#N canvas 290 -2 492 552 10;
#X obj 27 16 pgmin;
#X text 26 47 The [pgmin] object reads incoming program change messages.
#X text 26 69 Arguments: (optional) int represents the channel number
to ilsten to. With no argument \, [pgmin] accepts all channels.;
#X text 26 105 Inlets: none. Receives directly from the MIDI port.
#X obj 27 142 pgmin;
#X floatatom 27 182 5 0 0;
#X floatatom 57 164 5 0 0;
#X text 101 139 Outlets:;
#X text 119 156 Right - channel number;
#X text 28 308 See also:;
#X obj 29 335 pgmout;
#X obj 26 215 pgmin 2;
#X floatatom 26 237 5 0 0;
#X text 25 258 With one argument (the MIDI channel number) [pgmin]
creates only one outlet (for program change number received). The channel
cannot be changed dynamically.;
#N canvas 240 135 476 472 other_midi_objects 0;
#X obj 7 29 ctlin;
#X obj 49 29 pgmin;
#X obj 92 28 bendin;
#X obj 143 27 touchin;
#X obj 204 27 polytouchin;
#X obj 289 27 midiin;
#X obj 340 26 sysexin;
#X obj 6 85 noteout;
#X obj 63 84 ctlout;
#X obj 160 84 bendout;
#X obj 217 83 touchout;
#X obj 281 82 polytouchout;
#X obj 370 82 midiout;
#X obj 113 84 pgmout;
#X obj 11 153 makenote;
#X text 10 194 MIDI notes deconstruction:;
#X text 8 128 MIDI note construction:;
#X text 8 58 MIDI output:;
#X text 8 2 MIDI input:;
#X obj 15 226 stripnote;
#X text 11 266 Additional useful objects for MIDI processing (Maxlib
by Olaf Matthes);
#X obj 148 297 chord;
#X obj 109 296 borax;
#X obj 54 296 score o;
#X obj 13 296 pitch;
#X text 15 336 Also \, from cyclone (alpha) by Krzysztof Czaja:;
#X obj 16 359 midiformat;
#X obj 172 359 midiflush;
#X obj 98 359 midiparse;
#X text 15 386 and xeq \, from the same developer;
#X obj 16 411 xeq;
#X text 41 402 an experimental MIDI sequencer;
#X restore 105 333 pd other_midi_objects;
#X obj 298 380 midi-basics;
#X text 25 379 for an explanation of MIDI usage in PD see:;
#X text 120 180 Left - program change number;
#X text 66 17 - read incoming program change messages from the MIDI
#X text 22 453 This document was updated for PD version 0.35 by Michal
Seta as part of a project called pddp proposed by Krzysztof Czaja \,
managed and edited by Dave Sabine \, to build comprehensive documentation
for PD.;
#X connect 4 0 5 0;
#X connect 4 1 6 0;
#X connect 11 0 12 0;