#N canvas 2 1 611 606 12;
#X obj 104 540 pddp;
#X obj 8 8 cnv 15 90 553 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577
#N canvas 85 2 593 609 More_Info 0;
#X text 32 40 All sound cards are capable of at least two channels
of audio. Pd supports these two channels by default and uses your system's
generic audio drivers to communicate with your hardware. However \,
for faster input/output and for more than two channels of audio \,
PD incorporates the use of "PortAudio" which uses ASIO drivers to communicate
with your hardware. So \, to instruct Pd to use more than two channels
of audio \, your command line should read like below:;
#X text 93 182 c:/pd/bin/pd.exe -pa -inchannels 8 -outchannels 8;
#X text 32 211 The "-pa" switch means "PortAudio". This switch is new
as of Pd version 0.37 TEST 4 and replaces the old "-asio" switch.;
#X text 32 271 The "-inchannels" and "-outchannels" switches can be
summarized by using "-channels 8" because currently PortAudio requires
that the number of incoming and outgoing channels must be equal. This
may change in the Pd's future...;
#X text 32 361 To further optimize Pd's usage of your audio hardware
\, you can explore the following:;
#X text 42 402 - audiobuf;
#X text 43 420 - blocksize;
#X text 42 436 - audioindev;
#X text 42 454 - audiooutdev;
#X text 38 480 With the right hardware \, Pd can manage audio input
and output with lower than 10 milliseconds of latency.;
#X restore 104 514 pd More_Info;
#N canvas 85 2 395 244 Related_Objects 0;
#X text 25 8 Native Pd Objects;
#X text 25 92 Externals and other object libraries;
#X obj 45 46 dac~;
#X obj 98 46 switch~;
#X obj 171 46 block~;
#X restore 104 488 pd Related_Objects;
#X text 16 107 ARGUMENTS:;
#X text 32 188 OUTLETS:;
#X text 23 344 EXAMPLES:;
#X text 20 487 SEE ALSO:;
#X obj 33 20 adc~;
#X text 30 53 PURPOSE:;
#X text 152 541 - Dave Sabine \, May 6 \, 2003;
#X text 104 53 [adc~] is an acronym meaning "Analog/Digital Converter
Signal" and is Pd's interface to access the audio information arriving
at your soundcard(s).;
#X text 106 106 The object defaults to 2 incoming audio channels (usually
a left and right stereo pair). Any number of arguments (integers) can
be used to define multiple input channels - each integer corresponds
to an input channel on your audio hardware.;
#X text 107 188 Signal: the number of outlets correspond with the number
of arguments - each outlet represents an input channel on your audio
hardware which corresponds to the argument you provide. If no arguments
are provided \, then there are two outlets which represent audio channels
1 and 2 on your computers sound card.;
#X text 107 290 The information at each outlet is an audio signal (i.e.
the object operates at 'audio-rate') and therefore must be connected
to an audio inlet on a related object.;
#X obj 109 346 adc~;
#X text 153 346 default stereo signals: same as;
#X obj 411 348 adc~ 1 2;
#X obj 109 373 adc~ 5;
#X text 167 374 a mono signal from channel 5;
#X obj 109 404 adc~ 1 3 8 6 11 15 19 22 23 24 36;
#X text 383 405 11 channels of audio;
#X obj 109 434 adc~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8;
#X text 280 435 all channels on an 8-channel device;