path: root/supercollider/python/OSC.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/supercollider/python/OSC.py b/supercollider/python/OSC.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 7c3c20f5..00000000
--- a/supercollider/python/OSC.py
+++ /dev/null
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# ======================================================================
-# file: OSC.py
-# author: stefan kersten <steve@k-hornz.de>
-# contents: OSC client module for python
-# license: public domain
-# ======================================================================
-# $Id: OSC.py,v 1.1 2004-01-20 16:54:44 ksvalast Exp $
-# ======================================================================
-# copyright (c) 2000 stefan kersten
-# ======================================================================
-# this module provides simple OSC client functionality
-# usage examples down at the end of the file
-# ======================================================================
-__revision__ = "$Revision: 1.1 $"
-# ======================================================================
-# imports
-import cStringIO, exceptions, math, socket, struct, time, types
-# ======================================================================
-# constants
-FLOAT_TO_INT_SCALE = pow(2.0, 32.0)
-# ======================================================================
-# types
-class Value:
- """Abstract OSC value."""
- def __init__(self, value):
- self.value = value
- def binary_value(self):
- pass
- def type_tag(self):
- pass
-class Int(Value):
- """32 bit integer value."""
- def __init__(self, value):
- Value.__init__(self, long(value))
- def binary_value(self):
- return struct.pack('!l', self.value)
- def type_tag(self):
- return 'i'
-class Float(Value):
- """32 bit floating point value."""
- def __init__(self, value):
- Value.__init__(self, float(value))
- def binary_value(self):
- return struct.pack('!f', self.value)
- def type_tag(self):
- return 'f'
-class String(Value):
- """Null-terminated string padded to multiples of 4 byte."""
- def __init__(self, value):
- Value.__init__(self, str(value))
- def binary_value(self):
- v = self.value
- l = len(v)
- return struct.pack('%ds%dx' % (l, self.pad_amount(l)), v)
- def type_tag(self):
- return 's'
- def pad_amount(self, len):
- return 4 - (len % 4)
-class Time(Value):
- """64 bit timetag in NTP format."""
- def __init__(self, value):
- Value.__init__(self, float(value))
- def __add__(self, time):
- return Time(float(self.value + time.value))
- def binary_value(self):
- t = self.value
- # FIXME: how to convert without overflows?
- s = long(t)
- f = long(math.fmod(t, 1.0)*FLOAT_TO_INT_SCALE)
- return struct.pack('!LL', s, f)
-# ======================================================================
-# utilities
-time_module = time
-def time():
- """Return current time as float in OSC format."""
- return SECONDS_UTC_TO_UNIX_EPOCH + time_module.time()
-# ======================================================================
-# classes
-class Packet:
- """Abstract base class for all OSC-related containers.
- Has methods for retrieving the proper binary representation
- and its size.
- """
- def __init__(self, packets):
- stream = cStringIO.StringIO()
- self._write_contents(packets, stream)
- self._data = stream.getvalue()
- def get_packet(self):
- """Return the binary representation of the receiver's contents.
- This data is in the proper OSC format and can be sent over a
- socket.
- """
- return self._data
- def get_size(self):
- """Return the size of the receiver's binary data."""
- return len(self._data)
- def _write_contents(self, packets, stream):
- """Write packets on stream.
- Private.
- Override in subclasses for specific behavior.
- """
- pass
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<' + \
- str(self.__class__.__name__) + \
- ' instance, size=' + \
- str(self.get_size()) + \
- '>'
- def sendto(self, host, port):
- """Send the receiver's data through a UDP socket."""
- s = socket.socket(socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.AF_INET)
- packet = self.get_packet()
- s.sendto(packet, (host, port))
- s.close()
- def sendlocal(self, port):
- """Send the receiver's data through a UDP socket locally."""
- self.sendto('localhost', port)
-def _value(x):
- """Convert x(int, float or string) to an OSC object."""
- t = type(x)
- if t == types.FloatType:
- return Float(x)
- if t == types.IntType or t == types.LongType:
- return Int(x)
- # return string representation as default
- return String(str(x))
-class Message(Packet):
- """Single OSC message with arguments.
- Message(address, *args) -> Message
- address -- OSC address string
- *args -- message argument list
- """
- def __init__(self, address, args=[]):
- Packet.__init__(self, [String(address)] + map(lambda x: _value(x), args))
- def _write_contents(self, args, stream):
- t_stream = cStringIO.StringIO() # tag stream
- v_stream = cStringIO.StringIO() # value stream
- # open signature string
- t_stream.write(',')
- # collect tags and arguments
- for v in args[1:]:
- t_stream.write(v.type_tag())
- v_stream.write(v.binary_value())
- # write address
- stream.write(args[0].binary_value())
- # write signature
- stream.write(String(t_stream.getvalue()).binary_value())
- # write arguments
- stream.write(v_stream.getvalue())
-class Bundle(Packet):
- """OSC container type with timing information.
- Bundle(time, packets) -> Bundle
- time -- floating point timetag in OSC units
- packets -- array of Packet(s)
- """
- def __init__(self, time, packets):
- Packet.__init__(self, [Time(time)] + packets)
- def _write_contents(self, args, stream):
- # write '#bundle' preamble
- stream.write(String('#bundle').binary_value())
- # write timetag
- stream.write(args[0].binary_value())
- # write packets, prefixed with a byte count
- for packet in args[1:]:
- data = packet.get_packet()
- size = len(data)
- stream.write(Int(size).binary_value())
- stream.write(data)
-def test(port):
- """Some example messages and bundles, sent to port."""
- Message("/filter/cutoff", [145.1232]).sendlocal(port)
- Message("/http", ["www dot k-hornz dot de", 12, 3.41, "bulb"]).sendlocal(port)
- #print Int(len(Message("/msg").get_packet())).binary_value()
- Bundle(0.1, [Message("/fubar")]).sendlocal(port)
- Bundle(time(), [Message("/msg", [1.0, "+", 1, 61, "0"]), Message("/bang!")]).sendlocal(port)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- """Run dumpOSC on port 10000."""
- test(10000)
-# EOF
-# ======================================================================