#N canvas 261 0 448 656 10;
#N canvas 240 135 476 472 other_midi_objects 0;
#X obj 55 31 ctlin;
#X obj 97 31 pgmin;
#X obj 140 30 bendin;
#X obj 191 29 touchin;
#X obj 252 29 polytouchin;
#X obj 337 29 midiin;
#X obj 388 28 sysexin;
#X obj 6 85 noteout;
#X obj 63 84 ctlout;
#X obj 161 85 touchout;
#X obj 225 84 polytouchout;
#X obj 314 84 midiout;
#X obj 113 84 pgmout;
#X obj 11 153 makenote;
#X text 10 194 MIDI notes deconstruction:;
#X text 8 128 MIDI note construction:;
#X text 8 58 MIDI output:;
#X text 8 2 MIDI input:;
#X obj 15 226 stripnote;
#X text 11 266 Additional useful objects for MIDI processing (Maxlib
by Olaf Matthes);
#X obj 148 297 chord;
#X obj 109 296 borax;
#X obj 54 296 score o;
#X obj 13 296 pitch;
#X text 15 336 Also \, from cyclone (alpha) by Krzysztof Czaja:;
#X obj 16 359 midiformat;
#X obj 172 359 midiflush;
#X obj 98 359 midiparse;
#X text 15 386 and xeq \, from the same developer;
#X obj 16 411 xeq;
#X text 41 402 an experimental MIDI sequencer;
#X obj 8 31 midiin;
#X restore 88 534 pd other_midi_objects;
#X obj 280 562 pddp_open all_about_midi_flags;
#X text 18 562 for an explanation of MIDI usage in Pd see:;
#X obj 28 18 ctlin;
#X obj 19 226 ctlin;
#X floatatom 19 252 5 0 0;
#X floatatom 33 272 5 0 0;
#X floatatom 49 290 5 0 0;
#X text 17 127 Arguments (optional): 1st argument (or only argument)
indicates the controller number to process. The second argument \,
if present \, indicates the channel number on which the controller
is to be processed. If the second argument is absent [ctlin] reads
all channels. If no arguments are preent [ctlin] reads all controller
data on all channels.;
#X text 66 221 Inlets: none. Reads data directly from the MIDI port
#X text 66 235 Outlets:;
#X text 116 249 1st (leftmost): Controller value;
#X text 118 265 Middle: controller number;
#X text 118 285 rightmost: Channel number;
#X text 17 317 If one comment is given (ctl. number) [ctlin] provides
the user with only 2 outlets: ctl. value and channel no. If 2 arguments
are given (ctl. no. & chan. no.) only one outlet (ctl. value) is given:
#X obj 24 383 ctlin 64;
#X floatatom 24 417 5 0 0;
#X floatatom 74 407 5 0 0;
#X text 97 382 Process only controller no. 64 on all channels;
#X text 7 430 ctl. value;
#X text 83 420 Chan. no.;
#X obj 25 455 ctlin 64 1;
#X text 102 456 Process only controller 64 on channel 1;
#X floatatom 25 481 5 0 0;
#X text 22 496 ctl. value;
#X obj 21 534 ctlout;
#X text 18 515 See also:;
#X text 13 51 The [ctlin] object reads control change messages directly
from the MIDI port. See a MIDI-specification chart near you for control
change message numbers and their meannings (MIDI implementation documents
are freely available on the internet in c=various forms).;
#X text 69 18 - read incoming Control Change messages;
#X text 19 586 This document was updated for Pd version 0.35 by Michal
Seta as part of a project called pddp proposed by Krzysztof Czaja \,
managed and edited by Dave Sabine \, to build comprehensive documentation
for Pd.;
#X connect 4 0 5 0;
#X connect 4 1 6 0;
#X connect 4 2 7 0;
#X connect 15 0 16 0;
#X connect 15 1 17 0;
#X connect 21 0 23 0;