#N canvas 448 122 530 585 10; #X text 91 14 Note durations affect recognition; #X text 117 91 (from Thinking in Sound p.52); #X text 57 122 "Sequences of tones forming melodies are perceived as more than a series of pitches \, and seem to have an emergent property characteristic of the particular pattern- in other words \, they form distinctive auditory gestalten or temporal compounds. If melodies can be considered as temporal compounds \, then we would expect to find a 'temporal template' for melody recognition that has both upper and lower durational limits." [1]; #X text 31 479 [1] "Thinking in sound: the cognitive psychology of human audition" \, ed. S. McAdams and E. Bigand. Oxford University Press \, 1993 \, p52; #X text 81 294 play happy birthday fast/slow; #X text 79 320 play twinkle twinkle little star fast/slow; #X obj 0 0 cnv 15 580 40 empty empty durations_affect_recognition 20 12 1 18 -216441 -66577 0; #X text 258 24 'cognition' by Hans-Christoph Steiner;