path: root/externals/grill/dyn/dyn.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'externals/grill/dyn/dyn.h')
1 files changed, 399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/externals/grill/dyn/dyn.h b/externals/grill/dyn/dyn.h
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index 00000000..3f593fe9
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+dyn - dynamical object management
+Copyright (c)2003-2004 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
+For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
+WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
+#ifndef __DYN_H
+#define __DYN_H
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+ #ifdef DYN_EXPORTS
+ #define DYN_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+ #else
+ #define DYN_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
+ #endif
+ #define DYN_EXPORT extern
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+/* include PD public header for some type definitions */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(push)
+#pragma warning(disable: 4091 4244)
+#include "m_pd.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#pragma warning(pop)
+#define DYN_ID_NONE 0
+/* error codes */
+#define DYN_ERROR_NONE 0 /* no error -> OK! */
+#define DYN_ERROR_NOTCREATED -4 /* error creating object */
+#define DYN_ERROR_PARAMS -101 /* wrong parameters */
+#define DYN_ERROR_NOOBJ -102 /* object not found */
+#define DYN_ERROR_NOSUB -103 /* sub-patcher not found */
+#define DYN_ERROR_NOIN -104 /* inlet out of range */
+#define DYN_ERROR_NOOUT -105 /* outlet out of range */
+#define DYN_ERROR_CONN_GENERAL -200 /* could not connect/disconnect */
+#define DYN_ERROR_CONN_PATCHER -201 /* objects to connect have different owners */
+/*! Constants for message scheduling */
+#define DYN_SCHED_AUTO -1
+#define DYN_SCHED_NOW 1
+#define DYN_SCHED_QUEUE 0
+/* object types */
+#define DYN_TYPE_PATCHER 1 /* object is a (sub-)patcher */
+#define DYN_TYPE_OBJECT 2 /* object is a real object */
+#define DYN_TYPE_MESSAGE 3 /* object is a message object */
+#define DYN_TYPE_TEXT 4 /* object is text comment */
+#define DYN_TYPE_CONN 5 /* object is a connection */
+#define DYN_TYPE_LISTENER 6 /* object is a listener to an outlet */
+/* inlet/outlet types */
+#define DYN_INOUT_MESSAGE 0 /* message inlet/outlet */
+#define DYN_INOUT_SIGNAL 1 /* signal inlet/outlet */
+/* callback signals */
+#define DYN_SIGNAL_NEW 0 /* object has been created */
+#define DYN_SIGNAL_FREE 1 /* object has been destroyed */
+#define DYN_SIGNAL_DISCONN 2 /* object has been disconnected */
+/*! Type definition for any dyn object identifier */
+struct dyn_ident;
+typedef dyn_ident *dyn_id;
+/*! Type of an object enumeration function
+ \param id Object ID
+ \return 0 -> stop enumeration, != 0 -> go on
+typedef int dyn_enumfun(dyn_id id,void *data);
+/* Type of an object callback function
+ \param id Object id
+ \param signal Type of signal (DYN_SIGNAL_* constant)
+ \param data User defined data, passed at object creation
+typedef void dyn_callback(dyn_id id,int signal,void *data);
+/* Type of a listener function
+ \param lid Listener object ID
+ \param id Object ID
+ \param outlet Outlet index
+ \param sym Message tag
+ \param argc Message atom count
+ \param argv Message atom list
+typedef void dyn_listener(dyn_id lid,dyn_id id,int outlet,const t_symbol *sym,int argc,const t_atom *argv,void *data);
+/*! Get dyn version number
+ \return version number major*100+minor
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Version();
+/*! Restrict dyn operation to the calling thread
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Lock();
+/*! Unrestrict dyn operation
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Unlock();
+/*! Get number of pending scheduled operations
+ \return number of commands, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Pending();
+/*! Wait for all pending operations to finish
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Finish();
+/*! Clear all objects
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Reset();
+/*! Enumerate all objects in a patcher
+ \param pid Patcher object ID
+ \param fun Enumeration function
+ \param data User defined data
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_EnumObjects(dyn_id pid,dyn_enumfun fun,void *data);
+/*! Create a new sub-patcher
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Pointer to new object id (returned on success)
+ \param cb Callback function
+ \param pid Pointer to parent patcher where the new object shall be created
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note If this command is queued, the object may not have been created on function return
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_NewPatcher(int sched,dyn_id *id,dyn_callback cb,dyn_id pid);
+/*! Create a new object
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Pointer to new object id (returned on success)
+ \param cb Callback function
+ \param pid Pointer to parent patcher where the new object shall be created
+ \param obj Object name (symbol tag)
+ \param argc Number of argument atoms
+ \param argv Array of atoms
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note If this command is queued, the object may not have been created on function return
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_NewObject(int sched,dyn_id *id,dyn_callback cb,dyn_id pid,const t_symbol *obj,int argc,const t_atom *argv);
+/*! Create a new object (with string command line)
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Pointer to new object id (returned on success)
+ \param cb Callback function
+ \param pid Pointer to parent patcher where the new object shall be created
+ \param args String of object name and arguments
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note If this command is queued, the object may not have been created on function return
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_NewObjectStr(int sched,dyn_id *id,dyn_callback cb,dyn_id pid,const char *args);
+/*! Create a new message object
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Pointer to new object id (returned on success)
+ \param cb Callback function
+ \param pid Pointer to parent patcher where the new object shall be created
+ \param argc Number of argument atoms
+ \param argv Array of atoms
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note If this command is queued, the object may not have been created on function return
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_NewMessage(int sched,dyn_id *id,dyn_callback cb,dyn_id pid,int argc,t_atom *argv);
+/*! Create a new message object (with string message)
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Pointer to new object id (returned on success)
+ \param cb Callback function
+ \param pid Pointer to parent patcher where the new object shall be created
+ \param msg String of message text
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note If this command is queued, the object may not have been created on function return
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_NewMessageStr(int sched,dyn_id *id,dyn_callback cb,dyn_id pid,const char *msg);
+/*! Connect two dyn objects
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id return pointer to newly created connection object
+ \param cb Callback function
+ \param sid Source Object id (already present in dyn)
+ \param outlet Source outlet index
+ \param did Drain Object id (already present in dyn)
+ \param outlet Drain inlet index
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note If this command is queued, the object may not have been created on function return
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_NewConnection(int sched,dyn_id *id,dyn_callback cb,dyn_id sid,int outlet,dyn_id did,int inlet);
+/*! Delete a formerly created dyn object
+ \note This can be any dyn object of type DYN_TYPE_*
+ \note The ID will become invalid at function call
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Object id (already present in dyn)
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Free(int sched,dyn_id id);
+/*! Attach a data packet to a dyn object
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \param data Pointer to data packet
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_SetData(dyn_id id,void *data);
+/*! Retrieve a data packet from a dyn object
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \param data Pointer to data packet
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_GetData(dyn_id id,void **data);
+/*! Retrieve the object type
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \return object type (DYN_TYPE_*) >= 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_GetType(dyn_id id);
+/*! Get number of inlets
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \return Number of inlets >= 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_GetInletCount(dyn_id id);
+/*! Get number of outlets
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \return Number of outlets >= 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_GetOutletCount(dyn_id id);
+/*! Get inlet type
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \param inlet Inlet index
+ \return Inlet type >= 0 (DYN_INOUT_MESSAGE or DYN_INOUT_SIGNAL), error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_GetInletType(dyn_id id,int inlet);
+/*! Get outlet type
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \param outlet Outlet index
+ \return Outlet type >= 0 (DYN_INOUT_MESSAGE or DYN_INOUT_SIGNAL), error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_GetOutletType(dyn_id id,int outlet);
+/*! Enumerate connections to inlet
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \param inlet Inlet index
+ \param fun Enumeration function
+ \param data User data
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_EnumInletConnections(dyn_id id,int inlet,dyn_enumfun fun,void *data);
+/*! Enumerate connections from outlet
+ \param id Object ID (already present and valid)
+ \param outlet Outlet index
+ \param fun Enumeration function
+ \param data User data
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_EnumOutletConnections(dyn_id id,int outlet,dyn_enumfun fun,void *data);
+/*! Get source object of a connection
+ \param cid Connection object ID
+ \param oid Return pointer for connected object ID (may be NULL if not needed)
+ \param outlet Return int for outlet index (may be NULL if not needed)
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_GetConnectionSource(dyn_id cid,dyn_id *oid,int *outlet);
+/*! Get drain object of a connection
+ \param cid Connection object ID
+ \param oid Return pointer for connected object ID (may be NULL if not needed)
+ \param inlet Return int for inlet index (may be NULL if not needed)
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+ \note This is executed immediately without scheduling
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_GetConnectionDrain(dyn_id cid,dyn_id *oid,int *inlet);
+/*! Send a message to a dyn object
+ \remark This often avoids the need for a connection to the respective object
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Object ID
+ \param inlet Inlet index to send message to
+ \param sym Message tag
+ \param argc Message atom count
+ \param argv Message atom list
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Send(int sched,dyn_id id,int inlet,const t_symbol *sym,int argc,const t_atom *argv);
+/*! Send a message (as a string) to a dyn object
+ \remark This often avoids the need for a connection to the respective object
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Object ID
+ \param inlet Inlet index to send message to
+ \param msg Message string
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_SendStr(int sched,dyn_id id,int inlet,const char *msg);
+/*! Listen to the outlet of a dyn object
+ \remark This often avoids the need for a connection to the respective object
+ \param sched Scheduling constant (DYN_SCHED_*)
+ \param id Backpointer to created listener object ID
+ \param oid Object ID to listen to
+ \param outlet Outlet index to listen to
+ \param cb Listener callback function
+ \param data User data
+ \return ok = 0, error code < 0
+DYN_EXPORT int dyn_Listen(int sched,dyn_id *id,dyn_id oid,int outlet,dyn_listener cb,void *data);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __DYN_H */