// create a new canvas with name "new";
// important to terminate each command to pd with a ";";
pd filename new ./;
#N canvas;
#X pop 1;

// now we create a osc~ i, *~ and a dac~;
// the first word is the name of the canvas where the objects;
// are put (with "pd-" prepended .. hence pd-new);
// then the "obj" keyword;
// then comes the position x y,  propose to increment y for each;
// object by 30, then the patch can still be read with the gui ;
// then comes the object name and eventual parameters;
// object number 0 and 1 and 2;

pd-new obj 10 0 osc~ 220;
pd-new obj 10 30 *~ 0.1;
pd-new obj 10 60 dac~;

// we connect them together; 
// we kept track of the objects we have created and can;
// access them via numbers;
// pd-new same as above, message connect, then the four parameters;
// <number-of object> <outlet number> <number of 2nd object> <inlet number>; 

pd-new connect 0 0 1 0;
pd-new connect 1 0 2 0;
pd-new connect 1 0 2 1;

// we put a comment;
// object number 3;
pd-new text 80 0 This is a comment;

// a Message object;
// object number 4;

pd-new msg 10 90 440;

// connect it to the osc~;

pd-new connect 4 0 0 0;

// and a number object;
// nr 5;

pd-new floatatom 10 120;

// connect it;

pd-new connect 5 0 0 0;

// put a communication channel for the frequency (a "receive");
// nr 6;

pd-new obj 10 150 r freq;
// a line;
// nr 7;
pd-new obj 10 180 line;

// connect receive to the line; 

pd-new connect 6 0 7 0;

// line to the osc~;

pd-new connect 7 0 0 0;

// turn on audio;

pd dsp 1;

// and ... control it the first word is the name of the receive above;

freq 500 4000;

// that's it, there will be several things to figure out, but by writing;
// this patch down in ascii I get the feeling that coding pd in lisp;
// will be a killer ... defininitely.;
// we will be able to automate lots of things I had to do by hand here;