#N struct help-drawpolygon-template float x float y float cat float
dog float weasel;
#N canvas 6 23 565 187 12;
#X text 13 130 see also:;
#X obj 95 149 drawnumber;
#X obj 191 149 plot;
#X obj 21 10 drawpolygon;
#X obj 21 33 drawcurve;
#X obj 126 11 filledpolygon;
#X obj 127 33 filledcurve;
#X text 225 10 -- draw shapes for data structures;
#N canvas 678 71 587 435 help-drawpolygon-template 1;
#X obj 19 24 drawpolygon 0 2 0 0 0 weasel;
#X obj 18 259 filledpolygon 900 dog 3 10 0 20 cat 30 0;
#X text 30 281 filledpolyconn and filledcurve take the same arguments
\, except that a new first argument is added to specify interior color.
Here the interior color is red (900) \, the outline color is controlled
by the "dog" field \, and the three points describe a triangle of altitude
"cat". The fields x and y automatically govern the placement of the
object as a whole.;
#X text 37 123 - RGB color (0=black \, 999=white \, 900=red \, 90=green
\, 9=blue \, 555=grey \, etc.);
#X text 36 160 - line width;
#X text 36 181 - two or more (x \, y) pairs giving coordinates.;
#X text 25 444 This object defines the fields for this template. You
can see teh fields' values by right-clicking on the object in the "data"
window and selecting "properties.";
#X obj 13 400 struct help-drawpolygon-template float x float y float
cat float dog float weasel;
#X text 26 44 drawpolygon and drawcurve take these arguments:;
#X text 40 67 - optional "-n" flag to make invisible initially;
#X text 38 88 - alternatively \, an optional "-v [variable]" flag to
assign a variable to make this visible/invisible.;
#X text 27 202 Any of these (except the flags) can be numbers or field
names \, like "weasel" here. The example above draws a vertical black
line of height "weasel".;
#X restore 274 93 pd help-drawpolygon-template;
#N canvas 11 270 384 178 help-drawpolygon-data 1;
#X scalar help-drawpolygon-template 50 40 30 9 80 \;;
#X scalar help-drawpolygon-template 150 40 -20 90 50 \;;
#X coords 0 178 1 177 0 0 0;
#X restore 274 119 pd help-drawpolygon-data;
#X obj 34 149 struct;
#X text 312 168 updated for Pd version 0.39;