#N canvas 56 355 470 550 10;
#N canvas 0 22 462 312 scalar-window 0;
#X restore 164 67 pd scalar-window;
#X obj 2 2 cnv 15 450 20 empty empty "scalar" 2 11 1 18 -233017 -66577
#X obj 418 3 pddp;
#X obj 256 498 all_about_data_structures;
#X text 221 481 for more info \, click on this:;
#X text 29 227 - You can cut \, copy \, paste \, and duplicate "scalars".
#X text 29 136 - You can edit the contents of a "scalar" within the
Properties panel. When you select 'Properties' \, Pd will open a text
editor with the contents of that "scalar". When you are done editing
it \, hit "OK" and your changes will take effect.;
#X text 18 208 In edit mode:;
#X text 29 243 - You can move "scalars" by clicking and dragging.;
#X text 20 120 In any mode:;
#X text 18 266 In run mode:;
#X text 20 32 "scalar" is the basic graphical component of Pd's data
#X text 305 532 updated for Pd 0.37.1;
#X text 4 104 There are numerous ways to manually edit "scalars":;
#X text 4 521 by Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@at.or.at>;
#X text 30 311 - Move breakpoints: Click near the breakpoint at the
center of the width of the array \, but not so close that the mouse
cursor changes to the resize cursor. The mouse cursor will change to
an inverse arrow.;
#X text 30 280 - Resize breakpoints: The mouse cursor will change to
an up-down arrow when you can resize that breakpoint.;
#X text 30 367 - Add breakpoints: Hold down the Alt key and click to
the right of the breakpoint at the center of the width of the array.
The mouse cursor will change to an outline of a + (plus symbol).;
#X text 30 423 - Delete breakpoints: Hold down the Alt key and click
to the left of the breakpoint at the center of the width of the array.
The mouse cursor will change to same black X as when deleting cords.