- add externals HOWTO to manuals/Pd - create Makefile for Pd-extended build system - add pd-fileformat doc: http://student-kmt.hku.nl/%7Etjeerd/pd/pd_fileformat.html - replace [pddp] with "pddp" in all help files so that it doesn't cause bugs with the pddp/pddp.pd meta file, and other things in the future. Here's a pattern: sed -n 's|obj \([0-9]*\) \([0-9]*\) pddp;|msg \1 \2 pddp;|p' *.pd - add doc/pddp/about, help, etc. to doc/Makefile - mv doc/pddp/pddp.pd to doc/pddp/about/pddp-about.pd - add [symbol 1( and [1 ( test messages to the bottom right example in [pd some odd cases of list handling] in doc/pddp/all_about_lists_vs_anythings.pd