#N canvas 300 159 635 486 12;
#X obj 32 27 osc~ 440;
#X obj 54 55 osc~ 550;
#X obj 54 116 osc~ 660;
#X obj 32 88 +~;
#X obj 32 142 +~;
#X text 108 177 <-- this is a subwindow--right click on it;
#X text 149 197 and select "open" to see inside.;
#X text 30 401 The output control automatically starts DSP whenever
you touch the level control. Hitting "mute" toggles between the current
level and zero.;
#X obj 32 173 output~;
#X text 383 463 updated for Pd version 0.36;
#X text 143 115 <-- Here we make an A major triad as a test signal.
#X text 31 250 In this and subsequent patches \, we'll use a subwindow
\, "output" \, to control overall amplitude. The amplitudes are in
decibels \, with 100 being full blast. In this example \, you can't
actually push the output amplitude past 90 or so without clipping.
You'll know you're clipping if \, instead of an A major chord \, you
hear a single \, distorted tone two octaves down. The clipping happens
at Pd's last stage of audio output. Audio signals internal to Pd have
essentially no level limit.;
#X connect 1 0 4 0;
#X connect 2 0 4 1;
#X connect 3 0 5 1;
#X connect 4 0 5 0;
#X connect 5 0 9 0;
#X connect 5 0 9 1;