path: root/externals/grill/xsample/source
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Diffstat (limited to 'externals/grill/xsample/source')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 2710 deletions
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/groove.cpp b/externals/grill/xsample/source/groove.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index c989156e..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/groove.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,810 +0,0 @@
-xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data)
-Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#include "main.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning (disable:4244)
-#ifndef M_PI
-#define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383
-#define XZONE_TABLE 512
-class xgroove:
- public xinter
- FLEXT_HEADER_S(xgroove,xinter,setup)
- xgroove(int argc,const t_atom *argv);
- virtual ~xgroove();
- void m_pos(float pos)
- {
- setpos(LIKELY(s2u)?pos/s2u:0);
- Update(xsc_pos,true);
- }
- inline void m_posmod(float pos) { setposmod(LIKELY(pos)?pos/s2u:0); } // motivated by Tim Blechmann
- inline void mg_pos(float &v) const { v = curpos*s2u; }
- enum xs_fade {
- xsf_keeplooppos = 0,xsf_keeplooplen,xsf_keepfade,xsf_inside
- };
- enum xs_shape {
- xss_lin = 0,xss_qsine,xss_hsine
- };
- void ms_xfade(int xf)
- {
- if(xf < 0 || xf > xsf_inside) xf = xsf_keeplooppos;
- xfade = (xs_fade)xf;
- Update(xsc_fade,true);
- }
- void ms_xshape(int sh);
- void ms_xzone(float xz);
- void mg_xzone(float &xz) { xz = _xzone*s2u; }
- void m_loop(xs_loop lp)
- {
- loopmode = lp,bidir = 1;
- Update(xsc_loop,true);
- }
- double curpos; // in samples
- float bidir; // +1 or -1
- float _xzone,xzone;
- long znsmin,znsmax;
- xs_fade xfade;
- int xshape;
- t_sample **znbuf;
- t_sample *znpos,*znmul,*znidx;
- int pblksz;
- inline void setpos(double pos)
- {
- if(UNLIKELY(pos < znsmin)) curpos = znsmin;
- else if(UNLIKELY(pos > znsmax)) curpos = znsmax;
- else curpos = pos;
- }
- inline void setposmod(double pos)
- {
- if(pos >= 0)
- curpos = znsmin+fmod(pos,znsmax-znsmin);
- else
- curpos = znsmax+fmod(pos,znsmax-znsmin);
- }
- virtual void DoReset();
- virtual void DoUpdate(unsigned int flags);
- virtual void CbSignal();
- virtual void m_help();
- virtual void m_print();
- static void setup(t_classid c);
- //! return true if something has changed
- bool do_xzone();
- DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_off);
- DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_once);
- DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_loop);
- DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_loopzn);
- DEFSIGFUN(s_pos_bidir);
- DEFSIGCALL(posfun);
- DEFSTCALL(zonefun);
- static t_sample fade_lin[],fade_qsine[],fade_hsine[];
- FLEXT_CALLBACK_F(m_posmod)
- FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_loop,xs_loop)
- FLEXT_CALLSET_I(ms_xfade)
- FLEXT_CALLSET_I(ms_xshape)
- FLEXT_CALLSET_F(ms_xzone)
- FLEXT_CALLGET_F(mg_xzone)
- FLEXT_CALLVAR_F(mg_pos,m_pos)
-t_sample xgroove::fade_lin[XZONE_TABLE+1];
-t_sample xgroove::fade_qsine[XZONE_TABLE+1];
-t_sample xgroove::fade_hsine[XZONE_TABLE+1];
-void xgroove::setup(t_classid c)
- DefineHelp(c,"xgroove~");
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"all",m_all);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD(c,1,m_min);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD(c,2,m_max);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"min",mg_min,m_min);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"max",mg_max,m_max);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"pos",mg_pos,m_pos);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"posmod",m_posmod);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR_E(c,"loop",loopmode,m_loop);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"xfade",xfade,ms_xfade);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"xzone",mg_xzone,ms_xzone);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"xshape",xshape,ms_xshape);
- // initialize fade tables
- for(int i = 0; i <= XZONE_TABLE; ++i) {
- const float x = i*(1.f/XZONE_TABLE);
- // linear
- fade_lin[i] = x;
- // quarter sine wave
- fade_qsine[i] = sin(x*(M_PI/2));
- // half sine wave
- fade_hsine[i] = (sin(x*M_PI-M_PI/2)+1.f)*0.5f;
- }
-xgroove::xgroove(int argc,const t_atom *argv):
- curpos(0),bidir(1),
- _xzone(0),xzone(0),
- xfade(xsf_keeplooppos),xshape(xss_lin),
- znpos(NULL),znmul(NULL),znidx(NULL),
- pblksz(0)
- int argi = 0;
- if(argc > argi && CanbeInt(argv[argi])) {
- outchns = GetAInt(argv[argi]);
- argi++;
- }
- if(argc > argi && IsSymbol(argv[argi])) {
- buf.Set(GetSymbol(argv[argi]),true);
- argi++;
- // old-style command line?
- if(UNLIKELY(argi == 1 && argc == 2 && CanbeInt(argv[argi]))) {
- outchns = GetAInt(argv[argi]);
- argi++;
- post("%s: old style command line detected - please change to '%s [channels] [buffer]'",thisName(),thisName());
- }
- }
- AddInSignal("Signal of playing speed"); // speed signal
- AddInFloat("Starting point"); // min play pos
- AddInFloat("Ending point"); // max play pos
- for(int ci = 0; ci < outchns; ++ci) {
- char tmp[30];
- STD::sprintf(tmp,"Audio signal channel %i",ci+1);
- AddOutSignal(tmp); // output
- }
- AddOutSignal("Position currently played"); // position
- AddOutFloat("Starting point (rounded to frame)"); // play min
- AddOutFloat("Ending point (rounded to frame)"); // play max
- AddOutBang("Bang on loop end/rollover"); // loop bang
- // don't know vector size yet -> wait for m_dsp
- znbuf = new t_sample *[outchns];
- for(int i = 0; i < outchns; ++i) znbuf[i] = NULL;
- // initialize crossfade shape
- ms_xshape(xshape);
- if(znbuf) {
- for(int i = 0; i < outchns; ++i) if(znbuf[i]) FreeAligned(znbuf[i]);
- delete[] znbuf;
- }
- if(znpos) FreeAligned(znpos);
- if(znidx) FreeAligned(znidx);
-void xgroove::DoReset()
- xinter::DoReset();
- curpos = 0;
- bidir = 1;
-void xgroove::ms_xzone(float xz)
- ChkBuffer(true);
- _xzone = (UNLIKELY(xz < 0) || UNLIKELY(!s2u))?0:xz/s2u;
- Update(xsc_fade,true);
-void xgroove::ms_xshape(int sh)
- if(UNLIKELY(sh < 0) || UNLIKELY(sh > xss_hsine)) sh = xss_lin;
- xshape = (xs_shape)sh;
- switch(xshape) {
- case xss_qsine: znmul = fade_qsine; break;
- case xss_hsine: znmul = fade_hsine; break;
- default:
- post("%s - shape parameter invalid, set to linear",thisName());
- case xss_lin:
- znmul = fade_lin; break;
- }
- // no need to recalc the fade zone here
-void xgroove::s_pos_off(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns];
- SetSamples(pos,n,curpos);
- playfun(n,&pos,outvecs);
- SetSamples(pos,n,scale(curpos));
-void xgroove::s_pos_once(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- const t_sample *speed = invecs[0];
- t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns];
- bool lpbang = false;
- const double smin = curmin,smax = curmax,plen = smax-smin;
- if(LIKELY(plen > 0)) {
- register double o = curpos;
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output!
- if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) { o = smax; lpbang = true; }
- else if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) { o = smin; lpbang = true; }
- pos[i] = o;
- o += spd;
- }
- // normalize and store current playing position
- setpos(o);
- playfun(n,&pos,outvecs);
- arrscale(n,pos,pos);
- }
- else
- s_pos_off(n,invecs,outvecs);
- if(UNLIKELY(lpbang)) {
- doplay = false;
- ToOutBang(outchns+3);
- }
-void xgroove::s_pos_loop(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- const t_sample *speed = invecs[0];
- t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns];
- bool lpbang = false;
-#ifdef __VEC__
- // prefetch cache
- vec_dst(speed,GetPrefetchConstant(1,n>>2,0),0);
- const double smin = curmin,smax = curmax,plen = smax-smin;
- if(LIKELY(plen > 0)) {
- register double o = curpos;
- if(wrap && UNLIKELY(smin < 0) && UNLIKELY(smax >= buf.Frames())) {
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output!
- // normalize offset
- if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) { // faster than o >= smax
- o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smin;
- lpbang = true;
- }
- else if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) {
- o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smax;
- lpbang = true;
- }
- // TODO normalize to 0...buf.Frames()
- pos[i] = o;
- o += spd;
- }
- }
- else {
- ///////////////////////////////////
- // Most of the time is spent in here
- ///////////////////////////////////
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output!
- // normalize offset
- if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) { // faster than o >= smax
- o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smin;
- lpbang = true;
- }
- else if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) {
- o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smax;
- lpbang = true;
- }
- pos[i] = o;
- o += spd;
- }
- }
- // normalize and store current playing position
- setpos(o);
- playfun(n,&pos,outvecs);
- arrscale(n,pos,pos);
- }
- else
- s_pos_off(n,invecs,outvecs);
-#ifdef __VEC__
- vec_dss(0);
- if(UNLIKELY(lpbang)) ToOutBang(outchns+3);
-void xgroove::s_pos_loopzn(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- const t_sample *speed = invecs[0];
- t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns];
- bool lpbang = false;
- FLEXT_ASSERT(xzone);
- const float xz = xzone,xf = (float)XZONE_TABLE/xz;
- // adapt the playing bounds to the current cross-fade zone
- const long smin = znsmin,smax = znsmax,plen = smax-smin;
- // temporary storage
- const long cmin = curmin,cmax = curmax;
- // hack -> set curmin/curmax to loop extremes so that sampling functions (playfun) don't get confused
- curmin = smin,curmax = smax;
- if(LIKELY(plen > 0)) {
- bool inzn = false;
- register double o = curpos;
- // calculate inner cross-fade boundaries
- const double lmin = smin+xz,lmax = smax-xz,lsh = lmax-lmin+xz;
- const double lmin2 = lmin-xz/2,lmax2 = lmax+xz/2;
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- // normalize offset
- if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) {
- o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smax;
- lpbang = true;
- }
- else if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) {
- o = fmod(o-smin,plen)+smin;
- lpbang = true;
- }
- if(UNLIKELY(o < lmin)) {
- register float inp;
- if(o < lmin2) {
- // in first half of early cross-fade zone
- // this happens only once, then the offset is normalized to the end
- // of the loop (before mid of late crossfade)
- o += lsh;
- // now lmax <= o <= lmax2
- lpbang = true;
- inp = xz-(float)(o-lmax); // 0 <= inp < xz
- znpos[i] = lmin-inp;
- }
- else {
- // in second half of early cross-fade zone
- inp = xz+(float)(o-lmin); // 0 <= inp < xz
- znpos[i] = lmax+inp;
- }
- znidx[i] = inp*xf;
- inzn = true;
- }
- else if(UNLIKELY(!(o < lmax))) {
- register float inp;
- if(!(o < lmax2)) {
- // in second half of late cross-fade zone
- // this happens only once, then the offset is normalized to the beginning
- // of the loop (after mid of early crossfade)
- o -= lsh;
- // now lmin2 <= o <= lmin
- lpbang = true;
- inp = xz+(float)(o-lmin); // 0 <= inp < xz
- znpos[i] = lmax+inp;
- }
- else {
- // in first half of late cross-fade zone
- inp = xz-(float)(o-lmax); // 0 <= inp < xz
- znpos[i] = lmin-inp;
- }
- znidx[i] = inp*xf;
- inzn = true;
- }
- else
- znidx[i] = XZONE_TABLE,znpos[i] = 0;
- const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output!
- pos[i] = o;
- o += spd;
- }
- // normalize and store current playing position
- setpos(o);
- // calculate samples (1st voice)
- playfun(n,&pos,outvecs);
- // rescale position vector
- arrscale(n,pos,pos);
- if(UNLIKELY(inzn)) {
- // only if we have touched the cross-fade zone
- // calculate samples in loop zone (2nd voice)
- playfun(n,&znpos,znbuf);
- // calculate counterpart in loop fade
- arrscale(n,znidx,znpos,XZONE_TABLE,-1);
- // calculate fade coefficients by sampling from the fade curve
- zonefun(znmul,0,XZONE_TABLE+1,n,1,1,&znidx,&znidx,false);
- zonefun(znmul,0,XZONE_TABLE+1,n,1,1,&znpos,&znpos,false);
- // mix voices for all channels
- for(int o = 0; o < outchns; ++o) {
- MulSamples(outvecs[o],outvecs[o],znidx,n);
- MulSamples(znbuf[o],znbuf[o],znpos,n);
- AddSamples(outvecs[o],outvecs[o],znbuf[o],n);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- s_pos_off(n,invecs,outvecs);
- curmin = cmin,curmax = cmax;
- if(UNLIKELY(lpbang)) ToOutBang(outchns+3);
-void xgroove::s_pos_bidir(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- const t_sample *speed = invecs[0];
- t_sample *pos = outvecs[outchns];
- bool lpbang = false;
- const int smin = curmin,smax = curmax,plen = smax-smin;
- if(LIKELY(plen > 0)) {
- register double o = curpos;
- register float bd = bidir;
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- const t_sample spd = speed[i]; // must be first because the vector is reused for output!
- // normalize offset
- // \todo at the moment fmod doesn't take bidirectionality into account!!
- if(UNLIKELY(!(o < smax))) {
- o = smax-fmod(o-smax,plen); // mirror the position at smax
- bd = -bd;
- lpbang = true;
- }
- else if(UNLIKELY(o < smin)) {
- o = smin+fmod(smin-o,plen); // mirror the position at smin
- bd = -bd;
- lpbang = true;
- }
- pos[i] = o;
- o += spd*bd;
- }
- // normalize and store current playing position
- setpos(o);
- bidir = bd;
- playfun(n,&pos,outvecs);
- arrscale(n,pos,pos);
- }
- else
- s_pos_off(n,invecs,outvecs);
- if(UNLIKELY(lpbang)) ToOutBang(outchns+3);
-void xgroove::CbSignal()
- int ret = ChkBuffer(true);
- if(LIKELY(ret)) {
- FLEXT_ASSERT(buf.Valid());
- const lock_t l = Lock();
- posfun(Blocksize(),InSig(),OutSig());
- Unlock(l);
- Refresh();
- }
- else
- zerofun(Blocksize(),InSig(),OutSig());
-void xgroove::DoUpdate(unsigned int flags)
- xinter::DoUpdate(flags);
- if(flags&xsc_range) {
- // output new range
- ToOutFloat(outchns+1,curmin*s2u);
- ToOutFloat(outchns+2,curmax*s2u);
- }
- if(flags&(xsc_fade|xsc_range))
- if(do_xzone()) flags |= xsc_play;
- if(flags&(xsc_pos|xsc_range))
- // normalize position
- setpos(curpos);
- // loop zone must already be set
- if(flags&xsc_play) {
- if(doplay) {
- switch(loopmode) {
- case xsl_once:
- SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_once));
- break;
- case xsl_loop:
- if(xzone > 0) {
- const int blksz = Blocksize();
- if(pblksz != blksz) {
- for(int o = 0; o < outchns; ++o) {
- if(znbuf[o]) FreeAligned(znbuf[o]);
- znbuf[o] = (t_sample *)NewAligned(blksz*sizeof(t_sample));
- }
- if(znpos) FreeAligned(znpos);
- znpos = (t_sample *)NewAligned(blksz*sizeof(t_sample));
- if(znidx) FreeAligned(znidx);
- znidx = (t_sample *)NewAligned(blksz*sizeof(t_sample));
- pblksz = blksz;
- }
- SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_loopzn));
- // linear interpolation should be just ok for fade zone, no?
- switch(outchns) {
- case 1: SETSTFUN(zonefun,TMPLSTF(st_play2,1,1)); break;
- case 2: SETSTFUN(zonefun,TMPLSTF(st_play2,1,2)); break;
- case 4: SETSTFUN(zonefun,TMPLSTF(st_play2,1,4)); break;
- default: SETSTFUN(zonefun,TMPLSTF(st_play2,1,-1));
- }
- }
- else
- SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_loop));
- break;
- case xsl_bidir:
- SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_bidir));
- break;
- default: ; // just to prevent warning
- }
- }
- else
- SETSIGFUN(posfun,SIGFUN(s_pos_off));
- }
-bool xgroove::do_xzone()
- // \todo do we really need this?
- if(UNLIKELY(!s2u)) return false; // this can happen if DSP is off
- const long frames = buf.Frames();
- if(UNLIKELY(!frames)) return false;
- xzone = _xzone; // make a copy for changing it
- if(xfade == xsf_inside) {
- // fade zone goes inside the loop -> loop becomes shorter
- // \todo what about round-off?
- const long maxfd = (curmax-curmin)/2;
- if(xzone > maxfd) xzone = maxfd;
- znsmin = curmin,znsmax = curmax;
- }
- else if(xfade == xsf_keepfade) {
- // try to keep fade zone
- // change of loop bounds may happen
- // restrict xzone to half of buffer
- const long maxfd = frames/2;
- if(xzone > maxfd) xzone = maxfd;
- // \todo what about round-off?
- const long hzone = CASTINT<long>(xzone/2.f+0.5f);
- znsmin = curmin-hzone;
- znsmax = curmax+hzone;
- // widen loop if xzone doesn't fit into it
- // \todo check formula
- long lack = CASTINT<long>(ceil((xzone*2.f-(znsmax-znsmin))/2.f));
- if(lack > 0) znsmin -= lack,znsmax += lack;
- if(!wrap) {
- // check buffer limits and shift bounds if necessary
- if(znsmin < 0) {
- znsmax -= znsmin;
- znsmin = 0;
- }
- if(znsmax > frames)
- znsmax = frames;
- }
- }
- else if(xfade == xsf_keeplooplen) {
- // try to keep loop length
- // shifting of loop bounds may happen
- const long plen = curmax-curmin;
- if(xzone > plen) xzone = plen;
- const long maxfd = frames-plen;
- if(xzone > maxfd) xzone = maxfd;
- // \todo what about round-off?
- const long hzone = CASTINT<long>(xzone/2.f+0.5f);
- znsmin = curmin-hzone;
- znsmax = curmax+hzone;
- if(!wrap) {
- // check buffer limits and shift bounds if necessary
- // both cases can't happen because of xzone having been limited above
- if(znsmin < 0) {
- znsmax -= znsmin;
- znsmin = 0;
- }
- else if(znsmax > frames) {
- znsmin -= znsmax-frames;
- znsmax = frames;
- }
- }
- }
- else if(xfade == xsf_keeplooppos) {
- // try to keep loop position and length
- // restrict fade zone to maximum length
- const long plen = curmax-curmin;
- if(xzone > plen) xzone = plen;
- // \todo what about round-off?
- const long hzone = CASTINT<long>(xzone/2.f+0.5f);
- znsmin = curmin-hzone;
- znsmax = curmax+hzone;
- long ovr = znsmax-frames;
- if(-znsmin > ovr) ovr = -znsmin;
- if(ovr > 0) {
- znsmin += ovr;
- znsmax -= ovr;
- xzone -= ovr*2;
- }
- }
- FLEXT_ASSERT(znsmin <= znsmax && (znsmax-znsmin) >= xzone*2.f);
- return true;
-void xgroove::m_help()
- post("%s - part of xsample objects, version " XSAMPLE_VERSION,thisName());
- post("(C) Thomas Grill, 2001-2007");
- post("Arguments: %s [channels=1] [buffer]",thisName());
- post("Arguments: %s [buffer]",thisName());
- post("Inlets: 1:Messages/Speed signal, 2:Min position, 3:Max position");
- post("Outlets: 1:Audio signal, 2:Position signal, 3:Min position (rounded), 4:Max position (rounded)");
- post("Methods:");
- post("\thelp: shows this help");
- post("\tset [name] / @buffer [name]: set buffer or reinit");
- post("\tenable 0/1: turn dsp calculation off/on");
- post("\treset: reset min/max playing points and playing offset");
- post("\tprint: print current settings");
- post("\t@loop 0/1/2: sets looping to off/forward/bidirectional");
- post("\t@interp 0/1/2: set interpolation to off/4-point/linear");
- post("\t@min {unit}: set minimum playing point");
- post("\t@max {unit}: set maximum playing point");
- post("\tall: select entire buffer length");
- post("\tpos {unit}: set playing position (obeying the current scale mode)");
- post("\tposmod {unit}: set playing position (modulo into min/max range)");
- post("\tbang/start: start playing");
- post("\tstop: stop playing");
- post("\trefresh: checks buffer and refreshes outlets");
- post("\t@units 0/1/2/3: set units to frames/buffer size/ms/s");
- post("\t@sclmode 0/1/2/3: set range of position to units/units in loop/buffer/loop");
- post("\t@xzone {unit}: length of loop crossfade zone");
- post("\t@xfade 0/1/2/3: fade mode (keep loop/keep loop length/keep fade/inside loop)");
- post("\t@xshape 0/1/2: shape of crossfade (linear/quarter sine/half sine)");
- post("");
-void xgroove::m_print()
- static const char *sclmode_txt[] = {"units","units in loop","buffer","loop"};
- static const char *interp_txt[] = {"off","4-point","linear"};
- static const char *loop_txt[] = {"once","looping","bidir"};
- // print all current settings
- post("%s - current settings:",thisName());
- post("bufname = '%s', length = %.3f, channels = %i",buf.Name(),(float)(buf.Frames()*s2u),buf.Channels());
- post("out channels = %i, frames/unit = %.3f, scale mode = %s",outchns,(float)(1./s2u),sclmode_txt[sclmode]);
- post("loop = %s, interpolation = %s",loop_txt[(int)loopmode],interp_txt[interp >= xsi_none && interp <= xsi_lin?interp:xsi_none]);
- post("loop crossfade zone = %.3f",(float)(xzone*s2u));
- post("");
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/inter.cpp b/externals/grill/xsample/source/inter.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f70b79f..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/inter.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data)
-Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#include "main.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning (disable:4244)
-#ifndef TMPLOPT
-#include "inter.h"
-void xinter::setup(t_classid c)
- FLEXT_CADDBANG(c,0,m_start);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"start",m_start);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"stop",m_stop);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR_E(c,"interp",interp,m_interp);
-void xinter::DoUpdate(unsigned int flags)
- xsample::DoUpdate(flags);
- if(flags&xsc_play) {
- switch(outchns) {
- case 1: SETSIGFUN(zerofun,TMPLFUN(s_play0,-1,1)); break;
- case 2: SETSIGFUN(zerofun,TMPLFUN(s_play0,-1,2)); break;
- case 4: SETSIGFUN(zerofun,TMPLFUN(s_play0,-1,4)); break;
- default: SETSIGFUN(zerofun,TMPLFUN(s_play0,-1,-1));
- }
- if(doplay && buf.Ok()) {
- if(interp == xsi_4p)
- switch(buf.Channels()*1000+outchns) {
- case 1001: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play4,1,1)); break;
- case 1002: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play4,1,2)); break;
- case 2001: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play4,2,1)); break;
- case 2002: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play4,2,2)); break;
- case 4001:
- case 4002:
- case 4003: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play4,4,-1)); break;
- case 4004: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play4,4,4)); break;
- default: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play4,-1,-1));
- }
- else if(interp == xsi_lin)
- switch(buf.Channels()*1000+outchns) {
- case 1001: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play2,1,1)); break;
- case 1002: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play2,1,2)); break;
- case 2001: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play2,2,1)); break;
- case 2002: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play2,2,2)); break;
- case 4001:
- case 4002:
- case 4003: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play2,4,-1)); break;
- case 4004: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play2,4,4)); break;
- default: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play2,-1,-1));
- }
- else
- switch(buf.Channels()*1000+outchns) {
- case 1001: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play1,1,1)); break;
- case 1002: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play1,1,2)); break;
- case 2001: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play1,2,1)); break;
- case 2002: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play1,2,2)); break;
- case 4001:
- case 4002:
- case 4003: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play1,4,-1)); break;
- case 4004: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play1,4,4)); break;
- default: SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play1,-1,-1));
- }
- }
- else
- SETSIGFUN(playfun,TMPLFUN(s_play0,-1,-1));
- }
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/inter.h b/externals/grill/xsample/source/inter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a0881b..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/inter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data)
-Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#ifndef __INTER_H
-#define __INTER_H
-TMPLDEF void xinter::st_play0(const t_sample *,const int ,const int ,const int n,const int inchns,const int outchns,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs,bool looped)
- // stopped/invalid buffer -> output zero
- for(int ci = 0; ci < outchns; ++ci) ZeroSamples(outvecs[ci],n);
-TMPLDEF void xinter::st_play1(const t_sample *bdt,const int smin,const int smax,const int n,const int inchns,const int outchns,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs,bool looped)
- SIGCHNS(BCHNS,inchns,OCHNS,outchns);
- // position info are frame units
- const t_sample *pos = invecs[0];
- t_sample *const *sig = outvecs;
- // no interpolation
- // ----------------
- if(UNLIKELY(smin == smax)) {
- // zero loop length -> assume that smin is a valid sample position...
- int ci;
- for(ci = 0; ci < OCHNS; ++ci) SetSamples(sig[ci],n,bdt[smin*BCHNS]);
- // clear rest of output channels (if buffer has less channels)
- for(; ci < outchns; ++ci) ZeroSamples(sig[ci],n);
- }
- else if(OCHNS == 1) {
- t_sample *sig0 = sig[0];
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- register long oint = CASTINT<long>(*(pos++));
- // for xplay oint can be out of bounds -> check
- if(LIKELY(oint >= smin))
- if(LIKELY(oint < smax)) {
- // normal
- *(sig0++) = bdt[oint*BCHNS];
- }
- else {
- // position > last sample ... take only last sample
- *(sig0++) = bdt[(smax-1)*BCHNS];
- }
- else {
- // position < 0 ... take only 0th sample
- *(sig0++) = bdt[smin*BCHNS];
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- for(int i = 0,si = 0; i < n; ++i,++si) {
- register long oint = CASTINT<long>(*(pos++));
- register const t_sample *fp;
- // for xplay oint can be out of bounds -> check
- if(LIKELY(oint >= smin))
- if(LIKELY(oint < smax)) {
- // normal
- fp = bdt+oint*BCHNS;
- }
- else {
- // position > last sample ... take only last sample
- fp = bdt+(smax-1)*BCHNS;
- }
- else {
- // position < 0 ... take only 0th sample
- fp = bdt+smin*BCHNS;
- }
- for(int ci = 0; ci < OCHNS; ++ci)
- sig[ci][si] = fp[ci];
- }
- // clear rest of output channels (if buffer has less channels)
- for(int ci = OCHNS; ci < outchns; ++ci) ZeroSamples(sig[ci],n);
- }
-TMPLDEF void xinter::st_play2(const t_sample *bdt,const int smin,const int smax,const int n,const int inchns,const int outchns,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs,bool looped)
- const int plen = smax-smin;
- if(UNLIKELY(plen < 2)) {
- st_play1 TMPLCALL (bdt,smin,smax,n,inchns,outchns,invecs,outvecs,looped);
- return;
- }
- SIGCHNS(BCHNS,inchns,OCHNS,outchns);
- // position info are frame units
- const t_sample *pos = invecs[0];
- t_sample *const *sig = outvecs;
- // linear interpolation
- // --------------------
- const int maxo = smax-1; // last sample in buffer
- if(OCHNS == 1) {
- t_sample *sig0 = sig[0];
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- const float o = *(pos++);
- register long oint = CASTINT<long>(o);
- const float frac = o-oint;
- t_sample fp0,fp1;
- if(LIKELY(oint >= smin))
- if(LIKELY(oint < maxo)) {
- // normal interpolation
- fp0 = bdt[oint*BCHNS];
- fp1 = bdt[(oint+1)*BCHNS];
- }
- else {
- // position is past last sample
- if(looped) {
- oint = smin+(oint-smin)%plen;
- fp0 = bdt[oint*BCHNS];
- fp1 = oint >= maxo?bdt[smin]:fp0;
- }
- else
- fp0 = fp1 = bdt[maxo*BCHNS];
- }
- else {
- // position is before first sample
- if(looped) {
- oint = smax-(smin-oint)%plen;
- fp0 = bdt[oint*BCHNS];
- fp1 = oint >= maxo?bdt[smin]:fp0;
- }
- else
- fp0 = fp1 = bdt[smin*BCHNS];
- }
- *(sig0++) = fp0+frac*(fp1-fp0);
- }
- }
- else {
- for(int i = 0,si = 0; i < n; ++i,++si) {
- const float o = *(pos++);
- register long oint = CASTINT<long>(o);
- const t_sample *fp0,*fp1;
- const float frac = o-oint;
- if(LIKELY(oint >= smin))
- if(LIKELY(oint < maxo)) {
- // normal interpolation
- fp0 = bdt+oint*BCHNS;
- fp1 = fp0+BCHNS;
- }
- else {
- // position is past last sample
- if(looped) {
- oint = smin+(oint-smin)%plen;
- fp0 = bdt+oint*BCHNS;
- fp1 = oint >= maxo?bdt+smin:fp0;
- }
- else
- fp0 = fp1 = bdt+maxo*BCHNS;
- }
- else {
- // position is before first sample
- if(looped) {
- oint = smax-(smin-oint)%plen;
- fp0 = bdt+oint*BCHNS;
- fp1 = oint >= maxo?bdt+smin:fp0;
- }
- else
- fp0 = fp1 = bdt+smin*BCHNS;
- }
- for(int ci = 0; ci < OCHNS; ++ci)
- sig[ci][si] = fp0[ci]+frac*(fp1[ci]-fp0[ci]);
- }
- // clear rest of output channels (if buffer has less channels)
- for(int ci = OCHNS; ci < outchns; ++ci) ZeroSamples(sig[ci],n);
- }
-TMPLDEF void xinter::st_play4(const t_sample *bdt,const int smin,const int smax,const int n,const int inchns,const int outchns,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs,bool looped)
- const int plen = smax-smin; //curlen;
- if(UNLIKELY(plen < 4)) {
- if(plen < 2) st_play1 TMPLCALL (bdt,smin,smax,n,inchns,outchns,invecs,outvecs,looped);
- else st_play2 TMPLCALL (bdt,smin,smax,n,inchns,outchns,invecs,outvecs,looped);
- return;
- }
- SIGCHNS(BCHNS,inchns,OCHNS,outchns);
- // position info are frame units
- const t_sample *pos = invecs[0];
- t_sample *const *sig = outvecs;
- // 4-point interpolation
- // ---------------------
- const int maxo = smax-1; // last sample in play region
- if(OCHNS == 1) {
- t_sample *sig0 = sig[0];
- for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- float o = pos[i];
- register long oint = CASTINT<long>(o);
- register t_sample fa,fb,fc,fd;
- const float frac = o-oint;
- register const t_sample *ptr = bdt+oint*BCHNS;
- if(LIKELY(oint > smin)) {
- if(LIKELY(oint < maxo-2)) {
- // normal case
- fa = ptr[-BCHNS];
- fb = ptr[0];
- fc = ptr[BCHNS];
- fd = ptr[BCHNS*2];
- }
- else {
- // not enough space at the end
- if(looped) {
- // normalize position
- oint = smin+(oint-smin)%plen;
- goto looped1;
- }
- else {
- // last sample is outside in any case
- fd = bdt[maxo*BCHNS];
- if(oint-1 >= maxo)
- // if first is outside, all are outside
- fa = fb = fc = fd;
- else {
- fa = ptr[-BCHNS];
- if(oint >= maxo)
- fb = fc = fd;
- else {
- fb = ptr[0];
- fc = oint+1 < maxo?ptr[BCHNS]:fd;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // not enough space at the beginning
- if(looped) {
- // normalize position
- oint = smax-(smin-oint)%plen;
- ptr = bdt+oint*BCHNS;
- // inside in any case
- fb = ptr[0];
- if(oint < maxo-1) {
- fa = oint > smin?ptr[-BCHNS]:bdt[maxo*BCHNS];
- fc = ptr[BCHNS];
- fd = ptr[BCHNS*2];
- }
- else {
- fa = ptr[-BCHNS];
- fc = oint < maxo?ptr[BCHNS]:ptr[(1-plen)*BCHNS];
- fd = ptr[(2-plen)*BCHNS];
- }
- }
- else {
- // first sample is outside in any case
- fa = bdt[smin*BCHNS];
- if(oint+2 < smin)
- // if last is outside, all are outside
- fb = fc = fd = fa;
- else {
- fd = ptr[BCHNS*2];
- if(oint+1 < smin)
- fb = fc = fa;
- else {
- fc = ptr[BCHNS];
- fb = oint < smin?fa:ptr[0];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const float f1 = frac*0.5f-0.5f;
- const float f3 = frac*3.0f-1.0f;
- const float amdf = (fa-fd)*frac;
- const float cmb = fc-fb;
- const float bma = fb-fa;
- sig0[i] = fb + frac*( cmb - f1 * ( amdf+bma+cmb*f3 ) );
- }
- }
- else {
- for(int i = 0,si = 0; i < n; ++i,++si) {
- float o = *(pos++);
- register long oint = CASTINT<long>(o);
- const float frac = o-oint;
- register const t_sample *ptr = bdt+oint*BCHNS;
- register const t_sample *fa,*fb,*fc,*fd;
- if(LIKELY(oint > smin))
- if(LIKELY(oint < maxo-2)) {
- // normal case
- fb = ptr;
- fa = fb-BCHNS;
- fc = fb+BCHNS;
- fd = fc+BCHNS;
- }
- else {
- // not enough space at the end
- if(looped) {
- // normalize position
- oint = smin+(oint-smin)%plen;
- goto looped2;
- }
- else {
- // last sample is outside in any case
- fd = bdt+maxo*BCHNS;
- if(oint-1 >= maxo)
- // if first is outside, all are outside
- fa = fb = fc = fd;
- else {
- fa = ptr-BCHNS;
- if(oint >= maxo)
- fb = fc = fd;
- else {
- fb = ptr;
- fc = oint+1 < maxo?ptr+BCHNS:fd;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // not enough space at the beginning
- if(looped) {
- // normalize position
- oint = smax-(smin-oint)%plen;
- // inside in any case
- fb = bdt+oint*BCHNS;
- if(oint < maxo-1) {
- fa = oint > smin?fb-BCHNS:bdt+maxo*BCHNS;
- fc = fb+BCHNS;
- fd = fc+BCHNS;
- }
- else {
- fa = fb-BCHNS;
- fc = oint < maxo?fb+BCHNS:bdt+(oint-plen+1)*BCHNS;
- fd = bdt+(oint-plen+2)*BCHNS;
- }
- }
- else {
- // first sample is outside in any case
- fa = bdt+smin*BCHNS;
- if(oint+2 < smin)
- // if last is outside, all are outside
- fb = fc = fd = fa;
- else {
- fd = ptr+BCHNS*2;
- if(oint+1 < smin)
- fb = fc = fa;
- else {
- fc = ptr+BCHNS;
- fb = oint < smin?fa:ptr;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const float f1 = 0.5f*(frac-1.0f);
- const float f3 = frac*3.0f-1.0f;
- for(int ci = 0; ci < OCHNS; ++ci) {
- const float amdf = (fa[ci]-fd[ci])*frac;
- const float cmb = fc[ci]-fb[ci];
- const float bma = fb[ci]-fa[ci];
- sig[ci][si] = fb[ci] + frac*( cmb - f1 * ( amdf+bma+cmb*f3 ) );
- }
- }
- // clear rest of output channels (if buffer has less channels)
- for(int ci = OCHNS; ci < outchns; ++ci) ZeroSamples(sig[ci],n);
- }
-TMPLDEF inline void xinter::s_play0(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- st_play0 TMPLCALL (buf.Data(),curmin,curmax,n,buf.Channels(),outchns,invecs,outvecs,loopmode == xsl_loop);
-TMPLDEF inline void xinter::s_play1(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- st_play1 TMPLCALL (buf.Data(),curmin,curmax,n,buf.Channels(),outchns,invecs,outvecs,loopmode == xsl_loop);
-TMPLDEF inline void xinter::s_play2(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- st_play2 TMPLCALL (buf.Data(),curmin,curmax,n,buf.Channels(),outchns,invecs,outvecs,loopmode == xsl_loop);
-TMPLDEF inline void xinter::s_play4(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- st_play4 TMPLCALL (buf.Data(),curmin,curmax,n,buf.Channels(),outchns,invecs,outvecs,loopmode == xsl_loop);
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/main.cpp b/externals/grill/xsample/source/main.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 025352a3..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data)
-Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#include "main.h"
-// Initialization function for xsample library
-static void xsample_main()
- flext::post("-------------------------------");
- flext::post("xsample objects, version " XSAMPLE_VERSION);
- flext::post("");
- flext::post(" xrecord~, xplay~, xgroove~ ");
- flext::post(" (C)2001-2007 Thomas Grill ");
- flext::post("");
- flext::post("DEBUG BUILD - " __DATE__ " " __TIME__);
- flext::post("-------------------------------");
- // call the objects' setup routines
- FLEXT_DSP_SETUP(xrecord);
- FLEXT_DSP_SETUP(xgroove);
-// setup the library
-// ------------------------------
-void xsample::setup(t_classid c)
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"help",m_help);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"set",m_set);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"print",m_print);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"refresh",m_refresh);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"reset",m_reset);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"buffer",mg_buffer,ms_buffer);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR_E(c,"units",unitmode,m_units);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR_E(c,"sclmode",sclmode,m_sclmode);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_GET(c,"scale",s2u);
- update(xsc_all),wrap(false),
- unitmode(xsu_ms), // Max/MSP defaults to milliseconds
- unitmode(xsu_sample), // PD defaults to samples
- sclmode(xss_unitsinbuf),
- curmin(0),curmax(1L<<(sizeof(curmax)*8-2))
-xsample::~xsample() {}
-bool xsample::Finalize()
- if(!flext_dsp::Finalize()) return false;
- // flags have been set in constructor
- Refresh();
- return true;
-int xsample::ChkBuffer(bool refresh)
- if(!buf.Ok()) return 0;
- if(UNLIKELY(buf.Update())) {
- post("%s - buffer update!",thisName());
- Update(xsc_buffer);
- if(refresh) {
- Refresh();
- return buf.Ok() && buf.Valid()?1:0;
- }
- else
- return buf.Valid()?1:0;
- }
- else
- return buf.Valid()?-1:0;
-/* called after all buffer objects have been created in the patch */
-void xsample::CbLoadbang()
- ChkBuffer(true);
-void xsample::m_set(int argc,const t_atom *argv)
- const t_symbol *sym = argc >= 1?GetASymbol(argv[0]):NULL;
- int r = buf.Set(sym);
- if(LIKELY(sym) && UNLIKELY(r < 0))
- post("%s - can't find buffer %s",thisName(),GetString(sym));
- Update(xsc_buffer,true);
-void xsample::m_min(float mn)
- int ret = ChkBuffer(true);
- if(LIKELY(ret) && LIKELY(s2u)) {
- long cmn = CASTINT<long>(mn/s2u+0.5f); // conversion to samples
- if(UNLIKELY(cmn < 0))
- curmin = 0;
- else if(UNLIKELY(cmn > curmax))
- curmin = curmax;
- else
- curmin = cmn;
- Update(xsc_range,true);
- }
-void xsample::m_max(float mx)
- int ret = ChkBuffer(true);
- if(LIKELY(ret) && LIKELY(s2u)) {
- long cmx = CASTINT<long>(mx/s2u+0.5f); // conversion to samples
- if(UNLIKELY(cmx > buf.Frames()))
- curmax = buf.Frames();
- else if(UNLIKELY(cmx < curmin))
- curmax = curmin;
- else
- curmax = cmx;
- Update(xsc_range,true);
- }
-bool xsample::CbDsp()
- // this is hopefully called at change of sample rate ?!
- post("%s - DSP reset!",thisName());
- // for PD at least this is also called if a table has been deleted...
- // then we must reset the buffer
- Update(xsc_srate|xsc_buffer,true);
- return true;
-void xsample::DoReset()
- ResetRange();
-void xsample::DoUpdate(unsigned int flags)
- if(flags&xsc_buffer)
- buf.Set();
- if(flags&xsc_range && buf.Ok()) {
- const int f = buf.Frames();
- if(!wrap) {
- // normalize bounds
- if(curmin < 0) curmin = 0;
- else if(curmin > f) curmin = f;
- if(curmax > f) curmax = f;
- else if(curmax < curmin) curmax = curmin;
- }
- else
- // don't normalize
- if(curmax < curmin) curmax = curmin;
- }
- if(flags&xsc_units) {
- switch(unitmode) {
- case xsu_sample: // samples
- s2u = 1;
- break;
- case xsu_buffer: // buffer size
- s2u = buf.Ok() && buf.Frames()?1.f/buf.Frames():0;
- break;
- case xsu_ms: // ms
- s2u = 1000.f/Samplerate();
- break;
- case xsu_s: // s
- s2u = 1.f/Samplerate();
- break;
- default:
- post("%s - Unknown unit mode",thisName());
- }
- switch(sclmode) {
- case xss_unitsinbuf: // samples/units
- sclmin = 0; sclmul = s2u;
- break;
- case xss_unitsinloop: // samples/units from recmin to recmax
- sclmin = curmin; sclmul = s2u;
- break;
- case xss_buffer: // unity between 0 and buffer size
- sclmin = 0; sclmul = buf.Ok() && buf.Frames()?1.f/buf.Frames():0;
- break;
- case xss_loop: // unity between recmin and recmax
- sclmin = curmin; sclmul = curmin < curmax?1.f/(curmax-curmin):0;
- break;
- default:
- post("%s - Unknown scale mode",thisName());
- }
- }
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/main.h b/externals/grill/xsample/source/main.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf39d7d..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/main.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data)
-Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#ifndef __XSAMPLE_H
-#define __XSAMPLE_H
-#include "prefix.h"
-#if !defined(FLEXT_VERSION) || (FLEXT_VERSION < 500)
-#error You need at least flext version 0.5.0
-#define XSAMPLE_VERSION "0.3.2pre"
-extern "C++" {
-// most compilers are somehow broken - in other words - can't handle all C++ features
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-// MS VC 6.0 can't handle <int,int> templates?! -> no optimization
-// MS VC .NET 2002 just dies with template optimization switched on
- #if _MSC_VER >= 1310
- #define TMPLOPT
- #endif
-#elif defined(__BORLANDC__)
-// handles all optimizations
- #define TMPLOPT
-#elif defined(__GNUC__)
-// GNUC 2.95.2 dies at compile with <int,int> templates
-#if __GNUC__ >= 3
- #define TMPLOPT // only workable with gcc >= 3.0
-#elif defined(__MWERKS__)
-// CodeWarrior <= 8 can't take address of a template member function
- #ifndef FLEXT_DEBUG
- #define TMPLOPT
- #endif
-// #define SIGSTATIC // define that for CW6
-#elif defined(__MRC__)
-// Apple MPW - MrCpp
-// #define TMPLOPT // template optimation for more speed
-// another compiler
-// #define TMPLOPT // template optimation for more speed (about 10%)
- //#define SIGSTATIC // another redirection to avoid addresses of class member functions
-#if defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(__MACH__)
- #define STD std
- #define STD
-#ifdef __ALTIVEC__
-#if FLEXT_CPU == FLEXT_CPU_PPC && defined(__MWERKS__)
- #pragma altivec_model on
- #include <vBasicOps.h>
- #include <vectorOps.h>
-#elif FLEXT_CPU == FLEXT_CPU_PPC && defined(__GNUG__)
- #include <vecLib/vBasicOps.h>
- #include <vecLib/vectorOps.h>
- // this is for the UInt32 prototype (thanks to Jamie)
- // \TODO we'd rather not use Carbon but some other framework
- #ifdef __MACH__
- #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
- #endif
- // Initialize a prefetch constant for use with vec_dst(), vec_dstt(), vec_dstst or vec_dststt
- // Taken from the "AltiVec tutorial" by Ian Ollmann, Ph.D.
- inline UInt32 GetPrefetchConstant( int blockSizeInVectors,int blockCount,int blockStride )
- {
-// FLEXT_ASSERT( blockSizeInVectors > 0 && blockSizeInVectors <= 32 );
-// FLEXT_ASSERT( blockCount > 0 && blockCount <= 256 );
-// FLEXT_ASSERT( blockStride > MIN_SHRT && blockStride <= MAX_SHRT );
- return ((blockSizeInVectors << 24) & 0x1F000000) |
- ((blockCount << 16) && 0x00FF0000) |
- (blockStride & 0xFFFF);
- }
-#if 0 // FLEXT_CPU == FLEXT_CPU_PPC && defined(__GNUC__)
-#include <ppc_intrinsics.h>
-template<typename I,typename F>
-inline I CASTINT( F f )
- int i;
- __stfiwx(__fctiwz(f),0,&i);
- return i;
-#elif FLEXT_CPU == FLEXT_CPU_INTEL && defined(_MSC_VER)
-template<typename I,typename F>
-inline I CASTINT(F x) {
-// by Laurent de Soras (http://ldesoras.free.fr)
-// assert (x > static_cast <double> (INT_MIN / 2) + 1.0);
-// assert (x < static_cast <double> (INT_MAX / 2) + 1.0);
- const float round_towards_m_i = -0.5f;
- I i;
- __asm
- {
- fld x
- fadd st,st
- fabs
- fadd round_towards_m_i
- fistp i
- sar i, 1
- }
- if(x < 0) i = -i;
- return i;
-template<typename I,typename F> inline I CASTINT(F o) { return static_cast<I>(o); }
-class xsample:
- public flext_dsp
- FLEXT_HEADER_S(xsample,flext_dsp,setup)
- xsample();
- ~xsample();
- enum xs_change {
- xsc__ = 0,
- xsc_units = 0x0001,
- xsc_play = 0x0002,
- xsc_pos = 0x0008,
- xsc_range = 0x0010,
- xsc_transport = 0x0020,
- xsc_fade = 0x0040,
- xsc_intp = xsc_play,
- xsc_srate = xsc_play|xsc_units,
- xsc_chns = xsc_play,
- xsc_loop = xsc_play,
- xsc_startstop = xsc_play|xsc_transport,
- xsc_buffer = xsc_units|xsc_pos|xsc_range|xsc_play,
- xsc_reset = xsc_buffer,
- xsc_all = 0xffff
- };
- enum xs_unit {
- xsu_sample = 0,xsu_buffer,xsu_ms,xsu_s
- };
- enum xs_intp {
- xsi_none = 0,xsi_4p,xsi_lin
- };
- enum xs_sclmd {
- xss_unitsinbuf = 0,xss_unitsinloop,xss_buffer,xss_loop
- };
- virtual bool Finalize();
- buffer buf;
- void m_reset()
- {
- ChkBuffer(true);
- DoReset();
- Refresh();
- }
- void m_set(int argc,const t_atom *argv);
- void m_refresh()
- {
- Update(xsc_buffer,true);
- }
- void m_units(xs_unit mode)
- {
- unitmode = mode;
- Update(xsc_units,true);
- }
- void m_sclmode(xs_sclmd mode)
- {
- sclmode = mode;
- Update(xsc_units,true);
- }
- void m_all()
- {
- ChkBuffer(true);
- ResetRange();
- Refresh();
- }
- void m_wrap(bool w)
- {
- wrap = w;
- Update(xsc_pos|xsc_range,true);
- }
- void m_min(float mn);
- void m_max(float mx);
- xs_unit unitmode;
- xs_sclmd sclmode;
- long curmin,curmax; //,curlen; // in samples
- long sclmin; // in samples
- float sclmul;
- float s2u; // sample to unit conversion factor
- bool wrap;
- inline float scale(float smp) const { return (smp-sclmin)*sclmul; }
- static void arrscale(int n,const t_sample *in,t_sample *out,t_sample add,t_sample mul) { flext::ScaleSamples(out,in,mul,add,n); }
- inline void arrscale(int n,const t_sample *in,t_sample *out) const { arrscale(n,in,out,-sclmin*sclmul,sclmul); }
- static void arrmul(int n,const t_sample *in,t_sample *out,t_sample mul) { flext::MulSamples(out,in,mul,n); }
- inline void arrmul(int n,const t_sample *in,t_sample *out) const { arrmul(n,in,out,(t_sample)(1.f/s2u)); }
- void mg_buffer(AtomList &l) { if(buf.Symbol()) { l(1); SetSymbol(l[0],buf.Symbol()); } }
- inline void ms_buffer(const AtomList &l) { m_set(l.Count(),l.Atoms()); }
- inline void mg_min(float &v) const { v = curmin*s2u; }
- inline void mg_max(float &v) const { v = curmax*s2u; }
- void Refresh() { if(update && !Initing()) { DoUpdate(update); update = xsc__; } }
- void Update(unsigned int f,bool refr = false) { update |= f; if(refr) Refresh(); }
- //! return 0...invalid, 1...changed, -1...unchanged
- int ChkBuffer(bool refr = false);
- typedef flext::buffer::lock_t lock_t;
- //! Lock buffer (buffer must be checked ok)
- lock_t Lock() { return buf.Lock(); }
- //! Unlock buffer (buffer must be checked ok)
- void Unlock(lock_t l) { buf.Unlock(l); }
- void ResetRange()
- {
- curmin = 0;
- curmax = buf.Frames();
- Update(xsc_range);
- }
- virtual void DoReset();
- virtual void DoUpdate(unsigned int flags);
- virtual void CbLoadbang();
- virtual bool CbDsp();
- virtual void m_help() = 0;
- virtual void m_print() = 0;
- unsigned int update;
- static void setup(t_classid c);
- FLEXT_CALLBACK(m_refresh)
- FLEXT_CALLVAR_V(mg_buffer,ms_buffer)
- FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_units,xs_unit)
- FLEXT_ATTRGET_E(unitmode,xs_unit)
- FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_sclmode,xs_sclmd)
- FLEXT_ATTRGET_E(sclmode,xs_sclmd)
-// defines which are used in the derived classes
- #ifdef TMPLOPT
- #define SIGFUN(FUN) &thisType::st_##FUN
- #define TMPLDEF template <int _BCHNS_,int _IOCHNS_>
- #else
- #define TMPLFUN(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::st_##FUN
- #define TMPLSTF(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::FUN
- #define SIGFUN(FUN) &thisType::st_##FUN
- #define TMPLDEF
- #define TMPLCALL
- #endif
- #define DEFSIGFUN(NAME) \
- static void st_##NAME(thisType *obj,int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out) { obj->NAME (n,in,out); } \
- void NAME(int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out)
- #define TMPLSIGFUN(NAME) \
- TMPLDEF static void st_##NAME(thisType *obj,int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out) { obj->NAME TMPLCALL (n,in,out); } \
- TMPLDEF void NAME(int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out)
- #define TMPLSTFUN(NAME) TMPLDEF static void NAME(const t_sample *bdt,const int smin,const int smax,const int n,const int inchns,const int outchns,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- #define SETSIGFUN(VAR,FUN) v_##VAR = FUN
- #define DEFSIGCALL(NAME) \
- inline void NAME(int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out) { (*v_##NAME)(this,n,in,out); } \
- void (*v_##NAME)(thisType *obj,int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out)
- #define DEFSTCALL(NAME) \
- void (*NAME)(const t_sample *bdt,const int smin,const int smax,const int n,const int inchns,const int outchns,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- #ifdef TMPLOPT
- #define SIGFUN(FUN) &thisType::FUN
- #define TMPLDEF template <int _BCHNS_,int _IOCHNS_>
- #else
- #define TMPLFUN(FUN,BCHNS,IOCHNS) &thisType::FUN
- #define SIGFUN(FUN) &thisType::FUN
- #define TMPLDEF
- #define TMPLCALL
- #endif
- #define DEFSIGFUN(NAME) void NAME(int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out)
- #define TMPLSIGFUN(NAME) TMPLDEF void NAME(int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out)
- #define TMPLSTFUN(NAME) TMPLDEF static void NAME(const t_sample *bdt,const int smin,const int smax,const int n,const int inchns,const int outchns,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs,bool looped)
- #define SETSIGFUN(VAR,FUN) v_##VAR = FUN
- #define DEFSIGCALL(NAME) \
- inline void NAME(int n,t_sample *const *in,t_sample *const *out) { (this->*v_##NAME)(n,in,out); } \
- void (thisType::*v_##NAME)(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- #define DEFSTCALL(NAME) \
- void (*NAME)(const t_sample *bdt,const int smin,const int smax,const int n,const int inchns,const int outchns,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs,bool looped)
-#ifndef MIN
-#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y)?(x):(y))
-// in the signal functions
-#ifdef TMPLOPT
- // optimization by using constants for channel numbers
- #define SIGCHNS(BCHNS,bchns,IOCHNS,iochns) \
- const int BCHNS = _BCHNS_ < 0?(bchns):_BCHNS_; \
- const int IOCHNS = _IOCHNS_ < 0?MIN(iochns,BCHNS):MIN(_IOCHNS_,BCHNS)
- // no template optimization
- #if FLEXT_SYS == FLEXT_SYS_PD // only mono buffers
- #define SIGCHNS(BCHNS,bchns,IOCHNS,iochns) \
- const int BCHNS = 1; \
- const int IOCHNS = MIN(iochns,BCHNS)
- #else // MAXMSP
- #define SIGCHNS(BCHNS,bchns,IOCHNS,iochns) \
- const int BCHNS = bchns; \
- const int IOCHNS = MIN(iochns,BCHNS)
- #endif
-class xinter:
- public xsample
- FLEXT_HEADER_S(xinter,xsample,setup)
- enum xs_loop {
- xsl_once = 0,xsl_loop,xsl_bidir
- };
- xinter()
- : outchns(1),doplay(false)
- , interp(xsi_4p),loopmode(xsl_loop)
- {}
- void m_start()
- {
- ChkBuffer();
- doplay = true;
- Update(xsc_startstop,true);
- }
- void m_stop()
- {
- ChkBuffer();
- doplay = false;
- Update(xsc_startstop,true);
- }
- void m_interp(xs_intp mode)
- {
- interp = mode;
- Update(xsc_intp,true);
- }
- int outchns;
- bool doplay;
- xs_intp interp;
- xs_loop loopmode;
- TMPLSIGFUN(s_play0);
- TMPLSIGFUN(s_play1);
- TMPLSIGFUN(s_play2);
- TMPLSIGFUN(s_play4);
- TMPLSTFUN(st_play0);
- TMPLSTFUN(st_play1);
- TMPLSTFUN(st_play2);
- TMPLSTFUN(st_play4);
- DEFSIGCALL(playfun);
- DEFSIGCALL(zerofun);
- virtual void DoUpdate(unsigned int flags);
- FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_interp,xs_intp)
- FLEXT_ATTRGET_E(interp,xs_intp)
- FLEXT_ATTRGET_E(loopmode,xs_loop)
- static void setup(t_classid c);
-#ifdef TMPLOPT
-#include "inter.h"
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/play.cpp b/externals/grill/xsample/source/play.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f6fec5e..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/play.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data)
-Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#include "main.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning (disable:4244)
-class xplay:
- public xinter
- FLEXT_HEADER_S(xplay,xinter,setup)
- xplay(int argc,const t_atom *argv);
- void m_loop(xs_loop lp)
- {
- loopmode = lp;
- Update(xsc_loop,true);
- }
- virtual void CbSignal();
- virtual void m_help();
- virtual void m_print();
- static void setup(t_classid c);
- FLEXT_CALLSET_E(m_loop,xs_loop)
-void xplay::setup(t_classid c)
- DefineHelp(c,"xplay~");
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR_E(c,"loop",loopmode,m_loop);
-xplay::xplay(int argc,const t_atom *argv)
- // set the loopmode to non-wrapping (for sample interpolation)
- loopmode = xsl_once;
- int argi = 0;
- if(argc > argi && CanbeInt(argv[argi])) {
- outchns = GetAInt(argv[argi]);
- argi++;
- }
- if(argc > argi && IsSymbol(argv[argi])) {
- buf.Set(GetSymbol(argv[argi]),true);
- argi++;
- // oldstyle command line?
- if(argi == 1 && argc == 2 && CanbeInt(argv[argi])) {
- outchns = GetAInt(argv[argi]);
- argi++;
- post("%s: old style command line detected - please change to '%s [channels] [buffer]'",thisName(),thisName());
- }
- }
- AddInSignal("Messages and Signal of playing position"); // pos signal
- for(int ci = 0; ci < outchns; ++ci) {
- char tmp[30];
- STD::sprintf(tmp,"Audio signal channel %i",ci+1);
- AddOutSignal(tmp);
- }
-void xplay::CbSignal()
- int ret = ChkBuffer(true);
- int n = Blocksize();
- const t_sample *const *in = InSig();
- t_sample *const *out = OutSig();
- // check whether buffer is invalid or changed
- if(ret) {
- const lock_t l = Lock();
- // convert position units to frames
- arrmul(n,in[0],out[0]);
- // call resample routine
- playfun(n,out,out);
- Unlock(l);
- Refresh();
- }
- else
- zerofun(n,out,out);
-void xplay::m_help()
- post("%s - part of xsample objects, version " XSAMPLE_VERSION,thisName());
- post("compiled on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__);
- post("(C) Thomas Grill, 2001-2007");
- post("Arguments: %s [channels=1] [buffer]",thisName());
- post("Arguments: %s [buffer]",thisName());
- post("Inlets: 1:Messages/Position signal");
- post("Outlets: 1:Audio signal");
- post("Methods:");
- post("\thelp: shows this help");
- post("\tset name: set buffer");
- post("\tenable 0/1: turn dsp calculation off/on");
- post("\tprint: print current settings");
- post("\tbang/start: begin playing");
- post("\tstop: stop playing");
- post("\treset: checks buffer");
- post("\trefresh: checks buffer and refreshes outlets");
- post("\t@units 0/1/2/3: set units to samples/buffer size/ms/s");
- post("\t@interp 0/1/2: set interpolation to off/4-point/linear");
- post("\t@loop 0/1/2: sets looping (interpolation) to off/forward/bidirectional");
- post("");
-void xplay::m_print()
- const char *interp_txt[] = {"off","4-point","linear"};
- // print all current settings
- post("%s - current settings:",thisName());
- post("bufname = '%s', length = %.3f, channels = %i",buf.Name(),(float)(buf.Frames()*s2u),buf.Channels());
- post("out channels = %i, samples/unit = %.3f, interpolation = %s",outchns,(float)(1./s2u),interp_txt[interp >= xsi_none && interp <= xsi_lin?interp:xsi_none]);
- post("");
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/prefix.h b/externals/grill/xsample/source/prefix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 415f07c3..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/prefix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data)
-Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Thomas Grill (xovo@gmx.net)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#include <flext.h>
-#include <math.h>
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/record.cpp b/externals/grill/xsample/source/record.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 07c94b45..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/record.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-xsample - extended sample objects for Max/MSP and pd (pure data)
-Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Thomas Grill (gr@grrrr.org)
-For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
-WARRANTIES, see the file, "license.txt," in this distribution.
-#include "main.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-#pragma warning (disable:4244)
-extern "C++" {
-class xrecord:
- public xsample
- FLEXT_HEADER_S(xrecord,xsample,setup)
- xrecord(int argc,const t_atom *argv);
- void m_pos(float pos)
- {
- curpos = LIKELY(pos)?CASTINT<long>(pos/s2u+.5):0;
- Update(xsc_pos);
- Refresh();
- }
- inline void mg_pos(float &v) const { v = curpos*s2u; }
- void m_start();
- void m_stop();
- inline void m_append(bool app)
- {
- appmode = app;
- Update(xsc_play);
- if(!appmode) m_pos(0);
- }
- void m_draw(int argc,const t_atom *argv);
- int inchns;
- bool sigmode,appmode;
- float drintv;
- bool dorec,doloop;
- int mixmode;
- long curpos; // in samples
- virtual void DoReset();
- virtual void DoUpdate(unsigned int flags);
- virtual void CbSignal();
- virtual void m_help();
- virtual void m_print();
- static void setup(t_classid c);
- TMPLSIGFUN(s_rec);
- DEFSIGCALL(recfun);
- FLEXT_CALLVAR_F(mg_pos,m_pos)
- FLEXT_ATTRVAR_I(mixmode)
- FLEXT_ATTRVAR_B(sigmode)
- FLEXT_CALLSET_B(m_append)
- FLEXT_ATTRGET_B(appmode)
-void xrecord::setup(t_classid c)
- DefineHelp(c,"xrecord~");
- FLEXT_CADDBANG(c,0,m_start);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"start",m_start);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"stop",m_stop);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"pos",mg_pos,m_pos);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"min",mg_min,m_min);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"max",mg_max,m_max);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"all",m_all);
- FLEXT_CADDMETHOD_(c,0,"draw",m_draw);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"loop",doloop);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"mixmode",mixmode);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR1(c,"sigmode",sigmode);
- FLEXT_CADDATTR_VAR(c,"append",appmode,m_append);
-xrecord::xrecord(int argc,const t_atom *argv):
- inchns(1),
- sigmode(false),appmode(true),
- drintv(0),
- dorec(false),doloop(false),
- mixmode(0)
- int argi = 0;
- if(argc > argi && CanbeInt(argv[argi])) {
- inchns = GetAInt(argv[argi]);
- argi++;
- }
- if(argc > argi && IsSymbol(argv[argi])) {
- buf.Set(GetSymbol(argv[argi]),true);
- argi++;
- // oldstyle command line?
- if(argi == 1 && argc == 2 && CanbeInt(argv[argi])) {
- inchns = GetAInt(argv[argi]);
- argi++;
- post("%s: old style command line detected - please change to '%s [channels] [buffer]'",thisName(),thisName());
- }
- }
- for(int ci = 0; ci < inchns; ++ci) {
- char tmp[40];
- STD::sprintf(tmp,ci == 0?"Messages/audio channel %i":"Audio channel %i",ci+1);
- AddInSignal(tmp); // audio signals
- }
- AddInSignal("On/Off/Fade/Mix signal (0..1)"); // on/off signal
- AddInFloat("Starting point of recording"); // min
- AddInFloat("Ending point of recording"); // max
- AddOutSignal("Current position of recording"); // pos signal
- AddOutFloat("Starting point (rounded to frame)"); // min
- AddOutFloat("Ending point (rounded to frame)"); // max
- AddOutBang("Bang on loop end/rollover"); // loop bang
- FLEXT_ADDMETHOD(inchns+1,m_min);
- FLEXT_ADDMETHOD(inchns+2,m_max);
-void xrecord::m_start()
- ChkBuffer();
- if(!sigmode && !appmode) { curpos = 0; Update(xsc_pos); }
- dorec = true;
- Update(xsc_startstop);
- Refresh();
-void xrecord::m_stop()
- ChkBuffer();
- dorec = false;
- Update(xsc_startstop);
- Refresh();
-void xrecord::DoReset()
- xsample::DoReset();
- curpos = 0;
-void xrecord::m_draw(int argc,const t_atom *argv)
- if(argc >= 1) {
- drintv = GetAInt(argv[0]);
- if(dorec) buf.SetRefrIntv(drintv);
- }
- else
- buf.Dirty(true);
-TMPLDEF void xrecord::s_rec(int n,t_sample *const *invecs,t_sample *const *outvecs)
- SIGCHNS(BCHNS,buf.Channels(),ICHNS,inchns);
- const t_sample *const *sig = invecs;
- register int si = 0;
- const t_sample *on = invecs[inchns];
- t_sample *pos = outvecs[0];
- bool lpbang = false;
- register const float pf = sclmul;
- register long o = curpos;
- if(o < curmin) o = curmin;
- if(dorec && LIKELY(curmax > curmin)) {
- while(n) {
- long ncur = curmax-o; // at max to buffer or recording end
- if(UNLIKELY(ncur <= 0)) { // end of buffer
- if(doloop) {
- ncur = curmax-(o = curmin);
- }
- else {
- // loop expired;
- dorec = false;
- Update(xsc_startstop);
- }
- lpbang = true;
- }
- if(UNLIKELY(!dorec)) break;
- if(UNLIKELY(ncur > n)) ncur = n;
- register int i;
- register t_sample *bf = buf.Data()+o*BCHNS;
- register float p = scale(o);
- if(sigmode) {
- if(appmode) {
- // append to current position
- switch(mixmode) {
- case 0:
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,++si) {
- if(!(*(on++) < 0)) {
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci)
- bf[ci] = sig[ci][si];
- bf += BCHNS;
- *(pos++) = p,p += pf,++o;
- }
- else
- *(pos++) = p;
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,++si) {
- register const t_sample g = *(on++);
- if(!(g < 0)) {
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci)
- bf[ci] = bf[ci]*(1.-g)+sig[ci][si]*g;
- bf += BCHNS;
- *(pos++) = p,p += pf,++o;
- }
- else
- *(pos++) = p;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,++si) {
- if(!(*(on++) < 0)) {
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci)
- bf[ci] += sig[ci][si];
- bf += BCHNS;
- *(pos++) = p,p += pf,++o;
- }
- else
- *(pos++) = p;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- // don't append
- switch(mixmode) {
- case 0: {
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,++si) {
- if(!(*(on++) < 0))
- {
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci)
- bf[ci] = sig[ci][si];
- bf += BCHNS;
- *(pos++) = p,p += pf,++o;
- }
- else {
- *(pos++) = p = scale(o = 0);
- bf = buf.Data();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,++si) {
- register const t_sample g = *(on++);
- if(!(g < 0)) {
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci)
- bf[ci] = bf[ci]*(1.-g)+sig[ci][si]*g;
- bf += BCHNS;
- *(pos++) = p,p += pf,++o;
- }
- else {
- *(pos++) = p = scale(o = 0);
- bf = buf.Data();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,++si) {
- if(!(*(on++) < 0))
- {
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci)
- bf[ci] += sig[ci][si];
- bf += BCHNS;
- *(pos++) = p,p += pf,++o;
- }
- else {
- *(pos++) = p = scale(o = 0);
- bf = buf.Data();
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // message mode
- // Altivec optimization for that!
- switch(mixmode) {
- case 0: {
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci) {
- register t_sample *b = bf+ci;
- register const float *s = sig[ci]+si;
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,b += BCHNS,++s)
- *b = *s;
- }
- si += ncur;
- break;
- }
- case 1: {
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,++si) {
- register const t_sample w = *(on++);
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci)
- bf[ci] = bf[ci]*(1.-w)+sig[ci][si]*w;
- bf += BCHNS;
- }
- break;
- }
- case 2: {
- for(int ci = 0; ci < ICHNS; ++ci) {
- register t_sample *b = bf+ci;
- register const float *s = sig[ci]+si;
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i,b += BCHNS,++s)
- *b += *s;
- }
- si += ncur;
- break;
- }
- }
- for(i = 0; i < ncur; ++i) {
- *(pos++) = p,p += pf,++o;
- }
- }
- n -= ncur;
- }
- curpos = o;
- buf.Dirty();
- }
- if(n) {
- register float p = scale(o);
- while(n--) *(pos++) = p;
- }
- if(lpbang) ToOutBang(3);
-void xrecord::CbSignal()
- int ret = ChkBuffer(true);
- if(ret) {
- // call the appropriate dsp function
- const lock_t l = Lock();
- recfun(Blocksize(),InSig(),OutSig());
- Unlock(l);
- Refresh();
- }
- else
- // set position signal to zero
- ZeroSamples(OutSig()[0],Blocksize());
-void xrecord::DoUpdate(unsigned int flags)
- xsample::DoUpdate(flags);
- if(flags&(xsc_pos|xsc_range)) {
- if(curpos < curmin) curpos = curmin;
- else if(curpos > curmax) curpos = curmax;
- }
- if(flags&xsc_range) {
- ToOutFloat(1,curmin*s2u);
- ToOutFloat(2,curmax*s2u);
- }
- if(flags&xsc_transport && buf.Ok()) {
- if(dorec)
- buf.SetRefrIntv(drintv);
- else {
- buf.Dirty(true);
- buf.SetRefrIntv(0);
- }
- }
- if(flags&xsc_play) {
- switch(buf.Channels()*1000+inchns) {
- case 1001: SETSIGFUN(recfun,TMPLFUN(s_rec,1,1)); break;
- case 1002: SETSIGFUN(recfun,TMPLFUN(s_rec,1,2)); break;
- case 2001: SETSIGFUN(recfun,TMPLFUN(s_rec,2,1)); break;
- case 2002: SETSIGFUN(recfun,TMPLFUN(s_rec,2,2)); break;
- case 4001:
- case 4002:
- case 4003: SETSIGFUN(recfun,TMPLFUN(s_rec,4,-1)); break;
- case 4004: SETSIGFUN(recfun,TMPLFUN(s_rec,4,4)); break;
- default: SETSIGFUN(recfun,TMPLFUN(s_rec,-1,-1)); break;
- }
- }
-void xrecord::m_help()
- post("%s - part of xsample objects, version " XSAMPLE_VERSION,thisName());
- post("compiled on " __DATE__ " " __TIME__);
- post("(C) Thomas Grill, 2001-2007");
- post("Arguments: %s [channels=1] [buffer]",thisName());
- post("Arguments: %s [buffer]",thisName());
- post("Inlets: 1:Messages/Audio signal, 2:Trigger signal, 3:Min point, 4: Max point");
- post("Outlets: 1:Position signal, 2:Min point, 3:Max point");
- post("Methods:");
- post("\thelp: shows this help");
- post("\tset [name]: set buffer or reinit");
- post("\tenable 0/1: turn dsp calculation off/on");
- post("\treset: reset min/max recording points and recording offset");
- post("\tprint: print current settings");
- post("\t@sigmode 0/1: specify message or signal triggered recording");
- post("\t@append 0/1: reset recording position or append to current position");
- post("\t@loop 0/1: switches looping off/on");
- post("\t@mixmode 0/1/2: specify how audio signal should be mixed in (none,mixed,added)");
- post("\tmin {unit}: set minimum recording point");
- post("\tmax {unit}: set maximum recording point");
- post("\tall: select entire buffer length");
- post("\tpos {unit}: set recording position (obeying the current scale mode)");
- post("\tbang/start: start recording");
- post("\tstop: stop recording");
- post("\trefresh: checks buffer and refreshes outlets");
- post("\t@units 0/1/2/3: set units to frames/buffer size/ms/s");
- post("\t@sclmode 0/1/2/3: set range of position to units/units in loop/buffer/loop");
- post("\tdraw [{float}]: redraw buffer immediately (arg omitted) or periodic (in ms)");
- post("");
-void xrecord::m_print()
- static const char sclmode_txt[][20] = {"units","units in loop","buffer","loop"};
- // print all current settings
- post("%s - current settings:",thisName());
- post("bufname = '%s', length = %.3f, channels = %i",buf.Name(),(float)(buf.Frames()*s2u),buf.Channels());
- post("in channels = %i, frames/unit = %.3f, scale mode = %s",inchns,(float)(1./s2u),sclmode_txt[sclmode]);
- post("sigmode = %s, append = %s, loop = %s, mixmode = %i",sigmode?"yes":"no",appmode?"yes":"no",doloop?"yes":"no",mixmode);
- post("");
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/xsample-Info.plist b/externals/grill/xsample/source/xsample-Info.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d1bc4c8..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/xsample-Info.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
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- <string>English</string>
- <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
- <string>xsample</string>
- <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
- <string>org.grrrr.xsample</string>
- <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
- <string>6.0</string>
- <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
- <string>iLaX</string>
- <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
- <string>????</string>
- <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
- <string>1.0</string>
- <key>CSResourcesFileMapped</key>
- <string>yes</string>
diff --git a/externals/grill/xsample/source/xsample.rsrc b/externals/grill/xsample/source/xsample.rsrc
deleted file mode 100755
index eb62e523..00000000
--- a/externals/grill/xsample/source/xsample.rsrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)