#N canvas 147 26 511 606 10;
#X obj 12 346 ff-gain;
#X obj 12 385 ff-autocenter;
#X obj 12 425 ff-spring;
#X obj 12 465 ff-friction;
#X obj 13 506 ff-periodic;
#X obj 13 547 ff-constant;
#X obj 4 4 cnv 15 500 20 empty empty all_about_haptics 20 10 1 18 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 471 5 pddp/pddplink http://puredata.info/dev/pddp -text pddp
#X obj 12 304 ifeel;
#X text 20 33 "Haptic" means relating to the sense of touch. Haptic
feedback relates to the sense of touch at the skin level \, and the
feeling of forces in the muscles and joints. Vibrations stimulate the
sense of touch while various forces stimulate the muscles.;
#X text 20 110 There are many haptic devices available \, from a US\$35
Logitech iFeel mouse \, to the massive \, extremely expensive haptic
devices used for remote control surgery. Immersion \, Inc. has almost
a monopoly on this technology due to a number of patents. These objects
all work with Immersion technology \, generally known as "TouchSense".
#X text 15 576 updated for Pd version 0.37.1;
#X text 107 301 Control the pulses and vibrations of a TouchSense (aka
iFeel) mouse;
#X text 110 349 Set the overall gain for all force effects;
#X text 111 385 Apply forces to automatically center the controller
#X text 111 427 Apply a spring force in a specified direction;
#X text 111 460 Apply friction to the movement of the controller. Also
known as damping.;
#X text 111 502 Periodic effects are forces controlled by waveforms
of various shape \, strength \, and frequency;
#X text 112 547 Apply a constant force in a specified direction;
#X text 21 199 Numerous companies produce haptic game controllers:
mice \, joysticks \, gamepads \, steering wheels. These objects work
with game controllers. Belkin \, Logitech \, Microsoft \, Saitek \,
and others make TouchSense game controllers.;
#X text 21 261 Currently \, these objects only work on GNU/Linux. For
info on how to get it working \, see: http://at.or.at/hans/haptics