#N canvas 317 126 765 636 10;
#X text 43 164 see also:;
#X obj 84 219 template;
#X obj 202 277 append;
#X obj 54 187 getsize;
#X obj 121 187 setsize;
#X obj 149 219 element;
#X obj 257 277 sublist;
#X obj 35 277 pointer;
#X obj 99 277 get;
#X obj 37 377 drawnumber;
#X obj 38 416 plot;
#X obj 114 376 drawpolygon;
#X obj 104 414 filledpolygon;
#X obj 204 378 drawcurve;
#X obj 203 414 filledcurve;
#X text 34 339 drawing objects:;
#X text 9 34 The original idea behind the creation of Pd was to make
a Max-like environment that also had a means of graphically specifying
a score. Pd's "data structures" are the system devised for this purpose.
#X text 33 257 for manipulating data structures:;
#X obj 4 -3 cnv 15 750 20 empty empty all_about_data_structures 2 10
1 18 -233017 -66577 0;
#X obj 719 -1 pddp;
#X obj 35 219 struct;
#X obj 129 277 set;
#N canvas 0 22 454 304 display 0;
#X restore 321 581 pd display;
#X text 9 98 "scalar" is the basic graphical component of Pd's data
structures. When working with data structures \, all of the objects
pertain to reading and editing "scalars".;
#X obj 164 277 add;