/* This file is part of PureData Copyright 2004-2006 by Mathieu Bouchard Copyright 2000-2001 IEM KUG Graz Austria (Thomas Musil) Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette. For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt", in this distribution. this file declares the C interface for the second half of DesireData. this is where most of the differences between DesireData and PureData lie. SYNONYMS: 1. glist = graph = canvas = patcher; those were not always synonymous. however, graph sometimes means a canvas that is displaying an array. 2. outconnect = connection = patchcord = wire canvases have a few flags that determine their appearance: gl_havewindow: should open its own window (only if mapped? or...) gl_isgraph: the GOP flag: show as graph-on-parent, vs TextBox. gl_owner==0: it's a root canvas, should be in canvas_list. In this case "gl_havewindow" is always set. canvas_list is a list of root windows only, which can be traversed using canvases_each. If a canvas has a window it may still not be "mapped." Miniaturized windows aren't mapped, for example, but a window is also not mapped immediately upon creation. In either case gl_havewindow is true but gl_mapped is false. Closing a non-root window makes it invisible; closing a root destroys it. A canvas that's just a text object on its parent is always "toplevel." An embedded canvas can switch back and forth to appear as a toplevel by double- clicking on it. Single-clicking a text box makes the toplevel become visible and raises the window it's in. If a canvas shows up as a graph on its parent, the graph is blanked while the canvas has its own window, even if miniaturized. */ #ifndef DESIRE #define DESIRE #endif #ifndef __DESIRE_H #define __DESIRE_H #include "m_pd.h" #include "s_stuff.h" #if defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) || defined(__cplusplus) //#include extern "C" { #endif /* ----------------------- m_imp.h ---------------------------------------------------*/ typedef struct _methodentry { t_symbol *me_name; t_gotfn me_fun; t_atomtype me_arg[MAXPDARG+1]; } t_methodentry; typedef void (*t_bangmethod) (t_pd *x); typedef void (*t_pointermethod)(t_pd *x, t_gpointer *gp); typedef void (*t_floatmethod) (t_pd *x, t_float f); typedef void (*t_symbolmethod) (t_pd *x, t_symbol *s); typedef void (*t_stringmethod) (t_pd *x, const char *s); typedef void (*t_listmethod) (t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); typedef void (*t_anymethod) (t_pd *x, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv); t_pd *pd_new2(int argc, t_atom *argv); t_pd *pd_new3(const char *s); struct _class { t_symbol *name; /* name (mostly for error reporting) */ t_symbol *helpname; /* name of help file */ t_symbol *externdir; /* directory extern was loaded from */ size_t size; /* size of an instance */ t_methodentry *methods; /* methods other than bang, etc below */ int nmethod; /* number of methods */ t_method freemethod; /* function to call before freeing */ t_bangmethod bangmethod; /* common methods */ t_pointermethod pointermethod; t_floatmethod floatmethod; t_symbolmethod symbolmethod; /* or t_stringmethod, but only C++ has anonymous unions, so... */ t_listmethod listmethod; t_anymethod anymethod; t_savefn savefn; /* function to call when saving */ int floatsignalin; /* onset to float for signal input */ unsigned gobj:1; /* true if is a gobj */ unsigned patchable:1; /* true if we have a t_object header */ unsigned firstin:1; /* if patchable, true if draw first inlet */ unsigned drawcommand:1; /* a drawing command for a template */ unsigned newatoms:1; /* can handle refcounting of atoms (future use) */ unsigned use_stringmethod:1; /* the symbolmethod slot holds a stringmethod instead */ t_symbol *firsttip; t_symbol **fields; /* names of fields aka attributes, and I don't mean the #V attributes. */ int nfields; /* ... and how many of them */ t_notice notice; /* observer method */ t_onsubscribe onsubscribe; /* observable method */ }; //#define c_methods methods /* for Cyclone */ //#define c_nmethod nmethod /* for Cyclone */ //#define c_externdir externdir /* for PDDP */ //#define c_name name /* for Cyclone,Creb,Pidip */ //#define c_size size /* for Cyclone,Flext */ //#define me_name name /* for Cyclone */ //#define me_fun fun /* for Cyclone */ //#define me_arg arg /* for Cyclone */ /* m_obj.c */ EXTERN int obj_noutlets(t_object *x); EXTERN int obj_ninlets(t_object *x); EXTERN t_outconnect *obj_starttraverseoutlet(t_object *x, t_outlet **op, int nout); EXTERN t_outconnect *obj_nexttraverseoutlet(t_outconnect *lastconnect, t_object **destp, t_inlet **inletp, int *whichp); EXTERN t_outconnect *obj_connect(t_object *source, int outno, t_object *sink, int inno); EXTERN void obj_disconnect(t_object *source, int outno, t_object *sink, int inno); EXTERN void outlet_setstacklim(void); EXTERN int obj_issignalinlet(t_object *x, int m); EXTERN int obj_issignaloutlet(t_object *x, int m); EXTERN int obj_nsiginlets(t_object *x); EXTERN int obj_nsigoutlets(t_object *x); EXTERN int obj_siginletindex(t_object *x, int m); EXTERN int obj_sigoutletindex(t_object *x, int m); /* misc */ EXTERN void glob_evalfile(t_pd *ignore, t_symbol *name, t_symbol *dir); EXTERN void glob_initfromgui(void *dummy, t_symbol *s); EXTERN void glob_quit(void *dummy); /* ----------------------- g_canvas.h ------------------------------------------------*/ /* i don't know whether this is currently used at all in DesireData. -- matju 2006.09 */ #ifdef GARRAY_THREAD_LOCK #include /* TB: for t_garray */ #endif typedef struct t_gtemplate t_gtemplate; typedef struct _canvasenvironment t_canvasenvironment; typedef struct _slot t_slot; /* the t_tick structure describes where to draw x and y "ticks" for a canvas */ typedef struct _tick { /* where to put ticks on x or y axes */ float point; /* one point to draw a big tick at */ float inc; /* x or y increment per little tick */ int lperb; /* little ticks per big; 0 if no ticks to draw */ } t_tick; typedef struct t_boxes t_boxes; /* the t_canvas structure, which describes a list of elements that live on an area of a window.*/ #ifdef PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE struct _glist : t_object { #else struct _glist { t_object gl_obj; /* header in case we're a [pd] or abstraction */ #endif int pixwidth, pixheight; /* width in pixels (on parent, if a graph) */ float x1,y1,x2,y2; /* bounding rectangle in our own coordinates */ int screenx1, screeny1, screenx2, screeny2; /* screen coordinates when toplevel */ int xmargin, ymargin; /* origin for GOP rectangle */ /* ticks and tick labels */ t_tick xtick; int nxlabels; t_symbol **xlabel; float xlabely; t_tick ytick; int nylabels; t_symbol **ylabel; float ylabelx; t_symbol *name; /* symbol bound here */ int font; /* nominal font size in points, e.g., 10 */ t_canvasenvironment *env; /* one of these per $0; env=0 for subpatches */ unsigned int havewindow:1; /* this indicates whether we publish to the manager */ unsigned int gop:1; unsigned int goprect:1; /* gop version >= 0.39 */ unsigned int hidetext:1; /* hide object-name + args when doing graph on parent */ long next_o_index; /* next object index. to be incremented on each use */ long next_w_index; /* next wire index. to be incremented on each use */ t_boxes *boxes; }; /* LATER consider adding font size to this struct (see canvas_getfont()) */ struct _canvasenvironment { t_symbol *dir; /* directory patch lives in */ int argc; /* number of "$" arguments */ t_atom *argv; /* array of "$" arguments */ long dollarzero; /* value of "$0" */ t_namelist *path;/* search path (0.40) */ }; /* a data structure to describe a field in a pure datum */ #define DT_FLOAT 0 #define DT_SYMBOL 1 #define DT_CANVAS 2 #define DT_ARRAY 3 typedef struct t_dataslot { int type; t_symbol *name; t_symbol *arraytemplate; /* filled in for arrays only */ } t_dataslot; #ifdef PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE typedef struct t_template : t_pd { #else typedef struct t_template { t_pd t_pdobj; /* header */ #endif t_gtemplate *list; /* list of "struct"/gtemplate objects */ t_symbol *sym; /* name */ int n; /* number of dataslots (fields) */ t_dataslot *vec; /* array of dataslots */ } t_template; /* this is not really a t_object, but it needs to be observable and have a refcount, so... */ #ifdef PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE struct _array : t_object { #else struct _array { t_gobj gl_obj; #endif int n; /* number of elements */ int elemsize; /* size in bytes; LATER get this from template */ char *vec; /* array of elements */ t_symbol *templatesym; /* template for elements */ t_gpointer gp; /* pointer to scalar or array element we're in */ }; #ifdef PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE struct _garray : t_gobj { #else struct _garray { t_gobj x_gobj; #endif t_scalar *scalar; /* scalar "containing" the array */ t_canvas *canvas; /* containing canvas */ t_symbol *name; /* unexpanded name (possibly with leading '$') */ t_symbol *realname; /* expanded name (symbol we're bound to) */ unsigned int usedindsp:1; /* true if some DSP routine is using this */ unsigned int saveit:1; /* true if we should save this with parent */ unsigned int listviewing:1; /* true if list view window is open */ unsigned int hidename:1; /* don't print name above graph */ }; t_array *garray_getarray(t_garray *x); /* structure for traversing all the connections in a canvas */ typedef struct t_linetraverser { t_canvas *canvas; t_object *from; int nout; int outlet; t_outlet *outletp; t_object *to; int nin; int inlet; t_inlet *inletp; t_outconnect *next; int nextoutno; #ifdef __cplusplus t_linetraverser() {} t_linetraverser(t_canvas *canvas); #endif } t_linetraverser; extern t_canvas *canvas_list; /* list of all root canvases */ extern t_class *vinlet_class, *voutlet_class, *canvas_class; extern int canvas_valid; /* incremented when pointers might be stale */ EXTERN int sys_noloadbang; EXTERN t_symbol *s_empty; #define PLOTSTYLE_POINTS 0 /* plotting styles for arrays */ #define PLOTSTYLE_POLY 1 #define PLOTSTYLE_BEZ 2 /* from kernel.c */ EXTERN void gobj_save(t_gobj *x, t_binbuf *b); EXTERN void pd_eval_text(char *t, size_t size); EXTERN int sys_syntax; /* from desire.c */ EXTERN int pd_scanargs(int argc, t_atom *argv, const char *fmt, ...); EXTERN int pd_saveargs(t_binbuf *b, const char *fmt, ...); EXTERN void pd_upload(t_gobj *self); EXTERN void sys_mgui(void *self, const char *sel, const char *fmt, ...); EXTERN void canvas_add(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *g, int index=-1); EXTERN void canvas_delete(t_canvas *x, t_gobj *y); EXTERN void canvas_deletelinesfor(t_canvas *x, t_text *text); EXTERN void canvas_deletelinesforio(t_canvas *x, t_text *text, t_inlet *inp, t_outlet *outp); EXTERN int canvas_isvisible(t_canvas *x); EXTERN int canvas_istoplevel(t_canvas *x); EXTERN int canvas_istable(t_canvas *x); EXTERN int canvas_isabstraction(t_canvas *x); EXTERN t_canvas *canvas_getcanvas(t_canvas *x); EXTERN t_canvas *canvas_getrootfor(t_canvas *x); EXTERN t_canvas *canvas_getcurrent(void); EXTERN t_canvasenvironment *canvas_getenv(t_canvas *x); EXTERN int canvas_getdollarzero(void); EXTERN t_symbol *canvas_realizedollar(t_canvas *x, t_symbol *s); EXTERN t_symbol *canvas_makebindsym(t_symbol *s); EXTERN void linetraverser_start(t_linetraverser *t, t_canvas *x); EXTERN t_outconnect *linetraverser_next(t_linetraverser *t); /* -------------------- TO BE SORTED OUT --------------------- */ EXTERN void canvas_redrawallfortemplatecanvas(t_canvas *x, int action); EXTERN void array_resize(t_array *x, int n); EXTERN void word_init(t_word *wp, t_template *tmpl, t_gpointer *gp); EXTERN void word_restore(t_word *wp, t_template *tmpl, int argc, t_atom *argv); EXTERN t_scalar *scalar_new(t_canvas *owner, t_symbol *templatesym); EXTERN void word_free(t_word *wp, t_template *tmpl); EXTERN void scalar_redraw(t_scalar *x, t_canvas *canvas); //EXTERN int pd_pickle(t_foo *foo, char *fmt, ...); EXTERN void pd_set_newest (t_pd *x); EXTERN const char *inlet_tip(t_inlet* i,int num); extern t_hash *object_table; extern t_hash *class_table; /* some kernel.c stuff that wasn't in any header, when shifting to C++. */ void obj_moveinletfirst(t_object *x, t_inlet *i); void obj_moveoutletfirst(t_object *x, t_outlet *o); int inlet_getsignalindex(t_inlet *x); int outlet_getsignalindex(t_outlet *x); void text_save(t_gobj *z, t_binbuf *b); t_sample *obj_findsignalscalar(t_object *x, int m); void class_set_extern_dir(t_symbol *s); void glob_update_class_info (t_pd *bogus, t_symbol *s, t_symbol *cb_recv, t_symbol *cb_sel); void pd_free_zombie(t_pd *x); /* some other stuff that wasn't in any header */ void glob_watchdog(t_pd *dummy); #if defined(_LANGUAGE_C_PLUS_PLUS) || defined(__cplusplus) } #endif #ifdef __cplusplus #include template static T min(T a, T b) {return a static T max(T a, T b) {return a>b?a:b;} template T clip(T a, T b, T c) {return min(max(a,b),c);} void oprintf(std::ostream &buf, const char *s, ...); void voprintf(std::ostream &buf, const char *s, va_list args); EXTERN std::ostringstream lost_posts; #endif #define L post("%s:%d in %s",__FILE__,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); #define LS(self) post("%s:%d in %s (self=%lx class=%s)",__FILE__,__LINE__,__PRETTY_FUNCTION__,(long)self, \ ((t_gobj *)self)->_class->name->name); #define STACKSIZE 1024 struct t_call { t_pd *self; /* receiver */ t_symbol *s; /* selector */ /* insert temporary profiling variables here */ }; EXTERN t_call pd_stack[STACKSIZE]; EXTERN int pd_stackn; EXTERN int gstack_empty(); /* that's a completely different stack: see pd_pushsym,pd_popsym */ #endif /* __DESIRE_H */