#N canvas 440 273 514 280 10;
#X msg 60 146 bang;
#X msg 30 115 bang;
#X obj 30 175 timer;
#X obj 66 15 timer;
#X text 111 16 - measure logical time;
#X floatatom 30 206;
#X text 71 113 Click here to reset;
#X text 98 147 Click here to get elapsed logical time;
#X text 27 232 Output is in milliseconds;
#X text 6 51 The timer object measures elapsed logical time. Logical time moves forward as if all computation were instantaneous and as if all "delay" and "metro" objects were exact.;
#X text 319 260 updated for Pd version 0.25;
#X connect 0 0 2 1;
#X connect 1 0 2 0;
#X connect 2 0 5 0;