having special names
+def Canvas bng {} {$self new_object obj bng}
+def Canvas tgl {} {$self new_object obj tgl}
+def Canvas nbx {} {$self new_object obj nbx}
+def Canvas vsl {} {$self new_object obj vsl}
+def Canvas hsl {} {$self new_object obj hsl}
+def Canvas vradio {} {$self new_object obj vradio}
+def Canvas hradio {} {$self new_object obj hradio}
+def Canvas vu {} {$self new_object obj vu}
+def Canvas dropper {} {$self new_object obj dropper}
+def Canvas cnv {} {$self new_object obj cnv}
+def Canvas Graph {} {$self editmode= 1; netsend [list .x$self graph ]}
+def Canvas Array {} {$self editmode= 1; netsend [list .x$self menuarray]}
+def Canvas init_menus {} {
+ set name .$self
+ set m $name.m
+ menu $m
+ #removed Paths after send_message
+ foreach x {file edit find view put window help} {menu $m.$x -tearoff $::pd_tearoff}
+ $self populate_menu file {new_file open_file {} send_message {} close save save_as print {} abort_server quit}
+ $self populate_menu edit {undo redo {} cut copy paste duplicate select_all subpatcherize {} tidy_up {}}
+ $self populate_menu find {find find_again find_last_error}
+ $m.view add checkbutton -label [say visual_diff] -selectcolor grey0 -command [list $self visual_diff] \
+ -accelerator [accel_munge "Ctrl+e"] -indicatoron 1
+ $self populate_menu view {get_elapsed {} reload redraw}
+ $self populate_menu put {Object Message Number Symbol Comment {} bng tgl nbx vsl hsl vradio hradio vu dropper cnv {} Graph Array}
+ $self populate_menu window {{}}
+ $m.edit add checkbutton -label [say edit_mode] -selectcolor grey0 -command [list $self editmodeswitch] \
+ -accelerator [accel_munge "Ctrl+e"] -indicatoron 1
+ $m.edit configure -postcommand "$self fix_edit_menu"
+ $m.window configure -postcommand "$self fix_window_menu"
+ foreach x {file edit view find put window help} {
+ if {$x=="help"} {
+ # help menu is in the wrong place in patch windows because it's taken from .mbar ???
+ $m add cascade -label [say $x] -menu .mbar.$x
+ } {
+ $m add cascade -label [say $x] -menu $m.$x
+ }
+ }
+# corrects edit menu, enabling or disabling undo/redo
+# LATER also cut/copy/paste
+def Canvas fix_edit_menu {} {
+ set e .$self.m.edit
+ switch $::OS {osx {set i 0} default {set i 1}}
+ set t [say undo]
+ if {[$@history can_undo?]} {
+ $e entryconfigure $i -state normal -label "$t [$@history next_undo_name]"
+ } else {
+ $e entryconfigure $i -state disabled -label "[say cannot] $t"
+ }
+ incr i
+ set t [say redo]
+ if {[$@history can_redo?]} {
+ $e entryconfigure $i -state normal -label "$t [$@history next_redo_name]"
+ } else {
+ $e entryconfigure $i -state disabled -label "[say cannot] $t"
+ }
+def Menuable fix_window_menu {} {
+ set menu $@menubar.window
+ $menu delete 0 end
+ foreach w $::window_list {$menu add command -label [wm title [$w window]] -command "$w raise"}
+# {"parentwindow" {menu_windowparent} ""}
+#this just tells whether an object is part of the selection, that is, what usually makes objects turn blue.
+def Canvas selection_include? {member} {expr [$@objectsel search $member]>=0}
+def Canvas type {} {
+ if {$@subpatch && !$@gop} {return "sub"}
+ if {$@subpatch && $@gop} {return "gopsub"}
+ if {$@abs && !$@gop} {return "abs"}
+ if {$@abs && $@gop} {return "gopabs"}
+ if {!$@subpatch && !$@abs && !$@gop} {return "toplevel"}
+def Canvas draw {} {
+ if {$@gop} {
+ if {[$self gop_check]} {$self all_changed}
+ #if the focus is not in the opened gop
+ if {[regexp {^.x[0-9a-f]{6,8}.c} [focus] f]} {
+ if {$@canvas != ""&& $f != [$self widget]} {super;return}
+ } elseif {$@canvas != "" && [focus] != [$self widget]} {super;return}
+ } elseif {$@subpatch || $@abs} {super}
+ if {!$@mapped} {return} else {if {![winfo exists [$self widget]]} {return}}
+ $self check_findbar
+ if {$@editmode} {set bg [$self look bgedit]} else {set bg [$self look bgrun]}
+ [$self widget] configure -background $bg
+ $self adjust_scrollbars
+ if {$@gop} {$self gop_rect}
+def Canvas popup_properties {} {CanvasPropertiesDialog new $self}
+def Canvas gop_target {id} {
+ while {[$id canvas] != $self} {set id [$id canvas]}; return $id
+class_new Macro_Rect {View}
+def Macro_Rect init {} {super; $self data= 0 0 0 0 blue}
+def Macro_Rect data= {x1 y1 x2 y2 col} {
+ set @x1 $x1; set @y1 $y1
+ set @x2 $x2; set @y2 $y2
+ set @col $col
+def Macro_Rect flash {x1 y1 x2 y2 col} {
+ $self data= $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $col
+ $self draw
+ after 500 $self erase
+def Macro_Rect draw {} {
+ set @canvas [string range [focus] 1 [string first . [focus] 1]-1]
+ $self item MACRO rect [list $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2] -outline $@col
+class_new Macro {EventHistory}
+def Macro init {} {
+ $::event_history subscribe $self
+ set @idx 0
+ set @state 0
+ set @list {}
+ set @ref_list {}
+ set @delay 200
+ set @offset_x 0
+ set @offset_y 0
+ set @rect [Macro_Rect new]
+def Macro state= {val} {
+ set @state $val
+ if {$val} {
+ set @ref_list {}
+ set @list {}
+ post %s "start recording macro..."
+ } else {
+ post %s "end..."
+ }
+def Macro state {} {return $@state}
+def Macro dump {} {set i 0; foreach step $@list {post %s "step $i -> $step"; incr i}}
+def Macro idx= {val} {set @idx $val}
+def Macro idx {} {return $@idx}
+def Macro delay {} {return $@delay}
+def Macro append_ref {mess} {lappend @ref_list $mess}
+def Macro ref_list {} {puts "$@ref_list";return $@ref_list}
+def Canvas ref_list {} {$::macro ref_list}
+def Macro notice {args} {
+ if {$@state} {
+ set mess [lindex $args 2]
+ switch [lindex $args 1] {
+ add {$self add $mess}
+ default {}
+ }
+ }
+def Macro add {mess} {
+ mset {event widget x y mode k kval} $mess
+ if {[regexp {^Control_} $k]} {return}
+ if {[regexp {^Alt_} $k]} {return}
+ if {[regexp {^Shift_} $k]} {return}
+ if {$event == "KeyRelease"} {return}
+ if {$event == "ButtonRelease"} {lappend @list [lreplace $mess 0 0 "Motion"]}
+ if {$event == "KeyPress"} {lappend @list [lreplace $mess 0 0 "Motion"]}
+ if {$event == "ButtonPress"} {lappend @list [lreplace $mess 0 0 "Motion"]}
+ lappend @list $mess
+def Macro test_playable {x y} {
+ mset {macro_width macro_height} [$self calc_size]
+ set c [string range [focus] 0 [string first . [focus] 1]+1]
+ set cwidth [winfo width $c]; set cheight [winfo height $c]
+ set cx1 [$c canvasx 0]; set cy1 [$c canvasy 0]
+ set cx2 [$c canvasx $cwidth]; set cy2 [$c canvasy $cheight]
+ set new_x [expr $x+$macro_width]; set new_y [expr $y+$macro_height]
+ $@rect flash $x $y $new_x $new_y blue
+ if {$new_x > $cx2 || $new_x < $cx1 || $new_y > $cy2 || $new_y < $cy1} {
+ puts "Can't playback Macro:: outside of canvas area"
+ return
+ } else {$self idx= 0; $self offset $x $y; $self play [$self delay]}
+def Macro offset {new_x new_y} {
+ mset {event widget x y mode k kval} [lindex $@list 0]
+ set @offset_x [expr $new_x-$x]
+ set @offset_y [expr $new_y-$y]
+def Macro play {delay} {
+ if {$@idx == [llength $@list]} {return}
+ #$self test_canvas_size
+ set i 0
+ set focus [string range [focus] 1 [string first . [focus] 2]-1]
+ set step [lindex $@list $@idx]
+ #puts "\t $step"
+ mset {event widget x y mode k kval} $step
+ switch $event {
+ #KeyRelease {set name [modekey $k $mode]}
+ KeyPress {set name [modekey $k $mode]}
+ ButtonPress {set name $event-$k}
+ ButtonRelease {set name $event-$k}
+ Motion {set name $event}
+ default {puts "Error: event $event should not have been here.."}
+ }
+ if {$@idx < [llength $@list]} {
+ #after $delay [list $self run $event $name $k [expr $X+$@offset_x] [expr $Y+$@offset_y] \
+ # [expr $x+$@offset_x] [expr $y+$@offset_y]]
+ after $delay [list $self run $event $name $k $x $y]
+ }
+#this don't make sense when multiple window, and should be re implemeneted somehow
+def Macro calc_size {} {
+ set x1 66666; set x2 0
+ set y1 66666; set y2 0
+ foreach step $@list {
+ mset {event widget x y mode k kval} $step
+ set x1 [min $X $x1]; set x2 [max $x2 $X]
+ set y1 [min $Y $y1]; set y2 [max $y2 $Y]
+ }
+ return [list [expr $x2-$x1] [expr $y2-$y1]]
+def Macro test_canvas_size {} {
+ set c [string range [focus] 0 [string first . [focus] 1]+1]
+ set cwidth [winfo width $c]; set cheight [winfo height $c]
+ set cx1 [$c canvasx 0]; set cy1 [$c canvasy 0]
+ set cx2 [$c canvasx $cwidth]; set cy2 [$c canvasy $cheight]
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self calc_size]
+def Macro run {event name k x y} {
+ set w [focus]
+ incr @idx
+ event generate $w <$name> -x $x -y $y
+ if {$event=="KeyPress"} {event generate $w <KeyRelease-$k> -x $x -y $y}
+ $self play $@delay
+def Macro copy {} {
+ clipboard clear
+ selection clear
+ set i 0
+ foreach step $@list {
+ if {$i == [expr [llength $@list]-1]} {set comma ""} else {set comma ","}
+ mset {event widget x y mode k kval} $step
+ set mess [list $event $x $y $mode $k]
+ set t ${mess}$comma
+ switch $event {
+ KeyPress {clipboard append [lreplace $t 0 0 "key"]}
+ ButtonPress {clipboard append [lreplace $t 0 0 "click"]}
+ ButtonRelease {clipboard append [lreplace $t 0 0 "unclick"]}
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ selection handle -selection PRIMARY [focus] "$self getdata"
+ selection own -command lost -selection PRIMARY
+def Macro getdata {offset maxchar} {
+ puts "clipboard ::: [clipboard get]"
+ return [string range [format %s [clipboard get]] $offset [expr {$offset+$maxChars}]]
+def Macro reset {} {set @idx 0}
+set ::macro [Macro new]
+set ::macro_state 0
+def Canvas macro_toggle {} {if {![$::macro state]} {set ::macro_state 1} {$::macro state= 0; $::macro dump}}
+#def Canvas macro_play {} {puts ">> $@click_at <<"; $::macro idx= 0; $::macro play [$::macro delay]}
+def Canvas macro_play {} {
+ mset {x y} $@click_at
+ $::macro reset
+ $::macro play [$::macro delay]
+ #$::macro test_playable $x $y
+def Canvas keyevent {} {
+ focus [$self widget]
+ event generate [$self widget] <Control-Key-1>
+def Canvas macro_copy {} {$::macro copy}
+class_new TextBox {Box}
+def TextBox init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @edit 0
+ set @x1 [lindex $mess 2]
+ set @y1 [lindex $mess 3]
+ set @text [$self remove_braces [join [lrange $mess 4 end]]]
+ set @multi 0
+ set @max_width 40
+ # @textoffset is for offseting the text item/widget, ie, ObjectBox vs NumBox
+ switch [$self class] {
+ NumBox {set @textoffset [list 10 2]}
+ default {set @textoffset [list 2 2]}
+ }
+def TextBox text= {text} {set @text [$self remove_braces [join $text]]}
+def TextBox text {} {return $@text}
+def TextBox filter_text {{for_edit 0}} {return $@text}
+def TextBox draw {} {
+ if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} {if {$@text == "graph"} {$self update_size; super; return}}
+ # "TEXT" is the text label while "text" is the the input text field tk widget.
+ # the text should be drawn before, so that update_size works at the right time.
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ set z [$@canvas zoom]
+ if {$@edit} {
+ $self draw_edit
+ } else {
+ set fw [font measure [$self look font] 0]
+ set text [$self filter_text]
+ if {$::leet} {set text [string map -nocase {a 4 e 3 t 7 s 5 i 1 o 0 g 9} $text]}
+ $self item TEXT text [l+ $@textoffset [$self xy]] \
+ -font [$self look font] -text $text \
+ -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw -width [expr ($fw*$@max_width)-1]
+ # set width with -1 because text item seem to be inclusive at wrap point
+ # where as the text widget is exclusive
+ }
+ $self update_size
+ super
+def TextBox edit {} {
+ if {$@edit} {return}; set @edit 1; $self changed edit
+ if {[[$self class] <= AtomBox]} {set @clear 1}
+def TextBox new_bind {} {
+ set t [$self cwidget].${self}text
+ bind $t <Key> "$self key_input %W %x %y %K %A 0"
+ bind $t <Control-Return> "$self key_input %W %x %y 10 %A 0"
+ bind $t <Control-v> "$self paste_resize"
+ bind $t <Return> "$self unedit"
+ bind $t <Escape> "$self unedit 0"
+ bind $t <Up> "$self scroll_history +1"
+ bind $t <Down> "$self scroll_history -1"
+ bind $t <Control-p> "$self scroll_history +1"
+ bind $t <Control-n> "$self scroll_history -1"
+ bind $t <Alt-BackSpace> "$self clear"
+def TextBox draw_edit {} {
+ set c [$self cwidget]
+ switch $::tcl_platform(os) {
+ Linux {$c configure -cursor crosshair}
+ #need to find equivalent names for other os
+ }
+ if {[lsearch [$@canvas selection] $self] < 0} {$@canvas selection+= $self}
+ set t $c.${self}text
+ if {[winfo exists $t]} {return}
+ set @edit 1
+ set @tab_repeats 0
+ obj_hist histi= 0
+ set @selected? 1
+ set z [$@canvas zoom]
+ set font_height [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace]
+ if {[$c bbox ${self}TEXT] != ""} {
+ mset {ix1 iy1 ix2 iy2} [lmap / [$c bbox ${self}TEXT] $z]
+ if {($iy2-$iy1)/$z > $font_height} {set @multi 1}
+ } else {
+ set ix1 0; set iy1 0
+ set ix2 [font measure [$self look font] 0]
+ set iy2 [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace]
+ }
+ $c delete ${self}TEXT
+ set font_str [$self look font]
+ set new_size [format %.0f [expr [lindex $font_str 1]*$z]]
+ set font_str [lreplace $font_str 1 1 $new_size]
+ foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]}
+ mset {width height} [$self get_size [expr $ix2-$ix1] [expr $iy2-$iy1]]
+ set insertbg [$self look fg]; set fg [$self look fg]
+ if {[[$self class] <= AtomBox]} {set fg "red"; set insertbg [$self look bgedit]}
+ text $t -width $width -height $height -relief flat -bg [$self look bgedit] -borderwidth 0 \
+ -highlightthickness 0 -font $font_str -fg $fg -insertbackground $insertbg -wrap word
+ $self new_bind
+ $@canvas focus= $self
+ $self item text window [l+ [lmap / $@textoffset $z] [$self xy]] -window $t -anchor nw -tags "${self}text $self text"
+ $t insert 1.0 $@text
+ $t configure -pady 0 -padx 0
+ $self resize
+ focus $t
+def TextBox resize {} {
+ if {[[$self class] <= AtomBox]} {return}
+ set c [$self cwidget]
+ set t $c.${self}text
+ #set z [$@canvas zoom]
+ set pix_height [$t count -update -ypixels 1.0 end]
+ set pix_width [font measure [$self look font] [$t get 1.0 end]]
+ mset {width height} [$self get_size $pix_width $pix_height]
+ $t configure -width [min $width $@max_width] -height $height -wrap word
+def TextBox get_size {w h} {
+ set c [$self cwidget]
+ set t $c.${self}text
+ set pix_height $h
+ set pix_width $w
+ set char_width [font measure [$self look font] 0]
+ set line_height [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace]
+ set round_chars [expr int(ceil($pix_width/$char_width.0))]
+ if {$round_chars < $@max_width && !$@multi} {
+ set round_lines 1
+ } else {
+ set @multi 1
+ set round_chars $@max_width
+ set round_lines [expr int(ceil($pix_height/$line_height))]
+ }
+ return [list $round_chars $round_lines]
+def TextBox key_input {widget x y key iso shift} {
+ after 0 "$self after_key $widget"
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set t $c.${self}text
+ if {[[$self class] <= AtomBox]} {if {$@clear} {$t delete 1.0 1.end; set @clear 0}}
+ switch -- $key {
+ Tab {
+ if {[$self class] == "ObjectBox"} {
+ $self propose_completions; $widget configure -state disabled
+ }
+ }
+ 10 {$t configure -height [expr [lindex [$t configure -height] 4] + 1]}
+ }
+def TextBox after_key {widget} {
+ $widget configure -state normal; # for in case there is completion box
+ $self resize
+ $self changed
+def TextBox paste_resize {} {
+ if {[[$self class] <= AtomBox]} {return}
+ set c [$self cwidget]
+ set t $c.${self}text
+ set fixed [font metrics [$self look font] -fixed]
+ set text [clipboard get]
+ if {$fixed} {
+ set width [string length $text]
+ } else {
+ set textpix [font measure [$self look font] $text]
+ set fwidth [font measure [$self look font] 0]
+ set width [expr (($textpix+$fwidth-1)/$fwidth)+1]
+ }
+ set maxwidth 40
+ mset {y1 y2} [$t yview]
+ if {$width < $maxwidth} {set height 1} {set height [expr ceil($width/$maxwidth.0)]}
+ $t configure -width [min $width $maxwidth] -height $height -wrap word
+ after 0 [list $t mark set insert 1.end]
+ $t mark set insert 1.0
+ $self update_size
+ $self changed
+def TextBox scroll_history {incr} {
+ if {[[$self class] <= MessageBox]} {return}
+ set c [$self cwidget]
+ set t $c.${self}text
+ if {![obj_hist histi]} {obj_hist set_hist 0 [$t get 1.0 1.end]}
+ $t delete 1.0 1.end
+ set text [obj_hist traverse $incr]
+ $t insert 1.0 $text
+ $t configure -width [string length $text]
+ $self update_size
+ after 0 $self changed
+def TextBox clear {} {
+ set c [$self cwidget]
+ set t $c.${self}text
+ $t delete 1.0 1.end
+def TextBox text {} {return $@text}
+def TextBox update_size {} {
+ if {[info exists @gop]} {if {$@gop} {mset [list @xs @ys] $@pixsize; return}}
+ if {$@canvas == ""} {puts "update_size: this textbox has no canvas, try again later"; return}
+ set c [$self cwidget]
+ set t_widget $c.${self}text
+ set t_item $c.${self}TEXT
+ set w2 0; set h2 0
+ set xpad 2; set ypad 3
+ set z [$@canvas zoom]
+ if {[winfo exists $t_widget]} {
+ set textwidth [expr ([winfo reqwidth $t_widget]+$xpad)/$z]
+ set height [expr ([winfo reqheight $t_widget]+$ypad)/$z]
+ } else {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [[[$self canvas] widget] bbox ${self}TEXT]
+ set textwidth [expr ($x2-$x1+$xpad)/$z]
+ set height [expr ($y2-$y1+$ypad)/$z]
+ }
+ set iowidth [$self look iowidth]
+ set topwidth [expr {(2* $@ninlets-1)*$iowidth}]
+ set bottomwidth [expr {(2*$@noutlets-1)*$iowidth}]
+ set @xs [max [$self look minobjwidth] [max $bottomwidth [max $topwidth $textwidth]]]
+ set @ys $height
+class_new ObjectBox {TextBox}
+def ObjectBox init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @valid 0 ;# only ObjectBox needs a @valid. (removed all others)
+ set @ninlets 0
+ set @noutlets 0
+ set @pdclass ""
+def ObjectBox valid= {v} {set @valid $v}
+def ObjectBox valid {} {return $@valid}
+def Canvas objectsel {} {return $@objectsel}
+def Canvas wiresel {} {return $@wiresel}
+def ObjectBox draw_box {} {
+ super
+ set xya [$self bbox]
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} $xya
+ #set xyb [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1]]
+ #set xyc [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1]]
+ if {[$self selected?]} {set fg [$self look selectframe]} {set fg [$self look frame3]}
+ if {$@valid} {
+ $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [$self look bg] -outline $fg -width 1
+ } else {
+ $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [$self look bg] -outline $fg -width 1 -dash {3 3}
+ }
+ #$self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [$self look frame1] -width 1
+ #$self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [$self look frame2] -width 1
+ #[$@canvas widget] lower ${self}BASE ${self}TEXT
+ [[$self get_canvas] widget] lower ${self}BASE ${self}TEXT
+ #[[$self get_canvas] widget] lower ${self}BASE
+def ObjectBox draw {} {super; $self draw_io}
+# this is called from the GUI; text= is reserved for server.
+def TextBox setto {text} {
+ [$@canvas history] add [list $self setto $@text]
+ [$@canvas widget] configure -cursor {}
+ set @text $text
+ set l {}
+ foreach char [split $@text ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]}
+ $@canvas selection-= [list $self]
+ switch [$@canvas action] {
+ insert {set goto [list $@canvas new_object_insert_wire]}
+ chain_obj {set goto [list $@canvas new_object_chain_wire]}
+ subpatcherize {set goto [list $@canvas new_object_subpatcherize_redraw]}
+ default {set goto [list $@canvas new_object_callback]}
+ }
+ netsend [concat [list .$@canvas text_setto $self] $l] $goto
+def TextBox unedit {{accept 1}} {
+ if {!$@edit} {return}
+ set @edit 0
+ $self changed edit
+ set c [[$self get_canvas] widget]
+ set t $c.${self}text
+ if {$accept} {$self setto [$t get 1.0 "end - 1 chars"]}
+ after 1 "destroy $t"
+ if {[winfo exists .completion]} {$@action cancel}
+ focus $c
+ $@canvas focus= ""
+def Canvas name {} {return $@name}
+def Canvas folder {} {return $@folder}
+def Canvas name= {name} {if {!$@mapped} {return}; set @name $name ; $self update_title}
+def Canvas folder= {folder} {if {!$@mapped} {return}; set @folder $folder; $self update_title}
+def Canvas make_title {} {
+ if {!$@mapped} {return}
+ if {$@subpatch} {
+ if {$@canvas == "" || 0==[string compare $@canvas $self]} {
+ set t "(uh)"
+ } else {
+ set t [$@canvas make_title]
+ }
+ set t "subpatch '$@name' of $t"
+ } else {
+ #set t "$@name in $@folder"
+ set t "$@name"
+ }
+ if {[$self modified?]} {append t "(*)"}
+ return $t
+def Canvas update_title {} {
+ if {[winfo exists .$self]} {wm title .$self [$self make_title]}
+# UNIMPLEMENTED: this should indicate whether the patch in pd is different from the last saved patch
+def Canvas modified? {} {return 1}
+def Canvas mapped {} {return $@mapped}
+def Canvas mapped= {v} {set @mapped $v}
+def Canvas havewindow= {flag} {
+ set was [winfo exists .$self]
+ if {$flag && !$was} {$self init_window; $self redraw}
+ #if {$flag && $was && [$self gop]} {$self redraw}
+ if {$flag && $was} {$self raise}
+ if {!$flag && $was} {$self delete_window}
+def Canvas visibles+= {child} {
+ if {[lsearch $@visibles $child] < 0} {lappend @visibles $child; $self changed visibles}
+def Canvas visibles-= {child} {
+ if {[lsearch $@visibles $child] >= 0} {set @visibles [lwithout $@visibles $child]; $self changed visibles}
+def Canvas visibles {} {return $@visibles}
+def Canvas all_changed {} {
+ foreach x $@visibles {
+ if {[$x class] == "Canvas"} {
+ if {$@gop} {$x all_changed}
+ }
+ $x changed
+ }
+# this is a shim between the client's new-style indices and the server's remaining old-style indices
+proc dex {h k} {lsearch [lsort -integer [$h keys]] $k}
+# for undo; calls the server
+def Canvas ins {i constructor} {
+ set parts [pd_mess_split $constructor]
+ set last [lindex $parts end]
+ set parts [lrange $parts 0 end-1]
+ foreach part $parts {netsend $part}
+ netsend [concat [list .$self object_insert [dex $@objects $i]] $last] ;# bork bork bork
+ $@history add [list $self del $i]
+def Canvas del {i} {
+ set o [$@objects get $i]
+ #this keynav should be better sorted out
+ if {$o == $@keynav_current || $o == $@keynav_last_obj} {
+ set @keynav_current 0
+ set @keynav_last_obj 0
+ }
+ # this "if" might not be necessary... try deconstruct_to for everything.
+ if {[$o class] != "Canvas"} {
+ $@history add [list $self ins $i [$o deconstruct]]
+ } else {
+ set meuh [Clipboard2 new]
+ $o deconstruct_to $meuh
+ $@history add [list $self ins $i [$meuh value]]
+ $meuh delete
+ }
+ netsend [list .$self object_delete $o]
+def Canvas wires {} {return $@wires}
+def Canvas delete_selection {} {
+ if {![$@objectsel size] && ![$@wiresel size]} {return}
+ #this keynav should be better sorted out
+ if {$@keynav} {
+ set @keynav 0
+ switch [$@keynav_current class] {
+ Wire {set @keynav_last_wire 0}
+ default {set @keynav_last_obj 0}
+ }
+ set @keynav_current 0
+ $@active hide
+ }
+ set del_wire {}
+ foreach obj [$@objectsel values] {
+ foreach wire [$obj wires2] {
+ if {[$@wires search $wire] != -1 && [lsearch $del_wire $wire] < 0} {
+ $self disconnect [$wire connects]
+ lappend del_wire $wire
+ }
+ }
+ $self del [$@objects search $obj]
+ }
+ foreach x [$@wiresel values] {
+ if {[$@wires search $x] != -1 && [lsearch $del_wire $x] < 0} {
+ $self disconnect [$x connects]
+ }
+ }
+ $@objectsel clear
+ $@wiresel clear
+def View position= {xy1} {mset [list @x1 @y1] $xy1; $self changed x1 y1}
+def View set_orig_xy {x y} {set @orig_x $x; set @orig_y $y}
+def Canvas motion_wrap {x y f} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@zoom]
+ set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@zoom]
+ lappend @motion_queue [list $x $y $f]
+ #$self motion $x $y $f [$self identify_target $x $y $f]
+def Canvas motion_update {} {
+ if {[llength $@motion_queue]} {
+ mset {x y f} [lindex $@motion_queue end]; set @motion_queue {}
+ $self motion $x $y $f [$self identify_target $x $y $f]
+ }
+ set @motion_after_id [after 50 "$self motion_update"]
+def Canvas click_wrap {x y b f} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@zoom]
+ set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@zoom]
+ set f [expr 1<<($b+7)|$f]
+ $self click $x $y $f [$self identify_target $x $y $f]
+def Canvas unclick_wrap {x y b f} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@zoom]
+ set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@zoom]
+ set f [expr 1<<($b+7)|$f]
+ $self unclick $x $y $f [$self identify_target $x $y $f]
+def Canvas key_wrap {x y key iso shift} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ $self key [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@zoom] [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@zoom] $key $iso $shift
+def Canvas keyup_wrap {x y key iso shift} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ $self keyup [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$@zoom] [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$@zoom] $key $iso $shift
+proc lsearch_minimum {l} {
+ set i 0
+ set j 0
+ set min [lindex $l 0]
+ foreach o $l {
+ if {$o < $min} {set i $j; set min $o}
+ incr j
+ }
+ return $i
+def Canvas quadrant {du dv array} {
+ if {$@keynav_current == 0} {set @keynav_current [$@objects get [lindex [$@objects keys] 0]]}
+ set foo {}
+ set bar {}
+ set pos [$@keynav_current xy]
+ foreach o $array {
+ mset {x y} [l- $pos [$o xy]]
+ set u [expr $x+$y]
+ set v [expr $x-$y]
+ if {$u*$du>0 && $v*$dv>0} {lappend foo $o; lappend bar [distance $pos [$o xy]]}
+ }
+ if {![llength $bar]} {return $@keynav_current}
+ set best [lindex $foo [lsearch_minimum $bar]]
+ return $best
+def Canvas motion {x y f target} {
+ #modes_callback $self "motion" $x $y $f $target
+ set c [$self widget]
+ $self motion_checkhairtip $target $x $y
+ eval $@dehighlight
+ set @dehighlight {}
+ set oldpos $@curpos
+ set @curpos [list $x $y]
+ # detects if the focus is not on the canvas itself in run mode, ie. numbox
+ if {!$@editmode & [$self focus] != $self & [$self focus] != ""} {
+ [$self focus] motion $x $y $f $target
+ }
+ mset {type id detail} $target
+ switch $@action {
+ edit {$self motion_edit $x $y $f}
+ insert {}
+ chain_obj {}
+ imove {$self motion_imove $oldpos $x $y; return}
+ mouse_copy {$self motion_move $oldpos $x $y; return}
+ move {$self motion_move $oldpos $x $y; return}
+ none {}
+ default {$@action motion $x $y $f $target}
+ }
+ if {$@editmode} {$self motion_iohilite2 $x $y $f}
+ if {$id == ""} {return}
+proc remainder {val val2} {
+ if {[expr {abs($val)}]} {return [expr {(abs($val)%$val2)*($val/abs($val))}]} else {return 0}
+def Canvas motion_move {oldpos x y} {
+ mset {ox oy} $oldpos
+ if {$@keynav} {$@active draw}
+ foreach obj [$@objectsel values] {
+ #if {[[$obj class] <= Box]} {
+ if {[$self look snap_grid]} {
+ set grid [$self look grid_size]
+ set ax [expr {(int($x)/$grid)*$grid}]
+ set ay [expr {(int($y)/$grid)*$grid}]
+ set oax [expr {(int($ox)/$grid)*$grid}]
+ set oay [expr {(int($oy)/$grid)*$grid}]
+ mset {x1 y1} [$obj xy]
+ if {![expr {($ax-$oax)%$grid}]} {
+ set xoff [remainder [expr {int($x1-$ax)}] $grid]
+ } else {set xoff 0}
+ if {![expr {($ay-$oay)%$grid}]} {
+ set yoff [remainder [expr {int($y1-$ay)}] $grid]
+ } else {set yoff 0}
+ $obj move [expr ($ax-$oax)-$xoff] [expr ($ay-$oay)-$yoff]
+ } else {
+ $obj move [expr {$x-$ox}] [expr {$y-$oy}]
+ }
+ #} else {
+ # puts "Canvas motion warning: trying to move non-Box explicitly"
+ #}
+ }
+def Canvas motion_imove {oldpos x y} {
+ mset {ox oy} $oldpos
+ if {$@keynav} {$@active draw}
+ if {[$@objectsel size] == 1} {
+ set obj [$@objectsel values]
+ set in_objs $obj
+ set out_objs $obj
+ } else {
+ if {![llength $@keynav_iosel_i] || ![llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} {
+ return
+ } else {
+ set obj [lindex $@keynav_iosel_i 0]
+ set in_objs $@keynav_iosel_i
+ set out_objs $@keynav_iosel_o
+ }
+ }
+ if {[[$obj class] <= Box]} {
+ if {[$obj class] == "Canvas"} {
+ if {[$obj gop]} {[$self widget] raise [list $obj [$obj visibles]]}
+ } else {
+ [$self widget] raise $obj
+ }
+ mset {type id detail} [$self identify_target $x $y 0]
+ if {$type == "wire"} {
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} [$id report]
+ $self disconnect [$id connects]
+ set from_idx [$@objects search $from]
+ set to_idx [$@objects search $to]
+ foreach obj $in_objs {
+ set obj3_idx [$@objects search $obj]
+ if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
+ set w1 [list $from_idx $outlet $obj3_idx $port]
+ if {[$@wires search $w1]<0} {$self connect $w1}
+ }
+ foreach obj $out_objs {
+ set obj3_idx [$@objects search $obj]
+ if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {set port 0} else {set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]}
+ set w2 [list $obj3_idx $port $to_idx $inlet]
+ if {[$@wires search $w2]<0} {$self connect $w2}
+ }
+ set @action move
+ }
+ foreach obj [$@objectsel values] {$obj move [expr $x-$ox] [expr $y-$oy]}
+ } else {
+ puts "Canvas motion warning: trying to move non-Box explicitly"
+ }
+def Canvas motion_edit {x y f} {
+ if {[distance [list $x $y] $@click_at] > 5} {
+ foreach obj [$@objectsel values] {
+ if {[[$obj class] <= Box]} {
+ $obj backupxy= [$obj xy]
+ } else {
+ puts "Canvas motion warning: trying to backup coordinates of non-Box"
+ }
+ }
+ if {$f == 9} {set @action imove} else {set @action move; $self motion_move $@click_at $x $y}
+ mset {ox oy} $@click_at
+ }
+def Canvas motion_checkhairtip {target x y} {
+ global tooltip
+ if {[$self look hairstate] && $@editmode} {
+ $@crosshair data= $x $y $target
+ $@crosshair draw
+ } else {
+ $@crosshair erase
+ }
+ if {[$self look tooltip]} {
+ if {$tooltip ne "" && ![$tooltip iserror] && [expr [distance [$tooltip curpos] [list $x $y]] > 10]} {
+ $tooltip delete
+ set tooltip ""
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas motion_iohilite2 {x y f} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set io [$self identify_closestio $x $y $f]
+ if {$io<0} {set @iohilite [list -1 0 0 0 0]; return}
+ foreach item {i o} {
+ set type_idx [string first $item $io]
+ set type [string index $io $type_idx]
+ set port [string range $io [expr $type_idx+1] end]
+ set object [string range $io 0 [expr $type_idx-1]]
+ if {$type_idx >= 0} {break}
+ }
+ mset {iox ioy} [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox $io]] $@zoom]
+ set @iohilite [list $object $iox $ioy $type $port]
+ $object hilite_io $type $iox $ioy
+ set @dehighlight [list $c delete ${io}b]
+def Canvas iohilite {} {return $@iohilite}
+def Canvas motion_iohilite {target x y} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ mset {type id detail} $target
+ if {[llength $@keynav_iosel_i] || [llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} {return}
+ if {$@editmode && [$id canvas] == $self} {
+ switch $type {
+ inlet {set io i}
+ outlet {set io o}
+ default {return}
+ }
+ set port [$id hilite_io $io $x $y]
+ set @dehighlight [list $c delete ${id}$io${port}b]
+ }
+# returns one of those five things:
+# object $id : the body of an object
+# inlet $id $inlet : an inlet of an object
+# outlet $id $outlet : an outlet of an object
+# wire $id : a wire
+# label $id : a label
+# nothing : nothing
+def Canvas identify_target {x y f} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set cx [expr $x*$@zoom]
+ set cy [expr $y*$@zoom]
+ set stack [$c find overlapping [expr $cx-2] [expr $cy-2] [expr $cx+2] [expr $cy+2]]
+ # reversing the stack is necessary for some things
+ # not reversing the stack is also necessary for some other things
+ # we have to figure out something.
+ set stack [lreverse $stack]
+ set target ""
+ foreach tag $stack {set target [$self target $x $y $f $tag]; if {[llength $target] > 1} {break}}
+ if {[llength $target] > 1} {return $target} {return [list "nothing"]}
+def Canvas target {x y f tag} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set cx [expr $x*$@zoom]
+ set cy [expr $y*$@zoom]
+ set tags [$c gettags $tag]
+ if {[regexp {^[xo][0-9a-f]{6,8}} $tags id]} {
+ # prior to Aug 15th, Wires had lower priority as all objects together
+ # now it's same priority, so just stacking order (and it's prolly wrong)
+ if {[$id classtags] == ""} {return [list "nothing"]}
+ set class [$id class]
+ if {[$self == $id]} {continue}
+ if {[$class <= Wire]} {if {$@action != "imove"} {return [list "wire" $id]}}
+ if {[$class <= Box]} {
+ if {$@action == "imove"} {
+ foreach tag $stack {
+ set tags2 [$c gettags $tag]
+ if {[regexp {^[xo][0-9a-f]{6,8}} $tags2 id2]} {
+ set class [$id2 class]
+ if {[$class == Wire]} {return [list "wire" $id2]}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$id bbox]
+ if {[regexp {^x[0-9a-f]{6,8}LABEL} $tags label]} {
+ if {$x>$x1 && $x<$x2 && $y>$y1 && $y<$y2} {
+ return [list "object" $id]
+ } else {
+ return [list "label" $id]
+ }
+ }
+ set outs [$id noutlets]
+ set ins [$id ninlets]
+ if {$y>=$y2-6 && $outs} {
+ set val [expr int(($x-$x1)*$outs/($x2-$x1))]
+ if {$val == $outs} {set val [expr $val-1]}
+ return [list "outlet" $id $val]
+ }
+ if {$y< $y1+2 && $ins} {
+ set val [expr int(($x-$x1)* $ins/($x2-$x1))]
+ if {$val == $ins} {set val [expr $val-1]}
+ return [list "inlet" $id $val]
+ }
+ return [list "object" $id]
+ }
+ #puts "skipped a $class"
+ }
+def Canvas identify_closestio {x y f} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set cx [expr {$x*$@zoom}]
+ set cy [expr {$y*$@zoom}]
+ set sense [$self pointer_sense]
+ set stack [$c find overlapping [expr {$cx-$sense}] [expr {$cy-$sense}]\
+ [expr {$cx+$sense}] [expr {$cy+$sense}]]
+ set stack [lreverse $stack]
+ set ios {}
+ set objs {}
+ foreach tag $stack {
+ set tags [$c gettags $tag]
+ if {[regexp {^[x][0-9a-f]{6,8}[oi][0-9]{1,3}} $tags io]} {
+ foreach item {i o} {
+ set type_idx [string first $item $io]
+ set object [string range $io 0 [expr $type_idx-1]]
+ if {$type_idx >= 0} {break}
+ }
+ if {[$object canvas] == $self} {lappend ios $io}
+ }
+ }
+ if {![llength $ios]} {return -1}
+ set mindist 66666
+ set idx 0; set i 0
+ foreach io $ios {
+ set point2 [rect_centre [$c bbox $io]]
+ set point1 [list $x $y]
+ set dist [distance $point2 $point1]
+ if {$dist < $mindist} {set mindist $dist; set idx $i}
+ incr i
+ }
+ return [lindex $ios $idx]
+def Canvas pointer_sense {} {return [$self look pointer_sense]}
+def Canvas pointer_sense= {sense} {
+ set ::look(Canvas:pointer_sense) $sense
+ mset {x y} $@curpos
+ $@sense flash $x $y $sense "red"
+class_new StatusBar {View} ;# no, using View is wrong here. View is for tk canvas item collections.
+def StatusBar widget {} {return .$@canvas.stat}
+def StatusBar addw {a b text args} {
+ set f [$self widget]
+ if {$text!=""} {
+ eval [concat [list pack [label $f.${a}_l -text $text -font {helvetica -10} -pady 0] -side left] $args]
+ }
+ label $f.$a -width $b -font {helvetica -10} -background #cccccc -foreground black -anchor w -pady 0
+ pack $f.$a -side left
+def StatusBar init {canvas} {
+ super
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set f [$self widget]
+ frame $f -border 1 -relief ridge
+ $self addw px 4 ""
+ $self addw py 4 ""
+ $self addw what 28 " " -fill x -expand yes
+ $self addw action 12 " Action: "
+ $self addw sel 3 " Sel: "
+ $self addw focus 10 " Focus: "
+def Canvas statusbar_draw {x y} {$@statusbar draw $x $y}
+def Canvas action {} {return $@action}
+def Canvas action= {action} {set @action $action}
+def Canvas zoom {} {return $@zoom}
+def StatusBar draw {x y} {
+ if {$x == "??"} {return}
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set f [$self widget]
+ set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
+ set x [expr [$c canvasx $x]/$zoom]
+ set y [expr [$c canvasy $y]/$zoom]
+ #set tags [$c gettags [lindex [$c find overlapping [expr $x-2] [expr $y-2] [expr $x+2] [expr $y+2]] end]]
+ set target [$@canvas identify_target $x $y -1]
+ mset {type id detail} $target
+ set t $target
+ switch -- $type {
+ object {
+ if {[info exists _($id:pdclass)]} {set class $_($id:pdclass)} {set class unknown}
+ append t " \[$class\]"
+ }
+ }
+ set action [$@canvas action]
+ if {[regexp ^o $action]} {set action [$action class]}
+ if {[string length [$@canvas focus]]} {set t "focus: [$@canvas focus]"}
+ $f.px configure -text [format "%4d" [expr round($x)]]
+ $f.py configure -text [format "%4d" [expr round($y)]]
+ $f.what configure -text $t
+ $f.action configure -text $action
+ $f.sel configure -text [llength [$@canvas selection]]
+ $f.focus configure -text [$@canvas focus]
+class_new FindModel {Thing}
+def FindModel init {canvas} {
+ set @orig_canvas $canvas
+ set @find_string ""
+ set @next_canvases $canvas
+ set @last_canvas 0
+ set @result ""
+ set @results {}
+ set @views {}
+ set @recursive 1
+ set @info ""
+def FindModel reinit {} {
+ set @next_canvases $@orig_canvas
+ set @last_canvas 0
+ set @result ""
+ set @results {}
+ $self remove_info
+def FindModel remove_info {} {
+ foreach view $@views {
+ set f [$view widget]
+ destroy $f.info_l; destroy $f.info
+ }
+def FindModel delete {} {foreach view $@views {destroy [$view widget]}; super}
+def FindModel find_string= {s} {set @find_string $s}
+def FindModel find_string {} {return $@find_string}
+def FindModel result= {s} {
+ $@orig_canvas deselect_all
+ $@orig_canvas selection= $s
+ set @result $s
+def FindModel result {} {return $@result}
+def FindModel views+ {view} {lappend @views $view}
+def FindModel views {} {return $@views}
+def FindModel end? {} {return $@end}
+def FindModel end= {v} {set @end 0}
+def FindModel search_recursive {} {
+ if {![llength $@next_canvases]} {$self end; return}
+ if {[llength $@results]} {$self result= [lindex $@results 0]; set @results [lreplace $@results 0 0];return}
+ while {$@last_canvas < [llength $@next_canvases]} {
+ set canvas [lindex $@next_canvases $@last_canvas]
+ if {[$self cache_results $canvas]} {
+ if {![winfo exists [$canvas widget]]} {$canvas popup_open} else {focus [$canvas widget]}
+ $self result= [lindex $@results 0]
+ set @results [lreplace $@results 0 0]
+ incr @last_canvas
+ return
+ } else {
+ incr @last_canvas
+ $self search_recursive
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ set old_canvases $@next_canvases
+ set @next_canvases {}
+ if {$@recursive} {
+ foreach canvas $old_canvases {foreach x [$canvas get_childcanvas] {lappend @next_canvases $x}}
+ } else {
+ set @next_canvases {}
+ }
+ set @last_canvas 0
+ $self search_recursive
+def FindModel end {} {
+ $self reinit
+ $@orig_canvas deselect_all
+ set @info " \"$@find_string\" not found"
+ foreach view $@views {
+ $view addw label "info" "info"
+ }
+def FindModel cache_results {canvas} {
+ set @results {}
+ foreach child [$@objects values] {
+ if {[string first $@find_string [$child text] 0] >= 0} {
+ lappend @results $child
+ }
+ }
+ if {[llength $@results]} {return 1} else {return 0}
+class_new FindView {FindModel} ;# no, using View is wrong here. View is for tk canvas item collections.
+def FindView widget {} {return .$@canvas.find}
+def FindView init {canvas} {
+ findmodel views+ $self
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set @break 0
+ set f [$self widget]
+ frame $f -border 1 -relief ridge
+ $self addw button "close" ""
+ $self addw text "find" "find"
+ $self addw checkbutton "recursive" "recursive"
+ if {[winfo exists .$@canvas.yscroll]} {set w .$@canvas.yscroll} else {set w .$@canvas.c}
+ pack $f -side bottom -fill x -before $w
+ set string [findmodel find_string]
+ if {$string != ""} {$f.find insert 0 $string}
+def FindView addw {type name label} {
+ set f [$self widget]
+ if {$label!=""} {
+ eval [concat [list pack [label $f.${label}_l -text ${label}: -font {helvetica -10} -pady 0] -side left]]
+ }
+ switch $type {
+ text {
+ entry $f.$name -width 10 -relief flat -bg white -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
+ bind $f.$name <Escape> "findmodel delete"
+ bind $f.$name <Return> "$self find"
+ }
+ checkbutton {
+ checkbutton $f.$name
+ if {$name == "recursive"} {$f.$name configure -variable _(findmodel:recursive)}
+ }
+ button {
+ button $f.$name -border 1 -command "findmodel delete" -image icon_close -width 9 -height 9
+ if {$name == "close"} {bind $f.$name <Return> "findmodel delete"}
+ }
+ label {label $f.$name -textvariable _(findmodel:info) -font {helvetica -10} -pady 0}
+ }
+ pack $f.$name -side left
+ bind $f.$name <Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward"
+def FindView find {} {
+ set f [$self widget]
+ findmodel find_string= [$f.find get]
+ findmodel search_recursive
+ focus .$@canvas.c
+def FindView traversal {k w direction} {
+ set f [$self widget]
+ if {$w == "$f.recursive"} {set next $f.close} else {set next [tk_focusNext $w]}
+ focus $next
+def Canvas check_findbar {} {
+ if {[info exists ::_(findmodel:_class)] && ![winfo exists .$self.find.find]} {FindView new $self}
+def Canvas get_childcanvas {} {
+ set canvases {}
+ foreach child [$@objects values] {if {[$child class] == "Canvas"} {lappend canvases $child}}
+ return $canvases
+def Canvas runcommand {} {$@runcommand pack_prompt}
+class_new Runcommand {Listener}
+def Runcommand canvas {} {return $@canvas}
+def Runcommand init {serf name command} {
+ set @history [History new 20]
+ set @serf ${serf}.run
+ set @command $command
+ set @expanded 0
+ set @canvas [string trimleft $serf "."]
+ set @defs {}
+ set @completions {}
+ set @comp_i 0
+ set @comp_s "666"
+ set @show_id 0
+ $self defs
+ set f $@serf
+ frame $f -border 1 -relief ridge
+ button $f.close -border 1 -command "$self unpack_prompt" -image icon_close -width 9 -height 9
+ bind $f.close <Return> "$self unpack_prompt"
+ pack $f.close -side left
+ bind $f.close <Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward"
+ label $f.cmd_l -text Command: -font {helvetica -10} -pady 0
+ pack $f.cmd_l -side left
+ entry $f.entry -width 30 -relief flat -bg white -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0
+ bind $f.entry <Escape> "$self unpack_prompt"
+ bind $f.entry <Control-g> "$self unpack_prompt"
+ bind $f.entry <Return> "$self eval"
+ bind $f.entry <Up> "$self scroll_history +1"
+ bind $f.entry <Down> "$self scroll_history -1"
+ bind $f.entry <Control-p> "$self scroll_history +1"
+ bind $f.entry <Control-n> "$self scroll_history -1"
+ bind $f.entry <Tab> "$self completion +"
+ switch $::tcl_platform(os) {
+ Linux {bind $f.entry <ISO_Left_Tab> "$self completion -"}
+ default {bind $f.entry <Shift-Tab> "$self completion -"}
+ }
+ pack $f.entry -side left -fill x -expand yes
+ bind $f.entry <Control-Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward"
+def Runcommand pack_prompt {} {
+ set f $@serf
+ set @show_id [$@canvas show_id]
+ if {!$@show_id} {$@canvas show_id= 1}
+ if {[winfo exists .$@canvas.yscroll]} {set w .$@canvas.yscroll} else {set w .$@canvas.c}
+ pack $f -side bottom -fill x -before $w
+ focus $f.entry
+def Runcommand unpack_prompt {} {
+ if {!$@show_id} {$@canvas show_id= 0}
+ pack forget $@serf
+ focus [$@canvas widget]
+def Runcommand traversal {k w direction} {
+ set f $@serf
+ if {$w == "$f.entry"} {set next $f.close} else {set next [tk_focusNext $w]}
+ focus $next
+def Runcommand eval {} {
+ set f $@serf
+ if {[winfo exists $f.completion]} {
+ set l [string range $@comp 0 [expr [string first ":" $@comp 0]-1]]
+ $self replace $l
+ destroy $f.completion
+ return
+ }
+ #$self unpack_prompt
+ super
+ $self unpack_prompt
+def Runcommand defs {} {
+ set name [$@canvas class]
+ set len [string length ${name}_]
+ foreach def [$name methods] {lappend @defs $def}
+def Runcommand completion {which} {
+ set f $@serf
+ set text [$f.entry get]
+ if {$text != $@comp_s} {
+ set @comp_s $text
+ set @completions {}
+ set @comp_i 0
+ foreach def $@defs {if {[regexp ^$@comp_s $def]} {lappend @completions $def}}
+ }
+ if {![llength $@completions]} return
+ set def [lindex $@completions $@comp_i]
+ set args [$@canvas args $def]
+ if {[lindex $args 0] == "self"} {
+ set args2 [lreplace $args 0 0]
+ } else {
+ set args2 $args
+ }
+ if {![llength $args2]} {set args2 "none"}
+ set @comp [join [list $def ":" $args2]]
+ if {$which == "+"} {
+ set @comp_i [expr ($@comp_i+1)%[llength $@completions]]
+ } else {
+ set @comp_i [expr $@comp_i-1]
+ if {$@comp_i<0} {set @comp_i [expr [llength $@completions]-1]}
+ }
+ if {![winfo exists $f.completion]} {
+ label $f.completion -textvariable _($self:comp) -pady 0
+ pack $f.completion -side right
+ }
+def Thing args {def} {
+ set class [$self class]
+ set ancestors [$class ancestors]
+ set name ${class}_$def
+ set n 0
+ foreach class $ancestors {
+ set name ${class}_$def
+ if {[info exists ::__args($name)]} {break}
+ }
+ return $::__args($name)
+def Canvas visible_rect {} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set height [winfo height $c]
+ set width [winfo width $c]
+ if {$width == 1 && $height == 1} {set height 300; set width 450}
+ mset {l r} [$c xview]
+ mset {t b} [$c yview]
+ if {$l == $r} {set l 0; set r 1}
+ if {$t == $b} {set t 0; set b 1}
+ set w [expr $width / ($r - $l)]
+ set h [expr $height / ($b - $t)]
+ mset {l2 r2} [lmap * [list $l $r] $w]
+ mset {t2 b2} [lmap * [list $t $b] $h]
+ return [list $l2 $t2 $r2 $b2]
+def Canvas clipboard_coords {offset} {
+ set in 0
+ foreach mess [pd_mess_split [$::clipboard value]] {
+ set type [lindex $mess 1]
+ switch $type {
+ canvas {set in 1} "" {} connect {}
+ default {
+ if {$type == "restore"} {set in 0}
+ mset {x y} [lmap + [lrange $mess 2 3] $offset]
+ if {!$in} {lappend xcoords $x; lappend ycoords $y}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [list $xcoords $ycoords]
+def Canvas paste_visible? {x1 y1 x2 y2 offset} {
+ set in 0
+ foreach mess [pd_mess_split [$::clipboard value]] {
+ set type [lindex $mess 1]
+ switch $type {
+ canvas {set in 1} "" {} connect {}
+ default {
+ if {$type == "restore"} {set in 0}
+ mset {x y} [lmap + [lrange $mess 2 3] $offset]
+ if {!$in} {
+ if {$x > $x2 || $x < $x1} {return 0}
+ if {$y > $y2 || $y < $y1} {return 0}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 1
+def Canvas copy_times= {c} {set @copy_count $c}
+def Canvas copy_times {} {return $@copy_count}
+def Canvas copy {} {
+ global clipboard obj_index_sel
+ if {![$@objectsel size]} {return}
+ $clipboard value= ""
+ $self copy_times= 1
+ array unset obj_index_sel $self:*
+ set j 0
+ foreach i [lsort -integer [$@objectsel keys]] {
+ set child [$@objectsel get $i]
+ #set obj_index_sel($self:$child) [$@objectsel search $child]
+ set obj_index_sel($self:$child) $j; incr j
+ $child deconstruct_to $clipboard
+ }
+ foreach wire [$@wiresel values] {
+ if {[array names obj_index_sel $self:[$wire from]] == ""} {continue}
+ if {[array names obj_index_sel $self:[$wire to ]] == ""} {continue}
+ $wire deconstruct_to $clipboard $self
+ }
+def Canvas paste {} {
+ if {[$self look snap_grid]} {set offset [$self look grid_size]} {set offset 15}
+ $self do_paste [expr [$self copy_times] * $offset]
+ $self copy_times= [expr [$self copy_times] + 1]
+def Canvas do_paste {offset} {
+ set in 0
+ $self deselect_all
+ netsend [list .$self "push"]
+ foreach mess [pd_mess_split [$::clipboard value]] {
+ set type [lindex $mess 1]
+ if {$type == "restore"} {incr in -1}
+ if {!$in} {set with [list $self new_object_copyselect]} else {set with ""}
+ switch $type {
+ "" {}
+ canvas {incr in; netsend $mess}
+ connect {
+ if {$with != ""} {set with [list $self new_wire_select]}
+ netsend $mess $with}
+ default {netsend [$self paste_coords $mess $offset] $with}
+ }
+ }
+ netsend [list #X pop 1]
+def Canvas paste_coords {mess offset} {
+ set x [lindex $mess 2]; set y [lindex $mess 3]
+ mset {vx1 vy1 vx2 vy2} [$self visible_rect]
+ mset {xcoords ycoords} [$self clipboard_coords $offset]
+ set visible [$self paste_visible? $vx1 $vy1 $vx2 $vy2 $offset]
+ set ref [lsearch $ycoords [lindex [lsort -real -increasing $ycoords] 0]]
+ if {!$visible} {
+ set xoff [expr ($vx2 - $vx1) * 0.25]
+ set yoff [expr ($vy2 - $vy1) * 0.25]
+ set x2 [expr [lindex $mess 2] - [lindex $xcoords $ref] + $vx1 + $xoff]
+ set y2 [expr [lindex $mess 3] - [lindex $ycoords $ref] + $vy1 + $yoff]
+ return [lreplace $mess 2 3 $x2 $y2]
+ } else {
+ puts "\t \t [expr $x+$offset] [expr $y+$offset] <<<<<"
+ return [lreplace $mess 2 3 [expr $x+$offset] [expr $y+$offset]]
+ }
+def Canvas cut {} {
+ $@history atomically [list cut] {
+ $self copy
+ $self delete_selection
+ }
+def Canvas duplicate {} {
+ if {[$self look snap_grid]} {set off [$self look grid_size]} {set off 15}
+ $self do_duplicate $off
+def Canvas do_duplicate {offset} {
+ global clipboard
+ set backup $clipboard
+ set clipboard [Clipboard2 new]
+ $self copy
+ $self do_paste $offset
+ $clipboard delete
+ set clipboard $backup
+def Canvas mouse_copy {} {
+ $self do_duplicate 0
+def Canvas select_all {} {
+ $self editmode= 1
+ eval [concat [list $@objectsel reinit] [$@objects list]]
+ eval [concat [list $@wiresel reinit] [ $@wires list]]
+def Canvas deselect_all {} {
+ #$self editmode= 1
+ $@objectsel clear
+ $@wiresel clear
+def Canvas popup_help {} {$::main class_browser}
+def Canvas popup_open {} {
+ #$self init_window
+ #set @mapped 1
+ if {[winfo exists [$self widget]]} {raise .$self; return}
+ netsend [list .$self vis 1]
+ #$self init_window
+ #$self redraw
+def Canvas popup {id x y} {
+ set p .$self.popup
+ catch {destroy $p}
+ menu $p -tearoff false
+ if {$id == $self} {
+ $self populate_menu $p {popup_properties popup_help}
+ } elseif {[$id class] == "Wire"} {
+ $id populate_menu $p {popup_insert}
+ } else {
+ $id populate_menu $p {popup_properties popup_open popup_help
+ popup_clear_wires popup_remove_from_path popup_delete_from_path popup_copy_id}
+ }
+ tk_popup $p [expr $x-5] [expr $y-5]
+def View popup_copy_id {} {
+ clipboard clear
+ clipboard append $self
+def Canvas disconnect {wire} {
+ set @keynav_tab_sel "wire"
+ set id [$@wires get [$self wire_idx $wire]]
+ if {$id == $@keynav_current || $id == $@keynav_last_wire} {
+ set @keynav_current 0
+ set @keynav_last_wire 0
+ }
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire
+ netsend [list .$self disconnect $from $outlet $to $inlet]
+ $@history add [list $self connect $wire]
+def Canvas connect {wire {callback ""}} {
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} $wire
+ netsend [list .$self connect $from $outlet $to $inlet] $callback
+ $@history add [list $self disconnect $wire]
+def Canvas clear_wires_of {obj} {
+ if {![llength [$obj ioselect]]} {
+ set port 0; set type "none"
+ } else {
+ set port [lindex [$obj ioselect] 0]
+ set type [lindex [$obj ioselect] 1]
+ }
+ foreach wire [$obj wires2] {
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} [$wire report]
+ switch $type {
+ i {if { $to==$obj && $inlet==$port} {$self disconnect [$wire connects]; if { !$inlet} {lappend @auto_wire_from $from}}}
+ o {if {$from==$obj && $outlet==$port} {$self disconnect [$wire connects]; if {!$outlet} {lappend @auto_wire_to $to }}}
+ none {
+ $self disconnect [$wire connects]
+ if {$from==$obj && !$outlet} {lappend @auto_wire_to $to }
+ if { $to==$obj && ! $inlet} {lappend @auto_wire_from $from}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas clear_wires {} {
+ set @auto_wire_to {}; set @auto_wire_from {}
+ if {[$@objectsel size] == 1} {
+ set objs [$@objectsel values]
+ } else {
+ if {![llength $@keynav_iosel_i] && ![llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} {return}
+ set objs [list $@keynav_iosel_i $@keynav_iosel_o]
+ }
+ foreach obj $objs {$self clear_wires_of $obj}
+def Canvas reconnect {} {
+ foreach from $@auto_wire_from {
+ set idx1 [$@objects search $from]
+ foreach to $@auto_wire_to {
+ set idx2 [$@objects search $to]
+ set wire [list $idx1 0 $idx2 0]
+ if {[$self wire_idx $wire] < 0} {$self connect $wire}
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas delete_obj_from_path {} {$self clear_wires; $self reconnect; $self delete_selection}
+def Canvas remove_obj_from_path {} {$self clear_wires; $self reconnect}
+def Canvas wire_idx {connects} {
+ foreach {idx x} [$@wires list] {
+ if {[string compare [join $connects] [join [$x connects]]] == 0} {return $idx}
+ }
+ return -1
+def Canvas reconnect_brkwires {type brk_quads obj} {
+ set k [$@objects search $obj]
+ foreach quad $brk_quads {
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} $quad
+ set orig_outlet $outlet; set orig_inlet $inlet
+ switch $type {
+ i {set orig_obj $to; set to $k; set inlet 0}
+ o {set orig_obj $from; set from $k; set outlet 0}
+ }
+ netsend [list .$self connect $from $outlet $to $inlet]
+ }
+ if {$type == "i"} {
+ netsend [list .$self connect $k 0 $orig_obj $orig_inlet]
+ } else {
+ netsend [list .$self connect $orig_obj $orig_outlet $k 0]
+ }
+ $self new_object_callback $obj
+def Canvas expand_port {type k port} {
+ set obj [$@objects get $k]
+ mset {bx1 by1 bx2 by2} [$obj io_bbox $type $port]
+ mset {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [$obj bbox]
+ mset ys [expr $oy2-$oy1]
+ mset {brk_wires brk_quads} [$self broken_wires $type $k $port $self]
+ switch $type {
+ i {mset {nx ny} [$self xy_snap $bx1 [expr $by1-25]]}
+ o {mset {nx ny} [$self xy_snap $bx1 [expr $by1+$ys+25]]}
+ }
+ foreach quad $brk_quads {$self disconnect $quad}
+ set reply [list $self reconnect_brkwires $type $brk_quads]
+ netsend [concat [list .$self obj $nx $ny] t a] $reply
+def Canvas outlet_expand {k outlet} {set reconnect [$self broken_wires o $k $inlet]}
+def Canvas implicit_wires {objs} {
+ set l {}; set h $@objects
+ foreach obj $objs {
+ set k [$h search $obj]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [$obj ninlets]} {incr i} {
+ set ws [$self com_wires i $k $i]; if {[llength $ws]} {foreach w $ws {lappend l $w}}
+ }
+ for {set o 0} {$o < [$obj noutlets]} {incr o} {
+ set ws [$self com_wires o $k $o]; if {[llength $ws]} {foreach w $ws {lappend l $w}}
+ }
+ }
+ #return [lsort -integer -unique $l]
+ return [lsort -unique $l]
+def Canvas com_wires {type k port} {
+ set h $@objectsel; set obj [$@objects get $k]; set wires [$obj wires2]; set l {}
+ foreach wire $wires {
+ mset {f2 o2 t2 i2} [$wire connects]
+ if {$t2==$k && $i2==$port && $type=="i" && [$h exists $f2]} {lappend l $wire}
+ if {$f2==$k && $o2==$port && $type=="o" && [$h exists $t2]} {lappend l $wire}
+ }
+ return $l
+def Canvas broken_wires {type k port canvas} {
+ set shash [$canvas objectsel]
+ set obj [[$canvas objects] get $k]
+ set wires [$obj wires2]; set brk_wires {}; set quads {}
+ foreach wire $wires {
+ mset {f2 o2 t2 i2} [$wire connects]
+ if {$t2==$k && $i2==$port && $type=="i" && ![$shash exists $f2]} {
+ lappend brk_wires $wire; lappend quads [$wire connects]
+ }
+ if {$f2==$k && $o2==$port && $type=="o" && ![$shash exists $t2]} {
+ lappend brk_wires $wire; lappend quads [$wire connects]
+ }
+ }
+ return [list $brk_wires $quads]
+def Canvas selection_center {} {
+ set x 0; set y 0
+ foreach obj [$@objectsel values] {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$obj xy]
+ incr x $x1
+ incr y $y1
+ }
+ set n [$@objectsel size]
+ set x [expr $x / $n]
+ set y [expr $y / $n]
+ return [list $x $y]
+# translate the key/idx in $@objects to key/idx in $@objectsel
+def Canvas idx_map {idx} {
+ set i 0; set obj [$@objects get $idx]
+ foreach sobj [$@objectsel values] {if {$obj == $sobj} {return $i}; incr i}
+ return -1
+def Canvas subpatcherize_mkio {center iolist offset} {
+ mset {x y} $center; set inx 0; set outx 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $iolist]} {incr i} {
+ mset {type io port dsp} [lindex $iolist $i]
+ if {$type == "i"} {
+ if {$dsp} {set inlet "inlet~"} {set inlet "inlet"}
+ netsend [list #X obj [expr ($inx+1)*100] 0 $inlet]
+ netsend [list #X connect $offset 0 $io $port]
+ incr inx
+ } else {
+ if {$dsp} {set outlet "outlet~"} {set outlet "outlet"}
+ netsend [list #X obj [expr ($outx+1)*100] [expr $y*2] $outlet]
+ netsend [list #X connect $io $port $offset 0]
+ incr outx
+ }
+ incr offset
+ }
+def Canvas subpatcherize_iopos {orig io} {
+ set tab {}; set result {}
+ for {set x 0} {$x < [llength $orig]} {incr x} {
+ mset {from k1 io1 dsp} [lindex $orig $x]; mset {k2 io2} [lindex $io $x]
+ set obj1 [$@objects get $k1]
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$obj1 io_bbox $from $io1]; set x1 [expr int($x1)]
+ lappend pos $x1; lappend tab [list $k1 $x1 [list $k2 $io2 $dsp]]
+ #lappend pos $x1; lappend tab [list $k1 $x1 [list $k2 $io2]]
+ }
+ set tab [lsort -index 1 -real $tab]; set foo ""
+ foreach item $tab {mset {k1 val foo2} $item; if {$foo2 != $foo} {lappend result $foo2}; set foo $foo2}
+ return $result
+def Canvas subpatcherize {} {
+ set center [$self selection_center]
+ set rewire_off [llength [$@objectsel values]]
+ set ins {}; set outs {}; set toins {}; set fromouts {}; set broken {}; set iolist {}
+ foreach obj [$@objectsel values] {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [$obj ninlets]} {incr i} {
+ mset {brk_wires brk_quads} [$self broken_wires i [$@objects search $obj] $i $self]
+ if {[llength $brk_wires]} {
+ foreach wire $brk_quads {
+ set out_obj_name [[$@objects get [lindex $wire 0]] text]
+ if {[regexp {~} $out_obj_name]} {set dsp 1} {set dsp 0}
+ lappend broken [concat i $wire $dsp]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for {set o 0} {$o < [$obj noutlets]} {incr o} {
+ mset {brk_wires brk_quads} [$self broken_wires o [$@objects search $obj] $o $self]
+ if {[llength $brk_wires]} {
+ foreach wire $brk_quads {
+ set out_obj_name [[$@objects get [lindex $wire 0]] text]
+ if {[regexp {~} $out_obj_name]} {set dsp 1} {set dsp 0}
+ lappend broken [concat o $wire $dsp]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # $broken stores totall number of broken connections, i= need [inlet] o = need [outlet]
+ foreach c $broken {
+ mset {type f o t i dsp} $c
+ if {$type == "i"} {
+ lappend ins [list $t $i];lappend toins [list o $f $o $dsp]
+ } else {
+ lappend outs [list $f $o]; lappend fromouts [list i $t $i $dsp]
+ }
+ }
+ # figures out the inlet/outlet positioning and num of in/outlet to create
+ set ins [$self subpatcherize_iopos $toins $ins]
+ set outs [$self subpatcherize_iopos $fromouts $outs]
+ # iolist stores in/outlets to be conected inside the subpatch
+ foreach in $ins {mset {idx p dsp} $in; lappend iolist [list i [$self idx_map $idx] $p $dsp]}
+ foreach out $outs {mset {idx p dsp} $out; lappend iolist [list o [$self idx_map $idx] $p $dsp]}
+ puts "\t \t Cutting..............."
+ $self cut
+ puts "\t \t Push.................."
+ netsend [list .$self "push"]
+ netsend [list #N canvas 0 0 450 300 sub 0] [list $self subpatcherize_id]
+ puts "\t \t Push clipboard........"
+ foreach mess [pd_mess_split [$::clipboard value]] {netsend $mess}
+ #creating in/outlets
+ $self subpatcherize_mkio $center $iolist $rewire_off
+ #netsend [list [concat #X restore $center pd sub]]
+ netsend [concat #X restore $center pd sub]
+ puts "\t \t Pop..................."
+ netsend [list .$self "pop"] [list $self subpatcherize_rewire $broken $ins $outs]
+def Canvas subpatcherize_id {id} {set @subpatcherize_id $id}
+def Canvas subpatcherize_rewire {wires inlist outlist bogus} {
+ set obj $@subpatcherize_id
+ foreach wire $wires {
+ mset {type f o t i dsp} $wire
+ if {$type == "i"} {
+ set idx [lsearch $inlist [list $t $i $dsp]]
+ $self connect [list $f $o [$@objects search $obj] $idx]
+ } else {
+ set idx [lsearch $outlist [list $f $o $dsp]]
+ $self connect [list [$@objects search $obj] $idx $t $i]
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas end_action {} {
+ switch -- $@action {
+ none {post "ending action 'none' makes no sense"}
+ default {$@action delete; set @action "none"}
+ }
+proc shift? {f} {return [expr $f&1]}
+proc ctrl? {f} {return [expr $f&2]}
+proc alt? {f} {return [expr $f&4]}
+proc button_of {f} {
+# set f [expr $f>>8]
+# set b 1
+# while {[expr $f&1==0} {set f [expr $f>>1]}
+# return $f
+ return [expr $f>>8]
+class_new FutureWire {View}
+def FutureWire init {canvas x y f target} {
+ super
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ mset {type from port} $target
+ switch $type {
+ outlet {
+ set @from $from; set @outlet $port
+ set @to "" ; set @inlet ""
+ set port_name ${from}o${port}
+ }
+ inlet {
+ set @from "" ; set @outlet ""
+ set @to $from; set @inlet $port
+ set port_name ${from}i${port}
+ }
+ }
+ mset {x y} [lmap / [rect_centre [[$@canvas widget] bbox $port_name]] [$@canvas zoom]]
+ set @x1 $x
+ set @y1 $y
+ $self motion $@x1 $@y1 $f $target
+def FutureWire motion {x y f target} {
+ set @x2 $x
+ set @y2 $y
+ mset [list type foo bar] $target
+ $self draw
+def FutureWire unclick {x y f target} {
+ mset [list type foo bar] $target
+ mset {obj iox ioy io idx} [$@canvas iohilite]
+ if {$obj != -1} {
+ switch $io {i {set type "inlet"} o {set type "outlet"}}
+ set target [list $type $obj $idx]
+ }
+ switch $type {
+ outlet {mset [list type @from @outlet] $target}
+ inlet {mset [list type @to @inlet] $target}
+ default {}
+ }
+ set from_idx [[$@canvas objects] search $@from]
+ set to_idx [[$@canvas objects] search $@to]
+ if {$from_idx >= 0 && $to_idx >= 0 && $@from != $@to} {
+ $@canvas connect [list $from_idx $@outlet $to_idx $@inlet]
+ }
+ if {![shift? $f]} {$@canvas end_action}
+def FutureWire draw {} {
+ $self item WIRE line [xys $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2] -dash {4 4 4 4} -fill [$self look dash] -smooth yes
+class_new GopRect {View}
+def GopRect init {canvas rect} {
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set @rect $rect
+def GopRect draw {} {
+ $self item GOPRECT rectangle $@rect -outline [$self look fg]
+class_new SelRect {View}
+def SelRect init {canvas x y bf target} {
+ super
+ set @x1 $x
+ set @y1 $y
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ $self motion $x $y 0 $target
+def SelRect motion {x y f target} {
+ set @x2 $x
+ set @y2 $y
+ $self draw
+def SelRect unclick {x y f target} {
+ $self motion $x $y 0 $target
+ set sel {}
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [lmap * [list $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2] [$@canvas zoom]]
+ set sel [$c find overlapping $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]
+ set selrect_index [lsearch $sel [$c find withtag selrect]]
+ set sel [lreplace $sel $selrect_index $selrect_index]
+ if {[llength $sel]} {
+ set objects {}
+ #set wires {}
+ foreach tag $sel {
+ if {[regexp {^[xo]?[0-9a-f]{6,8}} [$c gettags $tag] id]} {
+ if {[$@canvas == $id]} {continue}
+ if {[[$id class] <= Box]} {lappend objects $id}
+ #elseif {[[$id class] <= Wire]} {lappend wires $id}
+ }
+ }
+ set objects [lsort -unique $objects]
+ #set wires [lsort -unique $wires]
+ set objects2 {}
+ #so that objects in gop won't get selected...
+ foreach obj $objects {if {[$obj canvas] == $@canvas} {lappend objects2 $obj}}
+ $@canvas selection+= $objects2
+ #$@canvas selection_wire+= $wires
+ }
+ $@canvas selection_wire+= [$@canvas implicit_wires $objects]
+ set _($@canvas:keynav_tab_sel) "wire"
+ $@canvas end_action
+def SelRect draw {} {
+ $self item RECT line [list $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2 $@x1 $@y2 $@x1 $@y1] \
+ -fill [$self look rect] -dash {3 3 3 3} -dashoffset 3
+def Canvas click {x y f target} {
+ if {[winfo exists .completion]} {
+ raise .completion
+ focus .completion.comp
+ return
+ }
+ mset {type id detail} $target
+ set c [$self widget]
+ focus $c
+ set @click_at [list $x $y]
+ if {$f&8} {if {$id == ""} {set id $self}; $self right_click $id $x $y; return}
+ if {!$@editmode} {$self click_runmode $id $x $y $f $target; return}
+ set in_selection [expr [$@objectsel search $id]>=0]
+ switch $@action {
+ mouse_copy {$self move_selection}
+ }
+ switch $type {
+ outlet {}
+ inlet {}
+ object {$self click_on_object $id $f}
+ wire {$self click_on_wire $id $f $x $y}
+ nothing {
+ #$self deselect_all
+ if {[lindex $@iohilite 0] == -1} {
+ $self click_on_nothing $f $target $x $y
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ label {$self click_on_object $id $f}
+ default {error "BORK: $type"}
+ }
+ if {$@iohilite != "" && $type != "wire"} {
+ mset {obj iox ioy io idx} $@iohilite
+ if {$obj < 0} {return}
+ switch $io {
+ i {set type "inlet"}
+ o {set type "outlet"}
+ }
+ if {$@action == "none" && [$obj canvas] == $self} {
+ set @action [FutureWire new $self $iox $ioy $f [list $type $obj $idx]]
+ }
+ return
+ }
+def Canvas click_runmode {id x y f target} {
+ foreach obj [$self selection] {if {[[$obj class] <= AtomBox]} {$obj unedit}}
+ $self deselect_all
+ #if {$@focus != ""} {if {[[$@focus class] <= TextBox]} {$self selection-= $@focus;$@focus unedit}}
+ if {[llength $id]} {
+ if {[$id class] != "Canvas"} {
+ $id click $x $y $f $target
+ } else {
+ if {[$id subpatch]} {
+ if {![$id mapped]} {$id popup_open} else {if {![$id gop]} {raise .$id}}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas click_on_object {id f} {
+ set c [$self widget]; set text $c.${id}text
+ # so that if one clicks on the objectbox when editing the objectname, the focus won't get lost
+ if {[winfo exists $text]} {focus $text; return}
+ switch [expr $f&255] {
+ 0 {
+ if {[$self action] == "mouse_copy"} {$self action= "none"; return}
+ # if $id is the content of GOP
+ if {[$id canvas] != $self} {
+ set obj [$id get_parent_gop $self]
+ } else {set obj $id}
+ if {[$@objectsel search $obj] < 0 || [$@objectsel size] == 0} {
+ $self deselect_all
+ $self selection+= $obj
+ set @action edit
+ } else {set @action edit}
+ }
+ 1 {
+ if {[$@objectsel search $id] < 0} {
+ $self selection+= $id
+ } else {
+ $self selection-= $id
+ }
+ }
+ 2 {
+ if {![llength [$id wires2]]} {return}
+ $self deselect_all
+ $self selection+= $id
+ $self remove_obj_from_path
+ }
+ 3 {
+ if {[$id canvas] != $self} {
+ set obj [$id get_parent_gop $self]
+ } else {set obj $id}
+ if {![$@objectsel size]} {$self selection+= $obj}
+ if {[$@objectsel search $obj] < 0} {
+ $self deselect_all
+ $self selection+= $obj
+ }
+ $self action= "mouse_copy"
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas click_on_wire {id f x y} {
+ set obj_selection [$self selection]
+ if {[llength $obj_selection]} {$self selection-= $obj_selection}
+ set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
+ switch [expr $f&255] {
+ 0 {$self selection_wire= $id}
+ 1 {$self selection_wire+= $id}
+ 2 {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set wire [$id connects]
+ $self disconnect $wire
+ set from [$@objects get [lindex $wire 0]]; set outlet [lindex $wire 1]
+ set to [$@objects get [lindex $wire 2]]; set inlet [lindex $wire 3]
+ set opos [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox ${from}o${outlet}]] [$self zoom]]
+ set ipos [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox ${to}i${inlet}]] [$self zoom]]
+ set pos [list $x $y]
+ if {[distance $pos $opos] > [distance $pos $ipos]} {
+ mset {x1 y1} $ipos
+ set target [list outlet $from $outlet]
+ } else {
+ mset {x1 y1} $opos
+ set target [list inlet $to $inlet]
+ }
+ set @action [FutureWire new $self $x1 $y1 $f $target]
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas click_on_nothing {f target x y} {
+ # this cget check actually saves a full tk redraw
+ if {[[$self widget] cget -cursor] != {}} {[$self widget] configure -cursor {}}
+ if {$@focus != ""} {if {[[$@focus class] <= TextBox]} {$@focus unedit}}
+ if {$@action == "insert"} {return}
+ if {![expr $f&255]} {
+ $self deselect_all
+ #$self click_deselect_io
+ }
+ switch $@action {
+ edit {}
+ move {}
+ none {}
+ insert {}
+ chain_obj {}
+ imove {}
+ mouse_copy {}
+ default {$@action unclick $x $y $f $target}
+ }
+ set @action [SelRect new $self $x $y $f $target]
+def Canvas right_click {id x y} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set @insert_x $x; set @insert_y $y
+ if {$id != $self} {set id [$self gop_target $id]}
+ $self popup $id [winfo pointerx $c] [winfo pointery $c]
+def Canvas unclick {x y f target} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ mset {type id detail} $target
+ if {$@editmode} {
+ switch $@action {
+ edit {
+ if {[$id canvas] != $self} {
+ set obj [$id get_parent_gop $self]
+ } else {set obj $id}
+ if {[$id class] == "Canvas"} {if {[$id text] == "graph"} {set @action none; return}}
+ set focus [$self focus]
+ if {$focus != ""} {if {[[$focus class] <= TextBox]} {$focus unedit}}
+ $obj edit; set @action none; $obj changed action
+ }
+ move {$self unclick_move}
+ none {}
+ insert {}
+ chain_obj {}
+ mouse_copy {$self mouse_copy}
+ imove {$self unclick_move}
+ default {$@action unclick $x $y $f $target}
+ }
+ } else {$self unclick_runmode $target $f $x $y}
+ $self adjust_scrollbars
+ #$self checkgeometry
+def Canvas unclick_move {} {
+ $self move_selection
+ set @action none
+def Canvas move_selection {} {
+ foreach obj [$@objectsel values] {
+ if {![[$obj class] <= Box]} {
+ puts "Canvas unclick warning: trying to move non-Box explicitly"
+ continue
+ }
+ mset {x1 y1} [$obj xy]
+ switch $@action {
+ mouse_copy {}
+ default {$obj position= [$obj backupxy]}
+ }
+ $obj moveto $x1 $y1
+ if {[$obj edit?]} {focus [[$obj canvas] widget].${obj}text}
+ }
+ set objs [$@objectsel values]
+def Canvas unclick_runmode {target f x y} {
+ if {[$self focus] != ""} {[$self focus] unclick $x $y $f $target}
+ mset {type id detail} $target
+ if {$id != ""} {
+ if {[$id class] == "Array"} {$id unclick $x $y $f $target; return}
+ }
+def Canvas get_bbox {} {return $@bbox}
+if {$have_expand} {
+ def Canvas notice {origin args} {$self child_changed $origin {expand}$args}
+} else {
+ def Canvas notice {origin args} {eval [concat [list $self child_changed $origin] $args]}
+def Canvas tab_jump {} {
+ if {![$@objects size]} {return}
+ set @keynav 1
+ set olength [$@objectsel size]
+ set wlength [ $@wiresel size]
+ if {$@keynav_tab_sel == "object"} {
+ if {[$@wires size]} {set @keynav_tab_sel "wire"}
+ } else {
+ set @keynav_tab_sel "object"
+ }
+ switch $@keynav_tab_sel {
+ object {$self tab_jump_object}
+ wire {$self tab_jump_wire}
+ }
+def Canvas tab_jump_wire {} {
+ # if no selection done by the mouse
+ if {![$@wiresel size]} {
+ # see if the selected object has wire, if yes, use it
+ # if keynav_current is already a wire, do nothing
+ if {[$@keynav_current class] != "Wire"} {
+ #use the last key selected wire as start if there is one
+ if {$@keynav_last_wire != 0} {
+ $self deselect_all
+ set @keynav_current $@keynav_last_wire
+ } else {
+ if {[llength [$@keynav_current wires2]]} {
+ $self deselect_all
+ set @keynav_current [lindex [$@keynav_current wires2] 0]
+ set @keynav_last_wire $@keynav_current
+ } else {
+ # check if the canvas has wires, if yes, use it
+ if {[$@wires size]} {
+ $self deselect_all
+ set @keynav_current [lindex [$@wires values] 0]
+ set @keynav_last_wire $@keynav_current
+ } else {return}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $self selection_wire= $@keynav_current
+def Canvas tab_jump_object {} {
+ set olength [$@objectsel size]
+ # if there is no selection done by mouse
+ if {!$olength} {
+ # if keynav_current is 0, aka the start of key navigation
+ if {$@keynav_current == 0} {
+ if {[$@objects size]} {set @keynav_current [lindex [$@objects values] 0]} else {return}
+ } else {
+ # if the keynav_current is a wire, set keynav_current to a object
+ if {[$@keynav_current class] == "Wire"} {
+ set @keynav_last $@keynav_current
+ $self deselect_all
+ # use the last key selected obj as the start if there is one
+ if {$@keynav_last_obj != 0} {
+ set @keynav_current $@keynav_last_obj
+ } else {
+ set @keynav_current [lindex [$@keynav_current report] 0]
+ set @keynav_last_obj $@keynav_current
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elseif {$olength == 1} {
+ set @keynav_current [lindex [$@objectsel values] 0]
+ $self deselect_all
+ } else {
+ $self deselect_all
+ set @keynav_current [$@objects get 0]
+ set @keynav_last_obj $@keynav_current
+ }
+ $self selection= $@keynav_current
+def Canvas key_nav_up {} {$self key_nav +1 -1 0}
+def Canvas key_nav_down {} {$self key_nav -1 +1 0}
+def Canvas key_nav_right {} {$self key_nav -1 -1 0}
+def Canvas key_nav_left {} {$self key_nav +1 +1 0}
+def Canvas key_nav_up_shift {} {$self key_nav +1 -1 1}
+def Canvas key_nav_down_shift {} {$self key_nav -1 +1 1}
+def Canvas key_nav_right_shift {} {$self key_nav -1 -1 1}
+def Canvas key_nav_left_shift {} {$self key_nav +1 +1 1}
+def Canvas key_nav {du dv shift} {
+ if {$@keynav_shift && !$shift} {}
+ set @keynav_shift $shift
+ if {[$@objectsel size] > 1} {
+ if {[llength $@keynav_iosel_i] > 0 || [llength $@keynav_iosel_o] > 0} {
+ #$self deselect_all
+ }
+ }
+ if {!$@keynav} {$self tab_jump}
+ switch $@keynav_tab_sel {
+ object {
+ set @keynav_next [$self quadrant $du $dv [$@objects values]]
+ if {!$shift} {
+ $self selection-= $@keynav_current
+ $@keynav_current selected?= 0
+ set @keynav_last_obj $@keynav_next
+ }
+ if {[$@objectsel search $@keynav_next] < 0} {$self selection+= $@keynav_next}
+ }
+ wire {
+ #$@keynav_current selected?= 0
+ set @keynav_next [$self quadrant $du $dv [$@wires values]]
+ if {!$shift} {
+ $self selection_wire-= $@keynav_current
+ $@keynav_current selected?= 0
+ set @keynav_last_wire $@keynav_next
+ }
+ if {[$@wiresel search $@keynav_next] < 0} {$self selection_wire+= $@keynav_next}
+ }
+ }
+ #$self selection+= $@keynav_next
+ set @keynav_current $@keynav_next
+def Canvas victim {} {
+ if {[$@objectsel size]} {return [$@objectsel values]}
+ if {[string compare $@keynav_current 0]} {return {}}
+ return $@keynav_current
+def Canvas key_nav_ioselect {} {
+ if {![$@objectsel size]} {return}
+ set var [lindex [$@objectsel values] end]
+ if {$@keynav_iosel != $var} {set @keynav_iocount 0}
+ if {$@keynav_port != 0 && $@keynav_iosel == $var} {
+ #set hilitebox $@keynav_port
+ foreach io $@keynav_port2 {[$self widget] delete ${io}b}
+ }
+ set obj [lindex [$@objectsel values] 0]
+ set ins [$obj ninlets]
+ set outs [$obj noutlets]
+ set ports {}; set ports2 {}; set ports3 {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $ins} {incr i} {lappend ports ${obj}i${i}; lappend ports2 "i"; lappend ports3 $i}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $outs} {incr i} {lappend ports ${obj}o${i}; lappend ports2 "o"; lappend ports3 $i}
+ #incr @keynav_iocount
+ if {$@keynav_iocount >= [llength $ports]} {set @keynav_iocount 0}
+ set port [lindex $ports3 $@keynav_iocount]
+ set type [lindex $ports2 $@keynav_iocount]
+ set @keynav_port ${obj}${type}${port}
+ set @keynav_port2 {}
+ # @keynav_port stores the current hilited in/outlets
+ # @keynav_ports stores the current hilited in/outlets if there are multiple objects
+ # @keynav_iosel_i stores the selected inlets
+ # @keynav_iosel_o stores the selected outlets
+ foreach object [$@objectsel values] {
+ if {$@keynav_iosel != $var} {set @keynav_iosel $var}
+ switch $type {
+ i {
+ if {[lsearch $@keynav_iosel_i $object] == -1} {
+ lappend @keynav_iosel_i $object
+ set find [lsearch $@keynav_iosel_o $object]
+ if {$find >= 0} {set @keynav_iosel_o [lreplace $@keynav_iosel_o $find $find]}
+ }
+ }
+ o {
+ if {[lsearch $@keynav_iosel_o $object] == -1} {
+ lappend @keynav_iosel_o $object
+ set find [lsearch $@keynav_iosel_i $object]
+ if {$find >= 0} {set @keynav_iosel_i [lreplace $@keynav_iosel_i $find $find]}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mset {x y x1 y1} [[$self widget] bbox ${object}${type}${port}]
+ lappend @keynav_port2 ${object}${type}${port}
+ set _($object:ioselect) [list [lindex $ports3 $@keynav_iocount] [lindex $ports2 $@keynav_iocount]]
+ #set _($object:ioselect) [lindex $ports3 $@keynav_iocount]
+ $object hilite_io [lindex $ports2 $@keynav_iocount] [expr $x/$@zoom] [expr $y/$@zoom]
+ }
+ incr @keynav_iocount
+def Canvas keyboard_mode {} {
+ post "loading keyboard-mode...."
+ if {[file exists kb-mode.tcl]} {
+ package require kb-mode
+ $@runcommand defs
+ if {![info exists @kbcursor]} {set @kbcursor [kb-mode_init $self]}
+ puts "cursor::: $@kbcursor"
+ }
+def Canvas keyboard_mode_exit {} {
+ post "exiting keyboard-mode...."
+ package forget kb-mode
+ remove_callback kb-mode
+ $@runcommand defs
+ $@kbcursor delete
+ read_ddrc
+ remove_callback "kb-mode"
+ unset @kbcursor
+def Canvas keyprefix {} {
+ if {!$@keyprefix} {set @keyprefix 1} else {set @keyprefix 0}
+def Canvas click_deselect_io {} {
+ if {[llength $@keynav_iosel_i] || [llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} {
+ if {!$@iosel_deselect} {set @iosel_deselect 1} else {$self dehilite_io; set @iosel_deselect 0}
+ } else {
+ $self dehilite_io
+ }
+def Canvas dehilite_io {} {
+ foreach io [concat $@keynav_iosel_i $@keynav_iosel_o] {
+ puts "$io is a [$io class]"
+ set box $_($io:ioselect)
+ set type [lindex $_($io:ioselect) 1]
+ set port [lindex $_($io:ioselect) 0]
+ set tag ${io}${type}${port}
+ [$self widget] delete ${tag}b
+ set _($io:ioselect) {}
+ }
+ set @keynav_iosel_i {}
+ set @keynav_iosel_o {}
+ set @keynav_port 0
+ set @keynav_iocount 0
+def Canvas incr_scale {} {$self scale out}
+def Canvas decr_scale {} {$self scale in}
+def Canvas scale {mode} {
+ set s $::scale_amount
+ switch $mode { in { set s [expr 1/$s] }}
+ set sel [$@objectsel values]
+ if {![llength $sel]} {set sel [$@objects values]}
+ foreach child $sel {
+ mset {x y} [$child xy]
+ set x1 [expr $x*$s]
+ set y1 [expr $y*$s]
+ $child position= [list $x1 $y1]
+ netsend [list .$self object_moveto $child $x1 $y1]
+ }
+ foreach child $sel {$child changed_wires}
+def Canvas incr_zoom {} {$self zooming in}
+def Canvas decr_zoom {} {$self zooming out}
+def Canvas zooming {mode} {
+ global zoom bar
+ set spinbox .$self.bbar.scale
+ set val [string trimright [$spinbox get] %]
+ set i [lsearch $zoom(canned) $val]
+ set end [expr [llength $zoom(canned)] - 1]
+ switch -regexp $mode {
+ in|up {if {$i<$end} {incr i +1}}
+ out|down {if {$i>0} {incr i -1}}
+ }
+ set per [lindex $zoom(canned) $i]
+ $spinbox set $per%
+ set @zoom [expr $per/100.0] ;# @zoom must be float, not int
+ #$self propagate_zoom $@zoom
+ $self redraw
+ if {[$self look gridstate]} {if {$@editmode} {$@grid erase}}
+ foreach child [$@objects values] {if {[$child class] == "Canvas" && [$child gop]} {$child all_changed}}
+def Canvas propagate_zoom {zoom} {
+ foreach child [$@objects values] {
+ if {[$child class] == "Canvas"} {
+ set @zoom $zoom
+ $child propagate_zoom $zoom
+ }
+ }
+set lastcanvasconfigured ""
+set lastcanvasconfiguration ""
+def Canvas checkgeometry {} {
+ set topname .$self
+ set boo [winfo geometry $topname.c]
+ set boo2 [wm geometry $topname]
+ global lastcanvasconfigured lastcanvasconfiguration
+ if {$topname != $lastcanvasconfigured || $boo != $lastcanvasconfiguration} {
+ set lastcanvasconfigured $topname
+ set lastcanvasconfiguration $boo
+ }
+def Canvas selection_move {dx dy} {
+ $@history atomically [list move] {
+ $self selection_move2 $dx $dy
+ }
+def Canvas selection_move2 {dx dy} {
+ if {![$self editmode]} {return}
+ foreach o [$@objectsel values] {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$o xy]
+ if {[[$o class] <= Box]} {
+ $o moveto [expr $x1+$dx] [expr $y1+$dy]
+ } else {
+ puts "selection_move: $o is not a Box, it's a [$o class]"
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas key {x y key iso shift} {
+ global tooltip; if {$tooltip ne ""} {$tooltip delete; set tooltip ""}
+ #if {[modes_callback $self "key" $x $y $key $iso $shift]} {return}
+ #if {[$self focus] != ""} {[$self focus] key $key $shift}
+ #if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key}
+ #set focus [$self focus]
+ if {!$@editmode && [llength [$self selection]] == 1} {
+ set obj [$self selection]
+ if {[[$obj class] <= AtomBox]} {
+ if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z0-9~/\._]{1}$} $key]} {$obj text= $key} {return}
+ $obj edit
+ $obj clear 0
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if {$shift} {
+ if {[$self look snap_grid]} {set motion [expr [$self look grid_size]*2]} {set motion 10}
+ } else {
+ if {[$self look snap_grid]} {set motion [$self look grid_size]} {set motion 1}
+ }
+ set n [$@objectsel size]
+ switch -regexp -- $key {
+ BackSpace|Delete|KP_Delete {$self delete_selection}
+ Up {if {$n} {$self arrow_key 0 -$motion} else {$self scroll y -$motion}}
+ Down {if {$n} {$self arrow_key 0 +$motion} else {$self scroll y +$motion}}
+ Left {if {$n} {$self arrow_key -$motion 0} else {$self scroll x -$motion}}
+ Right {if {$n} {$self arrow_key +$motion 0} else {$self scroll x +$motion}}
+ Tab {$self tab_jump}
+ Return {$self return_key $x $y $key $iso $shift}
+ F1 {$self deselect_all}
+ F2 {set @keynav 0; $@active hide}
+ default {}
+ }
+def Canvas return_key {x y key iso f} {
+ mset {type id detail} [$self identify_target $x $y $f]
+ if {![llength $@keynav_iosel_i] && ![llength $@keynav_iosel_o]} {
+ if {[$@objectsel size] == 1} {
+ mset {bx1 by1 bx2 by2} [[$self selection] bbox]
+ set x1 [expr ($bx1+$bx2)/2]; set y1 [expr ($by1+$by2)/2]
+ $self click_wrap $x1 $y1 1 $f
+ $self unclick_wrap $x1 $y1 1 $f
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach out_obj $@keynav_iosel_o {
+ set from [$@objects search $out_obj]
+ set outlet [lindex $_($out_obj:ioselect) 0]
+ foreach in_obj $@keynav_iosel_i {
+ set to [$@objects search $in_obj]
+ set inlet [lindex $_($in_obj:ioselect) 0]
+ $self connect [list $from $outlet $to $inlet]
+ }
+ }
+ $self dehilite_io
+ }
+def Canvas arrow_key {val1 val2} {
+ if {![$self editmode]} {
+ if {[$@objectsel size] == 1} {
+ set o [$@selection values]
+ if {[[$o class] <= IEMGUI] || [[$o class] == FloatBox]} {$o key_incr $val1 $val2}
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self selection_move $val1 $val2
+ }
+def Canvas clear_selection {} {
+ if {[$@objectsel size] > 0 || [$@wiresel size] > 0} {
+ $self deselect_all
+ $self dehilite_io
+ }
+ if {$@keynav} {
+ set @keynav 0
+ #bogus switch so that keynav remains the same next time..
+ if {$@keynav_tab_sel == "object"} {set @keynav_tab_sel "wire"} {set @keynav_tab_sel "object"}
+ }
+def Canvas keynav_current {} {return $@keynav_current}
+def Canvas keynav_current= {current} {
+ set @keynav_current $current
+ switch [$current class] {
+ Wire {set @keynav_last_wire $current}
+ default {set @keynav_last_obj $current}
+ }
+def Canvas keynav {} {return $@keynav}
+def Canvas keyup {x y key iso shift} {
+ if {$iso != ""} {scan $iso %c key}
+ if {$::macro_state} {$::macro state= 1; set ::macro_state 0 }
+ $@active draw
+class_new Active {View}
+def Active init {canvas} {
+ super
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set @length 3
+ set @length2 10
+def Active draw {} {
+ set current [$@canvas keynav_current]
+ if {$current == ""} {return}
+ if {![string compare $current 0]} {return}
+ set col [$self look selectframe]
+ if {[$@canvas keynav]} {
+ if {[$current class] == "Wire"} {
+ $self item_delete
+ set i 0
+ foreach side {1.6 -1.6} {
+ mset {ax1 ay1 ax2 ay2} [$current bbox]
+ set t [expr atan2($ay2-$ay1, $ax2-$ax1)]
+ set cx1 [expr $ax1 + (($ax2-$ax1)* 0.15)]
+ set cy1 [expr $ay1 + (($ay2-$ay1)* 0.15)]
+ set cx2 [expr ($@length * cos($t+$side)) + $cx1]
+ set cy2 [expr ($@length * sin($t+$side)) + $cy1]
+ for {set n 0} {$n < 2} {incr n} {
+ set angle [lindex {45 90 -45 -90} [expr $n+$i]]
+ mset {ax1 ay1 ax2 ay2} [$current bbox]
+ set t [expr atan2($ay2-$ay1, $ax2-$ax1)]
+ set bx1 [expr $ax1 + (($ax2-$ax1)* 0.15)]
+ set by1 [expr $ay1 + (($ay2-$ay1)* 0.15)]
+ set bx2 [expr ($@length2 * cos($t+$angle)) + $bx1]
+ set by2 [expr ($@length2 * sin($t+$angle)) + $by1]
+ set line [list $cx2 $cy2 $bx2 $by2]
+ $self item LINE$angle line $line -fill $col -width 2
+ }
+ set i [expr $i+2]
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self item_delete
+ mset {x y} [lmap - [$current xy] 5]
+ set line1 [list $x $y $x [expr $y + $@length2]]
+ set line2 [list $x $y [expr $x + $@length2] $y]
+ $self item LINE1 line $line1 -fill $col -width 2
+ $self item LINE2 line $line2 -fill $col -width 2
+ }
+ } else {$self hide}
+def Active hide {} {$self item_delete}
+def Active bbox {} {
+ set current [$@canvas keynav_current]
+ set l [$current xy]
+ concat $l $l ;# happy now??
+def Canvas update_Active {item} {$self keynav_current= $item}
+class_new Box {View}
+def Box init {{mess {}}} {
+ super
+ # @wires2 stores the connections to and from a object
+ set @wires2 {}
+ $self reinit $mess
+def Box delete {} {if {$@canvas != ""} {[$@canvas objects] unset $@index}; super}
+def Box remove_braces {str} {
+ # this hack is to remove the "\" in the text
+ regsub -all {\\} $str "" text
+ return $text
+def Box reinit {mess} {
+ global classinfo fields
+ if {[$::macro state] && [llength $mess] > 4} {$::macro append_ref $mess}
+ if {![llength $mess]} {return} ;# what?
+ if {[lindex $mess 1] == "obj"} {set i 4} else {set i 1}
+ set @pdclass [lindex $mess $i]
+ if {[info exists fields($@pdclass)]} {
+ set i 0
+ foreach f $fields($@pdclass) {set _($self:$f) [lindex $mess $i]; incr i}
+ } else {
+ set @text [$self remove_braces [join [lrange $mess 4 end]]]
+ }
+ $self outside_of_the_box
+def Box update_size {} {}
+# will be so that @wires are updated correctly without breaking encapsulation
+def Box connect_out {} {}
+def Box connect_in {} {}
+def Box draw {} {
+ $self draw_box
+ if {[$@canvas show_id]} {$self draw_id} {$self item_delete ID}
+ [[$self get_canvas] widget] raise $self
+ $self update_hilite_io
+# if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} {$self restack}
+ if {[info exists @elapsed]} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ $self item ELAPSED text [l+ {10 1} [list $x1 $y2]] -anchor nw -fill "#008800" \
+ -text $@elapsed -font {{DejaVu Sans Mono} -8}
+ }
+def Box elapsed {f} {
+ set @elapsed $f
+ $self changed
+def Canvas get_elapsed {} {netsend [list .$self get_elapsed]}
+def Canvas show_id {} {return $@show_id}
+def Canvas show_id= {val} {set @show_id $val; $self redraw}
+def Canvas id_toggle {} {if {$@show_id} {set @show_id 0} {set @show_id 1}; $self redraw}
+def Box draw_id {} {
+ set id [$self index]:
+ mset {x y} [$self xy]
+ set fw [font measure [$self look font] 0]
+ if {[$@canvas editmode]} {
+ set col [complement [$@canvas look bgedit]]
+ } else {set col [complement [$@canvas look bgrun]]}
+ $self item ID text [list [expr $x-([string length $id]*$fw)] [expr $y+2]] \
+ -font [$self look font] -text $id \
+ -fill $col -anchor nw
+def Box draw_box {} {}
+def Box edit {} {}
+def Box unedit {} {}
+def Box bbox {} {
+ mset {x y} [$self xy]
+ set xs $@xs
+ set ys $@ys
+ list $x $y [expr {$x+$xs}] [expr {$y+$ys}]
+def Box io_bbox {type port} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ set xs [expr {$x2-$x1}]
+ # method calls aren't as fast as we'd want them to be.
+ #set iowidth [$self look iowidth]
+ #set fy [$self look iopos]
+ set iowidth 7
+ set fy -1
+ switch $type {
+ o {set n $@noutlets; set y [expr {$y2+$fy }]}
+ i {set n $@ninlets; set y [expr {$y1-$fy-1}]}
+ }
+ set nplus [expr {$n==1 ? 1 : $n-1}]
+ set onset [expr {$x1+($xs-$iowidth)*$port/$nplus}]
+ set points [list $onset $y [expr {$onset+$iowidth}] $y]
+ return $points
+def Box ioselect= {type port} {set @ioselect [list $type $port]}
+def Box ioselect {} {return $@ioselect}
+def Box wires2 {} {return $@wires2}
+def Box wires2+= {val} {if {[lsearch $@wires2 $val] < 0} {lappend @wires2 $val}}
+def Box changed_wires {} {foreach wire $@wires2 {$wire changed}}
+def Box delete_wire {wire} {
+ set find [lsearch $@wires2 $wire]
+ if {$find != -1} {set @wires2 [lreplace $@wires2 $find $find]}
+def Box move {dx dy} {
+ set @x1 [expr {$@x1+$dx}]; set @y1 [expr {$@y1+$dy}]
+ set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
+ $self changed ;# until we find a way to avoid rounding errors on [$@canvas widget] move.
+ $self changed_wires
+# temporary hack... only used during the moving of objects.
+def Box backupxy= {xy} {set @backupxy $xy}
+def Box backupxy {} {return $@backupxy}
+# the only one sending to the server.
+# View position= is when getting position from server.
+# View xy is virtual (for GOP)
+def Box moveto {x1 y1} {
+ netsend [list .$@canvas object_moveto $self $x1 $y1]
+ [$@canvas history] add [list $self moveto $@x1 $@y1]
+ if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} {
+ if {[$self gop] && ![winfo exists .$self.c]} {foreach x $@visibles {$x changed}}
+ }
+ set @x1 $x1
+ set @y1 $y1
+ $self changed
+ $self draw_wires
+def Box draw_io2 {which n color} {
+ for {set i 0} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
+ set points [$self io_bbox $which $i]
+ $self item [list $which$i $which] rectangle $points -outline $color -fill $color -width 1
+ [[$self get_canvas] widget] raise $self$which$i
+ }
+def Box draw_io {} {
+ $self draw_io2 i $@ninlets [$self look inletfg]
+ $self draw_io2 o $@noutlets [$self look outletfg]
+def Box tips= {tips} {set @tips $tips}
+def Box tip {type port} {
+ if {[info exists @tips]} {
+ set tips $@tips
+ } else {
+ netsend [list .$@canvas object_get_tips $self]
+ #after 500 $self tip $type $port
+ set tips ""
+ }
+ switch $type {
+ i {return "inlet $port: [lindex $tips $port]"}
+ o {return "outlet $port"}
+ }
+# type is i or o
+def Box hilite_io {type x y} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ set xs [expr $x2-$x1]
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ switch $type {i {set ports $@ninlets} o {set ports $@noutlets}}
+ set port -1
+ set iowidth [$self look iowidth]
+ for {set n 0} {$n<$ports} {incr n} {
+ set tag $self$type$n
+ set area [lmap / [$c bbox $self$type$n] [$@canvas zoom]]
+ set center [expr ([lindex $area 2] + [lindex $area 0]) / 2 ]
+ set dist [expr abs($x - $center)]
+ if {$dist < [expr ($iowidth/2)+5] && $dist > 0} {set port $n}
+ }
+ if {$ports==0 | $port==-1} return
+ if {$port >= $ports} {set port [expr $ports-1]}
+ $self hilite_io_2 $type $port
+ if {[$self look tooltip]} {$@canvas show_tooltip $x $y [$self tip $type $port] $type}
+ return $port
+def Box update_hilite_io {} {
+ if {![llength $@ioselect]} {return}
+ set type [lindex $@ioselect 1]
+ set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
+ set port [lindex $@ioselect 0]
+ set p $type$port
+ $self hilite_io_2 $type $port
+def Box hilite_io_2 {type port} {
+ set outline [switch $type {i {concat [$self look outletfg]} o {concat [$self look inletfg]}}]
+ set box [l+ [$self io_bbox $type $port] [list -3 -3 +3 +3]]
+ $self item $type${port}b rectangle $box -outline $outline -width 1
+#def Box popup_help {} {netsend [list pd help $@pdclass]}
+def Box popup_help {} {netsend [list .$@canvas object_help $self]}
+def Box show_error {text} {
+ regsub "\n" $text "" text
+ #mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ #[$self get_canvas] show_tooltip [expr $x2+4] [expr ($y1+$y2)/2] $text object 1
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ mset {x y} [rect_centre [$self io_bbox i 0]]
+ [$self get_canvas] show_tooltip $x $y $text i 1
+def Canvas macro_event_append {e obj} {
+ if {![llength $@macro_q]} {after $@macro_delay [list $self macro_schedule $@macro_delay] $obj}
+ lappend @macro_q $e
+def Canvas get_clipboard {obj} {
+ puts "get clipboard"
+ set content [clipboard get]
+ set l {}; set s ""; set space " ";
+ set last_newline [string last ";" $content]
+ #foreach char [split $content ""] {lappend l [scan $char %c]}
+ set i 0
+ foreach char [split $content ""] {
+ if {$i == $last_newline} {break}
+ #if {$char == ";"} {set s ${s}${space}list} {set s ${s}$char}
+ if {$char != ";"} {
+ if {$char == "\n"} {
+ set s ${s}${space}$char
+ } else {
+ set s ${s}$char
+ }
+ }
+ incr i
+ }
+ netsend [concat [list .$obj clipboard_set] $s]
+def Canvas macro_schedule {delay obj} {
+ if {[llength $@macro_q]} {
+ set w [focus]
+ set m [lindex $@macro_q 0]
+ set fudge 0
+ mset {event x y mode k} $m
+ switch $event {
+ key {set name [modekey $k $mode]; set fudge 1}
+ click {set name [modeclick $k $mode ButtonPress]; set fudge 1}
+ unclick {set name [modeclick $k $mode ButtonRelease]; set fudge 1}
+ bang {
+ after $delay [list $self macro_schedule $@macro_delay] $obj
+ netsend [list .$obj mbang]
+ set @macro_q [lreplace $@macro_q 0 0]
+ return
+ }
+ default {puts "Error: this event $event should not have been here.."}
+ }
+ if {$fudge} {event generate $w <Motion> -x $x -y $y}
+ event generate $w <$name> -x $x -y $y
+ #puts "event generate $w <$name> -x $x -y $y"
+ if {$event=="key"} {event generate $w <KeyRelease-$k> -x $x -y $y}
+ set @macro_q [lreplace $@macro_q 0 0]
+ after $delay [list $self macro_schedule $@macro_delay] $obj
+ }
+def Canvas foobar {} {$self macro_schedule 1000}
+def Canvas macro_q {} {puts "$@macro_q"}
+class_new Wire {View}
+def Wire canvas= {c} {
+ super $c
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} $@connects
+ set children [$c objects]
+ set @from [$children get $from]
+ set @to [$children get $to]
+ $@from wires2+= $self; $@to wires2+= $self
+def Box index= {i} {super $i; if {$@canvas != ""} {[$@canvas objects] set $i $self}}
+def Wire index= {i} {super $i; [$@canvas wires] set $i $self }
+def Wire init {mess} {
+ super
+ $self reinit $mess
+def Wire reinit {mess} {
+ if {[$::macro state]} {$::macro append_ref $mess}
+ mset {x msg from outlet to inlet canvas} $mess
+ set @connects [list $from $outlet $to $inlet]
+ set @outlet $outlet
+ set @inlet $inlet
+ $self outside_of_the_box
+def Wire from {} {return $@from}
+def Wire outlet {} {return $@outlet}
+def Wire to {} {return $@to}
+def Wire inlet {} {return $@inlet}
+def Wire move {dx dy} {$self changed}
+# DON'T do the former, it's so horribly slow
+#def View draw_wires {} {foreach wire $_($@canvas:wires) {$wire changed}}
+def View draw_wires {} {foreach wire $@wires2 {$wire changed}}
+def Wire bbox {} {
+ set from $@from; set outlet $@outlet
+ set to $@to; set inlet $@inlet
+ set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ mset {x1 y1} [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox ${from}o${outlet}]] $zoom]
+ mset {x2 y2} [lmap / [rect_centre [$c bbox ${to}i${inlet} ]] $zoom]
+ list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
+def Wire xy {} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ list [expr $x1 + (($x2-$x1)*0.05)] [expr $y1 + (($y2-$y1)*0.05)]
+def Wire report {} {list $@from $@outlet $@to $@inlet}
+def Wire connects {} {return $@connects}
+proc xys {x1 y1 x2 y2} {
+ return [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] ;# just a straight line, no frills
+ set r {}
+ lappend r $x1 $y1
+ set dx [expr $x2-$x1]
+ set dy [expr $y2-$y1]
+ set d [expr sqrt($dx*$dx+$dy*$dy)]
+ set n [expr 1+$d/10]
+ for {set i 1} {$i<$n} {incr i} {
+ set w $i*($n-$i)/(0.0+$n*$n)
+ lappend r [expr $x1 + $dx*$i/$n + $dy*(rand()-0.5)*$w]
+ lappend r [expr $y1 + $dy*$i/$n - $dx*(rand()-0.5)*$w]
+ }
+ lappend r $x2 $y2
+ return $r
+def Wire draw {} {
+ set zoom [$@canvas zoom]
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set iowidth [$@from look iowidth]
+ mset {ox1 oy1 ox2 oy2} [$@from io_bbox o $@outlet]
+ mset {ix1 iy1 ix2 iy2} [ $@to io_bbox i $@inlet]
+ set x1 [expr ($ox1+$ox2)/2.0]; set y1 $oy2
+ set x2 [expr ($ix1+$ix2)/2.0]; set y2 $iy1
+ set xys [xys $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]
+ set length [expr sqrt(pow($x2-$x1,2)+pow($y2-$y1,2))]
+ # how to customise the arrow size/shape?
+ set arrowsize [expr $length<100 ? $length/10 : 10]
+ if {$arrowsize < 5} {set arrow none} {set arrow last}
+ set arrowshape [list $arrowsize [expr $arrowsize*4/5] [expr $arrowsize/3]]
+ set wire_width [$self look thick]
+ set wire_color [$self look fg]
+ if {[$self selected?]} {
+ set wire_color [$self look fg2] ;# fg2 should be renamed
+ } else {
+ if {[info exists _($@from:text)] && [info exists _($@to:text)]} {
+ if {[regexp -nocase {~$} [lindex $_($@from:text) 0]] && \
+ [regexp -nocase {~$} [lindex $_($@to:text) 0]]} {
+ set wire_width [expr $wire_width*2]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set options {}
+ if {[$self look wirearrow]} {lappend options -arrow $arrow -arrowshape $arrowshape}
+ eval [concat [list $self item WIRE line $xys -width $wire_width -smooth yes -fill $wire_color] $options]
+def Wire delete {} {
+ $self unsubscribe $@canvas
+ $@from delete_wire $self
+ $@to delete_wire $self
+ [$@canvas wires] unset $@index
+ super
+def Wire popup_insert {} {
+ if {![llength [$@canvas selection_wire]]} {$@canvas selection_wire= $self}
+ mset {x y} [$@canvas insertxy]
+ $@canvas do_insert_obj $x $y
+############ colouring
+proc color_* {c1 c2} {
+ scan $c1 #%02x%02x%02x r g b
+ scan $c2 #%02x%02x%02x R G B
+ return [format #%02x%02x%02x [expr ($r*$R)>>8] [expr ($g*$G)>>8] [expr ($b*$B)>>8]]
+# equivalent to color* #c0c0c0 $c
+proc darker {c} {
+ scan $c #%02x%02x%02x r g b
+ set r [expr $r*3/4]
+ set g [expr $g*3/4]
+ set b [expr $b*3/4]
+ return [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b]
+proc brighter {c} {
+ scan $c #%02x%02x%02x r g b
+ set r [min 255 [expr $r*4/3]]
+ set g [min 255 [expr $g*4/3]]
+ set b [min 255 [expr $b*4/3]]
+ return [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b]
+proc parse_color {c} {
+ regsub {;$} $c {} c
+ if {$c<0} {
+ set c [expr ~$c]
+ set r [expr round((($c>>12)&63)*255/63)]
+ set g [expr round((($c>> 6)&63)*255/63)]
+ set b [expr round((($c>> 0)&63)*255/63)]
+ return [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $b]
+ } {
+ global preset_colors2
+ return #[lindex $preset_colors2 $c]
+ }
+proc unparse_color {c} {
+ if {[string index $c 0]=="#"} {set c [string replace $c 0 0 0x]}
+ set r [expr round((($c>>16)&255)*63/255)]
+ set g [expr round((($c>> 8)&255)*63/255)]
+ set b [expr round((($c>> 0)&255)*63/255)]
+ return [expr ~0[format %02o%02o%02o $r $g $b]]
+############ data transfer
+# note: @pdclass is the server-side class name
+# and @_class is the client-side class name
+# abstract classes
+set fields1 {foo bar x1 y1 class}
+set fields2 {snd rcv lab ldx ldy fstyle fs bcol fcol lcol}
+# real classes
+set fields(tgl) [eval list $fields1 w isa $fields2 on nonzero]
+set fields(bng) [eval list $fields1 w hold break isa $fields2]
+set fields(nbx) [eval list $fields1 w h min max is_log isa $fields2 val log_height]
+set fields(hsl) [eval list $fields1 w h min max is_log isa $fields2 val steady]
+set fields(hradio) [eval list $fields1 w change isa n $fields2 on]
+set fields(vu) [eval list $fields1 w h rcv lab ldx ldy fstyle fs bcol lcol scale isa]
+set fields(cnv) [eval list $fields1 hh w h snd rcv lab ldx ldy fstyle fs bcol lcol isa]
+set fields(dropper) [eval list $fields1 w isa $fields2]
+set fields(vsl) $fields(hsl)
+set fields(vradio) $fields(hradio)
+set fields(hdl) $fields(hradio)
+set fields(vdl) $fields(hradio)
+set fields(coords) {foo bar xfrom yfrom xto yto w h gop x1 y1} ;# goes with #N canvas
+set fields(floatatom) {foo bar x1 y1 w min max pos lab rcv snd}
+set fields(symbolatom) {foo bar x1 y1 w min max pos lab rcv snd}
+set fields(array) {name n elemtype flags}
+proc classinfo {pdclass _class} {
+ global classinfo classinfo2
+ set classinfo($pdclass) $_class
+ set classinfo2($_class) $pdclass
+# basic patchables
+classinfo obj ObjectBox
+classinfo message MessageBox
+classinfo floatatom FloatBox
+classinfo symbolatom SymbolBox
+classinfo text Comment
+# non-patchables (scalars, arrays, ...)
+classinfo array Array
+# GUI patchables
+classinfo bng Bang
+classinfo tgl Toggle
+classinfo nbx NumBox
+classinfo hsl Slider
+classinfo vsl Slider
+classinfo vu Vu
+classinfo dropper Dropper
+classinfo hradio Radio
+classinfo vradio Radio
+classinfo hdl Radio
+classinfo vdl Radio
+classinfo canvas Canvas
+classinfo cnv Cnv
+classinfo display Display
+# remember, _($foo:$bar) notation should die
+# because objects ought to be autonomous.
+# in array objects, number of inlets is bogus?
+#X array array1 1 float 3;
+#A 0 0;
+def View index= {i} {set @index $i}
+def View index {} {return $@index}
+proc change {self canvas index e {ninlets 0} {noutlets 0} {valid 1}} {
+ foreach mess [pd_mess_split $e] {change_2 $self $mess}
+ #the server ought to take care of this:
+ #if {[lindex $e 1] == "array"} {set ninlets 0; set noutlets 0}
+ if {$canvas != "x0"} {$self canvas= $canvas}
+ $self index= $index
+ $self ninlets= $ninlets
+ $self noutlets= $noutlets
+ if {[$self class] == "ObjectBox"} {$self valid= $valid}
+ if {[$self class] == "Canvas"} {
+ if {[$self subpatch]} {$self valid= $valid}
+ if {[$self gop]} {$self valid= $valid}
+ if {[$self abs]} {$self valid= $valid}
+ }
+ $self changed
+proc change_2 {self mess} {
+ set isnew [expr ![info exists ::_($self:_class)]]
+ switch -- [lindex $mess 0] {
+ "#N" {if {$isnew} {Canvas new_as $self $mess} else {$self reinit $mess}}
+ "#X" {
+ set i 1
+ # would it be possible to merge floatatom,symbolatom as gatom ?
+ switch -- [lindex $mess 1] {
+ obj {set class [lindex $mess 4]}
+ msg {set class message}
+ default {set class [lindex $mess 1]}}
+ if {[info exists ::classinfo($class)]} {
+ set _class [lindex $::classinfo($class) 0]
+ } else {
+ if {[lindex $mess 1] == "connect"} {
+ set _class Wire
+ } else {
+ set _class ObjectBox
+ }
+ }
+ if {$isnew} {$_class new_as $self $mess} else {$self reinit $mess}
+ switch -- $class {
+ floatatom {set class gatom}
+ symbolatom {set class gatom}
+ array {$self length= [lindex $mess 3]; $self name= [lindex $mess 2]}
+ default {$self position= [lrange $mess 2 3]}}
+ $self pdclass= $class
+ }
+ "#A" {
+ #post "#A: $mess"
+ $self array_set [lrange $mess 2 end]
+ }
+ "#V" {
+ #post "#V: $mess"
+ }
+ default {if {$mess != ""} {error "what you say? «[lindex $mess 0]» in «$mess»"}}
+ }
+#proc pasting_count {self} {
+# global paste _
+# if {$paste(count2) != $paste(count)} {incr paste(count2)}
+# split at message boundaries and atom boundaries, returning a list of lists of atoms.
+# spaces get temporary value \x01
+# A_SEMI gets temporary value \x02
+# backslash gets temporary value \x03
+# A_COMMA is not handled yet
+proc pd_mess_split {s} {
+ set s [regsub -all {\\\\} $s "\x03"]
+ set s [regsub -all {(^|[^\\]);} $s "\\1\x02"]
+ set s [regsub -all {(^|[^\\])[\s\n]+} $s "\\1\x01"]
+ set s [regsub -all {^\n} $s "\x01"] ;# oops
+ set s [regsub -all {\\([\\; \{\}])} $s "\\1\\2"]
+ set s [regsub -all \x03 $s \\]
+ set r {}
+ foreach m [split $s \x02] {
+ set m [regsub -all "\x01+" $m "\x01"]
+ set m [regsub -all "^\x01" $m ""]
+ set t [split $m \x01]
+ lappend r $t
+ }
+ return $r
+proc canonical_list {list} {
+ set r {}
+ foreach e $list {lappend r $e}
+ return $r
+proc pd_mess_split_want== {a b} {
+ set b [canonical_list $b]
+ set c [pd_mess_split $a]
+ if {[string compare $c $b]} {
+ puts "[VTred]string «$a»\nparses to «$c»\ninstead of «$b»[VTgrey]"
+ } else {
+ puts "[VTgreen]string «$a» OK[VTgrey]"
+ }
+if 0 {
+ pd_mess_split_want== {foo;bar;baz;a\;;b\\;c\\\;;d\\\\;e} {foo bar baz {{a;}} {b\\} {{c\;}} {{d\\}} e}
+ pd_mess_split_want== {foo\ bar} {{{foo bar}}}
+ pd_mess_split_want== {foo \ bar\ foo\ bar foo} {{foo { } {bar foo bar} foo}}
+ pd_mess_split_want== {\\ \\\\ \\\\\\ \ \\\ \\\\\ one} [list [list "\\" "\\\\" "\\\\\\" "\ \\\ \\\\\ one"]]
+ pd_mess_split_want== "\n \n \n foo" foo
+ pd_mess_split_want== "\\\x7b\\\x7b\\\x7b\\\x7b" [list [list "\x7b\x7b\x7b\x7b"]]
+ pd_mess_split_want== "\\\x7d\\\x7d\\\x7d\\\x7d" [list [list "\x7d\x7d\x7d\x7d"]]
+ exit
+############ rendering
+class_new MessageBox {TextBox}
+def MessageBox init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @w 15 ;# this is useless?
+ set @xs $@w
+ set @ys $@w ;# this is a bug
+def MessageBox draw_box {} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ set x2 [expr $x1+$@xs]
+ set y2 [expr $y1+$@ys]
+ set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2+4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 [expr $y2-4] [expr $x2+4] $y2 $x1 $y2 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2]
+ if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]}
+ $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol -width 1
+ [$@canvas widget] lower ${self}BASE ${self}TEXT
+ [$@canvas widget] raise $self
+def MessageBox draw {} {
+ super
+ $self draw_io
+def MessageBox click {x y f target} {
+ $self bang 1
+ netsend [list .$self bang]
+ after 150 $self bang 0
+def MessageBox bang {flag} {
+ if {$flag} {set color #ffff00} {set color [$self look bg]}
+ [$@canvas widget] itemconfigure ${self}BASE -fill $color
+# it was class_new AtomBox {View Box}, which is wrong because already Box<View
+# it shouldn't have mattered, but super doesn't support proper pruning yet
+#class_new AtomBox {Box}
+class_new AtomBox {TextBox}
+def AtomBox draw_box {} {
+ $self update_size
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2-4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2]
+ if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]}
+ $self item BASE polygon $points -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol
+ [[$self get_canvas] widget] lower ${self}BASE ${self}TEXT
+ $self draw_io
+def AtomBox clear {var} {set @clear $var}
+def AtomBox clear= {} {return $@clear}
+def AtomBox filter_text {{for_edit 0}} {
+ if {$for_edit} {return ""}
+ if {[string length $@text] <= $@w} {return $@text}
+ return [string range $@text 0 [expr $@w-1]]
+def AtomBox update_size {} {
+ set width [font measure [$self look font] 0]
+ set ls [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace]
+ set @xs [expr ($width*$@w)+3]
+ set @ys [expr $ls+3]
+class_new Comment {TextBox}
+def Comment draw_box {} {
+ super
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ set x2 [expr $x1+$@xs]
+ set y2 [expr $y1+$@ys]
+ set xya [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]
+ set xyb [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x1 $y1 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1]]
+ set xyc [l+ [list $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2] [list -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1]]
+ if {[$@canvas editmode]} {
+ if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]}
+ $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill [$self look bg] -outline $frcol
+ } else {
+ $self item_delete BASE
+ }
+ #$self item BASE1 line $xyb -fill [$self look frame1]
+ #$self item BASE2 line $xyc -fill [$self look frame2]
+ if {[$@canvas editmode]} {
+ [$@canvas widget] lower ${self}BASE ${self}TEXT
+ #[$@canvas widget] raise ${self}BASE1 ${self}BASE
+ #[$@canvas widget] raise ${self}BASE2 ${self}BASE
+ }
+class_new Display {Box}
+def Display height= {val} {set @height $val}
+def Display init {{mess {}}} {
+ set font [$self look font]
+ set fw [font measure $font 0]
+ set @max_width 40; #in chars
+ set @wrap [expr $fw*$@max_width]; #in pixels
+ set @content {display}
+ set @height 1
+ set @xs [expr [font measure [$self look font] 0]+3]
+ set @ys [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace]
+ set @textoffset [list 2 2]
+ netsend [list .$self height]
+ super $mess
+def Display draw {} {
+ super
+ set font [$self look font]
+ mset {x y} [$self xy]
+ mset {xf yf} $@textoffset
+ set fh [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace]
+ set text [lindex $@content 0];
+ for {set i 1} {$i < $@height} {incr i} {set text ${text}\n[lindex $@content $i]}
+ set h 0; set w 0
+ foreach line $@content {
+ set tw [font measure $font $line]
+ set h [expr int(ceil($tw/$@wrap.0)+$h)]
+ set w [min [max $w $tw] $@wrap]
+ }
+ set h [max $h 1]
+ $self item BASE rect [list $x $y [expr $x+$w+$xf+2] [expr $y+($@ys*$h)+$yf+1]] \
+ -fill [$self look bg]
+ $self item TEXT text [l+ $@textoffset [$self xy]] -font $font -text $text \
+ -fill [$self look fg] -anchor nw -width $@wrap
+ $self draw_io
+def Display dis {text} {
+ lappend @content $text
+ if {[llength $@content] > $@height} {set @content [lrange $@content 1 end]}
+ $self changed
+class_new IEMGUI {}
+def IEMGUI text {} {
+ return [$self class]
+class_new BlueBox {Labelled IEMGUI Box}
+#class_new BlueBox {Box Labelled}
+def BlueBox draw_box {} {
+ super
+ set xya [$self bbox]
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} $xya
+ set xyb [list [expr $x2-1] [expr $y1+1] [expr $x1+1] [expr $y1+1] [expr $x1+1] [expr $y2-1]]
+ set xyc [list [expr $x2-1] [expr $y1+1] [expr $x2-1] [expr $y2-1] [expr $x1+1] [expr $y2-1]]
+ set color [color_* [$self look bg] [parse_color $@bcol]]
+ if {[$self selected?]} {set frcol [$self look selectframe]} {set frcol [$self look frame3]}
+ $self item BASE rectangle $xya -fill $color -outline $frcol
+ #below lines draws the 3d box edge
+ #$self item BASE2 line $xyb -fill #ffffff
+ #$self item BASE3 line $xyc -fill [darker $color]
+ $self draw_io
+def IEMGUI popup_properties {} {IEMPropertiesDialog new $self}
+class_new PropertiesDialog {Dialog}
+def PropertiesDialog init {of} {
+ super cancel apply ok
+ set @of $of
+ set f .$self
+ checkbutton $f.auto_apply -text [say auto_apply] -anchor w -variable @auto_apply
+ frame $f.buttonsep2 -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
+ pack $f.auto_apply $f.buttonsep2 -side bottom -fill x
+ bind $f <KeyPress-Return> "break";#so that Return don't call do_auto_apply after Dialog ok
+ bind $f <KeyPress> [list $self do_auto_apply]
+ bind $f <ButtonRelease> [list $self do_auto_apply]
+ set @auto_apply 0
+ $self none_resizable
+def PropertiesDialog do_auto_apply {} {
+ if {$@auto_apply} {$self apply}
+class_new IEMPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
+def IEMGUI properties_apply {list {orient -1}} {
+ set orig [list $self properties_apply]
+ foreach var [lrange $::fields($@class) 5 end] {lappend orig $@$var}
+ [$@canvas history] add $orig
+ foreach v $list {switch -- $v {{} {set v "empty"}}; lappend props $v}
+ netsend [concat [list .$self reload] $props]
+ if {$orient >= 0} {
+ netsend [list .$self orient $orient]
+ }
+def IEMPropertiesDialog apply {} {
+ set class $_($@of:class)
+ set props {}
+ foreach var [lrange $::fields($class) 5 end] {
+ set v $@$var
+ if {[regexp -nocase {^[bfl]col$} $var]} {set v [unparse_color $v]}
+ lappend props $v
+ }
+ if {[[$@of class] <= Slider] || [[$@of class] <= Radio]} {
+ $@of properties_apply $props $@orient
+ } else {
+ $@of properties_apply $props
+ }
+def IEMPropertiesDialog init {of} {
+ super $of
+ set @class $_($of:class)
+ wm title .$self "\[$@class\] [say popup_properties]"
+ if {![info exists ::fields($@class)]} {set class obj}
+ foreach var $::fields($@class) {
+ set val $_($of:$var)
+ switch -- $val { empty {set val ""}}
+ if {[regexp -nocase {^([a-z])col$} $var]} {set val [parse_color $val]}
+ set @$var $val
+ }
+ if {[[$of class] <= Slider] || [[$of class] <= Radio]} {
+ set @orient $_($of:orient)
+ $self add .$self [list orient choice -choices {horizontal vertical}]
+ }
+ foreach prop [lrange $::fields($@class) 5 end] {
+ set d [concat [list $prop] [switch $prop {
+ w {list integer -width 7}
+ h {list integer -width 7}
+ hold {list float -width 9}
+ break {list float -width 9}
+ min {list float -width 9}
+ max {list float -width 9}
+ is_log {list choice -choices {linear logarithmic}}
+ isa {list choice -choices {no yes}}
+ n {list integer -width 4}
+ steady {list choice -choices {steady_no steady_yes}}
+ snd {list entry -width 20}
+ rcv {list entry -width 20}
+ lab {list entry -width 20}
+ ldx {list integer -width 5}
+ ldy {list integer -width 5}
+ fstyle {list choice -choices {Courier Helvetica Times}}
+ fs {list fontsize -width 5}
+ bcol {list color}
+ fcol {list color}
+ lcol {list color}
+ val {continue}
+ on {continue}
+ change {list choice -choices {no yes}}
+ nonzero {list float -width 9}
+ log_height {list float -width 9}
+ hh {continue}
+ scale {list toggle}
+ default {error "huh? ($prop)"}
+ }]]
+ $self add .$self $d
+ }
+def IEMPropertiesDialog dropmenu_open {f name} {super $f}
+def IEMPropertiesDialog dropmenu_set {frame var part val} {
+ switch $var {
+ orient {if {[$@of class] == "Slider"} {set tmp $@h; set @h $@w; set @w $tmp}}
+ default {}
+ }
+ set tmp ${var}choices
+ set textvar ${var}2
+ set @$textvar [say [lindex $@$tmp $val]]
+ super $frame $var $part $val
+ $self do_auto_apply
+class_new CanvasPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
+def CanvasPropertiesDialog init {of} {
+ super $of
+ set @canvas $of
+ wm title .$self "[say canvas] [say popup_properties]"
+ set @gop [$of gop]
+ set @properties [list "gop" "xfrom" "xto" "yfrom" "yto" "width" "height" "xmargin" "ymargin"]
+ set mess [$of get_mess]
+ mset [list @xfrom @yfrom @xto @yto @width @height @xmargin @ymargin] $mess
+ if {!$@width} {set @width 85}; if {!$@height} {set @height 60}
+ $self add .$self [list gop toggle -command "$self gop_setting"]
+ for {set i 1} {$i<[llength $@properties]} {incr i} {
+ $self add .$self [list [lindex $@properties $i] integer -width 7]
+ }
+ $self gop_setting
+def CanvasPropertiesDialog gop_setting {} {
+ set entries [lrange $@properties 1 end]
+ foreach entry $entries {
+ if {!$@gop} {
+ .$self.$entry.entry configure -state disable
+ } else {
+ .$self.$entry.entry configure -state normal
+ }
+ }
+def CanvasPropertiesDialog apply {} {
+ if {![$@canvas editmode]} {$@canvas editmode= 1}
+ netsend [list .$@of coords $@xfrom $@yfrom $@xto $@yto $@width $@height $@gop $@xmargin $@ymargin]
+proc gatom_escape {sym} {
+ if {[string length $sym] == 0} {return "-"}
+ if {[string equal -length 1 $sym "-"]} {return [string replace $sym 0 0 "--"]}
+ return $sym
+proc gatom_unescape {sym} {
+ if {[string equal -length 1 $sym "-"]} {return [string replace $sym 0 0 ""]}
+ return $sym
+class_new BoxPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
+def Box popup_properties {} {BoxPropertiesDialog new $self}
+def Box popup_clear_wires {} {[$self canvas] selection= $self; [$self canvas] clear_wires}
+def Box popup_remove_from_path {} {[$self canvas] selection= $self; [$self canvas] remove_obj_from_path}
+def Box popup_delete_from_path {} {[$self canvas] selection= $self; [$self canvas] delete_obj_from_path}
+def BoxPropertiesDialog init {of} {
+ super $of
+ wm title .$self "Box Properties"
+ pack [label .$self.huh -text "huh..."]
+ pack [label .$self.huh2 -text "this is where some #V properties should go"]
+class_new WirePropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
+def Wire popup_properties {} {WirePropertiesDialog new $self}
+def WirePropertiesDialog init {of} {
+ super $of
+ wm title .$self "Wire Properties"
+ pack [label .$self.huh -text "huh..."]
+ pack [label .$self.huh2 -text "this is where some #V properties should go"]
+class_new GAtomPropertiesDialog {PropertiesDialog}
+def AtomBox popup_properties {} {GAtomPropertiesDialog new $self}
+# this is buggy due to miller's escapes vs iem's escapes.
+def GAtomPropertiesDialog apply {} {
+ netsend [list .$@of reload $@w $@min $@max $@pos [gatom_escape $@lab] [gatom_escape $@rcv] [gatom_escape $@snd]]
+def GAtomPropertiesDialog init {of} {
+ super $of
+ foreach var {w min max pos} {set @$var $_($of:$var)}
+ foreach var {lab rcv snd} {set @$var [gatom_unescape $_($of:$var)]}
+ wm title .$self "Atom"
+ global properties
+ $self add .$self \
+ {w entry -width 4} \
+ {min entry -width 8} \
+ {max entry -width 8} \
+ {lab entry -width 20} \
+ {pos side} \
+ {snd entry -width 20} \
+ {rcv entry -width 20}
+ #foreach name {w min max} {bind .$self.$name.entry <KeyPress-Return> "$self ok"}
+ .$self.w.entry select from 0
+ .$self.w.entry select adjust end
+ focus .$self.w.entry
+class_new GraphPropertiesDialog {Dialog}
+def GraphPropertiesDialog apply {} {
+ netsend [list .$@of dialog $@x1 $@y1 $@x2 $@y2 $@xpix $@ypix]
+def GraphPropertiesDialog init {of} {
+ super $of
+ foreach var {x1 y1 x2 y2 xpix ypix} {set @$var $_($of:$var)}
+ wm title .$self "Graph"
+ pack [label .$self.label -text "GRAPH BOUNDS"] -side top
+ global properties
+ $self add .$self {
+ {x1 entry -width 7} \
+ {x2 entry -width 7} \
+ {xpix entry -width 7} \
+ {y2 entry -width 7} \
+ {y1 entry -width 7} \
+ {ypix entry -width 7}
+ }
+ #.$self.xrangef.x2 select from 0
+ #.$self.xrangef.x2 select adjust end
+ #focus .$self.xrangef.x2
+class_new ArrayPropertiesDialog {Dialog}
+def ArrayPropertiesDialog apply {} {
+ regsub {^\$} $@name "#" name
+ netsend [list .$@apply arraydialog $name $@n $@saveit $@otherflag]
+def ArrayPropertiesDialog init {of} {
+ super $of
+ foreach var {name n saveit} {set @$var $_($of:$var)}
+ set @otherflag 0
+ wm title $id "[say array] [say popup_properties]"
+ $self add .$self {name entry} {n entry}
+ pack [checkbutton .$self.saveme -text "save contents" -variable @saveit -anchor w] -side top
+ if {$newone != 0} {
+ pack [frame .$self.radio] -side top
+ foreach {i label} {0 "in new graph" 1 "in last graph"} {
+ pack [radiobutton .$self.radio.radio$i -value $i -variable @otherflag -text $label] -side top -anchor w
+ }
+ } else {
+ pack [checkbutton .$self.deleteme -text "delete me" -variable @otherflag -anchor w] -side top
+ }
+ if {$newone} {.$self.buttonframe.apply configure -state disabled}
+ bind .$self.name.entry <KeyPress-Return> "$self ok"
+ bind .$self.n.entry <KeyPress-Return> "$self ok"
+ .$self.name.entry select from 0
+ .$self.name.entry select adjust end
+ focus .$self.name.entry
+class_new FloatBox {AtomBox}
+class_new SymbolBox {AtomBox}
+def AtomBox init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @clickpos {}
+ set width [font measure [$self look font] W]
+ set height [font metrics [$self look font] -linespace]
+ set @xs [expr ($width*$@w)+3]
+ set @ys [expr $height+3]
+def FloatBox init {mess} {super $mess; set @text 0;}
+def FloatBox calc {x y x1 y1} {
+ #puts "$@min $@max"
+ if {!$@min && !$@max} {
+ set d [expr $@ovalue+($y1-$y)*$@rate]
+ } else {
+ set span [expr $@max-$@min]
+ set l [expr $@max-$@min]
+ set d [clip [expr $@ovalue+(($y1-$y)*$span/($l+0.0))*$@rate] $@min $@max]
+ }
+ return $d
+def SymbolBox init {mess} {super $mess; set @text "symbol"}
+def AtomBox set {val} {set @text [format "%g" $val]; $self changed}
+def AtomBox setto {text} {
+ [$@canvas widget] configure -cursor {}
+ if { [string is double $text]} {
+ set @text $text; #so that the text gets updated immediately
+ netsend [list .$self float $text]
+ #[$self get_canvas] selection-= $self
+ }
+def SymbolBox set {text} {set @text $text}
+def SymbolBox setto {text} {
+ [$@canvas widget] configure -cursor {}
+ if {![string is double $text]} {netsend [list .$self symbol $text]}
+def FloatBox ftoa {} {
+ set f $@val
+ set is_exp 0
+ if {[string length $@buf]>0} {return $@buf}
+ set buf [format %g $f]
+ set bufsize [string length buf]
+ if {$bufsize >= 5} {
+ # exponential mode
+ set is_exp [regexp -nocase e]
+ }
+ if {$bufsize > $@w} {
+ # must shrink number
+ if {$is_exp} {
+ #...
+ } {
+ #...
+ }
+ }
+ return $buf
+def AtomBox click {x y f target} {
+ set @clickx $x; set @clicky $y
+ set canvas [$self get_canvas]
+ set t [$canvas widget].${self}text
+ set @ovalue [clip $@text $@min $@max]
+ set @clickpos [list $x $y]
+ set @mouse [list $x $y]
+ $canvas focus= $self
+ set @rate [expr $f&1 ? 0.01 : 1.00]
+def AtomBox unclick {x y f target} {
+ if {$x == $@clickx && $y == $@clicky} {$self edit}
+ [$self get_canvas] focus= ""
+def AtomBox motion {x y f target} {
+ if {$@edit} {return}
+ mset {clx cly} $@clickpos
+ set @text [$self calc $x $y $clx $cly]
+ netsend [list .$self float [expr {0+$@text}]]
+def AtomBox log_ratio {} {
+ set diff [expr $@is_log ? log($@max/$@min) : ($@max-$@min)]
+ return [expr $diff / $@max]
+def AtomBox key_incr {val1 val2} {
+ set @text [expr $@text - $val2]
+ netsend [list .$self float [expr {0+$@text}]]
+def SymbolBox motion {x y f target} {}
+class_new NumBox {Labelled IEMGUI AtomBox}
+def NumBox init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @clicking 0
+ set changed 0
+ set @buf ""
+ set @text [clip 0 $@min $@max]
+def NumBox calc {x y x1 y1} {
+ set span [expr $@max-$@min]
+ set l [expr $@is_log ? $@log_height : ($@max-$@min)]
+ set d [expr {($y1-$y)*$span/($l+0.0)}]
+ set d [expr $@is_log ? $@ovalue*exp($d*$@rate*[$self log_ratio]) : $@ovalue+$d*$@rate]
+ set d [clip $d $@min $@max]
+ return $d
+def NumBox reinit {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @text $@val
+def NumBox draw {} {
+ super
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ set xs [expr 4+10*$@w]
+ set ys $@h
+ set x2 [expr $x1+$xs]
+ set y2 [expr $y1+$ys]
+ set c [[$self get_canvas] widget]
+ set points [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x2-4] $y1 $x2 [expr $y1+4] $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2]
+ set xt [expr $x1+$ys/2+2]
+ set yt [expr $y1+$ys/2+1+$xs/34]
+ set points2 [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$ys/2] [expr $y1+$ys/2] $x1 $y2]
+ set focused [$self == [$@canvas focus]]
+ if {$focused} {set color4 #00ff00} {set color4 [$self look bg]}
+ $self item BASE4 polygon $points2 -outline [$self look frame3] -fill $color4
+ $c raise ${self}BASE4
+def NumBox ftoa {} {
+ set f $@text
+ set is_exp 0
+ if {[string length $@buf]>0} {return $@buf}
+ set buf [format %g $f]
+ set bufsize [string length buf]
+ if {$bufsize >= 5} {
+ # exponential mode
+ set is_exp [regexp -nocase e]
+ }
+ if {$bufsize > $@w} {
+ # must shrink number
+ if {$is_exp} {
+ #...
+ } {
+ #...
+ }
+ }
+ return $buf
+def NumBox unfocus {} {set @buf ""; $self changed}
+class_new Radio {BlueBox}
+def Radio reinit {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ switch [lindex $mess 4] {
+ hradio {set @orient 0} hdl {set @orient 0}
+ vradio {set @orient 1} vdl {set @orient 1}
+ default {set @orient 0}
+ }
+def Radio bbox {} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ set x2 [expr $x1+$@w*($@orient ?1:$@n)]
+ set y2 [expr $y1+$@w*($@orient ?$@n:1)]
+ list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
+def Radio draw {} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ super
+ for {set i 0} {$i<$@n} {incr i} {
+ $self item [list BUT$i BUT] rectangle \
+ [list [expr $x1+3] [expr $y1+3] [expr $x1+$@w-3] [expr $y1+$@w-3]] \
+ -fill #ffffff -outline #000000
+ if {$@orient} {set y1 [expr $y1+$@w]} {set x1 [expr $x1+$@w]}
+ }
+ $self set $@on
+def Radio set {value} {
+ set c [$self get_canvas]
+ [$c widget] itemconfigure ${self}BUT -fill #ffffff
+ [$c widget] itemconfigure ${self}BUT$value -fill #000000
+def Radio click {x y f target} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ set i [expr {($@orient ?$y-$y1:$x-$x1)/$@w}]
+ netsend [list .$self fout $i]
+def Radio key_incr {val1 val2} {
+ netsend [list .$self fout [expr $@on - $val2]]
+class_new Slider {BlueBox}
+# in sliders, @value is the kind of value that goes thru inlets and outlets
+# whereas @val is always measured in "centipixels" (unzoomed).
+def Slider reinit {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @knob_thick 4
+ switch [lindex $mess 4] {
+ hsl {set @orient 0}
+ vsl {set @orient 1}
+ }
+ $self update_value
+def Slider update_value {} {
+ set span [expr {$@max-$@min}]
+ set l [expr $@orient ?$@h:$@w]
+ set @value [expr $@val*$span/($l-1)/100]
+ #set t [expr $@val * [$self slider_ratio] * 0.01]
+ #set @value [expr $@min*exp($t)]
+def Slider init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @oposition $@min
+ $self update_value
+def Slider bbox {} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ if {!$@orient} {
+ list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w+$@knob_thick] [expr $y1+$@h]
+ } else {
+ list $x1 [expr $y1-$@knob_thick] [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@h]
+ }
+#the value/centipixel ratio
+def Slider slider_ratio {} {
+ set diff [expr $@is_log ? log($@max/$@min) : ($@max-$@min)]
+ return [expr $diff / ($@orient ? ($@h-1) : ($@w-1))]
+def Slider draw_knob {} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ set l [expr $@orient ?$@h:$@w]
+ set span [expr {$@max-$@min}]
+ set color [$self look bg]
+ set scaled [expr {$@value*($l-1)/$span}]
+ set thick [expr $@knob_thick/2]
+ if {$@orient} {
+ set y1 [expr $y1+$@knob_thick]
+ set y [expr $y1+$@h-$scaled-2]
+ set coords [list [expr $x1+2] $y [expr $x1+$@w-2] [expr $y-2]]
+ } else {
+ set x2 [expr $x1-$@knob_thick]
+ set x [expr $x1+$scaled]
+ set coords [list $x [expr $y1+$thick] [expr $x+2] [expr $y1+$@h-$thick]]
+ }
+ $self item KNOB rectangle $coords -outline red -fill [darker $color]
+def Slider draw {} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ #if {$@orient} {set y1 [expr $y1-2]} {set x1 [expr $x1-2]}
+ #if {$@orient} {set ys [expr $@h+5]} {set xs [expr $@w+5]}
+ super
+ $self draw_knob
+ $self update_value
+# not used
+def Slider draw_notches {} {
+ if {$@orient} {
+ set thick [clip [expr $xs/3] 1 5]
+ set x3 [expr $x1+$xs-$thick/2-2]
+ set eighth [expr round($ys/8-1)]
+ set coords [list $x3 $y1 $x3 [expr $y1+$ys]]
+ } else {
+ set thick [clip [expr $ys/3] 1 5]
+ set y3 [expr $y1+$ys-$thick/2-2]
+ set eighth [expr $xs/8]
+ set coords [list $x1 $y3 [expr $x1+$xs] $y3]
+ }
+ # there were supposed to be 7 notches... i don't remember what happened here.
+ $@canvas item NOTCH $coords -dash [list 1 $eighth 1 $eighth] -width $thick -fill [darker [$self look bg]]
+def Slider click {x y f target} {
+ set canvas [$self get_canvas]
+ mset {type id detail} [$canvas identify_target $x $y $f]
+ if {$type == "label"} {return}
+ $canvas focus= $self
+ set @click_at [list $x $y]
+ set @rate [expr $f&1 ? 0.01 : 1.00]
+ if {!$@steady} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ set t [expr [$self calc $x $y $x1 $y2]*$@rate]
+ set @value [expr $@is_log ? [expr $@min*exp($t*[$self slider_ratio])] : $t]
+ set @oposition $t
+ netsend [list .$self float $@value]
+ } else {set @oposition $@value}
+def Slider unclick {x y f target} {
+ ### keep focus if only clicked. do we want that feature?
+ # if {[distance $@click_at [list $x $y]] == 0} {return}
+ set canvas [$self get_canvas]
+ $canvas focus= ""
+def Slider motion {x y f target} {
+ set canvas [$self get_canvas]
+ set focused [$self == [$canvas focus]]
+ if {!$focused} {return}
+ mset {clx cly} $@click_at
+ set d [$self calc $x $y $clx $cly]
+ set t ($@oposition+$d*$@rate)
+ set value [expr $@is_log ? [expr $@min*exp($t*[$self slider_ratio])] : $t]
+ set out [clip $value $@min $@max]
+ netsend [list .$self float $out]
+def Slider key_incr {val1 val2} {
+ set @value [expr $@value - $val2]
+ netsend [list .$self float $@value]
+def Slider calc {x y x1 y1} {
+ set span [expr $@max-$@min]
+ set l [expr {$@orient ?$@h:$@w}]
+ set d [expr {($@orient ?$y1-$y:$x-$x1)*$span/($l+0.0)}]
+ return $d
+def Slider unfocus {} {$self draw}
+class_new Labelled {}
+def Labelled draw {} {
+ global leet
+ super
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ set lx [expr $x1+$@ldx]
+ set ly [expr $y1+$@ldy]
+ set label $@lab; switch -- $label { empty { set label "" }}
+ set lfont [list [lindex {courier helvetica times} $@fstyle] $@fs bold]
+ set lcolor [parse_color $@lcol]
+ if {$leet} {
+ set text [string map -nocase {a 4 e 3 t 7 s 5 i 1 o 0 g 9} $label]
+ } else {
+ set text $label
+ }
+ $self item LABEL text [list $lx $ly] -text $text -anchor w -font $lfont -fill $lcolor
+class_new Bang {BlueBox}
+def Bang init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @flash 0
+ set @count 0
+def Bang bbox {} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@w]
+def Bang draw {} {
+ super
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ if {$@flash} {
+ set rect [list [expr $x1+2] [expr $y1+2] [expr $x2-2] [expr $y2-2]]
+ #$self item BUT oval $rect -fill [color_* [$self look bg] [parse_color $@fcol]]
+ set fcol [color_* [$self look bg] [parse_color $@fcol]]
+ set bcol [color_* [$self look bg] [parse_color $@bcol]]
+ $self item BUT oval $rect -fill $fcol
+ after 100 [list $self item BUT oval $rect -fill $bcol]
+ set @flash 0
+ } else {
+ set colour [parse_color $@bcol]
+ set rect [list [expr $x1+2] [expr $y1+2] [expr $x2-2] [expr $y2-2]]
+ $self item BUT oval $rect -fill [color_* [$self look bg] $colour] -outline [$self look frame3]
+ }
+def Bang unclick {x y f target} {}
+def Bang click {x y f target} {netsend [list .$self bang]}
+def Bang bang {count} {set @count $count; set @flash 1}
+def Bang key_incr {val1 val2} {netsend [list .$self bang]}
+class_new Toggle {BlueBox}
+def Toggle bbox {} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@w]
+def Toggle draw {} {
+ super
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ set colour [parse_color $@bcol]
+ set t [expr int(($@w+29)/30)]
+ set fill [color_* [$self look bg] $colour]
+ set x3 [expr $x1+$t+2]; set y3 [expr $y1+$t+2]
+ set x4 [expr $x2-$t-2]; set y4 [expr $y2-$t-2]
+ if {$@on} {
+ set fill [parse_color $@fcol]
+ } {
+ set fill [color_* [$self look bg] [parse_color $@bcol]]
+ }
+ $self item X1 line [list $x3 $y3 [expr $x4+1] [expr $y4+1]] -width $t -fill $fill
+ $self item X2 line [list $x3 $y4 [expr $x4+1] [expr $y3-1]] -width $t -fill $fill
+def Toggle unclick {x y f target} {}
+def Toggle click {x y f target} {
+ if {!$@on} {set @on 1} {set @on 0}
+ netsend [list .$self float $@on]
+ $self changed
+class_new Vu {IEMGUI Box}
+set vu_col {
+ 0 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
+ 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 19 19 19
+def Vu init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @value 0
+ set @peak 0
+def Vu bbox {} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@h]
+def Vu led_size {} {
+ set n [expr $@h/40]
+ if {$n < 2} {set n 2}
+ return [expr $n-1]
+def Vu draw {} {
+ global vu_col
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ set colour [parse_color $@bcol]
+ super
+ $self draw_io
+ set led_size [$self led_size]
+ set x3 [expr $x1+$@w/4]
+ set x4 [expr $x2-$@w/4]
+ $self item BASE rectangle [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] -width 0 -fill [color_* [$self look bg] $colour]
+ for {set i 1} {$i<=40} {incr i} {
+ set y [expr $y1 + ($led_size+1)*(41-$i) - ($led_size+1)/2]
+ $self item RMS${i} rectangle [list $x3 $y $x4 [expr $y+$led_size]] \
+ -fill [parse_color [lindex $vu_col $i]] -width 0
+ }
+ #if {!$@zoom} {return}
+ set lfont [list [lindex {courier helvetica times} $@fstyle] $@fs bold]
+ set lcolor [parse_color $@lcol]
+ set i 0
+ foreach level { <-99 -50 -30 -20 -12 -6 -2 -0dB +2 +6 >+12 } {
+ set k1 [expr $led_size+1]
+ set k2 41
+ set k3 [expr $k1/2]
+ set k4 [expr $y1-$k3]
+ set yyy [expr $k4 + $k1*($k2-4*$i)]
+ $self item SCALE{$level} text [list [expr $x2+4] [expr $yyy+$k3-3]] \
+ -text $level -anchor w -font $lfont -fill $lcolor
+ incr i
+ }
+ set y [expr $y1 + ($led_size+1)*(41-$@value) - ($led_size+1)/2]
+ $self item MASK rectangle [list $x3 $y1 $x4 $y] -width 0 -fill [color_* [$self look bg] $colour]
+ set c [lindex $vu_col [expr int($@peak)]]
+ set y [expr $y1 + ($led_size+1)*(41-$@peak) - ($led_size+1)/2]
+ $self item PEAK rectangle [list $x1 $y $x2 [expr $y+$led_size]] -fill [parse_color $c] -width 0
+def Vu rms= {rms } {set @value $rms; $self changed rms}
+def Vu peak= {peak} {set @peak $peak; $self changed peak}
+def Vu set {i j} {
+ set @value $i
+ set @peak $j
+ $self changed
+catch {
+ package require tkdnd
+ dnd bindtarget . text/uri-list <Drop> {open_file %D}
+class_new Dropper {View}
+# somewhat broken...
+def Dropper draw {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set isnew [expr [llength [$c gettags ${self}BASE]] == 0]
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ set xs $@w
+ set colour [parse_color $@fcol]
+ set lcolour [parse_color $@lcol]
+ super
+ if {$isnew} {
+ canvas $c.${self}DROP -width $xs -height $xs -bg $colour \
+ -highlightbackground $lcolour -highlightcolor $colour
+ $c create window [expr $x1+7] [expr $y1-2] -window $c.${self}DROP -anchor nw -tags $c.${self}window
+ if {[catch {
+ dnd bindtarget $c.${self}DROP text/uri-list <Drop> "pd \"x[list ${self}] symbol \[ enquote %D \] ;\""
+ }]} {
+ post "dropper: dnd not installed"
+ }
+ } {
+ $c coords $@canvas.${self}window [expr $x1 + 7] [expr $y1 - 2]
+ $c.${self}DROP configure -width $xs -height $xs -bg $colour \
+ -highlightbackground $lcolour -highlightcolor $colour
+ }
+def Dropper erase {} {destroy $@canvas.${self}DROP; super}
+class_new Cnv {Labelled IEMGUI Box}
+def Cnv draw {} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ $self item BASE rectangle [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@h]] -fill [parse_color $@bcol]
+ super
+def Cnv bbox {} {
+ mset {x1 y1} [$self xy]
+ return [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+$@w] [expr $y1+$@h]]
+class_new Array {Box}
+def Array init {mess} {
+ super $mess
+ set @name [lindex $mess 2]
+ set @length 0
+ set @data {}
+ set @draw 0
+def Array bbox {} {
+ return {0 0 1 1} ;# huh?
+def Array draw_name {} {
+ mset {x_off y_off} [$@canvas xy]
+ $self item TEXT text [lmap + [list $x_off $y_off] 2] \
+ -font [View_look $self font] -text $@name \
+ -fill [View_look $self fg] -anchor nw
+def Array draw {} {
+ $self draw_name
+ mset {x_off y_off} [$@canvas xy]
+ set m [$@canvas get_mess]
+ mset {xfrom yto xto yfrom pixwidth pixheight} $m
+ if {[winfo exists [$@canvas widget]]} {
+ mset {c_width c_height} [$@canvas get_dimen]
+ set width [expr $c_width / $@length]
+ set i 0
+ foreach val $@data {
+ if {!$val} {set val 0.0}
+ set y [expr $c_height - (((double($val)+abs($yfrom))/($yto-($yfrom)) * $c_height))]
+ set x1 [expr $width * $i]
+ set x2 [expr $x1 + $width]
+ set line [list $x1 $y $x2 $y]
+ $self item elem${i} line $line -fill [$@canvas look compfg] -width 2 -tags "$self ${self}elem${i}"
+ #.$self.c raise ${self}elem${i}
+ incr i
+ }
+ } else {
+ set width [expr $pixwidth / $@length]
+ set canvas [$self get_canvas]
+ set i 0
+ foreach val $@data {
+ if {!$val} {set val 0.0}
+ #set val2 [lindex $@data [expr $i+1]]
+ set y [expr ($pixheight - ((double($val)+abs($yfrom))/($yto-($yfrom)) * $pixheight)) + $y_off]
+ #set y2 [expr ($pixheight - ((double($val2)+abs($yfrom))/($yto-($yfrom)) * $pixheight)) + $y_off]
+ set x1 [expr ($width * $i) + $x_off]
+ set x2 [expr $x1 + $width]
+ set line [list $x1 $y $x2 $y]
+ $self item ${self}ELEM${i} line $line -fill [$self look fg] -width 2
+ incr i
+ }
+ [$canvas widget] raise $self
+ #set width [expr $pixwidth / [expr $@length-1]]
+ #set canvas [$self get_canvas]
+ #set i 0
+ #for {set i 0} {$i < [expr $@length-1]} {incr i} {
+ # #if {!$val} {set val 0.0}
+ # set val [lindex $@data [expr $i]]
+ # set val2 [lindex $@data [expr $i+1]]
+ # set y [expr ($pixheight - ((double($val)+abs($yfrom))/($yto-($yfrom)) * $pixheight)) + $y_off]
+ # set y2 [expr ($pixheight - ((double($val2)+abs($yfrom))/($yto-($yfrom)) * $pixheight)) + $y_off]
+ # set x1 [expr ($width * $i) + $x_off]
+ # set x2 [expr $x1 + $width]
+ # set line [list $x1 $y $x2 $y2]
+ # $self item ${self}ELEM${i} line $line -fill [$self look fg] -width 0
+ #}
+ }
+def Array click {x y f target} {
+ if {[winfo exists [$@canvas widget]]} {set canvas $@canvas} else {set canvas [$@canvas canvas]}
+ $canvas focus= $self
+ set @draw 1
+def Array unclick {x y f target} {
+ if {[winfo exists [$@canvas widget]]} {set canvas $@canvas} else {set canvas [$@canvas canvas]}
+ $canvas focus= ""
+ set @draw 0
+def Array motion {x y f target} {
+ if {!$@draw} return
+ if {[winfo exists [$@canvas widget]]} {
+ mset {c_width c_height} [$@canvas get_dimen]
+ mset {xfrom yto xto yfrom pixwidth pixheight} [$@canvas get_mess]
+ set width [expr $c_width / $@length]
+ set i [format %d [expr int($x/$width)]]
+ set x1 [expr $width * $i]
+ set x2 [expr $x1 + $width]
+ set line [list $x1 $y $x2 $y]
+ set val [expr (($c_height-$y)/$c_height) * ($yto-($yfrom)) + ($yfrom)]
+ netsend [list .$self $i $val]
+ } else {
+ mset {xfrom yto xto yfrom pixwidth pixheight} [$@canvas get_mess]
+ mset {x_off y_off} [$@canvas xy]
+ set width [expr $pixwidth / $@length]
+ set i [format %d [expr int(($x-$x_off)/$width)]]
+ set val [expr (($pixheight-$y+$y_off)/$pixheight) * ($yto-($yfrom)) + ($yfrom)]
+ netsend [list .$self $i $val]
+ }
+def Array length= {val} {set @length [format %f $val]}
+def Array name= {val} {set @name $val}
+def Array array_set {data_list} {
+ if {[llength $data_list] == $@length} {
+ set @data {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $@length} {incr i} {
+ lappend @data [lindex $data_list $i]
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts "error....."
+ }
+############ evaluator
+class_new Listener {Thing}
+def Listener init {serf name command} {
+ set @history [History new 20]
+ set @command $command
+ set @expanded 0
+ set @serf $serf
+ frame $serf
+ pack [frame $serf.1] -side left -fill y
+ pack [frame $serf.1.1] -side bottom
+ pack [button $serf.1.1.expander -image icon_plus -command "$self toggle_expand"] -side left
+ pack [label $serf.1.1.label -width 11 -text "$name: " -font {Courier 10}] -side left
+ pack [entry $serf.entry -width 40 -font $::look(View:font)] -side left -fill x -expand yes
+ pack $serf -fill x -expand no
+ bind $serf.entry <Up> "$self scroll_history +1"
+ bind $serf.entry <Down> "$self scroll_history -1"
+ bind $serf.entry <Return> "$self eval"
+def Listener toggle_expand {} {
+ set @expanded [expr 1-$@expanded]
+ if {$@expanded} {$self expand} {$self unexpand}
+def Listener expand {} {
+ set e $@serf.entry
+ set text [$e get]
+ destroy $e
+ pack [text $e -width 40 -height 8] -side left -fill x -expand yes
+ $e insert 0.0 $text
+ $@serf.1.1.expander configure -image icon_minus
+ bind $e <Alt-Return> "$self eval"
+def Listener unexpand {} {
+ set e $@serf.entry
+ set text [$e get 0.0 end]
+ regsub "\n$" $text "" text
+ destroy $e
+ pack [entry $e -width 40] -side left -fill x -expand yes
+ $e insert 0 $text
+ $@serf.1.1.expander configure -image icon_plus
+ bind $e <Up> "$self up"
+ bind $e <Down> "$self down"
+ bind $e <Return> "$self eval"
+def Listener replace {stuff} {
+ $@serf.entry delete 0 end
+ $@serf.entry insert 0 $stuff
+ $@serf.entry icursor end
+def Listener scroll_history {incr} {
+ if {![$@history histi]} {$@history set_hist 0 [$self get_command]}
+ $self replace [$@history traverse $incr]
+def Listener append {v} {
+ $@history prepend $v
+ lappend @hist $v; set @histi [llength $@hist]
+def Listener get_command {} {
+ set e $@serf.entry
+ if {$@expanded} {
+ set l [$e get 0.0 end]; return $l
+ } else {
+ set l [$e get]; return $l
+ }
+def Listener eval {} {
+ set e $@serf.entry
+ $@history histi= 0
+ set l [$self get_command]
+ $self append $l
+ if {$@expanded} {$e delete 0.0 end} {$e delete 0 end}
+ $@command $self $l
+proc tcl_eval {self l} {post %s "tcl: $l"; post %s "returns: [uplevel [info level] $l]"}
+proc pd_eval {self l} {post %s "pd: $l"; netsend $l}
+proc canvas_eval {self l} {post %s "tcl: $l"; post %s "returns: [uplevel [info level] [join [list [$self canvas] $l]]]"}
+############ button bar
+set butt {
+ {ObjectBox Object {obj}}
+ {MessageBox Message {msg}}
+ {FloatBox Number {floatatom}}
+ {SymbolBox Symbol {symbolatom}}
+ {CommentBox Comment {text}}
+ {bng bng {obj bng}}
+ {tgl tgl {obj tgl}}
+ {nbx nbx {obj nbx}}
+ {vsl vsl {obj vsl}}
+ {hsl hsl {obj hsl}}
+ {vradio vradio {obj vradio}}
+ {hradio hradio {obj hradio}}
+ {vu vu {obj vu}}
+ {cnv cnv {obj cnv}}
+ {Graph graph {graph}}
+ {Array array {menuarray 0}}
+# {dropper dropper {pd %W dropper 0}}
+proc button_bar_add {x y} {
+ global butt
+ lappend butt [list $x $y noload]
+if {$tk} {
+ set dir $cmdline(icons)
+ foreach icon {mode_edit mode_run pd} {image create photo icon_$icon -file $dir/$icon.gif}
+ foreach b $butt {mset {icon name cmd} $b; image create photo icon_$icon -file $dir/$icon.gif}
+class_new ButtonBar {View}
+def ButtonBar init {canvas} {
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set bb .$@canvas.bbar
+ frame $bb
+ pack [button $bb.edit -image icon_mode_edit -border 1 -command [list $@canvas editmodeswitch]] -side left
+ foreach e $::butt {
+ mset {icon name cmd} $e
+ pack [button $bb._$name -image icon_$icon -border 1 -command "$@canvas new_object $cmd"] -side left
+ balloon $bb._$name [say $name]
+ }
+ pack [entry $bb.name -font {helvetica -12} -width 8 -border 0] -side right
+ pack [spinbox $bb.scale -width 5 -command "$canvas zooming %d" -state readonly] -side right
+ $bb.scale set [format %d%% [expr int(100*[$@canvas zoom])]]
+ $bb.name insert 0 $@canvas
+def ButtonBar widget {} {return .$@canvas.bbar}
+proc obj_create {c flag} {}
+############ crosshair
+class_new Crosshair {View}
+def Crosshair classtags {} {return {}}
+def Crosshair init {canvas} {
+ super
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ $self data= 0 0 {none}
+def Crosshair data= {x y target} {
+ set @x $x
+ set @y $y
+ set @target $target
+def Crosshair draw {} {
+ mset {type id detail} $@target
+ set x $@x; set y $@y
+ if {[$@canvas look hairsnap]} {
+ switch -regexp -- $type {^object|outlet|inlet$ {mset {x y x3 y3} [$id bbox]}}
+ }
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self display_area]
+ set h1 [list $x1 $y $x2 $y]
+ set v1 [list $x $y1 $x $y2]
+ $self item VHAIR1 line $v1 -fill [$@canvas look crosshair] -width 1 -dash {4 4 4 4}
+ $self item HHAIR1 line $h1 -fill [$@canvas look crosshair] -width 1 -dash {4 4 4 4}
+#def Crosshair erase {} {$self item_delete VHAIR1; $self item_delete HHAIR1}
+class_new Sense {View}
+def Sense init {canvas} {
+ super
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ $self data= 0 0 0 red
+def Sense data= {x y range col} {
+ set @x $x
+ set @y $y
+ set @range $range
+ set @col $col
+def Sense flash {x y sense col} {
+ $self data= $x $y $sense $col
+ $self draw
+ after 500 $self erase
+def Sense draw {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set x1 [expr $@x-$@range]; set y1 [expr $@y-$@range]
+ set x2 [expr $@x+$@range]; set y2 [expr $@y+$@range]
+ $self item SENSE oval [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] -fill $@col -outline yellow
+def View display_area {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]; set z [$@canvas zoom]
+ set edge 10
+ set x1 [expr {int([$c canvasx $edge]/$z)}]
+ set y1 [expr {int([$c canvasy $edge]/$z)}]
+ set x2 [expr {int(([$c canvasx [winfo width $c]]-$edge)/$z)}]
+ set y2 [expr {int(([$c canvasy [winfo height $c]]-$edge)/$z)}]
+ return [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2]
+class_new Grid {View}
+def Grid init {canvas} {
+ super
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set @width [winfo width $c]
+ set @height [winfo height $c]
+ set @size [$@canvas look grid_size]
+ set @col [$@canvas look grid]
+ set @gap 5
+def Grid classtags {} {return {}}
+def Grid update {h w} {set @width $w; set @height $h}
+def Grid size= {size} {set @size $size}
+def Canvas snap_grid {} {return [$self look snap_grid]}
+def Canvas snap_grid= {val} {set ::look(Canvas:snap_grid) $val}
+def Canvas snap_objs2grid {} {
+ if {![$self editmode]} {return}
+ foreach obj [$@objects values] {
+ mset {x y} [$obj xy]
+ set grid [$self look grid_size]
+ set x [expr floor($x/$grid)*$grid]
+ set y [expr floor($y/$grid)*$grid]
+ $obj moveto $x $y
+ }
+def Grid draw {} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self display_area]
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set lowest [$@canvas lowest_item]
+ $self draw_lines $x1 $x2 $y1 $y2 VL
+ $self draw_lines $y1 $y2 $x1 $x2 HL
+ if {$lowest != -1} {$c lower $self $lowest}
+def Grid draw_lines {v1 v2 v3 v4 tag} {
+ set s $@size; set g $@gap
+ for {set i $v1} {$i < $v2} {incr i} {
+ #if {$l%$g == 0} {set width 1;set dash [list 7 1]} {set width 1;set dash [list 1 4 1 4]}
+ if {![expr {$i % int($s*$g)}]} {set w 1;set d [list 7 1]} {set w 1;set d [list 1 4 1 4]}
+ if {![expr {$i % int($s)}]} {
+ switch $tag {VL {set line [list $i $v3 $i $v4]} HL {set line [list $v3 $i $v4 $i]}}
+ $self item ${tag}$i line $line -fill $@col -width $w -dash $d
+ }
+ }
+def Canvas lowest_item {} {
+ set c [$self widget]
+ set all [$c find withtag foo]
+ if {![llength $all]} {return -1}
+ set lowest [lindex [$c gettags [lindex $all 0]] 0]
+ return $lowest
+#def Canvas grid_size {} {return [$self look grid_size]}
+def Canvas grid_size= {size} {
+ set ::look(Canvas:grid_size) $size
+ if {[$self editmode]} {$@grid size= $size; $@grid erase; after 0 $@grid draw}
+############ tooltips (only those that are drawn as canvas items)
+class_new Tooltip {View}
+def Tooltip init {canvas pos curpos text type iserror} {
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set @pos $pos
+ set @curpos $curpos
+ set @text $text
+ set @type $type
+ set @iserror $iserror
+def Tooltip iserror {} {return $@iserror}
+def Tooltip curpos {} {return $@curpos}
+def Tooltip text {} {return $@text}
+def Tooltip draw {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ if {$@iserror} {
+ set fg "#ffffff"; set bg "#dd0000"
+ } else {
+ set fg "#000000"; set bg "#ffffcc"
+ }
+ mset {x y} $@pos
+ switch -- $@type {
+ o {set ny [expr {$y+24}]}
+ i {set ny [expr {$y-24}]}
+ }
+ $self item TEXT text [list [expr $x+12] $ny] -fill $fg -text $@text -anchor w
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [l+ [$c bbox ${self}TEXT] [list -4 -4 +4 +4]]
+ switch -- $@type {
+ o {set coords [list $x1 $y1 [expr $x1+8] $y1 $x $y [expr $x1+16] $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 $x1 $y2 $x1 $y1]}
+ i {set coords [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y1 $x2 $y2 [expr $x1+16] $y2 $x $y [expr $x1+8] $y2 $x1 $y2 $x1 $y1]}
+ }
+ $self item RECT polygon $coords -fill $bg -outline $fg
+ $c lower ${self}RECT ${self}TEXT
+# $c delete tooltip_bg tooltip_fg
+set tooltip ""
+def Canvas show_tooltip {x y text type {iserror 0}} {
+ global tooltip
+ if {$tooltip ne "" && [$tooltip text] eq $text} {return}
+ if {$tooltip ne ""} {$tooltip delete}
+ set tooltip [Tooltip new $self [list $x $y] $@curpos $text $type $iserror]
+ $tooltip draw
+############ class browser
+class_new ServerClassDict {Observable Thing}
+def ServerClassDict init {} {
+# Completion/Browser init can be cleaned up a bit more, do it later...
+class_new ClassBrowser {Dialog}
+class_new Browser {ClassBrowser}
+def Browser init {name x y textbox} {super $name $x $y $textbox}
+class_new Completion {ClassBrowser}
+def Completion init {name x y textbox} {super $name $x $y $textbox}
+def Completion cancel {} {
+ bind $@textbox <Key> "$@textself key_input %W %x %y %K %A 0"
+ bind $@textbox <Control-Return> "$@textself key_input %W %x %y 10 %A 0"
+ bind $@textbox <Return> "$@textself unedit"
+ bind $@textbox <Tab> "$@textself key_input %W %x %y %K %A 0"
+ focus $@textbox
+ $self delete
+def ClassBrowser delete {} {set @exist 0; super}
+def ClassBrowser init {name x y textbox} {
+ set @name $name
+ set @width 0
+ set @height 0
+ # so that in completion mode, it know which textbox to switch the focus to
+ set @textbox $textbox
+ netsend [list pd update-path]
+ netsend [list pd update-class-list $self list_callback]
+def ClassBrowser fill_box {s} {
+ global class_list
+ $@listbox delete 0 end
+ foreach class $class_list {
+ if {[string length $s]==0 || [string first $s $class]>=0} {
+ set t "\[$class\]"
+ if {[can_say $class]} {append t " [say $class]"}
+ $@listbox insert end $t
+ #if {[string length $t] > [string length $@width]} {set @width [string length $t]}
+ if {[string length $t] > $@width} {set @width [string length $t]}
+ }
+ }
+ set none [say no_matches]
+ if {![$@listbox size]} {$@listbox insert 0 $none; set @width [string length $none]}
+ $@listbox selection set 0 0
+def Completion fill_box {s} {
+ super $s
+ wm maxsize .$self [winfo reqwidth .$self.comp] [winfo reqheight .$self.comp]
+def Browser fill_box {s} {
+ super $s
+ .$self.title configure -text [format [say how_many_object_classes] [$@listbox size] [llength $::class_list]]
+def ClassBrowser search_for_externs {} {
+ global pd_path class_list
+ foreach dir $pd_path {
+ catch {
+ set xs [glob "$dir/*.pd*"]
+ foreach x $xs {
+ set fn [lindex [file split $x] end]
+ set fn [join [lrange [split $fn .] 0 end-1] .]
+ lappend class_list $fn
+ }
+ }
+ }
+def ClassBrowser info {listbox} {
+ set class [$self current_class]
+ if {$class != ""} {netsend [list pd update-class-info $class $self info_callback]}
+def Browser list_callback {} {
+ $self search_for_externs
+ set class_list [luniq [lsort $::class_list]]
+ toplevel .$self
+ set f .$self.cl
+ pack [frame $f] -side top -fill both -expand yes
+ pack [label .$self.title -text ""] -side top
+ listbox $f.1 -width 50 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.2 set" -activestyle none
+ scrollbar $f.2 -command "$f.1 yview"
+ text $f.3 -width 30 -height 20 -yscrollcommand "$f.4 set"
+ scrollbar $f.4 -command "$f.3 yview"
+ set @listbox $f.1
+ frame $f.5
+ button $f.5.help -text [say help] -command [list $self help]
+ pack $f.5.help -side top
+ pack $f.5 -side left -fill y -expand no
+ pack $f.1 -side left -fill both -expand yes
+ pack $f.2 -side left -fill y -expand no
+ pack $f.3 -side left -fill both -expand yes
+ pack $f.4 -side left -fill y -expand no
+ set b .$self.butt
+ frame $b
+ pack [label $b.1 -text [say filter]] -side left
+ pack [entry $b.2 -width 15] -side left
+ pack [button $b.close -text [say close] -command "destroy .$self"] -side right
+ pack $b -side bottom -fill x -expand no
+ set @textbox $b.2
+ $self fill_box ""
+ #bind $f.1 <Button-1> "after 1 \"$self info $f.1 \""
+ foreach w [list $f.1 $b.2] {
+ bind $w <KeyPress> "after 1 \"$self key %K 0\""
+ bind $w <Shift-KeyPress> "after 1 \"$self key %K 1\""
+ bind $w <Return> [list $self help]
+ }
+ focus $@textbox
+def Browser help {} {
+ set f .$self.cl
+ netsend [list pd help [$self current_class]]
+def Completion list_callback {} {
+ $self search_for_externs
+ set class_list [luniq [lsort $::class_list]]
+ toplevel .$self
+ wm protocol .$self WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self cancel"
+ wm overrideredirect .$self 1
+ set canvas $@name
+ set f .$self.comp
+ set @listbox $f
+ set @rootx [winfo rootx .$@name.c]
+ set @rooty [winfo rooty .$@name.c]
+ set @max [wm maxsize .$self]
+ if {[regexp {(x[0-9a-z]{6,8})text$} $@textbox dummy textself]} {set @textself $textself}
+ if {[$canvas look showcomp] <= 20} {set @height [$canvas look showcomp]} else {set @height 20}
+ listbox $f -width $@width -height $@height -relief flat -activestyle dotbox -font $::look(View:font) \
+ -bg [$@textself look bg] -selectbackground [$@textself look fg] \
+ -fg [$@textself look fg] -selectforeground [$@textself look bg]
+ $self adjust_box
+ bind $f <Button-1> "after 1 \"$self complete\""
+ bind $f <Return> "after 1 \"$self complete\""
+ bind $f <KeyPress> "$self key %K 0"
+ bind $f <Shift-KeyPress> "$self key %K 1"
+ bind $@textbox <Tab> "$self key %K; break"
+ bind $@textbox <KeyPress> "$self key %K "
+ focus .$self.comp
+def Completion adjust_box {} {
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [lmap * [$@textself bbox] [$@name zoom]]
+ set x1 [format %0.f $x1];set y1 [format %0.f $y1]
+ set x2 [format %0.f $x2];set y2 [format %0.f $y2]
+ $self fill_box [$@textbox get 1.0 1.end]
+ set f .$self.comp
+ $f configure -width $@width
+ set box_width [winfo reqwidth $f]
+ set box_height [winfo reqheight $f]
+ pack $f -side left -expand yes
+ .$self configure -width $box_width
+ .$self configure -height $box_height
+ #test the right edge of the screen, assuming the left edge has enough space
+ if {[expr $x1+$@rootx+$box_width] < [lindex $@max 0]} {
+ set box_x [expr $x1+$@rootx]
+ } else {
+ set box_x [expr $x2 - $box_width + $@rootx]
+ }
+ #test the lower edge of the screen, assuming the upper edge has enough space
+ if {[expr $y2+$@rooty+$box_height] < [lindex $@max 1]} {
+ set box_y [expr $y2 + 5 + $@rooty]
+ } else {
+ set box_y [expr $y1 - $box_height - 2 + $@rooty]
+ }
+ wm geometry .$self [winfo reqwidth .$self]x[winfo reqheight .$self]+$box_x+$box_y
+def ClassBrowser current_class {} {
+ set i [$@listbox curselection]
+ if {$i == ""} {return {}}
+ return [string range [lindex [$@listbox get $i] 0] 1 end-1]
+def ClassBrowser complete {} {
+ if {[regexp {x([0-9a-z]{6,8})text$} $@textbox obj]} {
+ set cut [string first "text" $obj]
+ set obj [string range $obj 0 [expr $cut -1]]
+ }
+ set class [$self current_class]
+ $@textbox delete 1.0 1.end
+ $@textbox insert 1.0 $class
+ $obj unedit
+ destroy .$self
+def ClassBrowser key {key {shift 0}} {
+ switch -regexp -- $key {
+ Up|Down {
+ if {[focus] != $@listbox} {
+ focus $@listbox
+ event generate $@listbox <KeyPress> -keysym $key
+ } else {
+ if {$self == "browser"} {$self info $@listbox}
+ }
+ }
+ Escape {after 1 "$self cancel"} ;# doesn't really work
+ Tab {
+ focus $@listbox
+ set next [$@listbox index active]
+ incr next
+ if {$next >= [$@listbox size]} {set next 0}
+ $@listbox activate $next
+ $@listbox selection clear 0 [expr [$@listbox size] - 1]
+ $@listbox selection set $next $next
+ #if {$next >= [expr $@height - 1]} {$@listbox yview scroll 1 units}
+ $@listbox see $next
+ if {$self == "browser"} {$self info $@listbox}
+ }
+ BackSpace {
+ if {[focus] == $@listbox} {focus $@textbox}
+ #classbrowser uses entry as input widget, where as completion is text widget...
+ switch $self {
+ browser {$self fill_box [$@textbox get]}
+ completion {$self adjust_box; $@textself resize; $@textself changed}
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ $self key_default $key
+ }
+ }
+def Browser key_default {key} {
+ if {[focus] == $@listbox} {
+ if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z0-9~/\._]{1}$} $key]} {
+ .$self.butt.2 insert end $key
+ $self fill_box [$@textbox get]
+ }
+ } else {$self fill_box [$@textbox get]}
+def Completion key_default {key} {
+ if {[focus] == $@listbox} {
+ if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z0-9~/\._]{1}$} $key]} {
+ $@textbox insert 1.end $key
+ $@textself after_key $@textbox
+ $self adjust_box
+ focus $@textbox
+ }
+ }
+ if {[focus] == $@textbox & $key != "Tab"} {
+ $self adjust_box
+ $@textself resize
+ #hum, no idea why i need after 1 for it to work...
+ after 1 $@textself after_key $@textbox
+ }
+def ClassBrowser info_callback {class} {
+ global class_info
+ set f .browser.cl
+ set class [$self current_class]
+ $f.3 delete 0.0 end
+ $f.3 insert end "class $class\n"
+ foreach {k v} $class_info($class) {$f.3 insert end "$k=\"$v\"\n"}
+def TextBox propose_completions {} {
+ set c [$@canvas widget]
+ set widget $c.${self}text
+ set propose $c.${self}propose
+ #$propose configure -state normal
+ if {![info exists ::class_list]} {
+ netsend [list pd update-class-list $self propose_completions]
+ return
+ }
+ set r {}
+ set c {}
+ set n 0
+ set prev ""
+ foreach class [luniq [lsort $::class_list]] {
+ if {[string length $@text]==0 || [string first $@text $class]>=0} {
+ if {[string compare [say $class] "{{$class}}"]} {
+ lappend r "$class : [say $class]"
+ } {
+ lappend r $class
+ }
+ lappend c $class
+ incr n
+ }
+ if {$n > 16} {lappend r ...; break}
+ }
+ set r [join $r "\n"]
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [$self bbox]
+ set @action [Completion new_as completion $@canvas $x1 $y1 $widget]
+############ properties_dialog #########
+proc change_entry {self val} {
+ set v [expr [$self get]+$val]
+ $self delete 0 end
+ $self insert 0 $v
+class_new Dialog {View}
+def Dialog add_stuff {f name label} {
+ frame $f
+# frame $f.label -width $@label_width -borderwidth 2
+# pack [button $f.label.0 -image "icon_empty" -width $@label_width] -side left
+# place [message $f.label.1 -text $label -width $@label_width] -x 0 -y 0
+# puts [$f.label.1 cget -height]
+ pack [label $f.label -text $label -width [expr $@label_width/7] -wraplength $@label_width -anchor e] -side left
+ balloon $f.label $name
+def Dialog add_side {f name label} {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ frame $f.side -relief ridge -borderwidth 2
+ foreach {i side} {0 left 1 right 2 top 3 bottom} {
+ radiobutton $f.side.$side -value $i -variable @$name -text $side
+ }
+ pack $f.side.left -side left -fill y
+ pack $f.side.right -side right -fill y
+ pack $f.side.top -side top
+ pack $f.side.bottom -side bottom
+ pack $f.side -side left
+def Dialog add_color {f name label} {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ set v $@$name
+ set text_color [complement $v]
+ button $f.color -text $v -font {Courier 10} -width 10 -pady 2 -fg $text_color \
+ -command [list $self choose_col $f $name $v] -relief sunken -background $v \
+ -highlightbackground "#ffffff" -activebackground [darker $v]
+ button $f.preset -text [say "preset"] -pady 2 -font {Helvetica 8} \
+ -command [list $self color_popup $f $name 10]
+ bind $f.preset <Return> "$self color_popup $f $name 10"
+ pack $f.color $f.preset -side left
+def Dialog add_choice {f name label choices} {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ menu $f.menu -tearoff 0
+ set i 0
+ foreach part $choices {
+ $f.menu add command -label [say $part] -command [list $self dropmenu_set $f $name $part $i]
+ incr i
+ }
+ set trim_name [string trimleft $name "-"]
+ set _($self:${name}choices) $choices
+ set choice $@$name
+ if {[string is integer $choice]} {set choice [lindex $choices $choice]}
+ label $f.butt -text [say $choice] -relief raised -width 20
+ balloon $f.butt "click to change setting"
+ pack $f.label $f.butt -side left
+ bind $f.butt <1> [list $self dropmenu_open $f $name]
+def Dialog add_key {f name label} {
+ set text ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach item $name {
+ if {$n != 0} {append text " & " [say $item]} else {set text [say $item]}
+ incr n
+ }
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $text
+ #balloon $f.label $name
+ foreach item $name {
+ set v $_($self:$item) ;# bug in objtcl
+ set item_lower [string tolower $item]
+ entry $f.$item_lower -width 15 -textvariable @$item
+ pack $f.$item_lower -side left
+ }
+def Dialog add_folders {f name label} {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ set v $_($self:$name) ;# bug in poetcl
+ frame $f.a
+ listbox $f.a.list -width 40 -height 8 -yscrollcommand "$f.a.yscroll set" \
+ -activestyle none -xscrollcommand "$f.a.xscroll set"
+ foreach line $v {$f.a.list insert end $line}
+ set @$name $f.a.list ;# save the listbox path at @$name instead
+ scrollbar $f.a.yscroll -command "$f.a.list yview"
+ scrollbar $f.a.xscroll -command "$f.a.list xview" -orient horizontal
+ pack $f.a.xscroll -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $f.a.list -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $f.a.yscroll -side left -fill y
+ pack $f.a -side left
+ frame $f.b -borderwidth 0
+ foreach {cmd lab} {dir_add add listbox_remove remove listbox_up up listbox_down down} {
+ pack [button $f.b.$cmd -command "$self $cmd $f.a.list" -text [say $lab] -width 6] -side top
+ balloon $f.b.$cmd [say dir_$lab]
+ }
+ pack $f.b -side top
+def Dialog add_libraries {f name label} {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ set v $_($self:$name) ;# bug in objtcl
+ frame $f.a
+ listbox $f.a.list -width 32 -height 16 -yscrollcommand "$f.a.yscroll set" \
+ -activestyle none -xscrollcommand "$f.a.xscroll set"
+ #foreach line $@$name {$f.a.list insert end $line}
+ foreach line $v {$f.a.list insert end $line}
+ # save the listbox path at @$name instead
+ set @$name $f.a.list
+ scrollbar $f.a.yscroll -command "$f.a.list yview"
+ scrollbar $f.a.xscroll -command "$f.a.list xview" -orient horizontal
+ pack $f.a.xscroll -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $f.a.list -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack $f.a.yscroll -side left -fill y
+ pack $f.a -side left
+ frame $f.b -borderwidth 0
+ entry $f.b.entry -width 15 -borderwidth 5 -relief ridge
+ bind $f.b.entry <Return> "$self lib_add $f.a.list"
+ pack $f.b.entry -side top
+ foreach {cmd lab} {lib_add add listbox_remove remove listbox_up up listbox_down down} {
+ pack [button $f.b.$cmd -command "$self $cmd $f.a.list" -text [say $lab] -width 6] -side top
+ balloon $f.b.$cmd [say dir_$lab]
+ }
+ pack $f.b -side top
+def Dialog dir_add {listbox} {
+ set dir [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir ~ -title "Choose a folder" -parent .$self]
+ if {$dir == ""} {return}
+ $listbox insert end $dir
+ $listbox yview end
+ focus .$self
+# doesn't work with toplevel widget
+proc upwidget {levels name} {
+ set l [split $name .]
+ return [join [lrange $l 0 end-$levels] .]
+def Dialog lib_add {f} {
+ set f [upwidget 2 $f]
+ set listbox $f.a.list
+ set entry $f.b.entry
+ set var [$entry get]
+ if {$var != ""} {$listbox insert end $var}
+ $listbox yview end
+ $entry delete 0 end
+ focus $entry
+def Dialog listbox_remove {listbox} {
+ set sel [$listbox curselection]
+ if {$sel == ""} {return}
+ $listbox delete $sel
+ $listbox selection set $sel
+def Dialog listbox_swap {listbox dir} {
+ set sel [$listbox curselection]
+ if {$sel == ""} {return}
+ if {![inside [expr $sel+$dir] 0 [$listbox size]]} {return}
+ set line [$listbox get $sel]
+ $listbox delete $sel
+ incr sel $dir
+ $listbox insert $sel $line
+ $listbox selection set $sel
+ $listbox see $sel
+def Dialog add_devlist {f name label} {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ menu $f.menu -tearoff 0
+ set i 0
+ set trim_name [string trimleft $name "-"]
+ set part none ;# in case there are none
+ foreach part $@$trim_name {
+ $f.menu add command -label $part -command [list $self dropmenu_set $f $name $part $i]
+ incr i
+ }
+ #label $f.butt -text [lindex $@$trim_name 0] -relief raised -width 20
+ label $f.butt -textvariable _($self:${trim_name}0) -relief raised -width 20
+ balloon $f.butt "click to change setting"
+ pack $f.label $f.butt -side left
+ bind $f.butt <1> [list $self dropmenu_open $f $name]
+def Dialog add_spins {f name label option} {
+ global _
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ set i 0
+ set trim_name [string trimleft $name "-"]
+ set n [llength $@$option]
+ foreach part $@$trim_name {
+ if {$i < $n} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"}
+ set v "_($self:$trim_name${i})"
+ spinbox $f.$i -width 2 -command "$self spinning %d $v" -state $s -textvariable $v
+ pack $f.$i -side left
+ balloon $f.$i "Device [expr $i+1]"
+ incr i
+ }
+def Dialog spinning {mode v} {
+ switch $mode {
+ up {incr $v; puts " incr $v"}
+ down {incr $v -1}
+ }
+def Dialog listbox_up {listbox} {$self listbox_swap $listbox -1}
+def Dialog listbox_down {listbox} {$self listbox_swap $listbox +1}
+def Dialog add {w args} {
+ foreach row $args {
+ set name [lindex $row 0]
+ set type [lindex $row 1]
+ set options [lrange $row 2 end]
+ set f $w.$name
+ set label "[say $name]: "
+ set k [lsearch $options -choices]
+ if {$k>=0} {
+ set choices [lindex $options [expr $k+1]]
+ set options [lreplace $options $k [expr $k+1]]
+ }
+ #set v $@$name
+ #set v $_($self:$name) ;# bug in poetcl
+ switch -- $type {
+ side {$self add_side $f $name $label}
+ color {$self add_color $f $name $label}
+ font {$self add_font $f $name $label $options}
+ choice {$self add_choice $f $name $label $choices}
+ key {set f $w.[string tolower [lindex $name 0]]
+ $self add_key $f $name $label}
+ folders {$self add_folders $f $name $label}
+ libraries {$self add_libraries $f $name $label}
+ devlist {$self add_devlist $f $name $label}
+ spins {$self add_spins $f $name $label $options}
+ section {label $f -text $label -bg "#0000aa" -fg "#ffff55" -font {helvetica -10 bold}}
+ subsection {label $f -text $label -bg "#0000aa" -fg "#ffff55" -font {helvetica -10 bold}}
+ toggle {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ eval [concat [list checkbutton $f.toggle -variable @$name] $options]
+ pack $f.toggle -side left
+ }
+ default {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ set trim_name [string trimleft $name "-"]
+ eval [concat [list entry $f.entry -textvariable _($self:$trim_name)] $options]
+ pack $f.entry -side left
+ bind $f.entry <Return> "$self ok"
+ switch -regexp -- $type {
+ integer|float|fontsize {
+ frame $f.b -borderwidth 0
+ button $f.b.1 -image icon_wedge_up -command "change_entry $f.entry +1"
+ button $f.b.2 -image icon_wedge_down -command "change_entry $f.entry -1"
+ pack $f.b.1 $f.b.2 -side top
+ pack $f.b -side left
+ bind $f.entry <Button-4> "change_entry $f.entry +1"
+ bind $f.entry <Button-5> "change_entry $f.entry -1"
+ }
+ entry {}
+ default {
+ label $f.type -text "($type)" -fg "#808080"
+ pack $f.type -side right -anchor e
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pack $f -side top -fill x
+ }
+proc logvar {args} {
+ set r {}
+ foreach var $args {
+ regsub {^_\(.*:(.*)\)$} $var {@\1} var2
+ lappend r "$var2=[uplevel 1 list \$$var]"
+ }
+ puts [join $r "; "]
+def Dialog spinbox_update {mode} {puts " $mode"}
+def Dialog add_font {f name label class} {
+ $self add_stuff $f $name $label
+ set v $@$name
+ label $f.font -text $v -font [lreplace $v 1 1 -10] -width [string length $v] -height 1 -pady 3 -fg black \
+ -relief sunken -bg white
+ button $f.preset -text [say "edit"] -pady 2 -font {Helvetica 8} \
+ -command "FontDialog new_as $name $class $f.font"
+ pack $f.font $f.preset -side left
+class_new FontDialog {Dialog}
+def Canvas fd {} {FontDialog new_as view_font [$self look font] "View"}
+def FontDialog init {class orig} {
+ if {[winfo exists .$self]} {return}
+ super cancel ok
+ set f .$self
+ set @class $class
+ set @orig $orig
+ bind all <KeyPress-F1> help
+ set font $::look($@class:font)
+ set @family [lindex $font 0]
+ set @size [expr -[lindex $font 1]]
+ set @bold [expr [lsearch $font bold ]>=0]
+ set @italic [expr [lsearch $font italic]>=0]
+ set @str $font
+ logvar @family @size @bold @italic
+ pack [label $f.label -text [say font_family] -anchor w] -side top -fill x
+ frame $f.list -bd 2
+ pack [listbox $f.list.box -relief sunken -yscrollcommand "$f.list.scroll set"] -side left
+ pack [scrollbar $f.list.scroll -relief sunken -command "$f.list.box yview" -takefocus 0] -side right -fill y
+ bind $f.list.box <<ListboxSelect>> "$self font_update $f"
+ foreach name [lsort [font families]] {$f.list.box insert end $name}
+ set fontlist [$f.list.box get 0 end]
+ set find [lsearch $fontlist $@family]
+ if {$find < 0} {set find 0}
+ $f.list.box selection set $find $find
+ $f.list.box activate $find
+ $f.list.box see $find
+ bind $f.list.box <ButtonRelease-1> "$self font_update $f"
+ bind $f.list.box <ButtonPress-1> "focus $f.list.box"
+ frame $f.var
+ frame $f.var.size
+ pack [label $f.var.size.label -text [say font_size]] -side left
+ pack [spinbox $f.var.size.entry -relief sunken -textvariable fontsize -width 4 \
+ -command "$self font_changesize $f %d"] -side left
+ bind $f.var.size.entry <KeyPress-Return> "$self font_update_size $f"
+ $f.var.size.entry delete 0 end
+ $f.var.size.entry insert 0 $@size
+ frame $f.var.style
+ pack [label $f.var.style.label -text [say font_style]] -side left
+ set cmd [list $self font_update $f]
+ pack [checkbutton $f.var.style.bold -text [say font_bold] -variable @bold -command $cmd] -side top
+ pack [checkbutton $f.var.style.italic -text [say font_italic] -variable @italic -command $cmd] -side top
+ pack $f.var.size -side left
+ pack $f.var.style -side left -padx 20
+ frame $f.preview
+ pack [label $f.preview.label -text [say font_preview]] -side left
+ pack [canvas $f.preview.canvas -width 250 -height 50 -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] -side left -fill x
+ $f.preview.canvas create text 4 4 -tags ${self}TEXT -anchor nw -text [say font_preview_2] -font $font
+ pack $f.list -side left
+ pack $f.var -side top -fill x
+ pack $f.preview -side top -pady 10
+ focus $f.list.box
+ $self none_resizable
+def FontDialog font_update {f} {
+ global font
+ set lb $f.list.box
+ set @family [$lb get [$lb curselection]]
+ set @str [list $@family [expr -$@size]]
+ if {$@bold } {lappend @str bold }
+ if {$@italic} {lappend @str italic}
+ # logvar @str
+ $f.preview.canvas itemconfigure ${self}TEXT -font $@str
+def FontDialog font_changesize {f mode} {
+ switch $mode {
+ up {set @size [expr $@size+1]}
+ down {set @size [expr $@size-1]}
+ }
+ $f.var.size.entry delete 0 end
+ $f.var.size.entry insert 0 $@size
+ $self font_update $f
+def FontDialog font_style {f bold} {
+ set @bold $bold
+ $self font_update $f
+def FontDialog font_update_size {f} {
+ set size [$f.var.size.entry get]
+ if [regexp {^[0-9]+$} $size] {set @size $size}
+ $self font_update $f
+def FontDialog apply {} {
+ set ::look($@class:font) $@str
+ $@orig configure -font [lreplace $@str 1 1 -10] -text $@str -width [string length $@str]
+############ .pdrc editor
+#Turns #rgb into 3 elem list of decimal vals.
+proc rgb2dec {c} {
+ set c [string tolower $c]
+ if {[regexp -nocase {^#([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])$} $c x r g b]} {
+ # double'ing the value make #9fc == #99ffcc
+ scan "$r$r $g$g $b$b" "%x %x %x" r g b
+ } else {
+ if {![regexp {^#([0-9a-f]+)$} $c junk hex] || \
+ [set len [string length $hex]]>12 || $len%3 != 0} {
+ if {[catch {winfo rgb . $c} rgb]} {
+ return -code error "bad color value \"$c\""
+ } else {
+ return $rgb
+ }
+ }
+ set len [expr {$len/3}]
+ scan $hex "%${len}x%${len}x%${len}x" r g b
+ }
+ return [list $r $g $b]
+#Returns a complementary color
+proc complement {orig {grays 1}} {
+ foreach {r g b} [rgb2dec $orig] {break}
+ set R [expr {(~$r)%256}]
+ set G [expr {(~$g)%256}]
+ set B [expr {(~$b)%256}]
+ if {$grays && abs($R-$r) < 32 && abs($G-$g) < 32 && abs($B-$b) < 32} {
+ set R [expr {($r+128)%256}]
+ set G [expr {($g+128)%256}]
+ set B [expr {($b+128)%256}]
+ }
+ return [format "\#%02x%02x%02x" $R $G $B]
+# this makes the tooltip
+proc balloon {w help} {
+ bind $w <Any-Enter> "after 500 [list balloon:show %W [list $help]]"
+ #bind $w <Any-Leave> "destroy %W.balloon; puts \"destroy balloon\" "
+ bind $w <Any-Leave> "destroy %W.balloon"
+proc balloon:show {w arg} {
+ if {[eval winfo containing [winfo pointerxy .]]!=$w} {return}
+ set top $w.balloon
+ catch {destroy $top}
+ toplevel $top -bd 1 -bg black
+ wm overrideredirect $top 1
+ if {$::tcl_platform(platform) == "macintosh"} {
+ unsupported1 style $top floating sideTitlebar
+ }
+ pack [message $top.txt -aspect 10000 -bg lightyellow -font fixed -text $arg]
+ set wmx [expr [winfo rootx $w]+[winfo width $w]]
+ set wmy [winfo rooty $w]
+ wm geometry $top [winfo reqwidth $top.txt]x[winfo reqheight $top.txt]+$wmx+$wmy
+ raise $top
+def Dialog ok {} {$self apply; $self cancel}
+def Dialog cancel {} {if {[info exists @nbs]} {foreach x $@nbs {$x delete}}; after 1 [list $self delete]}
+def Dialog close {} {$self delete}
+def Dialog apply {} {}
+def Dialog delete {} {destroy .$self; super}
+def Dialog erase {} {}; # so that it doesn't call View erase
+def Dialog init {args} {
+ super
+ set f .$self
+ set @label_width 160 ;# 20
+ toplevel $f
+ frame $f.buttonsep -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
+ frame $f.buttonframe
+ set i 0
+ foreach a $args {
+ if {[llength $args]<=1 || $i>0} {
+ pack [label $f.buttonframe.$i -width 1] -side left -fill x -expand 1
+ }
+ pack [button $f.buttonframe.$a -text [say $a] -command "$self $a"] -side left
+ bind $f.buttonframe.$a <Return> "$self $a"
+ incr i
+ }
+ pack $f.buttonframe -side bottom -fill x -pady 2m
+ pack $f.buttonsep -side bottom -fill x
+ wm protocol $f WM_DELETE_WINDOW "$self cancel"
+ bind .$self <Tab> "$self traversal %K %W forward"
+ bind .$self <Control-Tab> "$self traversal %K %W back"
+def Dialog none_resizable {} {wm resizable .$self 0 0}
+def Dialog traversal {k w direction} {
+ switch $direction {
+ forward {focus [tk_focusNext $w]}
+ back {focus [tk_focusPrev $w]}
+ }
+def Dialog dropmenu_open {frame} {
+ set x [winfo rootx $frame.butt]
+ set y [expr [winfo height $frame.butt] + [winfo rooty $frame.butt]]
+ tk_popup $frame.menu $x $y
+def Dialog dropmenu_set {frame var part val} {
+ #if {$say} {set text [say $part]} else {set text $part}
+ set @$var $val
+ $frame.butt configure -text [say $part]
+def Dialog color_popup_select {frame var color} {
+ set @$var $color
+ set col [format #%6.6x $color]
+ if {$self == "ddrc"} {set @$var $col}
+ $frame.color configure -background $col -foreground [complement $col] -text $col
+ if {$self != "ddrc"} {$self do_auto_apply}
+ #$self do_auto_apply
+def Dialog color_popup {frame var i} {
+ set w $frame.color.popup
+ if [winfo exists $w] {destroy $w}
+ menu $w -tearoff false
+ global preset_colors
+ for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $preset_colors]} {incr i} {
+ set c [lindex $preset_colors $i]
+ $w add command -label " " -background "#$c" -activebackground "#$c" \
+ -command [list $self color_popup_select $frame $var [expr 0x$c]]
+ }
+ tk_popup $w [expr [winfo rootx $frame.color]] [expr [winfo rooty $frame.color]]
+def Dialog choose_col {frame var val} {
+ set c 0xFFFFFF
+ set color [tk_chooseColor -title $val -initialcolor $val]
+ if {$color != ""} {
+ $frame.color configure -text $color
+ $self color_popup_select $frame $var [expr [string replace $color 0 0 "0x"]&0xFFFFFF]
+ }
+class_new PagedDialog {Dialog}
+class_new Notebook {Thing}
+def PagedDialog init {args} {
+ eval [concat [list super] $args]
+ set @nb [Notebook new_as $self.1]
+ set @nbs $@nb
+ pack .$@nb -expand 1 -fill both
+ $self none_resizable
+def Notebook delete {} {super}
+def Notebook init {{width 590} {height 350}} {
+ set f .$self
+ frame $f
+ pack [frame $f.bar] -fill x
+ pack [frame $f.main -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -width $width -height $height] -fill both -expand yes
+def Notebook page_select {i} {
+ set f .$self
+ catch {
+ $f.bar.$@section configure -relief raised
+ place forget $f.main.$@section
+ pack $f.bar.$@section -pady {4 4}
+ }
+ set @section $i
+ place $f.main.$@section -x 0 -y 0 ;# -width [winfo width $f.main] -height [winfo height $f.main]
+ $f.bar.$@section configure -relief sunken
+ pack $f.bar.$@section -pady {8 0}
+def Notebook add_section {section text} {
+ set f .$self
+ frame $f.main.$section
+ pack [button $f.bar.$section -text $text -command [list $self page_select $section]] -side left -pady {4 4}
+ bind $f.bar.$section <Return> "$self page_select $section"
+# numbers in section are for the % of space taken by labels
+set pdrc_options {
+ section {section_audio 50}
+ integer -r
+ devlist -audioindev|-soundindev
+ devlist -audiooutdev|-soundoutdev
+ spins {-inchannels audioindev}
+ spins {-outchannels audiooutdev}
+ integer -audiobuf|-soundbuf
+ integer -blocksize
+ integer -sleepgrain
+ void -nodac
+ void -noadc
+ choice {audio_api_choice}
+ void -32bit
+ section {section_midi 50}
+ void -nomidiin
+ void -nomidiout
+ devlist -midiindev
+ devlist -midioutdev
+ section {section_externals 20}
+ libraries -lib
+ section {section_paths 20}
+ folders -path
+ folders -helppath
+ section {section_other 50}
+ files -open
+ void -verbose
+ integer -d
+ void -noloadbang
+ string -send
+ void -listdev
+ void -realtime|-rt
+proc pdtk_audio_dialog {indevlist indevs inchans outdevlist outdevs outchans sr dspblock advance multi longform} {
+ pdrc audio_properties $indevlist $indevs $inchans $outdevlist $outdevs $outchans $sr $dspblock $advance $multi
+class_new ServerPrefsDialog {PagedDialog}
+def ServerPrefsDialog apply {} {
+ set audio_props [$self audio_properties=?]
+ #pd pd audio-dialog $audio_props
+ netsend [list "pd" "audio-dialog" $audio_props]
+ $self write
+def ServerPrefsDialog init_reverse_hash {} {
+ global pdrc_options pdrc_options_h pd_apilist2
+ foreach {type names} $pdrc_options {
+ set name [lindex $names 0]
+ if {[info exists @$name]} {
+ if {$name != "audio_api_choice"} {set @$name ""}
+ } else {
+ set @$name ""
+ }
+ foreach alias $names {set pdrc_options_h($alias) [list $type $name]}
+ if {$name == "audio_api_choice"} {
+ foreach alias [lrange $pd_apilist2 1 end] {set pdrc_options_h($alias) [list $type $name]}
+ }
+ }
+def ServerPrefsDialog audio_properties {indevlist indevs inchans outdevlist outdevs outchans sr dspblock advance multi} {
+ set @audioindev $indevlist
+ set @audiooutdev $outdevlist
+ # the following @audioindev* is used as -textvariable for devlist
+ set @audioindev0 [lindex $@audioindev 0]
+ set @audiooutdev0 [lindex $@audiooutdev 0]
+ set @inchannels $inchans
+ set @outchannels $outchans
+ set @audiobuf $advance
+ set @blocksize $dspblock
+ set @usemulti $multi
+ set @r $sr
+ set @midiindev "midione"
+ set @midioutdev "miditwo"
+ # below are also used as -textvariable
+ mset [list @inchannels0 @inchannels1 @inchannels2 @inchannels3] $@inchannels
+ mset [list @outchannels0 @outchannels1 @outchannels2 @outchannels3] $@outchannels
+ set @audio_api_choice2 [say [lindex $::pd_apilist2 $@audio_api_choice]]
+ if {![winfo exists .$self.1.main.1]} {
+ $self init_content
+ } else {
+ $self update_content
+ }
+def ServerPrefsDialog audio_properties=? {} {
+ set indev0 [lsearch $@audioindev $@audioindev0]
+ set outdev0 [lsearch $@audiooutdev $@audiooutdev0]
+ return [list $indev0 0 0 0 $@inchannels0 $@inchannels1 $@inchannels2 $@inchannels3 \
+ $outdev0 0 0 0 $@outchannels0 $@outchannels1 $@outchannels2 $@outchannels3 \
+ $@r $@blocksize $@audiobuf]
+def ServerPrefsDialog read_one {type name contents i} {
+ switch -- $type {
+ folders {incr i; lappend @$name [lindex $contents $i]}
+ libraries {incr i; lappend @$name [lindex $contents $i]}
+ files {incr i; lappend @$name [lindex $contents $i]}
+ choice {
+ if {$name == "audio_api_choice"} {
+ if {$@$name == ""} {
+ set @$name [lsearch $::pd_apilist2 [lindex $contents $i]]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set @$name [lindex $contents $i]
+ }
+ }
+ void { set @$name 1}
+ default {incr i; set @$name [lindex $contents $i]}
+ }
+ incr i
+ return $i
+def ServerPrefsDialog read {} {
+ global pdrc_options pdrc_options_h cmdline
+ set fd [open $cmdline(rcfilename) "RDONLY CREAT"]
+ set contents {}
+ foreach line [split [read $fd] "\n"] {
+ if {[string index $line 0] != "#"} {lappend contents $line}
+ }
+ close $fd
+ set contents [concat [join $contents " "]] ;# concat casts to list type (faster) (?)
+ set i 0
+ # prevent Tk8.5 from showing grey checkmarks
+ foreach name {-nodac -noadc -32bit -nomidiin -nomidiout -verbose -noloadbang -listdev -realtime} {
+ set _($self:$name) 0
+ }
+ while {$i < [llength $contents]} {
+ set op [lindex $contents $i]
+ if {[string length $op]==0} {break}
+ if {![info exists pdrc_options_h($op)]} {
+ post "unknown option: %s" $op
+ incr i
+ continue
+ }
+ mset {type name} $pdrc_options_h($op)
+ set name [lindex [split $name "|"] 0]
+ set i [$self read_one $type $name $contents $i]
+ }
+def ServerPrefsDialog write {} {
+ set fd [open $::cmdline(rcfilename) w]
+ #set fd stdout; puts "WOULD SAVE:"
+ foreach {type names} $::pdrc_options {
+ set name [lindex [split [lindex $names 0] "|"] 0]
+ if {[info exists _($self:$name)]} {set v $_($self:$name)} ;# bug in objective.tcl ?
+ switch $type {
+ folders {foreach item [$v get 0 end] {puts $fd "$name $item"}}
+ libraries {foreach item [$v get 0 end] {puts $fd "$name $item"}}
+ #files {foreach item $v {puts $fd "$name $item"}}
+ void {if {$v != ""} {if {$v} {puts $fd $name}}}
+ choice {
+ if {$name != "audio_api_choice"} {
+ set vv [lindex $names [expr 1+$v]]
+ if {$vv != "default"} {puts $fd $vv}
+ } else {
+ set vv [lindex $::pd_apilist2 $v]
+ if {$vv != "default"} {puts $fd $vv}
+ }
+ }
+ devlist {}
+ default {if {[string length $v]} {puts $fd "$name $v"}}
+ }
+ }
+ close $fd
+ #puts "THE END"
+def ServerPrefsDialog reset {} {
+def ServerPrefsDialog init_content {} {
+ global pdrc_options
+ set f .$self.1
+ set section 0
+ set @label_width 200 ;# 24
+ foreach {type names} $pdrc_options {
+ set name [lindex [split [lindex $names 0] "|"] 0]
+ switch $type { void { set type toggle }}
+ switch $type {
+ section {
+ set @label_width [expr 6*[lindex $names 1]] ;# % of 600 px
+ $@nb add_section [incr section] [say $name]
+ }
+ choice {
+ if {$name == "audio_api_choice"} {
+ set ops $::pd_apilist2
+ } else {
+ set ops [lrange $names 1 end]
+ }
+ $self add $f.main.$section [list $name choice -choices $ops]
+ }
+ devlist {$self add $f.main.$section [list $name devlist] }
+ spins {$self add $f.main.$section [list $name spins [lindex $names 1]] }
+ default {$self add $f.main.$section [list $name $type]}
+ }
+ }
+ $@nb page_select 1
+def ServerPrefsDialog update_content {} {
+ $self update_channels
+def ServerPrefsDialog update_channels {} {
+ set indev_len [llength $@audioindev]
+ set outdev_len [llength $@audiooutdev]
+ set i 0
+ foreach chan $@inchannels {
+ if {$i < $indev_len} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"}
+ .$self.1.main.1.-inchannels.$i configure -state $s
+ incr i
+ }
+ set i 0
+ foreach chan $@outchannels {
+ if {$i < $outdev_len} {set s "readonly"} else {set s "disabled"}
+ .$self.1.main.1.-outchannels.$i configure -state $s
+ incr i
+ }
+def ServerPrefsDialog init {} {
+ netsend [list pd audio-properties]
+ $self init_reverse_hash
+ $self read
+ super reset cancel apply ok
+ # pd pd midi-properties
+def ServerPrefsDialog dropmenu_set {frame var part val} {
+ set trim_part [string trimleft $part "-"]
+ set trim_var [string trimleft $var "-"]
+ if {$var == "audio_api_choice"} {
+ foreach api $::pd_apilist {
+ if {$trim_part == [string tolower [lindex $api 0]]} {
+ netsend [list pd audio-setapi [lindex $api 1]]
+ after 1 [netsend [list pd audio-properties]]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ set ::_($self:${trim_var}0) $part
+ }
+ super $frame $var $part $val
+#used by choice and devlist
+def ServerPrefsDialog dropmenu_open {f name} {
+ set trim_name [string trimleft $name "-"]
+ if {$trim_name != "audio_api_choice"} {
+ set i 0
+ set m $f.menu
+ $m delete 0 end
+ foreach part $@$trim_name {
+ $m add command -label $part -command [list $self dropmenu_set $f $name $part $i]
+ incr i
+ }
+ }
+ super $f
+#################### ClientPrefsDialog
+set ddrc_options {
+section Client section_color
+ subsection Client canvas_color
+ color Canvas bgedit
+ color Canvas bgrun
+ color Canvas grid
+ subsection Client object_color
+ color View bg
+ color View fg
+ color View frame1
+ color View frame2
+ color View frame3
+ color Comment bg
+ color Comment fg
+ color Comment frame1
+ color Comment frame2
+ color Comment frame3
+ color View selectframe
+ font View font
+ subsection Client wire_color
+ color Wire fg
+ color Wire dspfg
+ color Wire fg2
+ color FutureWire dash
+ subsection Client others_color
+ color Box inletfg
+ color Box outletfg
+ color SelRect rect
+ font KeyboardDialog font
+ font Console font
+section Client keys
+ subsection Client put
+ key Canvas Object
+ key Canvas Message
+ key Canvas {Number nbx}
+ key Canvas Symbol
+ key Canvas Comment
+ key Canvas bng
+ key Canvas tgl
+ key Canvas {vsl hsl}
+ key Canvas {vradio hradio}
+ key Canvas vu
+ key Canvas cnv
+ key Canvas Graph
+ key Canvas Array
+ subsection Client edit
+ key Canvas {cut copy}
+ key Canvas {undo redo}
+ key Canvas {paste duplicate}
+ key Canvas select_all
+ key Canvas clear_selection
+ key Canvas {reload redraw}
+ key Canvas editmodeswitch
+ key Canvas {insert_object chain_object}
+ key Canvas {clear_wires auto_wire}
+ key Canvas subpatcherize
+ subsection Client general
+ key Canvas Pdwindow
+ key Canvas {new_file open_file}
+ key Canvas {save save_as}
+ key Client {server_prefs client_prefs}
+ key Canvas {close quit}
+ key Canvas {find find_again}
+ key Canvas {audio_on audio_off}
+ key Client {audio_settings midi_settings}
+ key Client test_audio_and_midi
+ key Canvas {load_meter latency_meter}
+ key Canvas about
+ subsection Canvas keynav
+ key Canvas {key_nav_up key_nav_up_shift}
+ key Canvas {key_nav_down key_nav_down_shift}
+ key Canvas {key_nav_right key_nav_right_shift}
+ key Canvas {key_nav_left key_nav_left_shift}
+ key Canvas key_nav_ioselect
+section Client others
+ toggle Canvas hairstate
+ toggle Canvas hairsnap
+ toggle Canvas gridstate
+ integer Canvas grid_size
+ toggle Canvas snap_grid
+ toggle Canvas buttonbar
+ toggle Canvas statusbar
+ toggle Canvas menubar
+ toggle Canvas scrollbar
+ toggle View tooltip
+ toggle Wire wirearrow
+ integer Client console
+ choice View language
+ integer Canvas pointer_sense
+class_new ClientPrefsDialog {PagedDialog}
+def ClientPrefsDialog apply {} {$self write; $self do_apply}
+def ClientPrefsDialog read {} {read_ddrc}
+def ClientPrefsDialog do_apply {} {
+ foreach canvas $::window_list {
+ if {[$canvas class] == "Canvas"} {
+ $canvas activate_menubar= [$canvas look menubar]
+ $canvas activate_buttonbar= [$canvas look buttonbar]
+ $canvas activate_statusbar= [$canvas look statusbar]
+ $canvas activate_scrollbars= [$canvas look scrollbar]
+ $canvas activate_grid= [$canvas look gridstate]
+ $canvas redraw
+ }
+ }
+def ClientPrefsDialog write {} {
+ global look key
+ $self get_val
+ set fd [open $::cmdline(ddrcfilename) w]
+ foreach category {look key} {
+ set class_list {}
+ puts $fd "$category \{"
+ foreach name [array names $category] {
+ mset {class var} [split $name ":"]
+ lappend class_list $class
+ }
+ set class_list [luniq [lsort $class_list]]
+ foreach class $class_list {
+ puts $fd " $class \{"
+ foreach name [lsort [array names $category -glob $class:*]] {
+ mset {class var} [split $name ":"]
+ # the eval here annoys me a bit because of possible special chars -- matju
+ puts $fd " $var [eval list \$${category}($class:$var)]"
+ #puts " $var $category $class $var"
+ }
+ puts $fd " \}"
+ }
+ puts $fd "\}"
+ }
+ close $fd
+#this retrieves the values set in the editor
+def ClientPrefsDialog get_val {} {
+ global ddrc_options look key accels
+ set check_key {}
+ foreach {type class name} $ddrc_options {
+ switch $type {
+ color {
+ set str [string tolower $class$name]
+ set look($class:$name) $@$str
+ }
+ key {
+ foreach item $name {
+ set new_key $@$item
+ set old_key $key($class:$item)
+ if {$key($class:$item) != $new_key} {
+ if {[dict exists $accels $old_key]} {
+ set cmd [dict get $accels $old_key]
+ set accels [dict remove $accels $old_key]
+ dict set accels $new_key $cmd
+ }
+ }
+ if {[dict exists $check_key $new_key] && $new_key != ""} {
+ error "$new_key already assigned"
+ } else {dict set check_key $new_key key($item)}
+ set key($class:$item) $new_key
+ }
+ }
+ toggle { set look($class:$name) $@$name}
+ integer {set look($class:$name) $@$name}
+ choice {set look($class:$name) $@$name}
+ #font {set look(View:font) $@str}
+ }
+ }
+def ClientPrefsDialog reset {} {
+ # this should reload defaults.ddrc ?
+def ClientPrefsDialog revert {} {
+ # this should reload currently used settings ?
+def ClientPrefsDialog init {} {
+ global ddrc_options look key
+ #do we need to read .ddrc each time the pref editor is opened?
+ #$self read
+ super cancel apply ok
+ #super cancel reset revert apply ok
+ set f .$self.1
+ set section 0
+ set subsection 0
+ set @label_width 200 ;# 24
+ foreach {type class names} $ddrc_options {
+ set name [lindex [split $names |] 0]
+ switch $type { void { set type toggle }}
+ switch $type {
+ section {
+ $@nb add_section [incr section] [say $name]
+ set which_section $f.main.$section
+ set which_self $self
+ set subsection 0
+ }
+ subsection {
+ set subself $self.1.main.$section.subsections
+ if {!$subsection} {
+ lappend @nbs [Notebook new_as $subself 590 300]
+ pack .$subself
+ }
+ $subself add_section [incr subsection] [say $name]
+ $subself page_select 1
+ set which_section .$subself.main.$subsection
+ set which_self $subself
+ }
+ choice {
+ set @$name $look(View:language)
+ $self add $which_section [list $name $type -choices $::langoptions]
+ }
+ color {
+ set str [string tolower $class$name]
+ set @$str $look($class:$name)
+ $self add $which_section [list $str $type]
+ }
+ key {
+ foreach item $name {
+ set @$item $key($class:$item)
+ }
+ $self add $which_section [list $name $type]
+ }
+ toggle {
+ set @$name $look($class:$name)
+ $self add $which_section [list $name $type]
+ }
+ font {
+ set str [string tolower $class$name]
+ set @$str $look($class:$name)
+ $self add $which_section [list $str $type $class]
+ }
+ default {
+ switch $name {
+ console {set @$name $look(Client:console)}
+ pointer_sense {set @$name $look(Canvas:pointer_sense)}
+ grid_size {set @$name $look(Canvas:grid_size)}
+ default {}
+ }
+ $self add $which_section [list $name $type]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $@nb page_select 1
+def ClientPrefsDialog dropmenu_set {frame var part val} {
+ set @$var $part
+ # set _($self:${var}2) [say $part]
+ $frame.butt configure -text [say $part]
+def ClientPrefsDialog dropmenu_open {f name} {
+ super $f
+############ find dialog ###########
+class_new FindDialog {Dialog}
+def FindDialog init {canvas} {
+ super cancel find
+ set @canvas $canvas
+ set @break 0
+ set f .$self
+ $self add $f [list "string" "entry"]
+ focus .find.string.entry
+def FindDialog find {} {$self ok}
+def FindDialog ok {} {
+ $@canvas find_string= $@string
+ $@canvas search
+ super
+############ other stuff #########
+def Client client_class_tree {} {ClientClassTreeDialog new}
+class_new ClientClassTreeDialog {Dialog}
+proc* place_stuff {args} {}
+def ClientClassTreeDialog make_row {w tree} {
+ pack [frame $w] -fill x
+ pack [frame $w.row] -side top -fill x
+ pack [button $w.row.butt -image icon_minus] -side left
+ pack [label $w.row.label -text [lindex $tree 0]] -side left -fill x
+ pack [frame $w.dent -width 32] -side left
+ set i 1
+ foreach node [lrange $tree 1 end] {
+ $self make_row $w.$i $node
+ incr i
+ }
+def ClientClassTreeDialog init {} {
+ super close
+ pack [frame .$self.1 -width 600 -height 400] -fill y -expand y
+ pack [frame .$self.1.1 -width 600 -height 400 -bg "#6688aa"] -side left -fill y -expand y
+ # "$w.1.scroll set"
+ # i'd like a scrollable frame
+ pack [scrollbar .$self.1.scroll -command "ClientClassTreeDialog_scroll $self"] -side left -fill y -expand y
+ place [frame .$self.1.1.tree] -x 0 -y 0
+ set w .$self.1.1.tree.1
+ $self make_row $w [Thing get_hierarchy]
+ after 100 "$self update_scrollbar"
+def ClientClassTreeDialog update_scrollbar {} {
+ set w .$self.1.1
+ set zy [winfo height $w]
+ set sy [winfo height $w.tree]
+ set y1 [expr 0.0-[winfo y $w.tree]]
+ set y2 [expr 0.0+$y1+$zy]
+ .$self.1.scroll set [expr $y1/$sy] [expr $y2/$sy]
+def ClientClassTreeDialog scroll {args} {
+ set w .$self.1.1
+ set zy [winfo height $w]
+ set sy [winfo height $w.tree]
+ switch [lindex $args 0] {
+ moveto {
+ set y [clip [expr (0.0-[lindex $args 1])*$sy] [expr $zy-$sy] 0]
+ place .$self.1.1.tree -x 0 -y $y
+ puts "args=[list $args] zy=$zy sy=$sy y=$y"
+ }
+ scroll {
+ }
+ }
+ after 100 "$self update_scrollbar"
+class_new AboutDialog {Dialog}
+def AboutDialog init {} {
+ super close
+ wm title .$self "About DesireData"
+ pack [label .$self.title -text $::pd_version -font {helvetica 18}] -side top
+ pack [text .$self.text -yscrollcommand ".$self.scroll set" -width 72 -height 36] -side left -fill both -expand yes
+ pack [scrollbar .$self.scroll -command ".$self.text yview"] -side right -fill y -expand yes
+#12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901 <- 72 chars
+ .$self.text insert 0.0 \
+"DesireData is a free (libre) real-time computer programming language
+interpreter focused on realtime audio and video.
+You can get DesireData from http://desiredata.goto10.org/
+DesireData and PureData work on Linux, MacOSX, Windows, and others.
+PureData is copyrighted, but is free for you to use for any reasonable
+purpose, according to the SIBSD license. DesireData's client section
+also is free, according to the GPL license. DesireData's server section
+is an adaptation of the PureData code and is also using the SIBSD
+(insert here: links to both licenses)
+ DesireData server: Mathieu Bouchard
+ DesireData client: Mathieu Bouchard & Chun Lee
+ PureData: Miller Puckette feat. Thomas Musil,
+ Günther Geiger, Krzysztof Czaja, Iohannes Zmölnig & others.
+ Translations:
+ Français (French): Patrice Colet
+ Català (Catalan): Núria Verges
+ Español (Spanish): Mario Mora, Ramiro Cosentino
+ Deutsch (German): Max Neupert, Georg Holzmann, Thomas Grill
+ Norsk Bokmål (Norwegian): Gisle Frøysland
+ Português (Portuguese): Nuno Godinho
+ Italiano (Italian): Davide Morelli, Federico Ferri
+ Euskara (Basque): Ibon Rodriguez Garcia
+ Nihongo (Japanese): Kentaro Fukuchi
+ Polski (Polish): Michal Seta
+ Dansk (Danish): Steffen Leve Poulsen
+ Zong wen (Chinese): Chun Lee
+ Nederlands (Dutch): Tim Vets
+ Türkçe (Turkish): Koray Tahiroglu
+ Russkij (Russian): Ilya Dmitrichenko
+Much more documentation and other resources at http://puredata.info/
+The Pd mailing list archive at http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-list/
+(insert here: link to \"reference documentation for Pd\", that is, chapter 1)"
+ # this looks bad on OSX, iirc
+ .$self.text configure -state disabled
+set manager [Manager new]
+def Class post_hierarchy {{i 0}} {
+ post %*s%s [expr $i*2] "" $self
+ foreach sub $@subclasses {$sub post_hierarchy [expr $i+1]}
+def Class get_hierarchy {} {
+ set l [list $self]
+ foreach sub $@subclasses {lappend l [$sub get_hierarchy]}
+ return $l
+# Thing post_hierarchy
+class_new ClipboardDialog {Dialog}
+def ClipboardDialog init {clipboard} {
+ super close
+ set @clipboard $clipboard
+ wm title .$self "Clipboard"
+ pack [text .$self.text -yscrollcommand ".$self.scroll set" -width 72
+ ] -side left -fill both -expand yes
+ pack [scrollbar .$self.scroll -command ".$self.text yview"] -side right -fill y
+ $@clipboard subscribe $self
+ $self notice
+def ClipboardDialog notice {args} {
+ .$self.text delete 0.0 end
+ .$self.text insert 0.0 [$@clipboard value]
+def ClipboardDialog delete {} {
+ $@clipboard unsubscribe $self
+ super
+class_new ListDialog {Dialog}
+def ListDialog init {history title} {
+ super close
+ set @history $history
+ wm title .$self $title
+ frame .$self.1
+ pack [listbox .$self.1.list -yscrollcommand ".$self.1.scroll set" -width 72 -height 20] -side left -fill both -expand yes
+ pack [scrollbar .$self.1.scroll -command ".$self.1.list yview"] -side right -fill y
+ pack .$self.1
+ $@history subscribe $self
+ $self notice
+def ListDialog listbox {} {return .$self.1.list}
+def ListDialog notice {args} {
+ set w [$self listbox]
+ $w delete 0 end
+ foreach e [$@history list] {$w insert end $e}
+ $w see end
+def ListDialog delete {} {
+ $@history unsubscribe $self
+ super
+class_new EventHistoryDialog {ListDialog}
+def EventHistoryDialog init {history} {
+ super $history [say event_history_view]
+ pack [checkbutton .$self.hide -text [say hide_key_release]] -fill x
+ [$self listbox] configure -font {Mono -10}
+#class_new Splash {Thing}
+#def Splash init {} {
+# toplevel .$self
+# frame .$self.f
+# canvas .$self.f.canvas
+# image create photo .dd -format GIF -file desiredata.gif
+# .$self.f.canvas create image 0 0 -image .dd
+# pack .$self.f.canvas
+# pack .$self.f
+class_new KeyboardDialog {Dialog}
+set keyboard_layouts {
+ {
+ {9 " " 67 68 69 70 " " 71 72 73 74 " " 75 76 95 96}
+ {49 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22}
+ {23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 51}
+ {66 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 36}
+ {50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62}
+ {37 115 64 65 113 116 117 109}
+ } {
+ {" " " " 98 " "}
+ {100 " " " " 102}
+ {" " " " 104 " "}
+ {" "}
+ {" " " " 4 " "}
+ {1 2 3}
+ {" " " " 5 " "}
+ }
+foreach {k v} {
+ 9 5
+ 22 5
+ 23 4 51 4
+ 66 5 36 7
+ 50 8 62 8
+ 37 4 115 4 64 4 65 24 113 4 116 4 117 4 109 4
+ 98 2 100 2 102 2 104 2
+ 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2
+} {set keyboard_width_of($k) $v}
+proc namekey {i args} {foreach name $args {set ::keyboard_text_of($i) $name; incr i}}
+namekey 9 Esc
+namekey 67 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10
+namekey 95 F11 F12
+namekey 49 `
+namekey 10 "1 !" "2 @" "3 #" "4 \$" "5 %" "6 ^" "7 &" "8 *" "9 (" "0 )" "- _" "= +" BkSp
+namekey 23 Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P "\{ \[" "\} \]"
+namekey 51 "\\ |"
+namekey 66 Caps
+namekey 38 A S D F G H J K L "\; :" "' \""
+namekey 36 Return
+namekey 50 Shift
+namekey 52 Z X C V B N M ", <" ". >" "/ ?" Shift
+namekey 37 Ctrl
+namekey 115 Sup
+namekey 64 Alt Space
+namekey 113 AltGr
+namekey 116 Sup Menu
+namekey 109 Ctrl
+namekey 98 (up)
+namekey 100 (left)
+namekey 102 (right)
+namekey 104 (down)
+namekey 1 1 2 3 4 5
+#mouse clicks
+def KeyboardDialog init {history} {
+ super close
+ set @history $history
+ set @fade [dict create]
+ wm title .$self "Keyboard View" ;# say
+ set i 0; set j 0
+ set @names {key misc}
+ frame .$self.board
+ set layouts {::keyboard_layout ::keyboard_layout2}
+ set @keycount 0
+ foreach layout $::keyboard_layouts {
+ $self pack_keys $layout [lindex $@names $i] [llength [lindex $::keyboard_layouts [expr $i-1]]]
+ incr i
+ }
+ pack .$self.board
+ $@history subscribe $self
+ $self fade
+def KeyboardDialog pack_keys {keys name off} {
+ set i $off
+ frame .$self.board.$name
+ foreach row $keys {
+ frame .$self.board.$name.$i
+ foreach key $row {
+ if {$key==" "} {
+ pack [label .$self.board.$name.$i.shim$@keycount -image icon_empty] -side left
+ incr @keycount
+ continue
+ }
+ set ::keyboard_row_of($key) $i
+ if {[info exists ::keyboard_width_of($key)]} {
+ set width $::keyboard_width_of($key)
+ } else {set width 3}
+ if {[info exists ::keyboard_text_of($key)]} {
+ set text $::keyboard_text_of($key)
+ } else {set text $key}
+ if {[regexp {\((\w+)\)} $text foo bar]} {
+ set font [$self look font]
+ pack [label .$self.board.$name.$i.key$key -image icon_$bar -relief raise -border 4 -bg \
+ "#dddddd" -width [expr $width*[font measure $font 0]] \
+ -height [font metrics $font -linespace]] -side left
+ } else {
+ pack [label .$self.board.$name.$i.key$key -text " $text " -relief raise -border 4 \
+ -bg "#dddddd" -width $width -font [$self look font]] -side left
+ }
+ }
+ pack .$self.board.$name.$i -fill x
+ if {$i==0} {pack [label .$self.board.$name.shim -image icon_empty] -fill x -expand yes}
+ incr i
+ }
+ switch $name {
+ key {pack .$self.board.key -side left}
+ misc {pack .$self.board.misc -side right}
+ }
+def KeyboardDialog notice {origin add event} {
+ mset {type W x y mod K k} $event
+ if {![info exists ::keyboard_row_of($k)]} {puts "unknown key $k"; return}
+ set i $::keyboard_row_of($k)
+ if {$i<[llength [lindex $::keyboard_layouts 0]]} {set section "key"} else {set section "misc"}
+ switch -regexp -- $type {
+ ^KeyPress|ButtonPress$ {
+ if { [dict exists $@fade $k]} {dict unset @fade $k}
+ .$self.board.$section.$i.key$k configure -bg "#ff0000"
+ }
+ ^KeyRelease|ButtonRelease$ {if {![dict exists $@fade $k]} {dict set @fade $k 255}}
+ }
+def KeyboardDialog fade {} {
+ foreach {k v} $@fade {
+ incr v -85
+ if {$v<0} {set v 0}
+ set r [expr 221+$v*2/15]
+ set g [expr 221-$v*13/15]
+ set i $::keyboard_row_of($k)
+ if {$i<[llength [lindex $::keyboard_layouts 0]]} {set section "key"} else {set section "misc"}
+ .$self.board.$section.$i.key$k configure -bg [format #%02x%02x%02x $r $g $g]
+ if {$v} {dict set @fade $k $v} {dict unset @fade $k}
+ }
+ set @after [after 100 "$self fade"]
+def KeyboardDialog delete {} {
+ $@history unsubscribe $self
+ after cancel $@after
+ super
+# Deconstructors
+def Wire deconstruct {{selcanvas ""}} {
+ # the selcanvas system could be abstracted out using an ObjectList such that
+ # Canvas<ObjectList and $selection class == ObjectList
+ if {$selcanvas == ""} {
+ list #X connect \
+ [[$@canvas objects] search $@from] $@outlet \
+ [[$@canvas objects] search $@to] $@inlet
+ } {
+ list #X connect \
+ $::obj_index_sel($@canvas:$@from) $@outlet \
+ $::obj_index_sel($@canvas:$@to) $@inlet
+ }
+def MessageBox deconstruct {} {concat [list #X msg $@x1 $@y1] $@text}
+def FloatBox deconstruct {} {concat [list #X floatatom $@x1 $@y1] $@w $@min $@max $@pos $@lab $@snd $@rcv}
+def SymbolBox deconstruct {} {concat [list #X symbolatom $@x1 $@y1] $@w $@min $@max $@pos $@lab $@snd $@rcv}
+def Comment deconstruct {} {concat [list #X text $@x1 $@y1] $@text}
+def Box deconstruct {} {
+ if {[array names ::fields -exact $@pdclass] == ""} {
+ return [concat [list #X obj $@x1 $@y1] $@text]
+ } {
+ set r {}
+ foreach field $::fields($@pdclass) {lappend r $_($self:$field)}
+ return $r
+ }
+def View deconstruct_to {stream args} {
+ $stream << [philtre [eval [concat [list $self deconstruct] $args]]]
+ $stream << ";\n"
+def Canvas deconstruct {} {
+ return [concat [list #X restore $@x1 $@y1] $@text]
+def Canvas deconstruct_to {stream args} {
+ set r [concat [list #N canvas] $@canvas_pos $@canvas_size]
+ if {$@subpatch || $@abs} {lappend r $@name $@mapped} else {lappend r $@fontsize}
+ $stream << "[philtre $r];\n"
+ foreach i [lsort -integer [$@objects keys]] {eval [concat [list [$@objects get $i] deconstruct_to $stream]]}
+ foreach i [lsort -integer [ $@wires keys]] {eval [concat [list [ $@wires get $i] deconstruct_to $stream]]}
+ $stream << [philtre [eval [concat [list $self deconstruct] $args]]]
+ $stream << ";\n"
+# openpanel & savepanel
+proc pdtk_openpanel {target localdir} {
+ if {$localdir == ""} {set localdir $::pd_opendir}
+ set filename [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $localdir]
+ if {$filename != ""} {
+ set directory [string range $filename 0 [expr [string last / $filename]-1]]
+ set pd_opendir $directory
+ netsend [list $target callback [enquote $filename]]
+ }
+proc pdtk_savepanel {target localdir} {
+ if {$localdir == ""} {
+ set filename [tk_getSaveFile]
+ } else {
+ set filename [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir $localdir]
+ }
+ if {$filename != ""} {
+ netsend [list $target callback [enquote $filename]]
+ }
+# To err is human.
+#proc bgerror {err} {
+# global errorInfo
+# set info [error_dump]
+# tk_messageBox -message "$err: $info" -type ok
+class_new OopsDialog {Dialog}
+def OopsDialog init {sig1 sig2 where} {
+ super damn
+ wm title .$self "Oops..."
+ pack [label .$self.head -text $sig2 -font {Helvetica -14 bold}] -side top
+ pack [label .$self.note -text "This program has performed a silly operation and has been shut down."] -side top
+ pack [text .$self.text -yscrollcommand ".$self.scroll set" -width 72 -height 15] -side left -fill both -expand 1
+ pack [scrollbar .$self.scroll -command ".$self.text yview"] -side right -fill y
+ .$self.text insert 0.0 $where
+# Nous sommes donc en présence d'un incendie. C'est normal...
+def OopsDialog damn {} {$self ok}
+if {$tk} {
+ set main [Client new]
+ set window_list [list $main]
+} else {
+ set cmdline(console) 0
+ #foreach dir $auto_path {
+ # set file $dir/libtclreadline[info sharedlibextension]
+ # puts "trying $file"
+ # if {![catch {load $file}]} {puts "found tclreadline !"}
+ #}
+ package require tclreadline
+ proc ::tclreadline::prompt1 {} {return "desire> "}
+ ::tclreadline::Loop
+ #while {1} {
+ # #set line [::tclreadline::readline read]
+ # puts -nonewline "desire> "
+ # flush stdout
+ # set line [gets stdin]
+ # if {[catch {puts [eval $line]}]} {
+ # puts "error: $::errorInfo"
+ # }
+ #}
+ #vwait foo
+def Canvas auto_test {} {
+ $self editmode= 1
+ $self select_all
+ $self selection_move +10 0
+ $self selection_move +10 0
+ $self selection_move +10 0
+def Canvas visual_diff {} {
+ if {$@blinky != ""} {
+ after cancel $@blinky
+ return
+ }
+ #regsub {\.pd} [$self name] {} filename
+ set filename [$self name]
+ set initialfile ""
+ foreach suffix {gif jpg jpeg png} {
+ set t [$self folder]/$filename.$suffix
+ post %s $t
+ if {[file exist $t]} {set initialfile $filename.$suffix; break}
+ }
+ set filename [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .pd -filetypes $::image_filetypes -initialdir [$self folder] -initialfile $initialfile]
+ if {$filename == ""} {return}
+ image create photo image_$self -file $filename
+ $self blink_image
+def Canvas blink_image {} {
+ if {[llength [.$self.c gettags BLINKY]]} {
+ .$self.c delete BLINKY
+ } else {
+ .$self.c create image 0 0 -image image_$self -tag BLINKY -anchor nw
+ }
+ set @blinky [after 500 [list $self blink_image]]
+#lappend ::auto_path /usr/local/lib/graphviz
+catch {package require Tcldot}
+def Canvas graphviz_sort {} {
+ error "this code has to be rewritten to use the new containers"
+ set nodes {}
+ set gwidth 0; set gh 0
+ #toplevel .graph -height 600 -width 800
+ #set c [canvas .graph.c -height 600 -width 800]
+ #pack $c
+ set g [dotnew digraph]
+ $g setnodeattribute style filled color white
+ foreach child $@children {
+ lappend nodes [$g addnode $child label "[$child text]" shape "record" height "0.1"]
+ lappend nodes $child
+ }
+ puts "$nodes"
+ foreach wire $@wires {
+ mset {from outlet to inlet} [$wire report]
+ set n1 [lindex $nodes [expr [lsearch $nodes $from]-1]]
+ set n2 [lindex $nodes [expr [lsearch $nodes $to]-1]]
+ $n1 addedge $n2
+ }
+ #$g layout
+ ;# see what render produces
+ #if {$debug} {puts [$g render]}
+ #eval [$g render]
+ set f {}
+ set fd [open graph.txt w]
+ $g write $fd plain
+ close $fd
+ set fd [open graph.txt r]
+ set contents [read $fd]
+ close $fd
+ exec rm graph.txt
+ mset {x1 y1 x2 y2} [[$self widget] bbox all]
+ set width [expr $x2 - $x1]
+ set height [expr $y2 - $y1]
+ foreach line [split $contents "\n"] {
+ switch [lindex $line 0] {
+ graph {set gw [lindex $line 2]; set gh [lindex $line 3]}
+ node {
+ set w [expr $width/$gw]
+ set h [expr $height/$gh]
+ set id [lindex $line 1]
+ set x [lindex $line 2]; set y [lindex $line 3]
+ $id moveto [expr $x*$w] [expr ($gh-$y)*$h]
+ }
+ edge {break}
+ }
+ }