Collection of abstractions for Pd ================================= This is a collection of abstractions for Pd. Pd is a language that is very low-level. There are several concepts that need a certain amount of work in order to be implemented. Instead of reimplementing these higher level concepts again and again, this collection of abstractions try to establish a layer of Pd abstractions that should grow into a reusable library that can be shared by Pd users. What kind of abstractions? ========================== One of the problems with organizing all this is the vague definition of "abstraction" and "external". "application" and "object" are much more useful distinctions. Therefore, there are two sections to the build system, one for Pd patches which are objects, and another for Pd patches that are "applications" (also examples, demos, etc.). How to add your abstractions ? ============================== First rule for adding an abstraction is that it is written in Pd, without using externals whenever possible. Otherwise, it should work with the Pd-extended builds. You can either send your abstraction with the request for adding it to the pd-dev list, or if you are a Pd developer already, you can add them by yourself. If you have questions about how, feel free to ask. I hope that we can come up with a style guide for abstractions at some point, but we need to gather experience how this should look like before. Explanations of Terms ===================== $(APPLICATIONS_DST): If your project is an application or patch that is meant to be run directly, then it should go into this directory in its own subdirectory. This directory is a browsable collection of applications. If your application has a lot of files associated with it, put a main patch and have the extra files in a subdirectory. rradical/usecases/showcase is a good example of this. This is the only place were mixed or upper case is appropriate in directory names. $(OBJECTS_DST): If your project consists of objects that are meant to be reused in other patches rather than used as a application, then they should go into this directory. They should be in a directory with a distinct name. This will be the name of your library of objects, which can be added to the path, or called directly (e.g. [mylibrary/myobject]). The subdirectory name (e.g. mylibrary) should always be all lowercase. $(DOCS_DST): All help patches should go into this directory in a subdirectory with the same nameas the subdirectory for your objects. For example, for [mylibrary/myobject] above, the helpfile would be "mylibrary/myobject-help.pd". The subdirectory name (e.g. mylibrary) should always be all lowercase. $(MANUALS_DST): If you have any other kinds of documentation, like a text or HTML manual, or a Pd-based tutorial, then it should go into this directory, again in a subdirectory with the same name as the library or application. Using the previous example again, the "mylibrary" manual would be "mylibrary/mylibrary.html". The subdirectory name (e.g. mylibrary) should always be all lowercase. "objects" target: To add your objects to this build system, first make your own target and add it to the "objects" target. For example: for the RRADical objects, there is a target called "objects_rradical:" which does everything needed to install the RRADical objects. This includes installing help patches and any other documentation. "applications" target: This target is meant for any patch that is intended to be opened up and used, played, ran, etc. The RRADical showcase is a good example