#N canvas 0 0 555 619 10; #X obj 0 595 cnv 15 552 21 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.footer empty 20 12 0 14 -228856 -66577 0; #X obj 0 0 cnv 15 552 40 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.header receive 3 12 0 18 -204280 -1 0; #X obj 0 271 cnv 3 550 3 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.inlets inlets 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0; #N canvas 50 244 494 344 META 0; #X text 12 105 LIBRARY internal; #X text 12 145 WEBSITE http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/; #X text 12 45 LICENSE SIBSD; #X text 12 125 AUTHOR Miller Puckette; #X text 12 185 HELP_PATCH_AUTHORS Dave Sabine \, September 9 \, 2003 . Jonathan Wilkes revised the patch to conform to the PDDP template for Pd version 0.42.; #X text 12 25 KEYWORDS control nonlocal; #X text 12 65 DESCRIPTION receive messages without patch cords; #X text 12 85 OUTLET_0 anything; #X text 12 5 ALIAS r; #X text 12 165 RELEASE_DATE 1997; #X restore 500 597 pd META; #X obj 0 331 cnv 3 550 3 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.outlets outlets 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0; #X obj 0 373 cnv 3 550 3 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.argument arguments 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0; #X obj 0 434 cnv 3 550 3 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.more_info more_info 8 12 0 13 -228856 -1 0; #N canvas 93 310 428 292 Related_objects 0; #X obj 1 1 cnv 15 425 20 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.subheading empty 3 12 0 14 -204280 -1 0; #X text 8 2 [receive] Related Objects; #X text 20 109 Externals and other object libraries; #X obj 115 43 receive~; #X obj 177 43 send~; #X obj 23 43 send; #X obj 278 43 throw~; #X obj 333 43 catch~; #X obj 23 73 tabreceive~; #X obj 121 73 tabsend~; #X obj 193 73 netsend; #X obj 259 73 netreceive; #X obj 225 43 value; #X obj 70 43 qlist; #X obj 20 128 pddp/helplink ggee/streamin~; #X obj 20 148 pddp/helplink ext13/receive13~; #X obj 20 168 pddp/helplink maxlib/remote; #X obj 20 188 pddp/helplink receivelocal; #X obj 20 208 pddp/helplink maxlib/dist; #X text 106 188 <- which library? (No help patch exists); #X obj 20 228 pddp/helplink receiveOSC; #X text 106 227 <- which library?; #X text 106 247 <- which library?; #X obj 20 248 pddp/helplink shoutamp~; #X obj 20 268 pddp/helplink maxlib/netdist; #X restore 102 597 pd Related_objects; #X obj 78 340 cnv 17 3 17 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.let.0 0 5 9 0 16 -228856 -162280 0; #X obj 516 3 r; #X obj 442 3 receive; #X text 492 3 or; #X obj 445 20 pddp/pddplink http://wiki.puredata.info/en/receive -text pdpedia: receive; #X obj 47 107 s; #X floatatom 47 83 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 149 112 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 149 83 r; #X floatatom 204 112 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 204 83 r; #X floatatom 255 112 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 255 83 r; #X floatatom 51 166 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 306 192 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 377 192 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 452 192 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 50 146 with creation argument; #X obj 51 190 s dave; #X obj 306 163 r dave; #X obj 377 163 r dave; #X floatatom 151 167 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 383 82 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X msg 383 105 \; dave \$1; #X floatatom 461 80 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X msg 461 105 \; hans \$1; #X obj 452 163 r hans; #X obj 151 191 s hans; #X text 98 275 (none); #X text 98 339 anything; #X text 168 339 - [receive] outputs the message(s) sent from a corresponding [send] of the same name.; #N canvas 100 55 428 469 Messages_and_Data_Types 0; #X floatatom 23 177 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X floatatom 22 288 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 23 234 s a_float; #X obj 22 262 r a_float; #X obj 33 205 s whatever; #X obj 170 204 s whatever; #X obj 158 233 s a_symbol; #X obj 158 262 r a_symbol; #X symbolatom 158 176 10 0 0 0 - - -; #X text 62 176 click-n-drag; #X text 228 176 type something; #X text 318 200 click this; #X obj 305 307 s whatever; #X obj 295 277 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 295 336 s a_bang; #X text 317 275 click this too; #X obj 295 379 r a_bang; #X obj 295 407 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X obj 72 313 r whatever; #X floatatom 72 443 5 0 0 0 - - -; #X symbolatom 113 424 10 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 161 381 print; #X obj 195 363 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X symbolatom 158 291 10 0 0 0 - - -; #X obj 154 404 bng 15 250 50 0 empty empty empty 0 -6 0 8 -262144 -1 -1; #X msg 295 217 \; whatever 1 2 3 4 \;; #X obj 72 338 route float symbol list bang; #X obj 1 1 cnv 15 425 20 empty \$0-pddp.cnv.subheading empty 3 12 0 14 -204280 -1 0; #X text 8 2 [receive] More Info; #X text 20 38 Pd's [send] and [receive] objects can communicate any message that is supported by Pd: floats \, anythings \, lists \, symbols \, and bangs. However \, you will need to plan ahead in your patch to ensure that a symbol doesn't accidently arrive at a [float] object \, or that a list doesn't arrive at a [symbol] object. Consider the following: I have been very careful to keep [send] and [receive] groups isolated to specific data types - and in the last case \, I have incorporated a [route] object to properly receive the various data types at a single [receive] object.; #X connect 0 0 2 0; #X connect 0 0 4 0; #X connect 3 0 1 0; #X connect 7 0 23 0; #X connect 8 0 6 0; #X connect 8 0 5 0; #X connect 13 0 12 0; #X connect 13 0 14 0; #X connect 16 0 17 0; #X connect 18 0 26 0; #X connect 26 0 19 0; #X connect 26 1 20 0; #X connect 26 2 21 0; #X connect 26 2 24 0; #X connect 26 3 22 0; #X restore 101 569 pd Messages_and_Data_Types; #X text 11 23 receive messages without patch cords; #X text 168 391 - [receive] accepts a single argument which is a 'name'. All [receive]s of the same name correspond to a [send] object of that name.; #X text 168 275 - data can be inputted to the [receive] object using the [send] object or by using the nonlocal send functionality of a message box. The [receive] object accepts any message as input.; #X text 334 99 Using; #X text 334 110 message; #X text 334 122 boxes; #X text 80 391 1) symbol atom; #X obj 4 597 pddp/pddplink pddp/help.pd -text help; #X obj 98 439 pddp/pddplink all_about_send_n_receive.pd -text all_about_send_n_receive ; #X obj 98 454 pddp/pddplink all_about_scope_and_locality.pd -text all_about_scope_and_locality ; #X obj 97 512 pddp/pddplink ../2.control.examples/09.send_receive.pd -text doc/2.control.examples/09.send_receive.pd; #X obj 97 527 pddp/pddplink ../2.control.examples/10.more.messages.pd -text doc/2.control.examples/10.more.messages.pd; #X obj 97 542 pddp/pddplink ../2.control.examples/13.locality.pd -text doc/2.control.examples/13.locality.pd; #X obj 98 475 pddp/pddplink ../1.manual/x2.htm -text doc/1.manual/x2.htm ; #X obj 98 490 pddp/pddplink ../1.manual/x5.htm -text doc/1.manual/x5.htm ; #X connect 14 0 13 0; #X connect 16 0 15 0; #X connect 18 0 17 0; #X connect 20 0 19 0; #X connect 21 0 26 0; #X connect 27 0 22 0; #X connect 28 0 23 0; #X connect 29 0 35 0; #X connect 30 0 31 0; #X connect 32 0 33 0; #X connect 34 0 24 0;