#N canvas 0 0 626 624 12; #X obj 114 560 pddp; #X obj 8 3 cnv 15 90 578 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -233017 -66577 0; #X floatatom 325 358 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 484 395 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 369 462 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X msg 304 402 42 7; #X obj 366 396 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty "bang" 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X floatatom 128 422 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X msg 128 373 bang; #X obj 46 18 float; #X obj 492 17 f; #X text 111 18 - STORE A FLOATING POINT NUMBER - abbreviation:; #X msg 249 402 7 3 4; #X obj 369 436 f; #X obj 128 397 float 7; #X text 113 484 doc/2.control.examples/sendnumber.pd; #X text 371 358 Tip: Shift+drag; #X text 37 44 INLETS:; #X text 37 59 - LEFT:; #X text 104 59 Float - A float at the left inlet will update the stored value of the object and will send the number immediately to the outlet. ; #X text 104 114 Bang - A bang at the left inlet will force [float] to send its value to the outlet.; #X text 104 152 List - A list at the left inlet will be truncated to include only the first element. The first element in the list will update the stored value of the object and will send the number immediately to the outlet.; #X text 29 220 - RIGHT:; #X text 105 220 Float - A float at the right inlet is stored for later use. It will be sent to the left outlet when a float or bang is received in the left inlet.; #X text 29 324 OUTLETS:; #X text 13 272 ARGUMENTS:; #X text 20 354 EXAMPLES:; #X text 22 484 SEE ALSO:; #X text 104 272 One - [float] accepts a single float as a creation argument which initializes the first value to be sent out the left outlet.; #X text 104 325 One - outputs the stored floating point value of the object.; #X text 249 384 lists; #X text 106 355 creation argument; #N canvas 58 0 401 250 Related_Objects 0; #X text 25 11 Native PD Objects; #X text 23 92 Externals and other object libraries; #X obj 42 48 int; #X obj 109 48 symbol; #X text 36 126 [randomF]; #X restore 114 508 pd Related_Objects; #N canvas 57 0 637 618 More_Info 0; #X text 43 24 All numbers in PD are kept in 32-bit floating point and can represent real numbers between -8 \, 388608 and 8.388.608.00; #X text 11 78 WHAT IS A FLOATING POINT NUMBER?; #X text 41 267 The following are examples of floating point numbers: ; #X text 61 293 3; #X text 62 334 -111.5; #X text 61 313 0.5; #X text 40 387 3e-005 : This example is a computer shorthand for scientific notation. It means 3*10-5 (or 10 to the negative 5th power multiplied by 3).; #X text 41 108 According to Webopedia.com \, "computers are integer machines and are capable of representing real numbers only by using complex codes." Hence \, real numbers must be 'approximated' by computers using the "floating point standard". In such a number \, the decimal point can "float" meaning that there is no fixed number of digits preceding or following the decimal. A floating point number is therefore a computer's approximation of a real number.; #X text 43 453 Interesting side-note: In the early 1990's \, the Intel 80486 was shipped with a math coprocessor to help accelerate the process of computing floating point numbers (which previously required a considerable amount of CPU power.) Math coprocessors have since found there way into nearly every graphics card and CPU available today.; #X text 62 358 10000 to 1e-016; #X restore 114 534 pd More_Info; #X text 158 561 - Dave Sabine \, November 18 \, 2002; #X connect 2 0 13 0; #X connect 3 0 13 1; #X connect 5 0 13 0; #X connect 6 0 13 0; #X connect 8 0 14 0; #X connect 12 0 13 0; #X connect 13 0 4 0; #X connect 14 0 7 0;