path: root/desiredata/src/s_path.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'desiredata/src/s_path.c')
1 files changed, 350 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/desiredata/src/s_path.c b/desiredata/src/s_path.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06a37c1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/desiredata/src/s_path.c
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 1999 Guenter Geiger and others.
+* For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+* WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */
+/* This file implements the loader for linux, which includes a little bit of path handling.
+ * Generalized by MSP to provide an open_via_path function and lists of files for all purposes. */
+/* #define DEBUG(x) x */
+#define DEBUG(x)
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef UNISTD
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifdef MSW
+#include <io.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "desire.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+extern t_namelist *sys_externlist;
+t_namelist *sys_searchpath;
+t_namelist *sys_helppath;
+/* change '/' characters to the system's native file separator */
+void sys_bashfilename(const char *from, char *to) {
+ char c;
+ while ((c = *from++)) {
+#ifdef MSW
+ if (c == '/') c = '\\';
+ *to++ = c;
+ }
+ *to = 0;
+/* change the system's native file separator to '/' characters */
+void sys_unbashfilename(const char *from, char *to) {
+ char c;
+ while ((c = *from++)) {
+#ifdef MSW
+ if (c == '\\') c = '/';
+ *to++ = c;
+ }
+ *to = 0;
+/******************* Utility functions used below ******************/
+/* copy until delimiter and return position after delimiter in string */
+/* if it was the last substring, return NULL */
+static const char *strtokcpy(char *&to, const char *from, int delim) {
+ int size = 0;
+ while (from[size] != (char)delim && from[size] != '\0') size++;
+ to = (char *)malloc(size+1);
+ strncpy(to,from,size);
+ to[size] = '\0';
+ if (from[size] == '\0') return NULL;
+ return size ? from+size+1 : 0;
+/* add a single item to a namelist. If "allowdup" is true, duplicates
+may be added; othewise they're dropped. */
+t_namelist *namelist_append(t_namelist *listwas, const char *s, int allowdup) {
+ t_namelist *nl, *nl2 = (t_namelist *)getbytes(sizeof(*nl));
+ nl2->nl_next = 0;
+ nl2->nl_string = strdup(s);
+ sys_unbashfilename(nl2->nl_string, nl2->nl_string);
+ if (!listwas) return nl2;
+ for (nl = listwas; ;) {
+ if (!allowdup && !strcmp(nl->nl_string, s)) return listwas;
+ if (!nl->nl_next) break;
+ nl = nl->nl_next;
+ }
+ nl->nl_next = nl2;
+ return listwas;
+/* add a colon-separated list of names to a namelist */
+#ifdef MSW
+#define SEPARATOR ';' /* in MSW the natural separator is semicolon instead */
+#define SEPARATOR ':'
+t_namelist *namelist_append_files(t_namelist *listwas, const char *s) {
+ const char *npos = s;
+ t_namelist *nl = listwas;
+ do {
+ char *temp;
+ npos = strtokcpy(temp, npos, SEPARATOR);
+ if (!*temp) continue;
+ nl = namelist_append(nl, temp, 0);
+ free(temp);
+ } while (npos);
+ return nl;
+void namelist_free(t_namelist *listwas) {
+ t_namelist *nl2;
+ for (t_namelist *nl = listwas; nl; nl = nl2) {
+ nl2 = nl->nl_next;
+ free(nl->nl_string);
+ free(nl);
+ }
+char *namelist_get(t_namelist *namelist, int n) {
+ int i=0;
+ for (t_namelist *nl = namelist; i < n && nl; nl = nl->nl_next) {if (i==n) return nl->nl_string; else i++;}
+ return 0;
+static t_namelist *pd_extrapath;
+int sys_usestdpath = 1;
+void sys_setextrapath(const char *p) {
+ namelist_free(pd_extrapath);
+ pd_extrapath = namelist_append(0, p, 0);
+#ifdef MSW
+#define MSWOPENFLAG(bin) (bin ? _O_BINARY : _O_TEXT)
+#define MSWOPENFLAG(bin) 0
+/* try to open a file in the directory "dir", named "name""ext", for reading. "Name" may have slashes.
+ The directory is copied to "dirresult" which must be at least "size" bytes. "nameresult" is set
+ to point to the filename (copied elsewhere into the same buffer). The "bin" flag requests opening
+ for binary (which only makes a difference on Windows). */
+int sys_trytoopenone(const char *dir, const char *name, const char* ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin) {
+ bool needslash = (*dir && dir[strlen(dir)-1] != '/');
+ asprintf(dirresult,"%s%s%s%s", dir, needslash ? "/" : "", name, ext);
+ sys_bashfilename(*dirresult, *dirresult);
+ DEBUG(post("looking for %s",*dirresult));
+ /* see if we can open the file for reading */
+ int fd = open(*dirresult,O_RDONLY | MSWOPENFLAG(bin));
+ if (fd<0) {
+ if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and failed", *dirresult);
+ return -1;
+ }
+#ifdef UNISTD /* in unix, further check that it's not a directory */
+ struct stat statbuf;
+ int ok = (fstat(fd, &statbuf) >= 0) && !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode);
+ if (!ok) {
+ if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s; stat failed or directory", *dirresult);
+ close (fd);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sys_verbose) post("tried %s and succeeded", *dirresult);
+ sys_unbashfilename(*dirresult, *dirresult);
+ char *slash = strrchr(*dirresult, '/');
+ if (slash) {
+ *slash = 0;
+ *nameresult = slash + 1;
+ } else *nameresult = *dirresult;
+ return fd;
+/* check if we were given an absolute pathname, if so try to open it and return 1 to signal the caller to cancel any path searches */
+int sys_open_absolute(const char *name, const char* ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin, int *fdp) {
+ if (name[0] == '/'
+#ifdef MSW
+ || (name[1] == ':' && name[2] == '/')
+ ) {
+ int dirlen = strrchr(name, '/') - name;
+ char *dirbuf = new char[dirlen+1];
+ *fdp = sys_trytoopenone(name, name+dirlen+1, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin);
+ delete[] dirbuf;
+ return 1;
+ } else return 0;
+/* search for a file in a specified directory, then along the globally
+defined search path, using ext as filename extension. The
+fd is returned, the directory ends up in the "dirresult" which must be at
+least "size" bytes. "nameresult" is set to point to the filename, which
+ends up in the same buffer as dirresult. Exception:
+if the 'name' starts with a slash or a letter, colon, and slash in MSW,
+there is no search and instead we just try to open the file literally. */
+/* see also canvas_openfile() which, in addition, searches down the
+canvas-specific path. */
+static int do_open_via_path(
+const char *dir, const char *name, const char *ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin, t_namelist *searchpath) {
+ int fd = -1;
+ /* first check if "name" is absolute (and if so, try to open) */
+ if (sys_open_absolute(name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin, &fd)) return fd;
+ /* otherwise "name" is relative; try the directory "dir" first. */
+ if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(dir, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin)) >= 0) return fd;
+ /* next go through the search path */
+ for (t_namelist *nl=searchpath; nl; nl=nl->nl_next)
+ if ((fd = sys_trytoopenone(nl->nl_string, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin)) >= 0) return fd;
+ /* next look in "extra" */
+ if (sys_usestdpath && (fd = sys_trytoopenone(pd_extrapath->nl_string, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin)) >= 0)
+ return fd;
+ *dirresult = 0;
+ *nameresult = *dirresult;
+ return -1;
+extern "C" int open_via_path2(const char *dir, const char *name, const char *ext, char **dirresult, char **nameresult, int bin) {
+ return do_open_via_path(dir, name, ext, dirresult, nameresult, bin, sys_searchpath);
+/* open via path, using the global search path. */
+extern "C" int open_via_path(const char *dir, const char *name, const char *ext,
+char *dirresult, char **nameresult, unsigned int size, int bin) {
+ char *dirr;
+ int r = do_open_via_path(dir, name, ext, &dirr, nameresult, bin, sys_searchpath);
+ if (dirr) {strncpy(dirresult,dirr,size); dirresult[size-1]=0; free(dirr);}
+ return r;
+/* Open a help file using the help search path. We expect the ".pd" suffix here,
+ even though we have to tear it back off for one of the search attempts. */
+extern "C" void open_via_helppath(const char *name, const char *dir) {
+ char *realname=0, *dirbuf, *basename;
+ int suffixed = strlen(name) > 3 && !strcmp(name+strlen(name)-3, ".pd");
+ asprintf(&realname,"%.*s-help.pd",strlen(name)-3*suffixed,name);
+ int fd;
+ if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir,realname,"",&dirbuf,&basename,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
+ free(realname);
+ asprintf(&realname,"help-%s",name);
+ if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir,realname,"",&dirbuf,&basename,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
+ free(realname);
+ if ((fd = do_open_via_path(dir, name,"",&dirbuf,&basename,0,sys_helppath))>=0) goto gotone;
+ post("sorry, couldn't find help patch for \"%s\"", name);
+ return;
+ close(fd); if (realname) free(realname);
+ glob_evalfile(0, gensym((char*)basename), gensym(dirbuf));
+extern "C" int sys_argparse(int argc, char **argv);
+#define NUMARGS 1000
+extern "C" int sys_parsercfile(char *filename) {
+ int rcargc;
+ char* rcargv[NUMARGS];
+ char buf[1000];
+ char c[MAXPDSTRING];
+ int retval = 1; /* that's what we will return at the end; for now, let's think it'll be an error */
+ /* initialize rc-arg-array so we can safely clean up at the end */
+ for (int i=1; i<NUMARGS-1; i++) rcargv[i]=0;
+ /* parse a startup file */
+ FILE* file = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!file) return 1;
+ post("reading startup file: %s", filename);
+ rcargv[0] = "."; /* this no longer matters to sys_argparse() */
+ /* tb: comments in pdrc file { */
+ int i=1;
+ while ((fgets(c,MAXPDSTRING,file)) != 0) {
+ if (c[strlen(c)-1] !='\n') {
+ //it is unlikely that this is ever the case
+ error("startup file contains a line that's too long");
+ while(fgetc(file) != '\n') {}
+ }
+ if (c[0] != '#') {
+ long n;
+ while (sscanf(c,"%999s%ln",buf,&n) != EOF) {
+ buf[999] = 0;
+ if (!(rcargv[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen(buf) + 1))) goto cleanup;
+ strcpy(rcargv[i], buf);
+ strcpy(buf,c+n);
+ strcpy(c,buf);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* } tb */
+ if (i >= NUMARGS-1) error("startup file too long; extra args dropped");
+ rcargv[i] = 0;
+ rcargc = i;
+ /* parse the options */
+ fclose(file);
+ if (sys_verbose) {
+ if (rcargv) {
+ post("startup args from RC file:");
+ for (i = 1; i < rcargc; i++) post("%s", rcargv[i]);
+ } else post("no RC file arguments found");
+ }
+ if (sys_argparse(rcargc-1, rcargv+1)) {
+ post("error parsing RC arguments");
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ retval=0; /* we made it without an error */
+ cleanup: /* prevent memleak */
+ for (i=1; i<NUMARGS-1; i++) if (rcargv[i]) free(rcargv[i]);
+ return retval;
+#ifndef MSW
+#define STARTUPNAME ".pdrc"
+extern "C" int sys_rcfile () {
+ char *fname, *home = getenv("HOME");
+ asprintf(&fname,"%s/%s",home? home : ".",STARTUPNAME);
+ int r = sys_parsercfile(fname);
+ free(fname);
+ return r;
+#endif /* MSW */
+void sys_doflags() {
+ int beginstring = 0, state = 0, len = strlen(sys_flags->s_name);
+ int rcargc = 0;
+ char *rcargv[MAXPDSTRING];
+ if (len > MAXPDSTRING) {post("flags: %s: too long", sys_flags->s_name); return;}
+ for (int i=0; i<len+1; i++) {
+ int c = sys_flags->s_name[i];
+ if (state == 0) {
+ if (c && !isspace(c)) {
+ beginstring = i;
+ state = 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!c || isspace(c)) {
+ char *foo = (char *)malloc(i - beginstring + 1);
+ if (!foo) return;
+ strncpy(foo, sys_flags->s_name + beginstring, i - beginstring);
+ foo[i - beginstring] = 0;
+ rcargv[rcargc] = foo;
+ rcargc++;
+ if (rcargc >= MAXPDSTRING) break;
+ state = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sys_argparse(rcargc, rcargv)) post("error parsing startup arguments");
+extern "C" void glob_update_path () {
+ t_namelist *nl;
+ sys_vgui("global pd_path; set pd_path {");
+ for (nl=sys_searchpath; nl; nl=nl->nl_next) sys_vgui("%s ",nl->nl_string);
+ sys_vgui("}\n");