# Makefile # (c) 2006 IOhannes m zm�lnig # path to pd ## change this according to your setup! PDROOT=../../../../pd #PDROOT=/home/zmoelnig/src/pd/ # here we find the sources of pd (and evtl. the pd.lib) PDSRCDIR=$(PDROOT)/src PDLIBDIR=$(PDROOT)/bin # this is the filename-extension # people have to specify it at the cmdline: eg "make pd_linux" EXTENSION=$(MAKECMDGOALS) # if no filename-extension is supplied by the user # try to guess one, based on what "uname" tells us UNAME := $(shell uname -s) ifeq ($(UNAME),Linux) DEFAULTEXTENSION= pd_linux else ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin) DEFAULTEXTENSION= pd_darwin else ifeq (MINGW,$(findstring MINGW,$(UNAME))) DEFAULTEXTENSION= pd_nt else ifeq ($(UNAME),IRIX) UNAMEV := $(shell uname -R) ifeq (6.,$(findstring 6.,$(UNAMEV))) DEFAULTEXTENSION= pd_irix6 else DEFAULTEXTENSION= pd_irix5 endif else DEFAULTEXTENSION=help endif endif endif endif # if no extension is given, call "make" again with a guessed extension auto: make $(DEFAULTEXTENSION) # just a stupid fallback help: @echo "choose one command: make pd_linux (linux), make pd_darwin (osX), make pd_irix5 (IRIX5), make pd_irix6 (IRIX6), make dll (MSVC), make pd_nt (MinWG)" # delete old build files clean: -rm -f *.dll *.pd_* *.o *.obj *~ # we want to compile all C-files we find in the current directory SOURCES=$(sort $(filter %.c, $(wildcard *.c))) # each C-files maps will become an external with the given filename-extension TARGETS=$(SOURCES:.c=.$(EXTENSION)) # ----------------------- Linux ----------------------- pd_linux: $(TARGETS) LINUXCFLAGS = -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer \ -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Werror \ -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch LINUXLDFLAGS = -export_dynamic -shared -lc -lm LINUXINCLUDE = -I$(PDSRCDIR) %.pd_linux: %.c $(CC) $(LINUXLDFLAGS) $(LINUXCFLAGS) $(LINUXINCLUDE) -o $*.pd_linux $*.c strip --strip-unneeded $*.pd_linux # ----------------------- Mac OSX ----------------------- pd_darwin: $(TARGETS) DARWINCFLAGS = -DPD -O2 -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes \ -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch DARWININCLUDE = -I$(PDSRCDIR) DARWINLDFLAGS = -bundle -undefined suppress -flat_namespace %.pd_darwin: %.c $(CC) $(DARWINCFLAGS) $(DARWININCLUDE) $(DARWINLDFLAGS) -o $*.pd_darwin $*.c # ----------------------- IRIX 5.x ----------------------- pd_irix5: $(TARGETS) SGICFLAGS5 = -o32 -DPD -DSGI -O2 SGIINCLUDE = -I$(PDSRCDIR) SGILDFLAGS = -elf -shared -rdata_shared %.pd_irix5: %.c $(CC) $(SGICFLAGS5) $(SGIINCLUDE) -o $*.o -c $*.c $(LD) $(SGILDFLAGS) -o $*.pd_irix5 $*.o rm $*.o # ----------------------- IRIX 6.x ----------------------- pd_irix6: $(TARGETS) SGICFLAGS6 = -DPD -DSGI -n32 \ -OPT:roundoff=3 -OPT:IEEE_arithmetic=3 -OPT:cray_ivdep=true \ -Ofast=ip32 %.pd_irix6: %.c $(CC) $(SGICFLAGS6) $(SGIINCLUDE) -o $*.o -c $*.c $(LD) $(SGILDFLAGS) -o $*.pd_irix6 $*.o rm $*.o # ----------------------- NT ----------------------- dll: $(TARGETS) PDNTCFLAGS = /W3 /WX /DPD /DNT /D__WIN32__ /DMSW /nologo VC="C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio\Vc98" PDNTINCLUDE = /I. /I$(PDROOT)\tcl\include /I$(PDSRCDIR)\src /I$(VC)\include PDNTLDIR = $(VC)\lib PDNTLIB = $(PDNTLDIR)\libc.lib \ $(PDNTLDIR)\oldnames.lib \ $(PDNTLDIR)\kernel32.lib \ $(PDLIBDIR)\pd.lib %.dll: %.c cl $(PDNTCFLAGS) $(PDNTINCLUDE) /c $*.c link /dll /export:$*_setup $*.obj $(PDNTLIB) pd_nt: $(TARGETS) MINGWCFLAGS = -DPD -O2 -funroll-loops -fomit-frame-pointer \ -Wall -W -Wshadow -Wstrict-prototypes -Werror \ -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses -Wno-switch -mms-bitfields MINGWLDFLAGS = -export_dynamic -shared -lm -lkernel32 -lcoldname -lcrtdll -lpd -L$(PDLIBDIR) MINGWINCLUDE = -I$(PDSRCDIR) %.pd_nt: %.c $(CC) $(MINGWLDFLAGS) $(MINGWCFLAGS) $(MINGWINCLUDE) -o $*.dll $*.c