/* Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Miller Puckette and others. * For information on usage and redistribution, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL * WARRANTIES, see the file, "LICENSE.txt," in this distribution. */ /* Clock functions (which should move, but where?) and MIDI queueing */ #define PD_PLUSPLUS_FACE #include "desire.h" #include "s_stuff.h" #ifdef UNISTD #include #include #ifdef HAVE_BSTRING_H #include #endif #endif #ifdef MSW #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include struct t_midiqelem { double time; int portno; unsigned char onebyte; unsigned char byte1; unsigned char byte2; unsigned char byte3; }; #define MIDIQSIZE 1024 t_midiqelem midi_outqueue[MIDIQSIZE]; int midi_outhead, midi_outtail; t_midiqelem midi_inqueue[MIDIQSIZE]; int midi_inhead, midi_intail; static double sys_midiinittime; #ifndef API_DEFAULT #define API_DEFAULT 0 #endif int sys_midiapi = API_DEFAULT; /* this is our current estimate for at what "system" real time the current logical time's output should occur. */ static double sys_dactimeminusrealtime; /* same for input, should be schduler advance earlier. */ static double sys_adctimeminusrealtime; static double sys_newdactimeminusrealtime = -1e20; static double sys_newadctimeminusrealtime = -1e20; static double sys_whenupdate; void sys_initmidiqueue() { sys_midiinittime = clock_getlogicaltime(); sys_dactimeminusrealtime = sys_adctimeminusrealtime = 0; } /* this is called from the OS dependent code from time to time when we think we know the delay (outbuftime) in seconds, at which the last-output audio sample will go out the door. */ void sys_setmiditimediff(double inbuftime, double outbuftime) { double dactimeminusrealtime = .001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime) - outbuftime - sys_getrealtime(); double adctimeminusrealtime = .001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime) + inbuftime - sys_getrealtime(); if (dactimeminusrealtime > sys_newdactimeminusrealtime) sys_newdactimeminusrealtime = dactimeminusrealtime; if (adctimeminusrealtime > sys_newadctimeminusrealtime) sys_newadctimeminusrealtime = adctimeminusrealtime; if (sys_getrealtime() > sys_whenupdate) { sys_dactimeminusrealtime = sys_newdactimeminusrealtime; sys_adctimeminusrealtime = sys_newadctimeminusrealtime; sys_newdactimeminusrealtime = -1e20; sys_newadctimeminusrealtime = -1e20; sys_whenupdate = sys_getrealtime() + 1; } } /* return the logical time of the DAC sample we believe is currently going out, based on how much "system time" has elapsed since the last time sys_setmiditimediff got called. */ static double sys_getmidioutrealtime() {return sys_getrealtime() + sys_dactimeminusrealtime;} static double sys_getmidiinrealtime () {return sys_getrealtime() + sys_adctimeminusrealtime;} static void sys_putnext () { t_midiqelem &m = midi_outqueue[midi_outtail]; int portno = m.portno; #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA if (sys_midiapi == API_ALSA) { if (m.onebyte) sys_alsa_putmidibyte(portno, m.byte1); else sys_alsa_putmidimess(portno, m.byte1, m.byte2, m.byte3); } else #endif /* ALSA */ { if (m.onebyte) sys_putmidibyte(portno, m.byte1); else sys_putmidimess(portno, m.byte1, m.byte2, m.byte3); } midi_outtail = (midi_outtail + 1 == MIDIQSIZE ? 0 : midi_outtail + 1); } /* #define TEST_DEJITTER */ void sys_pollmidioutqueue() { #ifdef TEST_DEJITTER static int db = 0; #endif double midirealtime = sys_getmidioutrealtime(); #ifdef TEST_DEJITTER if (midi_outhead == midi_outtail) db = 0; #endif while (midi_outhead != midi_outtail) { #ifdef TEST_DEJITTER if (!db) { post("out: del %f, midiRT %f logicaltime %f, RT %f dacminusRT %f", (midi_outqueue[midi_outtail].time - midirealtime), midirealtime, .001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime), sys_getrealtime(), sys_dactimeminusrealtime); db = 1; } #endif if (midi_outqueue[midi_outtail].time <= midirealtime) sys_putnext(); else break; } } static void sys_queuemidimess(int portno, int onebyte, int a, int b, int c) { int newhead = midi_outhead +1; if (newhead == MIDIQSIZE) newhead = 0; /* if FIFO is full flush an element to make room */ if (newhead == midi_outtail) sys_putnext(); t_midiqelem m = midi_outqueue[midi_outhead]; m.portno = portno; m.onebyte = onebyte; m.byte1 = a; m.byte2 = b; m.byte3 = c; m.time = .001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime); midi_outhead = newhead; sys_pollmidioutqueue(); } #define MIDI_NOTEON 144 #define MIDI_POLYAFTERTOUCH 160 #define MIDI_CONTROLCHANGE 176 #define MIDI_PROGRAMCHANGE 192 #define MIDI_AFTERTOUCH 208 #define MIDI_PITCHBEND 224 void outmidi_noteon(int portno, int channel, int pitch, int velo) { if (pitch < 0) pitch = 0; else if (pitch > 127) pitch = 127; if (velo < 0) velo = 0; else if (velo > 127) velo = 127; sys_queuemidimess(portno, 0, MIDI_NOTEON + (channel & 0xf), pitch, velo); } void outmidi_controlchange(int portno, int channel, int ctl, int value) { if (ctl < 0) ctl = 0; else if (ctl > 127) ctl = 127; if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127; sys_queuemidimess(portno, 0, MIDI_CONTROLCHANGE + (channel & 0xf), ctl, value); } void outmidi_programchange(int portno, int channel, int value) { if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127; sys_queuemidimess(portno, 0, MIDI_PROGRAMCHANGE + (channel & 0xf), value, 0); } void outmidi_pitchbend(int portno, int channel, int value) { if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 16383) value = 16383; sys_queuemidimess(portno, 0, MIDI_PITCHBEND + (channel & 0xf), (value & 127), ((value>>7) & 127)); } void outmidi_aftertouch(int portno, int channel, int value) { if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127; sys_queuemidimess(portno, 0, MIDI_AFTERTOUCH + (channel & 0xf), value, 0); } void outmidi_polyaftertouch(int portno, int channel, int pitch, int value) { if (pitch < 0) pitch = 0; else if (pitch > 127) pitch = 127; if (value < 0) value = 0; else if (value > 127) value = 127; sys_queuemidimess(portno, 0, MIDI_POLYAFTERTOUCH + (channel & 0xf), pitch, value); } void outmidi_byte(int portno, int value) { #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA if (sys_midiapi == API_ALSA) sys_alsa_putmidibyte(portno, value); else #endif sys_putmidibyte(portno, value); } void outmidi_mclk(int portno) {sys_queuemidimess(portno, 1, 0xf8, 0,0);} /* ------------------------- MIDI input queue handling ------------------ */ typedef struct midiparser { int mp_status; int mp_gotbyte1; int mp_byte1; } t_midiparser; #define MIDINOTEOFF 0x80 /* 2 following 'data bytes' */ #define MIDINOTEON 0x90 /* 2 */ #define MIDIPOLYTOUCH 0xa0 /* 2 */ #define MIDICONTROLCHANGE 0xb0 /* 2 */ #define MIDIPROGRAMCHANGE 0xc0 /* 1 */ #define MIDICHANNELTOUCH 0xd0 /* 1 */ #define MIDIPITCHBEND 0xe0 /* 2 */ #define MIDISTARTSYSEX 0xf0 /* (until F7) */ #define MIDITIMECODE 0xf1 /* 1 */ #define MIDISONGPOS 0xf2 /* 2 */ #define MIDISONGSELECT 0xf3 /* 1 */ #define MIDIRESERVED1 0xf4 /* ? */ #define MIDIRESERVED2 0xf5 /* ? */ #define MIDITUNEREQUEST 0xf6 /* 0 */ #define MIDIENDSYSEX 0xf7 /* 0 */ #define MIDICLOCK 0xf8 /* 0 */ #define MIDITICK 0xf9 /* 0 */ #define MIDISTART 0xfa /* 0 */ #define MIDICONT 0xfb /* 0 */ #define MIDISTOP 0xfc /* 0 */ #define MIDIACTIVESENSE 0xfe /* 0 */ #define MIDIRESET 0xff /* 0 */ static void sys_dispatchnextmidiin() { static t_midiparser parser[MAXMIDIINDEV], *parserp; int portno = midi_inqueue[midi_intail].portno, byte = midi_inqueue[midi_intail].byte1; if (!midi_inqueue[midi_intail].onebyte) bug("sys_dispatchnextmidiin"); if (portno < 0 || portno >= MAXMIDIINDEV) bug("sys_dispatchnextmidiin 2"); parserp = parser + portno; outlet_setstacklim(); if (byte >= 0xf8) { inmidi_realtimein(portno, byte); } else { inmidi_byte(portno, byte); if (byte & 0x80) { if (byte == MIDITUNEREQUEST || byte == MIDIRESERVED1 || byte == MIDIRESERVED2) { parserp->mp_status = 0; } else if (byte == MIDISTARTSYSEX) { inmidi_sysex(portno, byte); parserp->mp_status = byte; } else if (byte == MIDIENDSYSEX) { inmidi_sysex(portno, byte); parserp->mp_status = 0; } else { parserp->mp_status = byte; } parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 0; } else { int cmd = (parserp->mp_status >= 0xf0 ? parserp->mp_status : (parserp->mp_status & 0xf0)); int chan = (parserp->mp_status & 0xf); int byte1 = parserp->mp_byte1, gotbyte1 = parserp->mp_gotbyte1; switch (cmd) { case MIDINOTEOFF: if (gotbyte1) inmidi_noteon(portno, chan, byte1, 0), parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 0; else parserp->mp_byte1 = byte, parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 1; break; case MIDINOTEON: if (gotbyte1) inmidi_noteon(portno, chan, byte1, byte), parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 0; else parserp->mp_byte1 = byte, parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 1; break; case MIDIPOLYTOUCH: if (gotbyte1) inmidi_polyaftertouch(portno, chan, byte1, byte), parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 0; else parserp->mp_byte1 = byte, parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 1; break; case MIDICONTROLCHANGE: if (gotbyte1) inmidi_controlchange(portno, chan, byte1, byte), parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 0; else parserp->mp_byte1 = byte, parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 1; break; case MIDIPROGRAMCHANGE: inmidi_programchange(portno, chan, byte); break; case MIDICHANNELTOUCH: inmidi_aftertouch(portno, chan, byte); break; case MIDIPITCHBEND: if (gotbyte1) inmidi_pitchbend(portno, chan, ((byte << 7) + byte1)), parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 0; else parserp->mp_byte1 = byte, parserp->mp_gotbyte1 = 1; break; case MIDISTARTSYSEX: inmidi_sysex(portno, byte); break; /* other kinds of messages are just dropped here. We'll need another status byte before we start letting MIDI in again (no running status across "system" messages). */ case MIDITIMECODE: break; /* 1 data byte*/ case MIDISONGPOS: break; /* 2 */ case MIDISONGSELECT: break; /* 1 */ } } } midi_intail = (midi_intail + 1 == MIDIQSIZE ? 0 : midi_intail + 1); } void sys_pollmidiinqueue() { #ifdef TEST_DEJITTER static int db = 0; #endif double logicaltime = .001 * clock_gettimesince(sys_midiinittime); #ifdef TEST_DEJITTER if (midi_inhead == midi_intail) db = 0; #endif while (midi_inhead != midi_intail) { #ifdef TEST_DEJITTER if (!db) { post("in del %f, logicaltime %f, RT %f adcminusRT %f", (midi_inqueue[midi_intail].time - logicaltime), logicaltime, sys_getrealtime(), sys_adctimeminusrealtime); db = 1; } #endif #if 0 if (midi_inqueue[midi_intail].time <= logicaltime - 0.007) post("late %f", 1000 * (logicaltime - midi_inqueue[midi_intail].time)); #endif if (midi_inqueue[midi_intail].time <= logicaltime) { #if 0 post("diff %f", 1000* (logicaltime - midi_inqueue[midi_intail].time)); #endif sys_dispatchnextmidiin(); } else break; } } /* this should be called from the system dependent MIDI code when a byte comes in, as a result of our calling sys_poll_midi. We stick it on a timetag queue and dispatch it at the appropriate logical time. */ void sys_midibytein(int portno, int byte) { static int warned = 0; int newhead = midi_inhead+1; if (newhead == MIDIQSIZE) newhead = 0; /* if FIFO is full flush an element to make room */ if (newhead == midi_intail) { if (!warned) { post("warning: MIDI timing FIFO overflowed"); warned = 1; } sys_dispatchnextmidiin(); } midi_inqueue[midi_inhead].portno = portno; midi_inqueue[midi_inhead].onebyte = 1; midi_inqueue[midi_inhead].byte1 = byte; midi_inqueue[midi_inhead].time = sys_getmidiinrealtime(); midi_inhead = newhead; sys_pollmidiinqueue(); } void sys_pollmidiqueue() { #if 0 static double lasttime; double newtime = sys_getrealtime(); if (newtime - lasttime > 0.007) post("delay %d", (int)(1000 * (newtime - lasttime))); lasttime = newtime; #endif #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA if (sys_midiapi == API_ALSA) sys_alsa_poll_midi(); else #endif /* ALSA */ sys_poll_midi(); /* OS dependent poll for MIDI input */ sys_pollmidioutqueue(); sys_pollmidiinqueue(); } /******************** dialog window and device listing ********************/ #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA void midi_alsa_init(); #endif #ifndef USEAPI_PORTMIDI #ifdef USEAPI_OSS void midi_oss_init(); #endif #endif /* last requested parameters */ static int midi_nmidiindev; static int midi_midiindev[MAXMIDIINDEV]; static int midi_nmidioutdev; static int midi_midioutdev[MAXMIDIOUTDEV]; void sys_get_midi_apis(char *buf) { int n = 0; strcpy(buf, "{ "); sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{default-MIDI %d} ", API_DEFAULT); n++; #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), "{ALSA-MIDI %d} ", API_ALSA); n++; #endif strcat(buf, "}"); } void sys_get_midi_params(int *pnmidiindev, int *pmidiindev, int *pnmidioutdev, int *pmidioutdev) { *pnmidiindev = midi_nmidiindev; for (int i=0; i 1 || noutdev > 1) flongform = 1; *(strptr = midiinstr) = 0; for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { sprintf(strptr,"%3d ",nindev > i && midiindev[i]>= 0 ? midiindev[i] : -1); strptr += strlen(strptr); } *(strptr = midioutstr) = 0; for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { sprintf(strptr,"%3d ",noutdev > i && midioutdev[i]>= 0 ? midioutdev[i] : -1); strptr += strlen(strptr); } sys_vgui("pdtk_midi_dialog %%s %s %s %s %s %d\n", indevliststring,midiinstr,outdevliststring,midioutstr,!!flongform); } /* new values from dialog window */ void glob_midi_dialog(t_pd *dummy, t_symbol *s, int argc, t_atom *argv) { int i, nindev, noutdev; int newmidiindev[16], newmidioutdev[16]; int alsadevin, alsadevout; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { newmidiindev[i] = atom_getintarg(i, argc, argv); newmidioutdev[i] = atom_getintarg(i+16, argc, argv); } for (i = 0, nindev = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (newmidiindev[i] >= 0) {newmidiindev[nindev] = newmidiindev[i]; nindev++;} } for (i = 0, noutdev = 0; i < 16; i++) { if (newmidioutdev[i] >= 0) {newmidioutdev[noutdev] = newmidioutdev[i]; noutdev++;} } alsadevin = atom_getintarg(32, argc, argv); alsadevout = atom_getintarg(33, argc, argv); #ifdef USEAPI_ALSA if (sys_midiapi == API_ALSA) { sys_alsa_close_midi(); sys_open_midi(alsadevin, newmidiindev, alsadevout, newmidioutdev, 1); } else #endif { sys_close_midi(); sys_open_midi(nindev, newmidiindev, noutdev, newmidioutdev, 1); } } /* tb { */ void glob_midi_getindevs(t_pd *dummy, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { /* these are all the devices on your system: */ char indevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE], outdevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE]; int nindevs = 0, noutdevs = 0; t_atom argv[MAXNDEV]; int f = ac ? (int)atom_getfloatarg(0,ac,av) : -1; t_symbol *selector = gensym("midiindev"); t_symbol *pd = gensym("pd"); midi_getdevs(indevlist, &nindevs, outdevlist, &noutdevs, MAXNDEV, DEVDESCSIZE); if (f < 0) { for (int i=0; is_thing, selector, nindevs, argv); } else if (f < nindevs) { SETSYMBOL(argv, gensym(indevlist + f * DEVDESCSIZE)); typedmess(pd->s_thing, selector, 1, argv); } } void glob_midi_getoutdevs(t_pd *dummy, t_symbol *s, int ac, t_atom *av) { /* these are all the devices on your system: */ char indevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE], outdevlist[MAXNDEV*DEVDESCSIZE]; int nindevs = 0, noutdevs = 0; t_atom argv[MAXNDEV]; int f = ac ? (int)atom_getfloatarg(0,ac,av) : -1; t_symbol *selector = gensym("midioutdev"); t_symbol *pd = gensym("pd"); midi_getdevs(indevlist, &nindevs, outdevlist, &noutdevs, MAXNDEV, DEVDESCSIZE); if (f < 0) { for (int i=0; is_thing, selector, noutdevs, argv); } else if (f < noutdevs) { SETSYMBOL(argv, gensym(outdevlist + f*DEVDESCSIZE)); typedmess(pd->s_thing, selector, 1, argv); } } void glob_midi_getcurrentindevs(t_pd *dummy) { /* these are the devices you're using: */ int nindev, midiindev[MAXMIDIINDEV]; int noutdev, midioutdev[MAXMIDIOUTDEV]; t_atom argv[MAXNDEV]; sys_get_midi_params(&nindev, midiindev, &noutdev, midioutdev); for (int i=0; is_thing, gensym("midicurrentindev"), nindev, argv); } void glob_midi_getcurrentoutdevs(t_pd *dummy) { /* these are the devices you're using: */ int nindev, midiindev[MAXMIDIINDEV]; int noutdev, midioutdev[MAXMIDIOUTDEV]; t_atom argv[MAXNDEV]; sys_get_midi_params(&nindev, midiindev, &noutdev, midioutdev); for (int i=0; is_thing, gensym("midicurrentoutdev"), noutdev, argv); }