#N canvas 10 40 620 460 12;
#X msg 235 167 Hello world!;
#X text 238 216 <-- connection \, aka "cord";
#X text 17 32 In Pd \, programming is done with boxes which are connected
together. The boxes have "inlets" and "outlets" \, where they are connected.
#X text 153 265 inlet-->;
#X text 154 158 inlet-->;
#X text 144 178 outlet-->;
#X obj 234 265 print;
#X text 289 266 <-- object box;
#X text 73 319 Now look in the Pd window to see the result.;
#X text 359 168 <-- message box;
#X text 101 111 Click on the box with "Hello world!" in it:;
#X text 16 363 Whenever you see the [print] box \, that means that
stuff will be printed to the Pd window.;
#X obj 133 415 print;
#X text 198 415 prints to the Pd window.;
#X connect 0 0 6 0;