path: root/desiredata/src/locale/chinese.tcl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'desiredata/src/locale/chinese.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 560 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/src/locale/chinese.tcl b/desiredata/src/locale/chinese.tcl
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index bdbd0a37..00000000
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-#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
-# English translations for PureData
-# $Id: chinese.tcl,v 2007-08-09 02:09:07 chunlee Exp $
-### Menus
-say file "案檔"
- say new_file "新案檔"
- say open_file "開啟舊檔..."
- say server_prefs "伺服器設定..."
- say client_prefs "客戶端設定..."
- say send_message "傳送旨令..."
- say paths "Paths..."
- say close "關閉"
- say save "存檔"
- say save_as "另存新檔..."
- say print "印出..."
- say quit "結束"
- say canvasnew_file "開啟新檔"
- say canvasopen_file "開啟舊檔..."
- say canvassave "存檔"
- say canvassave_as "另存新檔..."
- say clientpdrc_editor "遠端設定"
- say clientddrc_editor "終端設定"
- say canvasclose "關閉"
- say canvasquit "結束"
-say edit "編輯"
- say undo "回上一步"
- say redo "回下一步"
- say cut "剪下"
- say copy "拷貝"
- say paste "後貼"
- say duplicate "復製"
- say select_all "全選"
- say text_editor "Text Editor..."
- say font "字體"
- say tidy_up "自動排列"
- say edit_mode "編輯模式"
- say editmodeswitch "編輯/執行 模式"
- say canvascut "剪下"
- say canvascopy "拷貝"
- say canvasundo "回上一步"
- say canvasredo "回下一步"
- say canvaspaste "後貼"
- say canvasduplicate "復製"
- say canvasselect_all "全選"
- say canvaseditmodeswitch "編輯/執行 模式"
-say view "顯示"
- say reload "重新下載"
- say redraw "重新畫製"
- say canvasreload "重新下載"
- say canvasredraw "重新畫製"
-say find "尋找"
- say find_again "再次尋找"
- say find_last_error "尋找上一錯誤"
- say string "Find string"
-say canvasfind "尋找"
- say canvasfind_again "再次尋找"
-# contents of Put menu is Phase 5C
-say put "放置"
- say Object "物件"
- say Message "信息"
- say Number "數字"
- say Symbol "符號"
- say Comment "註譯"
- say Graph "圖"
- say Array "陣列"
-say media "Media"
- say audio_on "聲頻開啟"
- say audio_off "聲頻關閉"
- say test_audio_and_midi "測試聲頻及MIDI"
- say load_meter "負載錶"
- say canvasaudio_on "聲頻開啟"
- say canvasaudio_off "聲頻關閉"
- say clienttest_audio_and_midi "測試聲頻及MIDI"
- say canvasload_meter "負載錶"
-say window "視窗"
-say help "幫助"
- say about "相關..."
- say documentation "使用說明..."
- say class_browser "物件瀏覽器..."
- say canvasabout "相關..."
-say properties "內容"
-say open "開啟"
-### for key binding editor
-say general "一般"
-say audio_settings "聲頻設定"
-say midi_settings "Midi設定"
-say latency_meter "時延錶"
-say Pdwindow "Pd主視窗"
-say canvaspdwindow "Pd主視窗"
-say canvaslatency_meter "時延錶"
-say clientaudio_settings "聲頻設定"
-say clientmidi_settings "Midi設定"
-### for Properties Dialog (phase 5B)
-say_category IEM
-say w "寬(像素)"
-say h "高(像素)"
-say hold "有效顯示時限(毫秒)"
-say break "有效空閒時限(毫秒)"
-say min "最低數限"
-say max "最高數限"
-say is_log "模式"
-say linear "線性"
-say logarithmic "對數"
-say isa "起始"
-say n "選擇數量"
-say steady "穩定性"
-say steady_no "點選跳躍式"
-say steady_yes "點選持續式"
-say snd "傳送符號"
-say rcv "接收符號"
-say lab "標簽"
-say ldx "標簽橫落差"
-say ldy "標簽縱落差"
-say fstyle "字形"
-say fs "字體大小"
-say bcol "背景研色"
-say fcol "前景研色"
-say lcol "標簽研色"
-say yes "是"
-say no "否"
-say courier "courier (typewriter)"
-say helvetica "helvetica (sansserif)"
-say times "times (serif)"
-say coords "頂端顯示"
-say_category GAtomProperties
-say width "寬"
-say lo "最低數限"
-say hi "最高數限"
-say label "標簽"
-say wherelabel "標簽位置"
-say symto "傳送符號"
-say symfrom "接收符號"
-say pos "標簽位置"
-say_category GraphProperties
-say x1 "x from"
-say x2 "x to"
-say xpix "screen width"
-say y2 "y from"
-say y1 "y to"
-say ypix "screen height"
-say_category CanvasProperties
-#say xscale "X units/px"
-#say yscale "Y units/px"
-say gop "頂端顯示"
-say xmargin "橫軸邊緣限度"
-say ymargin "縱軸邊緣限度"
-say height "高"
-say_category ArrayProperties
-say name "名子"
-say n "大小"
-say xfrom "橫軸範圍啟"
-say xto "橫軸範圍使"
-say yfrom "縱軸範圍啟"
-say yto "縱軸範圍使"
-say_category MainWindow
-say in "進"
-say out "出"
-say audio "聲音"
-say meters "聲頻錶"
-say io_errors "聲頻錯誤"
-say console_clear "清空顯示"
-say tcl_console "TCL 旨令"
-say pd_console "Pd 旨令"
-### phase 2
-say_category Other
-say_namespace summary {
- say_category IEMGUI
- say bng "Bang Box"
- say tgl "Toggle Box"
- say nbx "Number Box (IEM)"
- say hsl "Slider (Horizontal)"
- say vsl "Slider (Vertical)"
- say hradio "Choice Box (Horizontal)"
- say vradio "Choice Box (Vertical)"
- say cnv "Canvas (IEM)"
- say dropper "Drag-and-Drop Box"
- say vu "Vumeter"
- say_category GLUE
- say bang "output a bang message"
- say float "store and recall a number"
- say symbol "store and recall a symbol"
- say int "store and recall an integer"
- say send "send a message to a named object"
- say receive "catch sent messages"
- say select "test for matching numbers or symbols"
- say route "route messages according to first element"
- say pack "make compound messages"
- say unpack "get elements of compound messages"
- say trigger "sequence and convert messagess"
- say spigot "interruptible message connection"
- say moses "part a numeric stream"
- say until "looping mechanism"
- say print "print out messages"
- say makefilename "format a symbol with a variable field"
- say change "remove repeated numbers from a stream"
- say swap "swap two numbers"
- say value "shared numeric value"
- say_category TIME
- say delay "send a message after a time delay"
- say metro "send a message periodically"
- say line "send a series of linearly stepped numbers"
- say timer "measure time intervals"
- say cputime "measure CPU time"
- say realtime "measure real time"
- say pipe "dynamically growable delay line for numbers"
- say_category MATH
- say + "add"
- say - "substract"
- say * "multiply"
- say {/ div} "divide"
- say {% mod} "division remainder"
- say pow "exponentiate"
- say == "equal?"
- say != "not equal?"
- say > "more than?"
- say < "less than?"
- say >= "not less than?"
- say <= "not more than?"
- say & "bitwise conjunction (and)"
- say | "bitwise disjunction (or)"
- say && "logical conjunction (and)"
- say || "logical disjunction (or)"
- say mtof "MIDI to Hertz"
- say ftom "Hertz to MIDI"
- say powtodb "Watts to dB"
- say dbtopow "dB to Watts"
- say rmstodb "Volts to dB"
- say dbtorms "dB to Volts"
- say {sin cos tan atan atan2 sqrt} "trigonometry"
- say log "Euler logarithm"
- say exp "Euler exponential"
- say abs "absolute value"
- say random "random"
- say max "greater of two numbers"
- say min "lesser of two numbers"
- say clip "force a number into a range"
- say_category MIDI
- say {notein ctlin pgmin bendin touchin polytouchin midiin sysexin} "MIDI input"
- say {noteout ctlout pgmout bendout touchout polytouchout midiout} "MIDI output"
- say makenote "schedule a delayed \"note off\" message corresponding to a note-on"
- say stripnote "strip \"note off\" messages"
- say_category TABLES
- say tabread "read a number from a table"
- say tabread4 "read a number from a table, with 4 point interpolation"
- say tabwrite "write a number to a table"
- say soundfiler "read and write tables to soundfiles"
- say_category MISC
- say loadbang "bang on load"
- say serial "serial device control for NT only"
- say netsend "send messages over the internet"
- say netreceive "receive them"
- say qlist "message sequencer"
- say textfile "file to message converter"
- say openpanel "\"Open\" dialog"
- say savepanel "\"Save as\" dialog"
- say bag "set of numbers"
- say poly "polyphonic voice allocation"
- say {key keyup} "numeric key values from keyboard"
- say keyname "symbolic key name"
- say_category "AUDIO MATH"
- foreach word {+ - * /} {say $word~ "[say $word] (for signals)"}
- say max~ "supremum of signals"
- say min~ "infimum of signals"
- say clip~ "constrict signal to lie between two bounds"
- say q8_rsqrt~ "cheap reciprocal square root (beware -- 8 bits!)"
- say q8_sqrt~ "cheap square root (beware -- 8 bits!)"
- say wrap~ "wraparound (fractional part, sort of)"
- say fft~ "complex forward discrete Fourier transform"
- say ifft~ "complex inverse discrete Fourier transform"
- say rfft~ "real forward discrete Fourier transform"
- say rifft~ "real inverse discrete Fourier transform"
- say framp~ "output a ramp for each block"
- foreach word {mtof ftom rmstodb dbtorms rmstopow powtorms} {
- say $word~ "[say $word] (for signals)"
- }
-### phase 3
-say_namespace summary {
- say_category "AUDIO GLUE"
- say dac~ "audio output"
- say adc~ "audio input"
- say sig~ "convert numbers to audio signals"
- say line~ "generate audio ramps"
- say vline~ "deluxe line~"
- say threshold~ "detect signal thresholds"
- say snapshot~ "sample a signal (convert it back to a number)"
- say vsnapshot~ "deluxe snapshot~"
- say bang~ "send a bang message after each DSP block"
- say samplerate~ "get the sample rate"
- say send~ "nonlocal signal connection with fanout"
- say receive~ "get signal from send~"
- say throw~ "add to a summing bus"
- say catch~ "define and read a summing bus"
- say block~ "specify block size and overlap"
- say switch~ "switch DSP computation on and off"
- say readsf~ "soundfile playback from disk"
- say writesf~ "record sound to disk"
- say phasor~ "sawtooth oscillator"
- say {cos~ osc~} "cosine oscillator"
- say tabwrite~ "write to a table"
- say tabplay~ "play back from a table (non-transposing)"
- say tabread~ "non-interpolating table read"
- say tabread4~ "four-point interpolating table read"
- say tabosc4~ "wavetable oscillator"
- say tabsend~ "write one block continuously to a table"
- say tabreceive~ "read one block continuously from a table"
- say_category "AUDIO FILTERS"
- say vcf~ "voltage controlled filter"
- say noise~ "white noise generator"
- say env~ "envelope follower"
- say hip~ "high pass filter"
- say lop~ "low pass filter"
- say bp~ "band pass filter"
- say biquad~ "raw filter"
- say samphold~ "sample and hold unit"
- say print~ "print out one or more \"blocks\""
- say rpole~ "raw real-valued one-pole filter"
- say rzero~ "raw real-valued one-zero filter"
- say rzero_rev~ "[say rzero~] (time-reversed)"
- say cpole~ "[say rpole~] (complex-valued)"
- say czero~ "[say rzero~] (complex-valued)"
- say czero_rev~ "[say rzero_rev~] (complex-valued)"
- say_category "AUDIO DELAY"
- say delwrite~ "write to a delay line"
- say delread~ "read from a delay line"
- say vd~ "read from a delay line at a variable delay time"
- say_category "SUBWINDOWS"
- say pd "define a subwindow"
- say table "array of numbers in a subwindow"
- say inlet "add an inlet to a pd"
- say outlet "add an outlet to a pd"
- say inlet~ "[say inlet] (for signal)"
- say outlet~ "[say outlet] (for signal)"
- say_category "DATA TEMPLATES"
- say struct "define a data structure"
- say {drawcurve filledcurve} "draw a curve"
- say {drawpolygon filledpolygon} "draw a polygon"
- say plot "plot an array field"
- say drawnumber "print a numeric value"
- say_category "ACCESSING DATA"
- say pointer "point to an object belonging to a template"
- say get "get numeric fields"
- say set "change numeric fields"
- say element "get an array element"
- say getsize "get the size of an array"
- say setsize "change the size of an array"
- say append "add an element to a list"
- say sublist "get a pointer into a list which is an element of another scalar"
- say scalar "draw a scalar on parent"
- say_category "OBSOLETE"
- say scope~ "(use tabwrite~ now)"
- say namecanvas "" ;# what was this anyway?
- say template "(use struct now)"
-# phase 4 (pdrc & ddrc)
-say section_audio "聲頻"
- say -r "取樣率"
- say -audioindev "輸入裝置"
- say -audiooutdev "輸出裝置"
- say -inchannels "輸入音軌"
- say -outchannels "輸出音軌"
- say -audiobuf "聲頻緩衝器大小(毫秒)"
- say -blocksize "聲頻輸出/入區塊大小(樣框數目)"
- say -sleepgrain "空閒至睡眠時間(毫秒)"
- say -nodac "停用聲頻輸出"
- say -noadc "停用聲頻輸入"
- say audio_api_choice "聲頻介面"
- say default "內定值"
- say -alsa "使用ALSA"
- say -jack "使用JACK"
- say -mmio "使用MMIO(Windows內定值)"
- say -portaudio "使用ASIO(透過Portaudio)"
- say -oss "使用OSS"
- say -32bit "允許32位元OSS(for RME Hammerfall)"
- say {} "內定值"
-say section_midi "MIDI"
- say -nomidiin "停用MIDI輸入"
- say -nomidiout "停用MIDI輸出"
- say -midiindev "Midi輸入裝置名單"
- say -midioutdev "Midi輸出裝置名單"
-say section_externals "外加功能"
- say -path "尋找路徑"
- say -helppath "說明文件路徑"
- say -lib "加載功能組"
-say section_gui "使用者介面"
- say -nogui "suppress starting the GUI (caution)"
- say -guicmd "substitute another GUI program (e.g., rsh)"
- say -console "console scrollback lines (0 = disable console)"
- say -look "buttonbar icons"
- say -statusbar "enable statusbar"
- say -font "specify default font size in points"
-say section_other "其它"
- say -open "自動開啟檔案"
- say -verbose "詳係回報"
- say -d "除錯階級"
- say -noloadbang "停用 \[loadbang\]"
- say -send "啟動後傳送旨令"
- say -listdev "程式開啟時列出聲頻及MIDI裝置名單"
- say -realtime "使用即時配給 (須要根權)"
-say section_paths "路徑"
-# phase 4B: ddrc (keyword names not finalized!)
-say section_color "色彩"
- say canvas_color "畫布"
- say canvasbgedit "畫布背景 (編輯模式)"
- say canvasbgrun "畫布背景 (執行模式)"
- say object_color "物件"
- say viewframe1 "物件外框"
- say viewframe2 "物件外框"
- say viewframe3 "物件外框"
- say viewframe4 "物件反白"
- say viewbg "物件背景"
- say viewfg "物件前景"
- say commentbg "註譯背景"
- say commentfg "註譯前景"
- say commentframe1 "註譯外框"
- say commentframe2 "註譯背景"
- say commentframe3 "註譯背景"
- say viewselectframe "物件反白外框"
- say wire_color "通路"
- say wirefg "通路研色"
- say wirefg2 "通路反白"
- say wiredspfg "聲頻通路"
- say futurewiredash "未接通路"
- say others_color "其它"
- say boxinletfg "輸入點研色"
- say boxoutletfg "輸出點研色"
- say selrectrect "多選框"
-say keys "快速鍵"
-say others "其它"
-say hairstate "顯示十字器"
-say hairsnap "十字器停留物件左上角"
-say statusbar "顯示目前狀態"
-say buttonbar "顯示按鈕排"
-say menubar "顯示清單"
-say scrollbar "自動拉霸顯示"
-say wirearrow "通路箭頭"
-say tooltip "提示"
-say insert_object "嵌入物件"
-say chain_object "自動連結新物件"
-say clear_wires "清除通路"
-say auto_wire "移除物件"
-say subpatcherize "自動封裝"
-say keynav "鍵盤導覽"
-say key_nav_up "上移"
-say key_nav_up_shift "加入選區"
-say key_nav_down "下移"
-say key_nav_down_shift "加入選區"
-say key_nav_right "右移"
-say key_nav_right_shift "加入選區"
-say key_nav_left "左移"
-say key_nav_left_shift "加入選區"
-say key_nav_ioselect "選擇輸出/入點"
-# phase 5A
-say cannot "不能"
-say cancel "取消"
-say apply "使用"
-say ok "好"
-say popup_open "打開"
-say popup_insert "嵌入物件"
-say popup_properties "內容"
-say popup_clear_wires "清除通路"
-say popup_auto_wire "移除物件"
-say popup_help "輔助"
-say filter "過濾: "
-say how_many_object_classes "%d of %d object classes"
-say do_what_i_mean "照我意思做"
-say save_changes? "確定存檔?"
-say reset "重新設定"
-say Courier "Courier (monospaced)"
-say Helvetica "Helvetica (sansserif)"
-say Times "Times (serif)"
-say add "加入"
-say up "上移"
-say down "下移"
-say remove "移除"
-say lib_add "add the name you typed to the list"
-say lib_up "swap order with previous library"
-say lib_down "swap order with next library"
-say lib_remove "remove library selected in the list"
-say dir_add "add a folder using a file dialog"
-say dir_up "swap order with previous folder"
-say dir_down "swap order with next folder"
-say dir_remove "remove folder selected in the list"
-say client_class_tree "客戶端類別樹"
-say clipboard_view "閱覽筆記板"
-say command_history_view "閱覽旨令歷史記錄"
-say event_history_view "閱覽事件歷史記錄"
-say keyboard_view "顯示鍵盤"
-say abort_server "強迫中止伺服器"
-# during/after piksel:
-say auto_apply "自動更新"
-say font_preview "預覽:"
-say font_preview_2 "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\nabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n0123456789"
-say font_style "形態:"
-say font_bold "粗體"
-say font_italic "斜體"
-say font_family "字體名:"
-say font_size "大小:"
-say damn "可惡!"
-say preset "預設"
-say console "儲存旨令行數"
-say language "語言"
-say pointer_sense "滑鼠游標敏感度"
-say clear_selection "全部反選"
-say popup_remove_from_path "移除通路中物件"
-say popup_delete_from_path "刪除通路中物件"
-say popup_copy_id "考背愛低"