#N canvas 300 97 467 585 10;
#X text 3 531 You can send and receive messages to Pd from the command
line using 'pdsend' and 'pdreceive'.;
#X obj 4 1 cnv 15 450 20 empty empty netreceive 20 10 1 18 -233017
-66577 0;
#X obj 79 313 netreceive 3000;
#X floatatom 179 334 0 0 0 0 - - -;
#X obj 79 387 netreceive 3001 1;
#X text 12 46 The Netreceive object opens a socket for TCP ("stream")
or UDP ("datagram") network reception on a specified port. If using
TCP \, an outlet gives you the number of Netsend objects (or other
compatible clients) have opened connections here.;
#X text 10 127 Incoming network messages appear on "receive" objects
\; it's up to the sender to select which one. Here \, a "receive foo"
fields messages sent from the Netsend help window \, q.v.;
#X text 34 270 first argument: portnumber = 3000;
#X text 34 286 second argument: 0 or none for TCP \, nonzero for UDP
#X text 217 312 <-- TCP \, port 3000;
#X text 241 386 <-- UDP \, port 3001;
#X text 213 335 <--- number of open connections;
#X text 5 366 incoming messages;
#X obj 79 334 print tcp;
#X obj 79 408 print udp;
#X text 11 178 There are some possibilities for intercommunication
with other programs... see the help for "netsend.";
#X text 19 26 [netreceive] -- listen for incoming messages from network
#X text 9 216 SECURITY ALERT: the port that netreceive opens has no
access restrictions \, so anyone can connect to it and send messages.
Be careful that;
#X text 109 509 [netreceive 4567 0 old];
#X text 7 431 If you set the third argument to the word "old" \, everything
sent to the specified port is received into the global message space.
This is the original behavior of [netreceive]. This can be VERY INSECURE
since it gives someone full access to your computer \, allowing them
to do anything that Pd can via the network.;
#X connect 2 0 13 0;
#X connect 2 1 3 0;
#X connect 4 0 14 0;