path: root/desiredata/src/notes.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'desiredata/src/notes.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/src/notes.txt b/desiredata/src/notes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 26393dfb..00000000
--- a/desiredata/src/notes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
----------------- dolist --------------------
-plug-in support
-atan2 inlets switched
-queued graphics updates for tables, number boxes
-cut/paste text (needs more testing)
-add standard bindings (ctl-o, etc) to dialogs
-separate audio on/off from nchans
-setuid flag in configure script
-settings saver (registry in Windows; .pdrc in linux; defaults system in OSX?)
- audio API
- MIDI -- fix to read MIDI on startup (rest works?)
- path
- startup flags
- libs
-better params:
- extra flag for path
- startup flags
- startup libraries
-printout to pd window
-startup from GUI
-%x to %lx in all "tags" to make 64-bit safe
-portaudio_pd files into src
-t_int to int in binbuf_addv
-64-bit fix to externs makefiles
-new filter objects: cpole~, fpole~, etc.
-put in Wini's RME ALSA code; there are still bugs...
-portaudio fixed for inchans != outchans, e.g., emi emagic (2/6)
-sprout inlets/outlets on objects whose creation failed.
-uploaded to CVS
-bug fix: click on minaturized subpatch fails to "vis" it
-bug fix: CK on Oct. 4 (crash changing font size)
-sched_idle hook
-fixed startup flags, path, etc. so that spaces, "," chars, etc., are allowed
-configure script fixed to handle enable- and disable- correctly
-fixed spaces in "startup" dialog
-document env~ second argument (and why is it no less than 1/10 of first???)
-vibrato example
-'[' in numbox label breaks it (Yury Sept. 3)
-soundfiles with 3-byte samples buzz for the first readsf buffer (bug/x.pd)
-read xx.txt in "bad" gives warnings
-writesf -- "open" without "0" misses closing the previous file.
-Also writesf~ acts differently if DSP is off when "open" is sent?
-qlist - 'next 1' seems not to work
-Krzysztof's qlist_next reentrancy bug
-don't draw in/outlets on gui objects in graph-on-parent
-font size should depend on subpatch/abstraction
-moving a bang toward top of window creates problem
-check what happens when going back and forth between graph-on-parent
-get rid of messages causing renaming; try to prevent patches closing themselves.
-dac~/ adc~/ block~ incompatibility
-scofo reports error on reading score1.txt
-rfft~ loses nyquist bin -- see "to hell with it" comment in d_fft.c
-open_via_path() followed by close() fails in windows? [can't reproduce]
-loading e-mailed patches without removing headers crashes pd
-pd $1 bug ($1 is saved as it was evaluated, not as '$1')
-data copy/paste doesn't check templates aren't changed
-figure out why Pd sometimes crashes when you close example after adding fields
-check if _vsnprintf with zero argument in windows works any better...
-next release:
-update portmusic to latest
-IEM guis to use queued updates
-pixel font sizes
-pd to find running ones (pd -new to defeat)
-"enter" into object box to create new one (also, changing borders? forking?)
-tab to jump to a connected object (first one?) (shift-tab to back up?)
- if there's just one array, don't do stringent hit check.
- array click protection (Krzysztof's suggestion)
- make graph labels persistent and add to dialog
- object to get/set table size; random; quantile
- flag to hide array names
-queued graphics updates for IEMGUIs and scalars
-document tabwrite~_start
-think of a way to embed abstractions in a patch
-make watchdog work for MACOSX
-GOP bounding box object
-IEMGUIs better default font size
-search path to include both calling patch and abstraction, if different
-abstraction reload shouldn't have to vis everyone
-addcomma message to message
-pasting should look at current mouse location
-delete-in-rectangle message to Pds
-put serial object in main dist (see rat@telecoma, Apr. 25; winfried May 22)
-open/save panel to take messages to init directory, and to set extent list
-flags to defeat pre-loading specified classes
-expr to parse exponential notation
-arrays of non-existent templates crash
-vget, vset traversal objects
-cursor to show (x, y) location
-better hit detection (getrect is too greedy; try tk's "current" tag for canvas)
-click on points of plot
-typing & dragging drawnumbers
-fix templates to be loaded on demand and belong to a globally known patch
-test and debug list elements of templates
-sublists should display on parent if desired?
-sublists seem not to handle canvas allocation right (get.pd->pointer.pd bug)
-scalar hook to catch the mouse
-protect against "plots" going away while you drag on them
-more features:
--Wno-unused to -Wno-unused-paramter and clean up unused automatic variables
-security module system in 2.6 - see the kernel module replacing jackstart
-signal inlets to sense signals; fix +~ etc, vcf~, biquad~, other filters
-mess with RME ALSA some more; ALSA readn doesn't work yet; use mmap?
-try to reduce startup time
-investigate gcc 3.3 warnings; try to reinstate -fstrict-aliasing
-message dialog not to disappear
-why does changing the name of an explode in jupiter patch take so long?
-close-subwindows menu item
-show results of opening audio and MIDI on dialogs
-windows escape from control-C
-settable netsend and netreceive port numbers
-new: abs~, nexttick~, extend threshold~ and snapshot~ (vthreshold~ etc)
-incorporate pddp doc
-try again to fix the font scene
-look at prctl(2) for FP exception handling
-??? have a way to disambiguate externs from different libs???
-netsend separate thread
-netreceive (and netsend?) message to set port number
-think about x and y scale preservation when changing between graph and object
-show outlines of objects even when graph is "open"
-graph_vis() to decorate graphs when they're toplevel (parent_glist == 0)
-get graphs to expand to hold their contents
-suita.chopin.edu.pl/~czaja/miXed/externs/xeq.html -- MIDI file reader
-in glist_delete, consider why this can't be just "vis 0" -- why do we need it?
-check that -blocksize really reflects in audiobuf calc for Hammerfall
-makefile to have make install depend on make local.
-Float method for random
-figure out list, message objects
-separate control over alsaindev and alsaoutdev
-put in something for tilde order forcing
-extensible "toolbar" so people can add external GUI objects
-allow spaces in paths
-variable send and receive -- check how max/MSP does it?
-number boxes to darken for typing and/or received messages
-dialog to change lib flag and path
-pique~ and fiddle~ unification (notice pique filtering is different!)
-new message box look
-figure out what to do when "pd sym" conflicts with window title as in Pluton?
-MAX compatibilty:
-trigger 1 (on Pd, outputs 0; on Max?)
-bonk~ file path handling
-unify arrays and garrays
-dialog to give values of $1, ... for the canvas
-bang at end of line~, tabwrite~, etc.
-recording to part of a table
-printout to main window
-should sys_bail kill all "threads" on the way out?
-check a_valid usage
-allow backslashes (or else really disallow them)
-icon & desktop integration
-flash menu when accelerator hits?
-fix edit mode menu item
-fancier text editing
-tools (reassigns meaning of primary click)
-get gui to notice early EOF
-rewrite t_getbytes properly
-obj_new should do a longjmp on out-of-memory
---------------------- source notes --------------------------
-0. structure definition roadmap. First, the containment tree of things
-that can be sent messages ("pure data"). (note that t_object and t_text,
-and t_graph and t_canvas, should be unified...)
------------- BFFORE 0.35: ---------
-m_pd.h t_pd anything with a class
- t_gobj "graphic object"
- t_text text object
- t_glist list of graphic objects
-g_canvas.c t_canvas Pd "document"
------------- AFTER 0.35: ---------
-m_pd.h t_pd anything with a class
- t_gobj "graphic object"
- t_text patchable object, AKA t_object
-g_canvas.h t_glist list of graphic objects, AKA t_canvas
-... and other structures:
-g_canvas.h t_selection -- linked list of gobjs
- t_editor -- editor state, allocated for visible glists
-m_imp.h t_methodentry -- method handler
- t_widgetbehavior -- class-dependent editing behavior for gobjs
- t_parentwidgetbehavior -- objects' behavior on parent window
- t_class -- method definitions, instance size, flags, etc.
-1. C coding style. The source should pass most "warnings" of C compilers
-(-Wall on linux, for instance; see the makefile.) Some informalities
-are intentional, for instance the loose use of function prototypes (see
-below) and uncast conversions from longer to shorter numerical formats.
-The code doesn't respect "const" yet.
-1.1. Prefixes in structure elements. The names of structure elements always
-have a K&R-style prefix, as in ((t_atom)x)->a_type, where the "a_" prefix
-indicates "atom." This is intended to enhance readability (although the
-convention arose from a limitation of early C compilers.) Common prefixes are
-"w_" (word), "a_" (atom), "s_" (symbol), "ob_" (object), "te_" (text object),
-"g_" (graphical object), and "gl_" (glist, a list of graphical objects). Also,
-global symbols sometimes get prefixes, as in "s_float" (the symbol whose string
-is "float). Typedefs are prefixed by "t_". Most _private_ structures, i.e.,
-structures whose definitions appear in a ".c" file, are prefixed by "x_".
-1.2. Function arguments. Many functions take as their first
-argument a pointer named "x", which is a pointer to a structure suggested
-by the function prefix; e.g., canvas_dirty(x, n) where "x" points to a canvas
-(t_canvas *x).
-1.3. Function Prototypes. Functions which are used in at least two different
-files (besides where they originate) are prototyped in the appropriate include
-file. Functions which are provided in one file and used in one other are
-prototyped right where they are used. This is just to keep the size of the
-".h" files down for readability's sake.
-1.4. Whacko private terminology. Some terms are lifted from other historically
-relevant programs, notably "ugen" (which is just a tilde object; see d_ugen.c.)
-1.5. Spacing. Tabs are 8 spaces; indentation is 4 spaces. Indenting
-curly brackets are by themselves on their own lines, as in:
- if (x)
- {
- x = 0;
- }
-Lines should fit within 80 spaces.
-2. Max patch-level compatibility. "Import" and "Export" functions are
-provided which aspire to strict compatibility with 0.26 patches (ISPW version),
-but which don't get anywhere close to that yet. Where possible, features
-appearing on the Mac will comeday also be provided; for instance, the connect
-message on the Mac offers segmented patch cords; these will devolve into
-straight lines in Pd. Many, many UI objects in Opcode Max will not appear in
-Pd, at least at first.
-3. Compatibility with Max 0.26 "externs", i.e., source-level compatibility. Pd
-objects follow the style of 0.26 objects as closely as possible, making
-exceptions in cases where the 0.26 model is clearly deficient. These are:
-3.1. Anything involving the MacIntosh "Handle" data type is changed to use
-char * or void * instead.
-3.2. Pd passes true single-precision floating-point arguments to methods;
-Max uses double.
-Typedefs are provided:
- t_floatarg, t_intarg for arguments passed by the message system
- t_float, t_int for the "word" union (in atoms, for example.)
-3.3. Badly-named entities got name changes:
- w_long --> w_int (in the "union word" structure)
-3.4. Many library functions are renamed and have different arguments;
-I hope to provide an include file to alias them when compiling Max externs.
-4. Function name prefixes.
-Many function names have prefixes which indicate what "package" they belong
-to. The exceptions are:
- typedmess, vmess, getfn, gensym (m_class.c)
- getbytes, freebytes, resizebytes (m_memory.c)
- post, error, bug (s_print.c)
-which are all frequently called and which don't fit into simple categories.
-Important packages are:
-(pd-gui:) pdgui -- everything
-(pd:) pd -- functions common to all "pd" objects
- obj -- fuctions common to all "patchable" objects ala Max
- sys -- "system" level functions
- binbuf -- functions manipulating binbufs
- class -- functions manipulating classes
- (other) -- functions common to the named Pd class
-5. Source file prefixes.
-s system interface
-m message system
-g graphics stuff
-d DSP objects
-x control objects
-z other
-t TK front end