path: root/externals/gridflow/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'externals/gridflow/doc')
1 files changed, 612 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.rb b/externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..03dbfa86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/externals/gridflow/doc/moulinette.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+ $Id: moulinette.rb,v 1.1 2005-10-04 02:02:14 matju Exp $
+ convert GridFlow Documentation XML to HTML with special formatting.
+ GridFlow
+ Copyright (c) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 by Mathieu Bouchard
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+ of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ See file ../../COPYING for further informations on licensing terms.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+GF_VERSION = "0.8.0"
+#$use_rexml = true
+$use_rexml = false
+#require "gridflow"
+if $use_rexml
+ # this is a pure ruby xml-parser
+ begin
+ require "rexml/sax2parser"
+ rescue LoadError
+ require "rexml/parsers/sax2parser"
+ include REXML::Parsers
+ end
+ include REXML
+ # this uses libexpat.so
+ require "xmlparser"
+=begin todo
+ [ ] make it use the mk() function as much as possible.
+ [ ] make it validate
+ [ ] make it find the size of the pictures (and insert width/height attrs)
+ [ ] tune the output
+ [ ] fix the header of the page
+if nil
+ alias real_print print
+ alias real_puts puts
+ def print(*x); real_print "[#{caller[0]}]"; real_print *x; end
+ def puts (*x); real_print "[#{caller[0]}]"; real_puts *x; end
+def warn(text)
+ STDERR.print "\e[1;031mWARNING:\e[0m "
+ STDERR.puts text
+ "<" => "&lt;",
+ ">" => "&gt;",
+ "&" => "&amp;",
+# hackish transcoding from unicode to iso-8859-1
+def multicode(text); text.gsub(/\xc2(.)/) { $1 } end
+def html_quote(text)
+ return nil if not text
+ text = text.gsub(/[<>&]/) {|x| $escape_map[x] }
+ text = multicode(text) if /\xc2/ =~ text
+ text
+def mk(tag,*values,&block)
+ raise "value-list's length must be even" if values.length % 2 != 0
+ print "<#{tag}"
+ i=0
+ while i<values.length
+ print " #{values[i]}=\"#{values[i+1]}\""
+ i+=2
+ end
+ print ">"
+ (block[]; mke tag) if block
+def mke(tag)
+ print "</#{tag}>"
+def mkimg(parent,alt=nil,prefix=nil)
+ #STDERR.puts parent.to_s
+ icon = parent.contents.find {|x| XNode===x and x.tag == 'icon' }
+ name = parent.att["name"]
+ url = prefix+"/"+name+"-icon.png"
+ if icon and icon.att["src"]
+ url = icon.att["src"]
+ STDERR.puts "overriding #{url} with #{icon.att["src"]}"
+ end
+ url = url.sub(/,.*$/,"") # what's this for again?
+ warn "icon #{url} not found" if not File.exist? url
+ url = url.gsub(%r"#") {|x| sprintf "%%%02x", x[0] }
+ alt = icon.att["text"] if icon and not alt
+ alt = "[#{name}]"
+ mk(:img, :src, url, :alt, alt, :border, 0)
+class XString < String
+ def show
+ print html_quote(gsub(/[\r\n\t ]+$/," "))
+ end
+module HasOwnLayout; end
+class XNode
+ # subclass interface:
+ # #show_index : print as html in index
+ # #show : print as html in main part of the doc
+ @valid_tags = {}
+ class<<self
+ attr_reader :valid_tags
+ def register(*args,&b)
+ qlass = (if b then Class.new self else self end)
+ qlass.class_eval(&b) if b
+ for k in args do XNode.valid_tags[k]=qlass end
+ #qlass.class_eval {
+ # public :show
+ # public :show_index
+ #}
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize tag, att, *contents
+ @tag,@att,@contents =
+ tag, att, contents
+ contents.each {|c| c.parent = self if XNode===c }
+ end
+ attr_reader :tag, :att, :contents
+ attr_accessor :parent
+ def [] i; contents[i] end
+ def show_index
+ contents.each {|x| next unless XNode===x; x.show_index }
+ end
+ # this method segfaults in ruby 1.8
+ # because of method lookup on Qundef or whatever.
+ def show
+ #STDERR.puts GridFlow.get_id(contents)
+ #STDERR.puts self
+ contents.each {|x|
+ # STDERR.puts GridFlow.get_id(x)
+ x.show
+ }
+ end
+ def inspect; "#<XNode #{tag}>"; end
+ def to_s; inspect; end
+XNode.register("documentation") {}
+XNode.register(*%w( icon help arg rest )) {public
+ def show; end
+XNode.register("section") {public
+ def show
+ write_black_ruler
+ mk(:tr) { mk(:td,:colspan,4) {
+ mk(:a,:name,att["name"].gsub(/ /,'_')) {}
+ mk(:h4) { print att["name"] }}}
+ contents.each {|x|
+ if HasOwnLayout===x then
+ x.show
+ else
+ mk(:tr) { mk(:td) {}; mk(:td) {}; mk(:td) { x.show }}
+ puts ""
+ end
+ }
+ mk(:tr) { mk(:td) { print "&nbsp;" }}
+ puts ""
+ end
+ def show_index
+ mk(:h4) {
+ mk(:a,:href,"#"+att["name"].gsub(/ /,'_')) {
+ print att["name"] }}
+ print "<ul>\n"
+ super
+ print "</ul>\n"
+ end
+# basic text formatting nodes.
+XNode.register(*%w( p i u b sup )) {public
+ def show
+ print "<#{tag}>"
+ super
+ print "</#{tag}>"
+ end
+XNode.register("k") {public
+ def show
+ print "<kbd><font color=\"#007777\">" # oughta be in stylesheet?
+ super
+ print "</font></kbd>"
+ end
+# explicit hyperlink on the web.
+XNode.register("link") {public
+ def show
+ STDERR.puts "att = #{att.inspect}"
+ raise if not att['to']
+ print "<a href='#{att['to']}'>"
+ super
+ print att[:to] if contents.length==0
+ print "</a>"
+ end
+XNode.register("list") {public
+ attr_accessor :counter
+ def show
+ self.counter = att.fetch("start"){"1"}.to_i
+ mk(:ul) {
+ super # method call on Qundef ???
+ }
+ end
+XNode.register("li") {public
+ def show
+ mk(:li) {
+ print "<b>#{parent.counter}</b>", " : "
+ parent.counter += 1
+ super
+ }
+ end
+# and "macro", "enum", "type", "use"
+XNode.register("class") {public
+ include HasOwnLayout
+ def show
+ tag = self.tag
+ name = att['name'] or raise
+ mk(:tr) {
+ mk(:td,:colspan,4,:bgcolor,"#ffb080") {
+ mk(:b) { print "&nbsp;"*2, "#{tag} " }
+ mk(:a,:name,name) { print name }
+ }
+ }
+ mk(:tr) {
+ mk(:td) {}
+ mk(:td,:valign,:top) {
+ print "<br>\n"
+ help = contents.find {|x| XNode===x and x.tag == 'help' }
+ mkimg(self,nil,"flow_classes") if /reference|format/ =~ $file
+ mk(:br,:clear,"left")
+ 2.times { mk(:br) }
+ if help
+ big = help.att['image'] || att['name']
+ if big[0]==?@ then big="images/help_#{big}.png" end
+ warn "help #{big} not found" if not File.exist?(big)
+ #small = big.gsub(/png$/, 'jpg').gsub(/\//, '/ic_')
+ mk(:a,:href,big) {
+ #mk(:img,:src,small,:border,0)
+ mk(:img,:src,"images/see_screenshot.png",:border,0)
+ }
+ end
+ mk(:br,:clear,"left")
+ mk(:br)
+ }#/td
+ mk(:td) {
+ print "<br>\n"
+ super
+ print "<br>"
+ }#/td
+ }#/tr
+ end
+ def show_index
+ icon = contents.find {|x| XNode===x && x.tag == "icon" }
+ if not att["name"] then
+ raise "name tag missing?"
+ end
+ mk(:li) { mk(:a,:href,"\#"+att["name"]) {
+ mkimg(self,att["cname"],"flow_classes")
+ }}
+ puts
+ super
+ end
+def nice_table
+ mk(:table,:border,0,:bgcolor,:black,:cellspacing,1) {
+ mk(:tr) {
+ mk(:td,:valign,:top,:align,:left) {
+ mk(:table,:bgcolor,:white,:border,0,
+ :cellpadding,4,:cellspacing,1) {
+ yield }}}}
+XNode.register("attr") {public
+ def show
+ print "<br>"
+ if parent.tag == "inlet" or parent.tag == "outlet"
+ mk(:b) {
+ print "#{parent.tag}&nbsp;#{parent.att['id']} "
+ }
+ end
+ print "<b>#{tag}</b>&nbsp;"
+ print "#{html_quote att['name']} <b>(</b>"
+ s=html_quote(att["name"])
+ s="<i>#{att['type']}</i> #{s}" if att['type']
+ print "<b>#{s}</b>"
+ print "<b>)</b> "
+ end
+XNode.register("method") {public
+if true #
+ def show
+ print "<br>"
+ if parent.tag == "inlet" or parent.tag == "outlet"
+ mk(:b) {
+ print "#{parent.tag}&nbsp;#{parent.att['id']} "
+ }
+ end
+ print "<b>#{tag}</b>&nbsp;"
+ print "#{html_quote att['name']} <b>(</b>"
+ print contents.map {|x|
+ next unless XNode===x
+ case x.tag
+ when "arg"
+ s=html_quote(x.att["name"])
+ s="<i>#{x.att['type']}</i> #{s}" if x.att['type']
+ s
+ when "rest"
+ (x.att["name"]||"") + "..."
+ end
+ }.compact.join("<b>, </b>")
+ print "<b>)</b> "
+ super
+ print "<br>\n"
+ end
+else #
+ def show
+ print "<br>"
+ mk(:table) { mk(:tr) { mk(:td) {
+ name = ""
+ name << "#{parent.tag} #{parent.att['id']} " if \
+ parent.tag == "inlet" or parent.tag == "outlet"
+ name << tag.to_s
+ mk(:b) { print name.gsub(/ /,"&nbsp;") }
+ }; mk(:td) {
+ nice_table { mk(:tr) {
+ mk(:td,:width,1) { print html_quote(att['name']) }
+ contents.each {|x|
+ next unless XNode===x
+ case x.tag
+ when "arg"
+ mk(:td,:bgcolor,:pink) {
+ s = ""
+ if x.att["type"]
+ s << "<i>" << html_quote(x.att["type"]) << "</i>"
+ end
+ if x.att["name"]
+ s << " " << html_quote(x.att["name"])
+ end
+ s<<"&nbsp;" if s.length==0
+ mk(:b) { puts s }
+ }
+ when "rest"
+ mk(:td,:bgcolor,:pink) {
+ mk(:b) { print html_quote(x.att["name"]), "..."}
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ }}
+ }; mk(:td) {
+ super
+ }}}
+ end
+end #
+XNode.register("table") {public
+ def show
+ colors = ["#ffffff","#f0f8ff",]
+ rows = contents.find_all {|x| XNode===x && x.tag=="row" }
+ rows.each_with_index {|x,i| x.bgcolor = colors[i%2] }
+ mk(:tr) {
+ 2.times { mk(:td) {} }
+ mk(:td) {
+ nice_table {
+ mk(:tr) {
+ columns = contents.find_all {|x| XNode===x && x.tag=="column" }
+ columns.each {|x| mk(:td,:bgcolor,"#808080") {
+ mk(:font,:color,"#ffffff") {
+ mk(:b) {
+ x.contents.each {|y| y.show }}}}}
+ }
+ super
+ }}}
+ end
+XNode.register("column") {public
+ def show; end
+XNode.register("row") {public
+ attr_accessor :bgcolor
+ def show
+ columns = parent.contents.find_all {|x| XNode===x && x.tag=="column" }
+ mk(:tr) { columns.each {|x| mk(:td,:bgcolor,bgcolor) {
+ id = x.att["id"]
+ case x.att["type"]
+ when "icon" # should fix this for non-op icons
+ x = "op/#{att['cname']}-icon.png"
+ if not File.exist? x
+ warn "no icon for #{att['name']} (#{x})\n"
+ end
+ mk(:img,:src,x,:border,0,:alt,att["name"])
+ else
+ if id==""
+ then contents.each {|x| x.show }
+ else
+# print html_quote(att[id] || "--")
+ print multicode(att[id] || "--")
+ end
+ end
+ }}}
+ end
+XNode.register("inlet","outlet") {}
+if $use_rexml
+ class GFDocParser
+ def initialize(file)
+ @sax = SAX2Parser.new(File.open(file))
+ @xml_lists = []
+ @stack = [[]]
+ @sax.listen(:start_element) {|a,b,c,d| startElement(b,d) }
+ @sax.listen( :end_element) {|a,b,c| endElement(b) }
+ @sax.listen( :characters) {|a| @gfdoc.character(a) }
+ end
+ def do_it; @sax.parse; end
+ end
+ class GFDocParser
+ def initialize(file)
+ @xml = XMLParser.new("ISO-8859-1")
+ foo=self; @xml.instance_eval { @gfdoc=foo }
+ def @xml.startElement(tag,attrs) @gfdoc.startElement(tag,attrs) end
+ def @xml.endElement(tag) @gfdoc.endElement(tag) end
+ def @xml.character(text) @gfdoc.character(text) end
+ @file = File.open file
+ @xml_lists = []
+ @stack = [[]]
+ end
+ def do_it; @xml.parse(@file.readlines.join("\n"), true) end
+ def method_missing(sel,*args) @xml.send(sel,*args) end
+ end
+class GFDocParser
+ attr_reader :stack
+ def startElement(tag,attrs)
+ if not XNode.valid_tags[tag] then
+ raise XMLParserError, "unknown tag #{tag}"
+ end
+ @stack<<[tag,attrs]
+ end
+ def endElement(tag)
+ node = XNode.valid_tags[tag].new(*@stack.pop)
+ @stack.last << node
+ end
+ def character(text)
+ if not String===@stack.last.last then
+ @stack.last << XString.new("")
+ end
+ @stack.last.last << text
+ end
+def write_header(tree)
+puts <<EOF
+<!-- #{"$"}Id#{"$"} -->
+<title>GridFlow #{GF_VERSION} - #{tree.att['title']}</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="gridflow.css" type="text/css">
+<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
+ leftmargin="0" topmargin="0"
+ marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
+<table width="100%" bgcolor="white" border="0" cellspacing="2">
+<tr><td colspan="4" bgcolor="#082069">
+<img src="images/titre_gridflow.png" width="253" height="23">
+puts <<EOF
+<tr><td colspan="4" height="16">
+ <h4>GridFlow #{GF_VERSION} - #{tree.att['title']}</h4>
+ <td width="5%" rowspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
+ <td width="15%" height="23">&nbsp;</td>
+ <td width="80%" height="23">&nbsp;</td>
+ <td width="5%" height="23">&nbsp;</td>
+def write_black_ruler
+puts <<EOF
+<tr><td colspan="4" bgcolor="black">
+<img src="images/black.png" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
+def write_footer
+puts <<EOF
+<td colspan="4" bgcolor="black">
+<img src="images/black.png" width="1" height="2"></td></tr>
+<tr><td colspan="4">
+<p><font size="-1">
+GridFlow #{GF_VERSION} Documentation<br>
+Copyright &copy; 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 by Mathieu Bouchard
+<a href="mailto:matju@sympatico.ca">matju@artengine.ca</a>
+$nodes = {}
+XMLParserError = Exception if $use_rexml
+def read_one_page file
+ begin
+ STDERR.puts "reading #{file}"
+ parser = GFDocParser.new(file)
+ parser.do_it
+ $nodes[file] = parser.stack[0][0]
+ rescue Exception => e
+ puts ""
+ puts ""
+ STDERR.puts e.inspect
+ i = parser.stack.length-1
+ (STDERR.puts "\tinside <#{parser.stack[i][0]}>"; i-=1) until i<1
+ # strange that line numbers are doubled.
+ # also the byte count is offset by the line count !?!?!?
+ STDERR.puts "\tinside #{file}:#{parser.line/2 + 1}" +
+ " (column #{parser.column}," +
+ " byte #{parser.byteIndex - parser.line/2})"
+ raise "why don't you fix the documentation"
+ end
+def write_one_page file
+ begin
+ $file = file
+ output_name = file.sub(/\.xml/,".html")
+ STDERR.puts "writing #{output_name}"
+ STDOUT.reopen output_name, "w"
+ tree = $nodes[file]
+ write_header(tree)
+ mk(:tr) { mk(:td,:colspan,2) { mk(:div,:cols,tree.att["indexcols"]||1) {
+ tree.show_index
+ puts "<br><br>"
+ }}}
+ tree.show
+ write_footer
+ puts ""
+ puts ""
+ rescue Exception => e
+ STDERR.puts "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
+ STDERR.puts e.backtrace
+ end
+$files = %w(
+ install.xml project_policy.xml
+ reference.xml format.xml internals.xml architecture.xml)
+$files.each {|input_name| read_one_page input_name }
+$files.each {|input_name| write_one_page input_name }