#!/usr/bin/env tclsh # to check the difference between locale files # arguments: # -list view the list of supported locales # -lang <locale> compare <locale> to english # no option: summary of all locales proc lwithout {a b} { set r {} foreach x $b {set c($x) {}} foreach x $a {if {![info exists c($x)]} {lappend r $x}} return $r } proc lintersection {a b} { set r {} foreach x $b {set c($x) {}} foreach x $a {if {[info exists c($x)]} {lappend r $x}} return $r } proc say {k args} { global text if {[llength $args]} { set ${::name}($k) [lindex $args 0] } else { if {[info exist text($k)]} { puts "------------" return $text($k) } else {return "{{$k}}"} } } proc say_namespace {k code} {uplevel 1 $code} proc say_category {text} {} set ::name ::index array set ::index {} source index.tcl foreach lang [array names ::index] { set ::name ::$lang source $lang.tcl } proc summary {} { foreach lang [lsort [lwithout [array names ::index] english]] { puts "#-----------------------------8<-----CUT------8<-----------------------------#" key_compare $lang; value_compare $lang } } proc compare {lang} { key_compare $lang value_compare $lang } proc value_compare {lang} { puts "\nFollowing entries have the same value as English:" set values {} set english2 [array names ::english] set locale [array names ::$lang] set intersect [lintersection $english2 $locale] foreach item [lsort $intersect] { set val1 $::english($item) set val2 [set ::${lang}($item)] if {$val1 == $val2} { lappend values $item } } foreach item $values {puts "\t $item"} } proc key_compare {lang} { set english2 [array names ::english] set locale [array names ::$lang] set diff_missing [lwithout $english2 $locale] set diff_extra [lwithout $locale $english2] set percent_missing [expr int(([llength $diff_missing] / [llength $english2].0)*100)] set percent_extra [expr int(([llength $diff_extra] / [llength $english2].0)*100)] puts "\ncompare $lang to english --> ${percent_missing}% difference" foreach item [lsort $diff_missing] { puts " - $item" } puts "\ncompare english to $lang --> ${percent_extra}% difference" foreach item [lsort $diff_extra] { puts " + $item" } } if {![llength $argv]} { summary } else { switch -regexp -- [lindex $argv 0] { ^-list\$ {puts [lwithout [array names ::index] english]} ^-lang\$ { set lang [lindex $argv 1] if {[lsearch [array names ::index] $lang] > 0} {compare $lang} {puts "Unknown locale '$lang'"} } ^-h\$ { puts "-list view the list of supported locales" puts "-lang <locale> only report about <locale> instead of about all locales" } default {puts "Unknown option '[lindex $argv 0]'. try -h for help"} } }