Collection of abstractions for Pd ================================= This is a collection of abstractions for Pd. Pd is a language that is very low-level. There are several concepts that need a certain amount of work in order to be implemented. Instead of reimplementing these higher level concepts again and again, this collection of abstractions try to establish a layer of Pd abstractions that should grow into a reusable library that can be shared by Pd users. How to add your abstractions ? ============================== First rule for adding an abstraction is that it is written in Pd (without using externals). You can either send your abstarction with the request for adding it to the pd-dev list, or if you are a Pd developer already, you can add them by yourself. If you have questions about how, feel free to ask. I hope that we can come up with a style guide for abstractions at some point, but we need to gather experience how this should look like before. Guenter