# For docs, check:
# http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=772&group_id=1#docscvsacls

# defunct gem directory
unavail |  | gem
avail | cclepper,dheck,ggeiger,tigital,zmoelnig | gem

# ACLs at Yves Degoyon's request
unavail |  | externals/pidip,externals/unauthorized | MAIN
avail | sevyves,eighthave | externals/pidip,externals/unauthorized | MAIN

# added tigital in accordance to Yves
unavail |  | externals/gem2pdp | MAIN
avail | sevyves,tigital,eighthave | externals/gem2pdp | MAIN

# T. Grill's cvs automatically syncs with the SourceForge
# so changes here wouldn't make it to his CVS.
unavail |  | externals/grill
avail | xovo | externals/grill

# this code was imported by Hans and not maintained in CVS
# so changes here would have to be merged
unavail |  | externals/maxlib | MAIN
avail | eighthave,olafmatt | externals/maxlib | MAIN

# Thomas joined the SourceForge project and is maintaining this now (yay!)
unavail |  | externals/iemlib | MAIN
avail | tmusil,zmoelnig | externals/iemlib | MAIN

# restrict the MAIN branch of "pd" to prevent accidental 
# commits that should go to devel_0_37 or impd_0_37
unavail |  | pd | MAIN
avail | millerpuckette,ggeiger | pd | MAIN

# this line ALWAYS needs to be the last line in this file
# otherwise, its possible to lock everyone out of the CVS
avail | adamlindsay,eighthave,fbar,ggeiger,millerpuckette | CVSROOT