Pd patches for demonstrating ideas of the cognitive psychology of music

From "Music, Cognition, and Computerized Sound", Perry Cook:
p31: 	sine sweeps with bursts of masking white noise
	music with bursts of masking white noise

p33:	"common fate" groups of dots moving through random dots
	"common fate" using onset time, AM, FM

p34:	Chownings female voice/bell demo

"Auditory Scene Analysis", by Albert Bregman:

repeating reading person while talking, then adding other sound source (Psych of Music class demo)

Found. of Cog. Psych p224-225:
	Bregman and Ruddnicky(1975): CCCFFCC stream segregation
	Deutsch (1974): alternating high/low tones in each ear
	Bregman: a stream of alternating high/low tones turns into two 
		distinct streams when sped up.  Make sure the notes remain 		distinct with small silences as separation.
	masking tones and stream perception

from class:
	take two meoldies and layers them in the same pitch range.  then 
	move them an octave apart.

Interval Classes
	take melody and scramble the octaves while keeping the pitches the 
	same (after Deutsch)

Deutsch: alternating ear notes form scales