#N canvas 312 164 378 475 10;
#X text 20 51 turn DSP calculation off & on;
#X msg 98 94 \; pd dsp 0 \;;
#X msg 172 94 \; pd dsp 1 \;;
#X msg 24 301 \; pd quit \;;
#X floatatom 26 73 1 0 1;
#X obj 26 123 s pd;
#X msg 26 97 dsp \$1;
#X msg 25 218 \; pd audiostatus \;;
#X text 22 194 same as "DIO errors";
#X text 25 12 Here some message we can send to pd.;
#X text 21 275 Quit pd (WARNNING);
#X text 21 356 There are many more that i don't know :-(;
#X connect 4 0 6 0;
#X connect 6 0 5 0;