#N canvas 10 40 624 464 12;
#X obj 8 192 cnv 15 600 70 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262134 -66577
#X obj 10 12 cnv 15 400 40 empty empty atoms 20 12 0 24 -228992 -66577
#X text 52 190 1;
#X text 77 221 0;
#X text 15 68 The basic data types of Pd are called "atoms". An atom
is a piece of data that cannot be broken down into smaller parts. There
are three atom types: "float" \, "symbol" \, and "pointer".;
#X text 134 194 1.14234e+34;
#X text 425 225 3.14159;
#X text 329 192 -999999;
#X text 331 225 45;
#X text 191 224 -12;
#X text 18 147 A numeric atom is any element that can be interpreted
as a number:;
#X text 488 192 1824.53;
#X text 24 218 3;
#X text 16 259 A symbolic atom is any element that is not a functional
representation of a number \, usually in the form of words:;
#X obj 8 306 cnv 15 600 70 empty empty empty 20 12 0 14 -262134 -66577
#X text 28 306 word;
#X text 89 338 number5;
#X text 199 309 3..2;
#X text 553 343 --44;
#X text 235 341 label;
#X text 481 304 reset;
#X text 332 304 5++;
#X text 399 336 trigger;
#X text 15 381 A pointer is a very specific type of atom. It is only
used as a reference to a position in a data structure. There is not
visualization of a pointer.;