path: root/xgui/bin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'xgui/bin')
4 files changed, 1782 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/xgui/bin/pdx.sh b/xgui/bin/pdx.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0c893b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgui/bin/pdx.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+/usr/local/bin/xgui &
+/usr/local/bin/pd -open /usr/local/lib/pdx/main/pdx_connect.pd \
+ -path /usr/local/lib/pdx/main/ \
+ -path /usr/local/lib/pdx/patch4pdx/
diff --git a/xgui/bin/xgui-client.sh b/xgui/bin/xgui-client.sh
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12090187
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgui/bin/xgui-client.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" "$@"
+puts "pd(x) - Step 2 : xgui-client"
+puts "xgui b0.10 dh200209xx"
+puts "Damien HENRY (c)"
+# define the globals variables needed for a node
+global xgui_gui
+global xgui_cmd_out
+global data_data
+global from_all
+global host_name
+global host_port
+global xgui_me
+set host_name localhost
+set host_port 4877
+set xgui_me "$host_name:$host_port"
+global pd_name
+global pd_port
+global pd_sok
+global xgui_pd
+set pd_name xxx
+set pd_port 000
+set xgui_pd "$pd_name:$pd_port"
+set pd_sok -1
+global neibourg_list
+global neibourg_data
+set neibourg_list [list]
+set neibourg_data [list]
+set data_data [list]
+set xgui_gui 1
+set xgui_cmd_out 0
+# Read what are the argument
+if { [lsearch argv --help] != -1 } { puts "xgui localhost 4877 -nogui -no_cmd_out" }
+# puts up my windows
+if { $xgui_gui } {
+ global text2out
+ global text_from_outside
+ global text_comment
+ wm title . "Xgui b0.09"
+ frame .haut
+ frame .config1
+ frame .config2
+ frame .bas
+ entry .haut.e_in -width 50 -textvariable text2in
+ entry .haut.e_fo -width 50 -textvariable text_from_outside -state disabled
+ entry .haut.e_rem -width 50 -textvariable text_comment -state disabled
+ entry .haut.t_out -width 50 -textvariable text2out -state disabled
+ entry .config1.host -width 10 -textvariable host_name
+ entry .config1.port -width 5 -textvariable host_port
+ entry .config2.host -width 10 -textvariable pd_name
+ entry .config2.port -width 5 -textvariable pd_port
+ button .config1.do -text "change" -command {
+ global xgui_me
+ global host_name
+ global host_port
+ global from_all
+ set xgui_me "$host_name:$host_port"
+ catch {close $from_all}
+ set from_all [socket -server seg_receive $host_port]
+ }
+ button .config2.do -text "change" -command {
+ global xgui_pd
+ global pd_name
+ global pd_port
+ set xgui_pd "$pd_name:$pd_port"
+ catch {close $pd_sok}
+ catch {set pd_sok [socket $pd_name $pd_port]}
+ }
+ button .bas.b_quit -text "quit" -width 7 -command {
+ send2nodes / */ "# $xgui_me disconnected"
+ do_this "$xgui_me/ ~/ disconnect *" xgui
+ exit
+ }
+ button .bas.b_do -text do -width 7 -command { do_this $text2in xgui}
+ button .bas.b_clear -text clear -width 7 -command { set text2in "" }
+ pack .haut.e_in .haut.e_fo .haut.t_out .haut.e_rem
+ pack .config1.host .config1.port .config1.do -side left
+ pack .config2.host .config2.port .config2.do -side left
+ pack .bas.b_do .bas.b_clear .bas.b_quit -side left -pady 2 -padx 5
+ pack .haut .config1 .config2 .bas -pady 2
+ wm resizable . false false
+# definition de la partie serveur
+catch {set from_all [socket -server seg_receive $host_port]}
+proc seg_receive {channel addr port} {
+ global xgui_me
+ fileevent $channel readable "readLine $channel $addr $port"
+ do_this "/ */ # $xgui_me connected from $channel $addr $port" 0
+proc readLine {channel addr port} {
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global xgui_me
+ global text_from_outside
+ if {[gets $channel line]<0} {
+ fileevent $channel readable {}
+ after idle "close $channel"
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_data $channel]
+ if {$n != -1 } {
+ set neibourg_list [lreplace $neibourg_list $n $n]
+ set neibourg_data [lreplace $neibourg_data $n $n]
+ }
+ send2nodes / */ "# $xgui_me disconnected from $addr:$port"
+ } else {
+# catch { do_this $line $channel }
+ set text_from_outside "$addr:$port $line"
+# set text_from_outside "$line"
+ do_this $line $channel
+ }
+# tell that every thing OK
+set text_comment "$xgui_me created"
+# end of the initialisations
+#methods for xgui_node
+proc xgui_node_add_canvas {canvas_name} {
+ set canvas_name [string trim $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [split $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [lindex $canvas_name end]
+ destroy .$canvas_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas_name
+ toplevel .$canvas_name
+ wm title .$canvas_name $canvas_name
+ wm resizable .$canvas_name false false
+ canvas .$canvas_name.$canvas_name
+ pack .$canvas_name.$canvas_name
+ data_remember ~/$canvas_name/ "~/$canvas_name add_canvas"
+ send2nodes / */ "# added ~/$canvas_name"
+ set c .$canvas_name.$canvas_name
+ $c bind all <Any-Enter> "itemEnter $c"
+ $c bind all <Any-Leave> "itemLeave $c"
+ bind $c <1> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y click"
+ bind $c <2> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y m-click"
+ bind $c <3> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y r_click"
+ bind $c <Shift-1> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y s-click"
+ bind $c <Shift-2> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y s-m-click"
+ bind $c <Shift-3> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y s-r-click"
+ bind $c <Control-1> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y c-click"
+ bind $c <Control-2> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y c-m-click"
+ bind $c <Control-3> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y c-r-click"
+ bind $c <B1-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y drag"
+ bind $c <B2-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y m-drag"
+ bind $c <B3-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y r-drag"
+ bind $c <Shift-B1-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y s-drag"
+ bind $c <Shift-B2-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y s-m-drag"
+ bind $c <Shift-B3-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y s-r-drag"
+ bind $c <Key> "itemKeyPress $c %A %k"
+proc xgui_node_del_canvas {canvas_name } {
+ global text_comment
+ set canvas_name [string trim $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [split $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [lindex $canvas_name end]
+ destroy .$canvas_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas_name
+ set text_comment "deleted $canvas_name"
+proc xgui_node_error {from error} {
+ global text_comment
+ set text_comment "# error : unable to do <$error> ($from)"
+proc xgui_node_connect { c_who c_from channel } {
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global xgui_me
+ global text_comment
+ set c_from [string trim $c_from "/"]
+ switch $c_who {
+ "me" {
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_data $channel]
+ if { $n == -1 } {
+ lappend neibourg_list $c_from
+ lappend neibourg_data $channel
+ set text_comment "$xgui_me connect himself to $c_from onto channel $channel"
+ } else {
+ set text_comment "$xgui_me already connected to $c_from onto channel $channel"
+ }
+ }
+ "pd" {
+ global pd_name
+ global pd_port
+ global pd_sok
+ global xgui_pd
+ set c_host [split $c_from ":"]
+ set pd_name [lindex $c_host 0]
+ set pd_port [lindex $c_host 1]
+ set xgui_pd "$pd_name:$pd_port"
+ set pd_sok [socket -async $pd_name $pd_port]
+ # set pd_sok [socket $pd_name $pd_port]
+ if { $pd_sok != -1 } {
+ set text_comment " $xgui_me connected to pd"
+ } else { set text_comment "connection refused with pd" }
+ }
+ default {
+ set c_host [split $c_who ":"]
+ set c_name [lindex $c_host 0]
+ set c_port [lindex $c_host 1]
+ set sok -1
+ catch {set sok [socket -async $c_name $c_port]}
+ if { $sok != -1 } {
+ lappend neibourg_list $c_who
+ lappend neibourg_data $sok
+ fileevent $sok readable [list read_and_do $sok]
+ set text_comment "$xgui_me connected $c_who"
+ } else { set text_comment "connection refused with $c_who" }
+ }
+ }
+proc xgui_node_disconnect { d_who d_from channel} {
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global text_comment
+ switch $d_who {
+ "me" {
+ set d_who [string trim $d_from "/"]
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_list $d_who]
+ if {$n != -1 } {
+ catch { close [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n] }
+ set neibourg_list [lreplace $neibourg_list $n $n]
+ set neibourg_data [lreplace $neibourg_data $n $n]
+ set text_comment "$d_who disconnected himself"
+ } else { set text_comment "error $d_from not a neibourg" }
+ }
+ "pd" {
+ global pd_name
+ global pd_port
+ global pd_sok
+ global xgui_pd
+ set pd_name none
+ set pd_port none
+ set xgui_pd "$pd_name:$pd_port"
+ set pd_sok -1
+ catch {close pd_sok}
+ }
+ "*" {
+ foreach sok $neibourg_data { close $sok }
+ set neibourg_list [list]
+ set neibourg_data [list]
+ set text_comment "$d_from disconnect *"
+ }
+ default {
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_list $d_who]
+ if {$n != -1 } {
+ catch { close [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n] }
+ set neibourg_list [lreplace $neibourg_list $n $n]
+ set neibourg_data [lreplace $neibourg_data $n $n]
+ set text_comment "$d_who disconnected $d_from"
+ } else { set text_comment "error $d_who not a neibourg" }
+ }
+ }
+proc xgui_node_hide { canvas } {
+ set canvas_name [string trim $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [split $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [lindex $canvas_name end]
+ destroy .$canvas_name
+proc xgui_node_neibourg { w_from } {
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global xgui_me
+ foreach name $neibourg_list {
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# $xgui_me connected to $name"
+ }
+proc xgui_node_clone { obj new_obj } {
+ data_clone $obj $new_obj
+proc xgui_node_load { file } {
+ data_load $file
+proc xgui_node_save { obj file } {
+ data_save $obj $file
+proc xgui_node_load_coord { file } {
+ data_load_send $file
+proc xgui_node_save_coord { obj file } {
+ data_save_param $obj coord $file
+proc xgui_node_debug { from var } {
+ global host_name
+ global host_port
+ global xgui_me
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global xgui_gui
+ global xgui_cmd_out
+ global data_data
+ global text_comment
+ global pd_name
+ global pd_port
+ global pd_sok
+ global xgui_pd
+ global from_all
+ set text_comment "$var = [subst $var ]"
+proc xgui_node_help { w_from } {
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: connect who"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: disconnect who"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: neibourg"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: ping"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: add_canvas"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: del_canvas"
+#methods for canvas
+proc canvas_size {canvas_name x y} {
+ .$canvas_name.$canvas_name configure -width $x
+ .$canvas_name.$canvas_name configure -height $y
+ wm geometry .$canvas_name
+ data_remember ~/$canvas_name//size "~/$canvas_name size $x $y"
+proc canvas_color {canvas_name color} {
+ .$canvas_name.$canvas_name configure -bg $color
+ data_remember ~/$canvas_name//color "~/$canvas_name color $color"
+ }
+#methods for all objects
+proc obj_move {canvas gobj_name x y } {
+ global xgui_pd
+ catch {.$canvas.$canvas move $gobj_name $x $y
+ send2pd / pd/$canvas/$gobj_name "coord [.$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name]"
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//coord "~/$canvas/$gobj_name coord [.$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name]"
+ }
+proc obj_color {canvas gobj_name new_color} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -fill $new_color
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//color "~/$canvas/$gobj_name color $new_color"
+proc obj_border {canvas gobj_name new_color} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -outline $new_color
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//border "~/$canvas/$gobj_name border $new_color"
+proc obj_raise {canvas gobj_name } {
+ .$canvas.$canvas raise $gobj_name
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//raise "~/$canvas/$gobj_name raise"
+proc obj_coord {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 x2 y2 } {
+ catch {
+ .$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//coord "~/$canvas/$gobj_name coord $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2"
+ }
+proc obj_xy1 {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 } {
+ catch {
+ set old_coord [.$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name]
+ .$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name $x1 $y1 [lindex $old_coord 2] [lindex $old_coord 3]
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//coord "~/$canvas/$gobj_name coord $x1 $y1 [lindex $old_coord 2] [lindex $old_coord 3]"
+ }
+proc obj_xy2 {canvas gobj_name x2 y2 } {
+ catch {
+ set old_coord [.$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name]
+ .$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name [lindex $old_coord 0] [lindex $old_coord 1] $x2 $y2
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//coord "~/$canvas/$gobj_name coord [lindex $old_coord 0] [lindex $old_coord 1] $x2 $y2"
+ }
+proc obj_width {canvas gobj_name new_width} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -width $new_width
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//width "~/$canvas/$gobj_name width $new_width"
+proc obj_near {canvas gobj_name x y} {
+ # to be done...
+proc obj_del {canvas obj_name} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $obj_name
+ send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "# deleted $obj_name"
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$obj_name
+#methods for seg
+proc seg_add {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 x2 y2 } {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $gobj_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$gobj_name
+ .$canvas.$canvas create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -width 3 -tags $gobj_name -capstyle round
+ # send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "added $gobj_name"
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name/ "~/$canvas/$gobj_name add_seg"
+proc seg_caps {canvas gobj_name new_cap} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -capstyle $new_cap
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//caps "~/$canvas/$gobj_name caps $new_cap"
+#methods for text
+proc text_add {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 text } {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $gobj_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$gobj_name
+ .$canvas.$canvas create text $x1 $y1 -text $text -tags $gobj_name -anchor sw
+ # send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "added $gobj_name"
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name/ "~/$canvas/$gobj_name add_text"
+proc text_value {canvas gobj_name value} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -text $value
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//text "~/$canvas/$gobj_name text $value"
+proc text_anchor {canvas gobj_name value} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -anchor $value
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//anchor "~/$canvas/$gobj_name anchor $value"
+proc text_justify {canvas gobj_name value} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -justify $value
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//justify "~/$canvas/$gobj_name justify $value"
+proc text_pos {canvas gobj_name x y} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name $x $y
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//pos "~/$canvas/$gobj_name pos $x $y"
+#methods for rect
+proc rect_add {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 x2 y2 } {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $gobj_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$gobj_name
+ .$canvas.$canvas create rectangle $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -width 2 -tags $gobj_name
+ # send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "# added $gobj_name"
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name/ "~/$canvas/$gobj_name add_rect"
+#methods for arc
+proc arc_add {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 x2 y2 start width} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $gobj_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$gobj_name
+ .$canvas.$canvas create arc $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -start $start -extent $width -width 2 -tags $gobj_name
+ # send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "# added $gobj_name "
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name/ "~/$canvas/$gobj_name add_arc"
+proc arc_start {canvas gobj_name new_start} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -start $new_start
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//start "~/$canvas/$gobj_name start $new_start"}
+proc arc_width {canvas gobj_name new_width} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -extent $new_width
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//angle "~/$canvas/$gobj_name angle $new_width"}
+proc arc_style {canvas gobj_name new_style} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -style $new_style
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//style "~/$canvas/$gobj_name style $new_style "}
+# Set up event bindings for all canvas:
+proc itemStartDrag {c x y event} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ global lastX lastY
+ global my_selected
+ set lastX [$c canvasx $x]
+ set lastY [$c canvasy $y]
+ set my_selected [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_selected "$event $x $y"
+proc itemDrag {c x y event} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ global lastX lastY
+ global my_selected
+ set x [$c canvasx $x]
+ set y [$c canvasy $y]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_selected "$event [expr $x-$lastX] [expr $y-$lastY]"
+ set lastX $x
+ set lastY $y
+proc itemEnter {c} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ set my_item [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_item enter
+proc itemLeave {c} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ set my_item [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_item leave
+proc itemKeyPress {c ascii num} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ set my_item [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_item "keypress $ascii $num"
+ send2pd / pd/$c "keypress $ascii $num"
+# Here the procedures that keep a memory about all objectz.
+proc data_remember {obj_sel m} {
+ global data_data
+ set line_to_destroy 0
+ foreach line $data_data {
+ if {[string match "$obj_sel/*" $line] == 1} {
+ set line_to_destroy $line
+ }
+ }
+ if { $line_to_destroy !=0 } {
+ set n [lsearch $data_data $line_to_destroy ]
+ set data_data [lreplace $data_data $n $n "$obj_sel/ $m" ]
+ } else {
+ lappend data_data "$obj_sel/ $m"
+ }
+proc data_forget { obj } {
+ global data_data
+ while { [lsearch $data_data $obj/* ] != -1} {
+ set n [lsearch $data_data $obj/* ]
+ set data_data [lreplace $data_data $n $n]
+ }
+proc data_clone { from_obj to_new_obj } {
+ global data_data
+ foreach line $data_data {
+ if {[string match "$from_obj/*" $line] == 1} {
+ set new_line [join [lreplace [split $line] 0 0 ] ]
+ regsub -all -- $from_obj $new_line $to_new_obj newest_line
+ do_this "~/ $newest_line" 0
+ }
+ }
+proc data_save { from_obj file } {
+ global data_data
+ set file_chn [open $file w]
+ foreach line $data_data {
+ if {[string match "$from_obj/*" $line] == 1} {
+ set new_line [join [lreplace [split $line] 0 0 ] ]
+ puts $file_chn "$new_line"
+ }
+ }
+ close $file_chn
+proc data_save_param { from_obj selector file } {
+ global data_data
+ set file_chn [open $file w]
+ foreach line $data_data {
+ if {[string match "$from_obj/*//$selector*" $line] == 1} {
+ set new_line [join [lreplace [split $line] 0 0 ] ]
+ puts $file_chn "$new_line"
+ }
+ }
+ close $file_chn
+proc data_load { file } {
+ global data_data
+ set file_chn [open $file r]
+ while {[eof $file_chn]==0} {
+ set line [gets $file_chn]
+ do_this "~/ $line" 0
+ }
+ close $file_chn
+proc data_load_send { file } {
+ global data_data
+ set file_chn [open $file r]
+ while {[eof $file_chn]==0} {
+ set line [gets $file_chn]
+ set line2s [split $line]
+ set line2s [join [linsert $line2s 1 update]]
+# regsub -all -- ~/ $line2s */ new_line
+# do_this "~/ $line" 0
+ send2pd / $line2s ""
+ }
+ close $file_chn
+#anything to send somewhere ???
+proc send2nodes { m_from m_to ms2send } {
+ global xgui_gui
+ global xgui_cmd_out
+ global text2out
+ global xgui_me
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global text_comment
+ set m2send "$xgui_me$m_from $m_to $ms2send"
+ set m_to [string trim $m_to "/"]
+ set m_to_l [split $m_to "/"]
+ set m_to_node [lindex $m_to_l 0]
+ if { $xgui_gui == 1 } {
+ set text2out $m2send
+ }
+ if { $xgui_cmd_out == 1 } {
+ puts $m2send
+ }
+ switch [lindex [split $m_to "/"] 0 ] {
+ "*" {
+ foreach n $neibourg_list {
+ regsub -all -- {\*} $m_to $n m2
+ send2nodes $m_from $m2 $ms2send
+ }
+ }
+ "." {
+ foreach n $neibourg_data {
+ catch {puts $n $ms2send;flush $n}
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_list $m_to_node]
+ if { $n != -1 } {
+ # if catch = error then we have to remove the link.
+ catch {
+ puts [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n] "$m2send;"
+ flush [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set $text_comment "didn't find any coresponding neigbourg"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc send2pd { m_from m_to ms2send } {
+ global xgui_gui
+ global xgui_cmd_out
+ global text2out
+ global xgui_me
+ global pd_sok
+ set m2send "$xgui_me$m_from $m_to $ms2send;"
+ if { $xgui_gui == 1 } {
+ set text2out $m2send
+ }
+ if { $xgui_cmd_out == 1 } {
+ puts $m2send
+ }
+ # catch {
+ puts $pd_sok $m2send ; flush $pd_sok
+ # }
+# the 3 main proc that do every thing ##########################################
+proc read_and_do { channel } {
+ gets $channel message
+ global text_from_outside
+ set text_from_outside "$channel \"$message"
+ do_this $message $channel
+proc do_this { m channel} {
+ global xgui_me
+ set m [string trim $m ";"]
+ if {[llength $m] >= 3} {
+ set m_to [string trim [lindex $m 1] "/"]
+ set m_to_l [split $m_to "/"]
+ set m_to_node [lindex $m_to_l 0]
+ set m_from [string trim [lindex $m 0] "/"]
+ set m_cmd [lrange $m 2 end]
+ #you have to know who you are :
+ if { "$m_to_node" == "$xgui_me" } { set m_to_node "~" }
+ switch $m_to_node {
+ "~" { catch {do_this_here $m_from $m_to $m_cmd $channel} }
+ "*" {
+ # you too are a part of the whole !!!
+ catch { do_this_here $m_from $m_to $m_cmd $channel }
+ send2nodes / $m_to "[lrange $m 2 end]"
+ }
+ "pd" {send2pd / $m_to "[lrange $m 2 end]"}
+ default {send2nodes / $m_to "[lrange $m 2 end]"}
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {$m == "help"} {
+ # send2nodes / $m_to "# syntax : sender receiver method args..."
+ } else {
+ xgui_node_error "not enought args" $m
+ }
+ }
+proc do_this_here { m_from m_to m_cmd channel} {
+ global xgui_me
+ global xgui_pd
+ set m_to [split $m_to "/"]
+ set m_from_l [split $m_from "/"]
+ set m_from_node [lindex $m_from_l 0]
+ set m_selector [lindex $m_cmd 0]
+ set m_argc [llength $m_cmd]-1
+ if {$m_argc >= 1} { set m_argv [lrange $m_cmd 1 end]
+ set a1 [lindex $m_argv 0]
+ if {$m_argc >=2 } { set a2 [lindex $m_argv 1]
+ if {$m_argc >=3 } { set a3 [lindex $m_argv 2]
+ if {$m_argc >=4 } { set a4 [lindex $m_argv 3]
+ if {$m_argc >=5 } { set a5 [lindex $m_argv 4]
+ if {$m_argc >=6 } { set a6 [lindex $m_argv 5]
+ if {$m_argc >=7 } { set a7 [lindex $m_argv 6]
+ if {$m_argc >=8 } { set a8 [lindex $m_argv 7]
+ if {$m_argc >=9 } { set a9 [lindex $m_argv 8]
+ if {$m_argc >=10 } { set a10 [lindex $m_argv 9]
+ } } } } } } } } }
+ } else {set m_argv "{}" }
+ switch [llength $m_to] {
+ 1 { # this is for the node ##########################
+ switch $m_selector {
+ "add_canvas" { xgui_node_add_canvas $a1}
+ "del_canvas" { xgui_node_del_canvas $a1}
+ "show" { xgui_node_clone $a1 $a1 }
+ "hide" { xgui_node_hide }
+ "connect" { if {$a1 == "pd"} { xgui_node_connect pd $a2 $channel
+ } else { xgui_node_connect $a1 $m_from $channel} }
+ "connect_on" { xgui_node_connect $a1 $m_from $channel
+ send2nodes / $a1/ "connect me"
+ send2nodes / $a1/ "clone ~/$a2 $xgui_me/$a2"
+ send2nodes / $a1/ "connect_on_pd $xgui_me" }
+ "connect_on_pd" { send2nodes / $a1/ "connect pd $xgui_pd" }
+ "disconnect" { xgui_node_disconnect $a1 $m_from $channel}
+ "neibourg" { xgui_node_neibourg $m_from }
+ "clone" { xgui_node_clone $a1 $a2 }
+ "save" { xgui_node_save $a1 $a2 }
+ "save_coord" { xgui_node_save_coord $a1 $a2 }
+ "load_coord" { xgui_node_load_coord $a1 }
+ "load" { xgui_node_load $a1 }
+ "help" { xgui_node_help $m_from }
+ "debug" { xgui_node_debug $m_from $$a1 }
+ "ping" { send2nodes / $m_from "# $m_from pinged" }
+ "#" { global text_comment ; set text_comment $m_argv}
+ default { xgui_node_error "node method $m_selector does not exist" $m_cmd }
+ }
+ }
+ 2 { # this is for the canvas $m_c ##########################
+ set m_c [lindex $m_to 1]
+ switch $m_selector {
+ "add_canvas" { catch {xgui_node_add_canvas $m_c }}
+ "del_canvas" { xgui_node_del_canvas $m_c }
+ "size" {canvas_size $m_c $a1 $a2}
+ "color" {canvas_color $m_c $a1}
+ "del" {obj_del $m_c $a1}
+ "kill" {obj_del $m_c $a1}
+ "add_seg" {seg_add $m_c $a1 10 10 20 20 }
+ "add_text" {text_add $m_c $a1 10 10 "text" }
+ "add_rect" {rect_add $m_c $a1 10 10 20 20 }
+ "add_arc" {arc_add $m_c $a1 10 10 20 20 0 90 }
+ default {xgui_node_error "canvas method $m_selector does not exist" $m_cmd }
+ }
+ }
+ 3 { # this is for the object $m_o witch is into $m_c ########
+ set m_c [lindex $m_to 1]
+ set m_o [lindex $m_to 2]
+ switch $m_selector {
+ "add_seg" {seg_add $m_c $m_o 10 10 20 20 }
+ "add_text" {text_add $m_c $m_o 10 10 "text" }
+ "add_rect" {rect_add $m_c $m_o 10 10 20 20 }
+ "add_arc" {arc_add $m_c $m_o 10 10 20 20 0 90 }
+ "del" {obj_del $m_c $m_o}
+ "kill" {obj_del $m_c $m_o}
+ "show" {obj_show $m_c $m_o }
+ "hide" {obj_hide $m_c $m_o }
+ "move" {obj_move $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2}
+ "scale" {obj_scale $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 }
+ "raise" {obj_raise $m_c $m_o }
+ "near" {obj_near $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 }
+ "color" {obj_color $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "width" {obj_width $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "coord" {obj_coord $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 }
+ "xy1" {obj_xy1 $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 }
+ "xy2" {obj_xy2 $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 }
+ "border" {obj_border $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "caps" {seg_caps $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "text" {text_value $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "pos" {text_pos $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 }
+ "anchor" {text_anchor $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "justify" {text_justify $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "start" {arc_start $m_c $m_o $a1 }
+ "angle" { arc_width $m_c $m_o $a1 }
+ "style" {arc_style $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ default {xgui_node_error "obj_method $m_selector does not exist" $m_argv }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/xgui/bin/xgui.bat b/xgui/bin/xgui.bat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4133fe0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgui/bin/xgui.bat
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+..\..\bin\wish83.exe .\xgui.sh --help
diff --git a/xgui/bin/xgui.sh b/xgui/bin/xgui.sh
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..da0bfcd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xgui/bin/xgui.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+# the next line restarts using wish \
+exec wish "$0" "$@"
+puts "pd(x) - Step 2 : xgui"
+puts "xgui b0.10 dh200209xx"
+puts "Damien HENRY (c)"
+# define the globals variables needed for a node
+global xgui_gui
+global xgui_cmd_out
+global data_data
+global from_all
+global host_name
+global host_port
+global xgui_me
+set host_name localhost
+set host_port 4877
+set xgui_me "$host_name:$host_port"
+global pd_name
+global pd_port
+global pd_sok
+global xgui_pd
+set pd_name xxx
+set pd_port 000
+set xgui_pd "$pd_name:$pd_port"
+set pd_sok -1
+global neibourg_list
+global neibourg_data
+set neibourg_list [list]
+set neibourg_data [list]
+set data_data [list]
+set xgui_gui 1
+set xgui_cmd_out 0
+global time4flush
+set time4flush 20
+# Read what are the argument
+if { [lsearch argv --help] != -1 } { puts "xgui localhost 4877 -nogui -no_cmd_out" }
+# puts up my windows
+proc xgui_node_visu {onoff} {
+ set xgui_gui $onoff
+ if { $xgui_gui } {
+ global text2out
+ global text_from_outside
+ global text_comment
+ wm title . "Xgui b0.09"
+ frame .haut
+ frame .config1
+ frame .config2
+ frame .bas
+ entry .haut.e_in -width 50 -textvariable text2in
+ entry .haut.e_fo -width 50 -textvariable text_from_outside -state disabled
+ entry .haut.e_rem -width 50 -textvariable text_comment -state disabled
+ entry .haut.t_out -width 50 -textvariable text2out -state disabled
+ entry .config1.host -width 10 -textvariable host_name
+ entry .config1.port -width 5 -textvariable host_port
+ entry .config2.host -width 10 -textvariable pd_name
+ entry .config2.port -width 5 -textvariable pd_port
+ button .config1.do -text "change" -command {
+ global xgui_me
+ global host_name
+ global host_port
+ global from_all
+ set xgui_me "$host_name:$host_port"
+ catch {close $from_all}
+ set from_all [socket -server seg_receive $host_port]
+ }
+ button .config2.do -text "change" -command {
+ global xgui_pd
+ global pd_name
+ global pd_port
+ set xgui_pd "$pd_name:$pd_port"
+ catch {close $pd_sok}
+ catch {set pd_sok [socket $pd_name $pd_port]}
+ }
+ button .bas.b_quit -text "quit" -width 7 -command {
+ send2nodes / */ "# $xgui_me disconnected"
+ do_this "$xgui_me/ ~/ disconnect *" xgui
+ exit
+ }
+ button .bas.b_do -text do -width 7 -command { do_this $text2in xgui}
+ button .bas.b_clear -text clear -width 7 -command { set text2in "" }
+ pack .haut.e_in .haut.e_fo .haut.t_out .haut.e_rem
+ pack .config1.host .config1.port .config1.do -side left
+ pack .config2.host .config2.port .config2.do -side left
+ pack .bas.b_do .bas.b_clear .bas.b_quit -side left -pady 2 -padx 5
+ pack .haut .config1 .config2 .bas -pady 2
+ wm resizable . false false
+ }
+# definition de la partie serveur
+#catch {
+ set from_all [socket -server seg_receive $host_port]
+proc seg_receive {channel addr port} {
+ global xgui_me
+ fileevent $channel readable "readLine $channel $addr $port"
+ do_this "/ */ # $xgui_me connected from $channel $addr $port" 0
+proc readLine {channel addr port} {
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global xgui_me
+ global text_from_outside
+ if {[gets $channel line]<0} {
+ fileevent $channel readable {}
+ after idle "close $channel"
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_data $channel]
+ if {$n != -1 } {
+ set neibourg_list [lreplace $neibourg_list $n $n]
+ set neibourg_data [lreplace $neibourg_data $n $n]
+ }
+ send2nodes / */ "# $xgui_me disconnected from $addr:$port"
+ } else {
+ set text_from_outside "$addr:$port $line"
+ # catch {
+ do_this $line $channel
+ # }
+ }
+# tell that every thing OK
+set text_comment "$xgui_me created"
+# end of the initialisations
+#methods for xgui_node
+proc xgui_node_name { name port } {
+ global xgui_me
+ global host_name
+ global host_port
+ global from_all
+ set host_name $name
+ set host_port $port
+ set xgui_me "$host_name:$host_port"
+ catch {close $from_all}
+ set from_all [socket -server seg_receive $host_port]
+proc xgui_node_gui { on_off } {
+ if ( on_off == on ) {
+ }
+proc xgui_node_add_canvas {canvas_name} {
+ set canvas_name [string trim $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [split $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [lindex $canvas_name end]
+ destroy .$canvas_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas_name
+ toplevel .$canvas_name
+ wm title .$canvas_name $canvas_name
+ wm resizable .$canvas_name false false
+ canvas .$canvas_name.$canvas_name
+ pack .$canvas_name.$canvas_name
+ data_remember ~/$canvas_name/ "~/$canvas_name add_canvas"
+ send2nodes / */ "# added ~/$canvas_name"
+ set c .$canvas_name.$canvas_name
+ $c bind all <Any-Enter> "itemEnter $c"
+ $c bind all <Any-Leave> "itemLeave $c"
+ bind $c <1> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y click"
+ bind $c <2> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y m-click"
+ bind $c <3> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y r_click"
+ bind $c <Shift-1> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y s-click"
+ bind $c <Shift-2> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y s-m-click"
+ bind $c <Shift-3> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y s-r-click"
+ bind $c <Control-1> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y c-click"
+ bind $c <Control-2> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y c-m-click"
+ bind $c <Control-3> "itemStartDrag $c %x %y c-r-click"
+ bind $c <B1-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y drag"
+ bind $c <B2-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y m-drag"
+ bind $c <B3-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y r-drag"
+ bind $c <Shift-B1-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y s-drag"
+ bind $c <Shift-B2-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y s-m-drag"
+ bind $c <Shift-B3-Motion> "itemDrag $c %x %y s-r-drag"
+ bind $c <Key> "itemKeyPress $c %A %k"
+proc xgui_node_del_canvas {canvas_name } {
+ global text_comment
+ set canvas_name [string trim $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [split $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [lindex $canvas_name end]
+ destroy .$canvas_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas_name
+ set text_comment "deleted $canvas_name"
+proc xgui_node_error {from error} {
+ global text_comment
+ set text_comment "# error : unable to do <$error> ($from)"
+proc xgui_node_connect { c_who c_from channel } {
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global xgui_me
+ global text_comment
+ set c_from [string trim $c_from "/"]
+ switch $c_who {
+ "me" {
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_data $channel]
+ if { $n == -1 } {
+ lappend neibourg_list $c_from
+ lappend neibourg_data $channel
+ set text_comment "$xgui_me connect himself to $c_from onto channel $channel"
+# fconfigure $channel -blocking false -bufering line
+ } else {
+ set text_comment "$xgui_me already connected to $c_from onto channel $channel"
+ }
+ }
+ "pd" {
+ global pd_name
+ global pd_port
+ global pd_sok
+ global xgui_pd
+ set c_host [split $c_from ":"]
+ set pd_name [lindex $c_host 0]
+ set pd_port [lindex $c_host 1]
+ set xgui_pd "$pd_name:$pd_port"
+# test perf a faire....
+ set pd_sok [socket -async $pd_name $pd_port]
+# set pd_sok [socket $pd_name $pd_port]
+ if { $pd_sok != -1 } {
+ set text_comment " $xgui_me connected to pd"
+# fconfigure $pd_sok -blocking false -bufering line
+ } else { set text_comment "connection refused with pd" }
+ }
+ default {
+ set c_host [split $c_who ":"]
+ set c_name [lindex $c_host 0]
+ set c_port [lindex $c_host 1]
+ set sok -1
+ catch {set sok [socket -async $c_name $c_port]}
+ if { $sok != -1 } {
+ lappend neibourg_list $c_who
+ lappend neibourg_data $sok
+ fileevent $sok readable [list read_and_do $sok]
+# fconfigure $sok -blocking false -bufering line
+ set text_comment "$xgui_me connected $c_who"
+ } else { set text_comment "connection refused with $c_who" }
+ }
+ }
+proc xgui_node_disconnect { d_who d_from channel} {
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global text_comment
+ switch $d_who {
+ "me" {
+ set d_who [string trim $d_from "/"]
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_list $d_who]
+ if {$n != -1 } {
+ catch { close [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n] }
+ set neibourg_list [lreplace $neibourg_list $n $n]
+ set neibourg_data [lreplace $neibourg_data $n $n]
+ set text_comment "$d_who disconnected himself"
+ } else { set text_comment "error $d_from not a neibourg" }
+ }
+ "pd" {
+ global pd_name
+ global pd_port
+ global pd_sok
+ global xgui_pd
+ set pd_name none
+ set pd_port none
+ set xgui_pd "$pd_name:$pd_port"
+ set pd_sok -1
+ catch {close pd_sok}
+ }
+ "*" {
+ foreach sok $neibourg_data { close $sok }
+ set neibourg_list [list]
+ set neibourg_data [list]
+ set text_comment "$d_from disconnect *"
+ }
+ default {
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_list $d_who]
+ if {$n != -1 } {
+ catch { close [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n] }
+ set neibourg_list [lreplace $neibourg_list $n $n]
+ set neibourg_data [lreplace $neibourg_data $n $n]
+ set text_comment "$d_who disconnected $d_from"
+ } else { set text_comment "error $d_who not a neibourg" }
+ }
+ }
+proc xgui_node_hide { canvas } {
+ set canvas_name [string trim $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [split $canvas_name "/"]
+ set canvas_name [lindex $canvas_name end]
+ destroy .$canvas_name
+proc xgui_node_neibourg { w_from } {
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global xgui_me
+ foreach name $neibourg_list {
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# $xgui_me connected to $name"
+ }
+proc xgui_node_clone { obj new_obj } {
+ data_clone $obj $new_obj
+proc xgui_node_load { file } {
+ data_load $file
+proc xgui_node_save { obj file } {
+ data_save $obj $file
+proc xgui_node_load_coord { file } {
+ data_load_send $file
+proc xgui_node_save_coord { obj file } {
+ data_save_param $obj coord $file
+proc xgui_node_debug { from var } {
+ global host_name
+ global host_port
+ global xgui_me
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global xgui_gui
+ global xgui_cmd_out
+ global data_data
+ global text_comment
+ global pd_name
+ global pd_port
+ global pd_sok
+ global xgui_pd
+ global from_all
+ set text_comment "$var = [subst $var ]"
+proc xgui_node_help { w_from } {
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: connect who"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: disconnect who"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: neibourg"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: ping"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: add_canvas"
+ send2nodes / $w_from "# method: del_canvas"
+#methods for canvas
+proc canvas_size {canvas_name x y} {
+ .$canvas_name.$canvas_name configure -width $x
+ .$canvas_name.$canvas_name configure -height $y
+ wm geometry .$canvas_name
+ data_remember ~/$canvas_name//size "~/$canvas_name size $x $y"
+proc canvas_color {canvas_name color} {
+ .$canvas_name.$canvas_name configure -bg $color
+ data_remember ~/$canvas_name//color "~/$canvas_name color $color"
+ }
+#methods for all objects
+proc obj_move {canvas gobj_name x y } {
+ global xgui_pd
+ catch {.$canvas.$canvas move $gobj_name $x $y
+ send2pd / pd/$canvas/$gobj_name "coord [.$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name]"
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//coord "~/$canvas/$gobj_name coord [.$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name]"
+ }
+proc obj_color {canvas gobj_name new_color} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -fill $new_color
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//color "~/$canvas/$gobj_name color $new_color"
+proc obj_border {canvas gobj_name new_color} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -outline $new_color
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//border "~/$canvas/$gobj_name border $new_color"
+proc obj_raise {canvas gobj_name } {
+ .$canvas.$canvas raise $gobj_name
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//raise "~/$canvas/$gobj_name raise"
+proc obj_coord {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 x2 y2 } {
+ catch {
+ .$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//coord "~/$canvas/$gobj_name coord $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2"
+ }
+proc obj_xy1 {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 } {
+ catch {
+ set old_coord [.$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name]
+ .$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name $x1 $y1 [lindex $old_coord 2] [lindex $old_coord 3]
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//coord "~/$canvas/$gobj_name coord $x1 $y1 [lindex $old_coord 2] [lindex $old_coord 3]"
+ }
+proc obj_xy2 {canvas gobj_name x2 y2 } {
+ catch {
+ set old_coord [.$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name]
+ .$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name [lindex $old_coord 0] [lindex $old_coord 1] $x2 $y2
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//coord "~/$canvas/$gobj_name coord [lindex $old_coord 0] [lindex $old_coord 1] $x2 $y2"
+ }
+proc obj_width {canvas gobj_name new_width} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -width $new_width
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//width "~/$canvas/$gobj_name width $new_width"
+proc obj_near {canvas gobj_name x y} {
+ # to be done...
+proc obj_del {canvas obj_name} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $obj_name
+ send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "# deleted $obj_name"
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$obj_name
+#methods for seg
+proc seg_add {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 x2 y2 } {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $gobj_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$gobj_name
+ .$canvas.$canvas create line $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -width 3 -tags $gobj_name -capstyle round
+ # send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "added $gobj_name"
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name/ "~/$canvas/$gobj_name add_seg"
+proc seg_caps {canvas gobj_name new_cap} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -capstyle $new_cap
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//caps "~/$canvas/$gobj_name caps $new_cap"
+#methods for text
+proc text_add {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 text } {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $gobj_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$gobj_name
+ .$canvas.$canvas create text $x1 $y1 -text $text -tags $gobj_name -anchor sw
+ # send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "added $gobj_name"
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name/ "~/$canvas/$gobj_name add_text"
+proc text_value {canvas gobj_name value} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -text $value
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//text "~/$canvas/$gobj_name text $value"
+proc text_anchor {canvas gobj_name value} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -anchor $value
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//anchor "~/$canvas/$gobj_name anchor $value"
+proc text_justify {canvas gobj_name value} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -justify $value
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//justify "~/$canvas/$gobj_name justify $value"
+proc text_pos {canvas gobj_name x y} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas coords $gobj_name $x $y
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//pos "~/$canvas/$gobj_name pos $x $y"
+#methods for rect
+proc rect_add {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 x2 y2 } {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $gobj_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$gobj_name
+ .$canvas.$canvas create rectangle $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -width 2 -tags $gobj_name
+ # send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "# added $gobj_name"
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name/ "~/$canvas/$gobj_name add_rect"
+#methods for arc
+proc arc_add {canvas gobj_name x1 y1 x2 y2 start width} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas delete $gobj_name
+ data_forget ~/$canvas/$gobj_name
+ .$canvas.$canvas create arc $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -start $start -extent $width -width 2 -tags $gobj_name
+ # send2nodes /$canvas */$canvas "# added $gobj_name "
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name/ "~/$canvas/$gobj_name add_arc"
+proc arc_start {canvas gobj_name new_start} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -start $new_start
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//start "~/$canvas/$gobj_name start $new_start"}
+proc arc_width {canvas gobj_name new_width} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -extent $new_width
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//angle "~/$canvas/$gobj_name angle $new_width"}
+proc arc_style {canvas gobj_name new_style} {
+ .$canvas.$canvas itemconfigure $gobj_name -style $new_style
+ data_remember ~/$canvas/$gobj_name//style "~/$canvas/$gobj_name style $new_style "}
+# Set up event bindings for all canvas:
+proc itemStartDrag {c x y event} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ global lastX lastY
+ global my_selected
+ set lastX [$c canvasx $x]
+ set lastY [$c canvasy $y]
+ set my_selected [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_selected "$event $x $y"
+proc itemDrag {c x y event} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ global lastX lastY
+ global my_selected
+ set x [$c canvasx $x]
+ set y [$c canvasy $y]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_selected "$event [expr $x-$lastX] [expr $y-$lastY]"
+ set lastX $x
+ set lastY $y
+proc itemEnter {c} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ set my_item [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_item enter
+proc itemLeave {c} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ set my_item [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_item leave
+proc itemKeyPress {c ascii num} {
+ global xgui_pd
+ set my_item [lindex [$c gettags current] 0]
+ set c [lindex [split $c "."] 1]
+ send2pd / pd/$c/$my_item "keypress $ascii $num"
+ send2pd / pd/$c "keypress $ascii $num"
+# Here the procedures that keep a memory about all objectz.
+proc data_remember {obj_sel m} {
+ global data_data
+ set line_to_destroy 0
+ foreach line $data_data {
+ if {[string match "$obj_sel/*" $line] == 1} {
+ set line_to_destroy $line
+ }
+ }
+ if { $line_to_destroy !=0 } {
+ set n [lsearch $data_data $line_to_destroy ]
+ set data_data [lreplace $data_data $n $n "$obj_sel/ $m" ]
+ } else {
+ lappend data_data "$obj_sel/ $m"
+ }
+proc data_forget { obj } {
+ global data_data
+ while { [lsearch $data_data $obj/* ] != -1} {
+ set n [lsearch $data_data $obj/* ]
+ set data_data [lreplace $data_data $n $n]
+ }
+proc data_clone { from_obj to_new_obj } {
+ global data_data
+ foreach line $data_data {
+ if {[string match "$from_obj/*" $line] == 1} {
+ set new_line [join [lreplace [split $line] 0 0 ] ]
+ regsub -all -- $from_obj $new_line $to_new_obj newest_line
+ do_this "~/ $newest_line" 0
+ }
+ }
+proc data_save { from_obj file } {
+ global data_data
+ set file_chn [open $file w]
+ foreach line $data_data {
+ if {[string match "$from_obj/*" $line] == 1} {
+ set new_line [join [lreplace [split $line] 0 0 ] ]
+ puts $file_chn "$new_line"
+ }
+ }
+ close $file_chn
+proc data_save_param { from_obj selector file } {
+ global data_data
+ set file_chn [open $file w]
+ foreach line $data_data {
+ if {[string match "$from_obj/*//$selector*" $line] == 1} {
+ set new_line [join [lreplace [split $line] 0 0 ] ]
+ puts $file_chn "$new_line"
+ }
+ }
+ close $file_chn
+proc data_load { file } {
+ global data_data
+ set file_chn [open $file r]
+ while {[eof $file_chn]==0} {
+ set line [gets $file_chn]
+ do_this "~/ $line" 0
+ }
+ close $file_chn
+proc data_load_send { file } {
+ global data_data
+ set file_chn [open $file r]
+ while {[eof $file_chn]==0} {
+ set line [gets $file_chn]
+ set line2s [split $line]
+ set line2s [join [linsert $line2s 1 update]]
+# regsub -all -- ~/ $line2s */ new_line
+# do_this "~/ $line" 0
+ send2pd / $line2s ""
+ }
+ close $file_chn
+#anything to send somewhere ???
+proc send2nodes { m_from m_to ms2send } {
+ global xgui_gui
+ global xgui_cmd_out
+ global text2out
+ global xgui_me
+ global neibourg_list
+ global neibourg_data
+ global text_comment
+ global time4flush
+ set m2send "$xgui_me$m_from $m_to $ms2send"
+ set m_to [string trim $m_to "/"]
+ set m_to_l [split $m_to "/"]
+ set m_to_node [lindex $m_to_l 0]
+ if { $xgui_gui == 1 } {
+ set text2out $m2send
+ }
+ if { $xgui_cmd_out == 1 } {
+ puts $m2send
+ }
+ switch [lindex [split $m_to "/"] 0 ] {
+ "*" {
+ foreach n $neibourg_list {
+ regsub -all -- {\*} $m_to $n m2
+ send2nodes $m_from $m2 $ms2send
+ }
+ }
+ "." {
+ foreach n $neibourg_data {
+ catch {
+ puts $n $ms2send
+ #after cancel {flush $n}
+ #after $time4flush {flush $n}
+ flush $n
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ set n [lsearch $neibourg_list $m_to_node]
+ if { $n != -1 } {
+ # if catch = error then we have to remove the link.
+ catch {
+ puts [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n] "$m2send;"
+ #after cancel {flush [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n]}
+ #after $time4flush {flush [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n]}
+ flush [lrange $neibourg_data $n $n]
+ }
+ } else {
+ set $text_comment "didn't find any coresponding neigbourg"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc send2pd { m_from m_to ms2send } {
+ global xgui_gui
+ global xgui_cmd_out
+ global text2out
+ global xgui_me
+ global pd_sok
+ set m2send "$xgui_me$m_from $m_to $ms2send;"
+ if { $xgui_gui == 1 } {
+ set text2out $m2send
+ }
+ if { $xgui_cmd_out == 1 } {
+ puts $m2send
+ }
+ # catch {
+ puts $pd_sok $m2send
+ flush $pd_sok
+ # }
+# the 3 main proc that do every thing ##########################################
+proc read_and_do { channel } {
+ gets $channel message
+ global text_from_outside
+ set text_from_outside "$channel \"$message"
+ do_this $message $channel
+proc do_this { m channel} {
+ global xgui_me
+ set m [string trim $m ";"]
+ if {[llength $m] >= 3} {
+ set m_to [string trim [lindex $m 1] "/"]
+ set m_to_l [split $m_to "/"]
+ set m_to_node [lindex $m_to_l 0]
+ set m_from [string trim [lindex $m 0] "/"]
+ set m_cmd [lrange $m 2 end]
+ #you have to know who you are :
+ if { "$m_to_node" == "$xgui_me" } { set m_to_node "~" }
+ switch $m_to_node {
+ "~" { catch {do_this_here $m_from $m_to $m_cmd $channel} }
+ "*" {
+ # you too are a part of the whole !!!
+ catch { do_this_here $m_from $m_to $m_cmd $channel }
+ send2nodes / $m_to "[lrange $m 2 end]"
+ }
+ "pd" {send2pd / $m_to "[lrange $m 2 end]"}
+ default {send2nodes / $m_to "[lrange $m 2 end]"}
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {$m == "help"} {
+ # send2nodes / $m_to "# syntax : sender receiver method args..."
+ } else {
+ xgui_node_error "not enought args" $m
+ }
+ }
+proc do_this_here { m_from m_to m_cmd channel} {
+ global xgui_me
+ global xgui_pd
+ set m_to [split $m_to "/"]
+ set m_from_l [split $m_from "/"]
+ set m_from_node [lindex $m_from_l 0]
+ set m_selector [lindex $m_cmd 0]
+ set m_argc [llength $m_cmd]-1
+ if {$m_argc >= 1} { set m_argv [lrange $m_cmd 1 end]
+ set a1 [lindex $m_argv 0]
+ if {$m_argc >=2 } { set a2 [lindex $m_argv 1]
+ if {$m_argc >=3 } { set a3 [lindex $m_argv 2]
+ if {$m_argc >=4 } { set a4 [lindex $m_argv 3]
+ if {$m_argc >=5 } { set a5 [lindex $m_argv 4]
+ if {$m_argc >=6 } { set a6 [lindex $m_argv 5]
+ if {$m_argc >=7 } { set a7 [lindex $m_argv 6]
+ if {$m_argc >=8 } { set a8 [lindex $m_argv 7]
+ if {$m_argc >=9 } { set a9 [lindex $m_argv 8]
+ if {$m_argc >=10 } { set a10 [lindex $m_argv 9]
+ } } } } } } } } }
+ } else {set m_argv "{}" }
+ switch [llength $m_to] {
+ 1 { # this is for the node ##########################
+ switch $m_selector {
+ "rename" { xgui_node_name $a1 $a2 }
+ "add_canvas" { xgui_node_add_canvas $a1}
+ "del_canvas" { xgui_node_del_canvas $a1}
+ "show" { xgui_node_clone $a1 $a1 }
+ "hide" { xgui_node_hide }
+ "connect" { if {$a1 == "pd"} { xgui_node_connect pd $a2 $channel
+ } else { xgui_node_connect $a1 $m_from $channel} }
+ "connect_on" { xgui_node_connect $a1 $m_from $channel
+ send2nodes / $a1/ "connect me"
+ send2nodes / $a1/ "clone ~/$a2 $xgui_me/$a2"
+ send2nodes / $a1/ "connect_on_pd $xgui_me" }
+ "connect_on_pd" { send2nodes / $a1/ "connect pd $xgui_pd" }
+ "disconnect" { xgui_node_disconnect $a1 $m_from $channel}
+ "neibourg" { xgui_node_neibourg $m_from }
+ "clone" { xgui_node_clone $a1 $a2 }
+ "save" { xgui_node_save $a1 $a2 }
+ "save_coord" { xgui_node_save_coord $a1 $a2 }
+ "load_coord" { xgui_node_load_coord $a1 }
+ "load" { xgui_node_load $a1 }
+ "help" { xgui_node_help $m_from }
+ "debug" { xgui_node_debug $m_from $$a1 }
+ "ping" { send2nodes / $m_from "# $m_from pinged" }
+ "#" { global text_comment ; set text_comment $m_argv}
+ default { xgui_node_error "node method $m_selector does not exist" $m_cmd }
+ }
+ }
+ 2 { # this is for the canvas $m_c ##########################
+ set m_c [lindex $m_to 1]
+ switch $m_selector {
+ "add_canvas" { catch {xgui_node_add_canvas $m_c }}
+ "del_canvas" { xgui_node_del_canvas $m_c }
+ "size" {canvas_size $m_c $a1 $a2}
+ "color" {canvas_color $m_c $a1}
+ "del" {obj_del $m_c $a1}
+ "kill" {obj_del $m_c $a1}
+ "add_seg" {seg_add $m_c $a1 10 10 20 20 }
+ "add_text" {text_add $m_c $a1 10 10 "text" }
+ "add_rect" {rect_add $m_c $a1 10 10 20 20 }
+ "add_arc" {arc_add $m_c $a1 10 10 20 20 0 90 }
+ default {xgui_node_error "canvas method $m_selector does not exist" $m_cmd }
+ }
+ }
+ 3 { # this is for the object $m_o witch is into $m_c ########
+ set m_c [lindex $m_to 1]
+ set m_o [lindex $m_to 2]
+ switch $m_selector {
+ "add_seg" {seg_add $m_c $m_o 10 10 20 20 }
+ "add_text" {text_add $m_c $m_o 10 10 "text" }
+ "add_rect" {rect_add $m_c $m_o 10 10 20 20 }
+ "add_arc" {arc_add $m_c $m_o 10 10 20 20 0 90 }
+ "del" {obj_del $m_c $m_o}
+ "kill" {obj_del $m_c $m_o}
+ "show" {obj_show $m_c $m_o }
+ "hide" {obj_hide $m_c $m_o }
+ "move" {obj_move $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2}
+ "scale" {obj_scale $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 }
+ "raise" {obj_raise $m_c $m_o }
+ "near" {obj_near $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 }
+ "color" {obj_color $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "width" {obj_width $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "coord" {obj_coord $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 $a3 $a4 }
+ "xy1" {obj_xy1 $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 }
+ "xy2" {obj_xy2 $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 }
+ "border" {obj_border $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "caps" {seg_caps $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "text" {text_value $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "pos" {text_pos $m_c $m_o $a1 $a2 }
+ "anchor" {text_anchor $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "justify" {text_justify $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ "start" {arc_start $m_c $m_o $a1 }
+ "angle" { arc_width $m_c $m_o $a1 }
+ "style" {arc_style $m_c $m_o $a1}
+ default {xgui_node_error "obj_method $m_selector does not exist" $m_argv }
+ }
+ }
+ }