# this file should be exactly the same in each section of the CVS. A copy is # kept in each section of the CVS so that each section will be # self-sufficient. # $(INSTALL_PREFIX) and $(SRC_ROOT_DIR) are set in Makefile # base DOCS_BASE = $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/doc # sources ABSTRACTIONS_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/abstractions DOCS_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/doc EXTERNALS_SRC = $(SRC_ROOT_DIR)/externals # destinations APPLICATIONS_DEST = $(DOCS_BASE)/examples OBJECTS_DEST = $(INSTALL_PREFIX)/extra DOCS_DEST = $(DOCS_BASE)/5.reference MANUALS_DEST = $(DOCS_BASE)/manuals #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # DIRECTORY STRUCTURE TARGETS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # first make sure that the directory structure is setup $(INSTALL_PREFIX): install -d $(INSTALL_PREFIX) $(APPLICATIONS_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(APPLICATIONS_DEST) $(OBJECTS_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(OBJECTS_DEST) $(DOCS_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(DOCS_DEST) $(MANUALS_DEST): $(INSTALL_PREFIX) install -d $(MANUALS_DEST)