@TERM abstraction @DEF n. a patch created as an object within another patch
(optionally with creation arguments). @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s7.1
@TERM anything @DEF 1) n. any message in Pd that has a valid selector \, or is an implicit float or list message. @DEF 2) a keyword in certain objects which matches any valid Pd message \, sometimes written as 'a' or 'any'. @DEF 3) any message other than Pd's built-in messages (float \, symbol \, list \, bang \, or pointer) @OBJECTS list iemlib/iem_anything
cyclone/prepend @LINKS all_about_lists_vs_anythings.pd all_about_messages.pd
@TERM array @DEF 1) n. a collection of data that can be selected and stored by indices. @DEF 2) a graphical array created by choosing
'Array' from the 'Put' menu. @DEF 3) a field of a data structure that
may be used to plot/store values. @OBJECTS array @LINKS all_about_arrays.pd
@TERM atom @DEF n. the most basic element of data in Pd. @OBJECTS gatom float
symbol @LINKS all_about_atoms.pd;
@TERM canvas @DEF 1) n. the blank area of the window where you write your
patches. @DEF 2) the object [my_canvas]. @OBJECTS my_canvas pd @LINKS all_about_canvas_properties.pd
@TERM cold_inlet @DEF n. an inlet on an object that does not trigger output
when it receives a message. @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s3.3
@TERM control_object @DEF n. objects which carry out their function sporadically
\, as a result of one or more type of event. @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s1.2
@TERM creation_arguments @DEF n. atoms that follow the selector in an object
box that are used to initialize the object upon creation. @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s1.2
@TERM data_structure @DEF n. not sure yet... @OBJECTS struct pointer;
@TERM edit_mode @DEF n. patch state in which you can creat \, edit \, move
\, and delete objects. @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s2.1
@TERM float @DEF 1) n. a special selector to tell an object to receive a numeric
atom as data. @DEF 2) the object [float]. @OBJECTS float gatom value list @LINKS all_about_atoms.pd
@TERM gop @DEF see 'graph on parent'.;
@TERM graph_on_parent @DEF a. an attribute of an abstraction or subpatch
that allows part of a patch to be displayed on the parent patch. @LINKS
@TERM gui @DEF acronym for 'graphical user interface'. @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s1.3
@TERM hot_inlet @DEF n. an inlet on an object that triggers output when
it receives a message. (Usually this is the leftmost inlet.) @LINKS
@TERM main_Pd_window @DEF n. the window that pops up
when you start Pd. It includes the peak level and clip indicators \,
as well as the audio processing checkbutton and the printout area. Synonyms: console window.
@OBJECTS print @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s1.1
@TERM message @DEF 1) n. data in any form sent to an object which causes
the object to do something specific. @DEF 2) n. short name for 'message
box'-- see 'message' object. @OBJECTS message @LINKS all_about_messages.pd
@TERM message_box @DEF n. a GUI object in which you can type text and trigger
output with the mouse. @OBJECTS message flatspace/entry @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s3.4
@TERM nonlocal_connection @DEF n. a connection between two objects without
using wires. @OBJECTS send receive send~ receive~ bng;
@TERM number_box @DEF aka numbox \, gatom. GUI object that displays a
single numeric value. @OBJECTS gatom nbx @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s1.3
@TERM numeric_atom @DEF n. any atom which functions as a number \, i.e.
53 \, 3.1 \, 1e-25 @OBJECTS float int value list @LINKS all_about_atoms.pd
@TERM object_box @DEF n. rectangle in which Pd objects get created. @LINKS
@TERM patch @DEF 1) n. a program written in Pd. @DEF 2) v. the act of writing a Pd program;
@TERM pointer @DEF n. a reference to a position in a scalar used to manipulate
and read data from it. @OBJECTS pointer;
@TERM properties_dialogue @DEF n. dialogue window (usually accessed by right-clicking
a GUI object) used to set the object's attributes. @OBJECTS bng cnv hradio hslider nbx tgl vradio vslider vu
@LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s2.7;
@TERM run_mode @DEF n. patch mode in which
number boxes \, message boxes \, and other GUI objects can be used
as controls and objects/text cannot be moved \, changed \, or deleted. @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s2.1
@TERM runmode @DEF see 'run mode'.;
@TERM non_editmode @DEF see 'run mode'.;
@TERM scalar @DEF n. a graphical instance of a struct @OBJECTS scalar;
@TERM selector @DEF n. a symbolic atom that serves as an instruction to
the receiving object as how to handle the message @LINKS all_about_messages.pd
@TERM selector_series @DEF 1) n. a series of 2 or more atoms whose first
atom is neither the selector 'list' \, 'symbol' \, nor a numeric atom.
@DEF 2) n. see 'anything'. @OBJECTS list @LINKS all_about_lists_vs_anythings.pd
@TERM series @DEF n. a collection of zero or more atoms;
@TERM signal_object @DEF n. an object that computes audio samples. Also
referred to as 'tilde objects' because they usually have a tilde (
'~' ) after the name of the object. @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s1.2
@TERM subpatch @DEF n. a patch contained within another patch. @OBJECTS pd table
graph @LINKS http://www.crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Pd_documentation/x2.htm#s7
@TERM symbol @DEF n. a special selector to tell an object to receive a symbolic
atom as data. @OBJECTS symbol makefilename @LINKS all_about_messages.pd
@TERM symbolic_atom @DEF n. any atom that is not a numeric atom \, i.e.
\, word \, 3.1.1 \, 1two. Synonym: symbol atom. @OBJECTS gatom symbol makefilename @LINKS all_about_atoms.pd
@TERM tilde_object @DEF see 'signal object'.;
@TERM inlet @DEF 1) n. a small rectangle drawn at the top of an object that allows the object to receive data through a connection from another object. Note: in Pd \, the leftmost inlet is often synonymous with the object itself-- only subsidiary inlets are referred to explicitly in the source code and \, consequently \, in error messages. For example \, if the left inlet of object [foo] doesn't accept the message 'bar' \, Pd will respond with 'error: foo: no method for 'bar''. However \, if the right inlet of [foo] doesn't accept 'bar' Pd will respond \, 'error: inlet: no method for 'bar''. @DEF 2) The object named [inlet]. See also: 'outlet' \, 'signal inlet'. @OBJECTS inlet outlet inlet~ outlet~ receive
@TERM xlet @DEF n. an abbreviation for 'inlet or outlet'.
@TERM outlet @DEF 1) n. a small rectangle drawn at the bottom of an object that allows the object to send data somewhere else. @DEF 2) the object [outlet]. @OBJECTS inlet outlet inlet~ outlet~ send
@TERM connection @DEF n. the thin line that connects the outlet of one object to the inlet of another. @OBJECTS inlet outlet
@TERM wire @DEF see 'connection'.
@TERM cord @DEF see 'connection'.
@TERM patch_cord @DEF see 'connection'.
@TERM implicit_float @DEF a message that consists of a single float atom and can be understood as having an implicit selector 'float'. @OBJECTS float @LINKS all_about_messages.pd
@TERM implicit_list @DEF  a multi-element message that starts with a float and can be understood as having an implicit selector 'list'. @OBJECTS list @LINKS all_about_messages.pd
@TERM iolet @DEF an abbreviation for 'inlet or outlet'.