Here is some documentation that covers internal pd messages.

1) Internal msgs are sent directly to pd (pd selector) or to a loaded patch (pd-patch.pd selector).
  all these msgs have to end with a semicolon ";"
  you can test them using :
    the pd menu under "File : Message..." or with the shortcut <ctrl-m>
    the tclsend2pd in the 4.msg_from_tcl folder.

  These messages allow you to:
    control pd without the gui :
    make use of the no-gui option
    open a patch via socket... (tcl, python, sh, c++,...)
    modify or create a new patch
    create a patch that will create some other patch
    dynamically create objects to create polyphony (e.g., 100 osc~ or more...)
    load patches from within another patch
    construct generative patches
    create a new gui
    and much more...

2) Here's a list of pd's internal msgs (* are documented somewhere in this doc):

  messages to pd:
        init  [gimme]
        filename  [symbol] [symbol]
    *   open  [symbol] [symbol]
    *   quit
        foo  [gimme]
    *   dsp  [gimme]
        meters  [float]
        key  [gimme]
    *   audiostatus

 messages to canvas:
    *   obj  [gimme]
    *   msg  [gimme]
    *   floatatom  [gimme]
    *   symbolatom  [gimme]
    *   text  [gimme]
    *   graph  [gimme]
    *   array
    *   scalar  [gimme]
        bng  [gimme]
        toggle  [gimme]
        vslider  [gimme]
        hslider  [gimme]
        radio  [gimme]
        vumeter  [gimme]
        mycnv  [gimme]
    *   connect  [float] [float] [float] [float]
    *   restore  [gimme]
        write  [symbol] [defsymbol]
        read  [symbol] [defsymbol]
        mergefile  [symbol] [defsymbol]
    *   click  [float] [float] [float] [float]
    *   mouseup  [float] [float] [float]
    *   key  [gimme]
    *   motion  [float] [float] [float]
    *   print  [symbol]
    *   menusave
    *   menusaveas
    *   menuclose  [deffloat]
    *   saveto  [symbol] [symbol]
    *   cut
    *   copy
    *   paste
    *   duplicate
    *   selectall
    *   tidy
    *   texteditor
    *   editmode  [deffloat]
        protectmode  [deffloat]
    *   print  [symbol]
    *   pop  [deffloat]
    *   loadbang
    *   relocate  [symbol] [symbol]
    *   menufont
    *   font  [float] [float] [float]
    *   find  [gimme]
    *   findagain
    *   findparent
    *   vis  [float]
        properties  [float] [float]
        help  [float] [float]
        arraydialog  [symbol] [float] [float] [float]
        map  [float]
        intatom  [gimme]
        atom  [gimme]

3) Here's an overview of the documentation :
    description of msgs that can be sent to patches.
    (contains pd files)

    description of msgs that can be sent to pd.
    (contains pd files)  

    an example sh scrip using pdsend to create a patch in pd.
    pdscript was authored by Guenter Geiger
    (contains it's own readme + files)

    decription of how to use tcl/tk to create a patch, open a patch, etc...
    examples of how an "obj x y myOsc~" message can be used
    to deal with "massive polyphony"

4) Releases :

  release 0.5 : pd-msg_05.tar.gz
    added some more msg.
    Thanks to Krzysztof Czaja
    all msgs are listed for pd0.34

  release 0.4 : pd-msg_04.tar.gz
    added many messages :
      the events messages
      the menu messages
      the cut&paste msg, etc...
    complete the polyphonie example
  release 0.3 : pd-msg
    Rearrange patch & examples in different directory.
    add polyphonie examples
    add tcl scripts...

  release 0.2 : self-generation
    added messages to open and close patch.

  release 0.1 : self-construction
    first release

5) To do list :

  some msgs are not well explained or not explained at all.

6) Reference :
  Look @ the end of code of g_canvas.c in the source directory.

Damien HENRY